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From Principal's desk

Dear parents,

Alas! Academic year 2020-21 has come to an end. It has been a year which we all will
remember throughout our life….for all the wrong reasons…but it did teach us a few lessons as
well like not to take anything for granted in life.

In our wildest dreams, none of us imagined that a pandemic like this will render us
homebound under a lockdown for a long, long time. We all have suffered through irreparable
loss in some or other way but the worst sufferers of this pandemic were kids.

We, adults could share our worries verbally with family and friends but for children it is not
that easy as they are still grappling with understanding their own emotions. With no physical
school, no open space to explore, no friends to play with, no outings with parents….I can
understand what mental trauma they would have gone through this year. And worse, they
can't even express their emotions. I have had parents bringing their child to show the school
as the lockdown eased because the child was missing the school, teachers and friends.

As we are gradually getting into normal life, I request parents to have a pep talk about the
year gone by with their child. I can see and hear you all taking them out for outings and
enjoying as a family again. It is equally important to talk to them about the year gone by, so
that they do not grow up with any emotional scars.

The mental health being the primary reason for us to give some normalcy to the children,
even pre-primary children were provided online education. I hereby, thank all our parents
wholeheartedly for working in tandem with the school for successful implementation of online
education. I also thank my co-ordinators and teachers for doing a wonderful job with online
teaching. It was a new world for us as well but we all, including our students adapted
beautifully to online education.

We tried our best to provide best of education, not only academically, but celebration of days
and events too were held. We achieved 100% result in 2019-20 IGCSE board exams with
Suhani Singhal being the topper with 96%. We also successfully completed 2020-21 board
exams in the school following all the covid norms - social distancing, regular campus
sanitization, installing hand sanitization booth, temperature checking etc.

We are eagerly waiting for the physical schools to reopen and I am very sure parents and
students are also looking forward to it. Hope in the new academic year, we all will be back to
a normal, happy life!
Pre-Primary Staff { 2020 - 2021 }

Primary Staff { 2020 - 2021 }

Secondary Staff { 2020 - 2021 }

Non-teaching Staff { 2020 - 2021 }

Chief Editor : Ms. Deepa Ghelani Staff Editors : Roancy Patel
Asst. Editors : Ms. Kaanchan Parab Ria Pereira
Ms. Jasmina Sanghvi Shyamala Shukla
Ms. Vinaya Kunder Aditi Jujar
Student Editors:

Khushi Ghosh Zayan Gulrays Vihanna Nathani Keiyona Dalal Nabh Mukherjee
(Gr. 1A) (Gr. 1B) (Gr. 2) (Gr. 3B) (Gr. 3A)

Schyler D'Souza Zayden D'Souza Eram Ghoghari Alia Islam Manan Singhal
(Gr. 4) (Gr. 5) (Gr. KS2) (Gr. KS3) (Gr. KS3)

Kiara Moolamkoden Saffanah Kalam Hetanshi Tailor Rishit Nanavati Vanita Jain
(Gr. CP) (Gr. CP) (Gr. CP) (Gr. IGJR) (Gr. IGJR)

Salute to our unsung
warriors imparting
education in pandemic

The Covid‐19 pandemic has shaken the very roots of the education system. Till this global
pandemic, we have been talking to our students, mentoring them and tutoring them using
chalk and board in the class rooms. And suddenly we were awakened to a new normal when
we were asked to connect to our students using means such as whatsapp, virtual classes,
online classes using platforms like Google, Zoom ,Webex, and mobile applications etc. We,
immediately rose to the call and since Lockdown 0.1, have been grappling to string up the
loosen beads and keep the cycle of education going. Teachers have been conducting online
classes during the pandemic to ensure that education doesn't take a back seat.
Most of them were not trained on making use of digital technology for imparting instructions
and reaching out to students. Though caught unaware and at back foot, teachers learnt and
devised best of the methods to fulfil our mission of imparting lessons to all students on
equitable basis. As warriors, teachers took to online teaching, shared notes, and sent
assignments to our students. This transition from routine classroom teaching to online class
was not very smooth. This sudden shift over to a completely online format had proved to be a
real roller coaster ride. Teachers, being the nation builder and future enabler have to shoulder
great responsibility. They say that a teacher is a preacher, a motivator, and a torch bearer so
how could they just lay back and accept defeat? They were bound to rise, shine and bounce
back. They had to discover the new 'modus operandi'. We had to fight it out. And so we did and
we did this to the best of our wisdom, knowledge and capability.
We managed to shift fast,ofcourse with cooperation from our dear parents, guidelines by our
department, hit and trial efforts and constructive feedback from our students. And here we
are, en route to becoming the 21st century teaching models, may not be the perfect ones, but
certainly ones to keep the cycle of education moving ahead effectively.
The 'New Normal' spreads out before the teachers like the EduTech system of education, work
from home scenario, maid‐less homes and so on and so forth…but I am sure they will emerge
as winners.
Our schools have undoubtedly done a stellar job of setting up distance learning in no time at a
variety of education levels at the same time. Our teachers never showed any sign of tiredness,
although we can see that they are going through a lot due to various challenges induced while
teaching from home. Yet, they control their anxiety, and mentor our students, with a smile on
their face.
Teachers are the Torch Bearers. Teachers are also the warriors, the 'unsung heroes.'

Jasmina Sanghvi
(Primary Co-ordinator)

When schools
reopen post
Due to Covid 19, parents and children are experiencing greater levels of anxiety and stress.
Feelings of uncertainty may increase, a lot of questions may arise about how to go about things
once school starts. Parents may be skeptical of whether children and teachers will be able to
follow social-distancing and mask protocols. Here are some tips to help put children at ease once
this back-to-school transition happens:
1. Reassurance: Children may find it difficult being physically distanced from friends and
teachers while at school. Parents could encourage them to think about other ways to bond
and stay connected. Reassure children about safety measures in place to help keep their
peers and teachers healthy and remind children that they can also help prevent germs
spreading, by washing their hands with soap, coughing or sneezing into their elbow, removing
or sharing their masks and not sharing their tiffins. Remind children about the positives - that
they will be able to see their friends and teachers, if they are physically returning to the
classroom and continue learning new things.
2. Conversation: It's important to be calm and proactive in your conversations with children.
Check in with them to see how they are doing. Their emotions will change regularly and you
need to show them that's okay. Children often take their emotional cues from the adults in
their lives, including parents and teachers, so it is important that adults manage their own
emotions well and remain calm, listen to children's concerns, speak kindly and reassure them.
3. Extra support: Many children will need extra support to catch up on their learning when
schools reopen. Give extra support to your child at home by creating a routine around school
and schoolwork. This can help if they are feeling restless and having trouble focusing. You
may want to contact your child's teacher or school to ask questions and stay informed. Be
sure to let the school know if your child is facing specific challenges, like grief, fear,
heightened anxiety due to the pandemic or difficulty in understanding and coping with
While heading back to campus may be a welcome relief for all, it's normal to feel a little unsettled
because the transition back to school will be different this time, both for children as well as
teachers. But we as parents and teachers can help children feel optimistic by listening to and
validating their worries, teaching them coping strategies, reviewing safety protocols and
supporting them when they find things difficult. Ultimately, our children need us to lead the way
for a successful back-to-school transition and to develop the lifelong skills they need for
navigating challenges.

Vinaya Kunder
Pre-primary Coordinator

"Strive for mastery. Hope for victory,
Keep your aims and ends in view
Never be deterred by the troubles you meet,
Be Brave in the hour of sore defeat."

This year has been so very different from the years you all have grown
up in. And I personally take pride in saying that you all my students have
very well adapted to the changes and overcome all the difficulties.
The world is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators
need to pause and reflect on this entire system of Education. Dramatic
influence of globalization and technology on today's society demand
more prepared, skilled and sophisticated work force from the citizens.
Equipping tomorrow's citizens with the tools to master these critical
skills is our obligation today.
Cognitive skills, emotional wellbeing and social competence are
abilities that are critical prerequisites for economic productivity and
responsible citizenship throughout life. PHIS works at implementing a
well‐balanced curriculum to ensure that the children are equipped
with the tools to master these critical skills and are truly prepared to
face life's challenges.
We march our children ahead with ethos of moral values and
principles. We endeavour constantly to instil these qualities in our
children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into
sensitive and responsible citizens of the next generation.
With the guidance of the principal, team work of dedicated faculty and
the parents, we have sailed successfully through this difficult year.
Wishing you all a better and a great year ahead!

Kaanchan Parab
(Secondary Co-ordinator)

Feedback From Parents
Hello Ma'am, This was going to be our son GARETH'S 1st academic year @
Greetings and Thank you for giving us chance to write on nursery in Pinnacle High International School. As parents
behalf of Reception afternoon batch. we were anxiously looking forward for our son's first year in
Myself Sagar Malvi Father of Ayansh Malvi who's now
about to complete second year at Pinnacle High. He is Unfortunately, as we are all aware, the pandemic stopped
currently learning in the able hands of Renuka Shetty all children from going to school.
ma'am and Rajani Indurkar ma'am in the Reception
Pinnacle High International School were prompt and
Afternoon batch which has turned completely online this
efficient in creating online classes. Not knowing what to
year due to Covid situations.
expect, we took a leap of faith and decided to enroll our son
Since lockdown we initially thought that this year school for the same.
and education sector would be hit hard and possibly no
studies would happen, but then Pinnacle High was the first The teachers do their absolute best to try and captivate the
school amongst my contacts to come up with idea of online children's attentions, even though the attention span of the
learning classes which wouldn't have been a thought children is extremely low.
process and nowhere close to any planning. Kudos to all the teachers who have adapted so well to a
But things turned fast towards this unknown world of whole new concept of online teaching. Not just adapting
online sessions starting with Microsoft Teams and but being exceptionally good at it.
followed by Zoom currently which is a well known program
Thank you to Pinnacle High International School and the
for all sectors to conduct sessions online.
teachers for all that they do to instill good qualities and
Since Zoom sessions started and lockdown for everyone in education to our children.
place i was able to attend all sessions with my son. Initially
Parent of Gareth Almeida
it was difficult as the platform was completely new, but as Grade: Headstart A
days passed by and the kind of engagement and two way
communication that started between Teachers and
Pinnacle High International School is a big name in
Ayansh i could find it more innovative in terms of learning, itself,not just because of the school rankings but they have
writing, communicating, all physical activities in the form proved it during the pandemic. School's immense teamwork
of exercises and everything happening with individual to prepare lessons, imparting the best of learning and at the
attention was something that was never thought of. same time maintaining discipline by keeping the students
The punctuality, coordination between teachers, PTM engaged with various activities, all this without being
sessions, Wacky Wednesday sessions, festive traditional physically present, calls for the highest appreciation. The
days, drawing sessions all were handled with ease. There presentations are very well drafted, and every small point
wasn't even a single day when Ayansh told me that he has been covered to ensure that the complete concept is
clearly understood by children.
don't want to attend school.
Every single day he would ask me, papa is it time for my
I really appreciate that the focus is not just on finishing the
syllabus but also ensuring that each child is learning
properly. Moreover,kids are enjoying the extra curricular
Can you give me your laptop for attending my school? activities.It makes them look forward for the classes. I
These questions actually resemble the kind of work that personally feel satisfied and happy with the online sessions.
teachers and school management has done in last few I am incredibly grateful to all the teachers and special thanks
months and I appreciate all the efforts put together to to Valerie ma'am for making my child learn every single day.
make online learning an example at Pinnacle High. Lucky to be a part of the school.Thank you so much !
My best wishes to the management and hope they Regards,
continue to keep the good work going in days to come.
Priyanka Khaitan
Best, Parent of Navishaa Aditya Khaitan
Sagar Malvi Grade: Reception Morning
Parent of Ayansh Malvi - Grade: Reception Afternoon

Madam Principal and Teachers,

I am very much thankful to you to be in touch with the students during this pandemic circumstances. Online
teaching is effective option for students and is better option for children's health. Children are improving alot and
gaining knowledge. I am happy and appreciate the efforts put by teachers and schoolstaff members.
Thank you for taking care of our kids education in this tough time.
Vanita Tarsariya,
Parent of Dhreeti Tarsariya
Grade: Headstart B

Life was passing by pretty normally and then suddenly the year became super-special, the pandemic
happened. Accepting "lockdown" was a task for one and all. The academic year had suddenly stopped and
Om was missing School.
When school resumed it was challenging to adapt to the new normal. But the way Team Pinnacle
High seamlessly phased us(kids and parents) into a full-time online school is commendable.
School has taken care of every aspect, right from the online orientation for parents, to ensuring that
each and every student is comfortable in class at all times. The way teachers have conducted regular
classes, making it a fun learning experience for students and parents alike.
At no point of time we felt that the academic year was compromised in any way. Routine formatives
and even summatives were conducted. Co-curricular activities have been routinely carried out! The way Ms.
Saba and Ms. Pooja conduct the class is phenomenal, the balance between having complete control of the
class and ensuring they are still listening to each and every child is remarkable.
Effort put in by the school's management to understand the implications the tough-tough year has
had on our lives is very evident and much appreciated. Support from school to ensure study material is
provided on time, to being considerate and actually sending books home, the efforts and support are very
much have touched us.
It has been a pleasure to be a part of this beautiful family of Pinnacle High. May Pinnacle High attain
new heights of success each year.

Dimple & Saahil Ledwani
Parents of Om Ledwani
Grade: Foundation Morning

Change is inevitable, but the year 2020 was a year of unprecedented change. Few could have predicted the impact
the pandemic would have on our lives. From the sudden shutting down of schools and offices, to the closures of
businesses & everyone being asked to stay home during the lockdown. Our lives came to a standstill.
As a parent, I was concerned about my child's education, especially since these are the formative learning years
that are very important. Come June, the country was still under lockdown and the pandemic was getting worse.
This made us even more nervous, as the kids couldn't go back to school. All across the world, on-line schooling was
introduced. But we were all uncertain regarding its efficacy. Thankfully, our minds were put at ease once on-line
school commenced.
Right since the beginning, Pinnacle High International School (PHIS), has been very creative & committed to
making on-line schooling effective. It's always a challenge to strike a right balance between screen-time &
learning time. PHIS seems to have struck this balance perfectly. They have been progressive, starting with fewer
hours to ensure that all the students adapt & then gradually building up to an optimum schedule. The Principal, the
teaching and non-teaching staff have worked tirelessly to make online schooling as educational & engaging as
possible. Introducing Extra-curricular activities in the daily sessions has added more fun to learning.
It's amazing to see the excitement on the students faces when they participate in classes such as art, craft,
music, dance, story time and even physical education. Right from organising virtual field trips to online
celebrations for Janmashtami, Diwali and Christmas, to including the Read-a-thon and the fancy dress competition
in this academic year, the school as left no stone unturned to make it feel as normal as possible for the students.
The teachers have been very patient to ensure that all kids settle into a good rhythm despite of the many
disruptions that online schooling comes with. They have been able to cover the syllabus proficiently, while holding
the attention of the kids. They have also been able to form a wonderful bond with the students despite not having
met them in person.
My Son studies in Grade Foundation & personally I am very grateful that in a year as tough as this, he has learnt &
developed a lot. He looks forward to online school & enjoys the variety of different subjects being covered.
A Big THANK You to Pinnacle High, who has stayed true to their word. Like their school song states "Climbing
every mountain, undeterred we should be… Leading every heart with inspiration, fostering growth and
Mrs Vanessa Saldanha
Parent of Noah Saldanha
Grade: Foundation (Afternoon)

Due to covid-19 pandemic and the nationwide lockdown, the schools had to be continued online
in order to maintain stability. Pinnacle High and its team made sure and left no stones unturned in
order to ensure that kids excelled in studies and co-curricular activities as well .At first I was unsure
about the entire online schooling concept, but as days passed, I saw my child getting involved in studies
with the new learning pattern. The teachers made sure that the assignments are given on time,
homework is discussed, and chapters are explained thouroughly. I could see the hard work and
dedication from both the ends and this is really commendable! Special thanks to our principal, Ms
Deepa Ghelani, for making sure the entire phase of online lectures went smoothly.

Rakhee Gundecha
Parent of Dhyanvi Gundecha - Grade: 4

During Lockdown, when our lives had come to a standstill in all aspects, our Pinnacle Teachers came up as Corona
Warriors to save the lives of our children! When there was a lot of uncertainty over when and if schools were going to
open and how it was going to be organized, our teachers started to look at how they could move their material online. The
response from the teachers during the period of uncertainty was magnificent. When the parents were under a huge
amount of stress and pressure, our Principal was trying to support them and gave them the time to deal with the situation.
I appreciate the efforts taken by the teachers, who started giving online classes and created a classroom environment at
home. I am very happy with the steps taken according to the need of the hour by our school teachers, in continuing online
classes and doing their best to explain and clear all the concepts to each and every child.
From exams to various competitions, everything was well conducted. Even the kids are waking up excited to use their
computer and to reach out to all the teachers. Everything was well planned and easy to follow.
Though physical school has been off, our learning hasn't stopped! I would also like to mention about the video lessons, in
which the teachers explained various concepts so as to make it as easy as possible for the children to learn. Extraordinary
measures were taken by all the teachers for designing the activities, keeping in mind the capability and the psychology of
a child, where parents can utilize the energy and time for the betterment and learning of their young ones.
So I want to thank our Principal ma'am, Jasmina ma'am, Vinaya ma'am and all the teachers for encouraging our children
to learn new things while staying at home and taking measures for their bright future.
Thank you
Shweta Abrol
Parent of Stuti Abrol - Grade: 5

During this academic year, I have been impressed at the level of care We really appreciate the efforts put in by the
and dedication of Pinnacle High International School. At the onset, teachers and the school staff during the current
there were many apprehensions about the online sessions, but as the
pandemic. This academic year has been
days went by, all my doubts and fears were alleviated by the
meticulous planning and the systematic execution of the curriculum, challenging for everyone. But the teachers have
by the school and teachers respectively. I would like to thank all the ensured that the children keep up with their
teachers for their loving support and guidance in nurturing the academics in these tough times. They have shown
children. As parents, the online sessions have given us an immense patience while teaching the children. Even
opportunity to experience how our children learn. I love to see my the extracurricular activities are conducted with lot
children always excited and eager to attend their online sessions.
They look forward to the interesting videos, competitions, quizzes of dedication.
with their friends and other fun activities. I truly appreciate the The school has managed this transition to online
teachers' efforts in ensuring a disciplined and comfortable learning classes very efficiently.
environment for our children. A special thanks to Ms. Jasmina
We are very grateful to everyone involved and
Sanghvi and Ms. Kanchan Parab for their continual support.
happy to be a part of the "Pinnacle family."
Thanks and Best Regards,
Gillian Rodrigues
Venessa Alphonso
Parent of Allysa Alphonso (Grade: 3A) Parent of Decllan Rodrigues (Grade: 3B)

- 10 -
Online Teaching during Pandemic
When I will think back about 2020-21 in terms of its impact on my child's education, my first
thought will be, "She was very lucky to be a part of Pinnacle High School."
The way the new concept and method of Online Schooling has been planned, executed and
handled by the school authorities, coordinators and teachers is outstanding. Each emotion,
question, query, anxiety of the parents and children is heard, understood and resolved.
The Pinnacle teachers deserve a big round of applause for
1. Accepting the challenge of a 360 degree change in the teaching methodology.
2. Maintaining the standard and quality of education, Pinnacle High is known for.
3. Putting in extra hours to learn the new technology, preparing learning material etc.
4. Being extra patient with children and parents in dealing with the new learning ways.
Last but not the least, I would like to dedicate a poem by Dr Seuss to our amazing teachers.
I will teach you in a room, I will teach you now on zoom.
I will teach you in your house, I will teach you with my mouse.
I will teach you here or there
I will teach, because I care.

Thanks and Regards,

Aanchal Gupta
Parent of Aahana Gupta (Grade: 1A)

Systematically scheduled and professionally executed online classes, organized by the school, was
the benchmark during this covid crisis. The teachers and staff were forever approachable and
cordial. The teachers used a good range of visual and discussion-based activities. The sheer hard
work and patience of the teachers in carrying out each class is commendable. I am very happy with
Kiaan's progress, in spite to these trying times. Thanks to all the teachers and school for always
being flexible and helpful. Pinnacle rocks as always
Dr Rashmi Chopra,
Parent of Kiaan Chopra (Grade: 1 B)

We hope the entire Pinnacle team and their family are safe and well.
The current circumstances we live in are unknown to all of us and they bring a lot of uncertainties and
new challenges with them. For this reason, I would like to express our gratitude to you. We really
appreciate the efforts put in by the management team and faculties.
We know it is difficult to understand the concepts through online classes, but all the teachers are trying
their best to make our wards understand each and every topic clearly. The teachers are very co-
operative and they are making optimum utilization of resources, through which they can make the
concepts even more clear. They are very concerned about classes and are always ready to clear
doubts on any topic, any time.
Preparing lessons, imparting the best of learning and at the same time maintaining discipline by
keeping them engaged with different activities and classwork; all this without being physically present,
is highly commendable. We are happy to say that our son is in the right and safe hands.
Thank you, Principal ma'am, Co-Ordinator ma'am, all teachers, non-teaching staff and the
management team of Pinnacle High International School, for their continued support towards the
student's education.
Thanks and Regards
Suman Deb
Parent of Aaryaman Deb (Grade: 2)

- 11 -
COVID‐19 hit not only the parents but also the kids by surprise! Who would have thought that we would have 1 year of
schooling from home. However, we are thoroughly impressed by the way the school has conducted itself during the
pandemic. Deepa Ma'am and all the teachers have put in tremendous efforts in modifying and implementing the
curriculum to suit online classes. They have taken care of not only the academics, but also made special efforts to keep the
kids physically active. Thank you to the entire team at Pinnacle!
Slyvia Pereira
Parent of Sydelle Pereira (Grade: KS2‐A)

We are thankful for all your efforts and dedication during this COVID-19 academic year. We had no clue how our
KID will adopt and understand the academic curriculum, extra activities and other!
I always believed that more than parents, Teachers and School contribute to overall growth. I thought this year
would be waste. But once PHIS started, initially, it was slow as per government guidelines but in no time, I saw
change in teaching methods. Every day, there would be some or the other video lesson, extra notes and so on. All
teachers would help the students understand the concepts remotely. Vihan had also adopted quickly to the new
learning method, even in exam you all have concluded with all control.
We understand the difficulty faced by the staff for new "Learn from Home" concepts. But your team adapted to
the new change quickly and made us and Vihan comfortable in no time.
I have seen this year may be slow or lags in overall curriculum, but adoption of technology by Vihan and School is
remarkable. I would like to thank your Backoffice team also for helping and guiding on various administrative
Overall, I'm really thankful to entire PHIS for sailing in this difficult time and ensuring adoption of right technology
and tools, which is helping the kids to grow in an effective and meaningful manner.
Gunjan Shah
Parent of Vihan Shah (Grade: KS2-B)

The name "Pinnacle" holds a very special place in I have always admired the strictness and disciplinary
our hearts, as this is our school's name, nurturing our process of Pinnacle high school
kids and doing a commendable job in all round in regards to the dates, events and holidays and
development of all the students. Teachers are giving respecting the curriculum and total working days for
each annual year.
their best, can't ask for more. Each and every child is
special in their own way and the school is doing great Since the pandemic, l was a bit sceptical about how
our school will overcome all the new hurdles on the
work in recognizing their skills and bringing it out. way to online schooling. But I'm truly glad to say and
Focusing on academics as well as co-curricular feel immensely proud that they have kept up with
activities, the school has its own caring environment. strict managing process as always.
Appreciation for the teaching staff and the school It is very highly appreciable that the teachers have
staff for their continuous hard work. In this pandemic, coordinated and conducted the functioning so well.
the school is relentlessly working towards the Principal ma'am and all the teachers and of course
betterment of students as everything has been all the non-teaching staff too have done a
converted into a virtual world. commendable job when the new online system has
been so new to all.
I am sure it would have been tough for the school as The curriculum and the exams have been conducted
well, but the way you have adapted and modified and upgraded as and when possible
from classroom to online mode is simply amazing. Thank you very much Pinnacle.
Wishing the Pinnacle High family, a great success!! Would definitely want you to keep up to excel
further! God bless us all.
Purbasha Das Dr. Archana Rane
Parent of Ankit Kumar Das (Grade: IG-Jr.) Parent of Sushrut Rane (Grade: KS3-A)

I would like to thank & appreciate respected Principal ma'am, secondary and primary coordinators, all the
teachers and all the non-teaching staff for effectively providing online continuous teaching to all students.

Students also adopted gradually to the new online learning system. Students are also enriching themselves with
the knowledge in a different way and have learnt to become independent. A very big thankyou to all the teachers
for their hard work and efforts.

Mrs. Shuchi Singhal

Parent of Manan Singhal (Grade: KS3-B)

- 12 -
It's been a satisfying experience to be associated with one of the premier schools in our Orlem vicinity.
Right from the highly knowledgeable Principal Ms. Deepa Ma'am to the coordinators and the class
teachers, all have together as a team been actively involved in shaping up the careers and overall
personality / morale of each of our children.
With the unexpected pandemic situation that the entire world went through over the last year, a big
question that was on our minds was on how would we manage our routine activities (school, office, daily
activities, etc.) within the confinement of our homes. Today after almost a year, we all have emerged as
winners, considering we sailed through effortlessly.
During the initial few months of the lockdown, as a parent, we were so apprehensive about the 'Online
School' concept and a sense of worry on how would the school manage the academic year. Today, I feel so
contented and pleased with the way the school has managed to ensure our children complete their
academic year effectively and continue to experience their regular school ambience at the comfort of our
homes. Be it the PTM sessions, the Edu sprint app updates, zoom meetings, any other information for
Parents, every single communication has been relayed through in a timely and organized manner. Special
thanks to Kanchan Ma'am for being an excellent mediator.
Want to say a big 'Thank You' to all the Check Point teachers who have been extremely professional, well ‐
versed in their subjects, flexible and co‐operative in their approach towards our children. All of them have
been going out of their comfort zones during these stretched times and doing their best in ensuring quality
education is imparted.
I want to specially mention Ms. Tinaz Ma'am (English Teacher) who has been a great orator with excellent
teaching skills, which is definitely a skill that language teachers should possess. We love listening to her
Finally, I believe ‐ As a team, you succeed when you are led by the right leader! Special thanks to Ms. Deepa
Ma'am for her directions that her team of teachers follow, basis which the entire 'Online School' concept
has worked out in an organized and professional way.
I am glad to be a part of this school and wish the entire team all the best in the coming years.
June Monteiro
Parent of Joshwyn Monterio (Grade: CP‐A)

First of all, I wish to congratulate the entire team of PHIS for their consistent efforts to ensure the
continued learning of our children.
In spite of a very tough year with no classroom sessions you have managed to really create and maintain a
bond with the children. It is commendable how PHIS has dealt with all odds and still is able to take
education no different than the normal times.
Since the first day we entered into PHIS, you have continued to amaze us with your outstanding
commitment and excellence. Each and every teacher who has been with our child has been fantastic. Each
has enriched the life of our child and made an impact. The place you have created is far more than a school.
It is an epicentre of genuine joy, of important life lessons and love. To try to describe the level of devotion
your staff shows would be an understatement, and to attempt to say thank you would be the same.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude and respect for the entire staff at Pinnacle, for years of love,
affection, and care that they have shown towards our son Priyaan.
Thank you for limitless patience, countless hugs, and unending enthusiasm!

Mr. Praji & Mrs. Pradnya Cherakulam

Parents of Priyaan P. Cherakulam (Grade: CP‐B)

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Dear ma'am,
Greetings of the day!!!
Hope you are doing well. As we're coming towards the end of this academic year. I
want to express my sincere gratitude for all the efforts you and your faculty has taken
during these trying times, with all your patience, creativity and love.
I would like to thank all the amazing teachers from the bottom of my heart for
handling everything so well, let it be notes, hw, internals, interactive sessions, daily updates
and even competitions for primary grades and lot more than i can say.
My heartfelt thanks to Priti ma'am who taught Hindi so well that even I learned "Swar
and Vainjan". I could speak Hindi however I couldn't read or write Hindi before. So now she's
my teacher as well.
The school has been off but our learning hasn't. Overall my experience has been
really great and beyond my expectations. PHIS has proved "Learning never stops"
Thank you once again!!!

Mrs. Asma Mir.
Parent of Maaha Mir (Grade: KS-3B) and Zia Mir (Grade: 1A)

Pre-Primary & Primary Grandparents day Feedback

1st of all, we say thank you very much for all d teachers & staff for organising a Grand Parents Day. It was a
wonderful day for all of us and we appreciate the efforts you all make to motivate the kids. Though all of us
were at home, we never felt it, instead we felt we were in the school only. We hope we can meet in the school
next year to attend the Grandparents day, Insha Allah.
Parent of Zahra Akolawala (Grade: Headstart A)
We really enjoyed the programme. We thank you so much for the honour and affection given to us.
Parent of Kieron Pais (Grade: Headstart B)
Experience was very different and unique. Hiyan's grandparent enjoyed a lot and we as a parents are blessed to
have our child growing in pinnacle. Online school is never a easy task when we have a kids of this age, but I
would like to thank Valrie and Vinita teacher for their teaching and guidance. Thank you all.
Parent of Hiyan Panchal (Grade: Reception Morning)
A BIG THANK YOU TO PINNACLE TEAM. Abhir's dadi had a great time and was so super excited for this day.She
had a wonderful time and she told me to tell you that she will never forget this time and memory that you have
given her.
Thank you so much once again!
And a big Thank you from Abhir's dadi.
Parent of Abhir Narang (Grade: 1A)
It was really a great fun to celebrate a day with cooking, crafting and dancing with grandparents. Kids and
grandparents really loved this event. Thank you Pinnacle high teachers and everyone for these efforts.
Parent of Anwita Parambil (Grade: 1B)
Super!!!Great effort by the teachers, grandparents were overwhelmed ???? thank you so much. Zach had a
great time with his grandmother, she came in the morning to be with him for this event.
Parent of Zach Abraham (Grade: 2)

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Name Grade Rank Name Grade Rank Name Grade Rank
AARIT SHINGALA 1 2 Name Grade Rank Name Grade Rank
KATIE ALPHONSO 6 2 Name Grade Rank Name Grade Rank
Name Grade Rank MAHEE VIRAL VORA 3 3
SHRADDHA NAIR 9 3 Name Grade Rank

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Father's day
Our very first event started with a competition with dad-child duo, wherein they had to make a video of a conversation
between them. Father and child came up with novel ideas for which they were presented with e-certificates.
Due to pandemic people were going through lot of stress in day-to-day life. In an attempt to release the stress, PHIS had
organised energy booster 'Zumba session' for parents. All the parents were happy and excited to dance to the rhythm with
their child and be a part of the session.
Monsoon Fun
Monsoon season is the most welcomed season as children wait for long to play in the rain. They were happy to learn about
the importance of rain, rainy wear, food and rainy creatures. Children were happy to watch a story on 'The raindrops' and
understood the importance of rain in our life. Children enjoyed making 'bubbles'of soapy water with the help of parents.
As every year in PHIS the read- a- thon event encourages the children to read more and more books. This year it was
conducted in a special way virtually. Children enthusiastically participated in this event where they narrated and enacted the
story confidently. Parents too showed their creativity through power point presentation, puppets and costumes as per the
characters of the story. They enjoyed the last day of read-a-thon fun with their parents by making a bookmark related to
Whacky Wednesdays
Children eagerly wait for the first Wednesday of every month as we celebrate it as 'Colour and shape day'. This year due to
pandemic, PHIS had it virtually, where children were dressed as per the colour of the month and learnt about different colours
and shapes. Children were happy to play games like treasure hunt, show and tell and many more where they showcased their
speaking skills.
Virtual Field trip
We at PHIS, believe that children should not only learn by listening to information given but also through hands on
experience. PHIS teachers had organized a virtual field trip for grade foundation where the children were shown all different
types of plants in the garden. Children enjoyed this new type of virtual field trip.
In India, Festivals are celebrated with joy and enthusiasm. PHIS believes that it is an integral part of learning and develops respect
for all religions and makes children understand the importance of it. We had all celebrations online this year. Importance of
festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, Raksha Bandhan, Eid, Navratri, Holi, Christmas, Diwali, Gokulashtami were explained and our
national festivals like Independence day and Republic day were celebrated through live streaming where in children saw the flag
hoisting happening in school. Children were happy to make activities related to these festivals.
Best out of waste costume competition
Competitions develop student's skills, they showcase their hidden talents, overcome their stage fear, boost their confidence. This
year we had virtual 'best out of waste costume competition', where children and parents participated eagerly and made beautiful
costumes out of waste. Children were happy to speak about their costumes and win e- certificates.
As PHIS believes in multiple skills development, in this pandemic children were encouraged to develop their skills through
play way method of learning. Children were introduced with different activities online that includes clay moulding, paper and
origami activities, dance, physical training, exercise, show and tell, storytelling, treasure hunt, fireless cooking, finger
dabbing, stacking, lacing, sorting games and many more…
Workshop on Oral hygiene
As oral hygiene is a very important part of our day to day life, parents were invited online for the workshop of oral hygiene
and importance of it was explained by the dentist. Parents were happy to get good tips on oral hygiene.
Grandparent's day
Grandparent's Day was held on 6th March 2021. It was the first virtual event that was held this year, for class Headstart to
Grade 2 with a lot of enthusiasm. Grandparents and children were dressed in 'stripes and dots'. According to the theme, 'Old
is Gold', they enjoyed the 'Doordarshan Era' including their favourite advertisements and dances. Children creatively
designed a card as per teacher's instructions and presented it with love to their grandparents. A fireless cooking activity
added the flavor and colour to the whole program. Overall it was enjoyed by all.
Poster Competition
Children of grade foundation participated in 'Solar system' poster Competition where they displayed a poster on the planets
and spoke abt it.they were awarded e certificates.

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Primary & Secondary &
Events Activities
Teachers Day Celebration At Pinnacle High
Teachers play a big role in our lives. If it were not for teachers, nearly all the people in the world would be uneducated. We celebrate
teacher's day on the 5th of September. It is our way of showing love, respect and gratitude for our loving teachers. We should respect
teachers, for they are the people who are going to shape our future.
At Pinnacle High, we love and value our teachers very much. This year because of the pandemic, our celebration was different from any
other year. We have not seen our teachers for a long time. But as the days go by, our love and gratitude for their care and support, has
grown more than ever. Our class, grade 4, had decided to make cards for the most caring teachers anyone could ever have.
Our teachers were touched by the video and cards we made for them. We had a card making competition during online school. We were
excited to miss lessons and make the cards instead. Our teachers helped us to make them in the shape of a pencil. Just as we were
wondering how to give it to the teachers, the teachers told us to give it to our parents, who assisted us with online school. It was such a
kind and loving idea, and our moms were so happy. I wish that we could go to school to wish our teachers and give them hugs and kisses
in person. I thank all the teachers for ensuring a bright and clear future for us, students. I cannot wait for the day we meet again.
by - Schyler D'souza (Grade: 4)
International Yoga Day Celebration - 21st June 2020
At PHIS, we celebrate all days with great fun. This year, since we are not attending school physically, I thought we will not have all the fun
celebrations like we do in school. It was a great surprise when we received the circular about celebrating the International Yoga Day.
Yoga is a form of exercise, which includes breathing, meditation and the forming of specific body poses. Practicing yoga helps one to relax,
it is also practiced to maintain good health. This form of exercise has gained a lot of popularity and so 21st June is celebrated as
International Yoga Day.
Since 2020 has been a year of the new normal, 21st June 2020 fell on a Sunday, which obviously is our school holiday; yet we had a yoga
class scheduled by our teacher and school from 11:30 am onwards on Zoom (our new classroom). All excited, I wore my PE uniform,
grabbed my mat and a water bottle and was ready for a relaxing yoga session on Sunday morning. It surely was different celebrating this
day at home compared to how we used to celebrate it in school, every year. I saw my friends do yoga and also struggled in understanding
my teacher's instructions, since she was not physically present in front of me to correct my pose if it was incorrect.
I like to do yoga and practice it regularly at home, I try to teach my family sometimes. My favorite yoga asanas are the bridge and the
meditation pose. Doing Yoga helps us relax, it releases our stress and makes our mind and body fit. We should do Yoga every day to live a
healthy and fit life.
A big thank you to all my teachers for making the 'New Normal' filled with fun activities. Waiting to get back to school soon.
by - Keiyona Dalal (Grade: 3B)
Fancy Dress Competition
Scholastic and co-scholastic activities have an equal importance in our school programme, for the all-round development of the child.
The topic given to us was 'Health and Hygiene'. The purpose of conducting the competition was not only to blend learning with fun, but
also to develop confidence in the students by giving them an opportunity to speak in front of their own classmates.
Children were dressed in their colourful costumes and spoke a few sentences on the character they depicted. The effort and hard work
of the children was highly commendable. The competition proved to be a great learning experience for the students and gave them a
platform to explore their hidden talents.
by - Khushi Ghosh (Grade: 1A)
Online Celebrations at School
With the current pandemic, the world is very boring and bleak. All elders are working from home and getting tensed about the
pandemic. What do kids like me do during this time? Get bored, watch TV, no celeeeebrations?
Well, if you study at Pinnacle High, boring is not a word for you!!!
We moved online for our celebrations, easy peasy lemon… oh, you know the rest!!! What better way than to have fun with all your
friends and teachers in the safety of your home!
We have been celebrating birthdays, singing songs, having fun during Children's day, celebrating Christmas…we welcomed Santa
too!!(though I think Santa did not hear my wish in the loud noises we made!)
Most important of all, we celebrated 26th January, our Republic Day. Did you just ask me what it is about? What do you think, I don't
know about it? Well, it's a day when India and Indians all over the world celebrate it as a day when the constitution of India came into
effect. (Well, my teachers and parents told me about it! But that doesn't matter, what matters is that I know about it, right?)
We had a flag hoisting ceremony in the morning( we watched it online of course) and we sang the national anthem. I felt very good. All
teachers were decked up in traditional clothes, they were looking nice and beautiful, not like the everyday online classes!!!
Though I still miss being there in person during these celebrations, most of all I missed the samosa, cake and cold drink that is given at
school! To make up for it, I asked for them at home and my Dad brought them, but then having them with friends is another experience
isn't it?
We are having a lot of fun activities as well, along with studies during our online classes. Its great to be studying at Pinnacle High
International School. Onsite or online, it's the best…my school, my pride Pinnacle High!!!
by - Nabh Mukherjee (Grade: 3A)

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27th September - World River Day
World River day is observed every year on the fourth Sunday of September. It is celebrated to raise public awareness about the rivers and the
importance of all of the waterways around the globe. It highlights the many values of rivers and strives to increase public awareness and
encourages the improved stewardship of rivers around the world.
On this day, a small informative leaflet making competition was held for Grade KS3: 'Valuing Rivers', where students wrote about any
one river of the world of their choice.
This day is celebrated to ensure that these important bodies of water are celebrated and appreciated as they should be.
by - Alia Islam (Grade: KS3-B)
Australian Video Making Competition
Since the announcement of the Australian Video Making Competition, my team mate ( Adam Pereira ) and I were all in deep thoughts over for
it. Giving it a try, and opting for our topic, we constructed our own "Quaranteam." We built up our project and did compile our ideas into one
short - 3 mins video. It was an overall fun in making our video and recording our dialogues along with it. Summarizing our thoughts, it seemed
an amazing experience, and a good opportunity to take part in it.
Thank you Savira Maam for The great support and expert advice.
by - Rishit Nanavati (Grade: IG-JR)
World Heart day
"Your life will keep on beating till your healthy heart keeps on beating."
As the quote says, heart is one of the most important organ of our body which God has created. We need to learn to respect the creation and to
take care of it by following very simple rules in life.
Every year World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29th.The main aspect of celebrating world heart day is to raise awareness that CVD
(Cardiovascular disease), including heart diseases and stroke, is the world's leading cause of death claiming 17.9 million lives each year. The
occasion highlights the actions that individuals can take to prevent and control CVD. Heart is one of the most important focus areas which
was evident during the recent lockdown due to COVID-19. A lot of people observed discipline in maintaining food habits to keep their heart
healthy and staying positive.
To raise awareness about the world heart day, our school held a competition for the students of KS2 by making one slide of e-poster on World
Heart Day. It was amazing to see the enthusiastic participation of all students. Each student sent their entries which were creative and thought
provoking. I liked all the entries, however there were a few which were really nice and captivated the essence and importance of world heart
day very well.
The students were rewarded with e-certificates by the school.
by - Eram Ghoghari (Grade: KS2-A)
French online dialogue activity
In the month of September of 2020, an activity of dialogue in French, was conducted. It was a partner project.
Though difficult, it was very interesting. We had to do a lot of retakes when we were finally done. We finally presented the activity and were
flushed with joy and satisfaction.
We eagerly waited for the responses from teachers and friends and I soon got the reply as "bien" that means "good". It was an over
overwhelming experience. Soon I felt proud and happy. I realised that nothing is impossible even though it's something you like or seems
difficult in beginning.
by - Kiara Moolamkoden (Grade: CP-A)
Republic Day
It was the auspicious morning of 26th January. With immense excitement and joy to venture this completely different way of celebrating such
a joyous event, we all were ready by 7 am to begin this precious day on an excellent note. Our dear principal and teachers didn't want to leave
any stone unturned in making this monumental day memorable. Both the schools came together as always to hoist the nation flag higher
than ever before. Speeches were in air spreading enthusiasm and positivity.
The trustees and principal came marching flawlessly showing students (virtually) right way to march. Finally, the flag was hoisted proudly by
the trustees. The flag glided in the air with its chin up. Even though it was virtual, it could be felt happening beside me. The euphoric and eye-
dilating event ended with our National Anthem.
Even though there is a pandemic going on neither the students nor the teachers gave up on celebrating this prestigious day!
by - Manan Singhal (Grade: KS3-B)
World Tourism Day Video Making Competition
World tourism day's purpose is to bring about awareness among the international community to know the play of tourism in boosting a
tourist location's social, cultural, and economic value.
Tourism helps in development of practical knowledge and skills; it provides experience of various aspects. Due to pandemic and lockdown the
tourism was at a stop for a long period of time, therefore Pinnacle high international school, on September 27th 2020, organized a "World
Tourism Day Video Making Competition". Here the participants were instructed to create a video of 2 minutes as a virtual tour to any tourist
destination. They got a chance to apply their creativity in video editing and time management for giving information in small time frame. This
was a splendid opportunity for students to explore the internet and unknowingly gain a good amount of general knowledge.
by - Vanita Jain (Grade: IGJR)
Independence Day
Independence Day has always been a lively celebration at our school every year, however, due to the circumstances this year, we had to
celebrate it online. In spite of the pandemic this year, we still celebrated it in a very outstanding way.
Students joined the celebration of the Independence Day online. Flag hoisting in our school was presented live followed by the speech by me.
It was an extremely proud moment for me.
Principal's speech was followed by singing patriotic songs and vote of thanks.
Although we all could not come together physically, we made the best of times virtually. The Independence Day vibes were all through our
houses with feeling of pride in our hearts. by - Hetanshi Tailor (Grade: CP-B)

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Circle time with Bina ma'am
It was the beginning of the academic year 2020, we were excited to meet Bina ma'am, who was our class teacher for grade 2. We had a
separate online class, where she introduced herself to everyone. She had a small little puppet, which was a girl wearing a pink frock and a
pretty pink hat. The puppet had a sweet musical voice, which was actually Bina ma'am talking to us in that voice. The puppet was very friendly
and she wanted to know our names and hobbies. The session was very nice and enjoyable. Although we were unable to physically go to
school, this was a nice way to start the online classes. by - Vihanna Nathani (Grade: 2)

Celebrating World Ozone Day

World Ozone day is celebrated every year on the 16th of September, at both National and International levels. This day is celebrated to bring
awareness among people about the depletion of the Ozone Layer. We, at Pinnacle High, also joined in celebrating this day by having a poster
making competition.
The Ozone layer is a thin part of the earth's atmosphere which protects the earth from various hazardous gases and absorbs almost all of the
sun's harmful ultraviolet light. But nowadays, due to excessive use of chlorofluorocarbons in our daily life, the ozone layer is depleting, which
may harm our earth and therefore will also have a negative impact on our lives. Chlorofluorocarbons are mainly used in Aerosol sprays,
refrigerators and air conditioners.
But the good news is that the Ozone Layer is capable of, and is steadily repairing itself. We can protect the Ozone by minimizing the use of cars
and by using eco-friendly and Ozone friendly products. We must collectively make a promise and find ways to protect the ozone layer from
depleting and protect the earth, which in turn will protect our lives from dangerous gases and UV rays.
We must remember "An Earth without Ozone is like a house without a roof." by - Zayden Dsouza (Grade: 5)

Father's Day
My name is Zayan Gulrays. I am student of Pinnacle High International School and I study in Grade 1B .
This year we celebrated Father's Day online. It was different and enjoyable.
We were asked to make a fun video with our dad.
I was really happy and excited about it.
My dad and I made a really cool video we won the 1st prize.
I am really thankful to the school for this great celebration.
Thank you
by - Zayan Gulrays (Grade: 1B)

Pinnacle High International School conducted The Readathon week between 19th and 21st August, 2020. The children were super excited
and looking forward to the various fun filled activities. The 3 day event was planned to instill a love for books and reading among the children.
Over the years, the school has seen the positive effects of this event and has been successful in nurturing the culture of reading among the
students. This year was slightly different, considering the different and challenging times the world over, but in no way, was the spark any less!
Day 1 was conducted by the teachers. There were story telling sessions, book reading events and various other activities. The children were
brimming with enthusiasm and just couldn't get enough of the stories! After all, who does not like a well told story! The day was a super duper
start to the event.
On Day 2, parents, who had volunteered to speak in each class, took over the reins. The parents did a wonderful job of stressing on the
importance of reading and writing in all spheres of life. Stories and incidents were narrated using interesting props. The stories came out alive
through their props and narrations. The children were very intrigued and brimming with questions. The interactive sessions were definitely an
enlightening one.
Day 3 saw the conclusion of the event with guest speakers, who talked about various topics from reading, creative writing, importance of
listening and communication. We couldn't have asked for a better way to end this fantastic Readathon week. The children are already looking
forward to next year's event!

efnvoer efoJeme
efnvoer efoJeme Òel³eskeÀ Je<e& 14 efmelecyej keÀes cevee³ee peelee nw~ Fmeer cenlJeHetCe& efveCe&³e kesÀ cenlJe keÀer ÒeefleHeeefole keÀjves leLee efnvoer keÀer nj #es$e cesW
Òemeeefjle keÀjves kesÀ efue³es je<ì^Yee<ee Òe®eej meefceefle, JeOee& kesÀ DevegjesOe Hej Je<e& 1953 mes Hetjs Yeejle cesW 14 efmelecyej keÀes ÒeefleJe<e& efnvoer efoJeme kesÀ ªHe
cesW cevee³ee peelee nw~ mes Hetjs Yeejle cesW 14 efmelecyej keÀes ÒeefleJe<e& efnvoer efoJeme kesÀ ªHe cesW cevee³ee peelee nw~
Fme meeue nceejs efJeÐeeue³e cesW efnvoer efoJeme yengle De®ís mes ceevee³ee ie³ee Lee~ ÒeeLeefcekeÀ keÀ#ee cesW keÀeJ³e Heþve keÀer SkeÀ Òeefle³eesefielee Dee³eesefpele efkeÀ
Leer~ efpemecesW nj keÀ#ee keÀs íe$eesb ves efJeefYeVe efJe<e³eesW Hej keÀefJelee³esW Òemlegle keÀer~ Fme Òeefle³eesefielee kesÀ v³ee³eOeerMe IGCSE keÀer efnvoer efMeef#ekeÀe Þeerceleer
jepeÞeer Leer, ÒeeLeefcekeÀ efJeYeeie mecevJe³ekeÀ Þeerceleer peeqmcevee peer leLee ÒeeLeefcekeÀ efJeYeeie keÀer efMeef#ekeÀe efyevee cesce GHeefmLele Leer~ íe$eesW ves yengle ner
megboj keÀefJelee³es Òemlegle keÀer efpemekeÀe Heefj#eCe efnvoer efMeef#ekeÀe ves efkeÀ³ee, meeLe ner keÀefJelee Òemlegle keÀer Deewj ÒesjCeelcekeÀ Yee<eCe efo³ee~ 6 mes 9 lekeÀ kesÀ
keÀ#eeDeesW cesW efJeefYeVe ieefleefJeefOe³eeB Òemlegle keÀer efpemecesW keÀeJ³e Jee®eve, ®egìkegÀuee, efveyebOe, keÀneefve³eeB, ìbie-eqìdJeìjme& ÒecegKe Les~ omeJeer keÀ#ee kesÀ íe$eesW
ves efJeefYeVe keÀ#eeDeesW cesW peekeÀj efnboer keÀe cenlJe yelee³ee~
Fme meeue keÀesjesvee Jee³ejme kesÀ keÀejCe nce efnvoer efoJeme HeeþMeeuee cesW venerR cevee HeeS ke̳eesWefkeÀ nce meYeer Iej cesW Les~ cewQ DeeMee keÀjleer ntB efkeÀ Deeves
Jeeues meeueesW cesW nce ³en efove Deewj Yeer Oetce-Oeece mes ceveeS~
by - Saffanah Kalam, (Grade: CP-A)

- 19 -
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Sydelle Pereira, Gr. KS2-A

Aiysh Chopra, Gr. KS2-A Eram Ghoghari, Gr. KS2-A

Felicia Rodrigues
Gr. KS2-A

Kyle Menezes
Gr. KS2-A

Zuwena Kafeel
Gr. KS2-B

- 35 -

Darsh Salia
Gr. KS3-B

Yash Pala
Gr. KS3-B

Numa Shaikh
Gr. KS3-A

- 36 -
Mikhail Alphonso
Gr. KS3B

Alia Islam
Gr. KS3-B

Yash Sangoi
Gr. KS3-B

- 37 -

- 38 -
Reception Afternoon Grade-1B

Grade-2 Headstart B

Foundation Morning Reception Morning Headstart A

Foundation Grade 1A

- 39 -
Hreyansh Mody, Foundation Morning Aiden Almeida, Reception Afternoon Laasya Iyer, Foundation afternoon

Shabbir Petiwala, Foundation Afternoon Tanvi Shreyansh, Headstart A Yuvaan Mehta, Reception Afternoon

Unnati Upadhayay, Headstart A Homi Rajpal, Foundation Afternoon Jiyaan Ashra, Foundation Afternoon

Maahir Joshi, Reception Morning Mishika Pullani, Headstart B Peehu Purohit, Headstart A

- 40 -

Aahana Gupta - Gr. 1A Ayan Islam - Gr. 1B Alishba Shaikh - Gr. 5 Aditya Tilve - Gr. 5 Keiyona Dalal - Gr. 3B Shishir Nagula - Gr. KS3-B

Aaryaman Deb - Gr. 2A Abhir Narang - Gr. 1A Khushi Ghosh - Gr. 1A Nevaan D'lima - Gr. 4 Reyansh Karbele - Gr. 3B Shanay Tailor - Gr. 2

Daksh Shreyansh - 1A Anwita Parambil - Gr. 1B Gavin Sequeira - Gr. 5 Jigyasaa Kirodiwal - Gr. 2 Tanay Agrawal - Gr. 2

Karnika Khaitan - Gr 4 Katie Alphonso - Gr. KS2-A Kapish Keshan - Gr. 1A Joshua Alphonso - Gr. 1A Soha Shah - Gr. 3B Yash Pala Gr. KS3-B

Alyssa Alphonso - Gr. 3A Namrata Pandey - Gr. 2 Saiaha Keer - Gr. 3B Kanak Save - Gr 3B Mihika Charan - Gr. 1B Schyler D'souza - Gr. 4

- 41 -

Zayden D'souza - Gr. 5 Veda Jain - Gr. 2 Trisha Jagdishwala - Gr. 1A Zoya Rout - Gr. 5 Aashna Shah - Gr. CP B Svara Keer - Gr. IGSR

Alia Islam - Gr. KS3-B Arunima Bist - Gr. CP-B Aryan D'souza - Gr. KS3-B Dia Patel - Gr. KS3-B Darsh Salian - Gr. KS3-B Rishit Nanavati - Gr. IGJR

Jaden Samson - Gr. CPB Jake Rebello -Gr. KS3-B Keeya Dhariwal - Gr. KS2-A Eram Ghoghari - Gr. KS2-A Maaha Mir - Gr. KS3-B Sheryl Chavda - Gr. KS3-A

Zia Mir - Gr. 1A Khwaish Sarupria - Gr. KS3-A Nia Sequeira - Gr. IGSR Asha Kirodiwal - Gr. KS2-A Liam D'souza - Gr. KS2-A Khush Verma Gr. KS3-A

Numa Shaikh - Gr. KS3-A Palak Jain - Gr. KS3-B Riya Rajpurkar - Gr. IGJR Umang Kumar - Gr. KS3-B Vihan Shah - Gr. KS2-B Ratiba Khan Gr. CP-B

- 42 -
We welcomed our new normal with some fear, with
some sadness and with some hope. In this new normal
we learned to be together. It balanced our relations
with our mother Earth. It changed our way of living
and we learned from ourselves.
-by Aaryaman Deb ‐ by Daksh Shreyansh
Grade: 2 Grade: 1A

Corona pandemic has been a potentially damaging disruption to the

education of a generation as most of the schools were shut down around the
But one of the few positive outcomes from this experience is an opportunity
to rethink how digital technologies can be used to support teaching and
learning in schools.
Thousands of schools and colleges across India have switched to online as
classrooms remain shut since mid-March amid the coronavirus outbreak. Classes in
some parts of our country have been run through WhatsApp, primarily because this was one
platform most students and families had access to, and were used to using in their everyday lives.
Using open-air classrooms, plastic sheets for a floor, whiteboards and pens, and volunteers who hopped from one
centre to another across the city, children were able to get back to studying.
Some teachers have worked out creative ways of Zoom-based teaching. These stretch beyond the streamed lecture
format and include live demonstrations, experiments, and live music and dance class.
Social media, apps and games have proven convenient places for teachers to share insights into their classroom
practice, while students can quickly show teachers and classmates what they have been working on.
These informal uses of digital media have played an important role in boosting students, teachers and parents with a
bit of human contact, and additional motivation to connect and learn.
The past ten months have seen many schools forced to make the best of whatever technologies were immediately to
hand. Previously reticent teachers now have first-hand experience of making use of unfamiliar technologies. Many
parents are now on board with the educational potential of social media and games. Most importantly, students have
been given a taste of what they can achieve with "their" own technology.
Is it possible to realistically envision education emerging from the novel coronavirus pandemic stronger than it was
Teachers are getting creative, but the pandemic remains a vast challenge.
by - Aashna Shah
Grade: CP-B

- 43 -
Rivers and Lakes
Where does all the rain go? It flows as water through ditches and drainpipes and into
streams and rivers. These may carry the water to ponds or lakes or all the way to open
Life of a river
A river begins where many streams come together. It then begins a long and winding
journey that usually ends at the ocean.
Rushing rivers
Rivers high up in the hills usually rush and gush over rocks. Some rivers have waterfalls.
OUR The water pours over a cliff, formed by very hard rocks and splashes into a deep pool
PLANET Water life
Rivers and lakes are often full of life. There are water birds ,fish ,frogs, snails, worms and
insects such as diving beetles. Most of these creatures live among reeds, rushes waterlilies
and other plants.


Darshini Chakravarty South America's Amazon river is not as long as the Nile in Africa but it is far bigger. It
Grade: 5 carries one fifth of all the world's fresh water.

Fun Facts of the World

1. North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.
2. The entire world's population could fit inside Los Angeles.
3. The hottest chilli pepper in the world is so hot it could kill you.
4. The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields.
5. Indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world.
6. The world's quietest room is located at Microsoft's headquarters in Washington state.
7. There are only three countries in the world that don't use the metric system.
8. The longest place name on the planet is 85 letters long.
9. Four babies are born every second.
-by Saffanah Kalam
10. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -144 degrees Fahrenheit.
Grade: CP-A

My Pride,
We say " Thank you".
We say " Please". My India.
We don't interrupt or tease. 1. India is a very large country with many
traditions and culture. India is a perfect example
We don't argue. of great history.
We don't fuss.
2. India does not only have good tradition, culture
and history but also a mixture of all the
We listen when people talk to us. religions.
We share our toys. 3. People from all the religions live happily and
And take our turn. n peacefully and even though they fight

sometimes, they never forget to love each other
Good manners aren't too hard to learn. back.
It's really easy, e 4. Nothing makes me happier than being an Indian.
India is a democratic country with all good
When you find,
Good manners mean
r leaders.
5. India gained its Independence on 15th August

JUST BEING KIND s 1947; this is the most memorable day in the
Indian history.
- by Kiaan Chopra - by Krisha Sable
Grade: 1A
Grade: 3B

- 44 -
A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he
spotted that the elephants weren't being kept in cages or held by
the use of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping
the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs. As
the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely confused
as to why the elephants didn't just use their strength to break
the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so,
but instead, they didn't try to at all.
Curious and wanting to know the answer, he asked a trainer
nearby why the elephants were just standing there and never
tried to escape. The trainer replied; "When they are very young
and much smaller, we use the same size rope to tie them and, at
that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are
conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the
rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free." The
only reason that the elephants weren't breaking free and
escaping from the camp was that over time they adopted the
belief that it just wasn't possible.
Moral of the story:
No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always
continue with the belief that what you want to achieve is - by
possible. Believing you can become successful is the most Furqan Akhtar
important step in actually achieving it. Grade: CP-A

It was a Saturday afternoon, in the month of December. Christmas

vacations were about to end and I wanted to play as much as possible!
A wish in the I was playing with my hula hoop in the living room and watching a
movie. I felt a bit tired and lay down on the sofa. The movie was
really interesting.
No sooner had I settled in the couch, than I felt like I was really in
the movie. I was feeling a bit scared and expecting to come across
enchanted animals. But I soon heard a beautiful tune from a tree
nearby. I went towards it and found the most beautiful fairy playing
the harp.
She looked at me and said "Hello little girl! Who are you?" "I am
Torsha," I said and asked her name. "I am Princess Luna, and I am the
protector of the Enchanted Forests." She then asked me a strange question ,"If you had one wish, what
would it be?"
A lot of things came to my mind, I could ask for all the candy or toys in the world! But then I thought
again and said "I want the pandemic to end, so that I can go back to school and see my friends in class
again! I am so tired of online classes." Princess Luna smiled and said she would do what she could do.
The next thing I knew, my mother was waking me up! I had fallen fast asleep and it was all a dream. I was
sad and told my mother about my dream. She said, "Who knows! Maybe Princess Luna is already at work! A
few days later, I heard that vaccines were already being given to all the doctors and nurses who have
helped people during COVID.
I hope that Princess Luna brings it to us, children soon and we can finally go back to school as we knew it!
- by Torsha Chakravorty
Grade: 3A

- 45 -
Online school is pretty cool
We travel from bedroom to living room.
We login it says please wait, the host will let you in.
We eagerly await for class to begin.
Our teacher is now also our host.
We greet her good morning or with an emoji post.
When teacher begins the topic, we listen attentively,
Sometimes we speak together so we are muted accordingly.
We enjoy most of all the quizzes and games.
It's so much fun it's never the same.
The extra curricular activities keeps us active and fit.
My favorite of all is basketball, it's a big hit.
Online school is pretty cool but cannot compare to being in real school.
I miss my dear teachers, beautiful classroom and cheerful friends.
Now talking or playing with one another, we do not get.
At online school, we all surely meet,
But I just can't wait to go back to my real Pinnacle High, it's such a treat.
-by Kiana Dlima
Grade: 1A

A robot is an artificial agent, meaning it acts as a substitute for a person, doing things it is designed for.
Robots are usually machines controlled by a computer program or electronic circuitry. They may be directly controlled by humans. They may
be designed to look like humans, in which case their behaviour may suggest intelligence or thought. Most robots do a specific job, and they
do not look like humans. They can come in many forms.
Aerospace: This is a broad category. It includes robots that can operate in space, such as Mars rovers and NASA's Robonaut, the humanoid
that flew to the International Space Station and is now back on Earth.
Consumer: Consumer robots are robots you can buy and use just for fun or to help you with tasks and chores. Examples are the robot dog
Aibo, the Roomba vacuum, AI-powered robot assistants, and a growing variety of robotic toys and kits.
Disaster Response: These robots perform dangerous jobs like searching for survivors in the aftermath of an emergency. For example, after an
earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in 2011, Packbots were used to inspect damage at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station.
Drones: Also called unmanned aerial vehicles, drones come in different sizes . Example- Global Hawk which is used for long-duration
Education: This broad category is aimed at the next generation of roboticists, for use at home or in classrooms. It includes hands-on
programmable sets from Lego, 3D printers with lesson plans, and even teacher robots like EMYS.
Humanoids: This is probably the type of robot that most people think of when they think of a robot. Examples of humanoid robots include
Honda's Asimo, which has a mechanical appearance, and also androids like the Geminoid series, which are designed to look like people.
Industrial: The traditional industrial robot consists of a manipulator arm, designed to perform repetitive tasks. An example is the Unimate, the
grandfather of all factory robots.
Medical: Medical and health-care robots include systems such as the da Vinci surgical robot and bionic prostheses, as well as robotic
exoskeletons. A system that may fit in this category but is not a robot is Watson, the IBM question-answering supercomputer, which has been
used in healthcare applications.
Military & Security: Military robots include ground systems like Endeavor Robotics' PackBot, used in Iraq and Afghanistan, to scout for
improvised explosive devices, and BigDog, designed to assist troops in carrying heavy gear. Security robots include autonomous mobile
systems such as Cobalt.
Research: The vast majority of today's robots are born in universities and corporate research labs. Though these robots may be able to do
useful things, they're primarily intended to help researchers do, well, research. So although some robots may fit other categories described
here, they can also be called research robots.
Underwater: The favourite place for these robots is in the water. They consist of deep-sea submersibles like Aquanaut, diving humanoids like
Ocean One, and bio-inspired systems like the ACM-R5H snakebot.
-by Moksh Shah
Grade: 5

- 46 -
Riddle : What has to be broken before you can use it?
Answer : An egg
Riddle : I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old.
What am I?
Answer : A candle
Riddle : What is full of holes but still holds water?
Answer : A sponge
Riddle : What question can you never answer yes to?
Answer : Are you asleep yet?
Riddle : What is always in front of you but can't be seen?
Answer : The future
Riddle : There's a one-story house in which everything is yellow.
Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture.
What color are the stairs?
Answer : There aren't any-it's a one-story house.
Riddle : What can you break, even if you never pick it up or
touch it?
Answer : A promise
Riddle : What goes up but never comes down?
Answer : Your age
Riddle : A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or
hat didn't get a single hair on his head wet. Why?
Answer : He was bald.
Riddle : The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
Answer : Darkness
Riddle : David's parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle,
and what's the name of the third son?
Answer : David
-by Vedikavya Khaitan
Grade: CP-B

- 47 -
Pollution has become a very common and serious issue in today's world. It has been
there since a long time, even before human evolution in the form of volcanic eruptions,
forest fires etc. There are three types of pollutions:
Air pollution: Air Pollution is caused by vehicles, smoke from factories, volcanic
eruptions etc. We can avoid this by walking or cycling for short distances, and by using
public transport for long distances and by planting more trees.
Water pollution: Water pollution is caused by throwing waste products into lake,
river, sea etc., animals or humans bathing in the water like sea, lake, river etc. We can reduce the pollution by not
throwing waste products and by not bathing in the rivers, lakes etc.
Noise Pollution: Noise Pollution is caused by loud speakers, trumpets, vehicles honking etc. We can reduce noise
pollution by using these instruments and horns only when necessary.
Effects of Pollution on Human Health
Air Pollution: Breathing problem, Lung cancer, skin deceases, asthma, ventricular hypertrophy, Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's diseases, psychological complications, autism, retinopathy
Water Pollution: We can't get fresh water. Infectious diseases, like cholera, typhoid fever and other diseases
gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting, skin and kidney problem are spreading through polluted water. Human health is
affected by the direct damage of plants and animal nutrition.
Noise Pollution: Excessive noise has been shown to cause a range of health problems, ranging from stress, poor
concentration, productivity losses in the workplace, and communication difficulties and fatigue from lack of sleep.
‐by Shardul Jujar (Grade: 5)

Telescopes The
\Galileo was the first person to study the
night sky with a telescope. His telescope
used lenses like those in a magnifying glass.
Gift fromGod
It was very small. Today we study the sky
with telescopes as big as houses.
God has given us eye,
The biggest lens telescope in the world is at To see the cloudy blue sky.
the Yerkes observatory in Wisconsin, USA. This telescope has a
huge glass lens that is 3 feet wide. God has given us ear,
Radio telescopes
Telescopes with lenses or mirrors capture light from distant stars.
Chirping of birds, we can hear.
But stars also send out radio waves. God has given us nose,
So astronomers have built telescopes to pick up the signals. They
are huge satellite dishes .They need to be big because the signals To smell the scent of rose.
are weak.
Hubble telescope
God has given us mouth,
It is a satellite that looks out into space. It takes pictures of stars and
planets that are cleaner than those we can take on earth. This is
To speak but only truth.
because it does not have to look through all the dust air that God has given us tongue,
surrounds the Earth.
Eyes on the sky To taste sweet and tang.
The world's biggest light telescopes use mirrors rather than lenses.
This is because it is easier to make big mirrors than lenses. These
God has given us hands,
huge telescopes are in Mount Haleakala in Maui, Hawaii. To shake it with our friends.
Telescopes are often built on mountains because the air is cleaner.
Refractor telescope We swing, we sing, and we drift,
They have big lens at one end just like an eyesore called refractory. We thank God for these lovely gifts.
They use big mirror instead if lens called reflectors.
- by Utkarsh Chakravarty (Grade: KS3-B) - by Stuti Abrol (Grade: 5)

- 48 -
COVID-19 has taught us that we don't need
too much to be happy
It was my brother's birthday that we were planning for and my Dad was
supposed to be coming as we had plans to have a special day for my little
My Dad came one day early, but something was not good. My dad informed
us that we may not be able to meet everyone in the family as the COVID-19
has unanimously spread and the numbers are just increasing. We were all
worried and had no words.
We were not prepared to see what was ahead; 22/03/2020 this was the first
day of lockdown. We were allowed to get grocery and vegetable and only one
person was allowed to move out of the house. I was eagerly waiting for Mom
and Dad as they went out to collect grocery and important medical things for
the family. Post that, we had watched News for the current update on the
count of people with the Virus. We were all worried as the count was
drastically increasing.
This was our daily routine. In our entire life time, we had never seen the
roads empty, the sky full of birds chirping and trees fully swinging.
There were a lot of environmental changes that took place during this time.
This was the first time that Dad was along with us for 3 months together, day
and night, where we had planned to watch movies, we cooked the best food
recipes together, we played never ending games we read books, we had
great talks about planning for future, how to save, etc.
My best moment was when my grandmother, dad, mom and myself were
watching a horror movie and the reaction of each was
commendable and captured and is there with me
forever, that made me realise that we don't need
much to be happy in life.
There is lot to write but will stop here by
saying, don't worry be happy!!!!!!!
Covid - 19 taught us to live in a simple way
wherein family and health is the most
by Kiara Moolamkoden
(Grade: CP-A)

- 49 -
The Classroom Vs Online Classes
There are more advantages of taking classes in the classroom compared to taking them online; such as
being able to physically meet with the teacher, asking for feedback and seeing their reaction. The
traditional way of taking class, which is called the classroom environment, has become a lot easier to
manage time because you are going to class everyday if not a little less. Students have more time to
meet with their peers and teacher and more time for homework to be done in the classroom with the
help of peers and your teacher. Many students learn best through the face-to-face interaction or the
hands-on approach that is provided by teachers and friends while attending classes in the classroom
environment. Online classes might be effective for some students however many students learn by
doing, seeing, and being able to interact with the teacher and their friends.

Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students. Online learning has a
number of tools such as videos, PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can use all these tools as part of their
lesson plans. Online education allows students to attend classes from any location of their choice.
Online lectures can be recorded, archived, and shared for future reference. This allows students to
access the learning material at a time of their comfort. Since online classes can be taken from home or
location of choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on lessons. This means that they
will have at least 80% plus attendance.

For many students, one of the biggest challenges of online learning is the struggle with focusing on the
screen for long periods of time. With online learning, there is also a greater chance for students to be
easily distracted by social media or other sites. This distraction is not good for students' education.
Another challenge of online classes is internet connectivity. While internet penetration has grown in
leaps and bounds over the past few years, in smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with
decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can
be a lack of continuity in learning for the child. This is detrimental to the education process.

Because you have a direct pipeline to the instructor via e-mail, you can get your questions answered
directly. Many students aren't comfortable asking questions in class for fear of feeling stupid. The
Internet (hopefully) eliminates that fear (as long as you feel comfortable with the instructor). Many
times, you think of a question after class or while you are studying. Rather that trying to remember to
ask it or forgetting it, you can send an e-mail to the instructor. Your opportunity to learn is enhanced.
When you complete this year/grade, you will be able to include e-mail and web browsing as technical
skills that may help you in future. That gives you a definite advantage over someone who doesn't have
these skills. Learning how to get information via the Internet opens up a world of possibilities for your
life and interests.

Now, online or classroom education the main important thing is that we're being educated.
- Janvi Badlani
Grade: CP-A

- 50 -
Suhani Singhal (Science) 7 A*
Sarthak Soni (Science) 5 A* & 1 A
Sahil Sarupria (Science) 5 A*
Artham Sherveger (Science) 3 A* & 2 A
Kavya Gundecha (Science) 1 A* & 4 A
Shlok Sureka (Commerce) 5A

Sudhanshita Arora (Commerce) 2 A* & 1 A
Aayushi Sagar (Commerce) 1 A*
Pratham Sanghavi (Science) 2 A*
Sigmund Pereira (Science) 1 A*

- 51 -

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