Simulation of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Indirect Field Oriented Control in PSIM Environment

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Simulation of three-phase induction motor

drives using indirect field oriented control in

PSIM environment
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1883, 020045 (2017);
Published Online: 14 September 2017

Hasif Aziri, Fizatul Aini Patakor, Marizan Sulaiman, and Zulhisyam Salleh


Mathematical model for simulation of field oriented control using dynamic three-phase
induction motor
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AIP Conference Proceedings 1883, 020045 (2017); 1883, 020045

© 2017 Author(s).
Simulation of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using
Indirect Field Oriented Control in PSIM Environment
Hasif Aziri1, a), Fizatul Aini Patakor2, Marizan Sulaiman3, Zulhisyam Salleh4
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Merlimau Melaka, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Melaka, Malaysia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This paper presents the simulation of three-phase induction motor drives using Indirect Field Oriented Control
(IFOC) in PSIM environment. The asynchronous machine is well known about natural limitations fact of highly
nonlinearity and complexity of motor model. In order to resolve these problems, the IFOC is applied to control the
instantaneous electrical quantities such as torque and flux component. As FOC is controlling the stator current that
represented by a vector, the torque component is aligned with d coordinate while the flux component is aligned with q
coordinate. There are five levels of the incremental system are gradually built up to verify and testing the software module
in the system. Indeed, all of system build levels are verified and successfully tested in PSIM environment. Moreover, the
corresponding system of five build levels are simulated in PSIM environment which is user-friendly for simulation studies
in order to explore the performance of speed responses based on IFOC algorithm for three-phase induction motor drives.

The induction motor is widely used in motor control industry. The most used in majority of industrial motor
applications is three phase squirrel cage AC induction motor. In several industrial applications used the induction
motor because of its ruggedness, reliability and relatively low cost [1]-[2]. However, there is no requirement of
mechanical commentator in term of mechanical dependability because induction motor also possess a wide range of
speed and almost free in maintenance [3]-[4].
The control scheme is requiring for induction motor because its highly non-linear in dynamic structure and strong
in dynamic interaction. The rotor currents and flux-linkages of induction motor also cannot directly to be measured
[5]. Thus, the IFOC is used in order to achieve high performance control characteristics in controlling torque and rotor
flux effectively. Conventionally, the FOC used capacitor filter with uncontrolled three-phase diode bridge to converts
the main input of three-phase AC voltage into a smooth DC voltage. The PI or PID controllers are tune to improve
speed control issues of induction motor due to load disturbances and change in parameters [6]. However, there are
several methods to overcome these issues such as proposed by using fuzzy logic controller (FLC) in [7]-[9] and sliding
mode controller (SMC) in [10]-[12]. Generally, these types of controllers are using complicated mathematically
model, linguistic rules and unaware load disorder.
The simulation is running in PSIM environment. Specifically, the PSIM software are designed for motor control
and power electronics. This software provides a powerful simulation environment for motor drive studies, control
loop design and power converter analysis. Moreover, another software such as MATLAB and JMAG are supported
to linking with PSIM as a third-party software by using Sim-coupler blocks. Special features of PSIM software are
using dynamic link library (DLL) and C blocks to use C language and compile into DLL or C blocks by using
Microsoft C++ or Borland C++ software [13]. The simulation process is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: From Theory to Applications

AIP Conf. Proc. 1883, 020045-1–020045-9; doi: 10.1063/1.5002063
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1563-8/$30.00

FIGURE 1. PSIM simulation process


Basically, the FOC scheme is based on projection control structure that represented by a vector in controlling the
stator currents and transform a three-phase time and speed into the d and q coordinate. In particular, the dq-axis
reference frame of the torque is defined as in (1) [14]:

݉ ‫߰ ן‬ோ ݅ௌ௤ (1)

Where, the amplitude of the rotor flux is maintained (߰ோ ) and the fixed value have a linear relationship between torque
component (݅ௌ௤ ).

The three-phase induction motor of voltage, currents and flux are analysed in term of complex space vector by
assuming that ݅௔ ǡ ݅௕ ǡ ݅௖ as instantaneous currents in stator phase. Then, complex stator current vector ଓഥ௦ is define
as in (2):

ଓഥ௦ ൌ  ݅௔ ൅ ߙ݅௕ ǡ ߙ ଶ ݅௖ (2)

మഏ రഏ
௝ ଶ ௝
Where, ߙ ൌ ݁ య and ߙ ൌ ݁ య are represent the spatial operator.

In Fig. 2, the projection of clarke transformation is modified from three phase system into (ߙǡ ߚ) of two-dimension
orthogonal system which is defined by the following equations as in (3):

FIGURE 2. The projection of clarke transformation

݅௦ఈ ൌ ݅௔ (3)
ቐ ͳ ͳ
݅௦ఉ ൌ ݅௔ ൅ ݅௕
ξ͵ ξ͵

In Fig. 3, the projection of park transformation is modified from two phase orthogonal system (ߙǡ ߚ) into the dq-
axis rotating reference frame. The flux and torque components of the current vector are defined by the following
equations as in (4):

FIGURE 3. The projection of park transformation

݅௦ௗ ൌ ݅௦ఈ ܿ‫ ߠݏ݋‬൅ ݅௦ఉ ‫ߠ݊݅ݏ‬ (4)

݅௦௤ ൌ െ݅௦ఈ ‫ ߠ݊݅ݏ‬൅ ݅௦ఉ ܿ‫ߠݏ݋‬

Correspondingly, the q-axis of stator current and slip of angular frequency can be calculated to control the
electromagnetic torque. Further, the d-axis of stator current can be used to calculate the d-axis of rotor flux as presented
in the following equations [15]-[16]:

ܴ௥ ‫ܮ‬௠
߰ௗ௥ ൌ ݅  (5)
†‫ ܮ‬௦ௗ
ܴ௥ ൅ ௥
͵  ‫ܮ‬௠
ܶ௘ ൌ ሺ߰ ݅ ሻ (6)
ʹ ʹ ‫ܮ‬௥ ௗ௥ ௦௤
ܴ௥ ݅௦௤
߱௦௟ ൌ ߱௘ െ ߱௥ ൌ නሺߠ௘ െ ߠ௥ ሻ݀‫ ݐ‬ൌ (7)
‫ܮ‬௥ ݅௦ௗ

Where the electrical and rotor of angular frequencies are represented by ߱௘ , ߱௥ while, the synchronous and rotor of
angle speed are represented by ߠ௘ , ߠ௥ . Then, ߱௦௟ is define as the slip of angular frequency.


The process of simulation model is done by using PSIM software. This software offers a powerful design and
simulation platform for various power electronic applications. The model is structured from the simplest build levels
to the most complicated build levels. AC induction motor with FOC as in Fig. 4 is corresponding code to be
automatically generated for F28335 target code generation. These features can be used for experimental work on
hardware by debugging the code on Code Composer Studio (CCS) to the floating point Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
TMS320F28335. The implemented build levels are described below.

Level 1: The build level verifies the PWM signals generation.
Level 2: The build level verifies the Clark and Park transformations, calculation of phase voltage and conversion
of A/D converter.
Level 3: The two PI modules are tuning at this build level to confirms the speed measurement modules and dq-
axis current regulation from PI_REG modules.
Level 4: The rotor flux position is calculating from the current model, CUR_MOD.
Level 5: The speed loop control system is closed at this build level. The complete model is shown in Fig. 4 and
5. Then, the overall block diagram of IFOC for three-phase induction motor drives is shown in Fig. 6.

FIGURE 4. The three-phase induction motor drives with IFOC based on TMS320F28335 DSP

FIGURE 5. The sub-block of IFOC algorithm for three-phase induction motor drives

FIGURE 6. The overall block diagram of IFOC for three-phase induction motor drives

The overall system for simulations are implemented with 3-phase symmetrical squirrel-cage induction motor. The
rating speed of IM is 1725rpm with 60Hz base electrical frequency. The base peak phase current is 10A and base peak
phase voltage is 236.74V respectively. On the other hand, the motor parameters of three-phase induction motor is
shown in Table 1. Moreover, the simulation cases are observed in term of speed commands with no load condition as
shown in Table 2.

TABLE 1. Induction motor parameters

Parameters Specifications
Rs (stator) 11.05 Ω
Ls (stator) 6.11 H
Rr (rotor) 0.32 Ω
Lr (rotor) 0.32 H
Lm (magnetizing) 0.29 H
No. of Pole 4
Moment of Inertia 0.91 kg.m2

TABLE 2: Simulation cases

Cases Speed Commands ሺ࢘࢖࢓ሻ
1 Full rated speed = 1700
2 Half rated speed = 850
3 Low rated speed = 450

Level 1: Verify Independent Target of Modules, Duty Cycles and PWM Updates
The Space Vector Generator Macro (SVGEN_MACRO) is tested at this level. The output of SVGEN_MACRO
module is generated by IPARK_MACRO module. Specifically, the waveforms of Ta, Tb and Tc are 120° apart from
each other. The waveforms show that Tb lags to the waveform of Ta by 120° and Tc leads to the waveform of Ta by
120°. The current waveforms at this level are shown in Fig. 7.

(a) (c)

(b) (d)
FIGURE 7. SVGEN duty cycle outputs of (a) Ta, (b) Tb, (c) Tc, (d) Tb-Tc

Level 2: Verify Analog-To-Digital Conversion, Offset Compensation and
Clark/Park Transformation
There are three measured line of currents are transformed to two phase of dq currents at stationary reference frame.
At the same magnitude, the waveform of clark1.Alpha is leading the waveform of clark1.Beta by 90°. The waveform
of clark1.Alpha is also same with the waveform of clark1.Beta. The current waveform at this level is shown in Fig. 8.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 8. The waveforms of (a) Clark1.Apha, (b) Clark1.Beta

Level 3: Verify DQ-Axis Current Regulation Performed by PI Controller

The dq-axis current is dynamically regulated through the PI controller module by using park transformation on
motor current. The adjusted key variables for tuning PI controller modules are SpeedRef, IdRef and IqRef. The value
of SpeedRef is for changing the rotor speed in per-unit (pu). Besides, the value of IdRef is for changing the d-axis
voltage and the value of IqRef is for changing the q-axis voltage in per-unit (pu). All variables are generating rated
flux by set the SpeedRef = 0.3 pu, Idref = 0.1 pu and Iqref = 0.05 pu. In Fig. 9 (a), the PI module of Id_fbk is keeping
track the PI module of Id_ref and the Fig. 9 (b) is showing that the PI module of Iq_fbk is also keeping track the PI
module of Iq_ref. Indeed, PI modules for both of Id and Iq are contributing less overshoot and shorter recovery time
to achieve steady step response. Therefore, the simulated results of Id and Iq are proven that PI modules for control
dq-axis currents are gained properly.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 9. The waveforms of (a) Reference Id and Feedback Id, (b) Reference Iq and Feedback Iq

Level 4: Verify Current Modules

The current model (CUR_MOD) is tested at this level. The key steps to verify the current modules are by set the
SpeedRef value to 0.3 pu and compare the output of Theta waveform as shown in Fig. 10 (a) with the output of rg1.Out
waveform as shown in Fig. 10(b). The comparison for both waveforms are identical shifted with small phase.
Therefore, the current modules are verified and performed well as demonstrated in Fig. 10.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 10. Measured of (a) Theta, (b) rg1.Out

Level 5: Verify Speed Loop

Figure 11 shows the simulated results of closed loop speed control at difference cases and speed commands from
Table 2. The simulated results for all cases are produces less disturbance and shorter time to achieve steady step
responses. In additions, the waveform of Ia, Ib and Ic phase currents are constantly follows the waveform of speed
responses. Therefore, the PI module is proven and satisfied for speed regulator at this level. However, for low rated
speed is needed to improve in future, but still outstanding at full rated and half rated speed at no load condition.

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)
FIGURE 11. Speed control results at full rated, half rated, low rated; (a)-(c) and Ia, Ib, Ic, phase currents; (d)-(f)

In this paper, the sensored IFOC of induction motor is simulated in PSIM environment to explore the performance
of speed control. There are five phases of incremental system build and the final phase is level 5 as a final system to
verify and prove the system are confidently operated. All of the system are working properly as shown from the
simulation results of the speeds of induction motor are follows the reference speed under various mode of phases.
However, the changing variable value of reference speed are effected on measured results. Finally, the goal of this
simulations to measure the performances of speed controller is achieved the IFOC control. In addition, the final results
of simulations are valid indicator as a reference in building the real hardware in future.

The authors would like to acknowledge Politeknik Merlimau Melaka (PMM) and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
Melaka (UTeM) through the grant FRGS/1/2015/TK04/JPP/03/1 Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia for their
inspirations and supports.

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