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Baptist Bible Seminary & Inst.

Ortigas Ave. Ext., Kaytikling , Taytay, Rizal

Midterm Exam in Personal Evangelism and Discipleship

Name: Rizza Mermejo Date: Nov.23, 2020 Score: ______

Discuss or Explain the Following: (Do not enumerate)
A. What are the reasons why Peter, James and John confessed that they were sinful men in
the account of Luke chapter five verses eight to ten (5:8-10)? What was that related to
the multitude of fishes they caught?

The account where Peter, James and John confesses that they were sinful men
does not relate to the multitude of fish they caught, it seems that after they witnessed
that miracle they saw their faithlessness. Peter was permitted to become acutely
aware of his own sinfulness and his desperate need of a Saviour. They came to
understand that despite their own cleverness and skill the Lord Jesus alone must
become the central focus of their heart and life.

B. How can you be a vessel unto honor to be an effective witness of the Lord Jesus Christ
that is found in second Timothy chapter two verses twenty one to twenty six (2:21-26).

According to 2 Timothy 2:21-26 to be an effective witness of the Lord he must

cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, this means that before the Christian is
ready to be used of the Master, they must be completely cleansed of everything which
could hinder a Christian for service. In verse 22 is to flee youthful lusts, but follow
righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure
heart. Instead of seeking youthful lusts, we are to pursue righteousness which is living
in accordance with the dictates of Scripture. This includes holiness, virtue, honesty,
and other traits of the new life. Then to exercise the faith given by the Holy Spirit.
Thirdly, is to avoid foolish and unlearned questions avoid. Paul is commanding
Timothy, and us, that we are to completely refuse to become involved or even
respond to such nonsense. Next, the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle
unto all men, apt to teach, patient meaning that a servant of the Lord must not be one
who is contentious or ready to fight. Next, In meekness instructing those that oppose
themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of
the truth; Paul continues and by stating that the true Christian must be very meek
when instructing people. A meek person is one who is soft on temper, gentle, or mild
but that does not mean they back off in the face of satanic opposition because
unbelievers can be challenged without a loud altercation. And lastly, that they may
recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his
C. What is the significance of “Net-casting Principle” in evangelism rather than by fishing
with a rod and hook with a bait? What was the spiritual implication when Jesus
commanded His disciples to “Catch Men”?

Evangelizing by means of a rod, bait or hook is fishing one fish at a time, but in
the New Testament Peter did not fish with bait, they used nets. Net-casting
significance is to cast the Gospel and let the Holy Spirit do what he does to draw
people to Jesus.
The spiritual implication when Jesus commanded His disciples to catch men is
not to literally catch men but rather it points to evangelism. They were called to
evangelize and spread the gospel to people.

D. Explain why the responsibility and accountability of the result of sin was directly from
Adam and not from the woman (Romans 5:12). What is the relation of Adam’s
disobedience to the universality of its effect to all mankind?
The Genesis account of the Fall indicates that Eve ate the fruit first. This has led
many people throughout history and even in our modern times to believe that she
was the person responsible for original sin. God had told Adam not to eat from the
tree, but Eve also had knowledge of this (Genesis 3:2–3). Adam ate but only after Eve.
God held Adam accountable for plunging the human race into sin. Because
God appointed the man as the head of his wife in the garden before the fall. The main
idea of headship is responsibility or accountability. Satan approached the woman to
tempt and deceive her. Adam passively followed her lead into sin. But God charges
Adam with introducing sin into the world, because as Eve’s head, Adam was
responsible. This responsibility and accountability for husbands to lead their families
spiritually is still in place (Eph. 5:23; 1 Cor.11:3). And men are responsible to provide
godly leadership in the local church (1 Tim. 2:11-15; 3:2-7; Titus 1:5-9).
This initial rebellious act brings divine justice. The consequences of man’s sin
are fitting and devastating. The couple immediately feel shame, realizing they are
naked (3:7). They sense their estrangement from God, foolishly trying to hide from
him (vv. 8–10). They fear God and his response (vv. 9–10). Their alienation from each
other emerges as Eve blames the serpent, while Adam blames Eve and by intimation
even God (vv. 10–13). Pain and sorrow ensue. The woman will experience pain in
childbirth; the man will toil trying to grow food in a land with pests and weeds; and
both will quickly discover dissonance in their relationship (vv. 15–19). Worse, God
banishes them from Eden, away from his glorious presence (vv. 22–24). Most
devastating is that these consequences not only befall Adam and Eve but extend to
their descendants as well. The scene is dismal, as life becomes difficult, with all of
humanity shut out of the garden.

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