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To make progress for the country, the people need to be developed first, and this started
by forming attitudes inter-ethnic acceptance, which leads to unity intact. When unity is achieved,
then the development business the country will run more smoothly. For example,
the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak has made waves to all corners
of the nation by introduce 1Malaysia concept. This 1Malaysia concept was launched on 16
September 2010. Therefore, to cultivate values and increase harmony among the races in
Malaysia. Malaysia has three major ethnic groups, which are Malay, Chinese and Indian. "One
Malaysia" came with the idea to improve the relations of all Malaysians, regardless of racial,
religious or ethnic backgrounds.

One of the benefits of the 1 Malaysia concept is we will be living in peace and
harmony. As we know, there are many races in Malaysia, so it is important to unite all Malaysian
to live in a peaceful environment. This concept provides the sense of togetherness between the
citizen that explain how people of various background, religion and culture can stay together
through the society’s acceptable norms. If the Malaysian is united as one through the concept of
1 Malaysia, we will definitely be known globally. Through this concept, Malaysian will be
learning culture of other races. As a result, there are many celebration that being celebrate by
each race, so this is an opportunity for Malaysian to celebrate together in order to learn other
cultures. For example, Government should organize any celebration that can be participated by
all races in Malaysia. Moreover, the benefits that we get not only united Malaysian but also give
a patriotism spirit. One of the program that implemented in 1 Malaysia concept is 1M4U. The
main purpose of 1M4U is to develop the spirit of national love and volunteerism among youths
throughout Malaysia. The government estimates that 1M4U will motivate youth to equally
engage in community activities. If all this time youth achievement is only academically assessed,
now with the continuous efforts of the youths government can venture into volunteering to help
the public in giving the best of Malaysian society. In addition, this programe has achieved
20 youth personality named as 'AMBASSADORS 1 MALAYSIA' that announced by
YAB, Dato' Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysian Prime
Minister in Prime Putra, Putrajaya. Individuals skill this had contributed by significant to
national formation. All of them are star in areas that they participate like sports,
business, music and community activities and is inspiration to youths in this country.
Besides that, The Malaysian government in 2000 has decided that as six festivals are
regarded as a national celebration which is, celebrated at the national level jointly organized by
the federal and state governments. Moreover, to provide the sense of togetherness, The Prime
Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak also organized an open house for Eid Mubarak
every year. This festival invited all people to come and celebrate the Eid together. About 70,000
people are come to this open house. This open house practiced all people to strengthen the
relationship between the races and other races can learn more about Malay culture. Moreover,
Eid Mubarak is the day to seek apologize from others this is because to avoiding revenge and
hostility from each others. So with this event, Malaysia can be more harmonize and the sense of
togetherness will be more stronger if we continue to have this kind of event and not only for Eid
Mubarak but also any other celebration such as Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas that
can make everyone become one. So that, we can accomplish the “Gagasan Satu Malaysia” that
our Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak has introduced to us.

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