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Allison DeGerlia Project Showcase

Campus Compact AmeriCorps Member Serving at Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island

Program Description: This year I worked with the Pathway to Purpose (P2P) and Striving, Overcome, Achieve, Rise (SOAR) programs based in the Intercultural Center. These programs were created under the Affordable Excellence Initiative which the RWU started to address the barriers that
students such as affordable tuition, rising college debt, and job readiness. RWU has established itself as a leader in higher education by focusing on these issue. We have 20 students in these programs combined. These two programs are college-ready scholarship programs for
first-generation, Pell-eligible students of color. The goal is to give students the skills, knowledge, and financial support they need to succeed in their first year and beyond to continue their education to completion. P2P is a 4-year program while SOAR is a first-year program.

Anti-Poverty Focus Students Testimonials

Because of staffing shortages, the SOAR and P2P programs were combined for their “I was really struggling with doing my work and then we did a lesson on procrastination and I developed a schedule
weekly/bi-weekly classes and group meetings. These programs are designed to which really helped me get all my work done on time.”
give students the social-emotional learning (SEL) skills or “soft skills” needed “I would recommend this program for other students of color and first-generation students as you feel like you are part
to succeed. We decided to focus on the SEL skills of sense of belonging, of a family and do not have to feel as though you have to struggle by yourself. You are given resources and mentors
self-efficacy, and growth mindset based on previous research and input from
which will give you a sense of relief.”
community stakeholders. All programming choices were decided based on how they
would help increase these three SEL skills. There has been lots of research how “This semester, the career planning fair we were required to go to ultimately persuaded me to get an internship prep
these skills can impact student’s academic and social success and their mental class on my schedule for next year and I would not have done that if the career planning fair was not provided for me by
health and wellbeing. These skills are especially important for this class.”
underrepresented students who are more likely to face challenges in these areas “Something I learned that helped me was that I’m not alone. I felt out of place on campus until I had class with soar/p2p
and are more likely to not continue their education. and it helped me feel more at ease.”
● Materials & Activities Created: class presentations and activities based on previous research, “What I learned has definitely made an impact in my courses one would be stress management specifically the
shared on-campus resources, and connected faculty and staff to the students breathing technique before my math exam.”
● Outcomes: 22 classes, over 40 student check-in meetings, partnered with 10 different
institutional departments/ organizations, and dozens of faculty members
Challenges & Covid-19 Impact
The graph to the right illustrates the top three rated classes of each semester. This data was
This year there were a lot of challenges and Covid-19 impacts that we were faced with. First, a majority of all of our
gathered from end-of-semester surveys that were sent to the program participants. In this same classes and meetings with students had to be done on a virtual platform. All of our classes had to be designed in a way
survey, 100% of the respondents said they would recommend this program to other first-generation Number of Surveys Created 10 to would fit this online platform and would be engaging. These online classes made it significantly harder to relay this
Pell-eligible students of color. curriculum as students were less likely to attend or participate in the online platform. This online platform also made it
Number of Survey Responses 198 significantly harder for staff members to identify when students were struggling and to make sure they were taking
advantage of the right resources. Another issue we faced because of Covid-19 in the Intercultural Center was staffing
Research Articles Used 86 capacity issues. This made me have to be very independent and take agency in my projects as staff members were
Capacity Building Efforts more busy than usual and did not have as much time to always supervise my progress. Another financial challenge we
This year represented a lot of firsts for the Intercultural Center. I was the first VISTA in the 31 had was that the institution pulled funding for future cohorts of the Pathway to Purpose (P2P) program. This was
Resources for Class Found
Intercultural Center and it was the first year of the Pathway to Purpose (P2P) program. This meant I disappointing as this program is what makes it possible for our students to attend Roger Williams and we wanted to be
had to create a foundation for these programs. One of my biggest projects to build capacity was in Class Curriculum Created 11 able to provide this same opportunity for more students. This emphasized that documenting this program and its
outcomes this year was especially important as it is possibly the only first year of the program we will have and that this
data collection, management, and reporting. Before arriving, the only data that was collected were
3 data could help secure more funding for this program in the future.
GPAs and student involvement in on-campus organizations and with the first year of the P2P Number of Reports Planned
program, there was no data protocol. Our students themselves had to face many challenges this semester. While not all of these challenges are because of
● Type of Data Collected: quantitative and qualitative the pandemic, the pandemic also exacerbated problems our students were already facing. With distanced learning, it
● Methods of Collection: student survey responses and faculty and staff notes from student made it more difficult for students to connect to the campus and their professors. Students had more pressure from
meetings their family obligations, struggled with their own mental health issues, and many also had jobs they were working while
in school. All of these challenges combined made it difficult for our students to focus on their studies, use campus
● Data Categories: student feedback, social-emotional learning competencies, academic success,
resources, and immerse themselves in the campus culture. It is also important to note how the racial climate on campus
and experience of low income first generation students of color
impacted our students. Each semester this year we had at least one major racial bias incident on campus involving
This data was used internally to assess student progress and feedback and will be used externally to student actions on campus. These incidents deeply impacted our students as they did not feel welcome on campus and
create reports to send to other stakeholders within the university. These reports will help gain criticized the institutional response to these actions. With students already struggling to find their place at school and
institutional support for these programs and express why they are important. These data/reports will balance their other responsibilities, it further alienated our students and make them question if they belong at Roger
also possibly be used to help secure grant funding for programs in the future. I was in charge of Williams or in higher education as a whole.
deciding what data we were going to collect, creating the data collection methods, interpreting and
As a VISTA that is returning to my host site next year, I am excited for the future projects I will be taking on. Next year
organizing data, and writing reports based on this data.
one way we will be working to combat these issues is by having a week-long orientation before the fall semester so that
● Research Topics: Social Emotional Learning (SEL), reached based activities to increase SELs, we are not playing catch up with our students and help them feel confident on campus before the semester even starts.
first-generation college students, students of color attending predominantly white institutions We will also be implementing a more robust peer mentoring program for the first year students run by students from
(PWI) and distanced learning previous cohorts. We hop to also expand this program to have SOAR students mentor local high school seniors who
These resources were then cataloged in a drive I created so they can be used in the future for would be first generation students of color for the spring semester. We are also going to be starting a SOAR Alumni
program development and staff training. program for the upper class students who were in SOAR to strengthen our network, provide leadership opportunities for
our students, and continue to provide support for our student’s after their first year.

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