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Exercise 13.1 You will need to remind yourself how to calculate volumes of three-dimensional shapes in chapter 7. You also need to remember what you learned about standard form in chapter 5. Worked example 1 Express: a Skminmetres b 3.2cminmm 2000000cm? in m?, a 1km=1000m So, 5km=5 x 1000m =5000m = b 1cm= 10mm © | 1m? =100cm x 100m = 10000cm* oa | so, 200 00cm? = 2000000 200m? 1 Express each quantity in the unit given in brackets. a 4kg (g) b Skm (m) € 35mm (cm) 4 81mm (cm) © 7.3g(mg) £ 5760kg (t) 5 2.1m(cm) h 2t(kg) i 140cm(m) j 2024g (kg) k 121mg (g) 1 23m (mm) m 3cm 5mm (mm) n 8km36m (m) © 9g77mg(g) 2 Arrange in ascending order of size. 3.2m, 32m, 324m 3 Write the following volumes in order, starting with the smallest. litre, 780 ml, 125 mi, 0.65 litres z 4 How many 5m! spoonfuls can be obtained from a bottle that contains 0.3 litres of medic? 5. Express each quantity in the units given in brackets, a 14.23m (mm, km) b 19.06g (mg, t) © 22 titres (ml, d 4m? (mm, ha) 13cm? (mm? ha) £ 10cm’ (mm’, m’) 6 A cube has sides of length 3m. Find the volume of the cube in. am b cm € mum’ (give your answer in standard form). 7 The average radius ofthe Earth is 6378km, Find the volume ofthe Earth, using each ofthe following units, Give your answers in standard form to 3 signifeame figures. The volume ofa sphere = 4 ny) a km? 5 bm c mm? Scanned with CamScanner 8 The dimensions of the cone i given inci. Calelste the solume ofthe cone a cm ” b mm’ < km’ Give your answer: ea swers in standard form to 3 significant Applying your skills 9° Miss Molly has a jar that holds 200 grams of flour. a How many 30 gram measures can she get from the jar? b How much flour will be left over? ment of MaP es udygeoer@Phy 10. This isa lift in an office building ogounderstandnow | ba Sat beNeet vunitsand mpierent scales: | ‘The lift won't start if it holds more than 300 kg. a Tomas (105kg), Shaz (65kg), Sind (55kg), Rashied (80kg) and Mandy (70 kg) are waiting for the lift. Can they all ride together? Mandy says she will use the stairs. Can the others go safely into the lift? east says he wll wat forthe iftto come down again. Can the other four go together in the lift? ‘You have already learned how to tell the time and you should now how to read and write time using the 12-hour and 24-hour system. ‘The clock dial on the left shows you the times from 1 to 1D fam. and pam. times). The inner dil shows what the umes after 12 p.m. are in the 24-hour system. Scanned with CamScanner nd 55 minutes nutes past 1 i . hours and'58 mpeg 22 (0F 000) so this is simply a | Add the result 2 TTT int 3 result oft — i E a the two parts together enzo . ange the 80 minutes; aes n20 min = 8 h 20 min dd together "MES into hours and minutes, 10,0 min passes i Ne eee 2. Nick has a satellite 1 the machine ts men) y Cea that shows time in 24-hour time. He wants to program finishing each recording Programmes. Write down the timer settings for starting and a 10.30 1.30pm. Db 9.15 am. to 10.45a.m, € 7.45 p.m. to 9.10pm, 5 ; Yasmin car odometer shows distance travelled in kilometres. The odometer dial showed these two readings before and after a journey: a How far did she travel? b The journey took2+ hours. What was her average speed in km/h? ss 4. Yvette records three songs onto her MP4 player. The time each of them lasts is three minutes 26 seconds, three minutes 19 seconds and two minutes 58 seconds. She leaves a gap of two seconds between each of the songs. How long will it take to play the recording? 17:30 hours on Friday, 7 February, and finished 57 hours later. Write d 5 A journey started a Ty fbel : down the time, day and date when the 6 Samuel works in a bookshop. This i his time sheet for the week. Unit 4: Number Scanned with CamScanner ofthe time sheet. tom ro" rs work this wee! ; sin total did Samus wot much he earned this week a Complete the b b- How many hout , game is paid $5.65 per hour Cal Reading timetables 7 with columns representing journeys Thy sare i : Mt Most travel timetables the form of tables system is used to give the times: Here is an example: 16:30 | 17:15 | 18:00 | 2030 1650 | 1735 | 18:25 | 2050 1725 | 18:15 | 19:05 | 2125 07:45 | 12:00 08:05 | 12:25 0725 | 08:40 | 13:15 ‘SX daily except Saturdays, MO - Mondays only ‘D- daly including Sundays, ‘Make sure you can see that each column represents 3 journey. For example, the frst column shoe a bus leaving at 06:30 every day except Saturday (six times Pet week). Itarrives atthe ney town, Beecty, at 0650 and then goes on to Ceevlle, where it arrives at 0725. Exercise 13.3 Applying your skills 1 The timetable for evening trains between ‘Mitchell’s Plain and Cape Town is shown below. 1629 | 1902 | 19:32 | 20:02 | 21:04 1640 | 1913 | 19:43 | 20:13 | 20:15 roo | 1931 | 20:01 | 20:31 | 21:33 i917 | 19:47 | 20317 | 2047 | 21:49 a Shaheeda wants to catch a train at Mitchells Plain and get to Pinelands by 8.45 pam. Wit isthe time of the latest train she should catch? b cate ‘the time the 19:02 train from Mitchell's Plain takes to travel to Cape Towa. Thabo arrives at Nyanga station at 6.50 p.m. Hi i ean p.m. How long will he have to wait for th nest 2 The timetable for a bus service between Aville and Darby is shown below. 10:30 10:50 and 18:50 11:05 1125, every 19:25 11 19 11:39 20 minutes 19:39 11:37, 11:57, until 19:57 : How many plies dae bus take to travel from Aville to Darby? rite | table for i i We own ‘he ist bus on this service to leave Avie ater € Ambrose arrives at Beesto eat m bus station at 2.15 p.m, What is the time of the next Scanned with CamScanner Ree 3° The tides for * 3 {¥0-week period are shown on ths tide table. 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 Sunday 6 Monday 7 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 9 Thursday 10 Friday 11 Saturday 12 Sunday. 13 Monday 14 Tuesday ‘Whaat is the earliest high tide in this period? How long is it between high tides on day two? How long is it between the first high tide and the first low tide on day seven? ‘Mike likes to go surfing an hour before high tide. i At what time would this be on Sunday 5 February? ii Explain why it would unlikely to be at 01:29. € Sandra owns a fishing boat. i She cannot go out in the mornings if the low tide occurs between S a.m. and 9 a.m. On which days did this happen? ii Sandra takes her boat out in the afternoons if high tide is between 11 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. On which days could she go out in the afternoons? ange 13.3 Upper and lower bounds ‘Raeman has ordered a sofa and wants to work ‘out whether or not it will fit through his door. He has measured both the door (47cm) and the sofa (46.9cm) and concludes that the sofa should ft with 1 mm to spare. Unfortunately, the sofa arrives and doesnt fit. What went wrong? Raeman realises that he rounded the measurement to the at the value 47 cry Oe garerent reveals thatthe door frame is, in fact, closer that he has rounded the sofa measurement to the nearest at the actual value is closer to 46.95cm, which is 2.5 mm Looking again nearest cm, A new, more accurate} to 46.7 em wide. Raeman also realises mm, He measures it again and finds th wider than the door! Finding the greatest and least possible values of a rounded measur dos IF 47m has been rounded tothe nearest cm it an Consider agin he sith oreo scettpossible values ofthe actual measurement ¢ useful to work oul Scanned with CamScanner 18 numbers is given to the nearest whole number, Find the lower and ‘upper bounds ofthe numirn 1 Sven 0th t whole number. a 12 bs 2. Each of the following nu bounds of the numbers, © 100 a9 en £17 'mbers is correct to 1 decimal place. Write down the lower and upper a 27 b M4 650 ail e 23 £ -72 3 Bach of the numbers bel low has been rou 1e degree of accuracy shown in the brackets. Find the uppe cee eee + and lower bounds in each case. 132 (nearest whole number) _ 30 | 300 (nearest one hundred) ¢ 405 (nearest five) 15 million (nearest million) e 32.3 (Idp) f 26.7 (1dp) 8 0.5 (1dp) hh 12.34 (2dp) i 132 (3sf) j 0.134 (sf) Applying your skills 4 Anne estimates that the mass ofa lion is 300kg. Her estimate is correct to the nearest 100kg. Between what limits does the actual mass of the lion lie? 5 Ina race, Nomatyala ran 100m in 15.3 seconds. The distance is correct to the nearest metre and the time is correct to one decimal place. Write down the lower and upper bounds of: a. the actual distance Nomatyala ran b the actual time taken. 6 The length ofa piece of thread is 4.5m to the nearest 10cm, The actual length of the thread is Lem. Find the range of possible values for L, giving you answer in the form ...< L <... Problem solving with upper and lower bounds Some calculations make use of more than one rounded value. Careful use of the upper and lower bounds of each value, will give correct upper and lower bounds for the calculated answer. Renee ; r nd b= 14 (othe nearest whole number) find the upper and each ofthe following oka pycoeenc b-c find the upper and lower bounds of a and b: Firstly, 355 a Write down the upper and lower bounds for | each dimension. | ‘The dimensions of a rectangle are 3.61.em and 2.57 em, each correct to 3 significant figures. b_ Find the upper and lower bounds of the area of the rectangle. ¢ Write down the upper the area correct to 3 signi the Earth is 6378km, to the sth is a sphere. and lower bounds of icant figures. ‘The mean radius of nearest km. Assume that the Ea Find upper and lower bounds for: face area of the Earth in km? a the surf Barth in km’, b the volume of the ce container holds 86 litres to the al, and a larg . of cupfuls of water needed to fil the ml to the nearest imbe cis the largest possible nut Is isthe ‘alles possible number of cupfuls? wards. te road rises im (tothe nearest metre) 1 nimum possible gradient? Give your Acup holds 200: nearest litre. Wh: container? What is t! [A straight road slopes stead over a horizontal distance © possible gradient of the 109 Enswers to 3 significant figures Number Scanned with CamScanner ®@ m wee 9 10a it om asm < ! lite < 0.65 litres < Ue 2 a 14230mm, 0.01423 ey b 19.060mg, 0.00001906 ' ¢ 2750ml, 275¢1 d 4000000mm*, * © 1300 mm?, 0.000000 132 f 19000mm?, 0.000 01m” bh 27000000¢m" 0,0004ha a 27m" © 2.7%10"mm! a 1.09% 102km? b 1.09% 10m’ < 1.09% 10%mm" a 1.13% 10%em? b 1.13 « 10cm" 1.13% 10% km’ b 20g b No © Yes No Exercise 13-2 3h39 min a 22.30 to 23.30 b 09.15 to 10.45 ¢ 19.45 to 21.10 a 300km 9min 47s Monday 10 February 02.30 120 km/h b 39h32min cc $223.36 Exercise 13.3 1 2 20.02 b 45min a 1h7 min ¢ 23min 110 145. 11:59 127, 14:25 00:17 b 5h46 min i 01:29 or 13:34 ii Unlikely to be 01:29 because it is in the middle of th. in the dark, sight 12h 40min naan Scanned with CamScanner € 11-6 February (Wed-Mon) fi 1-4 February (Wed-Sat) Exercise 13.4 Ta ns

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