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Technical Manual EX8 €X22 E€X12 EX3B0 EX15 Excavator HITACHI INTRODUCTION SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL AND HEAD- LINE OF NOTATION tn tis manual, tho fowing slaty art symbol and Tho word “NOTE” shad to supplement an a the heading natin ae used to arouse mmpatance orl technical infrmabon er know-how. in salty and tochnolgy. By Ws the safety symboL. Wen you see this symbol, be alo to the potential for personal injury [Never fall 0 foiow the safety Instructions prescribed along with the Safety alor symbol. TO UPDATE THE CONTENTS OF THE TECHNICAL MANUAL ‘ie each techical manuals sei numbered and lease, avis us the name of person who keeps ts umber is corded by us with nar of he the technical manual and is esponsiBito Koop i person who recaived the toni! manva ‘ptocdale by seeing back 0 us the sip of he ahi Fd they ae refered whee the delved technical ‘ing eration est enclsed in tho techrical franwsls ae equred tobe roused by uptodate ran Formation as such formation must bo suppod incase that the personal acminstraton change is ‘qacky and corey, trade, pleaeo infor vs of be raro of he person (who f newly apponted to rata tho tecnica manual. ee er ‘TO KEEP CONFIDENTIAL Please, hoop the technica informations and know: how consid nthe foohesal manual conde to the outer. IN-01 INTRODUCTION PAGE NUMBER, Each page is located onthe cantar lower and has folowing earings Technical Manual Wlrtsbep Menus IN-02 Safety FOLLOW SAFE PROCECURES LUnsaf work practees ae dangarous. Understand so ‘ee procedure Delors doing work do ot ate shor PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES 8s prpaced a he sas { ooo a tst ad kt and tre extinguisher handy Koop emergency numbers for doco, ambulance sor. ‘ipartment near your telopine. HANDLE FLUIDS SAFELY ~ AVOID FIRES | Handotot wth ate i ighlyWarenable. Do not ro funt'the machne while song or near apan fame | Spans Always stop engine bere rtueling machine. Fil tank outdoors Store farnable thids away fom fe hazards. Do not ee CMs sA.o1 Safety PREVENT BATTERY EXPLOSIONS Keep sparks. lighted matches, and tame away ron the top of batlery.Batfery gas can explode, ower check battery charge by placing a mal abject scrote posts. Use a vol meter or hydrometer 1 at chaige a tozon batey: may explode. Warm bar to 16°C (60°F. PREVENT ACID BURNS Sullio a0 in batiery elacraite ie poisonous, iis sttong enough Yo bur skin, eat oles in ching, and {use blindness splashed so eyo oi he hazard by "ig ate a wo-vntated ae 2, Waaring wpe protection and abr gloves. 5: Avoiding ‘eoaning Tunes when elctotyte Is ad ‘ec, 4. Aeidng sling oF ping leche, 5 Use propor jump sat procedure | 1 you sat acid on yours ruth your skin wih water. 2 hop baking soda or ene to help newalize the 2. Fish your eyes with water for 10-18 minutes. Got ‘medial atenton medal. 1 bv lage amon of water or ik 2. Thon de nik of mages, Belen 095s, vege 8. Get cial altntion immediatly, saz Safety AVOID HIGH-PRESSURE FLUIDS Escaping Rt under pressure can pentate the skin causing Sorous iy. bore eacon Avoid the ara by roving 10 hoctng hydra ar other toes. Tg tote appiing pressure Search for looks wih a picce of cardboard, Protect hands and boy om high pressure fas an accident occurs, soe doctor immediatly. Ary th id acted nto Who sk tust be sugicay. removed tet a Tow hours or gangrene may resi. Unexpected machine movement can Cause Sorous in iy. Belo pertoing any work onthe excavator, stach @ a Not Operate tag on the ght sido conor lever. $A.03 Safety | PARK MACHINE SAFELY Belove working on the machine: Park machin ona lov! surtece. Lower Buck tothe ground. Torn auto Wo suten of Fm engine at 1/2 speed without oad for 2 minutes ; ay amen OFF oper, Rove kay ‘Move pel conto aot vor o locked poston. ‘Alou engine 10 £00 SUPPORT MACHINE PROPERLY ‘mays lower the attachment or implement othe ground Batre you werk onthe maine. you must werk on 8 Wed machine oc atachment,escualy suppor the ma. Do not suppct th machine on cinder Backs, hollow Cy Do not wok undor a mache thal is supprtd solely by a pick Flow recammended procedures In this man | OPERATE ONLY FORM OPERATOR'S SEAT ‘Avid possi jury ad machine damage. Do ot start ‘cogne by shoring across stator omnia e | NEVER start eogte whe sanding on ground, Start en ‘ee ony tom opoator’s seat SA04 ee STAY CLEAR OF HOWING PARTS AVOID POWER LINES Serious iy oF death con result from contact wih fect hes over move any part of the machine or fad closer to ‘lotic tne than 9 (10) Pus twice te He isto ‘natn USE HANDHOLDS AND STEPS When you get anand of the machine, aeays maintain fives point contact wih the stops and handrails and foe te machine. Do not use any conols a5 hand | | Never jump an or af the machine. Never mount or ds Be caro of sippy conditions on platforms, steps, woe fn hands when geting of te machine SA.05 Satety KEEP RIDERS OFF EXCAVATOR ‘Ont alow the operator on the excavator. Keep riders Fidrs on excavator ae suboct wo lary such 2s boing Struck by fregn objects and being town tthe exc | Vator. Riders also obsuct the oprata’s iow resulting e | eavator boing operated an unsale manner MOVE AND OPERATE MACHINE SAFETY = Bystanders can be run over. Know the locaton of by Standrs lore moving, swing, f opraing the me ‘ways Koop the travel lem io working condton. 1 ‘rome peopl when the excavators to mov, Use a signal potson when movi tog tho mactino congested Sigoals bolo staring the excavate ‘Coordinate hand WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Wiosr close titng clatiag and saety equipment appro © gS Qe Safety PROTECT AGAINST FLYING DEBRIS Guard against jay from fing pisces of mata or de ‘a: wear gogles or salty asso, PROTECT AGAINST NOISE Prelonged exposure to lo nose can cause impiont forbes of hearing Weer 2 sutble hoary protectve device such as ea Tus or earl to protect gaint obyctonble or Lt ILLUMINATE WORK AREA SAFELY Mumeate your wok 08 adequately bt sly. Use a porate safety ip for working msi or vr th a {itbe. Mate su the bbs nosed bya weo cage Se ot farmer tan accentaly token bub an oe SERVICE MACHINE SAFELY ‘sAo7 Safety REMOVE PAINT BEFORE WELDING OR HEATING ‘oid potently tow hanes and dus Hazardous fumes can be generated when pat is het (0d by wong, slderng, or using a torch. a at work uti or a wll vntiate area, Dispose of paint and solvent propery Remove paint blore welding oF heating: sso i you sand oF grind paint. avidbreating the dust Wirt approved respon 11 you use sohent or paint stinger, remove sipper win soap and water beloe welding Remove soWont of ait sttpper contanore another famable mato {rom area" Aw hanes 10 gpers at fast 1 minutes Detore weiing or hes, AVOID HEATING NEAR PRESSURIZED FLUID LINES. Fammable spray can be generated by hesing near fsurzed fo nee osu i sovar burs to Your En and ytanders, Do not heat by wet, soldering for using @ lore peor pressurized Md Bes oF oor Pressuized lines can be accidentally cut when heat fq boyond the immediate lane soa. Ista re ro Sing gard to protec hoses or oher ati sA08 Safet BEWARE OF EXHAUST FUMES. Proventaspysaton. Engine exhaust anes can cause sickness of doa a 1 you must operate in 2 ting, be posive tore is ‘deauate vortaton. Either use an exhaust pipe Been Son to romove the exhaust hmes or open’ doors and woes to bing ancugh eusite ino he 0a. ‘SERVICE COOLING SYSTEM SAFELY Enplosive release of ids rom pressuxized coaig sy ‘Shut off engine, Only remove filer cap when coo! ‘env to touch wth bare hands. DISPOSE OF FLUIDS PROPERLY Inpropety posing of Sids can harm the onion front ecology, Bafore draining any Rds, tind ut {ho proper way to depose of wast Wom yout local on roomentl agency Use proper containers whan draining fhids. Do not use food or beverage contners tat may Mslead somoore Jet dinking om then. DO NOT pour of ino the ground, down a dain, oF ito o stoam, pend, or ke, Oboe reovan nvr ta protection ragulaions when disposing of of fk ‘ool rake fd, Mors, bateros, and other hail SA.09 Safety WORK IN A CLEAN AREA Belore staring ajo, clean the work x08. Remove ob jects that may be 2 salety hazard tothe mechanic o bystanders USE TOOLS PROPERLY Use toole appropriate to the work. Makeahit tool, Pas, nd procedures can crate saat hazard. Use power tools ony to loosen threaded tole and fs For loosening and tighening hardware, use the correct ‘Sto tools BO NOT use U.S. maaeuroment tole on Tati fasteners. Avoid Boy injury caused by shipping {Uso ony recomended replacement parts. (Seo Parts Catan) HEPLAGE SAFELY SIGNS. Feplaco missing or damaged sae signs. Seo tho ma chine oporairs manual for comect salty ign place. SA-10 Safety LIVE WITH SAFETY tora returning machine to customer, mako sure mas chine functioning propery, especiay the salty sys toms. sal al quotds and shots. saat Safety SAt2 SECTION 01-SPECIFICATIONS ‘Group 01 Goneral information {Group 02 Dimensions and Wogtts Group 09 Fuels and Lbieans Group 04 Interchangeabitty SECTION 02-UPPERSTRUCTURE ‘Gow 01 Outing ‘Group 02 Tank Group 02 Paenp Dove Group 04 Swing Device Group 05 Pings Group 06 Con! ave Group 07 Pot Vale Gop 08 Lock Vale Geoup 09 Sclenoid Valo Group 10 Engine SECTION 03-UNDERCARRIAGE Group 01 Component Location Croup 92 Swing Bearing Group 03. Contr soit Group 04 Travel Device Group 05 Auster SECTION AND GROUP CONTENTS EXCAVATORS TECHNICAL MANUAL SECTION 08-OPERATIONAL PER- FORMANCE TEST Group 01 roducion| Group 02 Eng Test Group 02 Exeavate Test Geoup 04 Hyraule Component Test SECTION 07-TROUBLESHOOTING Group 01 Diagnosing Procecxe Group 02 Hyraue System Group 02 Elect! Spat 5807-01 5807-02 CONTENTS Group 01-General Information tine Toor Specticatons Tovo1-04 Working Range Tor0110 Ling Capacities Tor-01-28 Senses Rail Capactis Tovo104 Group 02-Dimensions and Weights Transportation | Tor.02.01 Wiis Torazo7 Group 03-Fuels and Lubricants Fuel Tor09.01 Engine OF Toras.02 Hyde OF To-09-04 Goor OF To1-03-06, Crease To103-08 Group 04-Interchangeability Intrehangoabay Toro4o1 ‘5807-01-01 ‘5807-01-02 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information ‘OUTLINE “The hytrauic excavator conse of three main comp: {Thay are tho FRONT ATTACHMENT, UPPERSTRUC- ‘TURE ad UNDERCARRIAGE exe FRONT ATTACHMENT 38 Engine 2 From ter To1-01-01 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / General Information ex2eKs FRONT ATTACHMENT UPPERSTRUCTURE Tor-01-02 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information FRONT ATTACHMENT UPPERSTRUCTURE UNDERCARRIAGE SPECIFICATIONS / General Information ‘SPECIFICATIONS exe | (e 7 * ier x8 (Canopy type) To1-01-04 Model ee xa (Canopy Woe) Tipe a rant aaa Tactics win OT) m aR Aa Bucket capacity POSA and SAE! 0.024 m?. CECE and NS: 0.02 Operating woot 7A wg (1620 B) Tot ag {1 6705) asc machine waht 70 ka (250 b) 500 ig (1900 8) Engr: Kura 2482.6 5.9 RW (80 pa) 2300 min pm) [x Overa with ‘B10 (@N Bin} | Overa heat Taaamienem) [2060 mmieRom) [CRar end swing aos 810 men (ORO) Minor ground cera 70mm (67) FE Over wid of wperatvcire BiommeRo ny FF _Emgne cover hoght [G:_Counteweight eran STOmmORZ I) 280 mm (15) He Underearioge ion 7205 men (40 TE Underearioge wth BiommenM) [7 Sprocket cone lr conto B00 mm RTT ny fic Teock ge. ‘a0 mm @R TH) IL Track shoo with 80 mmm (7.1 9) Rubber shee Blade wath Bom @ROM) [ade na 200mm (7.9) Swing speed ‘amin! Cm) | Tavot speed Ba kmh VaTODHY ceasoabity 20° fan 0= 058) round presaue (ubbor Soe) TE OTT awe Sapa) | 021 ba Oaiigh a BO PAD 701-01-05 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information [EXIZEXIE (Canopy type) Model ee Bas Type a Font aac Backoe Damen Hy am oan GhTapem Bucket capacity TOE nF | Operating weight 1 280 eg (2 820 6) 71400 kg (3 080 To) asc machine woah 1090 kg (2270) T1309 (2480 b) Engine ISUZU SKC THO RW (15 psy 72900 min” ony | FEET (17 ps) 2 400 in” oD | [Ai Over wit "000 rn (SHA) Oval hehe 2 196 mn (72) IC: Rear end wna a Teoma sHsn) | 18a aKEN) Nur ground Gearance ais mn Bay 71000 ran (9-4) gine cover hoih 140 mem BSin} Counter clearance = 0mm (15m) 1375 mm anim) ‘Underage wath Bomm Oke) | _1 oom BAA) Sprocket contro lr canioe Tosa GRA) : 5 Fi Undeariage length o o K Track 92096 with Tommehsm | __onmehen) 2a mm in) Tack shoe wi te with Honm@nam) | __ etiam owen) Bide bea Bimn Gam) Swing speed Taman von) Lae omy ave speed Bae (HT ph cress 20" (an = 058) [Ground pressure (Grouse shoe) bar (OPS Rao 3.5 pa) (0.26 bar (027 Rl ent, 58 a 7 edness ence beh hoe To1-01-08 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / General Information £22 X20 (Canopy 1yP8) E oa oa a0 Tia a eat sackman Beaton [Toone om Taiia ahem ae ha cans =H <.08 > Eo aig wt 720 4g 6501) FAG BB) [Basic machine weight 1730 kg (3 810 2-730 kg (4 690 1) [Engine: 'SUZU_SKRY, KR V6.8 KW (23 ps) | 2400 min’ (rpm) _| 22.1 KW (23 ps) 7 2200 min (ree) i Ove wih Ta ns ROD a Oro noah Fudan TA) 2am TROD [wee ewig a eosin GR Ta) am ARE) Dian and dross = aidan (ROM) won (COND Ova ao wpe 1 AROS Feng errr ERE CONCEE ERENCE |G: Counterweight clearance 540 mn (1 9 im) 7% BEO mm (7 1018) it Ursa at Fen BOM) Zoe GRO) T Use wah 7420 nn RT) 150m 6hOm) | i Spdkt con wider Grier [| 150mm (ann) 0mm (3 m9 Toe ama wah mm Gna) Ta an ae) ek shes wah 250m (9M) Ban 8) | Blac wath 1400 mm (47) 1520 mm (5 #0 in.) a ht oom CA [Sei sos Sana tom Samm mam | et ped Son as ZOE RH VAG | BOTABIn Th 8 AAT HON ied 3 n= 088 Ee AC | Tie amersonr eee eigtee orleg "TA WITAE COTE aT EEE T01-01-07 EXI2XtS (Cabin type) SPECIFICATIONS / General Information rar cH I ro exe exis TemeNsm)ar Tsa ena am = .081 > "0046 > <0.08 > Tim ot Wont atachenont Boon Bockt eapasiy [Opeating woah 1380 kg 036 B) 1800 ig (@ 8001) Basie machine wah 1190 kg (2490.6) 1290 49 @ 710) Engr SUZU_9KCX TO EW (15) 72200 min GD TES RW (17 ps) 2 400" a) [A: Overt wah 1046 mm (ONS) [8 Overal pet “F260 mm (FHS) [C= Rearend swing ads Temaisn) | __ 1mm READ [0 Minima ground cleranes = Bisa (eam) 1048 mm @ RE) F Engin cover hoight Er Mom GRO) [G: Countoreight dewranco 490mm (Sn) [Fi Undercariege lonath Tare (ein) Tr Undoreartioge wet Rommekem) | __ 1mm SNA) | Sprocket canter to lar enter ois GHAR) Track gouge with Tonmeneny | __wm@nem Ls Track soe with Bom Sn Blade with Roam akem | __10dtmm GRA) Blade height 20mm @BA) Sina speed Tom” WR I Toa man” A Travel peed Bak 7h (aT OH) [Gracey 30" (an 9= 058) [Ground pressure (Grouser soo) ‘0.28 bar (02a Ege pS 0.26 bar (027 kph en 38 bs) + Tamers sce The Teo ‘To1-01-08 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / General Information 1Bx22.EX90 (Cabin ype) a] ae Bo Tips atom achment Booee [Taba (wR) am Taam anealam Boke apy 0068 nh <086 > =o 0.08 > |nerina wean 2 00g T6070) 704g (6 2008) Bas nachine wo 86019 1 1098) 276019 90) | Engine: ISUZU_SKAt, 3KR2_ T6.9 KW (23 ps} / 2400 mins (pm) | 22.1 KW (23 ps) / 2200 rin" (rpm) | A Ova wah Tas im GR) 5. Overt exh Taito VAT) 2am RTA) Rew rt wn ia 1205 mm (TE) a4 men (ES) Dhar rend hn aM TRO) gon THOM) Evora wath of oppor Tim GFT FEnne cov Ho Tisomm who ¥ isda ARE) [S Comnrwih aoe em (FRBIN) io wen (RUIN) i 176s nm RIOR) Zs mm (68) i 1400, (@ nd eso mm (ROM) [Sprocket corer or coner_[ 1 350m (eR ny 0 nn (R30) Fe Tack ge wilh 160mm (9 Rn) Tai0 en (RO) Tack soo wat 250 1 (88H) 300 en (7.8) ade wen Ta00 en @R TM} 7 sian ROM ad oa nm (TOR) Swing ond Ta ‘eam AT ral eed (Sow Fa ZaTSo RT ee 1 ER) | SOAR un BB/D indabiny 2 (on O05) Scant pssst Sony —| OR tr (OWE Tore 49 pa) OBE tar AT Teme 9B pA) eden ee hight ie ovo" GRNG SRE CECE rT To1-01-09 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information WORKING RANGE. ee 01-01-10 Tal ee Tanah Toneieny | own enTay A Boom ving a ah a) me 7 Booming a tiie) 20° 3 Maven dg xis Taam waz) | Peemn ERT) © Mantra dha ach ZB am (OR Tn) | 206 mm @REI) 3 Minin 96a doth TE2é nm GRO) | 15mm ROH) Mir vr wo ph 175mm @R8n) | THOMM ARAN) 7 Manian cating Fat 2a00 mm @R2in) | PREM GRE) @: Mecrum aumpg hat Zsemnm nem) | PTO MM TRI) TE nina i ae 1005 nm @R4n) | 1 BEAM OR Tim) | FF Minima awng radius wih mama pears ee Gain) Nomen ane Toft stinco (RB) Bonm (RIAD Offset distance (Left side) ‘300 mm (11.8 .) Saka wack ge ong wh boom em 69) 2 Gotan a8 8 85m ce) TE Bla boo hs poston cua ere) (tore pound oa 7 Blade botiom Rhos postion 170 mm (7 {Bab und Tor-o1-11 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information ‘x12 (Canopy type) To1-01-12 Mosel exe Tm ath Damenen) Tamenany 'A_Boor-swing angi (ght 30) co 7A Bo-swing angle (Lefsie) 0 Maman gig radi Toe ma TRI A) | swe mm a REM) ‘E_ Maximum dag reach Sa80 mn (TORS) | O60 mm (1 RAIN) 7D. Moxa igang depth 1900 mm (@RBin) | _21Omn RITA) EE Minimum vrical wal depth Taromm(an2m) | 160mm (aR Bin) TE Maximum cating bight Tao WOR Tiny | _aaso mM (TRAIN) "= Gi Maximum denping beige 2a70 mm TRIM) | 2485 mm ORAM) Te Minin swing aus Tavomm (an 2m) [16s mn aR Sm) FE Mnrnon owen radius wih ano booms angle otsmm niin) | 1 105mm @RBin) Dist astanco (Ra se) eomm (TSN) FE Oot aatance (ot side) oom (TAIN FBuckot rack edge margin wih Boom in {eo grou ove nm (286, rast posison (ght se) eee Fr Bucket rack edge margin with Boom aa lst possion (Lat se) Te Blade botlom highest positon TT {Aowe ground ove arn) TG> Bla botom highest positon ea EEE Fi aS RTS PTS TOT TO1-01-13 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information X15 (Canopy type) Tor.01-14 a oii F eaeage NTR + es = PED: Maximam digging dept 2 160mm (TAT in) | 2360 (7H9M) ee a aT Le eases ee SE Gi, Maximum dumping height 2600 mm (HRBin) | 2720mm(GR 1 in) HE Minimaen swing radius 7270 mm (4H Zin) | 1 465mm (410m) FF Mmm ewig aus win mera | seommgttin) | 1 0mm nei) 7 Offaet distance (Right side) 520 mm (1 Ain) aS ETT 7 sommes) “Fi Bucket / Wack edge margin with boom in ceaaeay Seer iat 15 Be bona ies Peation 180 mm 71a) Faia ieee eee Te Season aS TTS wT od Tot-01-15 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information x22 (Canopy type) To1-01-16 Model oa Ben oath Taam GNI Tneneny 7A Boornawing angle (igh se) me 7 Boor-swing angle (Lets) oO" Navin digging radios auomm akaR) | Asem TERT) ‘Ge Maan diaging roach Taio mn (AION) | 45 mm (14 RIM) 5D: Nensnam daging dept BAG mm TRI) | 275mm (ER 10K) EE Maxam vor wal pth F700 mn RTA) | 2006 mMeNT IN) "SF Msn cuting bight “Eid (14 6a) [4 5 mm (TE ASIN) SG Madman dump height 320m WOREin) | SSM NT AAM) Fi Minmuen sing ads 140mm (@heim) | 10mm ERB) TS Msn swing radia wih asa arenes pase atsal boosting angle feaeand : Hote distance Right sd) Siomn (RO) TE Oe distance (Lat si) “480 me (77a) “Bucket wack edge margin wih Boom in eo mm Gain rote possion (pit Se) 60 am 8 in} FF Booka rack ode margin with Boom in faa fst posiscn Lt side) come Blade rtm highest positon ‘200 mm (102 (Above ground love) (02 ny TE Blade btm hives positon mliion (Below ground love) 20mm (1.0 0) Tis ean Be TRS SS pe To1-01-17 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information 'Ex90 (Canopy type) Tor-01-18 Model B20 Ceara Tamenany [| iarmeneny 7 Boor swing an RS) wor 75 Boonsning ag (tide) 0° 3. Menard a Teomm Gehan) | s@onmienem) Masaru dg ech Tee mm GSAS) | AwEnm (ERAN) ED: Masmum dpe dope 2986 mm (@ASH) | 965mm 1OR Sn) [EE Mac ver wal Soph Tenn @h4n) | 25am RE [cr wentran curing ht TTitnm (8 tsin) | 4 0mN ARTA) 7G Menino heh Tato rm Tne mY | 8BOmm TEM) Misr sw ac Tee0 en Atm) [1 mm CHO) FF Maman orca a maT asm atti) | 1400mm ANT TO dtc Bo wonm ROM) Tet tance (et so) 0 nem (TAT) “Eiht ack lg mage ah Don 120 mn 9 8) Fuck rack ge mag wih boom tiet poston oe) TE ite as is poten 200 mn (149) TE i to ie poten arom (han) a Tor-01-19 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information [x12 (Cabin ype) Model exe [Crem tena aaam@nsm) Toemanam) TA Boon-ving ale as) cy | “A= Rooming al tie) 7 Maximum Spa a Tao a) | Seem TSA) © Maxim apm rach 3280 en ORB in) | 96 Me THAIN} Tru 69 pt 700 mn Ain) | 2 WON GR TT) Toxeru vical wal pth {Hom aan) [10mm @RE) Moser ang Rot Teed mm GonOM) | 2 HOM TORTI) Maren peg rt Ziasmm 7 ROM) | 220mm TRIM) nian ing a Tm (oR 9H) | TSH Mm ERAN) TF Manan ogi wan wim yas aoin) | 1360mm URS hy 7 ost tance (hte) “aon (TAT) 7 Oise tance (ot io) 0 ren (rN) “Bucket wack oage margin wit Boom rotleet passion (at se) ‘218mm (499) Fr Becket ck edge nang wih bo “as mn ah oltset posision (Lett side) betel 7 Blo bot est postion “80 men (11) (Above ground level) wom th) TE Bide btm righosposion 0mm (20) {Geom round Tove TAS Ra a NATH le Tor-01-21 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / General information EXIS (Cabin type) Model exis Tan ath Damen Taam ORS) 7 Soong aa ame) wo Boone ag tae) 70° 3 Mania dopa xk TeeoamiehTay | swOmnTaROM) Manian dagha each Seabnm (hom) | 87mm (aRAm) [32 Maximum digging depth 2160 mm (7 1 in.) 2.960 mm (7 R9in) [CE Manion vrcal wal ph 760m 63m) | 165mm (ERIM) Fann cuting ea Jaeonm (ORTH) | 2SEmM (ATTN) GMa ra heh 2ai0 nm ATH) | 2a en RIOR) 7 Mara ov ai 1546 nm 6ATn) | 186 mm G ROM) or sing cs i TA 1 hear ea tai0mm nein) | 180mm ROM) 7 Ofte GR Be Bonn RTD 7 Ore dance (a id) “oom (tn) “Bucket wack odo margin with Boom rot posison ight se) FP Buckat rack edo margin wth Boom ‘sot posson (Lot ie) 215 mm (8518) 125 am (49) Te Bad bot ites posion 10 wm 74 8) (Bowe gourd ove) TG) Basta ghost poaion om (2.0 (Below ground level) amo STS LR TTS ‘To1-01-23 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / General Information Model (Getow ground even anh eauneey “Boom aving ange aN Ba) 7A Brom ving ang (Ltn) E Mantrom din aun Tamm (anon) | ehoom(eaTA Monin dpra ech TziOmm (SHIM) | 4a eA) 0 simon deo deh Zao mm RTH) | BEM eR TO) Ean varia wal oh Tro0mm RT) | 2308 mn GAT) [=F _ Maximum cutting height 4 185mm (13 19 in.) 4580 mmm (14 ft 4 in.) 7G. Hasinm dara hae 3 wn @R Bim) | 9m VORTN) HE Minimum swing radius: +1 585 mm (6 2 in) 1/340 mm (@ ROin,) FF Miran en ae amano mm anim) | 10 mm HT) 7 Oe tance (RB ‘imn(anOm) Ota dtnco (ad) 80 en AT Figs as ae mag it boom 160 nm (63h) Bucket rock edge arin it boom aaa Stet pose 8) oak to ee 260 mm (10.2) TE Bld oti iis pon 280 men (11.01) ‘T01-01-25 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information 1x20 (Cabin type) Model B30 Tn Taapnany | Wem eRERD 7 eon oe ae) oF 7 oom ing ar Lo oF Narn dg a Toon Gehen) | Swome TERIA Nasu pha deh 2 oosnen @RSim) | 9 5am TORS) TEE Morar vere wa do Toso Rain) | 226 mm (TRE TE Mawr cain Fo Triown Gene) | 4 awe ERIM 76s dg hit 270m GTAP) | ON TRI) TE aa ing dn Tid GAT) [1B Hm ROM) FFE imam mrs mR aaa) | 14mm HRT) 1. Otiset distance (Right side) 620 wn (20H) | _F> Ofiset distance (Left side) “480 mm (1 RT.) tet pou ie ay mee FF ot ack ape magn wa Boon Shee posse a a Fe Bae fon get pono 20 mm (1.07) « awe 370mm (13 ny To1-01-27 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / General Information | LIFTING CAPACITIES NOTE: 1 Ratna ve bse on SAE JO. 3. Ting capcty of the hot escorts do ‘ot excead To% of ping food wh the Inching fm Yo! round” 7% of ta Se ood pot 2 hook (nt standard ‘casper acted on te back of to bhava 0 eps ‘hts bt ae CP. Ee 1135 m (5°) Boom, 0.70 m ("3° Arn Equigpad wit 0.024 me (PCSA heaped) Bucket and 180 mm (7.1") Enscebed on fesstees ina Tae ST ey roe" ap er | may = ole 6 |e 8 [ay 7671 oon wae] 2a ta (0.178) (0.968) | (7' 5") 13m oss fo. | 269 0121) 0.376) 10%) 9088 wa08| 0087 va7s| 256 (0.205) (0447) (0.125) (0:88)| (6 6") ‘251 025 | 0088 - 0.261 (0533) 0.78) | (0182) (0575), © (Ground) 48) xs (Cama ype) {1.38 m (4 #") Boor, 0.70 m ("3") Ar Equipped wit 0.024 (PCSA hooped) Bucket and 180 mm (7.1") Faber shoes | ts 0000089 Trad poe PST ght Tes | er) tenn eh mtn @ ble [eo 6 lm ‘O08 oae7 | 226 2er) (0.185) 0:368)| rs") ; ‘o0s7 a7 | 268 16s) (0.125) (0376)| 6 10") oom ‘ose 0205 | 0060 0178 | 255 (Grouna (0216) (Oaa7 | (0132) (0.385) | 5) as | ona? 0268 A099 | oer cosr 0716] 0191) 10575) 01-01-28 (Geran er at 260 segsee 8 sramgowesnt 2412 (Canopy type) {164 m (6 5°) Boom, 082. (25°) Arm Eauipped with 0.041 m>(PCSA hoped) Bucket and 230 mm (9.1") Grouse shoos Ue 1 0090008) ‘oad pont ates) UY a aims each hoight Te] 267) sew mit [a co ble 6 lo 6] oo 6 lh ome aza7 | 189 ae) cosas) (a4) | 62") -_ aate O08 o1s9 v2e7 | 2.96 Ga) (ose) (asta) 0.306) 544) | 9") pala 0245 arr | O90 a7e| One 0260 | 325 noe (0.540) (0919) | (0.286) (0606) | (0.251) (0573) | Wo" 7) yea 020 | one -oar2] 306 reel 0228 0808 | 0. (0.496) 4.168) | (0273) (0.54%) | (256) (0598) | 10" 0") ~, | mars D679 | 0227-0385 AA HY | ane) (1.96) | (0800) (0.866) x12 (Cabin typo) Yeu fo 8) Boom, 082 m "9° Ann guage wit 008m (PCSA heaped} Bucket and 290 mn 9.1") Grouser shoes eipa Toad ras AT Ay anmum reach hott Tea] 26 r) | ary ming @ b6[e@ be 6] e@ 6 |e 0168 2m | 295 20ry (0358) 0644) | 98") = ‘one wai | O68 a7S | 0135 0.260 | 329 ue 626) 0:91 | (03:39) (0.606) | (0297) (0.573) | co 7) aes 9500 | ove |v.2m | 01a 0.272 | 305 cara (0.582) (1166) (0326) (641) | (0317) (0593) | 0 0°) aero were | 0266 | 0390 16937) | 496) (1.496) | (0.586) 0.886) To1-01-29 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information NOTE: 1. Rains ae based on SAEJr067. 2. iting capeciy of the Hach excavators do ‘ot exceed 75% of tpping Toad with the Imactine on fem. level round 87%. of fal Ide copacy. the Jood pont 1s. @ ook (not stondard aqupment cated on te back ote chet. Ep: Para cr 0 dyes ‘Tescts dite ye capa x15 (Canopy type) 4.0m (5 11") Boom, 0.89 9 ("9") Arn Egupped wih 0.048 me (PCA heaped) Bucket and 200 mm (91") Grovser shoes {1000091 om) iinon Tar ay Nom" a ae pa “ [@ 6|@ 6/@ 6/@ 6] (ara) ase] er 7 0126 0257 | 328 267) 0277) (0555) | 00°) ‘oa ari | oss) ace] 010s 270 | 358 ‘A maser reach 310) ie (0.586) (1.038) | (0310) (0688) | (281) (G00) | nv") 0208 | v626 | 0191 ae | 0x09 0200] 357 8 Grou 0524) (1380) | (0.288) (0.764 | (0240) (0837) | 11) [1628 [etsy 2455) | (os24) (1.168) (0.343 (0537 | "107 1Ba15 (Cabin ype) 1.80 m (511°) Boom, 0.98 ("1") Arm Equipped with 0.048 re (PCSA heaped) Bucket and 290 mn (9.1")Grousor shoes a Tatas mar rege Te] eA aww men le oe o | fo | @ & [am E oe 0.257 | 920 ‘At maim roach aca (0.326) 0.566) | 10 8") fen ‘a0 wari | 0168 “os02 | 0125 0.278 | 358 ca (0.574) (1.038) | (0.365) (0.688) | (0.275) (@601) |(n4 7) ‘07a 0626 | 0155 “0347 | O18 v.80 | 337 9 Gund} (0.512) (1.380) | 0'343) (0.764) | (0.280) (0637) | (01 1) yew | 088? ate | 0278 "0528 ‘184 0.289 | 270 (865) (2485) (0612) (1.164) 0405) (0537 | 6 10") To1-01-30 ‘2122 (Canopy type) 2a0m (6 11) Boo, 1.091 (37°) Arm Equipped wit 0.058 ms (PCSA heaped} Buckot and 250 mm (9.8) Grouse shoos (Cpe rary esa 60 epee 6) rang veto ad point —— FEY at maximum roach reg [ea] Ae [aw 7 man & @ t|@ 6[6 6 ae “a308 008 «arn (0388) (0.888) aa ase ase | 0295 | 0967 bad (0.857) (0.868) | (0.650) : (0.809) pen “aaGo 0400 | 0.984 "0.401 | 0206 are 367 (atm |e) (rane | (486) (0823) : ‘0369 0.505 | 0207 aoe een (0.791) (1.179) | (0.456) | (0.868) y wana cat 803 | ome v0es | 022 0400 (1375) eave | 0745) Cr3en | 489) 0H [02 1] yaa) Pros oTe | omte 09m | oso asso | az68 ua0r | 320 2273) 2273)| (4.38) eae | (07H) (258 | (0.855) (87 | 9) Den “vase 9am | 207 a8) (e060 | 6) 2 Cabin ype) Biv om(6 177) Boom, 1.09. 7") Am Equppod wih © 008 1m (PCSA heaped) Bucket and 250 rm (2.87) Grouse hoos Te a na ro maxi ‘heght Tes) Ber) 319 10") acs) = oon mit) z = @ 6/e@ 6[e@ ole 6] e& 6 [oh > “aan oa0e ‘ase8 0367 | 354 ee (0.868) (0.868) (0.718) | (0.809) | (11° 7°)] : “301 Oot casa 007 | 405 ne (0.884) (0.884), (0555) (0.893) | (13° 3") ace ogee avs | 0250 aor | azae 029s | «a7 os (0.873): (1.179) | (0.551): (1.897) | (0511) : (0.868) | (13" 8°) ‘ane 083 | 0376 .6m0 cma vane | 395, 0 (Grouna sie) (ears | 082%) 366) saa) con 2 1] Tear [aS DIS] 0696 0M | 0373 sc cant 0287 | 929, 49°93) | a.273) (2.273) | (1.534) (2.030) | (0.820) (1.254) (0.729) | (0.875) | (10' 9°)] - “yaee 0.092 207 206r 264) (026 |e) To1-01-31 SPECIFICATIONS / General Information NOTE: 1 Rangs are based on SAE J1007 2. uiting copeciy of Be tach! excavators do hot exceed 75%. of tipping load with the Imactine on fem, evel ground or 87% of fal Itiawie capac. Zine lad pont is # hook (not standard ‘equnment located on the back o the bucket. (Ge arg cor oe 360 copes 2 lnicates tad bed by yale capaci {2490 (Canopy ype) 2.381 (7 10") Boom, 1.27 m (¢ 2") Am Eaueped wit 0.092 me (PCA heaped) Bucket and 200 mm (11.8) Grousr shoes cote oa: omg enons Tonka aa Tad pot an ‘height 1837 Ber) 319 10") aaa) a * met a 7 ° [oe 6[e@ tle s[e@ ble 6 [hy ‘ aa waa Dame | 9.16 ‘ (1384) (1.088 | 004) - as a 0308 a0 | 430 ae 0) (1.064) : (1.064) (0.579) (9.122) | (19° 5") asie oe | oaT4 vaso] 0250 vate | 450 oer (1.437) | (1.296) | (0.692) (1.212) | (0.551) (1.177) |(14" 10°) - a7? | 943] oso va | 0200 ste | 452 ise 6.05%) 1889) (0.663) (1.373) | (0543) (1.238) | 18 29} case "01s | 0280 vans | ons use| «a2 0 (Grn 0367 (e235 [oxen (810) | (0540) a0 | 4 6 — [ane ane | ome aes | onan D982 208 ve06 | 35 139) | e258) (2.658) | (1.847) (9.494) | (0-972) (2.164) (0.374) (1.395) | (12° 8°) : 63-1006 | 0450 "580 se (1.902) | (2.308) | (9 9a) | (4 507) Tor-01-32 {2X90 (Cabin tye) 2.98 m (7 107) Soom, 1.27 m (4 2") Am Gp nara 000 90 capes snc ruined with 0.092 me (PCSA heaped) Buckot and 300 mm (11.8) Grouse shoes n+ nig 6 00) Toate aay Toad pant 7 ‘height 18s) 267) 319 107) aaa ry) ha — man fz 2 7 : . lo 6]@ 6]@ 6/e@ 6/e 8 [mh ven Teed ais] 38 os aee |g) - Ta oa oss va00 | 70 eae (1.064) (3.064), (0736) 3.122) | 35) ea assy “use [03a wae | o27e use| a50 » (1-227) (1.296) | (0.753) (1.212) | (0.604) | (1.17) 014" 107] vee ‘sie wea] ose ven | 0257 vsea| «52 ca 1341) | 869 | 0.725) (1.372) | (0566) (1.299) | 182") 7 asco "016 | 0317 wes | oar use| aaa © (Groundh} (1.07) | (2.289) | (0.698) (1.510) | (0.697) (1.302) | (14' 6°)] Tap ay | ARE ae | cae TERE | net ae os8 vee | 388 (3°) | 2iss0) (2.658) | 2.001) (494) | (1.050) (2164) 10740) | (1.995) (2" 8) aan 7.994 “048 | 0454 —8ne oo (2.059) | (2.306) | (+ oma) _(1 807), To1-01-33 SPECIFICATIONS / General information SERVICE REFILL CAPACITIES 2 Bescon wor [vee | ree | Rowen Toa zo aa | 20 Ege a va [ 0s | ea gia coon 23 | 08 | 08 Fy of nk wo | aa ae Pie oyster ia) nies ma Travel duct des aaxd | aoexa | ooree Soe reno aa | 005 | ome Fon os eorex | eons | owoaxa | onc ENS eres aoaoxa [ oovaxe | omen 1 exes Dosen wor | vSet | twee |__Rotmone J Fuel tank 20.0 53 Aa | Engine of 4s 12 10) Ege coke as [09 [08 ‘Hydraulic ol ank 21.0 55 04 ron tm wo [ea | 7a Troan dn asaxa | ovexe | oorme Seg tral ger as | ow | 078 Fotis o000x2 | oonexe | eaorx | Fohwol SAE Neo ‘Lower rollers: ‘0.090%6 | 0007x6 | 0.006%6 t Tor-01-34 = wo | oSer | wot | Petwone Foe woo | we | no ere a se ps [a Engine cote so [oa [ on yu ak mo [7 | ee vidal see wo | we | Tel ion doves asxa| orn | one Seg tra 2a [a7 | es Frontiers oorox2 | omaxz | aowxa | Heras SHE Ne Toe cowaxe [aorixe | means 7 0 rein wer [Se | meee |__ Petrone roa wo | ma | no eee ssp |e Engh coet so [a | | Hyaroute tank 30.0 79 66 | tyarouic system woo | a2 | 0 ‘Swag tema! gear 3aa_[ os | ov From irs c02sx2 | oovexe | oanexa | Eoin ot SAE No0 roe cosaxa | owe [oamiiNe t Tor oes aoasxe [oarixe | omcoxe n 01-01-35 SPECIFICATIONS / General information To1-01-38 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights TRANSPORTATION ee asm ot Mosel Be [Drea ona FEO) Overall eight 1200 (¢ Mur ground clearance W706) Rear end length Boer) D" Rear ond swing rads Bore) =| Overall wh of upporsicare wore) F—Engine ver height FTES) [G-Counterwoightelaaance 380 (15) Fi Undercarage ent 1225 (#07) Sprocket conor to lr corte 300 2 1) [Track gauge 6002) fic Track shoe wth [700 07.17) Rubbor how Le Ovora wath woe ey |i Undercarioge with a0 er) Trak height money | oA oath Toe) [Oe TY P= Boom nah ero wy | 10s EY Bia with ea [iade ett 200 7) To1-02.01 SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights oder oe Ova nat Tee oy 5 Oveal height 200 (6°) [C= Mesum ground ee TOE) eer end tena aoe &) er ond wing ra 10 2) B: O° E_ Overal wh of uepersucre 028) [FEnone covert | 70) [a Counterweight Garance | 380.05") [Ft Undercarriage length | c K c ‘Undorcarige long 7225 @ 0) ‘Sprocket conor oii 900 Track gauge oo) "Track shoe wih 6017.17) Rubber she i ‘Over with a0 Me Underarage wath | Bee) Nek hgh 0) (0: Aan nat Toe) | Oe Boom height aro wry | 1105 8 | iade wit BIO wD Blade heh 200 (797) To1-02-02 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights EXI2EXI6 (Canopy type) Tier Bae as komen a Tae GT ey Teor [&:_Overall height 2195) [Cru ground rane eas ae |O= Rear e [ar end wg race 1080 5") toro ey TE Ovral woth of praise Toe aT Foie ver Fg TOT eT a Cortenrenp cosas 0S) i Undercariage ath Tar8 6) i: Sprocke controler cere Tos (ea) fe Tack oe more TOE a ie Teck se wih Ben | wer | moe | er Bree ‘eater’ | “Sean saber Ove wa 00 i Undecaiogs w mowFy i Toe AT Neck hight eee 0 [O:_Arm tengith — (220 (2" 5°) 4.020 (3 4") (930 (3° 1") 1130 (3 7) PBoon he roe0 Foy Tse e) | ewe) | 1388 we) ide wa ware) 708 Fs ics Hoh za) To1-02-03 a eg oan Hea RS =a ras ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and We Us [oe ‘To1-02-04 St Tia oa am oath Tbs WT CEE 13: Overal heaght Hw 2340 (7 8) #226017 7) [Mew ound corres waar a OF Fear ero ae 7) Tae) OF er end vn ae F007 Faas) Er wi pee Taare [F Engine cover height 21 340 (4 8") 1 350 (4° 5°) cao Cee Hae 37 ea [Fe Undercamage tena 1765 (8 10") 2006 (6 &) [i Sprocket center to idler center 1350 (4 5°) 1600 (6 3") ack so Ta ee) i000) ie Tr oe a Or on BB) | By [iy | oy | [ae | PM [oly so St | re | Ns? | Se [nae oar 0 ea sao | rse0| 1520 1620 i rca wee 8 emlen| eo | ee i Tack neape pexc Tus) eraser [ofa Tae | ome | Mr | eee [P:_Boom hight Toes) | 1650s) | roeo@e) | 17955 8) a Tamer) 10507 oe Fc waa TAT RST SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights EXIZEXIS (Cabin type) —= oe a 1050 6's") 107006) |G Counterwoight clearance 7 430 (1' 5") Sprocket center to idler conter 101s @ 4) = at as ==. ae ——— 701-0205 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights £x22.€X30 (Cabin type) Noa Bae 0 ore ana FRET wT aes fa Ova nh azar) Rees Ty [EM rowed carne 01) seo 8) = Rew od oth 105 (2) 1310057 Rear end swe ra 7700 40) 135957) E_ Ovo wi of uppers as Eng cover hort Eww Sy aso w ey [5 Coxrtrwaght clara eu og 0) | i Unserearige rath 1765 6 107) 205 68") Sprocket enero or anor $950 757 150065) [i_Tiackamone 160) 20 (0°) Tack se with 20] 250 | ooo] a0 | soo, | x00 | 400] 409 er | ay [ans | ors) | ate | aus] (ay | a4) Siaor | Rater | Gree [Foret] Great | fue | See [nosy Oval wide 1 420 [1420 | w'8 | s 450 | 1550 | 1520 1620 a Onaercaage wit eslemlerer| &% or [ie Teast aioe ews TST Hawes Fy JO Aen tna Toe ry | wees) | ve w ey | ew eD | Boom nahe 205 1a) | 1650 6S) | 13606) | 1 708 5) Blade wath 1400 EF 1620 60") [Bade ah money To1-02-08 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights, WEIGHT Toor me Uiperarine arty Ta Man rae 10302) Gouri weg “e370 Engine assembly e030) Fuel ak Tac oak [ re a Ta) Soin dv i600 | rat [ao Sing poe 12.0 Soon sw pnd sore, Undercarriage assembly 2540 (560) | Swing berg assonaay Od Travel deve Shoo (180 mn Fiber 809) Frontier TT Trax? 00891 Boxe 044) | Aur eyo ease Center int 9020) Bide [243 0) Blade yc #00) Front atachnentaseriy 1135m Boon, 07 | arg ya) smn 0024? (POSA Nesp) Burkl ee 12 m Bor : 3a i 270 mam 734 a Tis ao “500 or er asearbly i 35 0 75 (20 010 ight se O10 Goebel ot side 12.00) T01-02-07 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights eae od tots ose EG ae Tap aa Coe OT ay Wan ae 1739 (0 2000 80) Carr wo A) 20.4160) Eng assem iar a 301) 26) 601) 705 6 20.60) 7060) wr Sidr 100,00) Caren 3 Trg SY Oe) REO Tc re i200 @0) — 7220 (0) Seg bg a 3 Travel dee awe 0% Front er 120%2 (00%9) fastr [ari [a Tow a aoxenaxe “rack rk SS 39 van Goer) ra0%2 180%3) Coniston 300 ‘Blade wane [#0 100) a oF 9 Fro atcrent ase " EIS [uetin Bir, 88m A, 04 (Posh heaps ck 14.0 (09 20.0%) Erte Bom 8m Arm 046? OSA reap ck _ _ "84m Boon (Thm Bam EB) sone [waa] Ci An (XA), 098 Fr 8) 220 a) a_i [0 Arm (ERIE), 1.19 m Arm (X15) 250 (60) 350 (1 Cds (POSA oes) cht) su 0) wan) ender esse Toe oY Zim pnd assy 1190) 6010) cel inde sean ne Becket nk A wane aS Fight side ns OOS ae Toft side, 4.0 (10) X22 EX00 erica Tea RH Ter ‘Main frame "355.0 (790) a130 (920) _—‘| Coors we 106.3120) 140.0 610 Engine assembly 200.0 (450), 206.0 +460) [Tank Seaton pe wih wo charters) 546 (190) 545 (190) 21.4 (60) ~T 39-4 (90) 27.0 (60) 280 170), ae a a | Swing post "35.0 (80) 46.0 (110) fa ora 20 oa 7 Undercarriage assembly. “885.0 (1 960) 7070.0 (2 380) Track frame 263.0 (580) 326.0 (720) Seng bring SOT 363 (01 50 (100) | Travel device ~ “@a5x2 (100%2) | Front idler ‘21.6%? (50%2) ‘90.2%? (702) “Adjuster BOX? (202) ‘B21 x2 OD) | Upper roller | ‘Lower rollar B.a9%8 (2028) Tack a cog Gamer ne | _wbmxzIOH, | HHO? XD Gener jon Wray Blade ~ 100.0 (230) 126.0 (290) ‘Blade cylinder 15.9 (40) 25.0160) —*| ‘Front altachenent assembly a —-—rrC—t— cee 2700 (0) woo) Be ae zr hn ate nt eet iamea Saha a 21 m Boom (6%22), 2.38 m Boom (EO) woe) we | 1.08 m Ar x0), 1.27 m A (ESO) @4(000) 310 (120) 1 Ev TAT mr OT Soa oo Se ear oa ee [ Goenka ae au 00) a Boom per aie mom Ba oy ae me Ha) 7 Soe te ae ro aaaeh en ra ae er come Tet se 000 eI To1-02-09 SPECIFICATIONS / Dimensions and Weights To1-02-10 SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants FUEL “ent copacty ee B0ker ( 24US 9a, 2.0 ep ga) EXIZEXIS 200K" { 53US gal, 44 mp ga) EX22EX90 500 Hor { 192 US gal, 1.0. ga) bar oy ececane points | | 50 | 100 | 50 | 500 | 1000] 2000] 1. Dram water from fool tank 1 2: Replace uel fer Inerval ows) iement “| Every £00 hows (ovary 400 hours or EX), [Clean tod pup svainer 1 eo RECOMMENDED FUEL ‘Use hh quay cosa ool ony (ASTM D 675 No.20), Kerosene rust nt be used. IMPORTANT: Be careful not to allow dust, din, ‘water or other forlgn materiale Into the tue systom, T01-08-01 SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants ENGINE OIL exe Nonbars of Tera fous) Sone ‘some [© [ 50 [100 | 20 [soo | roo] 2000 Check ovievel| 1 Engine ol pan a — Replacement | (a 5S ga) : 2 Engine ot or ‘eploconent |__ 1 F Feat ie exes Nobers of interval ous) ‘Service points = Check one] 1. Engine of pan 7H) eplcament | 345 hay Engin of or Repacoment [1 * x22 6x20 Nombors ot Trial Hous) Serves points sor Scere ome @ [10 00] 2000 Gheckollet| 1 fl 1. Engine oi pan ay enticement | (suse) Engine a er epicoment | 1 = F Feet ie oy To1-03-02 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS. oa eae eS feceor tear imar cacrsconrromcl 5 oon penta a oaneaaecs =a on ROO a en ananoe ac eens sen = i = a “Apolioll custom wide 18W-40 (~15 to 40 *C) eaten eee ase a tea a : eaesies ‘Nippon ol 10W-30 (—20 to 35 °C) 15W-40 (= 10 to40 °C) pease Set ot 10W I 30 L 40 a aaa SRE Role aT = an come {aac nce ON In ot areas, ener SAESO The signe clita R zapied oan maine IMPORTANT: Use engine oll property conform. ing tothe air temperature. T01-09-03 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants HYDRAULIC OIL Trier (aus) 100] 250] 50 [000] 600] 2000 a ‘Sone points Check myc ove 2. Dean hye of nk 7 ae 3. Replace yaa ot ae fa Glan suckin Ber 7 ‘wmen replacing hyraue ol 5 Replace tls flr element 7 xf] Faas oy exes Nombors of tral (ous) Service points sero ‘ponte | & [50 | 100] 250] 500] 000] 00) 000] soo) Fr Check hydrate of evel + 2. Drain hydra oan o a 2 (65US ga Ee Gloss suoton tor 7 5: Poplnce Walow i 6. Replace pol ier Sonont 7 8. Replace hydraulic ot eo oh = id a imetea Sams | ® | 50 | 100] 250] 500 [000] 1500] 2000] 2600) aaa = a ; - noms ctl E 7 ; fesse om ; 7 To1-03-08 RECOMMENDED HYDRAULIC Ot. Kind of Mean Hyaaute ‘Servce ports Hyoraue stom Replace interval aaa al ‘a vopartor} ~ ao 10S Tie aoe Manslacure® (410 10671 (ao 104 F) idem koran Daphne suporyaro LWa6H ‘Brash powcr Baran HVA Caen of Fando ol bas Teaco ne Rando of HOA Ghewon USA we (Chewon Aas Esso standard ot Neto FAB ‘Sheila Telus of FAS [ Mobil oi DET 25 IMPORTANT: Use only ols Usted above or equlv- ‘tent bo not mix ferent brand oll T01-09-05 SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants GEAR OIL xe Nrbere of Teal Hous) Seven points serve pints — is bows IST aa | #00 | 280 [ 500 | 1000] 2000] Gieck ote] Ee vel device cane Replacament op ugpaea | exi2exts Rambors of Intel Hows) Senvioe pits serace ports pes @ [= [100 | 250 | 500 | 1000] 2000 Chock ottevel | E Travel device eee i 0.08 Uso <2} x22 6x20 Neanbors of Teva Hews) ice oils soe pants ‘Service po @ [0 | 00 | 250 | 600 [ 100] 2000 Ghose orvevei| 7 [eal Travel dovice rr eplcement fo 13 Usgel x2) To1-03-06 RECOMMENDED HYDRAULIC OL, Kid of beans Grease Senice pit “Trav device Manutecturer =20 10 40 *C (49 106°F) Bish povoteum [BP gor ol SAE SOE Caltex of ‘Universal huban SAE 90 Esso standard oF Esso goar ol GP 90 demas kosan ‘Appl goar HE 99 (EXB-EX22EXI0) Aol se mote (EXI2EXI5) Mobi ot Mobiube GX 90 open ol (Gear be SP 90 ‘Shat i ‘Shall pax EP 90 Remarks APIGL-8 Cass ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants GREASE Irvwval (ous) Senvce pots 00 | 20 | 600 [soo] 2009 “Around the Boor, ar, locket endswng post 1. Front jit pin | Hors ‘ound to bd, Blade oyindor 2: Swing boating | i aE [a Swing aoa ae RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS, ‘Kind of can — Service pam Frnt yt pins Swing bong ad Suing Manwtocuver ~207 40°C (~4 6 104 °F) ‘Bich pouctoum BP Enorgroase LS-EP2 Cation ot Mulak EP2 Esso sandird of ian 2 laeitsu Kosa ‘Daphne Corn Grease EP2 | riot ot Mobi: EP2 ‘goon a Epnoe Grease APE ‘eto ‘St Avania EP Grease 2 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants ENGINE COOLANT exe aa ‘Nurbors of Trial Hours) ‘pone [8 | 60 | 100 [50 | s00 | 1000] 200] 1 Check coolant evel 7 2. Chock tn be tension 7 Bal zur soft water | yo cusgay | Twice a yearin spring and autumn 2. change coolent . Longe | 238 [once very two years (n autumn), or every coolant” | (@6US ga) Ho00 ovr, whichever comes ts. Out sido 7 7 4. can radiate core Irene 7 Wen repiaong engine cosa Fao 40h ty, conn a may. NOTE: * Batre leaving the Hac lector, the coo ing systom 16 od wih 8 mex of water ‘and ang ie coon (LLC). ‘So lng as Ha | ‘oh gonune ong-fe coolant (LLC) is use, the mal between changing the coolant | ‘nce evry fw ars fin atu), eva ‘o0a hours, whichover comes st 4. COOLANT: Fil tho ator wih sot, pur ap oF ote wat, ANTURUST AGENT: Antinst agent unctons 0 ‘rovent sng and coresen. ‘ed apron 100 ee of anirust agent to the coolant ‘itn the antitoeze ss used, aniustapont ‘ation snot rogue. ANTIFREEZES: Aniroeze functions to prvent freeing and sig. We ar temperature is expected 0 fl blow (°C. fl the cooing systom wah an etyln-lyc! fntirenze asd sot water a. AS a ganeral le, the rao of siteeze should range botwoon 30% fad 60% as showa mth abo blow. I he rao ‘bslow o0%, the system may develop rust and 1 ss above 60% the engin may have 2 tendency 10 overeat. There ao two tnds of fntirenzes,antreezo(AF) and long-tlecooant cy. 01-03-09 SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants 4. clan radiator core exizexi6 ‘Numbers of Treat oo) Sonice plas ‘sora. fonts | & | 60 | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000] 2000] 1. Gheck coolant iva 1 2. Check tan bel tonsion 7 na ae soft woter | jogusay | Twice # year ia sping and autenn 3. change coolant Tange | 358 — [Once every two years (nau), or evan eoatzat” | (09USga) foe hours, whichever eames fis, Out se 7 Bl 4: Clean radiate core Tetrion o ‘hon replacing engine coolant Glan of cnc Wont serean o ee Fanaa. 4 ny pane een exizexi8 eenbers of Tntanal (ours) oe ‘ponts_| ® | 60 | v00 | 250 | so0 | 1000] 2000 1 Check conan vel 1 2. Chock fan bt tension 7 sor sot woter | (1 Susan | Twice ayoarin sping and autumn 3. change coolant Longe | 50% Once every two years (h autumn), or every codlaal” | (13US 99h) f000 ovr whichover cmos rst. Out side 1 =z 7 Wen replacing engine coolant 5. Giean ol cooler ron scr00n| 7 ee FF 1k ty cn a recenny. To1-03-10 NOTE: Before leaving the Hach factory, the coo! Ing system ie led wth a more Of walr ‘and engte conan (LLC). ‘Soong a8 Hts {hr ganuine tong ite coolant (LLC) i used, {ho intra between changing the coolant ‘onco evry two Yeors (in autumn), or every “000 hours, whichever comes tit 1. COOLANT: Fil he raiator wih so, pure tap or ‘oto wate. 2, ANTLRUST AGENT: Animist agent functions to ‘proven using and corosen. ‘hai antrst agent othe coon, 140 co for x12, 18 and 200 ce tor E22, 30. ‘on the aloeze Used, aust apont ‘tone ol required 8. ANTIFAEEZES: Antitoezo functions to prevent ‘reeaing and sting, Iho ar temperatura is expectd to fl blow (°C. the cooing sytem wih an eyln-alycl fnieeze and sof war mix Ae a gonerl ro, tha rato ofantresze should range betwoon 30% fd 60% a5 shown the abe below. i the rao ie beiow 20%, the sytem may develop rust, and if tis abowe 60% tho engin may havo a Tendency to overeat Tha are wo Kinds of fantreazes,antooz9(AF) and longo colant wey ‘To1-09-11 SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants 2 pattoo2e(AF) ‘eatvoezo{AF} must be changod every year in peng mith wator eluding ant ag Longe coolant (Lc) ‘The long He conan (LLC) canbe usd fr a the yer reund. Tho ntwval between changing the Cotati once every two yours (nt ‘azurm), or every 4000 hours, whichover comes et exo ti capaos Ar tompeatre | Meg ao aisam (Potton or ong cook Set water cof toe US oa! mp oat | ter JS ga mo ot wm |e | oss ois 01s | ter oss + | | os om oss | ser 04s as -7 9 | 9 | 06 01 © or | 161 04s 038 2 | a | ogo ow ots | tor 04s 00s s | a | om oz | ow | 149 oso | 033 ~ a | a | om a2 | oz | 138 096 0m 2 ws | a | 104 027 ozs | 126 | 033028 wm ar | se | 120 ose os | 0 oa 02 so -s3_| 0 | 1a oa om | os om | 020 exigexis tepals Armgunee | to | —s 2 | mer Sg mpg | ter VS gu | mp ot 7 ao] af tos 028 023 | 245 | ass Oss -4 ia | o | sms fom | ons | 2m | aes : oss 7 12 | 2 | 105 020 ozs | 24s 0s 088 " v2 | a | 10s | om oz | 245 esos 18 s | w% | 12 | ow | om | 227 | ae oso 20 a | « | sa oar oa | 20 | oss 048 cassia | as | t50 042 095 | use | ost on ss cor | 2 | sae | 048 om | 108 044 a7 soe | | 20 | os ows | 140 os ont To1-03-12 exe EX30, lil capactos i temperatxe | Mixing aio Peteres a oireore rong le conan) Ld “c F | Wer = US gal imp oa! |_Ror US gat | imp oat 7 a] a | 190; om 033 | 360 ose 077 4 2 | a | 150 04 039 | 350 ose = 077 7 wo | 9 | 150 | am oss | 380 | ose | ovr on 1 | 2 | 150 | a4 oa | 360 ose | o77 6 s | a | 175 oa 039 | a2 09 - a7 20 ‘ 40 | 200 | ass | ome | 300 079 066. 25 1s | 45 | 225 ase 080 | 275 073 ost 2 za | s | 260 | 069 as7 | 2a - 063 089 50 so oo _| 300 ave 06s | 200 | 053 | ous To1-08-13 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Fuels and Lubricants To1-03-14 ‘SPECIFICATIONS / Interchangeability INTERCHANGEABILITY oder Ena Radiator ‘Ae ceaner ‘ator Fuel nk Hyaoute o Pup dovice Man pings Engine contol ‘onot ever Tink Swing post Booming einer Conia vave Plot pengs| Console ‘Gauge panel Batory ct pan Canopy Foor aezarbiy Seat assembly Gover | Swing bearing Front sar ower rae “rack nk ‘Conor on Blade «yn Blade PETS Travel rings “Travel ppings cover Bucket endo To1-04-01 SPECIFICATIONS / Interchangeability To1-04-02 Group 01-Outline Cutie of Uppersuctre Group 02-Tank Fuel Tonk yea OH Tank Tank (©*22.90) Group 03-Pump Device ‘Consieton and Function Group 04-Swing Device CConsrvtion and Function Swing Feducton Device Swing Motor Sing Brake Valve veda Rae! Valve Group 05-Pipings exes. SECTION 02 UPPERSTRUCTURE CONTENTS Group 08-Control Valve ro201.01 Outi xa r218 122.00 To20201 ‘Switch Valve o202.00 Ee roe.92.05, e126 22.00 Main Rit Vale Te2.0301 (vad Rati! Valve Group 07-Pilot Valve To204.01 ‘Cansiucton o2-04-92 Function To204.04 To20t10 Group 08-Lock Valve To20414 ‘Consivetion and Function Group 03-Solenoia valve 102.0501 CCenatrcton and Funct Top0s-02 102.0500 Group 10-Engine CConsrtion and Operation ator Air Caner Maitenance ‘5807-0201 To2.06.01 ‘o206-09, op.06-04 o2.06-08 1206-05, 206-06, 0206-08 ro207.01 02.07.06 To20801 ro2-1002 ‘5807-02-02, UPPERSTRUCTURE / Outli ‘OUTLINE OF UPPERSTRUCTURE The upporstcure consists of main frame, engine, ‘pune doce, contol vave, swing dave, fuel tank, fy ‘rou ol tri. canopy and counterweight exe ms 12> faanieo8Tank 182 Pomp bees 3 Bathe cer 33> Raainor i Sang toe 5 en yee T02-01-01 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Outline EXD eKI6 02-01-02 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Outline 1702.01.08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Outline To2-01-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Tank FUEL TANK ee 702.02.01 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Tank 1 om 2 Ta orn Cok 5 Level aope 702.02.02 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Tank HYDRAULIC OIL TANK ee 702.02-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Tank exrzexis arc OWTamk 5 Seon Fer 6 eet age Pe cm T02-02-04, UPPERSTRUCTURE / Tank TANK (EX22EX20) This anki a single-uni type dided ito two chambers bya parton plate isis, one chamber fr fuel and ater one for Fyeraut a 1+ cap ret an) 1 br cock 5 con 5 test Onaae onto (yrateo8 Tem) (yrute Be Tew) 2 Fine fatten) ———§ Suton tee 7 eta ee 5+ tun Pipe (hare OTe) (arate 2 Te) (aut be Tow) 702.02-05 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Tank 702.02.08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pump Devi CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION ‘Th hyrauc pump feeds hysrauc ol to the hydra “This pump is two-goaandor-ypo pur. g 702-03-01 exzeKis “This pump is two-gea andom-ype pum. 702.03-02 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pump Device exe “This pump is 2 teee-goar tandom-ypo pun, fo} bss 702.03-03 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pump Device exe (tvs ase 1 (9) meshes with he engine ckve shat ‘Couping (10) connect dive gear 1 (9) to seve go 2 (11) and drwe goa 2 (11) sspined to dive gear 3 (12). Thus, the same rovolung speed is anslewed tom eve goat 1 (9) to ive gears 2 (11) and 3 (12), TTotraneit engine power, drive goars 1 (3), 2 (11) and 302) mosh mi devon oars 1 (7), 2 (8) and 3 (2 Sonat Both the eve and civen gots rola to suck nyaeause ‘rom the tank 1 cover 4 fren can? 1 brwenaart 10> Couptna 2 ian oes 5 ante ie = oor Deve Geore 702-08-08 UPPERSTRUGTURE / Pump Device OMOMO @®@ ® cpl © ye co ors oo, = ee UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pump Device @-f-y 12 Body (eer Pons) 1 ey Hm Pa) 2 Sonat Bea 5 an Pome) 7702-03-07, UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pump Device “The engine cives salt (8) of main pump, rotating tote (wtih tds song valve pts (1) Rotor) has se evindors. Ech cylinder has hal opening towards the valve piste (0 ‘Tree ofthe cys open towards th outer ao of the valve pat) we ota tee open foward the conter ofthe valve plate (1), arangod alters wey. Vat plate (1) has dua! suction (2, (8) | debvry (12), 13) por, 20 that outer ender openings con ect wih tho eutersucton (3) deWvery (13) pons wise tho smer cylinder openings connoct with he Inet soon 2) aeivery (2 pos ‘Ths coniguatonaowe the main pump to surely qual amensts of tyéralie 30 lndopendent hy trac crete smataneausy 702-08-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device “T02.08.02 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device ‘SWING REDUCTION DEVICE 2 vowing 5 at stage Sn sar 7~ Sain tage Son 702-08-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device 1 ret sige Panay 3 Pion Sat 4 Fit Sage Sn Gear &- Fat Stage Crier To2-04-04 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device SWING MOTOR The sing motor is 2 orbit mote. ‘he man components are vale (8). valve dive (1), Valve pite (10) gorollr (11), eve (2) and pon shal ©. Waive civ (1) 6 sped 0 valve (9) and o star (12) ‘0 govale (1. ‘ewe (2) splined to star (12) and pinion shat (2). h} -—-@ ~o sal of a] 3 Weorrng = vane BO e(oun 702-04-05 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing device Pressura ol ram BM port (7) 6 fed into gorallers shalt (6) va dive (20) ad to valve (2) via vale (5) trough val 2) and vaio lato (3) frvo (8 ‘Stor (0) geroter (5) Buen by te prossue ol Valo(2} has 12 of pons and ave plato (2) has tram Bla port and roves around gorlrs (5) sover ol port. ‘Star has St ‘mashes with geroles (5, When valve. (2) Is rotated by one soventh, the umber of which Bre soven co that whip star (9) prossuro ol rom BM port (7) into gorlers (5) i fed vos ono tum around gorllrs (5), sia (3) teugh to valvo plate ol prt having ene seventh Totaine one seventh on vale eve (4) and dO Uh paso clon trom the gin‘ port, tt (0, Powering star (8) 0 keep sting wound gerllrs De sar (9) is splined onto ve cive (4) and cive (0) the rotation of sar (8) swans to inion 3 porta rte 5 pst + Serene) omuno8| 702.04-06 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device SEKI EXZ2 EX “Th owing mater is asl piston motor. ‘The main components ae ave plate (), oor (2) fom (10) sat (7) a st plate ( Foto (2) is sined to shalt 7). Each piston (10) ited Ywoigh @ ball socket jit to shoo (1). Shoe (12) moves sing o the trust plate (8 a 0 0 2 alr of So |EX22°EX30_ “— Hil UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device Wien the pressure oll from the conto vale acts on piston (9) one all of roto (2) Hough por OM (8), Piston (3) pushos thst late (8) tough sw ( ‘As thust plate (5) Is het on shalt (6) at an angle, \whon piston (3) pushes trust plato (5). shoe (4) shoes fn ust plate (5, dovelopng the torque te tum. As shal (6) aes, piston (3) moves out of ror 2. Piston (2) int ober fa of olor (2) then moves back Tie iy ck Gecnwgina ol Kear ete Gh 702.04.08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device T02.04-09 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device ‘SWING BRAKE VALVE “The sing brake vale is located onthe head of swing ‘Th sng bake valve consists ofthe folowing vaos. (CHECK VALVE. Prevens cavitation i he moto excl OVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE Proven overload and surge pressuo in the metor ee J F02.04-10 EXIZ ERIS E2200 To204-11 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device Wen the swig spac ithe contol valve isin the neutral positon, the oh he sing cu Wappes by Be swing soot non the contol ever isin the right ewing poston, system pressure ol rom the carta valve Rows ito the brake valve por BV, ten flows int the metor por Ba "The retum lof the motor port AM Is discharges from te port AV, and the swing motor sta eva ton When swinging the upporsructure downward on slope, the waght of the mactino accelerates the ‘Tha tank pressure ol ls tough the port M ito the negative 8 of he chock waive to pwant ea ton Won the contol kvor cots tthe nesta pos tion, the saing spac retuns fo the neutral postion, ‘rapping of in he swing cot to prevent the motor {tthe contr lver en the lt swing peaton wil flows te oppose port AV. To2.0412 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device EXIZEXIG E22 B00 1702-04-13 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device OVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE ee Poppet 1) spushod oot side by spcng (2 RELIEF OPERATION ‘nen ci pressure becomes mar than the vale seting pressure, poppet (1) is moved to right se to release prossure of | 1 Poppet 2 See po 02-04-14 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device EX2EXISEX22 B00 ‘Tho ol pressure is routed though poppet (1) oxtice to ping ehsnbor (2 Poppet (fs pushed to tha Ia ie by sping (3). LOW PRESSURE RELIEF OPERATION “The procsure rowed to sping chamber 2) is appod trough rot! tousing ee to pston (5, mowng 10 tho tt de unl ome into Contact wi ho shou! oe During this piston (6) movement, the prssure in sping thember (2) hat, the prossure Banna poppet (1, r= mans low ‘The wave is activate at he low pressure ofthe nor ating ding us tne. [NORMAL RELIEF OPERATION ‘Aker piston (6) comes into contact with shoulder, the ‘rosso sping enamber (2 rene a ne pe ‘Sues behind ard in front of poppet (3) becomes equal {he valve activates a ts noma oll pressure sting, 7702-04-15 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Swing Device 702-0416 UPPERSTRUCTURE/ GENERAL Hydraulic ol ipings consist of main pipings and pl piings. (EXE has no plot plpngs due to no plot systom provided) © orice @ ine Sie Terr ao rentanea tam I> sw c 02-05-01 # UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Pipings <2x12. BxIS> UPPERSTRUCTURE/ ings 0122. Bx00> ++ The cic diagram shows the pings fn E22 {©300 does nat have tho boom Il section) Sie lbooo09eeas) ‘xc pe obey pas == pre 702.05-03 UPPERSTRUCTURE! Pipings UPPERSTRUCTURE / Control valve 7702-06-01 UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Control valve GENERAL —(EX8, 12, 15, 22, 30) The contl vale model ae a flows, XB (UCHIDA. 9 Spools #12) (©) DOO OOD ©© OGHOHO® © ©©. @ Oo @) (©r22. 20) ‘The igure shows the conl valve in EX22. ‘he cevl value in EXS0 does nat have the shaded secon (beer Il). POOOQDOODSE OOG ®0@ t A O) a ® @) @) ui @ } DADC CHICO DOW ® © 1 Pump pon 2) 2 Yee oe ot perl titan “owe pt Yo Ames 22 Open mah 22 Bom got 25~ Frnt ow pat 27 — Tero pot 20~ Pat prs ho tne ch 21 ~ One ele te sat an 23 Makewprahe tr Be nw erg t= Tom om 19) x8 22.90 25 Asian spl pat oe e909 102.06-03 ‘SWITCH VALVE. Won any spool other than travel moved ff pastage conected to plot pssnges of ach Spool and rotumng tho plot of to to tank Is osed Consequent, the pot prossure 2 pilot pot 'S is rasea 19 move the Switch vale spook. T the al fom P2 tows not ony tothe ral (A) spook bu also fo tho pall passapos and to ie spodt “wich valve Bough chock valve. UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Control valve ‘The of passed trough the switch valve joins with the of tw trom port PY whch comes tough the tice inthe cot valve, ‘The ol supply tothe ave lt spt i conto by tho oil tho cota! valve. ‘The poss combined operations wih he Wave op: ‘ration are oor. ai, owing and Bade operations ‘ich have peal cute a each respective se tine inthe con vave, ‘The-numbers on ho excut diagram reprosant the rumbers on socton ofthe swich wave respective UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Control valve © eee oer OF 702-06-05 UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Control valve © =O: Ud UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Control valve MAIN RELIEF VALVE (EX22, 30) ‘Tha main reel valves see located atthe envances (2). AS_a pressure diferace arses between the of PY and P2 ports 0 th conta vale, behind andthe foto the orca in poppet (2). Poppet (2 is moved 'o th night side to open (1), As the ol prssure at pot P incroasos, it over: the valve seat roleaing the prestire oil at ‘comes the sping (1 force, posting poppet (1) pot 10 pom f (aero the How tno 2 be- {o the right sd to resco the pressure ot fou) ‘sping (2) chamber to pot T. 702.06-07 UPPERSTRUCTURE/ Control valve OVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE (EX22, 20) Reliet Operation ‘The principle ofthe tole! operation isthe same a8 the mam rebel valve desorbed previous. Make up operation ‘non tho prt P pressure becomes negative ( oat ‘enon supply trom the pump) 8 pressure Sitornce aaos between ports P dT toring ‘make up valve to move to the lat sd spying from pot T to port P.(Reter to to tow kno bat) ee ere (Wasa [reset [ome UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve PILOT VALVE CONSTRUCTION (EX12, 15, 22, and 30) Models EX12 and agar have pct valves fo cool he ont a swe functons “The EXE has no plot valves al sions ae mochaneally convo (1) Plt valve port connection (Fight: Bucket, Boom) aie P Poteet par to pio valve loo ret port ak ‘Bucket dump po, connected to convo valve pat. Bucket load pot, connacted to contol valve port 2 ‘Boom lowering port connetod o eon valve por Bi ig pr, conacted 1 con sav pr i rive a tw conv Sols et Tor boom rab [NOTES The name and numberof each porte makod on th pilot valve housing. foro pages 09 and 08 forthe. pat uber and eatin en the coneo valve, i i ay yea cei 702.07-01 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve (@) Plot valve por connections (et: Swing, em) Poa naine os Beale P Pita let por to plot ave T Pot ort poet ane 7 “in ol port connecied eon vabe pom EL 2 ‘Swing Fight ol por, connecid w Conta vale por 8). 3 “aD a pat connected 6 conta valve pot ~ a ‘Swing Let al pot, connected fo earl waive poe ( [NOTES The name and numberof each port mad onthe plot valve Housing Refer to pages 03 and 04 for te. post number and logan onthe conlvaho eye *yerae eet UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot CONTROL VALVE PILOT PORT CONFIGURATION (EX12, 15) “The ol ports onthe contol vee to whch pit of tows from the pilot valves ae arranged ae shown boow Bucket Boom Fer | Sng ump Lower out | tat o @ a @ ©) COC ° O) © |be Oo ©) | © © SG 6 “ o 6 —— faker] [Boom Fn] [Seo Sone | [race wr | [ron Front Ed oar Ene CONTROL VALVE PILOT PORT CONFIGURATION (EX22, 30) “Too of ports onthe contro valve to which plo ows fom the pilot valves ae arranged as shown below. (On he Ex22. an aesional vale Bock is provided (saded Bock Tor ineroasod boom ase speed Boom a See ‘Lower ou ut @ a @ y OlOK. S OO) ©) O GOFOS! ge ” & o wo Boom] [Bucket Tm] [Boom iF Seino aio Crows 8 Race || Right Front En <-> ear ent 702.07-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve 702.07-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve ‘CROSS SECTION OF FRONT / SWING PILOT VALVE (EX12, 15, 22, and 30) ay sa © t v © i A G as i g , a) ross Socton of it Vl Hote 11-smage x ole Sooo one Pom bard inns 702.07-05 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve FUNCTION (EX12, 15, 22, and 30) (1) The plot valve sends pot ol pressure to actuate the mas contol va spools When a contol lover is operated, the plot vale regulates pt prossur in proportion to the conl ler rok. Tho plot ll presbur is routed though ppetnes to the contol valve, ming the spoals inthe {onl valve nt tho plot a prssue coma io balance wih he spring force. pinto a Ma, son 1 5 = N | so Ngan of um ot toon) Fron rom pt pane "Pa oa) ot postogs 702.07-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve (2) Plot Vane Pressureistroke Performance ‘The pressurostoke porrmanco of th pit valve depends on the function or funcions being operated, 2s Iiusvatd below 1 Plot Value Ports No.t and 3 (Bucket, Am Port) “The pusher stoke rango is narrow inorder to qulyrogate the bucket and arm plo xesswos. ‘Output oi # 20} swossue (gt?) (5) 20 Pusher soke(emn) —> ‘Plot Valve Ports No.2 and 4 Boom, Swing Por) ‘The pusher stoke range # wide. This helps provide more proce boom cylinder and swing motor ‘movement or inching aperatons Ourput pressure {tem ea Pusher stoko(nun) —> 702.07-07 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve PORT CONNECTIONS (EX12, 15, 22, and 30) 7 “Tank Pow [Th tank pot connected to te yraule of tank ands always at ak pressure Tot Pact |Tv it pots canectod fo he plot pup. The pio la! valve maniaine constant paot pressure inthe pt eeu (GV | Daivary Part |The delivery pont is connected to the conve vave. The adjusted let pressure reaches the conrl valve wath plot valve Rew sping force against spring guide (5) and spacor (4) holds spoo! (8) upwards. Spool (8) does not move farther upward as the towor Sango of pusher (2) andlor sng gui (6) come ino contact wth bushing (2) Int poston, delery pot C.V an tak pot T re contd, applying no hydrate or 10 spool “The pot va ein nota, 1 Peter 7 eta sping 10> Spo bow. 2 Booming Sooo soe UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve OPERATION (EX12, 15, 22 and 30) + Lover In Noual Pusher Sroko = Ato 8) In nuta, spot (6) pushed up by return sping (8 10 Bock ol om the pot pup. ‘With tho Spo! up, dor pot Ct the conve connected Yo tank pot T and isa tank pressure, ven the cont lavas is moved sight, pusher (2) and the spring ide are moved against relun sping (4), wtih moves spect (5) down unt cearanes A becomes zo, oa G Q NN => : | Ly — ® = o> Sooo 4 natn png 102.07-09 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve © Lover ~ Operates (Pusher Soke: 8 0 0) ‘man the conta ver mowed sgt, the spool is moved down, blocking the return passage and opening ‘he passage from the pt pump othe conto valve, lao la acts on the piston inthe spec trough te ‘onic, pushing th S900 agains the bslice sping. As eau, he spool does net move andthe ol ‘r0sSu0 1 the contol vake increases uni comos into hatznce with tho balance pig force by the pusher * Pusher atoke 1 cana iver 2 cm 2+ Paar Sena ase ‘102.07-10 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve (Puree Stoke : C to B= Metering) ‘As he contol ovr is moved farther, th pusher applies more force to the tance spring, nd tho ol prssure to the con! valve increases to balance the $900k “This pressure create in proporion to he canal evar atoke fe the metering function ofthe plot valve, Pusher stroke 1 ae 2 ret 2 outer © spina 02-07-11 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve {Pusher Soke : © 10 &) ‘Won tho lover 8 moved to ful stoke, the pusher movement i ranged dct tothe spcl. This ores the p00! down, conecting the paseago trom the plot pump withthe passage to the contl vee (i prossure to In contalvalv crass unt teaches pit aster prseur. Pusher suoke 1 ater 2 tne 2 ome spe T2072 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve (Pusher Stoke : E10 F) Even when the conto lovers moved fare, te ol pressure to the contol valve mains pit systom possi, q 2 i lot pressure Pusher stoke 2- spot 702.0713 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot valve To2.07-14 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot Shut-Off Valve CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTION (EX12, 15, 22, and 30) The plot shut valves @ manual changeover valve connected mocharicaly othe pis contol shutoff lvers. ‘The vale funetons to tun on and of the plot Nyaa of ent tothe pot valves (hea! and eving) when te tol lovers are operated ‘whan both pilot contol shuof fovers are puted up tothe tacked postin, sx (1s ped to the righ and ‘an (3) pushod fo tho lt. “The tnt and Swing functons eanet be operated when th cont lovers are moved, 28 both spools (4) end (@) ofthe shutoff va Bock pot a fow (2) rm the pt pup, 1+ Connect to the ight plot contol shut ver Plot il ow tom Port Ago: (exi2, Bx the let pot ve (E32, X15) CConnecied to hel pot conta sho lover the a pt valve (EX22, X20}. (6x22, B20, 2 Plt of tw to pon P (6 Pot i lw fram Pot yt tho ght pot valve (EX, EX). tet pot valve (EX22, X20} 3+ Connected to helt plot conta shutlover 7 Plt shutoff valve hous, (Ox2, Ba, [Connecie to te sight pot contol shut lever (©22, 0, 4 Spool o. 1 8 Spoat no. 2 702.08-01 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Pilot Shut-Off Valve ‘© One Pilot Conto! Shut-Off Lever in ON (Locked) Position and the Other in OFF (Unlocked Position) Even when oly one pit cantel shutoff livers pile otha lacked postion and the othr is pushed down to the unlocked poston, the front and swing funclons eanvel be eperatod when re Conve vers are moved as ster p00! (4) or S900 (8) ofthe shuttf valve Blocks tho pital fom the pt pump (The x22, EXG0 shutof vo is ustatad below.) Put to the rit as thot shutof lever ped to OFF (ulockes) sion, ‘Both Pilot Control Shut-Of Levers in OFF (Unlocked) Postion ‘yan both ot cxntol shutoff levers are pushod down to ho unlocked positon, the ton and swing Functions can bo operated when the contol avers are moved, as both spooks () and 8) ofthe shot value ava ope, lloaing pt lm he pi! pu o fw tothe allt valves. sted to helt asthe ok shut lve is pushed down {o.OFF (unlocked) postion. ated the ight a te ght shut lovers pushed down 10 OFF (unlocked) poston. UPPERSTRUCTURE / Solenoid Valve SOLENOID VALVE (EX22,30) “This slonod valve functions oadust the travel speed. (Low Speed) ‘inen the travel made switch on the operator's console is tuned tothe OFF fow speed) poston.curent stops fowing 10 magne()alowing spon) to move upwards by the force of spring). Then, por Si} is opend to pot Tt), losing pr P) (tan Speed) essa ‘Wn the wave! made etch onthe operator's console is tamed to tho ON igh sped) posion.curent. Rows to erate mogno() pushing sp) down spit the force of sping. Pox PO) i opend to pot 82, closing por (1). The plat ol 9g Wow pox 52) ‘mi be ve oul stge ee 9 Be ee i trees 19 he gh speed poston whereby system ll 1 Drssur rinnizos te eas to angle SWiTCH ONGHIGH SPEED) 2 nero Por) 702.09-01 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Solenoid Valve 702-09-02 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION (©%8, B12. EXIS. EX22 X30) ‘The model &X8 ysos an angne made by Kubota The [Exi2, EXIS, EX22, and EXO usa ongines made by uit power spacs aro gen in tho table below. T02-10-01 Manutocurer pet (Spm) Naber of eyinders ee Kubota 2282-8 | 62300 (wortex chamber type) 2 exe Tour 3x61 | 152300 wotex chenber type) a es Isuzu 90% | 47/2400 (vortex chamber type) 3 x22 Isuzu ake | 232400 vortex chamber type) 3 Be Tsuzu akr2 | 2372200 (doc wjocton ype) 3 1+ teton nae 2+ eng stop tee 5 Feng 2° Engi tp mond > Spee eaten over 5 ypotan pa RADIATOR ‘The rats fa-coced the overoat warring ine ‘Beato located on th ever’ consol of tbe €X22 fr 2X0 ight up af here sw dap ia eg pow fr withthe EXB, EX32, or EXI5, chock Yor cogging (dit o dost accumulaio, pieces of plastic te} of Whe radar cove UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine (On the models EX2? te E90, ano cone or the nya systom is mounted rot of he rate. AIR CLEANER ‘The sir cleaner of tho €X22 and EXO0 hes an lac tronic seat Syston. An indeator an the avers consol ighs up when the Mr elements clogged eth dust ete 1 ectaner oa 4 vecming vane The si cleaner of the EX, EXI2, and EXIS dos ‘ot hve an elacvonicindeator syste. Caring fd replacement rust Be cared out at roguat ‘mabtenance tervals, ‘T02-10-02 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine MAINTENANCE Valve Clearance Adjustment EX, BAI5, E22, E20) ‘CAUTION: Make the adjustment when the fengine Is cold. Do not atempt this proce- ‘dure on hot engine. ‘The valve cloarance adusimant shoul normaly be Performed ence avery 1000 hous. However, Bre Ban nereaae in tappt noise orf the engine peor ‘mance deceasos, agus valve harance regards ‘tthe itr SPECIFIED VALVE CLEARANCE : 025m Prscaraton (0) Since the head cover is omoved fr checking or thusting the vale clarence, clean Do ee ‘ound the head cover to prevent engine con tsminton (2) Rotate the crankshaft by band in the neal fecton vol the fap mark onthe eank ply Is figned withthe pontor on the tring gar case ‘over This pts yinder 1 tthe top dead conor NOTE: The fywhee! can be easiy turned when the Dow plugs are removed. (2) Remove the cyider ead cover. Whon th tin Ing rare on tho rear‘ond of the carshat Is ‘higod wih ye mak on the let Bracket, Cyl (or? is altho top dead centr postion. Hr the Dosion is ifeent, rotate wr crankshaft nce ‘nore unt te top ark on te. crank pulley 16 ‘wth the pointer on te timing gar ease 702-10-08 ‘crank ploy rack mack (ot sit) Adjustnont (7) Maasue the valve clearance tor the valves tarked with a singe eile (2) the tae be UPPERSTRUCTURE / E! ‘yada No 7 2 a Vaio layout = Gyncertatton ‘seas center” | O | © | © ° Cylinder 25 at op doad conte o}e (2) Next, en th crankshaft one fl rosin clock wis. Measure the wale clearance forthe valves ‘marked wih a double cxcie (© ) nthe tale (9) the measured values are not within specs(0.250m), use the vahe seer tol pro: ‘dod isu, part. 8944087060} Yo puch the {appet down and adjust th sting (fer to tho suzy pats ean), T02-10-08 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine Valve Clearance Adlustment (EXE) CAUTION: Make the adjustment when the feng ls cold. Do not attempt this proce: ‘dure ona hot engine. ‘The vave clearance aqustnont should normaly be perormed nce every 1000 hours. However hore ‘Ean increas lappa nis or the engine pedo. ‘mance doctases, aust valve clearance regardless tito, reparation (1) Stee the had cove is removed foe ecking oF ‘cjsing the vate clearance, clean the area ‘ound the head cover lo prevent engine ear (2) Open the timing cover of the Rye housing. Fata the crankshat clocks nt te, 696 2) the bing mindow and tho 1. TC mark ‘2 tho fiywtool re aligned a6 Busted. This ‘ut ender 1a he top dad center poston NOTE: The Sywhee! can be easiy ued wien the low plugs ae removed. ‘Adjustment (1) b tis conan, massure the valve cearance forthe valves marked witha single cece (©) ‘SPECIFIED VALVE CLEARANCE : 0.145 to 01050 yin No Vale ayo Oylndor atop ‘dnd conte Gylndor sat ‘lad center CIE (2) Ne, tr The Ganka a Tuoi i the ronal rection. Moaswve the valve cearance {or the valve marked with @ double cle (©) the tbe, (0) 4 the measured valiee are not win specs [0.148 to 0.185 mm), loosan th lock {um the adjusting srow (clockwise to the. ceoranes,countersockso to inet ‘oaranee). 702-10-05 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine ‘Fue injection Nozzle Performance Check Caution: Injection fuel is. pressurized. ‘Avoid personal injury by Keeping all body pans away from injection spray. Do not breathe injection spray. Be sure to con ‘duct tests In a well ventilated are Use the nzsle tester Io check the following (1) jection valve openiog prose (2) Vat sot sake (2) Spray shape Pronsation (1) Since all nazzio holder parts ae removed for ‘hocking the nore perormane, loan the sa frond the ozs hae: hase Io provent engine onteinaion (2) Remove the nazzle holder, tual injection pipe fd a lated part (9) Mount the rameaved nozzle holder on the nozzle tester Important: (1) Use only clean ol {2} Make sure thatthe testing Io tion ts clean. There should 'be no shavings, chips or ott ‘or contaminates nearby. Cattrate he pressure gauge un Procedure (1) bien valve opening pressure Mount the nézzo on Do nozzo str and pe foym a aw song rjectons. Then operate the {ester to perform injections ata ral of about ‘once per acond, Fad the pressize on the (gauge. Hagustrent is required, fosen tho look nut and tum the aejstment ‘screw. Turing the sow Cockwree ioreases the pressure, 2nd tuning th sezow counerclockise decreases I 702-10-06 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine Spectod Pressure Ee 150 kaon? eta, x15, X22 | 120 kaon? a0 _ze0agtem? (2) Vavo seat leaks Increase the pressure by about 20 kam? more than the specie’ inocten wave eponing pes tur. Cock that tere are no Wel oops o Spray shape Close the pressure stop valve Mount the nozzio on the nose tector and per form few song mjscbons. Observe te spray shape, Refer othe istration bao. ‘Souci Soray Shape: © No viiy coats dstrbaton No sido dispersion ® No postinocton sipping (© Gradual, detaiod © Correct injection ange (ALTA 2 702-10-07 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine Injection Timing Adjustment (25) Procode (1) Remove the injection pipe. {@) St he speed austen lover to the max mum fut injacten positon (pul iver @ tly {ortho lt, (9) Fotato tho fywhos so that fst is th holo of devery ve Holder ©. (4) Rotate Be freee! forthe: and slop when fuel aga stats to fom. Cece tho ignition tering at his post (8) Ope tina ino ed cont at he sige, CU in the bering weniow and the UFT iad ont yal ae aligns, nny eo rg Austen (6) Remove the fastening bots tom te injec ton pp bed. (2) To delay the trina. increase the shimsing &. (8) To advance the timing, docraso the shi ng ‘Nolo: One 0.15mm shim (Kubota pat no. 15841 52111) changes the Sywool angle by 1.510 2 grees. 702-10-08, UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine Injection Timing Adjustment (ExI2, EX15, 2, B20) (1) he njcton pump of models Exr2, EXts, (x22, EXG0 is inated Inthe cylinder block a4, (2) The injection tning is the moment a which tho cam isthe toppet dines the fo! force food action via ho tink punase Tho tring is dotrined by tno HL dansion (Fig. 1) a the cam pote shape (Fg. 2). (8) Tho camshatiscrvon by the goar vain shown re 3 ‘The eogagemont phase ofthe gee tain deter. ‘nines where the tel fore fed action begin ‘oguatothe tp daad canto f the ison Inked I ior example the injection ining i sett 12° BIDC. the Injection pump gos (00 Fg. 2) 6 s0t to cam 81 +6" Yor a ye engine) at tho ‘rane gar postin or he fp dna ee io Shins at the mounting postion of the instion ‘um serv Toit th oe ction syst {Fiat Corect shinning is provided at the fac- tory bole shipping. (6) As the tiing is contoled by the above Serbed stuetual feature, adjustment is normal Iyn0t required under neal engi operating Sonatas. — T02-10-09 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine Fuel Injection Pump (©%8, B12, EXIS, E22, X30) “Te injection pump consists ofthe pump section and All adjustments must be peared wih the engine governor secton ywich ae stogratod inthe gine romoved trom the machin and Placed on st 1s soparato unis Donen ‘A) Nozze (17563-59610), 105780. ) Pressure pipes : ia) x2 (ia) x600m ba F) Fun! (ont2s0127) Temmperure = 010 4st 1) Nozrie Holder + ((17585-60000))105760- G) Cam peotle: (PEMETE-00) PFI-T-o0 Piao Hy Nozzle injection ©) Tost et “JS No. 2 ose ul reseure 120 kaon D) Fuel pressure OS kaon? Tejcton pump | Gam rotaion | Rack postion | Average | Nonurfomity | Engine po PNO speed (pn) tom) | eon uty | rte tm T685H-51050 "800 = 2 03 282 BE) Fosige30%0 100 2 8 72 sKGnexia.16) 04949020 00 2 6 12 ‘aKRNER 104969098 1800 2 2 15 sKRO) Basic stops for measurement and acustment of n- Jecton votene (exampe fr SKCI of model EX, exis) |A. With the ongine on the test bench, set the camshalt speed to 1400 rpm - aust the ‘ck poston so mat me inet valume of ‘yer 22 18 mens. Fn ie rack a ie poston 8B. ‘Measure the injection quantities of cylinders 1 and S.Adjust ther to within Bens of yin 2 Governor adusonent Mount the engine on the test Bench, measure and just the ieximum and minimom ‘speed, ob, torque ot Noe: For specications, refer to the Kubota or —S sue engine mana F02-10-10 UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine Determining Fuel Consumption (©XB, BA12, X15, E22, XO) “To exact Wel coneumstion ding operation eanoot be prectad as t doponds on various factors such fas engine speed an Toad cenatians. The maar fnce condton oft engina In gona, and of tho {ot systom in partcuar, abo has a considerable fluence on fuel conaumpon. The Bost method 10 ‘elerminad fuel consumption is moaswomoet du ing acta operation Use te folowing tormasa to ‘alulate Wel consumption der contruous 2ngne ouput F Fuel consumption (th) [he : Fusl consumpten ato. proprions! to o il ‘engine rtaon speed (gPS Ny Sx tex aia Le: Palo output proportonal to engine cot ten speed PS) y+ Spwetie arava of tel (0.85 for gas of) ee | ec | ens | ee | os Ce ee ° ss | 7 2 Py Sines the engine cpu varies dung operation, the Seas value F cannot be taken ae the ata! Wel compen ation at. To obain approximate Wut consumption 200 fates under acta operating codons, mulipy F by X 8X ppg = 1.88 Ah 096) ‘Compensation foto), a8 shown Below. Compensation factor «> -< Example for EX8 under medum oad contin > Ugitioad 080 Medium oad: 0.70 F = 198 am Hoavy load 085 1.88 0.70 =1.328m To2410-411, UPPERSTRUCTURE / Engine To2-10-12 SECTION 03 [ay UNDERCARRIAGE CONTENTS: Group 01-Component Location ‘Outine of Undercarige Yos.0+-01 Group 02-Swing Bearing Construction and Operation To3.02001 Group 03-Center Joint \Constution and Operation 0303.01 Group 04-Travel Device ‘Consiwicton and Operation roa.0e01 Travel Reducton Devin os0409 Travel Motor Tos-04-05 Trane Bake Valve 02.04.08 Travet Speed Change Vato. Tas.0a-10 Counerbatanes Vale Toa0t-12 veda Rael Vale Tov04-14 Group 05-Adjuster CConsituction and Operation roa.0s-01 ‘5807-03-01 80T-02-02 UNDERCARRIAGE / Outline OUTLINE OF UNDERCARRIGE (EX22,EX30) ‘The undercarriage functions to Waveland supports 1 Swi Beary 1 cnt ter tho upporsruct. 2° Sentra ‘The underearaage consist of wk amo (8) 5 Sete bons inet (2), sing Doarng (1), font ier 9}, agustr 4 Taek nk (7), carr rl (6), tack rllor (6. wack ink) &~ Task Roter and tavel doveo 9, {The X22 has no coir rts.) 7083-01-01 UNDERCARRIAGE / Outline (ex1,.ex15) T03-01-02 UNDERCARRIAGE / Outline (ex8) 03-01-03, UNDERCARRIAGE / Outline 703-01-08 UNDERCARRIAGE / Swing Bearing CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION (EX8,EX12,EX15,£X22,EX30) ‘Tne swing bearing supports the upperstuctu on 1~ Oster Race the undercarioge and lows the upporstuctre 10 2 fer Rae rotate smooth aaa ‘The swing bowing \8 & singleow shear bape ‘bearing “he major pars ofthe swing beating ao cule race (iy, inner race (2) wih inna -goar, ball (6), Supports (2) (5) 2d sea (8) (iter rcs 1) bolted othe upporstuctre. bina ra (2) etoile to he undorcariage ‘The intemal gear rashes with the peson ol tho ‘weg vie. 03-02-01 UNDERCARRIAGE / Swing Bearing "T03-02-02 UNDERCARRIAGE / Center Joint CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION (EX22,EX30) ors iow ising #~ Poon Tor) 5 pone trae hss when the upperstuce i otsted, tne tine ee “Th sping is fastened tothe undercarriage and the cons, a ‘housing (6) fastened to te uppertucture, a+ Bono | Tae 7 Bo (trv Speed The housing rotates round the spindle. dunng ‘Stor Reese! a swing operate. Fora I toet 6 Pon ise Rae) (Ol fons ito and Hough passages in the hovsing so feral to tho spindle and then out of the spindle to the travel motor Tho ol sc provents ci leaks trom the clewance between the spindle ans housing. 703-02-01 UNDERCARRIAGE / Center Joint (€x22,6X30) "703-03-02 UNDERCARRIAGE / Center Joint (EX8,EX12,EX15) “The spin is secured to the uppersructizo with he 4 pono {Orin} a Took pin and the ‘housing is fastened tothe ‘ta aera Undereariage with four bolts. "When the 2~ an {navel 6 Pon ice Loner Upporsuuctue svings, tw spine revokes together wemitRemee) wrth the upperstuctire Fetter i Tho prossue off fed to both gh and iat wavel 4g. poen'y re re eel ‘motors tvough the pascages in the spindle and Bet Fama housing, “Theil seal provers oll leaks rom the Clearance between the spade and housing. 703-03-03 UNDERCARRIAGE / Center Joint (EX8,EX12,6X15) torn) Forward 5 Spe 5 Pon 8 (orm 703-03-08 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION (EX22,EX30) Travel device consists of travel motor (1) ond 1~ Teme mote 5 Biv ar (Ft Se double reduction planetary (2.3.5) (10) ve ee 703.04.01 T03-04-02 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device ‘TRAVEL REDUCTION GEAR (EX22,EX90) Divo gon) esnes th fat planetary on) ver © econ pty frosorg roger. When M0 829) apuurygenr Seng et toute et pony guns} revowe song he 2 fmrimmisGaw $e Rng a ines‘ Gee) eg wih te coal ‘Second tu goat) also rotates wih fest cari). ‘Second planeta gous) are crivn by second sun feart) but donot rt second. lonely {oars() ate lstaled In eecond cart? hich i Secured to tho frame. Therefore, sooond planetary ‘o0:{6) chive ving_goar6) and thw sprocke booed {0 ring gaar() whies fv tun dewes tho Wack lnk UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device TRAVEL REDUCTION GEAR (EX8,EX12,EX15) ® Y 7 COMONS) g © G Fst sun g0a79) is splined ont ceva shad) and 1~ acon Sun ese 5+ ee ata ose ‘meshes with planetary gars). On the other hand, 2= fester 5 Seen panty feat plaretory geas(6) rov0We slong Be italy ea cea ces (eer of ng goat 7 together wi rst carer), eens Plet Sit to ‘Second sun gear) also rotates wih fst care) ‘Second planetary gees) are civon by second sun ‘gearé) but do net reales, as second planotry ‘oas(@) are stale in second cariar(8) whieh Secured 10 two tame.” Therlorsecond planetary ‘9em6} dive ring gear 7) and the sprocket bolted to fing goa?) wich sa turn drives th track lc secon Figura. shows the mechanism applicable to EXaDA12 ond BXIS Fgure shows the aval deviews on EX16,(Thase on bath XB and B12 mo saben constuctn ) 703-04-08 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device ‘TRAVEL MOTOR (EX22,X30) ‘Tha motor convents he pressure ol anergy fed fom 4 ae rte tne yaute pur Yo machorsal energy to coate 2 Cynder Back tho sprocket which in turn drives tho track ink 3~_Paton ‘CONSTRUCTION OF TRAVEL MOTOR, 13-Beeinn ‘valreiA) and travel spoed change devices). 2 parking brake isnot proved inthis ravel motor sce. Figure shows tho travel motor assembly ter EXI0 an E22 "703-048-085, UNDERCARRIAGE ravel Device ‘TRAVEL MOTOR (EX8,EX12,EX15) The travel motor is @ tod displacement, axial Pislonswesh-late type motor without a. parking fed Coane 703-04-06 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device TRAVEL MOTOR OPERATION Ning pistons reinstated in cylinder Black(2) which fend tae comes contact ‘wih vale plate) having Sic cacaon-shepod ot por) snd (8) When igh presure of to por), piston (1) pushes swath pato( and receves faction fore 0 {um cylinder block(2)._The turning force is {ansferred to shal) splined oeyinder Bock), ‘case of a covers operation, high pressure ol fed ato pont) andthe rel ols exosted komm penta 1 Pion > swaanpite = Gyener e Shan Figure shows the wavel motor on ©X90,Those on EXO E12. OHI5 ar samen operation) 703-04.07 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Devi ‘TRAVEL BRAKE VALVE (EX22,EX30) ‘The wave ot each ated on the motr head “The avel brake. valve 7 change valve(2) (The EXB.EXT2,EX16, are nol ‘upped wil the avelspeod chango valve} 703-04.08 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device TRAVEL BRAKE VALVE (EX8,EX12,EX15) UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device ‘TRAVEL SPEED CHANGE VALVE (EX22, EX30) ap Fess The vavol motor nas two spnods: fast and sow Show and fast speeds ato controled by the engl (Ca" and respectively) of he swashplate, which ges on sta bale (3. Slow Speed Operation When the tavel speed swith i in the sow speed positon, both tho Yavel speed vale port and Ewashpiata piston port are connected to th hyeaulic ota and aro at tank pressure. Inthe Speed change valve, spo (3) moved fo the It ty sing (2) and comes ino contact wth pg (i). Shashplt piston (6) stays nthe bore, ry Swaenpiate Paton 5 Spook Soin 5 Sonne ‘ve Pte ‘swashplate (7) casts on suace “a” at a ting angle of "eth bavol moter ola at sow speed 03-04-10 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device Fast Speed Operation nen the ave speed sich f nthe poston, pit oi ows fo the wave! speed valve pr, moving poo! (2) fo te ight egaest sping (2). By this movomo, travel malo pressure oll lowe trough pot Mt and passage PI to tho swashplate pBoton pt estncing swans ston (9) $wastpiate (7, mien hinges on soe balls) i, ‘and comes to ret on surface °3” at ting ange, Sir, causing the wavel moto To relate Tost speed 6 Seaenpat Paton ‘ier traveling In over, travel min pressure ol ows tough pod M2 and. passage P2 to the ‘opposite swashpate piston por, ‘Viner the angine ls stoped, sp0a (3) 1 moved to the ltt by Spang (2) a5 mo pil pressure apie ‘Swastlte piston (6) raved back and swasnpite (reais on sufaca "a" ala taing angie ot T0s-04-11 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device COUNTERBALANCE VALVE OPERATION q CONTROL VALVE uoroR 4 oo ‘The counterbalance valve functions to provide 1 Seat 4 chs smooth string or stpong of waveling movermnt 3 Sten 1 spetnach an to proven mactine runaway when desconang 3 Owen 1 Se ay sopes 5 Spa to-Spng) ‘en ihe travel spol in the main conta vale sia in rv aor yum pasa ad © The on we ar ap by ck sh) arts PI and (P2, and spool (8) in the an (6) and spon (6) holding the moter statony Caunietaince vaio i tld in he cone goston The tartan above shows ie. Countetaarco by be sping provided on bath ends of spl en T09-04-12 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device COUNTERBALANCE VALVE OPERATION [cowoc vave] a g ies G wil Owe Q wovor “Travel Operation + soe cheat vane | 5 Sina) Seton When the wavel lover is moved 10 the foward 3 ete = ee poston, system pressive oom the conve &~ Spot) $ Srcrvare fows 0 pre PI. Th of flows ta check vaha (9), S~ Somat) to- Spor ‘opening and goes on 12 port MT to power the {AS th rl al tom the wave olor os into the ‘counterbalance val Wa pot M2 and is ocked by ‘chock vave (6 and spec (8), ol pressie at port PH increas, Ths ncreased pressure is applid 1 the fond face of spac (2) va orion (2), The neoase in prose on tho spool end moves spool (8) against ring (4) at Me other end Ae the spoo) moves, ‘pons th pa or eto Fur ol tom port M2 Hows though notch (7) of spoat (8), port P2, and the onal vave 10 the hycrule of tank The size of te oparing at spol {@) for reirn ol varios in proportion Yo the prossire Sop De $7000! ond. ‘Sooty traveling at Ihe ac onto! over soko The israton. above. shows value of he 2, B30. wn aoodg 10 the pt 03-04-1 3 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device OVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE OPERATION (1) 5 ‘CONTROL VALVE d -—® VY STG Breking Operation (Convel Lever Moved to ‘Won't val spoot nthe main contol vake is $7 Sota ea ute tmredle We tooed veeton mh pesacest 3 Samet sane paral te Soowebaoncs wie Rocdesaa 3. omni Sivweca Ser iutac tes cea penn ireneg on a ceil Smt Sosa spa sel) fete oo an Sip moving mweditoy The Hoemses peoora The Button aoe shvs the couatsloce ‘cluaios overload rele valve (11). releasing valve aid overload al ates othe EX22, EXD. ‘xcossia oi 9 port M1, ling to rede th surge ‘rosso at port MO an preventing motor eaviaton ‘por Mt T03-04-14 UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device OVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE OPERATION (2) ‘The overload ree! valve is a droct acting rool 1 et ae Atvambly——«S~_—Stake Yate ands equpped wit ae piston that reduces 2 png Sut on fo Foe iton ‘hooks atthe begining of rat 3° Spang enamber 1 Poppe onoe Low Pressure Rellet Operation Ci prossure al port MI is routed trough POPPE Th me it tkes for piston (6) 9 move dopends on gat (ae og ant‘ 1) 10 tng faunas re 2) mon ‘chamber (@ When pot iT prssue Incoases 83 nj pat sok {he tovel lever = acted, tho pressure routed to Neetoeads) String chamber (2) applied ough reel housing ‘tic (4) te sion {6}, moving to the Ia oi ‘comes ino enact with te shoulder. Dui ts Piston enowsnent the pressure in sping chamber (2, that i, pressure behind poppot (8) mains lowe The overbod tee valve is activated al 8 pressure of onesthid of the normal saing ding fis tine, and shocks atthe Bopining of travel are ths reduced 70-08-15 ‘Normal Relief Operation ‘Mor tre piston (8) comes into contact with Seder (9) ho pressure in peg chamber (2) Ineroasos and the pressures behind tnd in rant Poppet (8) become equa. The overload rai vale etuaos atts normal let pressure seg. UNDERCARRIAGE / Travel Device T0s-04-16 UNDERCARRIAGE / Adjuster CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION ( EX12,EX15,EX22,EX30 ) ‘Adjuster for uber Crawler Asiuser for Stoo : Crawler ot ‘Adjuster on The EX30 {Adjusters for The EX22,£X15,EX12 are similer in construction.) ‘Tho adjuster consists of spring (4) and cylinder 1~ abe 5 oyindo aseomay soombty (5) 8 supported bythe tack ade tame, 2 hee & Paton noe Spring (4) absorbs sock toads nthe tack fame 3 Washer 7 Range snd kent ler = Somme Pa ‘Tho tack lnk tension is adjusted with cylinder seaemty (5). 703-05-01, UNDERCARRIAGE / Adjuster CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION ( EX8 ) Adjuster on The EX8, ‘The scustr on he EX® has no ack segs 4 a 2 Cyimaer 703-05-02 Group 01-Introduction Purpose Terminooay Frogaration For Performance Group 02-€1 Engine Se Engine Conpression Prose ine Test Group 03-Excavator Test “rack Revolution Speed Mack Travel Moor Leak Check Sing Function Dnt Chock Swng Mor Leakage ‘Swing Bearing Pay Hydaue Gyinder Oye Time ‘ia Function Orit Crock Control Lever Operating Force Cont! Lever Ao Peal Stoke OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST CONTENTS: SECTION 06 Group 04 - Hydraullc Component Test To6. 01-01 ot Secondary Posse Tos. 01-02 Man Purp Delvore Pressure Ona Rall Vale Presse 06-01-08 ‘seting ‘swing Motor Overioad Foil Valve Presse Tost Tos-02.09 06.03.01 o6 02-02 +r06.0.09, 06-03-04 06.02.05 06-03-06, 105-0307 06.03.08, 06.03.00 Tos.00-14 106.05-16 ‘5807-06-01 106-0401 To6.0¢-02 To6-0¢.08 T6406, PURPOSE Performance tests are used to check: 1. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF A NEW MACHINE When ever 8 new machin fs doverod in parts fan! rescsembled 4 cstomer's sit, i must the test to confirm thatthe operational perir mance of tho machioe moots HITACH STAN: ‘anos 2. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF A WORK: ING MACHINE ‘With the passage of tine, the machine's oper ena! perforce detererata, so. that the machina naeds to be serviced porossal 016 Sor if tote origal perfomance love Botoro soricing the machine, conduct perfor nance tests to check tha extort of door tion ad 10 docde whet kind of sorco n003s to be done (by refering to We "Service Lit” tis manu) 3. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF A REPAIRED MACHINE Iter te machine Is copa or sarviond, ‘rust be tested to confem thats operational fatmance nae etre bye rear or 1706.01.01 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Introduction OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Introduction TERMINOLOGY 1. “STANDARD Speciteatons applied othe brand-new machine ‘omponens ad pats. 2, "MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE" he lowest accepable performance level. When | the performance fvel of tho machine fas bolow ths lov the machine must be removed from work ‘ad ropa ‘Novossay pats and components must be replace, [STANDARD [ema connate 2 > 06-01-02 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Introduction PREPARATION FOR PERFORMANCE TESTS Observe the following rules in order to carry out performance tests accurately land safely! 1. THE MACHINE tora staring fo Yes, rape any delact and ‘dnage found auch as oor water lake, tose boi, eacks and 80 0, 2 rest ane _— ile ‘am a ne han a an se @ ear ot tacit Sd © (0) roquted, rope of tho test roa ad provide ‘sontoards to keep enauthonied personel 8, PRECAUTIONS | (0) Before staring 10 test, agree pen the se ray to. be enpoyed for communication ‘rong comorkes. Once the tos started, be sure to communicate with each oer us Ing heen signals, nd to alow tbe without (2) Operate the machine early and aways (ge fet pri to aly. inte testing, tvays take car to avoid ha ards such as landsides or contact. wit) fagh-vattage power ties. Aways conf thet {hare i safle space feel ina. [Reo along the machine andthe grand ‘it faking Use oh pane to eaten ‘Sscning Pay special atonton to this ‘non moving Myre pings © a MAKE PRECISE MEASUREMENTS: (1) Aecuratlycaltate test lnstuments in at anon to obain etek data (2) Cay ob ests undr th exact test cond ths prescied for each Inst ao. (9) Repast the some test and conn thatthe test dota abtaned can be procured ‘epeatedy. Use mean vives of api ImassurementsH necessary. 06-01-03, OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Engine Test 706-01-08 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Engine Test 24. ENGINE SPEED Bo sur to check the engine speed belore pastoing fay kind of operational checkout nea Ravays alocts test routs Preparation: {3} Warm up the machine, unt the engine coolant tom perature reaches 50" C oF Mere, and hyeaule ol {epeatre 8 50" +5°C. (2) Move te engine speed contr fover o stow ile $d at ce. Conf that te ue ction pump ‘overnerlevar comes int contact wit he Siw ile fa Taste oppo. (9) Connect an engine tachomete othe fe icon pe Messurement: (Sarthe tower nthe low pose o measur the slow io speed of he enane (2) Stan the engine. Place the engine spmed conto! Inver tho Tato postion to moasure the fast peed of the engine. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Engine Test 8. Optona autose spd (aval ony on the 20) 5:1.Start the engine. Place he engine sped contol Tower inthe rst i positon, ‘8.2. Move th buck ler Lo td postion and tun ‘Ato noutal Aor about fou seconde, the engine speed wil automaticaly reduce. Wessure te ange spood Evaluation ae Engine speed | Standard | Alowabio wat | Remarks Siow ia 1050270 0 ex = Fas ie 250080 a 2080 Som ite 105070 200 oe ‘ax 2570 Fest ite 28002 pape Show ie 1050370 0 ae Wax. 2660 Fastiso 200080 = g in 2160 Slow ie 1060+ 70 a Fastila 28002 ae oe a an, 2170 Stow io 105070 es0 ax 2810 00 Fast 22008 : Ld an. 1975, soto ogo | Max 1500 on Autor “8 ‘Me. 1200 : 706-02-02 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Engine Test 22 ENGINE COMPRESSION PRES- 5 SURE 1. Measure compression pressure in the cylinders {ovcheck fora decsns in engine power 2. Chock exhaust gas color ad te amount of ‘Nowy gas fom the cranease, Koop Wack o ene of consumption. 8. Chrck for abnormalities he intake syst, ling the a rane. Preparation for cylinder ‘compression check "Canter that vate elerances 16 cone 2. Gon thal he batlory is charged propery | un he engine unt he coolant temperature ‘uae reaches the eperting Fargo. 44, Stop me engine, Remove gow pgs tom each ‘Measurement Insta an adaptor and crnression gage fo ‘lace af the gow plug none nor (Bo sure to suficenty ben the adaptor and amprosson gauge to rent a Teakoge) “Tum the starter o crank the ening. Record the compression pressive o each cnr. Repeat measurement ves ies for asch Cylon calelte th mean vals. yidoe Evaluation . _ Unite Model Engine speed | Standaa | Aowablo int | Remarks Conpenin soc | 95.0 250 a1 30040079 ae Pre aes - oe 310. 250, 3125009 exe Prem ee 20 ee fees a congcaumorve | __ 31.0 250 as een owes 20 easeaes lc Cmeemorgeare | 91.0 250 | __at 250m eee in = Commmmnavove | 310 250 a1 250m 80 Presore atemce 7 on es 706-02-08 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Engine Test 7065-02-08 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test, a4 TRAVEL SPEED Measure the tne requved fo the excavator to vavol a 20'm teat tock Preparation: (i) Ads he tonsion ofboth wacks to be qual {2} Prepare'a fat andl Yost rack 20m i length, ‘ath xa lang of 3 t9 mon bots ends for mae ‘Sho aceseraton ani deesieraton. (9) Hoo the tcket 0.3 100.8 m above the ground with the a ed eset rt 14) Keep the hyde otrnperature ot SO" 540, (3) Stat traveling te machine nthe accwtraton 208 ‘th he ral overs ot hl soko (2) Measure tho tine reed o val 20 (2) Aer measuring th forward travel speed, tun the ‘pperstrcive 160" and measure tho reverse a 1 sp0e0 (4) Repeat stops (2) and (3) tres tines in each doe ton and eat tho mean values (6) Mosse boty te slow and fst speeds of he ma ‘hia inte EX22 and E20. Evaluation Urses0c:20 vos | TO 2 ax an el | spood Senda Aowatle Be : 32410 380 For exe =| sseet0mse10 2020 ‘Stool Rubber ed ~ | ssssrossset0 | oma ‘Steet Rubber aS 6.0: 10382210 125405 ‘Stoo Foe 236210725210 28521. ‘Steet Rubbor ay 725210218410 27.0265 oot Fubbor 161016410 20.8200 at bbe 706-03-01 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 32 TRACK REVOLUTION SPEED With the tack asod off round, measie the teak reve luton eye in. Preparation: (0) Aajus th tension of both side tacks to bo qual (2) On the wack to be measured, mark ane show wih chalk (9) Swing the upperstructue 30° an lower the bucket to rage tho tack of ground. Keep the boom-arm ‘angi bolwoon 9019 110" a3 shown. Place Blocks undor aching fae, (4) Kop the hye a trparatre st 50" 5%, Measurement: (0) Operate te travel contrat lnver of the raved rack if forward and verse. (2) Measure the tine required fr 3 relations bath directions. (9) Poise the other ack and repeat he procedure. (4) Repeat stops (2) and (2) tee ties for each wack and caleuite tha mean value, (6) Measure bot slow and ast sponds of tho ma- han th EX22 and EX0, Evaluation nsec Travel asin Model Standard Speed s owabla fame exe : tsst05 160 uber x2 =| worostastos we0i7s Shot ubber a8 =| assost0r08 160160 Stott exe | Sow | aoasosnetos 2.0700 SbotRutber Fast | 133205730208 e060 ‘Sev Rubber pao |Sow | tatostas205 voir. __ SbetRubber Fast | 10e05709208 ss0130 ‘StetTubber T06-03-02 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 33 MISTRACK CHECK "Moasure the dviation bythe wack fom a 20 m staight (1) Adjust he tansion of bah tacks to be ea (2) Prove ty sol est yard 20 mi lei, wih ‘ita loath of 310 5m on bob ends for maching ‘Sconloraton and deceleration (2) Haid the bucket 0. 1.08 m above the ground with {he arm and bucket rob in. (4) op the hyde ol tomate at 80° 25°C. Measurement Loom (1) Measure the amount of misacking at fast, mec fd slow ave spends (2) Str raving te machine nthe acosecton zone ‘wth the travel overs pushes Wl forwara (@) Measure the detance between staight 20 m ina fad tho vack made bythe actin, (4) Aer measuring the tracking deviation forward travel. ng tho upperstuctro 160" and meats {hatin revres rave (©) pet stop (3) ad (tae een each dre (6) Moocira both the sow and Yast spends ofthe ma hina nthe EX22 and B30. Evaluation Liter 200 rave Spee 7 ae marks Moset | Travel Speed | Standard vaso 28 = 2200) 600 x2 = 520 0, ea _ “530 00 Slow 3250 500 eee Fast 250 600 ‘Sow 250, 500, a0 Fest 250 600 706-03-03 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 3.4 TRAVEL MOTOR LEAK CHECK ‘Moesure the travel motor sip on a specie spe. Preparation 1. Tho face of he test slope shall be ven, wih 2 gent of 20%, ‘Specified Gradient Calculation Table A 8 c 10 | 098 | 02 toe | 10 | 02 soa | 50 | 10 een | 2. Rais the bucket 20 to 50 cm above the ground ‘eth the arm and buckteyinder uly extended, 2. Koop the hydraulic ol temperature at 035°C. Measurement 1. Gln th slope and place te 2. Stop the engine 3. Allo pahing the machine, make algning macks 00 the sds tame aca rack nk or shoe. 4. lor tree minutos, messure sc cy berwcen __-AHW-moved fr he po itor Evaluation oa = nina Model ‘Standard ‘Alowable Limit Remarks Be 90 80 ex 290 60 es 590 0 ee 00 exo 60 100 706-03-04 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 35 SWING SPEED Measure th ime rte 1 swing the compet ts. Preparation: (1) Check the breton of he swing gear and ving bean. (2) Pace the machine on Hat, sod ground wit ae pace for swing. "Do not condi ths test on slopes {@) With tearm rlled out and bucket rolled in, hold {ho buckets that tbe Beght ofthe bucket pit is the some a5 the Boom foat pn Tho bucket must be empty. (4) Koop the hyo ol omporatro af 50° °C. Measurement: wees 19) Operate swing contol ovr tly (2) Messe etre eae 6 sing 3 tans one (0) Operat swing conte lover fay inthe poste ‘ection and reas the Ho reured or 3 ts. (4 Rageat steps (2) and (2 tee tenes each and cal fae he average aes. Evaluation Mosel Standard = Remarks Aowable Be 2u2s07 250 exe 187205 200 exis W0105 200 a mass 250 50 164405 200 706-03-05 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 8.6 SWING FUNCTION DRIFT CHECK ‘Moasure he swing dit an the Bearing outer circum fence wen stopping alte 90" tllspand swing. Preparation: (1) Check the hubicaon of the swing ear and swing bearing, (2) race the machine on fal, slid ground with arple space for swinging. Donat conduct ths test on slopes. (9) Wit tho arm rolled out and bucket role i, hold ‘ha buck so thatthe aight of the bucket pin ie wees ‘to same as the boom fot pin. The bucket must bo empty. (4) ake To chal marks: one on te swing bearing and ono dsc below onthe wack ame. (6) Suing tho uppersbuctre 90°. (8) Kup be tydeaue of trmperature at 80° 5c, (0) Conduct tis est in the P mode, (2) Operate the sg conto ever fy and ret i {othe neural poston whoa to ak on tbo upper Samora at oa eg ftucure.algne wih that on tack frame ter ae swinging 90" seanoe (2) Moatie the distance between the two mar (@) ign the marks aga, swing 90", than st the op —= poste dracton, saya gh rate won te €8) pea ps an) ees each ao ‘amore pe ng ot Evaluation Mat one ra whe Litem Mode! ana sean mars ee ‘lowable fe ea $60 exe 120 bas 2120 exe 2160 Ben 2210 706-03-08, OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 3.7. SWING MOTOR LEAKAGE 1, Pak the machine on a slope and swig the upper firuclure to postion 1 20° otha slop To chek or Sting roto leakage, measure tho upparstocre it Perr measurement onthe swing beaeng perphey. Preparation: 1. Check he lubrication ofthe swing Gear and swing boarng, 2, Park the machine on smooh slope wih graent of 25.8% 4 2. With tha ar roted out and bucket ood 9, postion ‘he a op pin Height obo lov withthe Boo foot tye 3) 4. Swing the upperstucie to positon 90° tthe slope Make saying marks on te sing boaring etch al ke sn pe, ust. 5. Koop he fydeaute of treet at Measurement 1. Stop ho engine. tor five minutos, measure tho diference betwenn the marke along the sing bearing periphery and the rack tame 2, Perform tha measurement on by right and lt swing drectons = 2, Parlor the measurement theo ines each espe engh 9g 98 on re recon an alee tbe average values. Sanarece oe pang rea _ a ra Geet | nemonatonaio [Porat = 100 v0 ewan eo a <0 “o Sonora 38) xe ay a Ferner, eo | eee = "8 eae nae Be we | ing a 706-03-07 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 3.8 SWING BEARING PLAY Measuo the swing Dearing play using a dal gouge to ‘hock the woar of Being aces en bats sng eavng mounting cap screws for leosening. (2) Check the lubrication of the swing beating. Con fm that bear rotons sneath end’ whut {@) Intl a al gauge on tho rack tame as shown, fmploying a magnote base. (4 Poston the upperstcure oo that he boom aligns uth te tacks facing towards tho ont rs (9) Poston the cal gauge so that its needle pon ‘comes into contact with the bottom fSe8 of the Bearing outor rave 10) Tho tm fled outa bucket rl in, old to bucket 0 tat to height ofthe. bucket iis the same ae the boom fact pet." Record ea tsuge roong ty). (2) Lower tha Bocel tothe round and use to raise {ho nt ior 0 cn." Reord tho al gauge rend ing (sii bearing poy (4) om Ws dla (hy a fa olows: Monnet: Evaluation eee a Model Standard el Flemarks [ea 04 20 me 0a 20 x 504 20 me 205 30 a0 08) 30 706-03-08, OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 39 HYDRAULIC CYLINDER CYCLE TIME Measure the cycle tie of tho boom, arm, bucket, boom ving and blade eyinders, (Test the machine wih the ‘standard arm ged bucket tached.) Marta the hydra of emporio at 80° 5°. (1) Tastes the cyte tre of the boom ender: ‘Wah the arm roles ot and te amply buckt rolled in lowor the buckat 6 the ground, a shown. (2) Tosveasue the cyte tig of he a oyinder: ‘ith the empty bucket led in, poston the arm so that its worl to the ground. Lower the boom ‘ni he Bucket 60cm above the ground (2) To meng te eve tine hot ovine, ‘With the bucket empty, agus the boom and arm 50 ‘tothe bucket eynder mi stoke postion t= vorcal 0 the ground, as stated. (4) To. mossur the of te boom sw weno ‘ender: Fully retractor eto the boom swing eye. (6) Tommasi the cyte time ofthe bade evinds ‘Use te boom and arto aise the front ofthe machin of he ground righ enough to operate the ‘aoe eyindr fu steko. ‘Measurement: (1) Boom cyknder Measure boty the te it takes to ase the boom nome fed ower he boom by eporting the contol over fae. (2) fam cyte: Measure bath th Yow it ako to 8 the arn tol out he am by eperating the cont ever sire, (9) Bueketcylndars Measure bot the ene takes fo alin the bucket to out the Bucket by operating the onl ver ha stroke. 706-03-09, (4) Beam swing yin ‘Moasure bath the time i akes to swing th boom {ul tom lt oright and to sing the boom rom ight to fet by operating to conto ver ul stroke. ‘Blade oyinder: ‘Moasure oth the inet ako t abe th bad nd to lomo tho blade by operating the biedo contol ove at soko cc Repeat each measurement twee tines and calculate the mean values. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test Evaluation nis Model ‘Standort ‘Alowabie mit [Remarks Boom aiselower | _assoan0209 3530 7 em rl io out 4120992403 5545 oq [Bisset or veut oo109ees03 4088 Boom swing ightiot | 6.306.120 e070 Blo aise lower 1420593905 2525 Boom aisotower | 2seoa2 2003 3590 em ral in out 3020628403 4540 woe | Busia ‘30s0a20+03 4035, Boom swing ighuren | 5720846205 7505 Blade solowr | 2420826205 4040 706-03-10 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test ‘nt Model Standort | Alowstie unt | Remarks Boom raisetover | 2640324209 3535 ‘a nut Sa4o332+08 4545 pus | Seletotinow zeros21s08 4035 boom swing rahe | 5.620545 +05 7560 Bide riolowr | 2980625205 3540 Boom aisetowee | 2ze0a26405 3540 erin out 2520919403 403.0 ~ ‘Buco! rl ut 3220328403 4595 eee Boom swing ighiion | 6620553208 2570 Blade risoiower | 2720525208 4085 Boom sivetower | 2520522203 3980 lin out 2220923803, 3030 Becket rof nul 2520.017 200 3525 ao OS Boom swing rghtten | 6.5205'45205 8550 | Blade aialower | 2420620208 35 | Note: For 8 cyndor wih a cushion vat vchae, 706-03-11 ‘a messured value shal be taken, wih th cushion zone OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 3.10 DIG FUNCTION DRIFT CHECK Win the bucket leadod, measure dig function dit, ich can be causes by ol eakage inthe conta valve andor boom, am, and bucket cyedes Note: Wen testing tho dg function dit ust afer finder ropacemont. slowly opcata ach Syne ts token To pga sr pr ‘otesing (0) Load bucket ful Cseuot the lasd wet using no tallowing forma, | waviers: hoe Sucka id o capacity (3) Sol specte ry (2) Fully sovact tho arm eytndr, thon extend it 20 to 30 mm (@) Fully extend to arm eylindr, tan roract #20 to 30 mm. (4) Hold the bucket so thatthe height of the bucket iis he sare asthe oom foot pn ‘Measurement Apispngetion ance! (0) Stop the engi. (2) in ono minuto ator the stop, start to take moo Fue minutes after the engine hae been stopped, measure tho change in tw poston of the botom lm an bucket einer positions. 7 (4) Repeat step 2) tives tines and calcubte the mean values. Evaluation . ium Model Stead ‘towable nt | Remarks ‘Boom ener 10 20 ‘um evi =a 16 exe | Buskoteyinar zs 0 Front it = 160 200) Blade eynder 16 706-0312 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test Model Standard ‘Atowabie tant [Remarks oem oyinder| =10 2 em ever 6 16 x2 | Bueket ender 5 iT Fron it = 80 200 210 15 S10 2 am eye 28 6 pas | Bucetevingsr 3s rT Fro at 160 00 ‘Blade cyber #10 6 Boom eysndoe 20 ‘em oper 16 exp | Bucket eyinder 0 Front dit = 160 200) Blade ovina 10 5 Boom eyinder 10 2 em eyine = 6 pao | Bucket eine =5 0 Front it 180 00) Blade inde =10 16 06-03-13 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test 3.11 CONTROL LEVER AND PEDAL, OPERATING FORCE Use spring scale 19 measure the enarinn force oeded to mave each conta ver and pedal Measure the operating force at tho conte ofeach over ov. Measurement: () Stat the engi, (2) Operate each boom, arm, tuck, bade, swing lever and boom swing pedal I soke, Measure, the ‘maximum operating xe. (9) When measuring the operating foro of he travel le ‘vor, ae one rack ff he ground wth the ont a. Tack, and opsrat the conto aver of tat ack {ul stoke Measure th maarum operating loro. (@) hon maasceng the operating free othe engine pood coral eve, do whe maving the ending Spood eon ove hom testa poston othe ‘ow tle postion, (6) Fopoat each measurement tree tines and alas fhe mean values Evaluation _ ni ve a om oe 2 ar hn 25 ar oe | Bitti Sa “ar Suge a7 “Travel lever 30 [at we 0 1 ean sng a 3 r—s—Ss soon zn [Canm tever 2.0 | = Fa 2 Saige zis ra Tian 328 a2 le 2 ee Sea 7 Ene sm concrinar [as | 20-80 7706-03-14 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test Liat Model Standort | Atowabiotinw | Romuks Boom ver S18 24 ‘am vee Eta 20 Ee Bick Ivar =a 20 Swing lover =a 2a “rave bvar 525 30 Bide lovor E25 30 ‘oom ving peda S60 70 Engine speed convatiever | _a=5 30-60 Boom lover ery 2a en vor B1a 20 os Boekel ver er 20 ‘Suing lovee ar 24 Traut vor E28 32 ‘buss eur 50 | (Seva No. 270) 35 | Geral No. 271=) Boom sina pede S60 70 Engine speed canualtover | 45 50-60 Boom lover S16 2a ‘A ver sta 20 Sen Bucket ver sia 20 ‘ig ever Su za “eal ive Ea a2 40 5.0 |(=Sera Ne 659) insadhtiel 530 35 | (Sora No. 654~) Boom sing pol 70 Engine speed contotiver | #5 50-60 7065-03-15 2.12 CONTROL LEVER AND PEDAL STROKE Measure each lover and peda stroke atthe top of the lever er peda PREPARATION Maintain the hycraue ol temperate at $0* +540, Mensurem (6) Stop tho engi. (2) Operate each boom, em, bucket, bade, swing and ‘raat lover hl sok. obsure the ver stroke at tho top of ho center of ach lever ap (©) Depress the boom swing pedal full stoke end measure the pedal stoke athe font eae of the oda (4 Bo su 10 measure the staightine distance surement twee tines and ‘aout the mean values, OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test Evaluation ta Tiel cand | Movant [nore Boom eve ae woo an re Teste a 2 loaee = ‘oo Sam ve" 70318 7 Titer 7210 0 ate eer 70210 0 Eaghe seed vation | eves m0 oom eg 0 woes va fam vr Tee © 2) soos Tea oo Shing ter Tone 20 Te ver 5310 ie Biter om too Ene gd ania | T0610 is eo ew a 25810 a 06-03-16 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test itn Model “Type of lever Standard | Allowable mit | Remarks ‘Boom Inver 10035 120 ‘aloe | ms6 *% xis | Busket ever 7525 2 Swing lever 1005 10 Travel lve 2510 10 Blade lover a0 00 100 Engine speed conver ver | 45210 180 ‘Boom swing pods 25210 2 Boom iver 10035 120 ‘em ver 7525 ” pe | Bustet iver 7525 Ea Swing over 0025 120, Travel over e020 10 Blade lever as 10 100 Engine epeod convoliover | 14510 160 ‘Boom suing pedal 25210 0 Boom iver | too 120 ‘Ameer 7525 90 exop | Busketiawee rece |eco ‘Sing lever wus 720 Blade lovee aot 10 300 Engine speed contol a 196210 70 Boom swing padal 25210 «0 706-03-17 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Excavator Test OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Component Test 4.1 PILOT SECONDARY PRESSURE FOR HIGH-SPEED TRAVEL, Preparation: (1) Keep the hydraue ai tmporature at 60" +5 (2) Stop ho engine. (9) Push the prose eaase bution on the hydrate fl tank o Boos a (4) nal prossure gauge (87-8042) wth adapter (ST £290) fo the plot ppe connacted to the travel io toy using 219 mem wrench (2) While operating the contct Sever for tw raised track il sroke, read th prossire gage. (2) Repoat stp (2) tne tes fr ach Wack and ca Evaluation Ln kate Model engine speed | Standard | Aowabie at | Remarks eS ‘A maximum = ax 50 spo Min. 34 2 1N mas Max, 60 Ben 4525 speed Mn. 34 706-04.01 L OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST/Component Test | 42° MAIN RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE SETTING Preparation: the hydraulic oll temperature at 8. Push the aie breather button on the ll supply for cap to veloaso ar pressure Wapped in the Fae oor 4. Uso 017 rem wreeh to remove tha plug. fom tho the pressure check por provided ithe main ung evary port. tal ripe (ST-6067) 8 roscoe gauge (T-6902}, 5. Stat the engine and chock fro fskage tom tha por Mossure the role! pressures at fat itl soos. 2. Slowly operate each conta loverpods for bucket, rm, oom, blade ai boom swing ‘ncons st l stoke ove ral 8. inthe travel function, lock undorartiage with an Immovable object and soy operat ho vave Ievoripedals 4 Measure the reloterssure ofeach function 5. Ropoat stops 2 through 4 twee ies and cate th mean values. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST/Component Test Evaluation ‘Tha etn relat prossure should moot he following specications Mode! Stanaare ‘Allowable limits (agvema | Remarks Serine 302 [VGS2 Wkaiien= | Maximum 175,_ Minimum 180 O18 | Seriatne 303~ [1752 10kgtem? | Moximum: 185, Minimum: 150| [Tear [1752 tokglem?| Maximum: 185, Minmum: 140 Bas 175 1akgffem? | Maximum: 185, [eee 1752 10kgHfem? | Maximum: 185, 208 1OKstlem®| Maximum: 220, Omen roel vahe menor Austment: Ifthe mean pressure isnot within specications, dst sence @ ® 1 Loosan lock mut 2 Tum adjusting sew (8). 2 aioe npctne igen th ek ett epi “Torque Spocticatns: Be 01 002 g'm eee seco Prossur increase Pressure Decrease Bea 2403 kgm Pressure aration by Tuning Adjusting Scow Model [Adjusting Sew Turn Pressure tkaicn® Remar exe Ta are aeIS exe aia turn 989245, exis searraura 9649285, pee e-a turn 7999-195 a0 saturn noss275 “_Recck e oling presse lor complain adjust 06-04-03 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST/Component Test 43 QVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE PRES- SURE SETTING Checking the overload reel valve pressure seting on the mache, which has 3 high pump ow rat, snot a ‘ble, 35 ths avevoad ree! aves are adjusted Yo epoch feations at lower pump ow rate However freqiced, the folowing procedne reco ‘monde for checking ithe overload role presto sot ting is normal” (Same procedure as for checking the ‘mat al valve possi seting) Preparation and Measurement: 1. Ast the main rl vive pressure sting 10 behigher han that of th oveiad rll valves, by tering the austing screw 2. Measure the oveoed rel valve peesbire et ting folowing the procedure on page TOS-OF 182 for measuning the mom rel vai preseire ‘esting 3. ‘tor measuring tho overload reel vale pros Sure seting, endjust the main rel vale pros Sure sting tos orignal pressure soting. Evaluation “The mean prassute should meet he following specifeatons Mode! Standard ‘Allowable iis (kllem?? Remarks Be | pcm | 1908 Kaiten? | Maximum 200, Minimums = exi2 | Boom |200¢10kgtiem? | Maximum: 210, Minimum: * Bets | am x22 | Boom |200¢ t0Kgtime| Maximum: 210, minimum: * socket 200 | team [2402 ikon Maximum: 250, Minimum: * stot oie’ Aste indicates Pal the mirimur soting must be highor thn tho ma we valve ‘rosoure setting. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST/Component Test Ajustment: ‘cut te presse seting when required Fach overland valve i leat on the poston shown the gt gure 1. Loosen fock nut 2. Tum adjusting sow (B) clockwse to increase rorsure and counerlocense lo decrease pros: 8. Alor competing adustment, regen the tock ‘a(n to species toque. “Toning torque be: 01 02 kgm Ex21s 4240 50%ghm e390 2e0a gt ey Fresaire Decrease Adjustment Reference Table Mode! | Adjusting Screw Turn Pressure eaten Remarks oe Tian 3OISTS exe baa 1608040 a5 teviatuen 1608040 p02 tea tam 7039195 Bao az a eur 1005025 4 Recheck the seting rossure oF competing austen 706-04.05 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST/Component Test | 44 SWING MOTOR OVERLOAD RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE TEST Measure thera gressur ofthe swing motor overaod Tali valve at the main pur of dewey po. Preparation: 1. Maintain the hydraulic olf temperature at sores 2. Stop the engine. 3. Push the pressure release buon on the hydra feo ta to bleed oe 4. Remove the lua from the presse check port frovded inthe main pump ol devel pot. Stat rippla (ST-6067) and pressure gauge(ST- aaa) 5. Stat the engine and chock foro lakage fom the ot oft posure gauge Measurement: 1 Measure the rel prossteaas i speed 2. Place tho swing lock pn it the lock poston ‘so hap lcking the uppers by pacha the front atachinen agent an mmevable beet 2. Stomly operate the contol eer fr swing fetion at ul stoke over oi 4 Measure the rele pressure of swing uncon ‘using a pressure gouge. 5. Reta measurament thre tes al tet lot and ‘ight sides, Calulta mean valves. 06-04-08 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST/Component Test {1 the mean pressure is not wihin specications, 1. Loosen tock nut 2. Tur acsting rut (yo ast the oe rosso. 8. Atle adjustment. eighton the lock rut) Pressure Vertions by Turing using Soro Evaluation ‘The mean ret prossurechould meat he following specications Model Standard ‘Aowable Kits (glon2) Fomarks oe BETO Kalen Vinson 105, Minna: 70 exe 1002 10kgHem2 | Masirum: 110, Minmum: 80 a5 1252 0xgtem? | Maan: 135, Minimurn= 100 exe 126210 tem? | Maximum: 195, Minimum: 100 00 902 10am? | Maximum: 140, Minion: 100 -Agjustment adjust tas fotos: Q © 2) Pressure crease Pressure Decrease Model | _Acusting crow Ton Prestze (oma) Remarks oe A wn Ds 7s exe 112414 wm 2618-8 exis 12-4 wen 96:18:8 Bee 142104 96-18:9 a0 v2 tn 96: 18-9 “ERcheck th song prose aller complobng adustnet 06-04-07 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST / Component Test ‘706-04-08 invossction Diagnoses Procedure How 1 ead the tovblashostng ow charts Check Bary Votoge Group 02-Hydraulic System Aewators ‘wing Travel Group 01-Diagnosing Procedure SECTION 07 TROUBLESHOOTING CONTENTS: Tor0+01 Tor.01-09, ror-01-03 Tor-0201 or02.09 107-0243 07-0217 Group 03 - Electrical System Engine Fuse Fale Monitor Pana and Ehctecal Pans Matton of Coo ‘Temporaure Gauge Matuncton of Fuel Gauge Matunton of Atte or atnetion of Engine OF Pressure nceaor Maltacton of Overt trae atuncton of Ful Lovet Inara anton of i itor Restesion cater Maton of Buzzer ‘Matuncton of Hour Meter Weng Hames Test Toros T0793-06 Toras-14 10709-16 Tora3-18 07.09.20 Toras.22 To7r.03.24 107.03.26, 07.09.28, ‘or-09-30 Tor09-02 5807-07-01 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting | 8807-07-02 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Diagnosing Procedure INTRODUCTION Troubleshooting charts shown in tis section orderly cat the procedures how to inspsct and locate the causes when sme problems occur n machine functions. Use the chart a guido to locate causes of allunctns. ve Ganges and Trout |_ [anor eds fossur Matton = DIAGNOSING PROCEDURE Follow the five base stops shown bulow to cary out troublocheoting eeenty, 1. Know the system ‘Study the machine choice! manuals. Know Now the fysiom is composed of and how i works, and what {he constuction, functors and specications” of =ystem components 2. Ask the operator Belor inspecting, get the ful story of maliunetion rom fa winass~ tho operatr (a) How the machine & used end whon i is endoed? (0) When the wouble a9 notcod and what work {he machine was dong at that ino? (o) Winat is the pbesomenon of the trouble? Was Ma teuhin gating worse. of dd come out deni forthe est te? (q) Did the machine have any woubls previously? Wo, which pots were roped betore 3. Inspect the machine Belora stating troubleshooting, check tho machine fr the daly maintenance points a5 shown in He operators manual. ‘And also chock he electrical ystom incuding batts, fs the woubles in the electra systom such 36 bow ‘atery yllage, ose connectors end Blown fusos wil eault in malineton of the convolers causing total ‘peraiona ues ofthe machine. T07-01-01 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Diagnosing Procedure 4. Inspect the trouble actually on the machine tn caso that some trouble cannot be confimad, obtn {he deals ofthe malt rm th oper ‘so, check i 5, Trace a cause Botore reaching a conclusion, check the most suspoctable causes again. Try Wace what the Teal ‘cause of the trou i Make a plan ofthe appropiate repaing procedure to ‘voi conse malunetons ‘707-01-02 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting HOW TO READ THE TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS vexoo Aor chockng or measuring tem (1), select ether Yes (OK) or No oor (NOT OK) and procsod to tom (2) oF) in next sto. @ oor a [As chown ta the lok, measuring methods of pages tobe coed to ae indeted in Teismarron (0 SCS Undor he bos. corect measuring checking methods wil esut in Fekrb'/So%e making uoubleshoatng impossible and may ako damage components. CHECK BATTERY VOLTAGE 1. Tum koy switch OFF. 2, Moasue voltage betwesn batery pus trminal and "he ground (chasis) using velar. (Coot Votage Reading: Approxinataly 12 V 8. Stat the engine, 4. Moasure th baton wotage again CConect Vooge Reading Aoproxmatoly 148 V 07-01-08 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting T07-01-04 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting Al CYLINDER AND MOTOR DO NOT MOVE Pot syst (it pune, plot valve, plot shut valve fand 59 on) andor pressure convo system may have trouble (Except Exe). poner qn = fan ES. coco ehipee a] = eae |g ecocee |v ecrees rks To pte ah rrr] "707-02.01 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting A2 CYLINDER AND MOTOR DO NOT STOP MOVING. ‘Sticking of spoon plot valve andor contol valve may bo a cause (Excopt EX} [Be daa tid praremaaome AS ALL MACHINE FUNCTIONS ARE sLow Slow machine function indests inauticient main pun ‘oul es maton ck fe ae ps a De oon - tora meee ‘T07-02-02 Fa TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting BOOM CYLINDER DOES NOT MOVE ‘ton the boom cylinder does not move, fst check ‘tot piping, then procaed to chock coral valve cool ‘osc wos | f-—frenasere | [ove tte os Peps sot 07-02-03 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-2_ BOOM CYLINDER SPEED IS SLOW OR BOOM CYLINDER DOES NOT HAVE POWER. mon the boom oyinder moves abnormally, list cheok pilot pings, then proceed to check contol vale, {€X8 towchat stars trom a) 11pm on se ise noe ee ——— or Sarma) [ rs tn ~ geen [L__paee ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-3 BOOM DROPS NOTICEABLY ESess Fereemat Eras |] bar aa set Peto pace overind ett] FA WHEN 800M CONTROL LEVER operated (200M RAIS), BOOM nope BRIEFLY, THEN BEGINS TO wove ‘ve wy oro one 707-02.05 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-5 ARM CYLINDER DOES NOT MOVE \Winen the arm cylinder does not move, fst check pot pipngs, than procood wo check conl valve ve a =] ee rte ae oa Tatapaame] Ye ve ote maa 9 vo fosshgton= noes a a ta pe "T07-02-06 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-6 ARM CYLINDER SPEED IS SLOW OR ARM CYLINDER DOES NOT HAVE POWER. nen tie erm cylnder maves abnormal, fet check pit ‘pings, than proceed to chock convo avo (©%8 fowchat stars tom #9 | "707-02.07 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-7 ARM DROPS NOTICEABLY ” Norma a _ om ar = a hr eee me seers 7] pst aoa F-8 WHEN ARM CONTROL LEVER OPERATED (ARM OUT), ARM DROPS BRIEFLY, THEN BEGINS TO move comme, C aS =a eee Sams 07-02-08, ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F.9 BUCKET CYLINDER DOES NOT MOVE Wen the bucket eye does nt mova, fst chock pit Pibngs, ton proceed io check contel va, ‘psc anos i ea aie rs ok ne ect [eto tie Psace er e vao TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting 10 BUCKET OROFS NOTIGEABLY x22, 2100 rn 1 Err sees irl eH — aa 2,042,245 Ea =m 7907-02-10 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-11 SWING CYLINDER DOES NOT MOVE nena swing onder doos nt move, fst chock lovee Inks round tye cota ave son proceed wo chock con! va Pires ear ae 2 fenaesn t fatima aon oo ao we va F-12 BLADE CYLINDER DOES NOT MOVE ‘yon a bade cyte doesnot move, frat check the lover inks around conlvave , on [proceed 6 check conta ont and contr va. asian naan ua see fame soe To702-11 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting F-19 BLADE CYLINDER DROPS NOTICEABLY foment To7-02-12 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting ‘S-1__ UPPERSTRUCTURE DOES NOT SWING. ast, check it problem is caused by plot cca or main crc bi: worwtent po s_ [Fame ‘statene 1 fe me eco: 2ongtont [flee sere Paes ieooral ‘a_i co = woe ino pat ___ reseed fearon pe L ie Stang Fawonaaa [Reaaco Tawar & patsoone 707-0213 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting $2 SLOW SPEED OR REDUCED POWER IN SWING OPERATION \Wiven eyindors and travel motors operate normaly but swing operation only is abnomal rst check swing ‘evi neuding reduction gearbox and vol valve andor swing plot ecu thy aro inal, chock conl men a oer anne ey a _Poaaarinaon Tore] Porownmemocen To7-02-414 Yes fone na ta abe Fema omer aaa “neem pmo ———— con coecee et poversed en reversing pic ee Frcs cowarene won = oa rrr at] feo 707-0215 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting 5-3. SWING COASTS EXCESSIVELY WHEN SWING LEVER IS RETURNED TO NEUTRAL \Wnen ewing coasts uoavenly and excess, swing rbot valve may have woublo. Whor swing coasts oveny fant excostvely, spool neo valve may Rave wk SS es | scat orci res Sipotsave 0 at 1707-02-16 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting T-1_ TRAVEL MOTORS DO NOT ROTATE eve ve ves| — —— 7 Roptace pars = aoe hee = a a] of 7 Teer wen a Smee nea = — RS) =m = oe venwow Gg—pomnties 107-02.17 I TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting 7-2 SLOW TRAVEL SPEED ‘efron uate To feumene ey 1707-02-18 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting 1-3 TRAVEL SPEED DOES NOT CHANGE (EX22, 30) 1 fst sped indestor does nt ght when the travel speed switch is pusbed, check fast speed indicator harness. Inthe case the ieator igs bt wave speed does nat change, check wave plot cicut Hf bot th Farnese fd exes re non, chock avel mote. [Barron es [omen are eT i] fsa loser aoe pass sons arr Sataresr | aoe erm twa ar SgSine, We pau / oa ws 707-0219 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting ‘7-4 THE EXCAVATOR MISTRACKS "707-02-20 Fre ncn wae sa Fave el apo) Fete exer ane | 707.0221, Pept ees) eco iage eon se toe ve ue) TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting Po 707-02-22 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting E-2 STARTER ROTATES BUT ENGINE DOES NOT FIRE (Check the poston af the governor an fel cut of fe ‘ers whl to engine i ranking ft positons ofthe both levers ae correct engine or ua system may have roti. hor gee Shop aad fos w te en nye ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting E-2._ STARTER DOES NOT ROTATE ‘Ator confiing that the batteries are normal, check ‘olagos by acing the chart below, eolorng 10 tho Hames Chock Tost 1 Papen ona rant ia \eenaon siren oo, i y= = "Sh sanr nt ® | senses Persia) e of = uch AR sere ay by oma Wee NT kay TART Seog tote a fespos fae ok en Sa == STARTER VOLTAGE CHECK “Tum key switch to ON or START poston. 2. Contact minus (~) probe of a creat testo to tho machine (ove to unpaid ars ke bet Head) Sd plus (1) probe to B,C, and FR torminals on Sanor ond safely relay respectively, and check wages. ee ay, ‘ssn oeane nan, ic teat rena 5 rey corey Ve wat yunwbne corso se Seco Lieweeiec tems Yr a Stamina ratty KEY SWITCH VOLTAGE CHECK 1. Ramove key swich trom console panel (Except Exe). 2. Tumkoy sich ON, 5 Wihout @sconnecng the connecter trom the key twitch, chock voltages at No. B and No. C tominas ftom back dof tho kay Ewch. 1107-03-08 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting AUTO-IDLE DOES NOT FUNCTION - I Equipped 1m case that aoe does nat function when anyone of lovers is operated, swich panel which sends ox autoide onto sna may have tubo Incase tht autosdlo does not function when @ specified lever 1s operated, prossuro switch systom may have rs veut e_| steer comes on £3 sn £4 [emcctamao Engr needa ros cones on eon ms ote on “topo tn Es ‘eon en 8 sea 707-09-08 ow wesntoaiy een eon eng se ‘etme oma on 707-03-05 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting FUSE FAILS (APPLICABLE FOR EX8 IS ONLY HORN CIRCUIT) Frese fal for work hls i explained hee. Checking cater fuse faites isto same way 38 explained her. ion fase ts 8000 ater replaced, deconnact ft parts rite fo the fuse from the crest ard check the’ ofout i the current tow dacton reconnecting ‘each pat ono by one rd Qe She el tem Yara ci Senseo a toto ey and work ht Shesight eay ls ‘ves fom tw _[ Faire in boom onmecies and wos sj ‘err Eee (et rt SW Lens on ecto, as 707-03-07 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting ‘MONITOR PANEL and ELECTRICAL PARTS (EX8) 1707-03-08 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Trou MONITOR PANEL and ELECTRICAL PARTS (EX12,15) oO 707-03-10 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting wort Sw 2 at a ate en oor rs OP See (Sean Togas Gage To07-03-11 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MONITOR PANEL and ELECTRICAL PARTS (EX22,30) tom sitch terre 1 gn Pre ol Cot 10S Ray ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting 707-0313 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF COOLANT TEMPERATURE GAUGE (Except EX8) Se fei |) Ee et is cg poor |_| some era Neto Coney Soe "| ieretcar ieee *s | sertato mmc ore econ ni Senses! Pag ogre one i eas co 07-03-14 Sate. okconrutn pens Naxx no cri ceewors [Eee comecton, nia ‘SRS an TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF FUEL GAUGE (EXCEPT Exe) ee ee |e "| SEacnera| San [ed Poo eerie. exon Coy a aera Se eee cre ote ESwels seers Si are Eee Ses| | oo L 07-03-16 cry Fae hi Nao pecan sonra 07-03-17 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF ALTERNATOR INDICATOR (ete [rama I Bore Ste (eres San |_| en Sora |S at Wem ED SR Ker omni preva oct 707-09-18 soca Fate wap 1707-03-19 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF ENGINE OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR ae EE | SS Eee | eee Trango oo wwcuicoomes == a ‘Ore oom 707-03-20 07-03-21 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting LUE EEE MALFUNCTION OF OVERHEAT INDICATOR (EX8, EX22, EX30) ‘meen Tmcomre 7) | [Meuigerons Ler See nt Some fn ato a ‘i goa ey smes Petal ove ane vin rea 10. .conay, eran dons | —] noon es Fo Romney ON) eee epeat me (Or coir ‘T07-09-22 1707-03-23 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF FUEL LEVEL INDICATOR (EXCEPT EX8) Eee = oscar ate en oymach Pent a whnintomn | [Roem N10 Cons ovacenrtgne” |_| ens ‘Oc oo 707-03-24 eS 707-03-25 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF AIR FILTER RESTRICTION INDICATOR (EX22, EX30) canoe one Sse agpear par eyo Paes ‘cra tor ae oye OW tk Canon epoca 107-03-27 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF BUZZER (EXCEPT EX) ‘ares oe eaasT | Bare ar Se ERS Rw enero coe Rae eneees |_[eeeee = Se He Sa oe | (ieee ‘ea rss ‘edo . to ore oe Paws cog Ber tom tow seer“ tat neat mgar Led eet Gnagenessrotwweeeas 707-03-28 —_—o_—— i Eas coe Rong a 707-03-28 TROUBLESHOOTING / Troubleshooting MALFUNCTION OF HOUR METER. saat |-[Reamawr one Pain 707-0331 TROUBLESHOOTING / Harness Check WIRING HARNESS TEST NOTE: Wnen testing tho electrical system a volmeter and Misch lamp harness tet ht shoud be used. ‘TYPES OF CHECKS 1. Chou continuity test measuring resstance Measurement : ails OK, e118 NOT OK 2. Chul voltage test using # voltmeter ELECTRICAL TEST PRECAUTIONS (1) Be sure hoy swich i OFF bolo disconnecting oF ‘connecting ay connectors. (2) DO NOT dsconneet connecter by puliog on wires ‘or harness. Always grasp connector ely and pul apart (@) spect connactar terminals to be sure they ae not bent or coraded befor connecting. (4) Mako swe to consult this manual boloreatlompting any test Bo sx test oqupment 10 be used Is forect for the glen Test’ Conan tho vellago ange and curent pty. (6) Always roor to ho circuit Bagram in is manual to ‘ont connector terminal bars olor sing ‘conector esting. nen testing vory small connectors using a Standard probe, wid apiece of wire around the nd tthe probe, as shown. QS. —— Corsi x x es ee 07-03-32 ‘TEST 1: BATTERY CIRCUIT TEST (12 volt system) Use this procedure the star fas to rotate, hom oes nat sound, and werk Iights fal to come. on ‘Trace the Greuit,Wcato and correct the cause ofthe protien (1) Supply curont to the cicut © be tested by ring the Key swich ON (ongino OFF), and {um all itches inthe exit ON nap: Tn oat wet ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Harness Check (2) Select votago (4) onthe volemetr. Ground the ‘pogatve () probe and tush tho posibve (+) probe to the test poi. Test those points in ‘Stdor, starting wir mmrest te power source ‘ortrhost away tom ts power source I eating of approximately 12 vols is obtained ‘ioates thatthe cc i OK tom tho batory to that test point” Wen 8 roading of fss han 12 wots ie ebtained, tho component or wling probiom has boon loca, ‘This procedure fs applesbio tothe flowing circuits Tights, Hour mete, Windshield washer, Hor, Monto pre Sater, Altoratr, Glow pups, ‘men a voimeter is not aval, an atorato test Drocedur ato use a lamp hamess. Limp hares (51-7125) is approved atrate test equipment. S sr7126 1707-03-33 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING / Harness Check 07-03-34 Hitachi Consiructon Mashinry Co, Lis inhi Ret No. ‘Ath: Pubeaions, Marketing & Product Support Fax: 61-290-9-1162 SERVICE MANUAL REVISION REQUEST FORM ee ES NAME OF COMPANY: Movet: PUBLICATION NO, ‘YOUR NAME ‘ested th ho cane eve se) cae PAGE NO, FAX ‘YOUR COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: REPLY: {Copy fom fr usage)

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