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This writing was conducted to determine the implementation of character
education which functions to instill character among FKIP Unsri students whether they are
able to answer the challenges that exist in 21st century learning which consists of 4
components that should be mastered by educators, namely Character Education, Literacy,
HOTS Thinking & Creativity. during the Covid 19 pandemic. This aims for lecturers as
educators to determine the main values developed according to the needs and conditions
desired as future teacher candidates. In this writing, the approach used is a qualitative
approach, where the qualitative approach is an approach used by using non-
numerical aspects .

Keywords : character education , 21st Century learning, Unsri FKIP students 

This writing was conducted to see the implementation of character education which
functions to instill character among FKIP Unsri students whether they are able to answer
the challenges that exist in the 21st century learning which consists of 4 components that
should be mastered by educators, namely Character Education, Literacy, HOTS Thinking &
Creativity. during the Covid 19 pandemic. This aims for lecturers as educators who can
determine the main values developed according to the needs and conditions desired as
future teacher candidates. The approach used is a qualitative approach, where the
qualitative approach is an approach that uses non-numerical aspects.
Keywords: character education, 21st Century learning, Unsri FKIP students
1.1 Background  

Pandemic covid- 19 ( Coronavirus- Disease)  has brought the

habit new in the community Indonesia are also affecting the learning process at the
University of Sriwijaya located in southern Sumatra where the process is carried out
because the issuance of the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture through
the Ministry of Education Circular Letter No. 4 2020 on the Implementation of Education
D i 'm desperate days of Pandemic covid 19 [1] requires that all levels of education
conducting learning on line with the objective of learning that is still being done, but also
can reduce tin g kat p enyebaran covid-19 virus in the community . In order to support the
policy is expected to lectures online that do can follow the development of the industrial
revolution was 4.0 and the learning-century 21 which has four components that should be
controlled by educators that Character Education, Literacy , Thought HOTS
& Creativitas. ( T rilling & fadel in Kivunja, 2014) . [ 2]
T Objective character education was expressed also by Ki Hajar Dewantara (in
Mukhlis, 2013) [3] mentions education is an attempt to raise
the n character, intellectual and physical participant learner, so phon barrel kan ability of
participants learners with nature and society. In addition to the pandemic factor , character
education has been a concern for a long time by a number of countries who expect a
democratic society that contains several ideals such as respecting others, maintaining
justice and equality and helping others voluntarily.
This is in line with the view of Thomas Lickona , ( in Komara, 2018) m enyatakan
that an educator is important to emphasize three parts of paramount da ri character
education , is Character so conceived has three interrelated parts: moral knowing, moral
feeling, and moral behavior. Conclusion statement of his is a
character that b agus it originated from the science knowledge of moral , continues to moral
feeling and moral behavior indicated.
In addition to the above reasons, the results of conduct preliminary studies to
several students of the study program FKIP Unsri also be an important reason why this
issue needs to be addressed , concluded her that when someone menyelasikan studies later
scholars FKIP expected to be a teacher that is good in imparting knowledge and character
of the participant students However, the progress offered by the campus is still not able to
meet the requirements for implementing character education during
lectures. m engingat still limited features possessed by the platform E-Learning Unsri make
many professors use it to lay the material , and a collection point for the task
of students only. This makes the implementation of character education in several FKIP
Unsri study programs not maximizing character education for students .  
Then the leading reasons above makes me interested in seeing in depth because the
topic of this issue raised by the reasons we are part of the students of the University of
Sriwijaya during online lectures mainly focus lies on the problems of "Implementing
Character Education In Answering Challenges of Learning century 21 days the
Pandemic"  P there finally will discuss the best solutions to overcome these problems.
1.2 Problem Formulation  
The formulation of the writing problem is how to implement character education
among FKIP Unsri students as prospective teachers in responding to the challenges of
learning in the 21st century during the Covid- 19 pandemic ?
1.3 Purpose . Writing  
The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to provide solutions related to
implementation . education . character among FKIP Unsri students as prospective
teachers in responding to the challenges of 21st century learning during
the Covid- 19 pandemic .
1.4 Benefits of Writing  
The benefit of writing scientific papers is to help lecturers of FKIP Sriwijaya
University to find solutions to the implementation of character education among FKIP
Unsri students in responding to the challenges of 21st century learning during the
Covid- 19 pandemic .

2.1 Education . Character  
I mplementasi education of character do adjust themselves to the development of
21st century teaching and condition of the people who attacked the Corona
virus. Thus, K ebebasan d of natural dissemination of information very
quickly make character education becomes necessitated by all circles . Based
on Article . I . Education Law 2003 Indonesian national education goal is to make the
development of the interpretation of learners in terms of having intelligence, personality
and have morals noble . ( Ismail, 2012: 4) [5] Here is the concept of character
2.1.1 Definition of character education   
Characters are psychological, moral or ethical characters as differentiators
from other people (Suprayi tno & Wahyudi , 2020: 34 ) [6]. Menur ut opinions
on Wynne (in Mulyasa , 2018: 3 ) [7]. The character comes from the language.
Greek means "to-  mark" which means that focus the good values in
society. According Lickona ( in Dalmeri 2014) , [8] There are seven characters
that must be internalized by the lecturers to the students yai tu: (1) .kejujuran,
(2) .Belas-love, (3) .Kegagah - recklessly, (4). s love aya ng, (5)
.mengendalikan themselves, (6) K olaborasi (7) .Kerja- hard. S edangkan
education is a conscious effort to be repeated to form beings who have
intelligence that is virtuous.
It can be concluded that the definition of character education is an effort to
develop and educate the individual characters that refer to three important
things which shall be processed, namely (1) the mind, memah a mi (2) flavor,
showing concern about something (3) bodies, which indicated ethics in
behavior. (Main, 2018) [9]

Chart 1. Components . Education . Character
Source: Lickona (1991: 11)

2.1.2 Character Education Function   

Measurement through the achievement of the indicators of character education
by educators to students , among others, include:
(a) Me do order religion which believes b ) grateful
to have advantages and not bersedi h against the disadvantages that
c) always confident in presenting arguments keben aran d) obey the
rules that apply e) Appreciate the differences
encountered. ( yaumi, 2012) [10]
So it can be concluded that character education functions to get a lot of
good if it is followed according to instructions.
2.1.3 Values Developed in Character Education   
The following are the values developed in character education based on
the Ministry of Education and Culture's website . (2010) [11] namely :
(1) Religious , behavior devout
menuru t beliefs . (2) Honest , namely behavior that shows that you
can always be trusted because you always say what it
is . (3) Tolerance  , behavioral appreciate the differences that exist
around it . (4) Discipline  , obedient and orderly behavior to various
regulations. (5) Hard work , behavior that shows serious efforts in
completing all the work given to
him. (6) Creative , striving behavior always produces something
new. (7) Independent , the behavior does not depend on other
people. (8) Democratic , a behavior that values the rights and
obligations of all human beings equally . (9) Sense
of wonder ,  curiosity deeper menggenai something that is learned,
seen and heard . ( 10) The spirit of nationality, always places the
interests of the nation and the state above the interests of individuals
and groups. (11) Love the homeland , always showing loyalty,
concern, and high respect for the country . (12) Appreciating
achievements  , an attitude that respects the achievements of
others. (13) K omunikatif  , behavioral feel s enang along with
others. (14) Love peace  , behavior is always calm and not look for
problems with the other . ( 15) Like to read , the  habit of spending
time reading books. (16) Care for the environment, the behavior
of which is trying to maintain, prevent and me mperbaiki damaged
environment. (17) Care for social , behaviors like helping others and
communities in need . (18) Responsible behavior of someone who
always carries out his obligations.

Chart 2. Character Education Configuration
Source: Ministry of National Education

2.2 Components in Learning  
2.2. 1 Lecturer
Character development in higher education is learning about life
that will continue throughout. However, in higher education character education seems
forgotten to be implemented. Especially during a pandemic like this time. So as to
prevent it from happening a lecturer is expected to deliver learning materials to include
planting and inspiration to the noble values to the students that the value of truth , the
value of an open , tolerant , and responsible. In other words, a lecturer in addition to the
expected intelligence presence in emotional intelligence and sprititual , this is done in
order to open the thinking of students in order to have the ability and character of the
noble values (Main, 2018) [9]
2.2.2 FKIP students
Students have a role big enough to realize the ideals of national
development, while the College is an institution of education ber duty formally as well
as the responsibility to prepare the students to train in accordance with science
taken. (Wariyah, 2014) . [ 12]
While FKIP is part of the faculty at the University of Sriwijaya Air aim to educate
students to become a candidate for a professional teacher. So FKIP students are students
who play an important role in realizing national development in the field of education
who will be assigned to become professional teachers.
2.3 21st Century Learning  
Greenstein, ( 2012) stated that students are required to master
the knowledge, skills metacognitive, creative and critical thinking, and can
be communicative or air- cooperation with good . Therefore, Government
of tah planning learning century- 21 in the curriculum in 2013 based on student
learning. This is supported by teachers who should have 4C abilities as competencies
that need to be implemented in the learning process, according to Anies Baswedan
(Republika, 2016 ) [ 13] :
(1)  Critical thinking  (critical thinking) is the potential of the participants of the
students in using the mind in the form of reasoning, expressing, analyzing and
solving problems. (2) Communication  (communication), namely the interaction
between educators and students (3) Collaboration (collaboration), namely being
able to work together with various parties and be responsible with oneself and
others. (4) Creativity (creativity), namely the ability to produce something new.
Based upon Morocco, et al ( 2008: 5 ) says life in the 21st
century begins with m emiliki understanding that high, critical thinking, collaboration
and communication, as well as creative thinking .. (Sugiyarti et al., 2018) . [ 14]
2.4 The Covid Pandemic 19  
The Covid-19 virus pandemic first spread in the city of Wuhan, China at the end
of 2019. According to  Wahidah et al. (2020) The corona virus has spread to almost the
entire world very quickly and massively and is difficult to control, regardless of
Indonesia where the case is first obtained at the beginning of March 2020. Pandemic
covid 19 is an illness caused by a virus that is known by the name of the Severe Acute
respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new virus that infects the
respiratory system or ang infected, the virus is known as Covid- 19
So, so that the spread of this pandemic virus does not last a long time, the whole
world is implementing social restrictions in every field, including education. So based
on this condition, the entire learning process is converted into something completely
technology-based. Because this makes educators seem to have forgotten to
implement character education in the learning process, it can be seen from the learning
process that focuses on cognitive skills only. (Wahidah et al., 2020)
3.1 Needs Analysis and Synthesis
              The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all lines of people's lives. M e maksa all
human affairs switch to the use of technology. making the world of education even divert
conventional lecture activities into technology-based lectures. This is contained in the
regulations from the Ministry of Education and culture through the Minister of  Education
and Culture Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of
Education during the Covid-19 pandemic [1] requires that all levels of education carry out
online learning activities with the aim of learning to be carried out but can also reduce the
rate of spread of the virus covid-19 among the public.
              Indeed, the term lectures online is nothing new in the world of college but this time
is different for these online lectures done at least 20-30% per semester will but this time
online perkulihan done 100% online. Of course this makes some lecturers and students not
accustomed to doing this because it cannot be denied that there are still many of them who
do not have adequate facilities and infrastructure to conduct full online lectures online.
              These conditions and conditions are one of the challenges of the 21st century , one
of which is the component of character education that must be faced by lecturers as
educators and FKIP Unsri students who will become educators in the future. In line with
that, the development of character education in Indonesia is always studied by the
government so that the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 Article 2
makes character education to equip students to become the "Golden Generation of
2045" based on Pancasila and good character when changes occur . This means that
character education gets important attention from the government. In schools, the school
environment is expected to assist students to develop ethical responsibility through the
teaching of character both universal ( Maunah: 2015: 91) [18]
One of the competencies of teachers in 21st century learning is character education
competence which is influenced by internal and external factors which cause an educator to
be difficult to integrate technology. Character education is an effort to develop and educate
individual character which refers to 3 components that must be processed, namely (1) mind,
understanding (2) feeling, which shows concern about something (3) body, which is shown
by ethics in behavior. (Main, 2018) [9]

addition, this is also supported by the results of my interviews with 2 FKIP Unsri students
regarding the implementation of character education in online lectures so far as follows:
Figure 1 Preliminary   Study
So based on current conditions in the field shows how urgent character education is to
be implemented in FKIP Unsri students in responding to the challenges of 21st century
learning and the corona virus outbreak gave birth to a solution that education needs to be
re-created by the teacher, such as starting to use the Spinning Wheel Spinn W orsheet.
Prezi, Quiziz, Slido Canva etc. can be used by educators to make learning even more
interesting while this online lecture continues. For the foremost reasons above, it can be
concluded that online recovery is a meeting point for the authors to raise the problem of
the implementation of character education for FKIP students. Unsri as a Prospective
Teacher to Answer One of the Challenges of 21st Century Learning, namely Creative
Character Education in the Coron 19 Period
3.2 Programs Offered
Activities To Implement Education Karakte r
Activities that can be carried out by lecturers when they want to implement the
value of character education are by doing the following things
1. Planning for fun lecture activities
This can be done by the lecturer by designing innovative activity patterns
such as using zoom media as a meeting place and then using spin winners as a
tool to appoint students to answer or explain lessons, another way is to do
beststorming through quizzes or prezi.
The goal is to train students to think critically, to be honest, and arouse the
curiosity of the high to the participant students, feeling like reading, kominikatif ,
creative and democracy and responsibility in charge against him.
2. Integrating the values of character education in the learning process
Things that can be done by lecturers as educators are through the following
 Religious, teach students to get used to pray before and after lecture
 Honestly, lecturers are looking for and designing media that students are less
likely to cheat, such as setting up 30 seconds when conducting educational
evaluations through quizzes, asking students to write assignments with their
own hands, 
 Tolerance, Lecturers can design a learning process that brings together all
types of differences that exist in students, be it intelligence, religion, regional
or other levels.
 Discipline, Lecturers can implement a program suddenly giving assignments
with a limited time. This is in addition to discipline, it is unlikely that it can
train students to love reading. Another way is to take notes and warnings to
students who do not attend lectures and ask students to always be on camera
during learning.
 Hard work , training the hard work of students can be done by lecturers
through assigning instructional videos, making posters or making virtual video
appearances and groups to students.
 Creative, as a prospective teacher, what lecturers can do to increase the
creativity of students by asking students to create unique learning media,
teaching peer teaching through zoo, making learning materials into interactive
videos etc.
 Curiosity, this can be improved by writing papers, writing essays, writing
essays, best storming game updates, etc.
 Respect for achievement. It can be improved through activities where
lecturers continue to give awards to students who are actively involved in
learning and also say hello to students who win any championships so that
students are encouraged to continue to improve their achievements.
 Communicative, this communicative character can be enhanced through
question and answer activities between lecturers and students or between
students and students.
 Like to read, this can be done by the lecturer by asking the students to read
the information again and the material to be studied, asking students to identify
the problems themselves in the material presented then together looking for
solutions to the problems presented by the material.
 Social care, an activity that lecturers can do with students is to ask the
lecturer who is not attending so that students are interested in immediately
finding out who is not present and why the reason is so that there is intimacy
between students.
 Responsible. The character of responsibility can be built through the
inclusion of a bibliography, presentation of the results collected, building an
atmosphere that provokes students to provide lots of arguments. And give
assignments to be submitted on time.
 Recommendations for realizing the implementation of character education among students
can be done through the following:
1. Doing discovery learning strategies
2. Increase class intensity so that students are disciplined
3. Using interesting learning media arouses curiosity
4. Starting learning on time fosters a sense of discipline and responsibility
5. Asking for assignments handwritten evokes the value of honesty.
6. Question and answer during learning can arouse a sense of independence of
students in the reading movement

4.1 Implementation of Character Education  
Impleme ntasi character education in college tinggu do that character values of
the students will be the importance of being human that air character, it is expected
to be internalized values are sublime in their lives. K curricula have 2013 expects the
value -the value of character education is used and cared for each of the
subjects attempted to unify the values of character education into the core competencies
(KI), and the Basic Competency (KD). Furthermore, the values of character education
are made in the form of lesson plans and learning media. (Rai, 2016) [16]
4.2 Implementation of Character Education in Higher Education.  
Implementation . Character education at the university level based on the results of
the 2010 workshop is namely .
(1 ) " Education of national culture and character is part of the goals of
national education. b) Education of the nation's culture and
character development can occur through a process of
acculturation contained institutionally . c) Education of culture and national
character is the responsibility of the government, society, campus and
parents. d) a national movement is needed to generate a spirit of
togetherness (Rai, 2016) [16]
4.3 Value / Character Development Program Macros    
At the macro program of character development can d ilukiskan namely :
( 1) the inculcation of character values is carried out based on the values
of national characteristics in Pancasila and the UUD 194. (2) Character
building in the form of habituation of good behavior within
the campus environment and intervening in the things that are done by the
campus, family and society (3) support of the framework. policies, support
in the form of guidelines, guides and resources that support. (4)
P Increased characters All attempts habituation etc. in various environments
can build student character in accordance with the values of Pancasila (Rai,
2016) [16]
5.1 Conclusion
The existence of the 4.0 industrial revolution makes access to information more
efficient . Including the education sector has many challenges, including the challenges of
21st century learning with such circumstances when this is a wise step if desirous
of utilizing the free time to do the work with the innovation that is perfectly in supporting
the improvement of the quality of continuing education. Especially young people, known as
the student must be robust me pass every situation and bad conditions that exist. The use
of t e k n o l og i can be used by student lecturers in conducting learning, including using
learning media so that learning is efficient . However, this must be accompanied by
character education so that students as agents of cheng who will be directly involved in
society in the near future can use their knowledge wisely. Especially FKIP Unsri students
who are educated, educated and prepared to educate the nation's life, when they are ready
for the community, they will re-teach the habitual character that they often do in college.
Eventually obtained education characterized by a planting of character
values in students to create a professional teacher and character expected of educators
professionals can memberikann p Behaviors in accordance with the psychological state of
children because sisw a subject of upbringing parents and teachers, Education character
will shape students' virtuous.
5.2 Recommendations
Recommendations for realizing the implementation of character education among students
can be done through the following:
1. Doing discovery learning strategies
2. Increase class intensity so that students are disciplined
3. Using interesting learning media arouses curiosity
4. Starting learning on time fosters a sense of discipline and responsibility
5. Asking for assignments handwritten evokes the value of honesty.
6. Question and answer during learning can arouse a sense of independence of
students in the reading movement
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1 ANNEXES          

Title K ar y a I l mi a h "Implementation of Character Education in
Responding to the Challenges of 21st Century
Learning in the Pandemic Era"

N a m a l e NGK a p Lisa Elizka Gempita

N I M 06051381823052

J e n i s K e l a mi n Women

T e m p a t t a NGG a l l a h i  Sekayu, 05, June 2000


A l a m a t l e n g c a p Jalan Merdeka LK 1, Kayuara Village, Sekayu

District, Musi Bnayuasin Regency
T e l e pon / HP 081312216006

E - m a i l

M e d i a sos i a l Ig: likazaika_05

P r o g r a m s t heud Pancasila and civic education

Ju r us a n Social Sciences

F a ku lt a s teacher training and education science

P er gu r u a n T i n g gi Sriwijaya University

S e m e s t e r Six VI

I P K 3.77


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