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STUDENT NO: 18071431


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Subject Name: English for Academic Purposes 2

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Due date of assignment: April 16,2021 Submission date: April 16 ,2021

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A report on the process of doing part – time jobs

of students in class INS1015

Prepared by: Nguyen Minh Trang

A student from: AC2018A
Prepared for: INS1015

April 16, 2021

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Table of Contents



I. Data collection..........................................................................................................................6

II. Data Analysis..........................................................................................................................7

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................11



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This report was to investigate the process of doing part - time jobs me and my classmates have
been going through.
The investigation was done by using questionnaires.
The main findings were the process of doing part - time jobs of students in class INS1015.
It was concluded that student choose balance between doing part – time jobs and studying.
The recommendations are that students should be aware of the importance of balancing their jobs
and their academic studies.

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1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to understand and analyze the process of doing part – time
jobs of students in class INS1015. From there, offering methods to help students balance
part – time works and academic studies.

2. Scope
The report examines the process of doing part – time jobs among students of class
It does not examine the process of doing part – time jobs among IS - VNU students
because the request for assignment has limited the scope of the survey.

3. Sources

The information for this report was gathered from the following sources:
 Questionnaires
 Reaseacher point of view
 Websites

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I. Data collection
* Questionnaires

In order to find out the students’ evaluation process of doing part – time job of
students in class INS1015, the questionnaires were used as one of the instruments to collect
data which is a simple way to collect data, save a lot of time and money; … The
questionnaire has 6 questions including 2 closed questions, 2 semi-opened questions and 2
opened question.

The survey were delivered to 29 participants on April 14, 2021. It took the
participants 3-5 minutes to finish their surveys. Right after that, 29 answers were collected
by the researcher.

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II. Data Analysis
* Questionnaires
1. Type of part – time job you have done?

The bar chart shows the different type of part – time jobs that students in class INS1015
have done. We can see that there are more than 29 answer in this question because
students usually change to another part - time job after a period of time. As we can see,
most of students have worked as a Sales staff (41.4%). Waiter/Waitress and Tutor take
the next place with 31% and 24.1%. Next is Online selling (24.1%) and Telesales
(17.2%). Last is other jobs such as Cashier, Photo model, Shipper … In summary, there
are diversity in type of part – time jobs that students choose to work, the above data are
reasonable because of the respondents of this survey; student usually not satisfy to the
jobs their choose because they always looking forward to others jobs with better

Page 7

2. What difficulties you encountered when doing your part – time jobs?

This question concerns the difficulties which students encountered when doing part –
time jobs. This question also use multiple choice question as the answer method because
students not only struggling with one difficult when doing their part – time jobs. More
than 50% of the respondents reported that part – time jobs affect their studying time, such
a problem that occurs most when doing part – time jobs. According to Kusum Singh
(1998), part-time work affected both standardized test scores and grades. The number of
hours that students worked had a significant negative effect on their standardized
achievement levels: Students were likely to have lower achievement scores than their
peers if they worked longer hours during the school year. 45% said that they have
difficult with their workload and pressure at workplace. Surprisingly, distance problem
and getting bored with the job have a significant percentage with 31%, which could be
the main reason that students usually change their job. There are still other difficulties
such as heath issues (27%) and problem with colleagues (24%).

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3. Are there any other thing you struggling with when doing your part-time jobs?

This question is asked for respondents to help them provide furthermore information for
the previous question “What difficulties you encountered when doing your part – time
jobs?”. Most of the answers are about the balancing between part – time job and study
time and free time. But there are other difficult that can be consider such as the pressure
of their parents when doing part – time job, get used to new working environment.

4. What benefit do your part-time jobs bring to yourself?

When asked about the benefit of part – time jobs, the result show that income and
experience are the advantages that part – time jobs bring to respondents, along with the
new relationship that they have at their workplace. They also insist that their soft skill
such as language, communicate, time management, working under pressure skill are
improved when they are doing part – time jobs.

5. Are you spending time doing your part-time jobs or studying at school?

Page 9
Doing part-time jobs and studying at school at the same time entails many responsibilities
and task for students. When asked about what respondents choose between spending time
doing part – time jobs and studying at school or both of these, we can see that most
number of students (69%) chose to balance between their part – time job and study time.
According to Mr. Bui Van Linh (2020), head of the Student Affairs Department of
MoET: “Many students are unable to make ends meet, so the desire to take part-time jobs
was reasonable but students have to be proactive and follow rules from colleges.” On the
other hand, it also brings a lot of benefits to students. Phan Hong Hai (2020) from
Industrial University of HCM City, said: “Taking part-time jobs will enrich their
knowledge and life skills while help students become active.” Only 17% chose studying
at school and 14% chose spending their time doing their part – time job with their own

6. What do you do to balance your part-time jobs and academic study?

According to the survey, most of students choose to balance between part – time jobs
and study time. So what do they do to try to balance their studies and part – time job?
Most of them choose to allocate their timetable reasonably, spend the main time take
advantage of study and homework and only doing part – time jobs after school time or
at their free time. Some respondents are still struggling to find a way to balance
between these two and only one chose to skip their lesson to do part – time jobs.

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If any conclusions may be drawn from this report, they are, perhaps, as follows:
 There are diversity type of part – time jobs that students choose to work.
 Part – time jobs can bring many benefits to students.
 There are many difficulties that occurs when students doing part – time jobs. The most
affected aspect is the studying time.
 Set up a reasonable timetable can be an effective way to balance part – time jobs and
academic study.

According to these findings, it is therefore recommended that (1) students should find an
effective ways to balance their part – time work and academic studies; and (2) students
must be aware of the affect of working while doing academic performance.

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A survey on part-time jobs among students of class INS1015 - IS - VNU.
Hello everyone!
I'm Nguyen Minh Trang from class AC2018A - IS - VNU.
I'm making a report about part-time job of students for my subject.
I'm undertake that all information collected in this survey are used for study purpose and will be
kept confidential.
This survey will be written in English therefore you can write your answer in English.
Hope you can take some minutes to help me finish this form.
Thank you so much for your helps <3.
Question 1: Type of part - time jobs you you have done? (more than 1 option)
A. Tutor
B. Telesales
C. Shipper
D. Waiter/Waitress
E. Online selling
F. Photo model
G. Security
H. Cinema staff
I. Sale staff
K. Other: ….
Question 2: What difficulties you encountered when doing you part - time jobs? (more than 1
A. Work overload and working pressure.
B. Affect your study time.
C. Affect your health.
D. Your job is too far from home.

Page 12
E. You are getting bored doing your job.
F. Can not get along with your colleagues.
G. Others: …

Question 3: Are there any other thing you struggling with when doing your part-time jobs?
Question 4: What benefit do your part-time jobs bring to yourself?
Question 5: Are you spending time doing your part - time jobs or studying at school?
A. Part – time jobs
B. Study
C. Both

Question 6: What do you do to balance your part-time jobs and academic study?

Page 13

1. Singh, K. (1998). Part-time employment in high school and its effect on academic
achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 131–139. Educational Leadership.
Available at:

2. Bui Van Linh (2020). Work hours for students must be managed. VietNam.

Available at:


3. Phan Hong Hai (2020). Work hours for students must be managed. VietNams.

Available at:


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