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Name: Noor Muhammad
Enrollment: 02-134202-080
Class: BS(CS)-1B
Semester: Fall-2020

Date: 10/12/2020
Are cell phones dangerous
The most dangerous thing about the cellphones is that they are the most
convenient source of cheating for students because of the easy availability of the
internet. One of the greater dangers is that people are easily distracted by their
phones which causes many accidents like texting while driving or calling which
can cause distraction during driving and they can easily lose focus which can
result in a horrendous or terrible accident. One of the most common danger is that
students can easily get distracted due to cellphones that makes them waste their
time which causes a loss in their studies. Another one of the dangers is the
addiction to social media that affects most people especially teenagers which
makes them always distracted from real-world and real-life problems and that is
also a big problem. One of the most dangerous problems is bad to use of phones
meaning teenagers use them for dirty material that easily manipulates teenagers,
and they can fall into a very bad category of teenagers.


Cellphones are not that dangerous in fact they are very useful in many ways such
as cellphones have made life easy as you can easily communicate without having
the need for a telephone and from anywhere. Easy access to the internet also has
made life easy for many people including students through which they can easily
study and can easily do their work. One more thing is that parents can ensure the
safety of their children through GPS service which makes cellphones a safety
device for parents and it can also guide lost ones to their desired location through
GPS. It is also helpful in a dangerous situation such as robbery or the situation of
something getting caught on fire you can easily contact police or firefighters at the
moment for the rescue which also acts as a safety feature of cellphones.

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