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I'm Grishma Dhoka pursuing my Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Prestige Institute of
Management and Research, Indore (PIMR) and as a partial fulfillment of the course completion, I am
conducting a research project to understand the Investment Awareness Among Young Generation.

It would be of great help if you could spare some time and share your views and opinion on the subject.

I ensure that the details of the questionnaire will be strictly confidential due to academic purpose.

Thank you for your time and your cooperation.

1. Name: _________________
2. Age Group: a) 18-23 b)24-29 c)30-35 d)36-40
3. Gender: a)Male b)Female c)Other
4. Profession: a)Student b)Self Employed c)Business d)Employed
5. College/Institution: ___________________
6. Educational Qualification: a)Higher Secondary b) Under graduate c)Post Graduate d) Others
7. Occupation/Job Title: ____________________
8. Do you invest your income? a)Yes b) No
9. Annual income a)Below Rs. 2,00,000 b)Rs. 2,00,000 – 5,00,000 c)Rs. 5,00,000 – Rs. 10,00,000
d)Rs. 10,00,000 & Above
10. Are you aware of investment concept? a)Yes b)No
11. From which source you come to know about various investment options? a)T.V / Newspaper
b)Friends/Family/Relative/Teacher c)Bank/Broker d)Other_______________
12. What is your investment objective? a)Safety b) Income c) Capital Growth d) tax minimization
e)Long term growth f)Retirement g) Others_______________
13. In which sector do you prefer investing your money? a)Private Sector b)Government Sector
c)Public Sector d)Others___________
14. Which Factor do you consider before investing? a)Principle of Safety b)Low risk c)High Returns
d) Maturity Period e) Others_____________
15. Which offer you prefer for investment? a)Stock Market b)Mutual Fund c)Bank Deposit d)Real
Estate e)Gold f)Others

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