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8 Gulf Times

Monday, May 24, 2021

‘Few reports’ of heart issue in US young people after vaccine: CDC
AFP/Reuters There were “relatively few re- second vaccine dose. mid-May allowing children aged care providers should be made risk-benefit ratio, he added. Most of the cases in Israel were
Washington ports of myocarditis”, primarily The agency did not publish 12-15 to get vaccinated against aware of the reports of the “po- “Vaccines are going to unequivo- reported among people up to age
in adolescents and young adults, detailed information such as the the novel coronavirus. tential adverse event”, the CDC cally be much more beneficial 30.
following doses of mRNA vac- number of reports or the ages of The condition often goes away said in the statement. outweighing this very low, if con- Pfizer at the time said it had

S health authorities said cines like Pfizer and Moderna, those affected. without complications and can Dr Amesh Adalja, senior schol- clusively established, risk.” not observed a higher rate of the
they are looking into a the US Centres for Disease Con- “Within CDC safety monitor- be caused by a variety of viruses, ar at the Johns Hopkins Centre Israel’s health ministry said condition than would normally
small number of reports trol and Prevention (CDC) said. ing systems, rates of myocarditis the CDC said. for Health Security, said vaccines in April that it was examining a be the case in the general popula-
of heart inflammation among “Most cases appear to be mild, reports ... following Covid-19 CDC monitoring systems had are known to cause myocarditis small number of cases of heart tion and that a causal link to the
some younger people who re- and follow-up of cases is ongo- vaccination have not differed not found more cases than would and would be important to moni- inflammation in people who had vaccine had not been established.
ceived coronavirus (Covid-19) ing,” the CDC said, adding that from expected baseline rates,” be expected in the population, tor to see if it is causally related to received Pfizer’s vaccine, though Pfizer and Moderna did not
vaccines, with no clear link es- reports were more often from CDC added. but members of the committee the vaccine. it had not yet drawn any conclu- immediately respond to requests
tablished for the moment. males who had received their The United States started in on vaccinations felt that health- It is important to look at the sions. for comment on Saturday.

New Yorkers ready

to party again – just
not indoors for now
Brazil president leads
New York
city’s adult population having
received at least one dose of
the vaccine, many New York-
ers continue to wear masks on
bike rally through city
fter 14 months of lock- the streets, even though that AFP/Reuters encourage crowds and the spread and waved to the crowds, who
down and restrictions, regulation was lifted at the end Rio de Janeiro of the virus.” chanted “legend” back at him as
New Yorkers can now of April. “This is why he never wanted engines were revved.
enjoy a city where most of “Many people just want to a vaccine,” Calheiros said of Bol- On Friday, Bolsonaro was fined

these limitations have been go back to normal real fast. And razil’s President Jair Bol- sonaro, noting that the president by a northeastern state govern-
lifted. we are more reluctant here. sonaro led a motorbike was slow in spending billions of ment “for the promotion in Ma-
But many have retained the Can you imagine if this started rally through Rio de Janeiro dollars given to him by Congress ranhao of gatherings with no
cautious approach they adopt- to come up again?” yesterday as throngs gathered earlier in the pandemic to buy sanitary safeguards”.
ed at the start of the coronavi- Such caution has boosted amid the coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from overseas. Bolsonaro had handed out
rus (Covid-19) pandemic, and business for by Amanda Orso, pandemic to cheer him on. Herd immunity occurs when rural property titles in front of
are hesitant about partying who organises small-scale The far-right leader was ac- a large portion of a given popu- throngs of maskless people at
and returning to the social life parties, usually at homes. companied by a substantial se- lation achieves immunity to a an event in a town in Maranhao
they enjoyed “before”. In recent weeks, she has curity detail at the head of several disease, sometimes through state, where gatherings of more
Yesenia Herra, 33, who or- been asked to throw several thousand motorbikes that was widespread infection, thereby than 100 people are banned.
ganises dinners and special small gatherings by people screened live on the president’s reducing the chances of person- Bolsonaro’s office has two
events for tourists and who keen to celebrate “just being official Facebook page. to-person spread. weeks to appeal, after which the
“loves to go out”, last weekend vaccinated” – with some nods The parade comes as Bol- The president’s office did not amount of the fine will be set.
had her first party since March to the pandemic, like drinks sonaro has tried to galvanise his immediately respond to a request At the end of April, Bolsonaro
2020, inviting around 20 served in syringes. support base at a time when his for comment. said he was waiting for “a sign
friends and family to celebrate Laurence Anthony, 36, a popularity has sunk to its lowest Calheiros is a veteran lawmak- from the people” to put an end to
her daughter’s first birthday. motivational speaker and writ- since he took over the presidency Bolsonaro (centre) acknowledges the crowd as he heads a er and Bolsonaro critic. the pandemic restrictions taken
For the safety of her guests, er, was among the first, back in in January 2019, and with the lat- motorcade rally in Rio de Janeiro. Yesterday’s rally started at the locally by mayors and governors
almost all of whom are fully April, to request her services: est opinion polls putting him be- 2016 Rio Olympic Park and lasted to try to slow the virus spread,
vaccinated, she organised the After more than a year of ab- hind former president Lula ahead and originally bet on herd immu- Bolsonaro’s preference for herd an hour and half while heading insinuating that he could even
get-together outdoors in Cen- stinence, he invited 10 people, of next year’s election. nity beating the coronavirus. immunity. along the city’s iconic beaches, deploy the army.
tral Park, with folding tables all vaccinated, to brunch in his A Senate commission is inves- In an interview, Senator Renan “The president first denied the Ipanema and Copacabana. Since then, pro-Bolsonaro
and chairs, balloons tied to tree Harlem apartment to celebrate tigating his pandemic manage- Calheiros said it is too early to say disease, called it a flu, and then Supporters lining the route demonstrations have taken place
branches, and enough food to his newfound immunity and ment with 450,000 people hav- if Bolsonaro had committed any argued against social isolation cheered on the president and every weekend with no hint of
feed an army. his new digs. ing died of Covid-19. criminal offence in his manage- and lockdown. Then he played waved Brazilian flags. social distancing.
“I didn’t celebrate or do a “It was kind of an opportu- On Friday the senator leading ment of the public health crisis, down the use of masks and en- About half an hour into the Brazil has recorded nearly
baby shower. I didn’t do, like, nity to reflect and to acknowl- the upper house’s inquiry into and that more investigation is couraged crowds to gather,” parade, the motorbikes stopped 16mn cases of Covid-19 and
a ‘welcome home’ when we edge ... the importance of con- the government’s handling of the required. Calheiros said. “Why is that? for a few minutes while Bol- nearly 450,000 deaths, the sec-
got out of the hospital, unfor- necting” after the pandemic, crisis said that Bolsonaro never “I think everything points in Because of herd immunity, the sonaro, wearing a helmet but no ond-highest death toll in the
tunately because of the pan- he said. wanted to buy Covid-19 vaccines that direction,” he said, regarding natural immunity ... you have to face mask, stood on his machine world after the United States.
demic,” she told AFP. In mid-May, he went to an
“And so this is my first cel- indoor party that brought to-
ebration for her and I really gether some 50 people.
wanted to do it with my fam- “It was the first event I have
ily and friends and you know, I
know she might not remember
it but I want her to know that
been to where I didn’t know
the majority of the people,” he
Vancouver: the ‘anti-Asian hate
this did happen,” she said.
While her guests seemed
delighted to be together, many
The gathering was so close
to the old “normal” that “a
week later we still talked about
crime capital of North America’
pointed out that they did not it, and how different it felt to be
want to invite people to their at a normal party”. Vancouver has experienced a 717% increase in anti-Asian hate Even seemingly benign poli-
homes yet – except for very Nightspots and restaurants crimes, reflecting a legacy of discrimination in a country seen cies, like British Columbia’s
close friends who they would have been allowed to open at as welcoming of newcomers “foreign buyers tax”, meant to
be sure have been vaccinated. full capacity since Wednesday. cool real estate prices, was wide-
“I don’t know if we’ll ever go However, when will the big By Johna Baylon and In Toronto, police say the ly seen as targeting Asian buyers,
back to complete comfort with gala evenings that make New Leyland Cecco number of reported hate crimes despite little evidence implicat-
that ... not in the immediate York a hot spot for the jet set Guardian News & Media has doubled over the last year. ing them in the surge in housing
future,” said Merry Mathes, 58. be back? But with 98 reported cases prices.
Farther into the park, Mar- According to Marcy Blum, over the last year – more than all “Living with the anticipa-

cus, a 25-year-old vaccinated who organises parties and teven Ngo had stopped at US cities combined – Vancouver tion of when something might
paralegal, was partying along- weddings for a wealthy clien- a traffic light in a residen- was recently dubbed the “anti- happen to you, or worse, when People are seen at a ‘Stop Asian Hate’ rally in Vancouver in March.
side a dozen friends, with a tele, even if the large reception tial neighbourhood in the Asian hate crime capital of North something might happen to your
synth and a hired DJ. venues do not reopen before eastern part of Vancouver when America”. parents – it’s very stressful,” says hate crime report in simplified programme at Simon Fraser Uni-
He has only been to two par- September, her books are al- passengers in another car tossed The city’s proximity to major Ellen, who asked to use only her Chinese. versity.
ties since March 2020, both of ready full until April 2022. garbage at him, shouting racial cities across the Pacific has made first name. “I feel like I’m just “There’s this perception that He pointed to recent media
them outdoors: one, which was The telephone started ring- slurs as they sped off. it a popular landing point for re- waiting for the phone call. It’s only the Chinese community are coverage of hate crimes that
limited to 10 people, was for ing a month ago, “when it was The lawyer, a lifelong resident cent immigrants for generations. not a matter of if, it’s a matter affected by anti-Asian racism. seem to single out the Chinese
his best friend’s wedding, and clear we were all going to have of the city, was stunned – but not But upon arrival, many have of when. You’re kind of always I’m part Cantonese, part Viet- Canadian community in Van-
the other was in Central Park access to vaccines”, she said. surprised. faced discrimination. bracing for that impact.” namese. It means only one part couver, even though a wide range
in early May. “Everything comes out of “The racism has never been as “The government promotes Ellen, the co-founder of of me can report it – the other of communities has been affected
“I am not ready for parties the woodwork at once,” Blum overt and apparent,” said Ngo. Canada as a multicultural and project 1907 – a reference to the part can’t,” he said. “At the same by the spike in assaults.
inside, but maybe in the fall,” added, noting that people who “I’ve never seen it so brazen.” diverse country, an idea that’s city’s infamous anti-Asian riots time, why wasn’t it in English? It Trixie Ling, founder of Fla-
he said. had postponed their weddings Over the last year, Vancouver, a been ingrained in our psychol- that led to widespread property just didn’t make sense.” vours of Hope, a non-profit social
“Business is picking up, it are now scheduling them, but cosmopolitan metropolis set be- ogy since we were in school,” said damage – has worked with the Vancouver police said the Chi- enterprise that supports new-
started last week,” said Le- “people are still cautious ... tween mountains and ocean, has Ngo. “But when you start seeing Vancouver Asian Film Festival nese forms were developed in re- comer refugee women, called for
muel Rodrigues, a party store everybody still wants an out- experienced a 717% increase in friends and family who are get- to launch Elimin8hate, an online sponse to the “drastic increase” a broader conversation around
manager in Manhattan. “Most door venue or a tented venue”. anti-Asian hate crimes. ting hurt, you start to wonder campaign and reporting platform in hate crime and incidents tar- systemic racism in the city.
people are having it at home, The Met Gala, one of the The figures, which experts be- how accurate that narrative is.” for racist experiences. geting Vancouver’s east Asian “The conversation needs to
or in parks, with other family most popular social events in lieve under-report the problem, His cousin was recently spat Since April 2020, the project community specifically. go beyond the Asian community
members that they know.” the world, is likely to symbol- reflect a legacy of discrimination on while running in a park. has mapped a portion of the “However, we heard from the [that’s] now in the public eye,”
Even though his business ise this recovery: Tradition- in a city and country widely seen The attacks have made head- 1,500 submissions, many of public that they would like the said Ling, who was recently as-
is still idling, he praised the ally held in May and cancelled as welcoming of newcomers. lines in recent months, but resi- which the police wouldn’t con- forms in other Asian languages saulted by a man who spat on her
continued caution of his cus- in 2020, it is scheduled to take Since the coronavirus first dents say they reflect a spillover sider a hate crime. as well,” the police said. and yelled racial and sexual slurs.
tomers: despite 60% of the place on September 13. reached Canada last year, Asian of longstanding discrimination. In addition to frustration that Residents can now report hate “But I want to see more than
residents across the country have After using Chinese workers there is little police can do when crimes in traditional and simpli- just talk. Words without action
reported a dramatic surge in hate to finish a transnational railway, a person is spat or coughed on, fied Chinese, English, Japanese, are meaningless. [The conver-
incidents, ranging from racist Canada halted immigration from Ngo says the reporting process Korean, Punjabi, Tagalog, and sations] need to be translated to
abuse to attacks with weapons. China. also left him confused. Vietnamese. action and accountability,” she
A young Montreal man was During World War II, Cana- After waiting on the phone for “The social histories of these said. “It’s not just about inter-
blinded in March by a group who dian citizens of Japanese ances- nearly half an hour, he went to the groups called ‘Asian Canadian’ personal racism, it’s the systems
attacked him with military-grade try were detained in internment Vancouver police website, only to are a pretty wide span,” said and structures that are in place
pepper spray. camps. find that he could only submit a Andy Yan, director of the city that perpetuate it.”

In 1958 US considered nuclear strike on China: documents

AFP China and retaliate with nuclear Vietnam war known as the Pen- against Chinese air bases to pre- The 1958 crisis ended when
Washington weapons – a price they deemed tagon Papers. vent a successful air interdiction Communist forces halted artil-
worth paying to protect Taiwan, Ellsberg told the Times that campaign”, the document’s au- lery strikes on islands controlled
according to the document, first he copied the top-secret Taiwan thors wrote. by Taiwan, leaving the area under

S military planners reported by the New York Times. crisis study in the early 1970s, If this did not stop an invasion, the control of Nationalist forces
pushed for nuclear strikes Former military analyst and is releasing it as tensions then there was “no alternative under Chiang Kai-shek.
on mainland China in Ellsberg posted online the clas- mount between the United States but to conduct nuclear strikes China considers Taiwan to be
1958 to protect Taiwan from an sified portion of a top-secret and China over Taiwan. deep into China as far north as a rebel province that will one day
invasion by Communist forces, document on the crisis that had Had an invasion taken place, Shanghai”, the document said, return to the mainland’s fold, by
classified documents posted on- been only partially declassified General Nathan Twining, the paraphrasing Twining. force if necessary.
line by Daniel Ellsberg of “Penta- in 1975. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of In the event, then-President Washington has recognised
gon Papers” fame show. Ellsberg, now 90, is famous Staff at the time, “made it clear Dwight D Eisenhower decided Beijing since 1979, but maintains
US planners also assumed for his 1971 leak to US media of a that the United States would to rely initially on conventional relations with Taipei and is its
People are seen in New York’s Central Park this weekend. that the Soviet Union would aid top-secret Pentagon study on the have used nuclear weapons weapons. most important military ally.

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