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Oxford Class 18


Writing 1:

Write a blog entry / a diary about a day you spent at your friend’s house by the beach.

In your blog entry / diary you should:

 Tell what your friend and his/her family do to welcome you.

 Describe the activities you and your friend enjoyed during your stay by the beach.
 Describe your feelings during your stay and afterwards.

Your blog entry/ diary should be between 70 and 90 words. (16 marks) (8 content and 8 language)

Writing 2:

Write an article explaining how computers, tablets and phones can help students with their learning.


 Why computers, tablets and phones are helpful to students.

 How you have used a computer, tablet or phone to help you learn.

Your article should be between 100 and 150 words. (23 marks) ( 8 content and 15 language)



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