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Convolutional Neural Networks Based Indoor Wi-Fi

Localization with a Novel Kind of CSI Images
Haihan Li2, Xiangsheng Zeng2, Yunzhou Li1,*, Shidong Zhou1, 2, Jing Wang1
Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
* The corresponding author, email:

Abstract: Indoor Wi-Fi localization of mobile I. INTRODUCTION

devices plays a more and more important role
along with the rapid growth of location-based With the rapid development of Wi-Fi networks
services and Wi-Fi mobile devices. In this pa- and the explosive increase of location-based
per, a new method of constructing the channel services such as indoor navigation, indoor
state information (CSI) image is proposed to tracking and activity recognition [1-3], the lo-
improve the localization accuracy. Compared cation of the mobile device is more and more
with previous methods of constructing the CSI important and indoor Wi-Fi localization be-
image, the new kind of CSI image proposed comes a research hot-spot [4-6].
is able to contain more channel information Different kinds of localization methods
such as the angle of arrival (AoA), the time of have been proposed. Some of the methods are
arrival (TOA) and the amplitude. We construct based on the AOA, some of the methods are
three gray images by using phase differences based on the TOA and others are based on the
of different antennas and amplitudes of differ- signal propagation model [7-9]. Some of these
ent subcarriers of one antenna, and then merge methods need more than one access point
them to form one RGB image. The localization (AP) and the performances of these methods
method has off-line stage and on-line stage. In are highly relying on the measurement accu-
the off-line stage, the composed three-channel racy which is hard to achieve with commodity
RGB images at training locations are used to Wi-Fi devices. The indoor fingerprint based
train a convolutional neural network (CNN) localization methods have a better perfor-
which has been proved to be efficient in im- mance than the above methods and attract the
age recognition. In the on-line stage, images interest of researchers [10]. The main idea of
at test locations are fed to the well-trained the fingerprint based localization method is
CNN model and the localization result is the extracting feature information of the measured
weighted mean value with highest output val- locations which is the so called ‘fingerprint’
ues. The performance of the proposed method and in the real-time localization stage, the Wi-
is verified with extensive experiments in the Fi signals of the device needed to be localized
representative indoor environment. are compared with the known features to de-
Keywords: convolutional neural network; cide the localization. As a result, the indoor
indoor Wi-Fi localization; channel state infor- fingerprint based localization methods usually
Received: Apr. 01, 2019
Editor: Jun Fang
mation; CSI image have two stages, i.e., an off-line training stage

250 China Communications • September 2019

and an on-line localization stage. In the off- Therefore, the propagation environment keeps
line training stage, Wi-Fi signals of various stable which means the multipath information In this paper, a new
reference points (RPs) are measured and col- also changes little [25-28]. In other words, if method of construct-
lected to build a database. With the help of the locations of AP and device are established, ing the channel state
information (CSI)
the database, the features of the RPs can be the CSI between the AP and the device are
image is proposed to
extracted and used to train a model. In the on- guaranteed and unique, which should be a improve the localiza-
line localization stage, the Wi-Fi signals of the more accurate feature than RSS [20]. How to tion accuracy.
target device are measured and fed to the well- extract the static CSI and how to use the static
trained model to output the location result. CSI as a-priori information in channel estima-
Received signal strength (RSS) is a kind tion have been discussed in [20].
of widely used fingerprints mainly because CSI data cannot directly reflect useful in-
RSS is easily measured at the Wi-Fi receivers formation of the channel, so some estimation
[11-13]. In RADAR which is the first to use methods of channel parameters like the MU-
RSS as the fingerprint, the location process SIC algorithm are used to estimate wireless
is carried out with a deterministic method by channel parameters, e.g., the number of main
calculating the Euclidean distance between the paths, AOAs and TOAs of main paths [21,
RSSs of the device needed to be localized and 29, 30]. In order to omit the above calculation
the RSSs of the RPs [14]. There are three main process of the parameter estimation, some CSI
shortcomings of using RSS as the fingerprint image construction methods are proposed to
[15]. First, RSS is a kind of coarse channel in- deal with CSI data directly. ConFi proposed
formation which means RSS cannot precisely in [6] builds a CSI image with multiple chan-
reflect the relationship between the wireless nels by only using the amplitude information
channel and the propagation environment. of CSI. For one RP, the CSI image contains
Second, RSS of a fixed location varies a lot M sub-images, where M is the number of re-
over time because RSS is the converged result ceiving antennas. For one sub-image, T CSI
of each path in the propagation environment measurements with N subcarriers at the same
and sensitive to the time varying multipath RP are grouped to construct an N × T image
fading. Third, it is hard for RSS to be suitable matrix. Therefore, if the number of receiving
among different kinds of mobile devices. For antennas is 3 which is the typical antenna
example, laptops and cell phones have dif- number of Atheros AR9580 chipset, the CSI
ferent antenna characteristics so the RSSs of image has 3 channels which is similar to the
the laptops and cell phones are different in RGB image. CiFi proposed in [4, 5] puts for-
the same location. The model trained with the ward another kind of CSI image by only using
RSSs of laptops may not work well with the the phase information of CSI. CiFi constructs
RSSs of the cell phones [4, 6]. a 60 ×1 CSI vector by combining 30 phase
CSI is the wireless channel response of each differences between the first antenna and the
antenna and each subcarrier in a multiple-in- second antenna with 30 phase differences
put, multiple-output orthogonal frequency-di- between the second antenna and the third
vision multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system. antenna. Then, 60 packet samples are used to
CSI is the aggregation of the multipath infor- construct a 60 × 60 CSI image. It should be
mation, so CSI can show the multipath effect noted that the CSI image in CiFi only has one
better and more accurately than RSS [16-19]. channel.
Open-source device drivers for commodity Different from the CiFi and the ConFi, a
Wi-Fi network interface cards (NICs), such novel kind of CSI image construction method
as the Atheros AR9580 chipset, is available is proposed in this paper. Like the RGB imag-
nowadays, which makes it easy for us to ob- es, the CSI image we proposed has 3 sub-im-
tain CSI in the Wi-Fi devices [4]. For a given ages. The first sub-image is the amplitudes of
location, AP and devices stay static in space. subcarriers of the first antenna of T CSI mea-

China Communications • September 2019 251

surements at the same RP. The second sub-im- is discussed in Section III. The localization
age is the N phase differences between the method is given in Section IV. Section V pres-
first antenna and the second antenna. The third ents the results of repeated measurements and
sub-image is the N phase differences between the performance of the method. Section VI
the second antenna and the third antenna. Due concludes this paper.
to the CSI output of Atheros AR9580 chipset,
N =114 and T = 114 make the CSI image be a II. CSI IMAGE CONSTRUCTION
114 ×114 × 3 RGB image. Therefore, the CSI
image can contain more channel information
2.1 CSI feature
such as the AOA, TOA and amplitude.
CSI images are fed to train CNN models to The CSI matrix of a MIMO-OFDM system
extract the features of given locations mainly with 114 sub-carriers and 3 receiving antennas
because the CNN model has been proved to be is shown in equation (1) and equation (2).
effective in image recognition [22]. Both CiFi H … H 
and ConFi claim to be the first to employ the  1,1 1,114 
 
CNN for indoor localization while we have al- = H H … H .(1)
2,1 2,114 
ready employed the CNN for channel feature  
 H 3,1 … H 3,114 
extraction in [20]. A light-weight CNN model
named ShuffleNet V2 is adopted in our local- H p,q = ∑ α n e
jφn − j 2π(pd sin θ n / λq +f qτ n)
ization for the reason that the ShuffleNet V2 is n =1

efficient and can be easily applied with mobile H p,q is the CSI of the p th antenna and the
devices [23]. q th subcarrier. N is the number of Multipath
The main contributions of this paper are Components (MPCs) which is directly relat-
summarized as follows. ed to the main scatterers in the propagation
• We propose a novel construction method of environment. Since the main scatterers in the
CSI images. This new kind of CSI images indoor propagation environment are mainly
has 3 sub-images like RGB images, which walls and other immovable scatterers, N is
means the CSI image constructed via the relatively spare and stable when the locations
new proposed method can contain more of AP and devices are established [25,26]. α n
channel information such as the AOA, TOA is the complex amplitude of the nth path which
and amplitude. represents the propagation attenuation.φn is the
• The CSI images are used as the input data frequency-independent random phase noise
to train the light-weight CNN model. The of the nth path. λq and f q are the wavelength
outputs of the well-trained CNN model are and the frequency of the q th subcarrier. d is the
used as the weighted average coefficients to
pairwise separation between antennas (typical-
estimate the position of the devices.
ly half the wavelength λ). θ n and τ n are DOA
• Repeated measurements with commodity
and TOA of the nth path.
2.4 GHz Wi-Fi are carried out in the typical
N, θ n and τ n are mainly determined by
indoor environment to verify the perfor-
the main scatterers in the indoor propagation
mance of the proposed localization method.
environment. Wireless channel refers to the
The results show that the proposed local-
free space from the transmitter to the receiver
ization method achieves better location ac-
which can be determined by the reflection off
curacy than two existing schemes. Besides,
every object in the radio environment. The
the impact of various system parameters is
radio propagation environment is main deter-
mined by the real spatial information in the
The paper is organized as follows. Section
same way. So the CSI is mainly determined
II presents the CSI image construction method
by the location of the target device and can be
we proposed. The CNN stricture we adopted

252 China Communications • September 2019

the unique feature of the location. According matrix on 114 subcarriers from each of the
to equation (2), CSI is the sum of each path three antennas. 114 packet samples for every
the transmitted signal has traveled. Therefore, training location are used to form a CSI image.
both the amplitudes and phases can contain the The amplitudes of the CSI on each subcarrier
CSI feature. Roughly stated, the amplitudes of the first antenna of the 114 packet samples
can represent more information of the distance are formed to be a 114 ×114 matrix which is
and the number of MPCs while the phases can the first sub-image. The phase differences of
represent more information of the DOA and CSI of the 114 packet samples on each subcar-
the TOA. rier between the first antenna and the second
antenna construct a 114 ×114 matrix which
2.2 Phase difference information
is used as the second sub-image. The phase
In fact, the phases of the CSI provided from differences of CSI of the 114 packet samples
the Atheros AR9580 chipset contain some off- on each subcarrier between the second anten-
sets. Denoting ∠H p,q as the phase of the CSI na and the third antenna construct a 114 ×114
got from the Atheros AR9580 chipset. ∠H p ,q matrix which is used as the third sub-image.
can be written as Every sub-image is in fact a real number
∠H p ,q = ∠H true + (θ p + θ s )mq + θ c + θ pll.(3) 114 ×114 matrix whose values are normalized
to a range of 0-255. Therefore, each sub-image
p ,q

∠H true is the theoretical phase of the CSI

p ,q is an 8-bit gray image and the three sub-im-
of the p th antenna and the q th subcarrier. θ p, ages construct an RGB image as shown in
θ s and θ c are the phase errors due to packet figrue 1. Subfigure (a), (b), (c) in figrue 1 are
boundary detection (PBD), sampling frequen- the three 8-bit gray sub-images and subfigure
cy offset (SFO) and central frequency offset (d) is the composed RGB CSI image of three
(CFO) [4, 5]. mq is the index of subcarrier channels.
q. θ pll is the initial phase offset of the phase-
locked loop (PLL). For the antennas on the
same NIC, they have the same down-converter
frequency and system clock. As a result, the
real measured phase on subcarrier i from dif-
ferent antennas have the same frequency dif-
ference, packet detection delay and sampling
period which means they have the same PBD,
SFO and CFO. The measured phase difference
on subcarrier q between different antennas is
given by
∆∠H q = ∆∠H qtrue + ∆θ pll.(4) (a) (b)
∆∠H q is the theoretical phase difference
on subcarrier q between two different anten-
nas. ∆θ pll is the constant phase difference.
Therefore, the phase difference is more stable
than the phase. As a result, phase differences
instead of phases of the CSI are used to con-
struct the CSI image.

2.3 CSI image construction (c) (d)

The Atheros AR9580 chipset provides a CSI

Fig. 1. CSI sub-images and CSI image.

China Communications • September 2019 253

III. CNN STRUCTURE weight vector of the j th output of the fully con-
nected layer. K is the size of the output layer
which equals the number of RPs.
3.1 CNN structure
The cross-entropy loss function with the L2
The CNN is a widely used deep learning tech- regularization is chosen as the loss function.
nique duo to the excellent performance for the The regularization term helps to avoid over
image recognition. The CNN is characterized fitting. The cross-entropy loss function J ( w )
by consisting of one or more convolution can be written as [24]
layers and pooling layers. The CNN has three 1 M K 
unique concepts: local filters, max-pooling, J (w) =−  ∑∑1{z (i ) = j}log p (ji ) 
M =i 1 =j 1 
and weight sharing. There are three main kinds
λ K 2
of layers in CNN which are convolution lay- + ∑ w j .(8)
2 M j =1
ers, pooling layers and fully connected layers
M and K are the sizes of the input training
CSI image set and the size of output layer. 1{.}
In the convolution layer, a set of filters is
is the indicator function. z (i ) is the index of the
applied to process small local parts of the in-
RP of the i th CSI image.λ > 0 is known as the
put data. These filters are replicated along the
regularization parameter. The goal of the train-
whole input space.
ing of the CNN is to minimize the cross-entro-
= xil Re LU ( wijl ⊗ x lj−1 + bil ).(5)
py loss function J ( w ). The partial derivative
Re LU ( x) = max(0, x).(6)
xil is the i th feature map of the l th layer. x lj−1 is
∂J ( w ) 1 M K
− ∑∑ x (i ) (1{z (i ) =
= j} − p (ji ) )
the j th feature map of the (l − 1)th layer connect- ∂w j M =i 1 =j 1
ed to xil. wijl and bil are the convolutional kernel λ
+ wj
of the filter and the bias of the i th feature map M
of the l th layer. Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs) The classic back propagation (BP) algo-
are chosen as the activation function. rithm of the CNN is used to pass the cross-en-
In the pooling layer, a lower-resolution tropy loss function from the output layer to
version of the convolution layer activation is the input layer to update the parameters along
generated by taking the maximum filter activa- with the derivatives [22].
tion from different positions within a specified
3.2 ShuffleNet V2 structure
The fully connected layer combines inputs ShuffleNet V2 is a light-weight CNN model
from all positions to classify the overall in- proposed by [23]. Based on the intuition of its
puts. In this localization method, the output previous version ShuffleNet V1, it adopts a
is the probability of the target device at the simple operator named channel split that split
corresponding RP. Therefore, it is a multi-clas- the input c channels of feature map into two
sification problem. The softmax is chosen as branches, one with c’ channels and the other
the activation function of output layer. The with c-c’. By following the thought of bottle-
softmax can be defined as neck structure, one branch remains as identity
wTj x ( i )
(i ) e and the other consists of separable depth-wise
pj = K
.(7) convolution operation. There are two simi-
wTj x ( i )
lar designs of this proposed structure, one is
p j is the j output of the fully connected
th called basic unit and the other is called down
sampling unit. Specifically, the basic unit is
layer which is in the range of [0, 1], x (i ) is the
made up of a 1×1 point-wise convolution and
output vector of the second last layer where i
a 3×3 depth-wise convolution, followed by
is the index of training CSI images, w j is the
another 1×1 point-wise convolution in one of

254 China Communications • September 2019

the two branches. The down sampling unit has IV. THE LOCALIZATION METHOD
a two-stride 3×3 depth-wise convolution sep-
arately on both the two branches. As for the As introduced above, the localization method
branches combinations, both units concatenat- consists of off-line stage and on-line stage.
ing the output feature map of the two branches In the off-line stage, CSI data are collected
on channel dimension, after which a channel and CSI images are constructed at each RP.
shuffling operation follows. ShuffleNet V2 The constructed CSI images are fed to train
is built upon the basic block that consists the ShuffleNet V2.
of multiple combinations of these two basic In the on-line stage, the CSI of the target
units. This structure is efficient in float-point device is measured and sent to the well-trained
operations (FLOPs) and memory access cost CNN. The outputs are K probabilities which
(MAC), which are the mainly consideration can be interpreted as the probability that the
when designing network on mobile devices. target device is located at each RP. Therefore,
Besides, it also reaches state-of-the-art perfor- the outputs of the CNN in fact are the result of
mances on classification and object detection a multi-classification problem while the real
The 114 ×114 × 3 CSI images are fed to the
Table I. Overall architecture of ShuffeNet v2.
ShuffleNet V2. The layers are a convolution
Layer Output Size Kernel Size Stride Repeat Output channels
layer, a max pooling layer, Stage 1, Stage 2,
Image 114x114 3
Stage 3, a convolution layer, a global pooling
Conv 57x57 3x3 2 1 24
layer and a fully connected layer in order.
MaxPool 28x28 3x3 2 1 24
Stage 1 and Stage 3 contain a down sampling
Stage 1 14x14 2/1 1/3 116
unit and 3 basic units. Stage 2 contains a down
Stage 2 7x7 2/1 1/7 232
sampling unit and 7 basic units. K is the num-
Stage 3 4x4 2/1 1/3 464
ber of RPs. The sizes of output channels are
Conv 4x4 1x1 1 1 1024
predefined by the ShuffeNet v2. Overall archi-
GlobalPool 1x1 4x4 1 1024
tecture of ShuffeNet v2 is introduced in Table
Full connected 1x1 K
I and figrue 2.

Phase difference Amplitude for 114

2&1 packets 3x3@24 3x3 Pooling
Conv Stride=2

Downsample Unit x1
Basic Unit x3
57x57x24 feature 28x28x24 feature
114x114x3 Image map map
Phase difference

Stage3 Stage2
Downsample Unit x1 Downsample Unit x1
Basic Unit x3 Basic Unit x7
feature map
4x4x464 7x7x232
feature map feature map

4X4 GlobalPooling

1024 x K
4x4x1024 feature Fully connected
map layer

K output

Fig. 2. Structure of the ShuffleNet V2.

China Communications • September 2019 255

location of the target device can be anywhere. are scattered as showed in figrue 3. In the ex-
The weighted R largest outputs are used to cal- periments of the CiFi, distance between two
culate the real coordinate of the target device. adjacent training or two testing locations is
pL set to the same 1.8 m and the R is set to be 2.
L = ∑ R i i .(10)
Therefore, the location of the target device is
∑ pj j easily calculated as the midpoint of the 2 RPs
L is the calculated coordinate of the target while the real location of the target device can
device. Li is the real coordinate of the i th RP be anywhere. In the experiments of the ConFi,
of the R largest RPs. pi is the i th output of the the data from the RPs are used as the training
CNN related to the i th RP. sets, validation sets and test sets. The perfor-
mance of the ConFi in the locations which are
not the RPs are not verified. In our experiment
setup, RPs are distributed randomly in the of-
fice. 11 RPs are chosen as the training sets and
5.1 Measurement configuration 3 RPs are chosen as the test sets as shown in
To verify the performance of the proposed figrue 3. Training locations are marked as red
localization method, channel measurement dots and testing locations are marked as yel-
campaigns were carried out in an office room low dots.
in Tsinghua University. CSI data are measured 5.2 Measurement validation
and stored from repeated measurements.
Table 2 presents the system configuration To evaluate the performance, proposed local-
of measurements. ization method, CiFi and ConFi have been
Tx is set at the fixed location and 14 RPs compared. The main difference among the
three methods is the construction of the CSI
image, so the same CNN formerly introduced
Table II. System configuration of measurements.
as the ShuffleNet V2 is used to deal with the
Channel parameter Value
three different kinds of CSI images. In order
Number of antenna at Tx 3
to adapt the CSI data of the Atheros AR9580
Number of antenna at Rx 3
chipset, the CiFi image is a 228 × 228 matrix
Bandwidth 40 MHz
whose values are normalized to a range of
Number of subcarriers 114
0-255. The construction of the ConFi image
Center frequency 2.437 GHz
keeps the same method introduced previously
in Section I.
Antenna height at Tx 2m
Table III presents the mean and standard de-
Antenna height at Rx 1m
viation (STD) of localization errors of the pro-
posed method, CiFi and ConFi. The proposed
method achieves a mean error of 1.5762 m and
2.56m an STD error of 0.6812 m which outperforms
Rx2 Rx6 Rx11 the other two methods. This result proves that
our proposed CSI image construction method
contains more channel information than CiFi

Rx4 Tx
Rx14 Rx13 Rx12 and ConFi while the CNN works effectively in
the extraction of the CSI features.

Figure 4 presents the cumulative distribu-
Rx3 Rx8
8.68m tion function (CDF) of distance errors of the
three methods.
The proposed method has 79% of the test
Fig. 3. Layout of the mobile measurement environment. locations having an error less than 2 m, while

256 China Communications • September 2019

that for CiFi is 38% and that for ConFi is RPs differ much larger.
26%. About 98% of the test locations for the
5.3 Impact of system parameters
proposed method have an error under 3 m
while the percentage of test locations having To study the impact of the channel size of CSI
a smaller error than 3 m is 59% and 52% for images, the localization errors of CSI images
CiFi and ConFi. Therefore, the localization
method proposed achieves best performance Table III. Localization errors of the three localization methods.
among the three methods in this experiment. Method Mean error(m)
This is mainly because the novel CSI image Proposed Method 1.5762 0.6812
construction method contains more informa- CiFi 2.3699 1.2915
tion which makes the features among different ConFi 3.1804 1.4586

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6


0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3
Proposed Method
0.2 CiFi 0.2
ConFi Proposed Method with 3 Channels
0.1 Proposed Method with 2 Channels

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance Error/m Distance Error/m

Fig. 4. Comparison of the performance among proposed method, Fig. 5. Comparison of the performance between proposed method
CiFi and ConFi. with 3 channels and 2 channels.

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6


0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3
Learning Rate = 0.005
0.2 CNN with 3 STAGES 0.2 Learning Rate = 0.01
Learning Rate = 0.02
0.1 0.1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance Error/m Distance Error/m

Fig. 6. Comparison of the performance between CNN with 3 stages Fig. 7. Comparison of the performance among learning rate =0.005,
and 2 stages. 0.01, 0.02.

China Communications • September 2019 257

Table IV. Localization errors of CSI images with 3 channels and 2 channels. with complete 3 channels and CSI images
Channel Mean error(m) without the first sub-image which is the am-
3 1.5762 0.6812 plitudes of the CSI on each subcarrier of the
2 3.2410 1.7108 first antenna of the 114 packet samples are
compared in Table IV and figrue 5. The mean
error and STD error of the CSI images with
Table V. Localization errors of different stages.
2 channels are 3.2410 m and 1.7108 m. The
CNN Mean error(m)
percentages of test locations for CSI images
3 Stages 1.5762 0.6812
with 3 channels having a smaller error than 1
2 Stages 2.0097 1.1133
m, 2 m, 3 m are 24%, 79%, 98% while those
for CSI images with 2 channels are 13%, 32%,
Table VI. Localization errors of different learning rates. 43%. It is shown that CSI images with 3 chan-
Learning rate Mean error(m) nels contains more features than CSI images
0.005 2.8949 1.7261 with 2 channels.
0.01 1.5762 0.6812 To study the impact of the depth of the
0.02 2.3088 1.2423 CNN, the localization errors of the CNN with
complete 3 stages and the CNN with 2 stages
which does not have the third stage are com-
Table VII. Localization errors among different R. pared in Table V and figrue 6. The mean error
R Mean error(m) and STD error of the CNN only having 2 stag-
1 2.2627 1.0126 es are 2.0097 m and 1.1133 m. The percentag-
2 1.7937 0.7438 es of test locations for the CNN with complete
3 1.5762 0.6812 3 stages having a smaller error than 1 m, 2 m,
4 1.6649 0.5329 3 m are 24%, 79%, and 98% while those for
5 1.7145 0.5130 the CNN with 2 stages are 16%, 70%, 71%.
6 1.7004 0.4834 The result represents that the deeper the CNN
is, the better the localization method proposed
performs within a certain range.
To study the impact of the learning rate of
the CNN, the localization errors of the CNN
1 with a learning rate = 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 are
R=1 compared in Table VI and figrue 7. The mean
0.9 R=2
R=3 error of the CNN with the three different
0.8 R=4 learning rates are 2.8949 m, 1.5762 m and
0.7 R=6 2.3088 m. The result can be explained by a
0.6 low learning rate may not allow the CNN to
converge while a higher learning rate may not

reach the best convergence point. Thus, the
learning rate needs be chosen carefully in dif-
0.3 ferent experiments.
0.2 To study the impact of the R which is the
number of the largest outputs to calculate the
location of the target device, the localization
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 errors of the R= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are compared
Distance Error/m in Table VII and figrue 8. The mean error of
the of the R= 1,2,3,4,5,6 are 2.2627 m, 1.7937
m, 1.5762 m, 1.6649 m, 1.7145 m and 1.7004
Fig. 8. Comparison of the performance among R =1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

258 China Communications • September 2019

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Shanghai, China. 2008. Piscataway, NJ, USA: was in charge of several projects in the China 3G
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[29] Schmidt R. Multiple emitter location and signal the School of Information Sci-
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serves as the vice director of Tsinghua National Lab
Antennas & Propagation, 1986, 34(3):276-280.
for Information Science and Technology. His research
[30] Afaz A , Reza A , Frank H , et al. Estimating An- interests are in the area of wireless communications,
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Components Using WiFi Channel State Infor- of 4G/B4G. He has published more than 150 confer-
mation[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(6):1753. ence and journal papers.

260 China Communications • September 2019

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