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Republic of the Philippines

La Consolacion College of Rinconada

Iriga City – Iriga Campus



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study. The findings emanating from this research resulted

from careful analysis of the results. The conclusions were also based from the findings.

Aligned to the findings are the recommendations referring to the next steps, and what

should be done to make this research more useful.

This study aims to determine the effects of tardiness to the academic

performance of the JHS students and provide a solution such as programs to lessen the

number of the student’s tardiness. In this study, descriptive method was applied since

the main goal of this study is to identify the causes and effects of tardiness to the

academic performance of the JHS students. The researchers have chosen this type of

method for it will help them analyze and interpret the data that they have gathered.

The respondents of this study were the Junior High School students of La

Consolacion College of Rinconada Iriga Campus. The researchers had conducted the

surveys for 84 students. 21 from Grade 7, 21 from Grade 8, another 21 from Grade 9

and 21 from Grade 10.

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

This study sought answers to the following problems:

1. What is the personal profile of JHS students in terms of: sex, grade level, hobbies or

interests, mental ability,

2. What is the level of academic performance of students in major subject areas? 3.

How often do students come late in school? 4. What are the common causes of

tardiness? 5. What are the effects of tardiness to the academic performance of the

JHS?,6. What specific programs can lessen the number of students’ tardiness?


1.The personal profile of JHS students in terms of: a) sex, 63 % were females

and 37 % males among the respondents. 48% of the late comers are male and 57% are

female. b). grade level, 25 % of the respondents and 57% of the late comers from grade

7, 25 % of the respondents and 71% of the late comers from grade 8, 25% of the

respondents and 93% of the late comers from grade 9, 25% of the respondents and

100% of the late comers from grade 10. c). Hobbies and Interests are as follows,

46.24% of the respondents and 26% of the late comers like watching movies, 41.22% of

the respondents and 20% of the late comers like reading, 40.21% of the respondents

and 19% of the late comers like playing computer games, 29.16%of the respondents

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

and 15% of the late comers singing, 23.12 studying of the respondents and 12% of the

late comers the least , 10.5% of the respondents and 8% of the late comers have other

hobbies and the like d) Mental Ability, 82% Average level 84% of 45 late comers are in

the same level, 16% of both respondents and late comers are Above Average level and

2% of the respondents are in the Below Average level, e)School/Academic

Performance, 46% of the respondents and 44% of 45 late comers have Very Good

performance, 41% Good academic performance the same performace with the 47% of

45 late comers, 11% of the respondents and 9% of 45 late comers have Excellent

academic performance and 2% of the respondents and late comers have Fair academic


2. In terms of what are common causes of tardiness are as follows; a. Means of

transportation, 60% of the respondents and 56% of 45 late comers come to school

through private vehicles, 40% of the respondents said that the come to school through

public vehicle, 23% of the respondents and 31% of 45 late comers travel by other

vehicles such as motorcycle, and even walking, 9% of the respondents and 7% of 45

late comers travel by jeep, 5% of the respondents and 7% of 45 late comers travel

travel by multicab, 2% of the respondents travel by bus and 1% of the respondents

travel by train.b) Travel Time: 45% of the respondents and 51% of 45 late comers

travel for less than 30 minutes.43% of the respondents and 33 % of 45 late comers

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

travel for less than 5 minutes, 9% of the respondents and 2% of 45 late comers

specified their travel time like less than 20 minutes, 15 minutes and 10 minutes and 3%

of the respondents and 2% of 45 late comers travel for less than 1 hour.c)

Respondent’s Sleeping Time, 49% of the respondents and 49% of 45 late comers

sleep before 9 o’clock in the evening, 32% of the respondents and 38% of 45 late

comers sleep before 12 o’clock, 13% of the respondents and late comers specified their

sleeping time and 5% of the respondents sleep 6 o’clock.d) Wakening Time, 62% of

the respondents and 64% of 45 late comers wake up before 5 o’clock in the

morning.18% of the respondents and 16% of 45 late comers wake up before 7 o’clock

am, 10% indicated other time such as 4:00, 5:30, 6:00, and 6:10 which also counts to

16% of 45 late comers, 3% of the respondents and 4% of 45 late comers wake up

before 3 o’clock am and 7% of the respondents abstained. e) Preparation Time; 49%

of the respondents and 9% of 45 late comers prepare for less than 30 minutes, 40% of

the respondents and 47% of 45 late comers prepare for less than 1 hour, 10% of the

respondents and 44% of 45 late comers prepare for less than 5 minutes, 1% of the

respondents prepare specified his/her preparation time which is 45 minutes.

3. In relation with how often do students come late in school are as follows: 37%

of the respondents said that they have never been late, 31% of the respondents and

23% of the 45 late comers come late once a week, 22% of the respondents and 36% of

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

the late comers become tardy for 2 or more times in a week, 6% and 4% of the 45 late

comers come late to school every day, 4% and 9% of 45 late comers specified how

often they come to school late such as once a month, twice a month, and one said that

he/she comes to school late only when they wake up late.

4. The effects of tardiness to the academic performance of the JHS are as

follows; a) students who are frequently late to school often miss out on important

opening announcements and academic activities b). ‘Teachers can become frustrated

as late students disrupt instruction, often requiring re-teaching of what they have

missed, c). a student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad

punctuality habits, their tardiness also disrupts the learning of other students in their

classes, d) Arriving

late to school can also mean that students miss out on activities designed to build

connections with their peers, potentially impacting their social interactions and creating

a greater sense of alienation from their classmates.

5. The specific program could be designed to enhance the academic

performance of the students are the following:

· Proper time-management has Weighted Mean (WM) and Qualitative

Description (QD) of 4.39 and strongly agree respectively.

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

· The teachers should lessen the project has WM and QD of 4.38 and

strongly agree respectively.

· The time of the flag ceremony should be 7:30 am has WM and QD of

4.36 and strongly agree respectively.

Sleep early and wake up early has WM and QD of 4.29 and strongly agree


· The school must provide a school service for the students has WM

and QD of 4.26 and strongly agree respectively.

· The library period should be adequate for the project making has WM

and QD of 4.18 and agree respectively.

· Teachers should only give projects than can be accomplished in

school has WM and QD of 4 and agree respectively.

· Parents should remind their child on their daily schedule has WM and

QD of 3.99 and agree respectively.

· Students should lessen the use of gadgets during night time has WM

and QD of 3.92 and agree respectively.

· Guidance counselors should talk to the late comers more often has

WM and QD of 3.73 and agree respectively.

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus


Based from the findings. The following conclusions were drawn:

1. The personal profile of JHS students in terms of: a) sex b). grade level

c). Hobbies and Interests d) Mental Ability, e) School/Academic

Performance varies.

§ Female students of LCCR-I tend to come to school late more

often than the male students.

§ Majority of the late comers are from Grade 10 and Grade 7

have the least number of late comers.

§ The interest which is ranked from watching movies, followed

by reading, playing mobile/computer games, singing,

studying, and others.

§ Late comers oftenly use their gadgets and play mobile and

computer games as their hobby.

§ Majority of the respondents from LCCR-I JHS have a mental

ability in the level of Average and most of the late comers

also have Average level in Mental Ability.

§ Majority of the respondents have Very Good academic

performance and most of the late comers have Good

academic performance.

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

§ Respondents who have Excellent Academic performance

rarely come late.

2. There are several common causes of tardiness such as, a. Means of

transportation, b) Travel Time c) Respondent’s Sleeping Time, d)

Wakening Time, e) Preparation Time which can affect their time in

attending to school.

§ Majority of the respondents travel through the use of their

own vehicles and most of the late comers travel to school by

the use of their own private vehicles.

§ Majority of the respondents and late comers travel for less

than 30 minutes.

§ Students who sleep on or before 9:00 in the evening tend to

become tardy.

§ Sleeping earlier can improve one’s attendance.

§ Most of the late comers wake up before 5:00 and the data

gathered showed that waking up early can help the students

avoid tardiness.

§ Majority of the late comers prepare for almost 1 hour before

going to school.

§ Allocating too much time in preparation such as body care,

breakfast and etc. can cause tardiness.

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

§ Some of the students who come prepare for a minimum

length of time for they want to avoid being late.

3. Tardiness frequency level among the different respondents varies.

§ Majority of the respondents have never been late before and

most of the late comers attain tardiness for 2 or more times

in a week.

§ Only few of the late comers become tardy everyday.

4. Tardiness affects the academic performance of the students and

missing out school activities which can enhance their 21 st century learning


§ Students who comes late tend to have a Good academic


§ Excellent aademic performance are attained by those

students who rarely come late.

5. There are several programs than can be devised to uplift the academic

performance of the students and to lessen or eradicate tardiness in

school. It can be solved easily if all Administration/ authority/parties

(LCCRI-IC Management, students, and teachers) will work together as

one to overcome tardiness.

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

 Most of the students strongly agreed that Proper time-

management is the solution for tardiness.

§ The projects and performance tasks given by the subject

teachers is also a factor causing tardiness.

§ Parent-intervention is also one of the factors that causes


§ The participation of the guidance counselors is not much

needed in terms of tardiness.

Through the data, it was revealed that most of the students get late and never

make it through in attending their classes before going to school and because they are

playing mobile and computer games, reading their books and stuffs, and mostly

because they are watching movies which leads to waking up too late in the morning and

becoming unmotivated to go to school.

It was also shown that the habit of sleeping late at night and waking up late in the

morning plays aa big role in a students tardiness. Students sleep late because of the

projects and performance tasks given by the teachers. They also lack self-control in

using their gadgets which affects their attendance in school.

It was aslo revealed that parents’-intervention can play a big role in a students

punctuality. Parents should remind their children on their daily schedules. They can also

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

serve as a human alarm clock which is actually beneficial to their children for it was

found out that waking up through an alarm can be hazardous to one’s health.

Through proper examination, it was revealed that students have the

responsibilities in waking up early to attend class. In the mere future, students who are

responsible enough benefit in attending school on time. It does not only help them

to excell in academic performance today but it will also prepare themfor their future

careers. And most of all, this will reflect on their personality on how disciplined and

responsible that person is.


This study has identified the connection between tardiness and their causes. It has

also shown that being late in School has significant unfavourable effects on the

students, which could affect both the performance and class standing.

In line with these, the researcher recommend that students practice going to bed as

early as possible rather than unnecessarily staying late at night. In addition, students

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

should avoid any unnecessary activities that would eat up their time. In order to limit or

eliminate tardiness, it is also recommended that the School Administration:

1. Emphasize that academic success is very much dependent on student

attitude towards the school.

Teachers respond to the educational needs of late students by reallocating

regular class time, then other students are adversely affected and classroom instruction

is slowed by this disruption.

With tardy students entering the school day at abnormal times and potentially

missing a large number of cumulative instructional hours, teachers must divert their

attention away from regular teaching time and towards remediation

2. Implement school policies that will not restrict nor hold the student from

learning. In order to achieve the researcher’s objectives , faculty/management of La

Consolacion College of Rinconada, Iriga Campus should adjust the time in going to

school as way for the school to reduce/ lessen and overcome tardiness.

3. Give extra attention to those who are left behind in the lessons due to

their tardiness. Tap the bright pupils to teach their classmates who performed less In

other words, cooperative learning should be practiced in the teaching-learning process,

Republic of the Philippines
La Consolacion College of Rinconada
Iriga City – Iriga Campus

once a slow student fully understand the lesson, he/she can keep up with his/her other

classmates, thus self-confidence is gained.

4. Practice Proper Time-management. Students should make their own daily

schedule including their to-do list and the specific time wherein they will do that task.

Through this, the students will become more organized and they can avoid spending too

much time on a specific task.

5. Give performance tasks that can be accomplished at school. Projects and

performance tasks for every subject should be limited for 2-3 per month only. The

teachers also need to give their requirements for a specific length of time.The libraries

as well as the librarians should also encourage the students to make their projects in

the library instead of doing it at home which can be a cause to tardiness

6. Parent - intervention. The part of the students’ parents is very important. Their

reminder and intervention every morning can serve as a big help to their children to be

more punctual to their schedule.


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