Multimodal Analysis

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Multimodal Analysis

I. Introduction
Discerning beyond the ordinary is the main objective of multimodal analysis. It focuses
and emphasizes the interaction of smaller details of a big picture to produce insights from the
mundane and typical definition. It studies the multiple modes of communication and integration
that creates a semiotic meaning.
Multimodal Analysis spurs the complexity of the modal functions that play roles in
conveying its message to its audience. Each mode of communication is assigned a specific task
that is different from the other. Holistically, these modes work together to strengthen the study,
understanding, and awareness of communicative function. A multimodal approach unveils a
range of ideas that allows us to grasp the significance of a text.
The two images present the extant poverty of Filipinos through a prosaic and ordinary
lens. However, the multimodal approach severs the semiotic forces and accentuate hidden
meanings in the text. Thus, we are introduced to another and a better understanding.
II. Analysis
A. Image 1 – Families dwell in concrete pipes as makeshift houses along the streets in
Manila (, 2016).
The picture shows the cluttered and filthy dwelling of the underprivileged Filipinos. The
families live under concrete pipes and utilize anything they think is useful, also trash. This
picture depicts how they manage to live in a grimy environment. Initially, it is heartbreaking to
see this. Nonetheless, fixating on the fine points in the image invokes a notion of discovery more
than the view through the multimodal approach.
Visual mode
Visual mode is about the color, perspective, casting, and the resources that contribute to
the visual sense. This includes the still and moving images that portray and connote diverse
cultures and traditions.
Image 1 resonates with the neglected sector in society. This is highly influenced by the
impact of gray as one of the colors in the picture. Naturally, it gave depth and intensity to the
shaded areas in the image, which expressed melancholy to its audience. The display of black and
white are vital in highlighting the organization of the subject with its surroundings. These
interpret the destitute situation in the image.
Moreover, the casting is depicted with, seemingly, a mother and her children. They are in
deep slumber on a wooden platform as their makeshift bed, with only a pillow. Thus, being
unknowingly photographed indicates the ordeal of the people afflicted with poverty.
Spatial mode
The arrangement, organization, and the proximity of people and objects are studied in
this mode. It focuses on how these are at play and interact.
The image illustrates a cluttered and polluted area. The concrete pipes suggest the
confined spaces in which the residents make the most. Their desperate choice of living in this
foul and disheveled area is an interpretation of an unfortunate zero option. The low-class people
are left with no alternative and housing programs, which came to this point of circumstance.
Aside from that, the oddity of their makeshift house is one thing to consider. An ordinary
house has at least a living room, kitchen, and bedroom. In this case, they only share one room for
their living room, kitchen, and bedroom. This describes their unconventional way of living that
isolates them from the norm and be treated as outcasts of society.
The image signifies the left alone citizens in the society. Considering these modal
functions discussed has revealed the unpleasant and unkind situation of the poverty-stricken
Filipinos. Their distressing situation is a manifestation of the country’s lack of resolution to the
problem of poverty. Thus, this interprets the demand for attention and accountability from the
people capable of helping the needy.
B. Image 2 – Boy sitting at a table in his house (de Guzman, 2020).
The image depicts a little boy sitting on a wooden table perpendicular to the wall, his
arms hugging across both of his legs. His back is facing the wall made of wood while gazing
away from the camera’s lens and staring into the unknown. Luminescence from the sun occupied
half of the photo, which interprets a connotation or a symbol of something yet to discover
through applying the multimodal approach.
Visual mode
Visual mode focuses on the visual resources that are examined in images. In the given
image, the resources which play a part are gaze, color, lighting, perspective, and casting. These
are given depth along with the study of the multimodal approach.
Innocence, fear, and a tinge of hope crept on the entirety of the image. The contrasts of
white, gray, and black have highlighted and obscured certain parts of the picture. This gives the
depth and curiosity that causes an after-effect to its audience. The daylight, which covered half
of the photo, interprets the hint of hope that the child is wishing. This is the reason why his gaze
is averted from the camera’s lens and seemingly looking directly at the scattered light.
At first glimpse, the averted gaze is naught. However, considering the multimodal
approach, this is a connotation that associates itself with the totality of the image’s context. This
speaks the essence of a multimodal approach.
Spatial mode
This mode is about the spatial resources. Image 2 used the resources: proximity, layout,
and organization of objects to convey a message through the pattern of spaces. Like visual, the
spatial mode is also vital in determining the context of a multimodal text.
The child is placed at the center of the image, which captures the audience’s attention. Its
up-close shot is intended to emphasize his face and make him the main character of a story. The
setting around him is manufactured wood, which is an interpretation of the subject’s social class.
Its simplicity and starkness do a profound interest towards the boy and his expression.
The spatial mode analyzes the interaction between the table, wall, and the central figure
in the image. The design of spaces informs us of the implication of the spatial resources used. In
this image, it mirrors the rawness and naivete of the child.
Gestural mode
Gestures or the intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions create a diverse cultural
overtone. This is one of the modes that engages the audience to become aware of the various
meanings composed through diverse semiotic resources in a multicultural perspective. Its vitality
in the contribution creates a deep-rooted understanding of the image.
The subject is a boy who looked either frightened or cautious, judging by his position.
This is reflected with the cruel reality or his worries of being alone. However, his averted gaze is
something to ponder. It is as if the boy is looking at something distant from the camera’s lens. Or
that he is staring at the scattered light. Nonetheless, this is an interpretation of the boy’s curiosity
and wishful thinking.
The analysis devises a rooted meaning that has enlightened its audience to be aware and
critical. It is about the innocence of an underprivileged child, which peeks at the hopeful
possibility of becoming something more than his current disposition. It is about a meager child
being deprived of the opportunities and possibilities of the world.
III. Conclusion
Multimodal text analysis conjures an interpretive story. This requires people to be
critical, interpretive, meticulous, and expressive using a multimodal approach in diverse forms.
Thus, this benefits them to understand and perceive the semiotic resources in conveying
meanings. This also develops their communicative skills in everyday life and expands their use
of language. It demonstrates the impact of language combined in spoken, print-based, and digital
multimedia platforms to effectively communicate.
Both images bear identical characteristics: color and subject. It featured ordinary people
in black and white photographs. As mentioned previously, it is an interpretation of the
unfortunate truth amongst the underprivileged sector in society. However, this interpretation is
zoomed in to identify the details that contribute to the analysis. It unravels concealed messages
that enable us to think and learn more. These images are more than mere photographs; these
represent lives that cry for help.
The multimodal approach is a game-changer. It emphasizes the study of implications,
language, and multimedia. It realizes active media viewers that grasps how media shapes the
contemporary world.

Overview of multimodal literacy.

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