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Thirsty Planet- Lesson 5 Name ______________________________________

DO NOW: Combine the two sentences below into one sentence.

Sam likes ice cream. Sara likes ice cream.
A. Sam likes ice cream and Sara likes ice cream, too.
B. Sam and Sara like ice cream.
C. Girls and boys like ice cream.
D. They both like ice cream.

Objective I can use context clues to determine the meaning of new words.

How do I know when I am When I can determine the meaning of cascades using context
successful? clues.
Steps for success:
1. Read the sentence with the new vocabulary word
2. If needed go back in the story and use pictures clues to help you determine the best
3. Circle any words that give us a clue as to what the new word means
4. Reread the sentence with each of the options
5. Cross out any options that do not make any sense
Word Sentence Meaning Write it in a sentence

Avalanche Those clouds just let it go and rain, A. A bunch of Avalanche means a bunch of
something something because it
rain, rain! Tap dance, avalanche,
B. A dance says rain, rain, rain.
stampede of drips and drops and people do
C. A tool
drumming. A wealth of water.

Guzzle That rain has been here before. A. Take it Guzzle means
Thirsty air licks it from lakes. Sips
B. Drink a lot _________________________
it from ponds. Guzzles it from C. A fish
oceans. And this wet air swirls up.
Till it's crowded into clouds where _________________________
it hangs hotly around.
Rustle But far away it’s a different day. A. Hide Rustle means
B. Grow
No sound but wind, empty cup
C. Swish _________________________
again. Dry grasses rustle. Dirts
just dust.

Cascades Water doesn’t come, it goes A. Shows Cascades means

B. Grows
around. That rain that cascades
C. Falls _________________________
from clouds.


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