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Visual MODFLOW 4.

2 Exercise
Monitored Natural Attenuation as a Remedial Alternative

ChemWest Laboratories Ltd.

Westville, U.S.A.

© Schlumberger Water Services

Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Laboratory Exercise Outline

1. Exercise Summary ............................................................................................................................ 4

2. Project Background.......................................................................................................................... 5
3. Conceptual Model Development ..................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Geography .......................................................................................................................................................6
3.2. Define the hydrostratigraphy........................................................................................................................6
3.3. Interpolate the stratigraphic surfaces ........................................................................................................7
3.4. Site hydrology and hydrogeology ..............................................................................................................14
3.5. Define the steady-state water table..........................................................................................................15
3.6. Sand and Gravel Hydraulic Conductivity ..................................................................................................15
4. Flow Model Construction ............................................................................................................... 16
4.1. Setup the model and the model grid..........................................................................................................16
4.2. Import the model surfaces ..........................................................................................................................23
4.3. Define the model extents.............................................................................................................................28
4.4. Define the aquifer properties......................................................................................................................29
4.5. Define the calibration targets.....................................................................................................................30
4.6. Assign the boundary conditions.................................................................................................................31
4.7. Assigning Aquifer Recharge.......................................................................................................................34
4.8. Assign Zone Budget Zones to Deer Creek ...............................................................................................35
5. Calibration ....................................................................................................................................... 37
5.1. Run and calibrate the model.......................................................................................................................37
5.2. Calibration Statistics....................................................................................................................................38
6. Transport Simulation Set-up .......................................................................................................... 46
6.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................46
6.2. Basic Parameters and Transport Boundaries .........................................................................................46
6.3. Concentration Observation Wells..............................................................................................................47
6.4. Inactive-for-Transport Region....................................................................................................................48
6.5. Solution Method and Output Times ...........................................................................................................49
6.6. Transport Scenarios ....................................................................................................................................50
7. Comparison of Remedial Options................................................................................................... 53
7.1. Remedial Objectives ....................................................................................................................................53
7.2. Visualizing Results as Breakthrough Curves............................................................................................53
7.3. Visualizing Model Results in 3D .................................................................................................................54

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Laboratory Exercise Outline cont’d


Figure 1. Site Map

Figure 2. Three-dimensional site concept
Figure 3. Cross-section location map
Figure 4. Cross-section A-A’
Figure 5. Cross-section B-B’
Figure 6. Observed water levels
Figure 7. Hydraulic conductivity results from slug tests


Appendix A – Interpreted cross-sections C to G

Appendix B – Stratigraphic summary table (strat.xls)
Appendix C – Figures for comparison during model construction and calibration
Appendix D – Sample borehole logs for cross-sections
Appendix E – Calibration data (calpts.txt)

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

1. Exercise Summary

This exercise is designed to build your skills in groundwater model design, construction and
calibration using data from an actual modeling project that Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc. was
retained to complete. You will receive a thorough introduction to the process of building a
groundwater flow and contaminant transport model using Visual MODFLOW. After you have built
and successfully calibrated your flow model, you will evaluate the following two remedial
• pump and treat, and
• monitored natural attenuation.

After completing this exercise, you will have increased your understanding of the following key
steps in the building a model:

1 Analysis of field data to develop a conceptual model (representation with essential or

controlling features only) of the site;
2 Identification of major surface and subsurface features that control the groundwater system;
3 Creation of variable surface files using mapping tools in Surfer for Windows from field data;
4 Building a groundwater flow model in Visual MODFLOW;
5 Import of variable surface files that you created using Surfer and Excel;
6 Specification of boundary conditions, recharge quantity, and hydraulic conductivity zones;
7 Model calibration process, including calibration to observed heads and base flow from a
8 How a calibrated groundwater flow model can be applied to simulate actual groundwater
flow and contaminant transport scenarios, and how to reduce the time required for transport
simulations by using the inactive transport zone feature in Visual MODFLOW.

Although the geographic location and the names used in this lab are fictitious, this
lab is based on a real project, where WHI was asked to study the potential for
natural attenuation as a remedial alternative. The model that you will develop is
similar to the actual model that WHI developed for its client – it differs only in the
level of detail, which had to be reduced to fit into the time constraints of this

Reference: U.S. EPA, 1999: Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA Corrective
Action, and Underground Storage Tank Sites. OSWER Directive 9200.4-17P. Washington, D.C.
http://www.epa.gov/swerust1/directiv/d9200417.htm, 32 pp.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

2. Project Background

ChemWest Laboratories Ltd. is located on the Norman River in the American Midwest (see Figure
1 for a site plan). It has manufactured inorganic and organic industrial chemicals since the early
1960s. Benzene was first documented in the groundwater 25 years ago, when it was detected in a
nearby municipal drinking water well. The municipal well was removed from service shortly after
the discovery of the contamination. Subsequent investigation revealed a dissolved benzene
plume originating from an underground storage tank (UST) several hundred feet upgradient of the
well. A pump and treat recovery program was initiated to hydraulically contain the benzene
plume and to ultimately capture it. The UST was later excavated along with 15,000 tons of
contaminated soil.

After more than ten years of continuous groundwater pumping (more than 500 million gallons of
groundwater have been extracted), the extent of the benzene plume has diminished substantially.
Recent groundwater sampling revealed that only four monitoring wells in one area of the site
contained benzene concentrations above the prescribed groundwater criteria. A geochemical
study was undertaken, which concluded that the reduced benzene concentrations were a result
of both naturally occurring biodegradation and extraction through the pump and treat system.

Based on these findings, ChemWest proposed to the U.S. EPA that the pump and treat operations
be terminated and allow natural biodegradation to eliminate the remaining benzene. ChemWest
would implement an expanded monitoring program, but would still realise a net annual saving of
more than $150,000. Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc. (WHI) was asked to develop a numerical
groundwater model to assess the feasibility of this plan.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

3. Conceptual Model Development

A conceptual model is a simplification of the actual geologic and hydrogeologic conditions that
captures the essential aspects of the hydrogeologic system in terms of the questions being
asked. The development of the conceptual model is a very important first step in building a valid
groundwater model because it must identify the features that control the hydrogeology of the site.

In the subsections below, you will be provided with information about features at the site that you
will use to develop a valid conceptual model. The tasks below represent the major steps required
in the building of a model.

3.1. Geography

The site is situated in a broad, fluvial valley beside the Norman River, which exerts an influence
on the local groundwater flow (see Figure 1). Along the eastern boundary of the site, the shale
bedrock outcrops and rises sharply to 200 feet above the valley floor. The Norman River is up to
1500 feet wide in places and flows north to south through the valley. Near the site there is a flood-
control dam creating a 10-foot difference in the river water levels upstream and downstream of
the dam. Four hundred feet downstream of the dam is Deer Creek, which flows generally east to
west across the site. On the site itself there are two small ponds. Figure 2 is a perspective view of
the site looking from the north towards the south.

3.2. Define the hydrostratigraphy

Nearly 100 boreholes and piezometers exist on the site, of which several sample borehole logs
can be found in Appendix D. Analysis of these borehole data indicates, the primary subsurface
stratigraphy at the site consists of the following:
ƒ a surficial silty sand,
ƒ an extensive sand and gravel aquifer, and
ƒ the shale bedrock.

The surficial silty sand exists across the site and ranges in thickness from 5 to 25 feet. It is
largely unsaturated, with the water table often found in the underlying sand and gravel aquifer.

The sand and gravel aquifer is also present across the site with a thickness varying from 10 to
60 feet. The aquifer is present under Norman River, however it pinches out where it intersects the
valley walls to the east. The sand and gravel aquifer is a major water-bearing unit and has
historically provided substantial water to local water supply wells.

The shale bedrock underlies the entire site. East of Norman River, the valley walls consist of
shale interbedded with minor carbonaceous siltstones and massive fresh-water limestones. The
hydraulic conductivity of the valley walls is five orders of magnitude lower than the sand and
gravel aquifer and can be considered essentially impermeable.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

To prepare the stratigraphic data for input to Visual MODFLOW, first open the Excel spreadsheet
file strat.xls (in the directory C:\VMOD4\ChemWest). This file contains a list of the wells used in
the characterization of the site and the elevations of all the stratigraphic contacts. The headings
in this file are:
ƒ Well ID,
ƒ Well X coordinate,
ƒ Well Y coordinate,
ƒ Ground Surface,
ƒ Top of Sand/ Gravel, and
ƒ Top of Bedrock.

The cells that are shaded Yellow in the spreadsheet need to be completed (i.e. need to
have a value entered for the soil interface elevation).

You can calculate the elevations required for these fields as follows:
ƒ determine the depths to the lithologic contacts from the borehole logs
ƒ subtract these depths from surface elevations in the spreadsheet.

Some cross-sections have been prepared to give you an overview of the site geology (cross-
sections C through G, can be found in Appendix A). Figure 3 shows the locations of all of the
cross-sections used to define the stratigraphy. Figures 4 and 5 show cross-sections A’-A (N-S)
and B’-B (E-W). Use these 2 cross-sections to estimate the elevation of lithologic contacts.

Save the file under the same name when you are finished entering the contact elevations.
(Special Note: Do not save this file as read only).

3.3. Interpolate the stratigraphic surfaces

Once you have entered your contact elevations, you will interpolate the stratigraphic surface
using Surfer7. For those who are unfamiliar with Surfer7, the following section is written in a step-
by-step format.

This task consists of interpolating your x, y, z surface elevation data onto a regular grid, which
will be imported into the ChemWest groundwater model later in the lab to create a variable
elevation layer. Surfer7 is quite straightforward and follows the typical Windows conventions for
saving, printing, and moving between menus. The sequence of a typical interpolation is as
• Open or create a file
• Enter data
• Select the interpolation method
• Plot grid files over DXF image

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

In this lab exercise, the following abbreviations are used:

• The "ENTER" key is abbreviated by ↵
• Single clicking the left mouse button is abbreviated by )
• Double clicking the left mouse button is abbreviated by ))

To Start Surfer7, find and double-click the "Surfer" icon located on your desktop; the program now
starts up and the main screen menu is displayed. Now maximize the Surfer7 window by clicking
on the full-screen button in the upper right hand corner of the new window.

Top of Sand and Gravel

First, you will interpolate the irregularly spaced data for the top of the sand and gravel onto a
uniform grid.

" Grid from the top menu bar

" Data
" strat.xls C:\vmod4\ChemWest\
" [Open] to open the dataset

Remember that this file (strat.xls) contains interpreted contact elevations from the borehole logs.

The Scattered Data Interpolation dialogue box will appear prompting you for information about
the file, grid spacing, interpolation method, and output file name. This window has 4 data tabs:
Data, General, Search and Faults and Breaklines. We will be using the Data and General tabs.

Carefully follow the instructions below to import and interpolate the data in Surfer7.

In Data tab, under the Data Columns, set the Surfer data columns X:, Y:, and Z: to correspond to
the columns of data in your strat.xls file. As shown in the figure below, set the columns as:

X: Column B: x-coord
Y: Column C: y-coord
Z: Column E: Top of Sand/ Gravel

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest


Next, in the General tab, under Grid Line Geometry, enter the following information:

Minimum Maximum Spacing #of lines

X Direction: 1000 7000 120 51
Y Direction: -1500 7000 120 72

This grid set-up will be similar to the Visual MODFLOW grid so that little interpolation will be
needed when the grid is imported.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Under Gridding Method, select kriging. Lastly, change the name of the output file:

Under Output Grid File,

" [Browse…], and type ChemWest_SG for the new output file name.

Make sure that the path for this file is C:\vmod4\ChemWest.

" Save to accept and save this new file name

" OK to begin the data interpolation

The program will now perform the interpolation (window appears for a short period).

To view the resulting grid file and the base dxf map:

" Map from the top menu

" Base Map

Select the chemwest.dxf file from C:\vmod4\ChemWest\.

" OK to accept the default colours of the dxf file

The ChemWest background map will now be displayed.

" Map
" Contour Map
" New Contour Map
" ChemWest_SG.grd to select this file
" Open
" OK to select the default contour parameters

You will now see the contour lines displayed on top of the chemwest.dxf file. To overlay the two
images so that they use the same co-ordinate system, select both images by clicking and
dragging a box around both images with the mouse pointer.

The images should have small black boxes around the outside of the images to denote they are
selected. Next,

" Map from the top menu

" Overlay Maps
" View
" Fit to Window

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

The two images should now be overlaid on each other and appear similar to the figure below.

Contours of top of sand and gravel

Note that Surfer will contour only inside the area that is defined by the data points in the text file
that was used to generate the grid file.

Top of Bedrock
Now we will repeat the process to define the elevations of the top of the shale bedrock surface.

" Grid (from the top menu)

" Data

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Again, browse to the directory that the Visual MODFLOW files are located and load the file
Strat.xls. Remember that this file contains your interpreted points that you read off of the
borehole logs.

A Surfer window will appear prompting you for information about the file, grid spacing,
interpolation method, and output file name.

Under Data Columns of the Data tab, set the Surfer data columns X:,Y:, and Z: to correspond to
the columns of data in your strat.xls file. Set the columns as shown below:

X: Column B: x-coord
Y: Column C: y-coord
Z: Column F: Top of Bedrock

Next, under Grid Line Geometry of the General tab, enter the following information:

Min Max Spacing #of lines

X Direction: 1000 7000 120 51
Y Direction: -1500 7000 120 72

Under Gridding Method, use the default interpolation method of kriging.

Lastly, change the name of the output file:

Under Output Grid File,

" [Browse…],

and type ChemWest_Bed for the new output file name.

Make sure that the path for this new file is C:\vmod4\ChemWest\

" Save (to accept and Save this new file name)

Once you have made the appropriate selections

" OK

To delete the Sand/Gravel overlay, select the plot by clicking on it (black boxes in corners)

" Map
" Break Apart Overlay

Click outside the map to deselect it and then select the contour map and press delete to remove

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

the existing contour map.

NOTE: If you mistakenly delete the base map, you can reload it by clicking on Map
and Load Base Map.

" Map
" Contour Map
" New Contour Map ChemWest_Bed.grd
" OK
" Map (from the main menu)
" Overlay Maps (to align to the same co-ordinates)

Your map should look similar to that shown below.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Contours of shale bedrock surface

Ground Surface
The ground surface (below) has already been interpolated for you to save time.

Contours of ground surface elevation

If you are finished with Surfer, click on File and then on Exit.

3.4. Site hydrology and hydrogeology

An important part of the conceptual model is the conceptualization of the site hydrology and
hydrogeology. The site hydrology includes fluxes to the groundwater such as:
• groundwater recharge from precipitation (depends on the surface characteristics),

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

• overland flow that infiltrates to the groundwater along a boundary,

• direct recharge from surface water bodies,
• direct groundwater flow to the model area along a boundary, and
• artificial groundwater recharge and injection.

It also includes groundwater fluxes out of the system, such as:

• evaporative losses,
• transpiration,
• discharge as springs,
• baseflow to streams and rivers, and
• pumping from wells.

In the case of the Chemwest site, the key features to understanding the flow system are:
• the Norman River,
• the bedrock valley,
• the lakes on site,
• the groundwater flow gradient around the dam, and
• Deer Creek.

These hydraulic features should be carefully considered when you develop your expected
groundwater table contour map in the next task.

In addition to the surface water bodies, you must also consider the annual rainfall, which is about
40 inches/year, and the ground surface, which is generally grass-covered between the buildings
and roads.

3.5. Define the steady-state water table

Based on the water level data presented in Figure 6, use a pencil to contour your concept of how
the water table should have appeared, prior to initiation of remedial pumping. Later you will
compare your contour map with your model results to assess whether your conceptual
groundwater flow model corresponds to your Visual MODFLOW model.

3.6. Sand and Gravel Hydraulic Conductivity

Slug tests conducted in the sand/gravel aquifer demonstrated a range of hydraulic conductivities
from 36 ft/day to 236 ft/day. Figure 7 gives the distribution of hydraulic conductivity for the slug
tests performed across the site. The slug tests were interpreted using the Bouwer-Rice method in
the program AquiferTest Pro.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

4. Flow Model Construction

The following tasks describe the general steps needed to construct your groundwater flow model
based on the conceptual model developed in Section 2.

4.1. Setup the model and the model grid

First, start up Visual MODFLOW, create a new model (c:\vmod4\ChemWest\) and call it

" Save

In the Units section, select the units as specified below:

Length feet
Time day
Conductivity ft/day
Pumping Rate GPM
Recharge in/year
Mass pound
Concentration micrograms/ liter

Choose to model Transport

" ~ Yes under Transport

Your screen display should be as seen below:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

" Next

The default parameter values are assigned to the model as initial estimates of the material

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

" Steady-State Simulation Time 18250

" Next to accept default parameter values

And the Transport Options window will appear:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

" Next to accept default parameter values

You will use the basemap chemwest.dxf (located in C:\vmod4\ChemWest\) as the background for
your model. Select the checkbox beside the Import a site map and browse for the basemap. The
chemwest.dxf file with path information will be displayed in the field beside the browse button (as
shown in the following figure). You will notice that by selecting the Import a site map option, the
Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax fields will be disabled, because these parameters will be defined in
the next step while selecting the model region.

Enter the following information for the active fields.

• Columns: 46
• Rows: 71
• Layers: 1
• Zmin: 0
• Zmax: 20

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

After clicking [Finish], a Select Model Region window will appear (as shown below). In this
window, enter the coordinate values to adjust/select the size of the model region:

• Display Area (1000, -1500) (7000, 7000),

• Model Origin (1000, -1500) and
• Model corners (1000, -1500) (7000, 7000) .

As shown in the screen capture below:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Fill in
as they

Notice that the number of rows (Nrows) 71 and number of columns (Ncolumns) 46 previously
entered are automatically displayed in the right lower corner of the window.

" OK to close the Select Model Region

Visual MODFLOW will prompt a File attributes dialogue confirming the source file name and the
map file name created inside the model and opens the new project in the Input Module.

" OK

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Now, select [F9 Overlay]. Find Map - chemwest in the list of available overlays. For this overlay,
clicking on the […] button in the Settings column a DXF Settings dialogue will appear. In the
DXF Settings dialogue, under Color,

"  Fixed (to enable this option)

From the list of available colours, select: black

" OK (to close the DXF Settings dialogue)

" OK (to close the Overlay Control)

This will reveal any details of the base map that may not appear due to AutoCAD colour settings
that were imported along with the .dxf file.

The preliminary finite difference grid needs to be refined so that the grid is reasonably fine for
contaminant transport simulations later in the lab. In the original model, the grid was refined
extensively. However, to keep the run time reasonable for the course we suggest that you simply
refine the columns by factor two between the Norman River and the Main Highway and the rows
between about y = 1000 and y = 5000 feet.

To refine the columns,

" Edit Grid

" Edit Columns

In the Columns dialogue box that appears,

"  Refine by 2

Left click once on a gridline on the right edge of Norman River (approximately x = 2440), and click
once on a gridline passing through the highway (approximately x = 4800).

" Close

You should see the model grid refined by two (the number of columns has been doubled) between
the two locations you chose.

To refine the rows,

" Edit Grid

" Edit Rows

In the Rows dialogue box that appears,

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

"  Refine by 2

Left click once on a gridline at approximately y = 1000, and click once on a gridline at
approximately y = 4950.

) Close

You should see the model grid refined by two (the number of rows has been doubled) between
the two locations you chose.

Your model grid should now look similar to Figure C1 in Appendix C.

4.2. Import the model surfaces

In this task, you will import the two surface files you created using Surfer in Task 2 (the top of the
sand and gravel aquifer and the top of the bedrock). In addition, you will import the ground
surface file, which has been already created for you. The procedure WHI used to create the
ground surface file is the same as that used for the surface files you created in Task 2; the file is
supplied to you ready for import only to save time for other laboratory tasks.

Before you begin the importing, change to any cross-sectional view (row 47), and increase the
vertical exaggeration, using the [F8 – Vertical Exaggeration] key. Try an exaggeration of 10.

First you will import the ground surface data file you created using Surfer. To do this,

" Import Elevation from the left tool bar

The Import Surface dialogue box will appear. Fill in the box as shown below:

To import the ground surface data file:

" Layer Surface Ground Surface

" ; Fixed After Creating this fixes the elevations for the current layer so that
they will not change with respect to any other
layers, when importing a new layer
(i.e. subsequent layers will deform to the existing
layer using the minimum thickness)
" Options Import Data

Under Interpolation settings – click on the folder next to Data Source:

" Files as type Grid - Surfer Grid File (*.GRD)
" File Name grndsrf.grd

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

" Open

And a Coordinate System and Units icon will pop-up:

" Coordinate System World

" Elevation Units Feet
" OK

Resulting in the following Create Grid Elevation icon:

If you do now see the colored relief, hit the Apply button.

" Minimum Layer Thickness 5

" OK
" Yes

The Visual MODFLOW screen will appear as follows:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Next, we will import the bottom of the sandy-silt. Using the option under [Edit Grid], add a model
layer to represent the interface between the silt/sand unit and the sand and gravel aquifer. To do
" Edit Grid from the left toolbar menu
" Edit Layers
In the Layers dialogue box that appears,
"  Add
Move the mouse pointer (red bar) into the cross sectional view of the model and position it at
approximately the midpoint between the top and bottom of the existing model layer. To create the
new layer, left click once.
" Close
Next, import the bottom of the sandy/silt, which is also the top of the sand and gravel
(ChemWest_SG.grd) and choose the import settings Bottom of Layer 1, minimum layer
thickness of 5 feet, following the steps below:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

" [Import Elevation] (from the left tool bar)

" Layer Surface Ground Surface ; Fixed After Creating
Bottom of Layer 1; Fixed After Creating
" Options Import Data
" Data Source ChemWest_SG.grd
" Open
" Coordinate System World
" Elevation Units Feet
" OK
" Minimum Layer Thickness 5
" Apply to see the surface
" OK
" Yes

And the following Visual MODFLOW screen will appear:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Finally, import the shale bedrock surface data that you created (ChemWest-Bed.grd) following
the steps below:
" Import Elevation from the left tool bar
" Layer Surface Bottom of Layer 2
" Options Import Data
" File as type Grid - Surfer Grid File (*.GRD)
" File name ChemWest_Bed.grd
" Open
" Coordinate System World
" Elevation Units Feet
" OK
" Minimum Layer Thickness 5
" Apply to see the surface
" OK
" Yes
The resulting surfaces in Visual MODFLOW look like the following:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

To introduce some detail for the vertical discretization, divide the bottom layer in half. Use the
Refine by Two option under [Edit Grid] > [Edit Layers] by clicking on the upper and lower
interfaces of layer 2.

You should have a total of three layers in your model when you finish this task. If you do not,
please ask your instructor for assistance.

Figure C2 in Appendix C illustrates a cross-section with the surface interpretation.

4.3. Define the model extents

Where the shale bedrock rises to pinch out the sand aquifer and form the valley uplands to the
east, a no-flow boundary can be assigned. The location of this boundary can be deduced from
your completed hydrogeologic sections – it is located just east of the highway. Or use the
highway as an approximate guide. In either case, make the upland area inactive (refer to
Figure C3).

Switch to plan view by selecting [View Layer] from the left toolbar and enter layer 1.

You can do this while in the Grid module by selecting [Inactive Cells] from the left toolbar and
choosing the [Mark Poly Inactive] option. Using the mouse pointer left click and draw a polygon
to create an inactive region in layer 1; right click to close the polygon. The inactive cells will
become green.

Next, copy this inactive area to all layers

" Inactive Cells

" Copy Polygon Using the mouse pointer mark the area around the
inactive cells – then right click to close the polygon.
" Select All
" OK

To simulate the effect of the concrete flood control dam on the Norman River, assign an area of
inactive cells in the first model layer only.

To view the ground surface in three dimensions, click [F2 - 3D] in the bottom menu bar. This will
activate the 3D Explorer, which will take a few seconds to load. Use the X, Y and Z sliders at the
bottom of the Visual MODFLOW window to orient the image. In the upper left corner (the Project
Tree), execute the following steps:

ƒ Expand the Grid folder (under Input)

ƒ Select the Slice #1 folder
ƒ Select the Visible property in the window immediately below

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ƒ Select Solid from the drop-down menu of the View property.

ƒ This view shows you the topographic surface.

When you are finished, click File / Exit in the upper right to deactive 3D Explorer.

4.4. Define the aquifer properties

The next step is to assign the hydraulic properties to each of the layers.

A series of slug tests was conducted in shallow monitoring wells screened in the silty-sand unit.
These tests yielded similar values. To facilitate the calibration process for this lab we will assume
a uniform value of hydraulic conductivity and porosity in the silty-sand unit in Layer 1. The values
for silty-sand can be entered using the Database as shown below.
" Properties
" Conductivity
" Database Change the default to 4 ft/d, 4 ft/d and 0.4 ft/d

For the sand and gravel unit (Layers 2 and 3) the hydraulic conductivities must be assigned to
reflect the values obtained from the slug tests which are mapped in Figure 7. Using Figure 7 as a
guide, divide the site into different zones of hydraulic conductivity. Keep in mind that it is best to
use the fewest number of zones possible. That is, you should avoid assigning different
conductivity values around each measurement point. Average the values when neighboring
values are markedly different. We suggest you keep the number of zones to no more than a total
of 3. When defining the hydraulic conductivity zone(s), it is useful to think about the type of
depositional environmental that formed the sand and gravel deposits.

Next assign/modify the Storage values.

" Properties
" Storage
" Database to enter the following values

Ss 0.005

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Sy 0.25
Eff. Por. 0.25
Tot. Por. 0.3

To have a quick overview of the aquifer properties in three dimensions, click [F2 - 3D] on the
bottom menu bar and execute the following commands:
ƒ Open the Input folder;
ƒ “+” sign under Properties,
ƒ Select Conductivity;
ƒ Select Visible in the Properties box immediately below
ƒ Using the Y slider, rotate the model to several different angles to view the hydraulic
conductivity distribution from several different angles. Use the X slider to view the
model from above and below.

When you are finished, click [F2 - 3D] on the bottom menu bar within Visual MODFLOW to
deactivate 3D-Explorer.

4.5. Define the calibration targets

The monitored head levels used for contouring the water level in Task 3 must now be entered into
the model as calibration points. Such calibration points can be imported from the ASCII file,
Calpts.txt, as follows:
" Wells
" Head Observation Wells
" Import Obs.
" File name calpts.txt
" Open

The Import Well Head Data window will appear where you should match the head observation
data to the respective columns (as shown below).

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

" Next to preview the imported data

" Finish to finally import the data

In addition, you should add the following monitoring point using the [Add Obs.] option in Visual
MODFLOW (click on Add Obs, then click anywhere in the domain, and be sure to put the following
coordinates in the dialogue box).

Well Name X-Coord Y-Coord Screen ID Screen Elev Obs. Time Head

MW-23 3304 4755 1 Approx. 590 1 602.22

See Figure C5 for the distribution of monitoring wells used for calibration.

4.6. Assign the boundary conditions

The hydraulic boundaries for this model are summarized on Figure C6, in Appendix C. Although
the boundaries could be assigned in various ways, we suggest that you use constant head
boundaries in Layer 1 ONLY for the Norman River, and a River Boundary for Deer Creek, Bass
Lake and Salmon Pond.

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Norman River
Upstream of the dam, the stage elevation of Norman River drops by about 1.0 ft between the
northern boundary of the model and the dam (602.5 to 601.5 ft AMSL). Downstream of the dam, the
river stage elevation drops from 587.5 ft at the dam to 586.5 ft AMSL at the southern boundary of
the model. The start and stop times for these boundary conditions are arbitrary in this model
because we are assuming steady-state flow. The following table summarizes the Norman River

Above Dam Below Dam

Upstream elevation 602.5 587.5

Downstream elevation 601.5 586.5

The constant head boundary in the river can be assigned in plan view using the [Assign][Line]
function, and a linear gradient, and then the [Copy] function, as follows:
• make sure that you are in Layer 1
• Assign constant head boundary upstream of the dam as a line in the lefthand most
column (Column 1);
• Repeat this process below the dam;
• Make a note of the rightmost column occupied by the Norman River;
• View column 1 in cross-section i.e. [View Column]
• Copy column 1 across the maximum width of the river;
• Return to plan view in layer 1 (i.e. [View Layer]);
• Erase the unnecessary boundary cells.

Finally, when you copy a column of Constant Head cells form column 1 to columns 2 – 10, the
copy function does not check to see if the copied cells are in the appropriate layer (i.e. that the
head that is copied to each cell is above the bottom elevation of the cell). To check this:
" Boundaries / Constant Heads from the top pull down menu
" Edit / Groups from the side menu bar
" Choose a CH group
" ; Assign to Appropriate Layer
" OK

Bass Lake and Salmon Pond

The pond elevations, ponds depths, “riverbed” thicknesses and Kz’s of Bass Lake and Salmon
Pond are listed in the following table. You will be able to derive all the necessary parameters for
assigning the River boundaries using these numbers. Check with your instructor to ensure that
everything is entered correctly.

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Pond El. Pond Depth “Riverbed” “Riverbed” Kz

(ft) (ft) thickness (ft) (ft/day)
Bass Lake 599 3 1.0 0.066
Salmon Pond 599 3.5 1.0 0.066

Deer Creek
Deer Creek drops from 598 ft just east of the Main Highway, to 586.8 ft, where it flows into Norman
River. The creek is 3 feet deep along its length, has a riverbed thickness of about 1 foot on
average, as illustrated in the following figure.

Top of Deer Cr.

Cross-sectional view

El. 598 ft

3 ft

1 ft
River Bottom (Elevation)

5 ft

The conductance of the Deer Creek “riverbed” will be calculated automatically using the
following information:
• Riverbed thickness;
• Riverbed Kz (0.22 ft/day);
• River width.

Remember to select “Linear gradient” so that Visual MODFLOW will interpolate between the
start point and end point of the creek. The following dialogue illustrates what you will see after
the line has been digitized. By entering the required parameters, Visual MODFLOW will
automatically calculate the conductance.

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After clicking [OK], you will notice that some of the river cells seem to disappear. In fact, the river
cells have been assigned correctly according to the “Assign to appropriate layer” option. Check
in another layer to see if you can find the other river cells. If it’s not clear why this has occurred,
be sure to ask you instructor.

To have a quick overview of the boundary conditions, click [F2 - 3D] from the bottom menu bar.
The 3D Explorer will become visible in a few seconds. Now execute the following commands:
• Adjust the X, Y and Z sliders at the bottom of the screen to orient the image;
• Expand the Input folder;
• Select Boundaries/Flow Boundaries;
• Select Visible in the Properties window immediately below;
• Select the Shift tab in the Navigator;
• Adjust the Z slider to zoom in on the image.

When you have finished, click [F2 - 3D] on the bottom menu bar within Visual MODFLOW to
deactivate 3D Explorer.

4.7. Assigning Aquifer Recharge

Average Annual Net Recharge

The average annual net recharge across the site, based on analysis of historical data, is about 8
inches. It is also estimated that flow originating from a portion of the uplands to the east
contributes approximately an additional 15 inches of recharge per year. This recharge enters the
aquifer along the interface between the shale bedrock and the sand and gravel aquifer. This
additional recharge estimate, and how it was implemented in the model, is explained below.

Estimate Recharge Contribution from the Uplands

1. Using topographic mapping and low-altitude aerial photographs of the upland areas,
topography that channels precipitation toward the aquifer was identified. Not all of the upland
area was determined to contribute recharge due to the presence of surface water divides

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and closed catchments. In fact, only 10 percent of the total upland area was assessed to be
suitable for channelling overland and interflow to the aquifer.

2. The amount of recharge contributed by the upland areas was calculated based on the area
calculations of the upland areas, and the annual recharge estimate for the region of 8 inches.
These data were incorporated into the model following the steps shown below:

A. Total Recharge = 2,537 ft3/day (area of catchments x net groundwater recharge)

B. Area of Recharge Strip Assigned in the Model = (length of band x average cell
= 11,000 x 66 ft = 726,000 ft2

Total Recharge / Recharge Strip Area Specified in Model

= 2,537 ft3/day / 726,000 ft2 = 3.49 x 10-3 ft/day = 15 inches/year.

To implement this recharge zone in the model, use the [Assign][Line] (new) option and create a
recharge area along the interface of the shale bedrock and aquifer - one model cell wide - and
assign an additional recharge of 15 inches per year. The 15 inches per year is dependent upon
the area of the recharge strip that you specify in the model. If the width of the strip changes, for
example if you make it two cells wide instead of one, then the recharge value assigned in the
model must be halved.

Remember to add the 8 inches of ambient recharge to the cells in the strip for a total
recharge rate of 23 inches/yr.

4.8. Assign Zone Budget Zones to Deer Creek

Zone Budget is a tool for measuring the flow from one part of the model to another. In this task
you are given stream flow measurements from two locations in Deer Creek. The difference
between these flow measurements is the net baseflow to the stream, assuming evaporative
losses are negligible.

Note: Baseflow measurements are an excellent added calibration target as they allow you to
calibrate to a flow rate as well as a head distribution, which greatly increases the uniqueness of
the model solution.

In this task, you will use Zone Budget to create a base flow measurement zone along Deer Creek,
between the two stream gauging stations. Zone Budget allows a measurement of the gain or loss
of stream flow. Later, you will compare the measured and predicted base flow values to improve
your model calibration.

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The two stream gauging stations located along Deer Creek are indicted by a diamond symbol on
the base map. The measured streamflow at the lower station was about 27, 698 ft3/day and at the
upper station it was 14,326 ft3/day.
14,326 ft3/day

27,698 ft3/day Upstream


Downstream Net gain to groundwater (note that

station some reaches between the two
stations may gain, others may lose).

The difference between these two numbers represents the river gain of water coming from the
groundwater system and can be compared with the flow across the river boundary calculated by
ZoneBudget. To facilitate this calculation, you’ll now define a zone along Deer Creek.

To define a Zone Budget Zone, select [Zbud] from the top menu and click [Assign][Single]. In the
dialogue box that appears, click [New] to create Zone 2. Move you mouse into the model domain,
click one cell beside the creek, and it will turn blue (this is just a temporary zone that we will
“erase” later on).

To make sure that we can distinguish the ZoneBudget zones that represents the creek, from the
River cells (which are blue) we will assign a new zone (Zone 3 which is green) overtop of the
creek. Remember to turn on the River overlay using the F9 command.

Select [Assign][Single] from the side menu bar, and in the dialogue box that appears, click
[New] to create Zone 3. Using the mouse pointer, click on the river cells for Deer Creek located
between the two stream gauging stations. Some of your blue river cells may “disappear” into
the 2 layer. If this occurs between the two gauging stations, go to the second layer and
assign Zone 3 cells to each of these river cells.

When you have completed assigning Zone 3, use the [Assign][Single] command to assign Zone 1
overtop of the Zone 2 (blue) zone that you first assigned. You will be left with 2 Zonebudget zones,
Zone 3 (green) which represents the creek, and Zone 1 (white) which represents the rest of the
model domain.

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5. Calibration

Calibration is the process of modifying the input model parameters until the model results
reasonably match actual site conditions. In this lab, you will calibrate your model to measured
water level values and stream base flow from Deer Creek. Finally, you should always validate
your results against an independent set of data, such as water levels during a different season or
a transient pumping test.

5.1. Run and calibrate the model

Before leaving the Input mode, assign a uniform Initial Heads value to the entire model by
selecting [Initial Heads] from the [Properties] pull-down menu. Click on [Database] and change
the default initial heads value to 593 ft. This value will be used for every cell in the model. Later,
after you have started running and calibrating your model, you may want to return here and
import your initial heads from a previous MODFLOW run. This can drastically reduce the amount
of time required for the solution to converge.

Now switch to the Run mode. Under the [MODFLOW 2000] menu item:

" Solver
" Damping Factor 0.75
" Head Change Criterion 0.001
" Residual Criterion 0.001

A lower damping factor reduces the aggressiveness of the solver and will reduce the tendency of
the solver to oscillate. Finally, activate the re-wetting package in the [Rewetting] sub-menu.
(Keep all rewetting default settings).

Run both MODFLOW-2000 and ZoneBudget.

" Advanced
" MODFLOW 2000 User Defined
" [… ] Change [Layer Property Flow Package] to
[Block Centered Flow Package]
" Translate & Run

Depending on the combination of hydraulic conductivities you specified in Task 11, your model
will be more or less similar to the measured heads. To view the resulting water table in three
dimensions, click [F2 - 3D] and execute the following commands:

ƒ Adjust the view with the X, Y and Z sliders;

ƒ Expand the Output/Heads folder;
ƒ Select Water table;

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ƒ Select Visible in the Properties window below.

ƒ This will give you a quick overview of the water table configuration. When you have
finished, click [F2 - 3D] on the bottom menu bar within Visual MODFLOW to deactivate the
3D Explorer.

Be aware that your model may not converge the first time you run the model. However, do not be
discouraged - this is a typical intermediate step in building a working groundwater flow model.

If your model does not converge, go back to the Input Module and review the properties and
boundary conditions you entered for consistency and reasonableness.

5.2. Calibration Statistics

When your model has converged, you will be able to assess its ability to calculate a head
distribution that matches actual site head data. Perhaps the most common way to quantitatively
assess your model’s degree of calibration is to plot the calculated head distribution versus
observed head distribution using observation points which you place in your model. To view a
plot of Calculated Head versus Observed Head for your model:

From the Output Module:

" Graphs / Calibration / Head from the top menu bar

Under Groups:

" ; A.All to select all head observation points

" Apply

Using the following guidelines, examine your Calculated Head versus Observed Head plot. The
figure below illustrates a calibrated heads plot:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Do your measured versus calculated heads meet the less than 10 percent normalized root mean
square (RMS) error calibration criterion?

An acceptable RMS value for this model is less than 1.0 ft or a Normalized (i.e., scaled) RMS of
less than 10%, which is calculated as follows:

Normalized RMS = RMS

the maximum head change across the model domain

Remember, Visual MODFLOW calculates the Normalized RMS based on the global difference in
head elevations across the model. In a regional model with considerable relief, it may be more
appropriate to define a local Scaled RMS for areas of particular interest. If the normalized RMS
criterion is satisfied, are there any points in the model that are not calibrated? If so, are these
non-calibrated areas of the model important to the project? If they are, examine your model in
those areas and consider adjusting the input parameters to achieve a better calibration result.

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To view the geographic distribution of residuals (residual = calculated-observed), close the

calibration statistics, and open the Overlay [F9] dialogue and turn on the Cal – Head Residual –
Map overlay. Then, click Settings to display the following dialogue:

Set the Maximum Bubble Size to 20, and ensure only the Bubbles option is selected. Close the
dialogue and click Select, then Single from the side menu bar and select few points. Your display
should appear similar to the figure below.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

By default, the positive residuals are displayed in red while the negative residuals are blue. Using
this tool, you can quickly determine the relative residuals across the model domain. Be sure to
examine the residuals in each model layer. The greatest calibration effort should be focused in
those areas that are most relevant to the model. If all the red “bubbles” are clustered at one end
of the flowpath and all the blue ones are clustered at the other end, the overall groundwater
gradient calculated by your model is probably in error. Another way to examine residuals is to
compare them to a normal distribution. Select the [Residual Distribution] under
Graphs\Calibration\Head button to display a graph similar to the figure below.

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Additional efforts should be concentrated on calibrating the model if some points deviate
significantly from a normal distribution. The greatest efforts should be concentrated on those
points that are within particularly relevant areas of the model.

The same process you use to examine and compare the results using the RMS criterion, should
also be applied to examine the calculated versus observed discharges to/from streams. In the
ChemWest model, we have a single flow measurement for comparison. To compare the
measured flow to/from Deer Creek to that calculated by Zone Budget, From the Output Module:

" Maps from the Main Menu

" Zone Budget
" Zone Budget from the left toolbar
" Zone # until the dialogue box displays Zone # 3

To examine the amount of groundwater flow between the stream and the aquifer system, find the
“River Leakage” under the Input and Output columns, respectively, for Zone 3. In the following
screen capture, you will see the following results:

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• River leakage into the aquifer: 0 ft3/day

• River leakage out of the aquifer: 11,256 ft3/day

The exact magnitude of your numbers will be different from the ones given here because your
model will be different. These results indicate that Deer Creek is gaining water all along this
reach (river leakage out of the aquifer) but not losing water (river leakage into the aquifer).

“gaining stream”
= output “river leakage”
= negative “river leakage”

“losing stream”
= input “river leakage”
= positive “river leakage”

This terminology can be a confusing point so check with your instructor if you have any
questions. The net flow across the river boundary is calculated as follows:

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Net Flow Across River Boundary = Input River Leakage – Output River Leakage
= 0 – 11,256 ft3/day
= -11,256 ft3/day

A negative result indicates a net loss of water from the aquifer to Deer Creek because all flow
rates in MODFLOW are considered with respect to the aquifer. Compare these calculated results
with the difference in streamflow you calculated earlier in this exercise.

ZoneBudget output can also be viewed in graphical format, which is very handy for a quick
overview of relative magnitudes. Close the Zone Budget Output table, and select Graphs,
followed by ZoneBudget/Flow from the top menu bar. A series of 4 graphs will be displayed.
Maximize the Time step graph and switch to Zone 3. Try clicking on the bars to display the
calculated results. As you can see by the figure below, the same value that was displayed in the
previous table can be obtained in the Time step graph.

If your model meets the quantitative calibration criterion, do not assume your model is ready for
use in making predictive simulations. An important part of the calibration process is a qualitative
review of the model results – that is, are the model results reasonable based on your experience
and knowledge of the region? Specifically, do the head contours and contaminant-plume
geometry agree qualitatively with the modeled results? To conduct such a qualitative

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comparison, you may want to digitize hand-contoured isopleths (concentration contours) and
hydraulic heads/water table. These digitized plots can be imported to Visual MODFLOW as a dxf
file and overlain on the calculated results for comparison.

If you have extra time at the end of this exercise, you may want to use Surfer to contour the head
calibration points and import a dxf file into Visual MODFLOW.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

6. Transport Simulation Set-up

6.1. Introduction
The remaining sections of the lab illustrate how a model can be used to help decide whether pre-
emptive remedial measures are required at a site where potential contaminant sources exist. Let
us suppose that the owners knew of the possibility of BTEX contamination within their site. This
led them to hire a specialist to estimate the parameters that would be required to develop a
model. A review of the literature indicated that a longitudinal dispersivity of 16 ft would be
appropriate for this type of depositional environment and the potential size of the plume at this
site. The ratios of transverse to longitudinal dispersivity, and vertical to longitudinal dispersivity
were estimated at 0.1 and 0.01, respectively. The bulk density was estimated at 106 lb/ft3. A series
of batch tests were conducted and a linear Kd of 3.02×10-11 L/μg was determined for these aquifer
materials for the range of expected concentrations. Finally, a first-order decay constant of 0.005
day-1 was estimated as the most optimistic scenario for natural attenuation of BTEX at this site.
Although decay of the sorbed phase sometimes occurs, it is conservatively assumed not to occur
at this site. Using these parameters, we will construct a series of three transport scenarios to
help decide whether an engineered remediation system is likely to be required. In summary, the
parameters are as follows:
• αl = 16 ft
• αt/αl = 0.1
• αv/αl = 0.01
• Kd = 3.02×10-11 L/μg
• ρb = 106 lb/ft3
• λaq = 0.005 day-1
• λsorbed = 0

We recommend that you read this section and the next section to gain an overall understanding
before proceeding any further.

6.2. Basic Parameters and Transport Boundaries

If you are satisfied with the calibration of your flow model, you can use the results to conduct
predictive simulations to identify the effect of a variety of remedial actions on the dissolved-
benzene plume at the site.

Under [Properties] in the Input Module click [Dispersion]. From the side toolbar select
[Database]. Change the value of longitudinal dispersivity to a new value of 16 ft. Then, select
[Layer Options] from the toolbar and check the horizontal: longitudinal and vertical: longitudinal
dispersivity ratios. For each layer of the model, ensure that the ratios are set to 0.1 and 0.01,

Now click the [F10-Main Menu] and go to [Setup] of the [Edit Engines]. In this exercise, ensure
that you are using the MT3D99 numeric engine, which can be selected by clicking the New
button and subsequently selecting the MT3D99 engine from the pull-down list.

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When you have specified the MT3D99 numeric engine, edit the transport variant by selecting a
Linear Isotherm from the sorption pull down list, to model linear sorption. Now, enter a bulk
density of 106 lb/ft3 under the Model Params tab and distribution coefficient (Kd) of 3.02×10-11
[1/(ug/L)] under the Species Params tab. You may also wish to change the designation of your
species to “Benzene” in the Species tab.

Now click OK. This will compress the existing transport variant (Var001) and then create the files
for the new transport variant (Var002).

Next, return to the Input Module and enter the contaminant source concentration in the location
shown in the figure below. Click [Boundaries], [Constant Concentration], and add the two
benzene sources, which should be added to Layer 2 as constant concentration sources, with a
concentration of 2000 μg/l for a duration of 18,250 days.

6.3. Concentration Observation Wells

Now import a set of concentration observation wells so that breakthrough curves of the results
can be plotted. This feature is useful for estimating the breakthrough time of critical

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

concentrations, such as the drinking water limit, and for comparing multiple remediation
scenarios. Click Wells \ Conc. Observation Wells on the top menu to enter the concentration
well input screen. Then import the observation wells contained in conpts.txt using [Import Obs.].
This file does not contain any observed concentrations but it will provide the coordinates and
screen elevations for plotting the modeling results. The import observations screen should
resemble the one pictured below.

6.4. Inactive-for-Transport Region

In some circumstances, making part of the model domain inactive with respect to contaminant
transport can significantly reduce the simulation time. MT3D99 calculates the maximum
allowable time step based on numerical stability criteria minimized across the model. The cell
with the fastest travel time across it will dominate the selection of the transport time step. Thus
one small cell with a high groundwater velocity can be responsible for a very small MT3D99
calculated maximum time step.

Note: If your time step is exceedingly small, your model may contain an inadvertently added grid
line with a very small grid spacing.

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If the time step controlling cells are located outside of your area of interest for contaminant
transport, then you have the option of specifying an area of the model as inactive for transport.
This zone can be assigned using the [Inactive Trans] button that is accessible under
Properties\Initial Concentration. In this particular model, the time step is controlled by the flow
around the dam, which unfortunately is in our area of interest. Next figure shows approximately
the area that should be considered inactive. Don’t forget to copy the inactive transport area to the
other layers.

6.5. Solution Method and Output Times

In the Run Module, select MT3D99 from the top menu bar, followed by Solution Method. For this
simulation, we will use the Upstream Finite Difference (UFD) advection method – using the ;
Implicit GCG Solver. When you have specified the UFD advection method, close the dialogue
and open the [Output/Time steps]. Change the length of simulation to 18250 days (i.e. 50 years)
and change the total number of transport steps to 100,000.

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Finally, click on Save simulation times at specified times (days) and add the following output times
to the list:
365, 730, 1825, 3650, 5475, 7300, 9125, 10950, 12775, 14600, 16475, 18250

While it is unlikely that you would present the results from all of these times, it is useful to have
the additional output if you want to develop an animated presentation of your results.

Before running one of the following three scenarios with MT3D99, please refer to the following
checklist to ensure you have correctly set up your model and are ready for the transport phase of
the exercise:

9 Your flow model is reasonably calibrated based on the calibration criteria outlined
earlier in this lab. If not, then please notify your instructor, who can subsequently
provide you with a calibrated version of the model for the purposes of the following
transport scenarios

9 You have selected the MT3D99 numeric engine, and specified the UFD advection
method and the correct output time steps

9 You have specified a 50 year simulation length and 100,000 transport steps

9 The output times are specified

9 You have assigned two constant concentration sources of 2000 μg/L to Layer 2 of your

9 If you have completed the tasks from the list above, then you are now ready to run the
transport section of this exercise.

6.6. Transport Scenarios

You will now create a series of three transport scenarios. Create three new sub-directories using
Windows Explorer as follows:


Use the Save As command in the main menu to save the model to each of these directories in
succession. Use a different file name for each model to keep everything clear for yourself. The
model in the Scenario_A directory will be used “as is”. You will then modify the models saved in
the Scenario_B and Scenario_C directories to create the scenarios outlined below. If you would
like to run all three scenarios at once, wait until the “batch” feature in Visual MODFLOW is

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

described in the next section before running any of the simulations. This batch feature allows you
to set up several simulations and have them run overnight or during a break in the course.

Scenario A – Transport with adsorption only; no bioremediation or pump-and-treat

This is a conservative scenario that will identify the potential for contamination of receptors
downgradient of the site if no pumping well is installed and the contaminants are not naturally
attenuated. Run the simulation as you have set it up and then compare the results to those
obtained by Scenarios B and C. (Note: it should take approximately 5 minutes to run this

See Figures C8 to C12 in Appendix C for examples of results using the Upstream Finite Difference
Method. Figures C23 to C26 show examples of results using the Method of Characteristics (MOC);
and Figures C27 to C30 show examples of results using the TVD solver.

Scenario B – Same as Group A plus a 50-GPM pump-and-treat system

Retrieve the model saved in the Scenario B directory. For this scenario, add a well at the location
specified as the recovery well (approximately at X=2925, Y=4155) on the background map. The
well should be screened across the full thickness of the sand and gravel aquifer, i.e., layers 2 and
3, with an extraction rate of 50 GPM specified.

Note: To simulate an extraction well, should the pumping rate be negative or positive?

Run the simulation, including MODFLOW, and then compare the results to those obtained by
Scenario A. MODFLOW must be executed before MT3D because you are now simulating the
effect of a pumping well. See Figures C13 to C17 in Appendix C for examples of results.

Scenario C – Same as Group A plus first-order decay (natural attenuation)

Retrieve the model saved in the Scenario C directory. Return to the [Setup] of [Edit Engines], in
the main menu. Ensure MT3D99 is the engine selected. Now, click New to create a new
transport variant and specify the following:

Linear isotherm (equilibrium controlled) under Sorption

First-order irreversible decay under Reactions.

Under the Species Params tab, enter the following values:

3.02×10-11 [1/μg/L] for Kd

0.005/day for Kmobile i.e. the dissolved phase reaction rate constant (RC1); and
0.0/day for Ksorbed i.e. the sorbed phase reaction rate constant (RC2).

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Now click OK. This will compress the existing transport variant (Var002) and then create the files
for the new transport variant (Var003).

Note: WAIT a few seconds until the hourglass symbol appears and then disappears, and
“Var003“ appears in the top bar of the Visual MODFLOW window.

Then, from the Main Menu open the [Setup], [Copy from Variant] dialogue. Select the Constant
Concentration and Observation Wells from the Data Type list, as seen below:

When completed, open the Run menu followed by MT3D99, then Solution Method. From the
available advection methods, select Upstream Finite Difference (UFD).

Then, open the Output/Timesteps dialogue and re-enter the following:

Simulation Time: 18250

Max# Transport Steps: 100000

Save Simulation Results at Specified Times:

365, 730, 1825, 3650, 5475, 7300, 9125, 10950, 12775, 14600, 16475, 18250

Run the model and then compare the results to those obtained by Scenarios A and B. Figures C18
to C22 in Appendix C illustrate examples of results plotted in plan.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

7. Comparison of Remedial Options

7.1. Remedial Objectives

When the transport simulations are complete, you can compare the results to help assess
whether natural attenuation is likely to meet the objectives or whether an engineered system is
required. The objectives at this site are to maintain benzene concentrations below certain criteria
for a period of 50 years after any benzene leakage occurs as follows:

<500 μg/L at MW-10 and MW-33

<5 μg/L (the drinking water limit) at MW-73 and MW-15
<1 μg/L at MW-7, MW-70 and 77south.

Note: The grid spacing in this model is much too coarse to be assessing downgradient
concentrations that are so much lower than the source concentration. An actual assessment
would require a much finer grid and an assessment of numerical error.

Remember to check all layers when conducting your assessment. In the end, what are your

If benzene is not degrading naturally in the field, are the water-quality objectives met?
If benzene is degrading naturally in the field, is an engineered pumping system required?
Will the proposed pumping system be sufficient if benzene is not degrading naturally?
What design modifications would you propose to increase the effectiveness of the pumping
Do you think that the current network of concentration monitoring wells will adequately
characterize the predicted plume geometry? How would this influence your conclusions about
whether the objectives are being met?
Compare your conclusions with those of other participants in the course to see if they differ. This
will give you some insight into the variability of modeling results given the same set of field data.
The following sections describe some additional tools within Visual MODFLOW that will help you
conduct your assessment.

7.2. Visualizing Results as Breakthrough Curves

Besides plotting concentrations in plan, breakthrough curves are also useful for depicting the
effect of different remediation techniques and especially for comparing the results of several
techniques. One of the advantages of breakthrough curves is that a calculated result is provided
for each time step in the simulation rather than the limited number of output times that you
specify for all grid cells. This makes it easier to identify the calculated breakthrough time of a
target concentration, such as the drinking water limit. An example of a breakthrough curve is
illustrated in the following screen capture.

© Schlumberger Water Serices Page 53

Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Breakthrough curves can be plotted for any of the concentration observation wells. The modeling
results can be exported using the Edit – Copy Data to … command from the top menu. By
exporting to a file or the clipboard, the breakthrough curves can be copied to Excel. This allows
you to copy the results of different remediation scenarios at the same location to Excel for easy

7.3. Visualizing Model Results in 3D

Viewing the modeling results in three dimensions often helps to gain insight into the transport and
attenuation processes at a site and the effects of various remedial options. For example, the
following techniques can be very useful:
ƒ Arbitrary horizontal slices through the model domain;
ƒ Vertical cross-sections along or perpendicular to a flowline;
ƒ Vertical cross-sections through a set of environmental receptors, such as drinking-water
ƒ Three-dimensional iso-surfaces.
These types of views allow the hydrogeologist to examine the results in a way that is most
relevant to the purpose of the analysis. Furthermore, two and three-dimensional animation
techniques can be useful for illustrating time-dependent processes such as contaminant
transport or water-table drawdown. This section of the lab will familiarize you with some

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

techniques for assessing your transport modeling results in three dimensions using the 3D

To access the Visual MODFLOW 3D Explorer (referred to as the 3D Explorer for the balance of this
lab), click [F2 - 3D] from the bottom menu bar. The main tools for orienting the model image are
the two tabs located at the bottom of the screen, entitled Shift and Rotate. The X and Y sliders
under Shift tab move the model within the view window and the Z slider zooms the model in and
out. The Rotate sliders rotate the model around the three axes.

The window in the upper left corner is called the Project Tree, which displays the features of the
model that are available for viewing. Expand each component of the Project Tree to display the
available options. While doing so, notice the Properties Window located in the lower left
contains different features depending on the selected Project Tree component. As well, a text
description for each property appears in the bottom of the dialogue window.

Finally, the top menu bar contains functions pertaining to slice definitions, user preferences,
saving and opening configurations, and others. Notice the icon entitled Reset scene position,
which will return you to the opening position at any time.

Once you have briefly explored the various features of the 3D Explorer, rotate the image to
produce a view similar to the figure below:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

NOTE: For printing purposes, the background and frame colour has been changed from black to
white. (These colours can be modified under View/Preferences.)

Turn Off Observation Wells

Ensure that the view is looking slightly down on the model domain so that you’re able to see the
horizontal slices about to be generated. Once you have achieved the desired view, select Wells –
Head Observations and clear the observation wells from view by de-selecting Visible in the
Properties Window. This will make the view less cluttered for viewing the modeling results.

View Horizontal Slice of Plume

To view a horizontal slice of the simulated contaminant plume, select Output data –
Concentrations – Benzene from the Project Tree. Right-click and select Add colour map from
the pop-up window that appears. This command will add a new folder to the Benzene folder.

From the Select/Create Slices dialogue that appears, click Horizontal. Then, select a Horizontal
slice type and enter a Z-value of 590 feet. The dialogue should appear as seen below:

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

When completed, expand the Benzene folder and click on Colour map #1 from the Project Tree.
Using the Properties Window, set the Lower Threshold to 50 μg/L and click the Cutoff on check
box. To view the plume at a number of different times, click Benzene in the Project Tree followed
by the drop-down arrow for Time in the Properties Window. Your plume will subsequently be
displayed on a horizontal slice at an elevation of 590 feet for each time that you select in this list.
An example is shown below.

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Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

You can also display an animated image of the plume by clicking the animate button (the camera)
below the File command along the top menu bar. The time is displayed in the Properties window.

View a Vertical Cross-Section of the Plume

To view a vertical cross-section of the plume, first create an isosurface. Select Benzene from the
Project Tree and then right-click your mouse. From the pop-up window that appears, select Add
isosurface. Fill in the dialogue as shown below:

To create a cross-section along the plume, select Options - Define slices from the top menu bar.
From the dialogue that appears, select Cross-section, which subsequently produces the cross-
section dialogue, including a small map of the model domain (the cross-section dialogue may
require a few seconds to appear).

A default horizontal line with two vertices is displayed across the domain. The location and size of
this line can be modified based on the desired cross-section orientation. As well, additional
vertices can be added at any time by right-clicking your mouse and selecting Add vertex. As a
result, a vertex is produced in the horizontal line at the mouse position. In this manner, delineate a
slice along the centerline of the plume. You may have to switch back to the Visual MODFLOW
window to accurately depict the location of the plume. An example of a cross-section centerline
is illustrated in the following image.

© Schlumberger Water Serices Page 58

Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

Coordinates Alignment of
of nodes cross-section

When you are satisifed with the cross-section, click File – Close, which will return you to the
main window. From the top menu bar, select Options - Select cut-away. First select the drop-
down menu for Vertical cut-away slice and select Cross-section no. 1. Then fill out the
dialogue as seen below:

© Schlumberger Water Serices Page 59

Visual MODFLOW Exercise: ChemWest

When completed, ensure that Remove in cut-away has been selected for the following items to
give a cleaner view of the cross-section:
ƒ Colour map
ƒ Isosurface
ƒ Site maps – ChemWest.
You may wish to zoom in on the area of interest, and turn on additional model properties. In the
example below, the boundary conditions have been activated.

When you have finished, close the 3D Explorer by clicking [F2 –3D] within Visual MODFLOW.

This concludes the ChemWest Exercise.

© Schlumberger Water Serices Page 60


x x
x x
x x
x EK
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x 1
x x -
x P
x M
x x
x x x




feet500 1000

Figure 1: ChemWest Site Map


'E '
'A’ x

D x
x D'
x F'
x x
x x
x x
x EK
x x
x x
x x

x x x
x x
x x 1
x M
x x
x x x




Figure 3: Cross-section Distribution

Figure 6 – Head Measurements
Figure 7 – Hydraulic Conductivity of Sand and Gravel

Interpreted Cross-sections C to G

Page C-1
Page C-2
Page C-3
Page C-4
Page C-5
Page C-6

Stratigraphic Summary Table

Page C-7
Well ID x-cord (ft) y-cord (ft) Ground Surface (ft) Top of Sand/Gravel (ft) Top of Bedrock (ft)
2 2648.05 4742.88 622.08 600.95 n/a
8 2891.68 2549.29 630.87 n/a
10 3868.15 3963.30 633.95 n/a
15 2733.78 3588.36 624.64 612.17 n/a
16 2711.59 4535.90 622.14 599.70 n/a
17 2731.37 4322.46 625.63 604.07 n/a
18 2747.13 4072.12 625.88 607.18 n/a
25 2920.51 3853.83 633.36 605.94 n/a
29 2800.23 3881.59 624.74 603.44 n/a
30 2493.58 3809.60 608.17 599.70 n/a
1 4454.24 3702.98 640.05 600.15 n/a
2 4409.16 3597.90 639.75 n/a n/a
3 4396.74 3691.22 640.15 601.25 n/a
4 4274.13 3510.25 639.55 599.65 n/a
5 4364.15 3562.85 639.25 599.35 n/a
401 4696.92 6735.04 631.92 614.20 n/a
402 4740.81 6669.39 635.82 n/a 558.02
403 3885.61 6954.60 628.97 612.01 n/a
404 3925.48 6961.96 628.97 612.01 552.16
405 3786.09 6688.17 629.50 610.55 n/a
406 3771.40 6649.07 629.50 610.55 554.70
407 3727.28 6434.01 628.35 608.40 n/a
408 3715.09 6468.21 628.35 609.40 555.04
409 3827.35 6377.89 633.08 614.13 n/a
410 3871.28 6358.37 633.08 614.13 554.79
300 3437.80 685.49 605.24 564.34 n/a
301 1542.38 -974.94 604.36 575.51 n/a
302 2571.22 75.26 608.43 568.53 n/a
303 2996.14 -175.20 607.23 n/a
304 3525.77 -416.06 607.83 579.90 n/a
305 2358.19 -496.36 609.33 n/a n/a
306 3097.17 -795.00 616.17 585.30 n/a
310 2606.88 1040.39 600.85 569.93 n/a
311 2606.66 770.55 606.03 n/a n/a
312 2609.87 821.34 605.64 569.73 542.80
313 2581.07 503.85 603.84 n/a n/a
320 2016.72 1144.45 611.22 571.32 n/a
321 1980.64 831.46 610.92 n/a n/a
322 1974.07 782.56 610.72 569.83 555.86
323 1918.42 449.99 609.92 570.03 n/a
324 1813.80 -29.32 601.21 572.52 n/a
rec-1 2950.82 4183.72 626.01
39 2431.72 6539.11 620.11 586.49 560.55
201 5106.79 6484.39 652.02 n/a 607.13
202 5339.70 4519.18 655.71 n/a n/a
203 5342.49 4199.24 650.52 n/a
204 6451.16 4517.01 650.82 n/a 750.00
205 6625.17 5068.68 636.95 n/a 780.00
206 6155.66 4367.47 718.54 n/a 702.59
207 5732.33 4287.91 730.81 n/a
208 5765.81 4263.56 732.31 n/a 712.36
210 5598.76 4708.31 759.14 n/a 731.21
211 5954.59 4245.43 765.79 n/a 738.29
212 5837.50 6344.81 809.75 n/a 823.07
213 5556.01 4668.66 758.84 n/a 752.86
101 4456.57 2542.66 650.03 613.42 585.39
102 2736.27 1562.93 604.84 569.93 n/a
103 3047.21 1371.61 603.94 568.23 n/a
104 3283.08 1364.96 607.31 n/a 558.20
105 2667.88 1545.77 601.65 574.72 n/a
106 3064.27 1340.83 603.54 n/a n/a
107 3286.46 1313.64 601.95 n/a n/a
108 3512.33 1621.70 618.40 573.52 555.76
109 3549.93 1621.73 619.60 n/a n/a
110 3580.69 1625.17 620.10 595.16 n/a
111 3611.47 1618.35 622.08 602.72 556.76
70 3153.79 2137.96 630.17 615.71 n/a
71 2552.20 2226.43 629.95 600.42 n/a
73 3294.84 3260.11 632.77 621.79 n/a
74 3622.67 2808.82 631.67 n/a n/a
75 3619.28 2843.03 633.23 611.92 552.37
76 3291.01 2733.31 631.67 611.72 n/a
77 3567.67 2439.32 631.57 611.62 n/a
78 3704.34 -1003.34 680.32 n/a 680.32
79 5003.45 -998.23 830.67 n/a 830.67
80 3501.01 -994.93 604.36 595.51 585.08
81 5200.23 1942.30 605.78 603.52 600.55
82 5202.44 3308.98 604.71 603.59 599.21
83 4906.56 4896.33 606.22 601.55 599.56

Page C-8

Figure Comparison for Model Construction

and Transport Simulations

Page C-9
Figure C1 – Grid Refinement Example

Figure C2 – Model Cross-Section West-East Example

Page C-10
Figure C3 – Model Inactive Areas Example

Figure C4– Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution for Layer 1

Kxy = 5 ft/day

Inactive Area

Page C-11
Figure C5– Distribution of Monitoring Wells Used for Calibration

Figure C6– Model Boundary Conditions


River Boundaries

Page C-12
Figure C7 – Contaminant Source Locations (Layer 2 only)

NOTE: Figures C8-C22 display simulated benzene concentrations in Layer 2, calculated by

MT3D99 using the Upstream Finite Differences. The lower cutoff for color shading is 50 ug/L

Figure C8 – Simulated Benzene Distribution – Scenario A, No Degradation – Year 1

Page C-13
Figure C9 – Simulated Benzene Distribution – Group A, No Degradation – Year 5

Figure C10 – Simulated Benzene Distribution – Group A, No Degradation – Year 15

Figure C11 – Simulated Benzene Distribution – Group A, No Degradation – Year 30

Figure C12 – Simulated Benzene Distribution – Group A, No Degradation – Year 50

Figure C13 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group B, 50 GPM Extraction - Year 1

Figure C14 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group B, 50 GPM Extraction - Year 5

Figure C15 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group B, 50 GPM Extraction - Year 15

Figure C16 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group B, 50 GPM Extraction - Year 30

Figure C17 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group B, 50 GPM Extraction - Year 50

Figure C18 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group C, 230 day Half-life - Year 1
Figure C19 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group C, 230 day Half-life - Year 5

Figure C20 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group C, 230 day Half-life - Year 15
Figure C21 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group C, 230 day Half-life - Year 30

Figure C22 – Simulated Benzene Distrib. – Group C, 230 day Half-life - Year 50
Figure C23 – Method of Characteristics – Group A, no degradation - Year 1

Figure C24 – Method of Characteristics – Group A, no degradation - Year 5

Figure C25 – Method of Characteristics – Group A, no degradation - Year 15

Figure C26 – Method of Characteristics – Group A, no degradation - Year 30

Figure C27 – TVD – Group A, no degradation- Year 1

Figure C28 – TVD – Group A, no degradation- Year 5

Figure C29 – TVD – Group A, no degradation- Year 15

Figure C30 – TVD – Group A, no degradation- Year 30


Sample Borehole Logs that were

used to Develop Cross-sections


mw-39 2438 6556 580 1 602.57
mw-4 2428 5290 585 1 602.21
mw-11 3714 5286 590 1 602.53
mw-22 2865 5017 576 1 602.25
mw-21 2878 4878 580.5 1 602.20
mw-20 2903 4577 579.02 1 602.08
mw-24 3313 4533 587.4 1 601.14
mw-19 2903 4380 579.28 1 602.00
mw-6 2936 4249 579.61 1 601.94
mw-33 3308 4205 588.05 1 601.94
mw-10 3837 3969 601.04 1 601.88
mw-29 2806 3894 583.07 1 601.73
mw-15 2740 3594 581.99 1 601.59
mw-83 4240 3600 595.3 1 601.75
mw-82 4245 3444 594.6 1 601.65
mw-81 4352 3300 595.3 1 600.69
mw-73 3305 3269 590 1 601.36
mw-75 3632 2649 584.92 1 600.92
mw-74 3650 2860 589 1 600.66
mw-76 3299 2740 582.36 1 600.88
mw-8 2905 2670 581.58 1 600.71
mw-7 2969 2475 582.74 1 600.48
77south 3578 2445 592 1 600.67
mw-71 2564 2227 564.77 1 599.80
mw-70 3166 2143 583.46 1 600.07
mw-13 3911 1919 579.75 1 600.08
mw-102 2749 1675 562.15 1 599.44
mw-105 2680 1500 565.17 1 598.50
mw-104 3295 1366 564 1 598.16
mw-320 2028 1146 565.17 1 593.0
mw-327 1900 1107 565 1 591.91
mw-300 3451 686 563.25 1 598.57
mw-324 1825 -31 566.37 1 589.70
mw-306 3111 -791 574.3 1 595.82

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