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SBEG 1473:





Erdas imagine viewer is an app where all the process of editing raster
graphics and also applying the use of remote sensing through computer.
This app that created by ERDAS,inc allows the user including students
to help with their task in detecting maps and digital images thoroughly.
Erdas Imagine viewer provide user the right accuration of image
resolution and it is suitable for spatial data analysis that is one of the
GIS important element.

Based on the W ikipedia,this app h as evolving into b etter gis platform

in order to provide good performance in interpreting the imagery
satellite images fron remote sensing satellite and converting it into
2dimensional land mapping for clearer view on computer.

The using of mapping creation visually are widely used also due to the
existence of ERDAS,inc and this had been making the user’s work
easier in photogrammetry and remote sensing problems.

1) Let the user to apply provided maps data on the Erdas Imagine
Viewer app and to
interpreting different kinds of raster i mage data type.

2) Introducing all the viewer tools to student and let them use the tools
to set out the
selected raster input.

3) Encouraging students to identify ways to edit map pictures and use

right spatial analysis methods.

Methods that are being used in order to fulfil the objectives is by

using the Erdas Imagine Viewer application.

Steps To Be Taken :

Open the Erdas Imagine Viewer app and click open file on the upper
panel box,
Select the users type file
Click on Desktop in Users or All Users.

Select on Lab Remote Sensing file.

Then,select the data shown below and repeat for the same file but
change the raster options for the second file as Grayscale image.

1)Where are the preferences saved?

The preferences are saved in shown files above which is in User Interface &
Session. Default data directory store user data before exit from the application.
2)Do the Grayscale images in 2D View #2 and 2D view #3 look

Grayscale image of Landsat-8 image data type.

For Worldview image data, both the grayscale pictures displaying the same
characteristic. No difference between those pictures.Whereas for Landsat-8
image data type above,the size of pixels in image #2 is 0.000002042 while for
size pixel in image #3 is 0.00000510 for dd unit. But both got the same projection
Landsat-8 Image Data :

3)What is the difference in pixel size between two images?

The pixel size x in image #1 is 1.79 while y is 2.27 for dd unit while for m unit,
for x is 1.79 and 2.27 for y. Whereas pixel sixe x in image #2 is 0.00000510
while y is 0.00000510 while for m unit x is 0.45 and 0.57 for y. Both image
display different size of pixels.

4)What is the projection of these images?

The projection of #1 image is Geographic (lat/lon). The spheroid and datum of
both image are the same which is WGS84. EPSG code for both image also
similar which is 4326.

5)How many layers are in each image?

#1 image have 4 layers while image #2 have one layer. These image depict
different number of layers.
Worldview Image Data:

6)What is the difference in pixel size between two images?

Both have the similar pixel size. Image #1 depict 0.50m for X and Y and image
#2 also show the same pixel value as image #1. It is because the user use same
image data type and there is only one data given. Same image data type provide
same pixel size even though the user set up the #2 image in Grayscale mode.

7)What is the projection of these images?

The projection of the #1 and #2 Image are both UTM Zone 48

Whereas the spheroid of both images are WGS84 and same for Datum which
are also WGS84. Both images also share the same EPSG Code which are

8)How many layers are in each image?

Both have 4 layers of image in each of them.
1.Describe the process of remote sensing

Remote sensing has 3 process where the first process is acquiring image data of
Earth’s surface with the use of remote sensing instrument. In order for the process
to occur this first process require some source of energy like sunlight so the
reflection process occur and remote sensing device can detect the earth’s surface
Second process of remote sensing is processing and analyzing the data obtained
by the sensor devices into pictorial or digital image type data so the interpretation
process can be done digitally by user with the use of computer and the related
applications such as Erdas Imagine Viewer.
Lastly the third process where the image data has been perfectly processed and
extracted becoming information products and shared among the users to do more
analyzing about the data.

2.What is the difference between panchromatic images and

multispectral images?

The difference between panchromatic images and multispectral images are

different in colour itself. Panchromatic images consist of single band and created
from total light energy in the visible spectrum. So each pixel in panchromatic
image obtain and consist of single intensity amount and this result in displaying
of grayscale images. Whereas, multispectral images consist of multiple bands
compare to Panchromatic images. Multispectral image is a data type that can be
visible to human eyes and produced in specific wavelength beyond
electromagnetic spectrum. Multispectral can be detected in true colour mode.The
pixel size of multispectral image are way bigger than pizel size in panchromatic
image due to low energy of solar radiation acquired each pixel in multispectral
image resulted in difficulty to detect the differences of brightness.On the other
hand, Panchromatic image have high value of solar radiation stored in small size
pixel that let it easily detect brightness change. That is why panchromatic images
can be seen in grayscale image type.
3.What is the definition of spatial resolution?

Spatial resolution is known as the measurement of set of points and lines in

every of the pixel size in an image. The bigger the number of pixels will result
in better spatial resolution of the image.

4.What color does vegetation appear in band combination 4,3,1?

3,2,1? Why are they different?

Band combination of 4:3:1, giving in the False color image where human eyes
cannot see it because the ratio of red colour so high and this colour are actually
infrared band and human’s vision are only limited to non false colour. The
vegetation or plants are mostly red due to the high percentage of reflection of the
infrared . The trees are are displaying dark red in the image because the ration
4:3:1 is referring to red:green:blue.
Whereas the image that consist of combination of 3:2:1 displaying natural colour
to human’s eye where the image visualized in same combination of visible
red,blue and green bands same as the images recorded in satellites. This making
the human’s vision clearly detecting the true colour instead of the false colour
properly. The vegetation area is mostly green ,the ground appear to be same
colour brown.
This happens because both images have different bands.

5.What is the difference between raster data and vector data?

The difference between raster data and vector data are raster data consist of grid
and cells that mostly known as pixels form whereas vector data represented in
drawing lines and points to form a certain shape. For remote sensing,raster data
are widely used compare to vector data since raster data can provide spatial
resolution,and radiometric resolution more precisely and accurate for further
analyzing data process.

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