Spreader Beam BLOCK E

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Spreader Beam Design

Dubai Technical dept.

DESIGN OF SPREADER LIFTING BEAM of Hollow Circular Cross Section

Belleli Energy srl, Dubai Branch prepared by R. Venkat Date 5/24/2021
Project: Hitachi Zosen, Arzew Plant, Algeria "BLOCK-E"
Job No. 4776
Safe Working Load, SWL 112.6 Tons
Spreading Length 10.000 metres
Safety Factor in Compression 1.6
Yield stress of the Beam material 240 MPa
Allowable Tensile Stress 150 MPa
Elastic Modulus of the material 210000 MPa
Geometry of Lifting, Solved using the equations of Static Equillibrium

SWL, W = 1109.7 kN

Tie Length = L = 10.000 metres

a = 60.0 Degrees Tensile Force, P = 637.9 kN

x Compressive Force, C = 318.9 kN

A x B

Spreading Length, L = 10.000 metres

W/2 = 552.4 kN W/2 = 552.4 kN

As the Spreader beam is free for all its three planar DOF (x,y & R z Degrees Of Freedom) at the nodes of application of load, The bar behaves like
a TRUSS member and it will resist only the AXIAL force (here, Compression) and it will NOT resist BENDING in the plane.

This Spreader Beam is a typical case of Timoshenko's BEAM-COLUMN (Horizontal members having axial loads in addition to lateral loads)
with both the ends HINGED. The Elastic Instability in the lateral direction causes the Spreader beam to BUCKLE due to the SLENDERNESS.
This imposes the limitation on the Compressive load. The load at which the TRANSVERSE BUCKLING commenced is the CRITICAL load

Hence, the STRUCTURAL analysis is made for (1) Direct Compressive Stress, and (2) Critical Load for Transverse Buckling.

(A) Design for Normal Stress (Direct Compressive Stress) **** Selecting the Section initially based on this ****

Considering the equillibrium of node B , We have

1) the vertical component of resolved P is balanced with W/2, hence
P * Sin a = (W/2)
=> P * Sin a = 552.4
=> P = kN
Sin(180-a )/2

Tensile Force in the tie, P = 637.9 kN

Prepared By: R.Venkat 1 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
2) the horizontal component of resolved P induces a compressive force C in spreader beam, hence
P * Cos a = C

Compressive Force in Beam C = 318.9 kN

Compressive Force in Newton X Safety Factor in Compression

Minimum Area of Cross section required in mm2 =
Allowable Stress in Mpa

A = s allow

Minimum Area of Cross section required in mm2 = 3401.91 mm2

**** CLICK
*****CLICK HERE TO SELECT **** TO Signal Box "SAFE
THE PIPE****** [The Standard pipe INCREASE
Load Factor is OK
(API 5L) selected shall8"be atleast with
THE Buckling Stress is OK
this cross section area and
219.1 wall SECTION BY Buckling Stress is OK
thickness is minimum8"(i.e,
Critical Load is OK

Safety Margin is OK
The Pipe selected is 12" Sch20 as perAPI 5L Signal Box
OD of the Pipe 323.80 mm "OPTIMALITY"
Tk of the Pipe 6.35 mm Load Factor is OPTIMUM

Cross section Area, As 6332.85 mm2 Buckling Stress is OPTIMUM

Moments of Inertia, Ixx=Iyy=I= 8.0E+07 mm4 Buckling Stress is OPTIMUM

Radii of Gyration, rx=ry=r= 112.26 mm Safety Margin is OPTIMUM

Unit Weight of the Pipe 49.71 kg / m

Compressive Strength of the pipe selected = Allowable Stress X Cross section area
= sallow*As

Cactual = 949.93 kN

Therefore the practical Safety Factor achieved =

nc = 2.98 Nr. SATISFACTORY

(B) Design for Elastic Stability - Transverse Buckling [1]

Effective Length of the Spreader Beam

Slenderness Ratio (L/r) =
Radius of gyration

For both ends HINGED members, the EFFECTIVE length equals the LENGTH of the member

L/r = 89.08 Nr. More than Euler's Critical Range

2p 2 E
The Crippling commencement factor, Cc =

Cc = 131.42 Nr.

*** Beam in the Intermediate-block, COMPRESSION & BUCKLING analyses needed ***
Calculations for the Intermediate-block, Pls. ignore for the Slender Range
Computing the factor, FS = (5/3) + (3/8) * [(L/r) / Cc] - (1/8) * [(L/r) / Cc]3

FS = 1.88 Nr.

Allowable Stress in intermediate buckling sallow(ib) = (sy/Fs) * [1 - (1/2) * {(L/r) / Cc}2]

sallow(ib) = 98.23 MPa OK


Prepared By: R.Venkat 2 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
Calculations for the Slender Range, Pls. ignore for the Intermediate-block

Allowable Stress in slender buckling sallow(sb) = (p2 * E) / [1.92 * (L/r)2]

sallow(sb) = 136.04 MPa OK

Check for the Ultimate Buckling load Pu, which is the Euler's Critical load Pcr

Euler's Critical Bucling load = (p2 * E * I) / (L)2

Pcr = 1654.06 kN OK

Euler's Critical Buckling Load

Buckling safety margin =
Actual Compressive Force on Beam X Safety Factor in Compression

ncr = 3.24 Nr. OK

This section is computed in accordance to the Manual Of Steel Construction, 9th edition, American Institute of Steel Construction,
New Yark, 1959

('C) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of eye bracket for strength

Length L1 = 400 mm Height h1 = 150 mm
Radius of the bracket R1 = 125 mm Height h2 = 100 mm
Radius of the reinforcement R2 = 110 mm Thickness (Bkt & RF) t= 15 mm
Dia of the hole for Shackle d= 90 mm Weld joints' efficiency hj = 70 %
Dia of the Shackle ring ds = 76 mm Weld Fillet Size sw = 10 mm
Yield stress of the material syield = 248 MPa Elastic Modulus of the material 210000 MPa
Allowable Tensile Stress sallow = 155 MPa
! Initially "assume" then "Iterate" these values with the help of following Signal Boxes
Design Criterion Signal Box "SAFE DESIGN" Signal Box "OPTIMALITY"
(a-i) Tensile stress in the eye-bracket OK OPTIMUM
(a-ii) Bearing / Crushing stress in the eye-bracket OK OPTIMUM
(a-iii) Tearing stress in the eye-bracket OK OPTIMUM
(a-iv) Out-of plane buckling of the eye-bracket OK OPTIMUM
(a-v) Shearing stress in the shackle ring OK OPTIMUM
(b) Weld (set-on double fillet) size for eye-bracket with the beam OK OPTIMUM

Tensile Force, P = 637.9 kN

3 * (t = 15 ) mm R2 = 110 mm
d= 70 mm

R1 = 125 mm h2 = 100 mm

b = 60.0 Degrees

Comp.Force, C=
h1 = 150 mm 318.9

L1 = 400 mm

As the geometry reveals the criticality of the obligue tensile force from the tie is significant than the horizontal compressive force from the beam.
Hence, the design for the tensile stress ensures the design for the compressive stress also.

Prepared By: R.Venkat 3 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.

Prepared By: R.Venkat 4 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-i) Design of eye bracket for tensile strength - FAILURE MODE - 1 (allowable tensile stress is governing)

ds = 76 mm

~ 2R1 = 250 mm

3 * (t = 15 ) mm

Resisting area for tension of the eye braket = Diameteral Difference X Total Thickness
= (2R1 - ds) * 3t

Resisting Area At = 7830 mm2

Normal Force P = 637.9 kN

Tensile Stress = Normal Force / Resisting Area

st = 81.5 MPa OK

Factor of safety with yield stress n1 = 3.0 Nr. OPTIMUM

(a-ii) Design of eye bracket for bearing/crushing strength - FAILURE MODE -2 (80% of the yield stress is governing)

ds = 76 mm

3 * (t = 15 ) mm

Bearing area of the Sling hole for the Sling ring = Diameter of the Sling ring X Total Thickness
= ds * 3(t)

Bearing Area Ab = 3420 mm2

Normal Force P = 637.9 kN

Bearing Stress = Normal Force / Bearing Area

sbearing = 186.5 MPa OK

Factor of safety with yield stress n2 = 1.3 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 5 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-iii) Design of eye bracket for tearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 3 (50% of the yield stress is governing)

3 * (t = 15 ) mm

Radii Difference

The bracket is in tearing due to shear along two planes against the sling ring, i.e., resisting it with the chordal sections

Radii difference for the bracket X Thickness

Chordal (assumed to be Radial) area resisting the +
= 2X
tearing shear
Radii difference for the reinfrmnt X Total Thickness

= 2 * [(R1 - d/2) * t] + [(R2 - d/2) * (t*2)]

Tearing area At = 7200 mm2

Tearing Force P = 637.9 kN

Tearing Stress = Tearing Force / Tearing Area

stearing = 88.6 MPa OK

Factor of safety with yield stress n3 = 2.8 Nr. OPTIMUM

(a-iv) Design of eye bracket for out-of plane buckling - FAILURE MODE - 4 (as per David T. Ricker [2])

Requirement is the minimum thickness of the eye-bracket shall be ensured for 13 mm and 0.25 times the hole diameter d.

Required thickness = 0.25 * d

treq = 22.5 mm OK

Factor of safety with thickness provided n4 = 2.0 Nr. OPTIMUM

This section is computed in accordance to David T. Ricker, " Design and Construction of Lifting Beams", Engineering Journal, 4th
Quarter, 1991

Prepared By: R.Venkat 6 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-v) Design of shackle ring for shearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 5 (50% of the yield stress is governing)

3 * (t = 15 ) mm

The curved shackle ring is under double shear along two parallel planes of the faces of the bracket, i.e., resisting it with the cross section area

The cross section area of the curved sling ring = 2 * [p/4 * ds2]

Shearing area As = 9073 mm2

Shearing Force P = 637.9 kN

Shearing Stress = Shearing Force / Shearing Area

sshearing = 70.3 MPa OK

Factor of safety with yield stress n3 = 3.5 Nr. OPTIMUM

(b) Design of weld joint of the eye-bracket with the spreader beam for shear strength (50% of the allowable stress is governing)

Tensile Force, P = 637.9 kN

3 * (t = 15 ) mm R2 = 110 mm
d= 70 mm

R1 = 125 mm h2 = 100 mm

b = 60.0 Degrees

Comp.Force, C=
h1 = 150 mm 318.9

L1 = 400 mm

Prepared By: R.Venkat 7 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
A) Shear Stress on the Weld joints between the eye-bracket and the beam (Set-on double fillet without any grooving)

Total length of the weld joint parallel to the beam axis = (2+2) * (L1 + R1)

Lw1 = 2100 mm

Transverse load on these joints = W/2

Pw1 = 552.4 kN

Allowable Shear Stress on effective throat area = (s allow / 2) * hj

t allow-w = 52.5 MPa

Effective throat thickness = Pw1 * 1000 / (sw * Lw1)

tw = 5.01 mm

Minimum Fillet Size of the Welds = 2 * tw

sw = 7.09 mm OK

Factor of safety with fillet size provided n4 = 1.4 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 8 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.


Belleli Energy srl, Dubai Branch prepared by Venkat Date 5/24/2021
Project: Hitachi Zosen, Arzew Plant, Algeria "BLOCK-E"
Job No. 4776
Safe Working Load, SWL 552.4 kN Value brought from previous worksheet
Spreading Length, L 4.000 metres
Length, L1 1.998 metres

Initial Assumpn. Cant.lvr. Length, L 2 After reaching Flexural Stress "safe", Iterate this
0.202 metres
dimension L2 sothat this agrees with computed L2
Yield stress of the Beam material 248 MPa
Allowable Stress 155 MPa
Elastic Modulus of the material 210000 MPa
Geometry of Lifting at the each end of the HOLLOW PIPE Spreader Beam, Solved using the equations of Static Equillibrium

UDL, q = 0.1 kN/m SWL, W = 552.9 kN



Lgth, L1 = 1.998 metres

Lgth, L2 = 0.202 metres Spreading Length, L = 4.000 metres

P= 276.2 kN P= 276.2 kN
As this Adjustable Spreader beam is constrained for all its three planar DOF (x,y & R z Degrees Of Freedom) at the nodes of application of load,
The bar behaves like a FRAME member and it will resist BOTH the AXIAL force and BENDING in the x-y plane.

This Spreader Beam is a typical case of Both the ends fixed with a Cantilever for Counter-weight, having a point load at an offset and
UDL for the entire length. The governing stress for such a configuration is the FLEXURAL STRESS (sb).

Hence, the STRUCTURAL analysis is made for the FLEXURAL Stress

(A) STRENGTH DESIGN - Design for FLEXURAL Bending Stress **** Selecting the Section initially based on this ****

Ensuring the Translational equillibrium along y axis, We have to equate the downward forces with upward reactions

=> W = (2 * P) + q * (L + L2)

W = 552.90 kN

Ensuring the Rotational equillibrium about z axis, We have to equate the clockwise moments with counter clockwise moments

Taking the moments about the node C

(W * L1) + ((q * L2) * L2/2)) = (P * L) + ((q * L) * L/2)

L2 = (2/q) * [(P * L) + ((q * L) * L/2) - (W * L1)]


Prepared By: R.Venkat 9 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
Bending Moment = (P * L) + ((q * L) * L/2)

M = 1105.760 kN-m

Section Modulus of the section about the

We have, Maximum Flexural Stress = Bending Moment /
axis perpendicular to plane of bending

= M / Zx

sf(max) = 21264.6 MPa PLS. INCREASE THE SECTION

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s f(max)

n1 = 0.01 Nr. OPTIMUM

*********** CLICK HERE **** CLICK
**** TO
********** TO SELECT INCREASE Signal Block
SECTION BY Counter Weight is NOT OK

Standard Section (EN 53-62) SELECTING Flexural Stress is NOT OK

selected shall be atleast with this NEXT Max. deflection is NOT OK

Moment of Inertia] SECTION

Structural member section HE 100 AA as per EN 53-62 Signal Block
Unit Weight of the member 12.20 kg/m "OPTIMALITY"
Moments of Inertia, Ixx= 2370000 mm4 Bending Stress is OPTIMUM

Moments of Inertia, Iyy= 921000 mm 4

Radius of Gyration, rx= 38.90 mm

Radius of Gyration, ry= 24.30 mm
Elastic Section Modulus, Zx= 52000 mm3
Elastic Section Modulus, Zy= 18400 mm3
Depth of the section, h = 91 mm
Width of the section, b = 100 mm


The maximum deflection of the beam between W * L1* (L2 - L12)3/2

loaded nodes and 9 * 31/2 * L * E * I

d max = 1481.222 mm PLS. INCREASE THE SECTION

Prepared By: R.Venkat 10 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(C) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of adjustable (CG location variations) suspension bracket for strength
Length of the bracket Lb = 200 mm Radius of the lug end R= 120 mm
Clearance above the beam c= 40 mm Diameter of the hole dh = 60 mm
Total Height of the lug h1 = 300 mm Diameter of the pin dp = 50 mm
Height of the cut in the lug h2 = 50 mm Thickness of the lug t1 = 30 mm
Height of taper in the lug h3 = 145 mm Thk of all other plates t2 = 10 mm
Total Width of the lug w1 = 350 mm Weld joints' efficiency hj = 70 %
Width of the cut in the lug w2 = 120 mm Weld Fillet Size sw = 10 mm
Yield stress (all matl ex. pin) syield = 248 MPa Elastic Modulus of the material 210000 MPa
Allowable Stress sallow = 155 MPa Yield stress (pin matl) sy(pin) = 300 MPa
! Initially "assume" then "Iterate" these values with the help of following Signal Boxes
Design Criterion Signal Box "SAFE DESIGN" Signal Box "OPTIMALITY"
(a-i) Tensile stress in the lug OK NOT OPTIMUM
(a-ii) Bearing / Crushing stress in the lug OK OPTIMUM
(a-iii) Tearing stress in the lug OK OPTIMUM
(a-iv) Out-of plane buckling of the lug OK OPTIMUM
(a-v) Shearing stress in the pin OK OPTIMUM
(b) Weld (set-on double fillet) size for lug with other plates OK OPTIMUM
(c) Tensile stress in the end plate OK OPTIMUM
(d) Weld (set-on double fillet) size for the bottom plate with other plates OK OPTIMUM

W= 552.9 kN

w1 = 350 R= 120 t1 = 30

dp = 50

w2 = 120 dh = 60

h3 = 145

h2 = 50

h1 = 300

(h + c) = 131

= =

Lb = 200

t2 = 10 b= 100

The load on the bracket is the straight forward lifting force acting vertically upwards against the load.

Prepared By: R.Venkat 11 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-i) Design of lugs on the bracket for tensile strength - FAILURE MODE - 1 (allowable tensile stress is governing)

wcs = 309 W= 552.9 kN

R= 120 t1 = 30

dh = 60
t1 = 30

h3 = 145

h1 = 300

w1 = 350 h2 = 50

h3 - R
The width of the critical section i.e., across the R h3 - R
= w1 - 2 *
diameter of the hole tan sin-1 + tan-1
(h3 - R)2 + (w1 / 2)2 (w1 / 2)

wcs = 309 mm

The effective width at the critical section = Width at the critical section - Diameter of the hole

= wcs - dh

wef = 249 mm

The effective normal area at the critical section

= Effective width X Thickness
resisting the force per lug

= wef * t1

Aef = 7480 mm2

As these two lugs are placed, with the lifting lug in-between, at a closer clearance always, the bending effects on the lug and the pin are ignored.
And also, it could be reasonably assumed that the entire force of lifting is shared equally without any moments on them.

The tensile stress on this critical section = Force on the lug / Effective normal area

= (W/2) / Aef

st = 36.96 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s t

n2 = 6.71 Nr. NOT OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 12 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-ii) Design of lugs on the bracket for bearing/crushing strength - FAILURE MODE -2 (80% of the yield stress is governing)

W= 552.9 kN

wb = 50 t1 = 30

t1 = 30 dp = 50

The effective area bearing the crushing force per lug = Bearing width X Thickness

= wb * t1 ( Note: Bearing width equals the projected diameter

Ab = 1500 mm2

The bearing / crushing stress = Crushing force / Bearing area

= (W/2) / Ab

sb = 184.30 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s b

n3 = 1.35 Nr. OPTIMUM

(a-iii) Design of lug on the bracket for tearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 3 (50% of the yield stress is governing)

W= 552.9 kN

t1 = 30

t1 = 30

(R - dh/2)= 90

Area resisting lateral tension (tearing) per lug = Radii difference X Thickness

= (R - dh/2) * t1

At = 2700 mm2

Prepared By: R.Venkat 13 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
Tearing stress = Tearing force / Area resisting lateral tension (tearing)

= (W/2) / At ( Note: Tearing force conservatively equals lifiting force

stear = 102.39 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s btear

n4 = 2.42 Nr. OPTIMUM

(a-iv) Design of lug on the bracket for out-of plane buckling - FAILURE MODE - 4 (as per David T. Ricker [1])

Requirement is the minimum thickness of the lug on the bracket shall be ensured for 13 mm and 0.25 times the hole diameter d.

Required thickness = 0.25 * dh

treq = 15.0 mm OK

Factor of safety with thickness provided n5 = 2.0 Nr. OPTIMUM

This section is computed in accordance to David T. Ricker, " Design and Construction of Lifting Beams", Engineering Journal, 4th
Quarter, 1991

(a-v) Design of pin for shearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 5 (50% of the yield stress of the pin is governing)

W= 552.9 kN

t1 = 30

dp = 50

The pin under double shear along two parallel planes of the inner faces of the lugs, i.e., resisting it with the cross section area

The cross section area of the pin = 2 * [p/4 * dp2]

Shearing area As = 3927 mm2

Shearing Force P = 552.9 kN

Shearing Stress = Shearing Force / Shearing Area

sshearing = 140.8 MPa OK

Factor of safety with yield stress n6 = 2.1 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 14 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(b) Design of weld joint of the lug with other plates for shear strength (50% of allowable stress is governing)

W= 552.9 kN

w1 = 350 t1 = 30

w2 = 120

h3 = 145

h4 = 116

h1 = 300

h2 = 50

t2 = 10 b= 100

Fixing the height h4 at 75% of the straight height (h1 - h3)

h4 = 116 mm

Total weld-length provided per lug = 2 * [2 * (h2 + h4 + t2 + h4) + b]

Lw1 = 1370 mm

Transverse force on the weld joint per lug = W/2

Pw1 = 276.5 kN

Allowable Shear Stress on effective throat area = (sallow / 2) * hj

tallow-w = 54.25 MPa

Effective throat thickness = Pw1 * 1000 / (sw * Lw1)

tw1 = 3.72 mm

Minimum Fillet Size of the Welds = 2 * tw

sw1 = 5.26 mm OK

Factor of safety with fillet size provided n7 = 1.9 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 15 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(c) Design of end plates of the adjustable bracket for tensile strength (allowable tensile stress is governing)

W= 552.9 kN

= =

Lb = 200
t2 = 10

The load on the end plates of the bracket is the straight forward lifting force acting vertically against the load.

The normal area per end plate resisting tensile force = Length of the bracket X Thickness

= L b * t2

Aep = 2000 mm2

As these two end plates are fabricated as box and the thickness is sufficiently large, the membrane effects and bending effects are ignored.
And also, it could be reasonably assumed that the entire force of lifting is shared equally without any moments on them.

The tensile stress on the cross section = Force on the end plate / Normal area

= (W/2) / Aef

st(ep) = 138.23 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s t(ep)

n8 = 1.79 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 16 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(d) Design of weld joint for the bottom plate of the adjustable bracket for shear strength (50% of allowable tensile stress is governing)

W= 552.9 kN

h5 = 67

= =

Lb = 200
b= 100

Fixing the height h5 at one-third of length of the bracket, Lb

h5 = 67 mm

Total weld-length provided = Directly for bottom plate X Indirectly for ribs supporitng bottom plate

Total weld-length provided = 2 * (Lb + b) + 4 *4* h5

Lw2 = 1567 mm

Transverse force on the weld joint = W

Pw2 = 552.9 kN

Allowable Shear Stress on effective throat area = (s allow / 2) * hj

tallow-w = 54.25 MPa

Effective throat thickness = Pw1 * 1000 / (sw * Lw1)

tw2 = 6.51 mm

Minimum Fillet Size of the Welds = 2 * tw

sw2 = 9.20 mm OK

Factor of safety with fillet size provided n9 = 1.1 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 17 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(D) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of adjustable (Span variations) suspension bracket for strength
Length of the bracket Lb = 150 mm Radius of the lug end R= 120 mm
Clearance above the beam c= 20 mm Diameter of the hole dh = 60 mm
Total Height of the lug h1 = 200 mm Diameter of the pin dp = 48 mm
Height of the cut in the lug h2 = 50 mm Thickness of the lug t1 = 15 mm
Height of taper in the lug h3 = 150 mm Thk of all other plates t2 = 8 mm
Total Width of the lug w1 = 350 mm Weld joints' efficiency hj = 70 %
Width of the cut in the lug w2 = 116 mm Weld Fillet Size sw = 8 mm
Yield stress (all matl ex. pin) syield = 248 MPa Elastic Modulus of the material 210000 MPa
Allowable Stress sallow = 155 MPa Yield stress (pin matl) sy(pin) = 300 MPa
! Initially "assume" then "Iterate" these values with the help of following Signal Boxes
Design Criterion Signal Box "SAFE DESIGN" Signal Box "OPTIMALITY"
(a-i) Tensile stress in the lug OK NOT OPTIMUM
(a-ii) Bearing / Crushing stress in the lug OK OPTIMUM
(a-iii) Tearing stress in the lug OK OPTIMUM
(a-iv) Out-of plane buckling of the lug OK OPTIMUM
(a-v) Shearing stress in the pin OK OPTIMUM
(b) Weld (set-on double fillet) size for lug with other plates OK OPTIMUM
(c) Tensile stress in the end plate OK OPTIMUM
(d) Weld (set-on double fillet) size for the top plate with other plates NOT OK OPTIMUM

t2 = 8
b= 100
Lb = 150

= =

h2 = 50

(h + c) = 111
h1 = 200

h3 = 150

dh = 60
w2 = 116
dp = 48
w1 = 350
R= 120
t1 = 15

W= 276.2 kN

The load on the bracket is the straight forward load acting vertically downwards.

Prepared By: R.Venkat 18 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-i) Design of lugs on the bracket for tensile strength - FAILURE MODE - 1 (allowable tensile stress is governing)

w1 = 350

h2 = 50

h1 = 200

h3 = 150

dh = 60
t1 = 15

R= 120
t1 = 15

wcs = 304 W= 276.2 kN

h3 - R
The width of the critical section i.e., across the R h3 - R
= w1 - 2 *
diameter of the hole tan sin-1 + tan-1
(h3 - R)2 + (w1 / 2)2 (w1 / 2)

wcs = 304 mm

The effective width at the critical section = Width at the critical section - Diameter of the hole

= wcs - dh

wef = 244 mm

The effective normal area at the critical section

= Effective width X Thickness
resisting the force per lug

= wef * t1

Aef = 3653 mm2

As these two lugs are placed, with the lifting lug in-between, at a closer clearance always, the bending effects on the lug and the pin are ignored.
And also, it could be reasonably assumed that the entire force of lifting is shared equally without any moments on them.

The tensile stress on this critical section = Force on the lug / Effective normal area

= (W/2) / Aef

st = 37.80 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s t

n2 = 6.56 Nr. NOT OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 19 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(a-ii) Design of lugs on the bracket for bearing/crushing strength - FAILURE MODE -2 (80% of the yield stress is governing)

dp = 48
t1 = 15

t1 = 15

wb = 48 W= 276.2 kN

The effective area bearing the crushing force per lug = Bearing width X Thickness

= wb * t1 ( Note: Bearing width equals the projected diameter

Ab = 720 mm2

The bearing / crushing stress = Crushing force / Bearing area

= (W/2) / Ab

sb = 191.81 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s b

n3 = 1.29 Nr. OPTIMUM

(a-iii) Design of lug on the bracket for tearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 3 (50% of the yield stress is governing)

(R - dh/2) = 90

t1 = 15

t1 = 15

W= 276.2 kN

Area resisting lateral tension (tearing) per lug = Radii difference X Thickness

= (R - dh/2) * t1

Prepared By: R.Venkat 20 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
At = 1350 mm2

Tearing stress = Tearing force / Area resisting lateral tension (tearing)

= (W/2) / At ( Note: Tearing force conservatively equals lifiting force

stear = 102.30 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s btear

n4 = 2.42 Nr. OPTIMUM

(a-iv) Design of lug on the bracket for out-of plane buckling - FAILURE MODE - 4 (as per David T. Ricker [1])

Requirement is the minimum thickness of the lug on the bracket shall be ensured for 13 mm and 0.25 times the hole diameter d.

Required thickness = 0.25 * dh

treq = 15.0 mm OK

Factor of safety with thickness provided n5 = 1.0 Nr. OPTIMUM

This section is computed in accordance to David T. Ricker, " Design and Construction of Lifting Beams", Engineering Journal, 4th
Quarter, 1991

(a-v) Design of pin for shearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 5 (50% of the yield stress of the pin is governing)

dp = 48

t1 = 15

W= 276.2 kN

The pin under double shear along two parallel planes of the inner faces of the lugs, i.e., resisting it with the cross section area

The cross section area of the pin = 2 * [p/4 * dp2]

Shearing area As = 3619 mm2

Shearing Force P = 276.2 kN

Shearing Stress = Shearing Force / Shearing Area

sshearing = 76.3 MPa OK

Factor of safety with yield stress n6 = 3.9 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 21 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(b) Design of weld joint of the lug with other plates for shear strength (50% of allowable stress is governing)

t2 = 8
b= 100

h2 = 50

h4 = 38

h1 = 200

h3 = 150

w2 = 116

w1 = 350

t1 = 15

W= 276.2 kN

Fixing the height h4 at 75% of the straight height (h1 - h3)

h4 = 38 mm

Total weld-length provided per lug = 2 * [2 * (h2 + h4 + t2 + h4) + b]

Lw1 = 732 mm

Transverse force on the weld joint per lug = W/2

Pw1 = 138.1 kN

Allowable Shear Stress on effective throat area = (s allow / 2) * hj

tallow-w = 54.25 MPa

Effective throat thickness = Pw1 * 1000 / (sw * Lw1)

tw1 = 3.48 mm

Minimum Fillet Size of the Welds = 2 * tw

sw1 = 4.92 mm OK

Factor of safety with fillet size provided n7 = 1.6 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 22 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.

(c) Design of end plates of the adjustable bracket for tensile strength (allowable tensile stress is governing)

t2 = 8
Lb = 150

= =

W= 276.2 kN

The load on the end plates of the bracket is the straight forward lifting force acting vertically against the load.

The normal area per end plate resisting tensile force = Length of the bracket X Thickness

= L b * t2

Aep = 1200 mm2

As these two end plates are fabricated as box and the thickness is sufficiently large, the membrane effects and bending effects are ignored.
And also, it could be reasonably assumed that the entire force of lifting is shared equally without any moments on them.

The tensile stress on the cross section = Force on the end plate / Normal area

= (W/2) / Aef

st(ep) = 115.08 MPa OK

Factor of Safety achieved on yield stress = syield / s t(ep)

n8 = 2.15 Nr. OPTIMUM

Prepared By: R.Venkat 23 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
(d) Design of weld joint for the top plate of the adjustable bracket for shear strength (allowable tensile stress is governing)

b= 100
Lb = 150

= =

h5 = 50

W= 276.2 kN

Fixing the height h5 at one-third of length of the bracket, Lb

h5 = 50 mm

Total weld-length provided = Directly for bottom plate X Indirectly for ribs supporitng bottom plate

Total weld-length provided = 2 * (Lb + b) + 2*4 * h5]

Lw2 = 800 mm

Transverse force on the weld joint = W

Pw2 = 276.2 kN

Allowable Shear Stress on effective throat area = (s allow / 2) * hj

tallow-w = 54.25 MPa

Effective throat thickness = Pw1 * 1000 / (sw * Lw1)

tw2 = 6.36 mm

Minimum Fillet Size of the Welds = 2 * tw


Factor of safety with fillet size provided n9 = 0.9 Nr. OPTIMUM

(E) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of fixed suspension bracket for strength
***** Design procedure for the adjustable (Span variations) suspension bracket for strength shall be followed but for the additional
consideration of welding with the adjustable cross beam *****
1) All the basic assumptions about material properties and their linear beaviour, as made in elementary STRENGTH OF MATERIAL and
ELASTICITY THEORY will hold good

Prepared By: R.Venkat 24 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

Spreader Beam Design
Dubai Technical dept.
2) The adjustments for the load carrying brackets considered throughout this computation are of small quantities compared to the span of the
beam and will be well within the operating range of the beam selected.

Prepared By: R.Venkat 25 of 25 Printed on: 05/24/2021

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