Formal Dining Etiquette 101 2

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By: Jabes

How I'm graduating online I want to

take advantage of the time I have left
and I want to spend it with my friends
and family. I will allow this by GRADUATION
managing my time and working on
school only during school time and if
I have extra time I can get
assignments done. Getting these
assignments done will give me free
time on other days. I will use this time
to share and hang out with my family
and friends. After this school year, I’m planning to
take the summer, if I decide to go to
the states, to go to wherever I’m
going to live to make sure I have
AFTER everything necessary. Also, I will take
GRADUATION this time to spend time with my
family if I were to leave. If I don't
leave, I will try to figure out my
family’s plans to see if I have to move
from the house to a place that is
close to the college I plan on studying
I will enroll during the fall
semester so I will start to get
things ready and any material that
I have to get for college. I will also
try to do a lot of fun activities to AFTER
be able to enjoy my summer and DECIDING
celebrate that I’m going to college. COLLEGE
I will also in the case that I have to
move, I will prepare all of the stuff
that I can carry to move to the
place that I would have to move
My college experience will depend
on where God takes me. In the case
I stay in the Dominican Republic,
that means I will live in my parent's
house and I will drive to college
whenever I need to. I will continue
COLLEGE working in the call center that I am
currently working in and if I notice
that I am making enough money to
move to an apartment in Santiago, I
will do it. If God takes me to the
United States then I will live on
campus or in an apartment. Here I
will have a schedule of going to
school, then soccer practice and
after getting home and doing

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