Dragonborn For Fantasy AGE

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Combining traits of humanoids and dragons, the dragonborn were hatched from eggs created
by ancient draconic magic. Presumably created to serve as disciples and servants for
dragons or the dragon gods themselves, modern dragonborn sport long bloodlines,
tracing the color of their scales back to specific dragon species. They stand six to seven
feet tall, mature at age 15, and live around 80 years.
Dragonborn are independent and headstrong, pursuing personal power and improvement
with borderline religious fervor. Though there are many who wander the world as lone
adventurers, most are fiercely loyal to a clan. Clans have codes of behavior and a strict
social structure, and disobedience is punished with dreaded exile. Dragonborn, in
general, prefer to deal with fellow dragonborn rather than other races, but they will
make exceptions during times of dire need.
Dragonborn Names
Female Names: Akra, Etum, Lili, Nisab, Nocri, Tana, Udajiit
Male Names: Alishtar, Azugar, Bazzu, Esubah, Jonahbur, Hazaru, Kriv
Playing a Dragonborn
 Add 1 to your Constitution ability.
 Pick one of the following ability focuses: Willpower (Self-Discipline) or
Strength (Intimidation).
 Your Speed is equal to 10 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).
 You can speak and read the Common Tongue and Draconic.
 Roll twice on the Dragonborn Benefits table for additional benefits.
 Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll
until you get something different.
Dragonborn Benefits
2d6 Roll Result Benefit
2 +1 Intelligence
3-4 Focus: Constitution (Stamina)
5 Focus: Intelligence (Natural Lore)
6 Focus: Strength (Might)
7-8 +1 Willpower
9 Focus: Intelligence (Historical Lore)
10-11 Focus: Perception (Smelling)
12 +1 Willpower
Dragonborn Breath Talent
You wield a breath weapon gifted by your draconic heritage.
Novice: You gain the following attack: Choose a target within 5 yards. Making a successful attack (Accuracy) against them deals
1d6 + 2 penetrating damage. You may use this attack a number of times per day equal to your Constitution (minimum 1). The
nature of your draconic breath is based on the specific bloodline of dragons you are descended from. Consult the following chart
to determine the type of damage your breath attack deals. Gold-related dragonborn may choose each time whether they are using
the Poison or Fire breath.
Journeyman: Your Draconic Breath attack now deals 2d6 + 2 penetrating damage.
Master: Your Draconic Breath attack widens to an area of effect 10 yards long and 3 yards wide. Anyone caught in the blast
takes 2d6 + 2 penetrating damage. Targets that succeed on an opposed Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against your Accuracy test
instead take no damage.
Dragon Type Damage Type
Black/Copper Acid
Blue/Bronze Lightning
Brass/Red/Gold Fire
Green/Gold Poison
Silver/White Cold

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