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Revenue from Operations 25

Other Income 26
Total Income

Cost of Materials Consumed 27
Purchase of Stock-in-Trade
Changes in inventories of Finished Goods,Stock-in-Trade and Work-in-Progress 28
Employee Benefits Expense 29
Finance Cost 30
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 31
Excise Duty 32
Other Expenses 33
Impairment loss on Non Financial Assets
Total Expenses
Profit before Tax
Tax Expenses
Current Tax
Less: MAT credit entitlement
Net Current tax
Deferred Tax
Total Tax Expenses
Profit for the year before non controlling interest

Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)

Items that will not to be reclassified to Statement of Profit and Loss
Re-Measurement gain/(loss) on defined benefit plans
Income tax related to above
Items that will be reclassified to Statement of Profit and Loss
Exchange difference in respect of Non integral foreign operations
Other Comprehensive Income for the year,net of tax

Total Comprehensive Income for the year

Profit for the year
Attributable to
Equity holders of the Parent
Non-controlling interests
Total Comprehensive Income for the year
Attributable to
Equity holders of the Parent
Non-controlling interests
Earnings per equity share (nominal value of share Rs.1/-(Previous Year Rs.
Basic and Diluted (Rs.) 47
Significant Accounting Policies, Key Judgements, Estimates and Assumptions 2
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
196,186.23 206,000.09 228,039.36 231,702.84
2,255.25 787.36 714.54 1,276.44
198,441.48 206,787.45 228,753.90 232,979.28

70,373.08 92,703.75 103,647.11 93,731.77

20,438.66 11,517.04 13,966.89 19,244.34
-1,303.10 -5,623.21 -2,520.47 3,076.70
27,300.58 31,291.30 34,560.80 35,848.08
3,021.45 3,583.47 4,693.86 3,889.64
5,933.95 9,066.44 5,947.58 7,631.07
14,313.15 3,605.67 - -
33,865.92 39,400.36 48,224.91 46,727.40
- - - 5,108.44
173,943.69 185,544.82 208,520.68 215,257.44
24,497.79 21,242.63 20,233.22 17,721.84

5,271.78 4,522.95 4,664.36 4,874.66

158.52 95.38 1,752.49
5,113.26 4,427.57 2,911.87 4,874.66
36.61 201.09 2,434.21 318.64
5,149.87 4,628.66 5,346.08 5,193.30
19,347.92 16,613.97 14,887.14 12,528.54

-348.75 -74.67 -108.14 -53.06
30.4 42.93 18.54
- - - -
- -130.01 235.28 1,865.25
-243.47 -174.28 170.07 1830.73

19104.45 16,439.69 15,057.21 14,359.27

19046.06 16306.07 14,845.01 15,058.15

301.86 307.9 42.13 -2,529.61

18824.42 16125.34 15,007.88 16,888.89

280.03 314.35 49.33 -2,529.62

8.57 7.34 6.68 6.78








Revenue from Operations
Sale of Products
Income from Services
Other Operating revenue
Scrap Sales
Export Incentives
Indirect Tax Subsidy
Miscellaneous Income

Details of products sold

Plywood & Block board
Pre-Laminated Particle Boards
Particle Board
Medium Density Fibre Board
Agri Products
Details of Income from Services
Container Freight Station Services
Other Services

Contracted Price
Less: Trade discounts,volume rebates,etc
Sale of products

Other Income
Interest Income from financial assets at amortised cost
Provision for Doubtful Debts Written Back
Insurance and Other Claims
Unspent/Unclaimed liabilities written back
Profit on Plant Property and Equipment Sold /Discarded
Bad Debts Recovered
Foreign Exchange Fluctuations (Net)
Net gain on sale of Investments carried at FVTPL
Miscellaneous Receipts
Government Grant

Cost of Materials Consumed

Inventories at the beginning of the year
Add : Purchases

Less : Inventories at the end of the year

Cost of Materials Consumed
Details of material Consumed
Timber Logs
Waste Wood
Particle Board
Details of Closing stock of materials
Timber Logs
Particle Board
Waste Wood

Purchase of Stock-in-Trade and Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-Progress And Stock-in-Trade

Inventories at the beginning of the year

Stock in Trade
Finished Goods

Inventories at the end of the year

Stock in Trade
Finished Goods

Details of purchase of stock in trade
Plywood and Block boards
Medium Density Fibre Board / Plain Particle Boards
Pest Control Kits
Details of Inventories at the year end
Stock in trade
Plywood and Block board
Medium Density Fibre board/Plain Particle Boards
Pest Control Kits
Finished Goods at the year end
Plywood and Block board
Pre-Laminated Particle Boards
Particle Board
Medium Density Fibre board
Work-in-progress at the year end
Plywood and Block board
Medium Density Fibre Board
Pre-Laminated Particle Boards

Employee Benefits Expense

Employee benefits expense
Salaries, Wages, Bonus etc.
Contribution to Provident, Gratuity and other Funds
Employees Welfare Expenses

Finance Cost
Interest Expenses
Exchange difference to the extent considered as an adjustment to borrowing costs
Other Borrowing cost
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense

Depreciation on Tangible Assets

Amortisation of Intangible Assets

Less: Transferred to Capital Work in Progress


Excise Duty

Excise Duty on sales


Other Expenses
Stores & Spare parts consumed
Power and Fuel
(Increase)/decrease of excise duty on inventory
Rates & Taxes
Repairs & Maintenance
-Plant and Equipment
Transport & Freight
Commission on Sales
Advertisement, Publicity and Sales Promotion
Communication Expenses
Directors' Sitting Fees and Commission
Auditors' Remuneration
Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (Refer Note No. 40)
Charity and Donations
Charity and Donations
Foreign Exchange Fluctuations (Net)
Loss on Plant Property and Equipment Sold /Discarded
Irrecoverable Debts, Advances written off
Provision for Doubtful Debts
Miscellaneous Expenses
Payment to Auditors
As Auditor
Audit Fees
For Other Services
Reimbursement of Expenses

Other Assets

Earning per Share (EPS)

Profit as per the Statement of Profit & Loss ( Rs. In Lac)
Less: Non-controlling interest share in profit & loss
Profit available for Equity Shareholders ( Rs. In Lac)
Weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding during the year
Nominal value of equity shares (Rs.)
Basic and Diluted earnings per share (EPS) (Rs.)

Significant Accounting Policies, Key Judgements, Estimates and Assumptions

2016-17 2017-18

186,242.67 194,470.53
8,978.21 10,093.43

123.58 137.9
470.41 724.24
261.84 465.76
109.52 108.23
196,186.23 206,000.09

115,477.61 113,333.94
36,801.77 37,736.78
3,710.94 4,764.40
23,944.28 21,147.41
1,854.21 2,727.41
336.51 11,280.23
528.86 526.69
1,382.03 1,235.90
1,737.09 1,717.76
186,242.67 194,470.52

8,761.18 9,932.59
217.03 160.84
8,978.21 10,093.43

11.94 368.22
63.35 6.86
0.32 0.06
59.84 13.15
0.9 0.11
2,008.76 3.5
0.98 170.35
2.24 225.11
2,255.25 787.36

15,463.47 14,377.79
69,287.40 93,841.71
84,750.87 108,219.50
14,377.79 15,515.75
70,373.08 92,703.75

11,787.32 15,932.98
32,436.69 42,344.04
11,223.47 14,298.09
12,498.69 13,345.27
542.45 4,167.32
1,884.46 2,616.05
70,373.08 92,703.75

2,846.12 3,199.50
6,959.90 6,362.13
1,065.53 1,082.76
3,005.65 4,242.86
500.59 203.59
- 424.91
14,377.79 15,515.75

ss And Stock-in-Trade

4,296.54 3,837.31
6,132.48 8,247.33
2,897.00 2,544.48
13,326.02 14,629.12

3,837.31 4,603.40
8,247.33 11,763.49
2,544.48 3,885.44
14,629.12 20,252.33
-1,303.10 -5,623.21

7,692.61 6,072.42
9,087.99 1,796.57
522.45 611.28
15.61 48.7
1,354.22 1,211.08
1,536.88 1,776.99
20,438.66 11,517.04

1,100.97 3,511.75
89.14 98.32
60.96 64.96
2,118.69 270.79
396.5 657.58
3,837.31 4,603.40

2,741.18 3,524.41
2,327.01 2,297.45
24.85 -
1.34 31.08
1,921.81 1,921.81
3,152.95 3,988.74
8,247.33 11,763.49

1,600.60 1,581.48
940.03 1,343.42
- 223.98
3.85 736.56
2,544.48 3,885.44

25,091.38 28,737.26
1,649.60 1,906.48
559.6 647.56
27,300.58 31,291.30

2,505.58 2,778.26
193.02 471.94
322.85 333.27
3,021.45 3,583.47
5,866.69 9,067.11
87.01 46.51
5,953.70 9,113.62
19.75 47.18
5,933.95 9,066.44

14,313.15 3,605.67
14,313.15 3,605.67

2,127.80 3,343.91
4,267.92 7,099.73
280.05 301.42
1,910.26 1,848.27
261.76 238.67

144.63 120.34
745.49 895.32
563.36 648.11
7,202.42 10,982.47
1,189.59 1,022.38
7,598.43 5,531.32
389.01 323.92
29.85 155.03
40.42 44.77
310.46 423.16
580.8 35.12
55.47 72.89
50.45 190.76
- 46.58
9.45 124.7
- 48.29
5,699.74 5,903.20
33,865.92 39,400.36
26.66 32.47
12.86 12.05
0.9 0.25
40.42 44.77

19,046.07 16,306.07

19,046.07 16,306.07
222,172,990 222,172,990
1 1
8.57 7.34
2018-19 2019-20

216,381.50 221,703.91
9,964.79 8,631.00

151.51 201.71
914.75 865.42
404.6 254.3
222.21 46.5
228,039.36 231,702.84

117,455.57 116,533.26
43,219.11 45,454.63
6,905.02 6,676.89
11,396.18 9,864.67
2,797.17 3,076.72
29,580.42 35,220.72
510.84 574.12
1,493.19 751.76

3,024.00 3,551.14
216,381.50 221,703.91

9,918.49 8,625.61
46.3 5.39
9,964.79 8,631.00

227,669.64 231,688.83
11,288.14 9,984.92
216,381.50 221,703.91

379.06 119.03

19.27 30.03
5.08 99.36
92.16 512.05
0.85 0.61
- 204.75
- 110.28
218.12 98.93
714.54 1,276.44

15,515.75 20,080.02
108,211.38 90,324.71
123,727.13 110,404.73
20,080.02 16,672.96
103,647.11 93,731.77

12,625.14 12,972.09
38,640.20 30,838.18
22,352.10 21,623.80
17,575.43 17,415.09
8,262.42 10,865.69
4,191.82 16.92
103,647.11 93,731.77

3,735.14 2,584.50
8,708.69 7,340.02
1,578.50 1,381.51
5,150.22 4,684.62
34.52 29.43
872.95 652.88
20,080.02 16,672.96

4,603.40 3,422.43
11,763.49 14,773.79
3,885.44 4,576.58
20,252.33 22,772.80

3,422.43 2,421.13
14,773.79 13,133.58
4,576.58 4,141.39
22,772.80 19,696.10
-2,520.47 3,076.70

9,104.65 13,131.85
780.99 2,201.49
610.54 562.84
39.58 19.17
1,463.17 736.62

1,967.96 2,592.37
13,966.89 19,244.34

2,105.82 1,338.85

82.01 89.26
65.2 45.21
634.37 377.48
535.03 570.33
3,422.43 2,421.13

3,688.77 4,199.71
3,091.28 3,351.54
1.36 1.36
1,005.77 2,126.65
6,986.61 3,454.32
14,773.79 13,133.58

2,907.56 2,622.51
1,343.55 994.08
325.47 148.7
- 376.1
4,576.58 4,141.39

31,986.12 33,106.97
2,099.15 2,277.04
475.53 464.07
34,560.80 35,848.08

3,393.44 2,976.69
922.14 789.87
378.28 123.08
4,693.86 3,889.64
5,924.30 7,605.47
23.28 25.6
5,947.58 7,631.07
- -
5,947.58 7,631.07

3,273.91 3,022.84
8,947.76 8,862.05

356.36 376.83
2,168.49 1,100.64
227 389.79

267.34 274.63
1,231.52 1,219.47
947.57 779.12
12,778.44 12,187.14
960.94 1,105.79
7,438.28 8,857.31
304.73 284.4
55.75 55.50
41.46 52.58
443.39 444.92
560.96 147.9

707.82 -
367.46 7.09
156.38 67.08
38.34 27.24
6,951.01 7,465.08
48,224.91 46,727.40
32.85 32.46
8.45 19.7
0.16 0.42
41.46 52.58

14,887.14 12,528.54
42.13 -2,529.61
14,845.01 15,058.15
222,172,990 222,172,990
1 1
6.68 6.78
Particulars 2016-17 2017-18

Revenue from Operations 196,186.23 206,000.09

Excise Duty 14,354.69 3,605.67
Net Revenue from Operations 181,831.54 202,394.42
Cost of goods sold 95,904.36 109,041.22
Gross Profit 85,927.18 93,353.20
Selling, Distribution and administration expenses 54,729.24 60,248.02
EBITDA 31,197.94 33,105.18
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 5,933.95 9,066.44
EBIT 25,263.99 24,038.74
Interest 3,021.45 3,583.47
EBT and before exceptional items 22,242.54 20,455.27
Exceptional items
Other Income 2,011.78 613.08
EBT 24,254.32 21,068.35
Tax 5,149.87 4,628.66
NPAT 19,104.45 16,439.69
2018-19 2019-20

228,039.36 231,702.84
0.00 0.00
228,039.36 231,702.84
127,315.20 127,937.70
100,724.16 103,765.14
70,564.04 70,690.59
30,160.12 33,074.55
5,947.58 12,739.51
24,212.54 20,335.04
4,693.86 3,889.64
19,518.68 16,445.40

884.61 3,107.17
20,403.29 19,552.57
5,346.08 5,193.30
15,057.21 14,359.27

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