Solutions2e Short Tests Un04 A

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Pre-Intermediate Short Test Unit 4 Test A

Name: ___________________________________________

Test 1
1 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1 Twilight is a good film, but I think the Twilight books are ____________ (good) than the film.
2 The summer of 2003 was ____________ (hot) summer for a long time.
3 I love Friends. It’s quite old now, but I think it’s ____________ (funny) comedy series on TV.
4 I think Angelina Jolie is ____________ (beautiful) now than when she was younger.
5 I don’t like cartoons. I prefer ____________ (serious) programmes like documentaries.

Mark __/5

2 Write sentences and questions with comparatives or superlatives.

1 Mount Kosciuszko / high / mountain / in Australia ____________________________________
2 the Nile / long / the Danube ____________________________________
3 dolphins / intelligent / dogs? ____________________________________
4 which / expensive / city / in the world? ____________________________________
5 sharks / scary / fish / in the sea ____________________________________

Mark __/5

3 Match the words below to the definitions. There are two words you do not need.

dull gripping slow spectacular serious moving funny

1 Amazing to see. ______________

2 Very exciting. ______________
3 Makes you laugh. ______________
4 Doesn’t move quickly. ______________
5 Makes you feel something strongly. ______________

Mark ___/5

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

actress ceremony director prize results speech winner

1 I watched the Oscars ____________ on TV, but it was quite boring.

2 Jenny won a(n) ____________ for a short story she wrote for a competition.
3 Dad made a(n) ____________ at my sister’s wedding. He told some stupid jokes.
4 Who was the ____________ of the award for Best Actor this year?
5 I got my exam ____________ in the post this morning. I passed!

Mark ___/5

Total ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Short Tests Unit 4 1
Pre-Intermediate Short Test Unit 4 Test A

Test 2
1 Correct the sentences.
1 My sister isn’t enough tall to play basketball. __________________________________
2 This film isn’t as good than the first one. __________________________________
3 We don’t have eggs enough for the cake. __________________________________
4 You aren’t enough old to watch that film. __________________________________
5 The shoes are to small for me. __________________________________

Mark __/5

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use (not) as … as, too or (not) enough and the words in brackets.
1 I’m slow. I can’t win the race.
I’m _________________________ to win the race. (fast)
2 Janie is 1.70 m. Dave is 1.70 m.
Janie is _________________________ Dave. (tall)
3 The rhino weighs 2,000 kg. The elephant weighs 3,000 kg.
The rhino _________________________ the elephant. (heavy)
4 I need two eggs to make the cake. I’ve got two eggs.
I’ve got _________________________ to make the cake. (eggs)
5 The movie starts at midnight. However, I’m tired and I’m going to bed now.
I’m ____________________ to watch the movie. (tired)

Mark __/5

3 Read the sentences. If the word in bold is incorrect, write the correct word next to the sentence. If
there is no mistake, write ‘correct’.
1 In old films, the special effects are often really bad. ____________________
2 The early cinemas showed stunt films in black and white. __________
3 The silent scene in The Matrix has become really famous. __________
4 Angelina Jolie doesn’t have a fight woman to do dangerous scenes for her. __________
5 Directors often film explosions in slow motion. They’re more spectacular that way. __________

Mark ___/5

4 Complete the dialogue with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

adults book change out pardon pay repeat

Jake Hi. I’d like to 1____________ two tickets for the concert on Saturday night.
Assistant I’m afraid that concert is sold 2____________ .
Jake ____________ ?
Assistant There aren’t any tickets left for Saturday, but there are tickets for the Sunday concert.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Short Tests Unit 4 2
Pre-Intermediate Short Test Unit 4 Test A

Jake OK, great. Two tickets for Sunday, then.

Assistant ____________ or children?
Jake We’re both seventeen.
Assistant That will be £40, please.
Jake OK, here you are.
Assistant £50. Thanks. And £10 5____________ . Here are your tickets.

Mark ___/5

Mark ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Short Tests Unit 4 3

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