MSDS - 60-70 - Dari en Zaid

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® é VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. {02589 satan Kemas Lama, Ki 12, Selon Ja, 81300 Johor. Malaysia, VIKING ASPHALT "wots rnin com mal enauiry@viingsb carn racy Tk ht, Prine Cs Ebi Co Tri, Cac Aphid Ben 9108 | Safety Data Sheet 60/70 4. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Product name: 6070 Product code: Ni Product type: 60170 2. COMPOSITION! INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. Preparation ‘description = Bunn are prparatons biendod fom 2 pnstaton gadetitumen an wate. Dangerous ‘The coeenenis ofthis product are not lassiiod as hazardous ‘components! der CHIP regulation. 3. HAZARDS. IDENTIFICATION . Harm may ease ling damage towed, Aspiration int the ngs may ‘homieal preurenits which can eft tating to health hon hazard Prolonged Repeats cntst may caus dataing ofthe skin wich can ead to ‘tera, Under condo of poor ere Mylene, excesive expose may tose 'o ttn, ace ad focus and development of way growth may subsoquenty become mebgant Prolonged exposure lo vapour concenatons may fc the canta, tom: Safety Mambo hazards: Not Cassitad dangerous under CHIP Environmental fegustion i. VIKING ASPHALT VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. (Go. No. 487280) 012506, Jalan Kempas Lama, KM 12, Seelong Jaye, 81990 Johor, Malaysian, Tol 07-588 1588, 07-554 7163, 67-288 1250 "Fax 07-556 1208, "Website: E-mail: Manure & Esprit Prout Tk Ch Pine Coat nui Co Trt Cate Apat RCC & Ore men, 0 4, FIRST AID MEASURES Systoms and effects Fist Aid - Inhalation: First Aid - Skin: First Ald - Eye: First Ais ~ Splashes into he oye may cause tation and conjunc. ingested can lad tiation ofthe mut, ration ofthe toa, tation of ho ‘Sgostne tact, vomiting, convsins ad cana, Aspiration ino thangs may occur ‘Sector elowng ington, This can caves chemespreunatie wih may be faa Prlonge exposure to vopournist cancenttons above the recommended ‘cecupatnal exposure standard may caus: headache, zs, nausea, tation ‘tthe eyes upper respeatry tact meuth and dete Wot Ramave otra Iesthing but unconscious, place nthe recovery pesto, Frosting has stopped pp aici respraton Ithartbeataboen ive extemal cada compression, Monto resbing sh ps. DSBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. ‘Wah sin wth wator using sop aval. Contaminated clotng most be removed ae eoon 2 possi K must be landed bere sh eyo with persistent tation occu, ebain medial atenton. voor DeLay. ‘ering VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. (Co. No usr254) >. Lot2500 alan Kempas Lama, Kt 12, Solon Jaye, 8190 Johor. Malaysia. VIKING ASPHALT “Tel 07-556 1566, 07-554 7163, 07-200 1250 "Fax 07-886 1208, ‘Webste: E-mail enquiry ‘Maat Expat spa Pac Tck Cat rine Coat nin, Col Tri, ata Aphid tne A 8 Ingestion = Advice to physicians : 5, FIRE FIGHTING ‘MEASURES ‘Specifichazards : Extinguishing media: Extinguishing rmodia- smal fires: Unsuitable ‘extinguishing media equipment ther information: Protec the iy Homing begin. ‘Give rahing by ‘mouth ‘OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION ‘Trea symplomatislly Incase oingeston, consider eatic lavage ‘Gastric tvoge must only be undertaken ater cfd endotaceal ntubatio avon tte ike sprain. Incases chemical proumorts, antbiotc and coricostrl therapy shoud bo considered. Aaminstation of mecha! qu parata may reuce baorpon ron ‘he agostio Hazardous comtuson products may ince: cabon monn, oxides of ntrogn,exde fsuiphur,unoumthyocarbens. Wil fet and canbe ‘eign on sutace water. Foam, carbon dost, dry chemical extinguishers Sand or ath may be used tern at Use of Halon extinguishes should be ave for \Compressea ex ercang eppareis must worn wnenertnng conned we space Exposed containers, stustures and equement scent fre shoud be ceolec wth wate VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. (0 No. 4897288) |. Lot 250d Kempas Lama, Ki 12, Seolong Jay, 81320 Johor, Malesia VIKING ASPHALT Tol 07-886 1588, 07-554 7163, 7-288 1250 "Fax 07-556 1200, "Webeite:wvw E-mails enquiry @ Manure Esparterof AsphaltProdct,Tak Ca Prine Cot Ema ol Tar Ct pal RCC On men, 9-1 6, ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Personal Protection: Clean-up methods. ‘small spillage: Clean-up methods. large spilage 7.HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling : Handing temperature Storage : Recommended materials: Unsuitable materials ‘Remove al possible sources flo inthe surounsng sea ‘Aver or conti the silage wth sand reat, Shove pan place in 8 label sealable container fo subsequent safe disposal. Jono capers sig wate. ‘Trantor bole, sestble container er rede recotery or sae posal Cerwin treats a fr emal sage. ‘Observe te falloning precautions: a) Donat smoke.) voi nskod ames orl. (c) 0 parks (8) Aoi contact wih sin, ey ard cohing. ‘Store in oat ey place. Ma sto tin of alain, Plats container. @ VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. ee ee ara eee VANGASHALT nis Cat onaegese Manatctre Espero spat Poe Tek Cha Prine Coat Ean Col Tri, Cota pat RCMCT Ost Rn, 0, 6-70 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLIPERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering controt Ensure though vention ofthe area, Use ams proof mechaical measures ! bowers possible, ‘Occupational exposure standards ‘Component name Limittype Value Unit Other infermation Stoscre Sovent TWA 525mg” Ret ACGIH iumen mw 5 mgm? Ret ACI Respiratory Not narmaty requ. na confined space selcontainedrething protection: ‘pparatus maybe required Hand PVC orto rtbargoves elas are kay to occur protection: Eye protection onogogals I splashes 2 kay to our Body Wear ove to mininize contamination of persona cing. protection: Launder overale and undergarments reuty, Sal shoes or boots - chemical reset VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. (Co. No. asraaa) >. Lot 2569, Jalan Kempas Lama, Kl 12, Selong Jaya, 81500 Johor. Malaysia, VIKING ASPHALT “Fal 07-556 1508, 07-554 7169, 07-208 1280 "ax 07-566 1208 ‘Wodsta: wav E-mal: enquiry, ‘Maat Expt spa Pred Tk Con rine Cat nin, Cl Tri Cac Aphal(RMC) ried en 9108 8 9, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical state Colour Odour Initial boting point: Final boling point quit lak character rea 150 Vepour pressure: 220¢ Oxidizing properties, None Soluition in water soubie 40, STABILITYIREACTIVITY ‘Stability Condition to ‘avoid: Hazardous ‘decomposition ‘stable eat, flames, spars. [Acomplox mre of atone sos, bul partite and gases wil be formed wien his product undergoes pyrolysis or combusin, inten case - VIKING ASPHALT VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. (Co. No 47258) 1.012505, Jalan Kempas Lams, KM 12, Soolng Jaya, 81990 Johor, Malaya, Tol 07-556 1580, 07-554 7163, 07-280 1250 "Fax 07-886 1208, ‘Website: www E-mal: enquty Manure Expt spat Pode, Tak Cat Prine Coat Ean Tt, Ctbac Asphal (HCMC) Old ime BE TE efton monosde snd unientiied organic snd organic eamgounds may be 411. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Basis for ‘assessment Acute toxicity = oral Acute toxicity = dermal ‘Acute toxicity = Inhalation: Eye ieitation: ‘Skin eitation ‘Skin sensitization : (Sub) ehronle toxicity: Carcinogenicity Mutagenicity: Reproductive toxicity: Texiccogical data hav not been detrmined speccaly this rout. Infomaten gens based on a knowedge of he tonelgy of sim procct 10 v> 5000 maka LD > 4000 mg tou> 5 mak Sight intant ‘Not expected to be tating tthe sn. ‘Not expected tobe askin sonst, Repeated stn xposire expected to cause moteale o sever tao, Repestod inhalation of vapor expocod to casa tation fhe repr act. ermal appcaten o mice causos shin tors. Carcinogen response may bo ‘2 consequence of rpeat, local conta! and he exposurecontons. Net conedred tobe a mutagenic hazard oes rtm fry. Not velopment oxiant Prelongetropeated contact may cause defating of ho sin which can oad to g é VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. Lot 2599, Jalan Kempas Lame, KM 12, Seelong Jaya, 81300 Johor. Malaysia, “Tol 07-586 1586, 07-554 7163, 07-200 1250 "Fax 07-856 1288, ‘Webste winking com E-mail: encuiry®vikingsbscom VIKING ASPHALT Mautner Expat Pr Tah Ca ine Ct ai Coors Catach (RCMC) & Od Bene, 010 68 Human effects: ‘dermatitis. Under constons ef poor personal hyena, xcesiv exposure may via ian ll nen nt fei ant our wy rath tien may suosequenty become maga. See Section 4 12, ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Mobitty: Float on water. Persistence! degradabilty: Not realy bidogradsble Petits under anasrbi condone. Bloaccumuation : Hes the portal io accumula. May cause physical ling of aquatic cexanism Sewage treatment : Product expected tb haul i xpos a ewage test plant. 18, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Seo Precautions: Secton. 8 Waste must be deposed on accordance wt revaiing regains. Do net ice nto th environment i rain orin water é VIKING ASPHALT SDN. BHD. Bs (Co. No. eera6a) {Lot 2596, Jalan Kempas Lams, KM 12, Soelong Jaya, 81990 Johor. Malaysia, Tol 07-886 1588, 07-554 7163, 7-280 1250 "Fax 07-S8e 1288 VIKING ASPHALT ‘Wobsito: E-mal: enquiry Manat & Egret shal Pract Tak Cine Coat Ean Co Tar, Catal REMC) Osi men 9-10, 68-70 14, TRANSPORT INFORMATION ‘transport (ADR, RID, UN, IMO, ATIVICAO). LUN Proper Shipping Nam Tar, ini LUN Number (sea transport IMO) IMO : MOLTEN, cUTBACK Mo Marine Pollutant No 415. OTHER INFORMATION, Uses and restrictions: Biuminaus-sven based pimer for oad contraction.

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