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Color Harmonies Pillow Activity

Directions: Select three color harmonies from the seven discussed in “Making Color Harmonies Work”.
Utilizing what you have learned about color harmonies, color the set of pillows in each color harmony. Write
down which color scheme you used at the bottom of each set.

After completing your colorings, answer the following questions:

1. Which set of pillows is your favorite? Why?

I like the complementary pillows because the colors go good together

2. Did you incorporate any neutral colors into your pillows? Why or Why not?
Yes, I did one pillow with the accented neutral

3. What type of room would each set of pillows work best in?

Set 1: I’d say the accented neutral pillows would look best in the living room/kitchen/dining room

Set 2: I think the complementary pillows would work best in bedrooms

Set 3: I think the monochromatic colors would work best in a living room.

4. What “mood” does each set of pillows create?

Set 1: The analogous pillows set a nice relaxing mood

Set 2: The triadic pillows also set a relaxing pleasurable atmosphere
Set 3: The complementary pillows set a calm balanced mood

5. Which set of the pillows “works” the best in terms of color harmony? Why?
All of them because they all work well and create a pleasing and balanced color scheme.

FI51 Interior Design I Summer 201

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