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Time really has flown by since our very first anniversary, I guess the saying is true that time

does fly when u r in love nd having fun with ur perfect one.

We have had so many countless moments of laughter and happiness, to the moments that weren’t
so happy. I just want u to know I wouldn’t have it any other way.

When we hold and kiss each other, I would say there is nothing better.

Uhh never fail to put a smile on my face, even if I’m hangry

Trust me when I say uhh are my ideal mate, I say it from my heart.

Uhh r my greatest adventure…uhh r my forever home…uhh r my best days…uhh r my endless

nights…uhh r my once in a lifetime..uhh r my always…I love uhh for everything that uhh r…I love uhh
for everything that we r together.

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