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Our Responsibilities

Question no 1:

Why does the Quaid stress on youth to be continuously vigilant?

Answer: Newly freed state was surrounded by the hazards which the Quaid could
foresee clearly that’s why he stressed youth to be vigilant in the following words:
“ I would, therefore, like to tell you a few points about which you should  be
vigilant and  beware.  Firstly, beware of the fifth columnists among ourselves.
Secondly, guard against and weed out selfish people who only wish to exploit
you so that they may swim. Thirdly learn to judge who are really true you and
really honest and  unselfish  servants of the state who wish To   serve the
people with  heart and soul and support them.”

Question no 2:
What, according to the Quaid ,is the prime responsibility of youth?
Answer: The Quaid had always great expectations from youth. According to him youth was
the asset of a nation. While talking to the students at convocation he made them realize their
responsibilities in these words:
“The duties required of you now are: develop a sound sense of discipline, character, initiative
and a solid academic background. You must devote yourself whole-heartedly to your studies,
for that is your first obligation to yourselves, your parents and your state.”

Question no3: What traits of character the Quaid wants to see in the educated
Answer: The great leader Quaid-e- Azam very beautifully stated the
characteristics which he wanted to see in youth in following word: “ You are the
nation's leaders of tomorrow and you must fully equip yourself by discipline,
education and training for the arduous task lying ahead of you. You should
realize the magnitude of your responsibility and be ready to bear it.”

Question no 4: what advice does the Quaid   give to the youth about the
choice of career?
Answer: The Quaid said to the youth regarding career:” Now I want that you
must divert your mind your   attention, your aims and ambition to other
channel and other avenues and Fields that are open to you and will
increasingly become so. There is no shame in doing manual work and labour
there is an immense scope in technical education for we want technically
qualified people very badly. You can learn banking, commerce, trade, law etc,
which provide so many opportunities now.”
Question number 5: compare and contrast the youth of today with ideal
youth of Quaid-e-Azam as described in his speech.
Answer: Jinnah placed great importance on the youth and gave his advice to
students on several occasions. His dream was to see a disciplined youth as he
said “ A great responsibility rests on you and now more than ever, it is
necessary for us to work as a united, disciplined nation.” But the youth of
Pakistan waiting to be moulded in the right direction to peace, progress and
prosperity, has been battling for its survival for quite some time.
We need to develop leadership in Pakistan in the role model of Jinnah at all
levels in the country.
Question number  6: what in your view could be the possible role of youth in
Crisis management of the country?
Answer: Youth can play an important role in disaster preparedness and
recovery. Involving youth in disaster planning and recovery can increase
their awareness of hazardous situations that may occur in their
neighborhood and teach them how to respond in various types of
emergencies. There is urgent need for our youth to read and understand the
principles, ideals, values and vision of our founding father, Quaid-i-Azam
Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Question no7:Not only has Pakistan survive the shop of that
upheaval..........than before. Which upheaval talking about?

 Answer: Here  Quaid-e Azam is talking about the Punjab and Delhi holocaust.
In which thousand of men women and children were mercilessly butchered
and millions were uprooted from their homes. Over 50 lakhs of these arrived
in the Punjab within a matter of weeks. The care and rehabilitation of these
unfortunate refuges stricken in body and soul, presented problems, which
might well have destroyed many a well-established state.
Question number 8: interpret and analyse the following statements from the

A:  " beware of the  fifth columnist among ourselves."

 answer:A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger

group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The
activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in
secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. Quaid-e-Azam
wanted to make alert his people from the hidden  enemies they were
having  their own axes to grind the nation.

B.  " Guard against and weed out selfish who only  wish to exploit you so that
they may swim"

 Answer: Our newly freed state was surrounded by many foes, so Quaid
wanted to alert his people from such  enemies who wanted to exploit his
people for their benefits.  As country was facing many upheavals so it was
very necessary to aware the people from hovering dangers so he advised to
God the country and weed out selfish people so that the country may 

C.    Hitherto, you have been following the rut............. Now that we are in free

 Answer:  Quaid-e- Azam  knew that young Minds were fascinated by the the
government service after completing their  education and it was impossible for
the government to provide job to all the degree holders, so he tried to change
their mind by telling them that now they are in free Pakistan and they must set
themselves free from the shackles of slavery and think about their future
positively that's why he said to the youth to get out of that  rut.


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