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I. Listen and write the names of the countries:

1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________

II. Listen and complete the gaps:

III. Listen to Sally talking about her friend’s favourite activities and match the people to
the activities
1 C A. go
_ a joggi
_ rl ng
_ a B.
2 Mplay
_ a the
_ g piano
_ g C.
3 i surf
_ e the
_ T Net
_ o D. go
4 mto
_ S the
_ a cine
_ n ma
5 d E.
_ r take
_ a the
_ N dog
i for a
c walk
k F.
G. go

Listening total 15
Lexical-Grammar Test
1. What’s the time? Draw

2. Choose the correct variant:

1. Nick, Julie and I love this book. B me
Read it to ….
C us
A them
2. It’s …. Schoolbag
Ao C it
Ba 5. David Beckham is …. English
C an
A an
3. “Are they students?”
“No, they …..”
C the
A isn’t
6. Marie and I are friends. … meet
B are
almost every day.
C aren’t
A you
4. Look at ….. They are happy
B they
A them
C we
B they

3. Fill in have or has:

4. Describe Moira’s Family Tree:

1. Joy/George – Joy is George’s mother-in-law

2. Moira/Simon - _________________________________________________
3. Susan/Jane - ___________________________________________________
4. Gordon/Rose - _________________________________________________
5. Ted/Sandra - ___________________________________________________
6. Tim/Moira - ___________________________________________________
7. Emma/Joy - ____________________________________________________
8. Simon+Ted/Tim+Susan - _________________________________________

a. Complete the sentences as in the example:

5. Complete with there is/there are

6. Fill in the blanks with a/some/the/any Fill in the blanks with correct
Some/any 5
prepositions 6

7. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. It’s cold in here. …. (open) the window
2. I’m bored. …. (play) a game
3. …. (watch TV) now! You’ve got lots of homework
4. It’s Nina’s Birthday next week. …. (have) a surprise party for her
5. A: There’s a nice film on TV tonight!
B: Great. …. (watch) it

8. Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb:
This is Mrs. White. She ________ (be) a school teacher. She _______ (teach) Geography, Maths
and English. She sometimes ________ (work) as a History teacher too. She ________ (live) in
London and she ________ (have) a husband named Georges, he is French. They ________
(have) three children. They all _______ (love) animals, but they _____________ (not have) any
pets, because they _________ (live) in a small flat.

Grammar total 60
Lewis Hamilton is a Formula 1 racing car driver. His mother’s name is
Carmen and his father’s name is Anthony. Lewis has two sisters Nicola and
Samantha and a brother Nicholas. His granddad’s name is Oliver and he’s
from Grenada. His birthday is on the 7th January and he’s twenty-four years
old. Lewis races in many different countries and he hates losing races. He
doesn’t have much free time but he likes playing football and cricket when
he can find the time. He also likes playing computer games and he loves
listening to music. He likes reggae, hip-hop and house music and his
favourite singer is Bob Marley. Lewis can also play the guitar. He earns a lot of money and he is
a very popular driver.
I. Mark the sentences as True or False, correct the false sentences
1. His mum is from Grenada. ___
2. Lewis likes playing football. ___ ____________________________________________
3. Lewis likes listening to classical music. ___
4. He likes playing computer games. ___
5. Lewis can play the piano. ___
6. He earns a lot of money ___
7. Nobody knows him. ___


II. Circle the correct answer:

1. Lewis is ….
a. Carmen and Oliver’s son
b. Carmen and Anthony’s son
2. Nicola and Samantha are ….
a. Lewis’s sisters
b. Lewis’s aunts
3. Lewis is….
a. Driver
b. Mechanic
4. Lewis …..
a. Hates losing races
b. Doesn’t mind winning races

III. Answer the questions:

1. How many sisters does Lewis have?
2. Where does Lewis’s granddad come from?
3. Where does Lewis race?
4. What sports does Lewis play?
5. What kinds of music does he like?

Reading total 25


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