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TOPIK: Kegiatan Minggu Lalu

TOKOH: Cahaya & Bulan
ALUR CERITA: Bulan bercerita tentang kegiatan yang ia lakukan pada akhir minggu lalu
kepada sahabatnya, Cahaya. Berkunjung ke rumah nenek di desa. Kegiatan di peternakan
menyenangkan. Sedangkan Cahaya memancing bersama ayahnya. Tapi Cahaya agak
Cahaya: Hi, Bulan. What did you do last weekend?
Bulan : Oh, I did a lot of things. I went to a village last Saturday.
Cahaya: Who did you visit?
Bulan : I visited my grandparents. They live in the village.
Cahaya: Oh, I see. Who did you go with?
Bulan : I went there with all of my family. They were mother, father and my
younger sisters.
Cahaya: Wow, that would be so fun!
Bulan : Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired.
Cahaya: What did you do there?
Bulan : We helped our grandparents in the farm. My sisters and I fed the cows,
chicken, pigs and horses. Then we took some chicken eggs and gave
them to mother and grandmother. They cooked our lunch.
Cahaya: Did you ride a horse?
Bulan : Yes, we did. My sisters were really excited to ride a horse. They weren’t
afraid at all.
Cahaya: What about you?
Bulan : Of course I rode a horse too.
Cahaya: No, that’s not my question. My question is: Were you afraid at that time?
Bulan : Me? Ha ha! Of course… I was … a little bit afraid.
Cahaya: Ha ha! I knew it.
Bulan : So, tell me about yours. What did you do last weekend?
Cahaya: Nothing special. I didn’t do any fun activities like you. I was just at home
on Saturday. And yeah, on Sunday I went fishing with my dad
Bulan : How many fish did you get?
Cahaya: We got only some fish because we had to finish it earlier.
Bulan : Oh, why?
Cahaya: Because my dad’s friend called him. He had to go and meet his friends.
He forgot that he had had a promise to his friends.
Bulan : Oh… don’t be sad. There will be other weekends, right? I hope you will
have fun things to do next weekend.
Cahaya: Yeah, I hope so. Thank you.
Bulan : You are welcome.

TOPIK: Menyukai film horor

Alur cerita: Aliya membeli 2 tiket bioskop film komedi untuk ia dan pacarnya, Ryan. Film
favorit Aliya adalah horor. Tapi demi bisa nonton bersama Ryan, Aliya rela belajar
menikmati film komedi. Film yang akan mereka tonton sudah dua kali ditonton oleh Aliya.

Tokoh: Aliya, Ryan

Aliya : Let’s go to the cinema. I’ve bought two tickets for us.
Ryan : What is the movie? (
Aliya : The Boss Baby. That’s a comedy. You’ll love it.
Ryan : How do you know that I will like the movie?
Aliya : Because I have watched it twice.
Ryan : What? You’ve watched a comedy movie two times?
Aliya : Yes, I have. (Iya.)
Ryan : So, why do you want to watch it again?
Aliya : I want to watch it with you. I want to laugh with you. We haven’t gone to
the cinema for ages.
Ryan : You know the reason right? We’ve had different preference. I like
comedy while you like horror
Aliya : Yes, I know it. That’s why I’ve learned to watch comedy movies. My
friends and family have helped me.
Ryan : Wow… (Wow…)
Aliya : I have bought two tickets for us. Do you want to go to the cinema to
watch a comedy movie with me
Ryan : Of course I’d love to.
Aliya : Thank you, Ryan.
Ryan : I thank you. You have learned to enjoy comedy movies.
Aliya : No problem. I’m happy to do it.

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