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Downdraft biomass gasification: A review on concepts, designs analysis,

modelling and recent advances
Prashant Sharma a,⇑, Bhupendra Gupta b, Mukesh Pandey c, Keshav Singh Bisen a, Prashant Baredar d
JEC Jabalpur, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JEC, Jabalpur, India
Director and Dean, SOEEM, RGPV, Bhopal, India
Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Amongst the entirely available renewable energy sources, biomass is measured as the maximum acces-
Received 20 August 2020 sible source. It has been estimated that half of the renewable energy can be accessed in terms of biomass.
Received in revised form 26 August 2020 Thermochemical conversion in form of gasification is one of the best ways of converting biomass energy
Accepted 29 August 2020
into producer gas. Producer gas produced after the gasification of biomass feedstock is suitable for appli-
Available online xxxx
cation as fuels for generating heat, electricity production, internal combustion engines etc. and even for
small scale application like heating, refrigeration. Downdraft gasifiers with the easy design, fabrication,
low tar production and easily controllable operations are the most suitable gasifiers for small scale appli-
Thermochemical conversion
cations of gasification process with different end applications. Various researchers are continuously aim-
Gasification process ing their research to enhance the performance of downdraft gasification. The aim of this paper is to
Modelling review their work concentrating the downdraft gasification process, kinetics, modelling and pilot scale
Downdraft gasifier gasification systems using downdraft gasifiers. The review results observed that the enhancement of
Design etc technology now should be concentrated for the end application in rural areas.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies.

1. Introduction generated material obtained from alive and just alive plants from
roots to leaves and fruits. Biomass consists Cellulose, Hemi-
In 1659, Thomas Shirley had carried out the first known exper- cellulose, Lignin, Extractives and ash. Solar energy is the basic
imental investigation for generation of carburate hydrogen gas. As source of energy which stores in plant via photosynthesis in form
the lighting and heating for households, Town gas produced by of chemical energy, and can be convert in useful form of energy
gasification of coal had been innovated and utilized in Britain dur- by various method developed [1]. It has been estimated that about
ing the years of 1850–70. But the innovation had been restricted as 14% of world’s total required energy are fulfilled using biomass.
the light bulb invented and requirement of lighting has been The biomass utilization is mostly in developing countries where
shifted to the new one. The fuel demand had been filled by petro- it has easily and lower cost availability. Woody biomass represents
chemicals in the years of 19400 s the investigations in the field of major portion of total biomass.
energy had been shifted to the petrochemicals. In the years of In India about 68,434,000 ha land is covered with forests, which
19700 s as the parallel investigations had been carried out by the contains about 2800 million metric tonnes of carbon as forest bio-
researchers to find out the alternative sources, gasification mass. India is in 9th position in world with approximate 28.3% of
researches resumed. After that considerable advancement has forest land cover [2]. The major problem concerned with biomass
been carried out by various researchers. In nature, the most and is its bulkiness, due to which inconvenient for transportation, han-
in abundant available material is biomass which consist all the dling, and storing. This problem motivated the researchers for
organics obtained from plant and animals. It includes all biological development of conversion processes to convert solid biomass into
liquid and gaseous forms which can be easily transportable, han-
dled and stored. This chemical conversion has been achieved using
⇑ Corresponding author.
biological i.e., by microorganisms (bacterial, yeasts etc.) and ther-
E-mail address: (P. Sharma).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies.

Please cite this article as: P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al., Downdraft biomass gasification: A review on concepts, designs analysis, modelling and
recent advances, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

mally. The first method used processes like digestion, fermentation The Boudouard, Water Gas and Methanation are the multiphase
and the last one is combustion, liquefication, pyrolysis, and gasifi- or heterogeneous reactions (Table 1). Reactions 4–6 are used to
cation. The basic problem with biological conversion is that it find out the equilibrium syngas compositions [8].The heteroge-
required much time compare then thermochemical processes. neous reactions are converted into CO shift and Steam Methane
For digestion bacteria used for generation of CH4 and CO2 in Reforming Reaction as homogeneous reactions. Reaction 1, 4, 5,
absence of external air, while yeasts produces ethanol or other bio- and 6 are the diverse method for biomass gasification. The Bou-
fuels (liquid form) after fermentation process. On the other hand, douard Reactions describes the production of CO from pure Carbon
the thermochemical conversion is not much time consuming. The gasification from oxygen. Reaction 5 demonstrates the water gas
combustion is oxidation in presence of excess air and produces oxi- process. While the reaction 6 shows the Methanation reaction
des of carbon, nitrogen, and other constituents contained by bio- which forms the foundation of all hydrogenating gasification pro-
mass. The basic and big problem associated with it is losses in cesses [8]. From the observations it can be stated that the principle
complete conversion and environmental pollution. The gasification of biomass thermal conversion with pyrolysis and gasification of
is chemically controlled conversion in gaseous fuel at even con- biomass can be considered similar for same type of biomass. The
trolled environment. Pyrolysis is same as gasification with the dif- thermodynamics of any process includes the process conversion
ference that it occurs without oxygen and at low temperature. In states based on thermodynamic conditions like time, pressure
liquification the catalysts are used to convert the biomass into liq- and temperature, heat absorption or dissipation etc. Reactions 4–
uid fuels at lower temperature. The requirement of bio or thermal 8 all are reversible reactions [9]. The direction depends on the
conversion is high as it improves the heating values of the fuel by equilibrium stage and the available quantity of reactants. Homoge-
removing the non-combustible substance like H2O and N2, remov- neous responses happening, for instance, in the gas stage can fre-
ing the Sulphur which produces atmospheric harmful oxides and quently be depicted by a basic condition, yet heterogeneous
most important lowering the C/H ratio [1]. Downdraft gasifier responses are inherently progressively confused [6]. This is surely
among all the type of gasifier which will be discussed in next sec- the situation with the biomass gasification. The biomass gasifica-
tion is more appropriate for pilot-scale applications having energy tion reasons mass exchange concepts [10].
generation capacity of 10 kW–1 MW. The present review paper
aims to summarize the researches carried out by various research- 2.2. Reactors (Gasifier) for gasification process
ers considering downdraft gasification process kinetics, modelling
and end applications. The reactors can be classified depends on the biomass gasifica-
tion technology, i.e., types of bed for the analysis. As the bed con-
siderations affects the process of gasification and products with
2. Biomass gasification (Principle of gasification) variations in parameters [11]. The simplest and oldest type of gasi-
fier is Moving-bed gasifiers also called fixed-bed gasifiers. This type
Gasification is a commercially applied technology from last cen- of gasifiers is mostly suitable for pilot scale production due to its
tury for production of gaseous fuels for various application includ- simplest design and construction [12]. Over other types these type
ing chemical productions. As discussed, earlier gasification is the of gasifiers have not tedious biomass preparation and feeding, con-
thermochemical bioenergy conversion process. Producer or Syn trolling of gasification with variation in parameters and gasifica-
gas is the product of gasification process. Having higher efficiency tion agent as oxygen. On the basis of feeding the gasifiers
in thermochemical conversion and flexibility numerous researches classified as updraft and downdraft [13]. The two basic inputs for
has been carried out in the field of gasification process [3]. In the the gasification is biomass and gasifying agent. In updraft the air
process of gasification of biomass, the oxygen quantity is lower as gasifying agent introduced from the bottom side and product
than theoretical requirement for comprehensive combustion [4]. from top side while it enters from just below the top in downdraft
In such a circumstance, the volatile matter and char constituents gasifiers [14]. There are some limitations with the technologies
reacts with O2 is characteristically absorbed by the furthermost having considerable hydrocarbons (tars) in the product gas, pro-
reactive elements of the volatile matter and somewhat by char fol- duct gas cleaning requirement, heat recovery from the product
lowed by the oxidation which doesn’t take place and results con- gas and long residence time in Hours, less carbon conversion (i.e.
siderable amounts of CO and H2 and slight amounts of CH4 called 80–90%). The biomass particle for this gasification having larger
producer gas or syngas [5].To enhance the heating capacity or size (more than 15–20 mm) [15]. The other classification is Flu-
calorific value and incineration characteristics of the product gas idized Bed reactors (Fig. 1). The particle size is limited up to
of gasification process, H2 amount need to be enhance. 6 mm. As the particle sizes lessening, the residence time prerequi-
site too reduces exponentially. This technology offers the consider-
able improved gas quality, with oxygen and steam as gasifying
2.1. Phenomenon of gasification agent with reasonable quantity, reasonably low fuel grounding,
and feeding along with high fuel suppleness, residence time in
The phenomenon of gasification includes the kinetics, thermo- minutes [16]. The limitations with the technology are the incom-
dynamics and stoichiometry’s analysis of the gasification process. plete carbon translation of the less reactive fuels (e.g., hard coal)
The basic thermodynamics and chemical kinetics for different bio- but better carbon conversion (i.e., up to 95% for biomass), multi-
mass gasification are different [6]. The different phenomena faceted process control, requirement of crushing for feedstock
include drying of biomass, biomass pyrolysis, different similar preparation and high investment cost [17]. The third classification
and varied reactions for oxidation and reduction and different is Entrained-flow processes which is the advancement of gasifica-
technologies invented for gasification and property enhancements tion processes. The particle size required is lesser than 0.25 mm.
[7]. The phenomenon for any gasification systems are modelled The advantage over the others are more than 95% carbon conver-
including the thermodynamic and reaction kinetics for optimiza- sion, complete Tar deterioration, residence time in seconds and
tion of design, performance prediction before model developed. very high specific capacity [18]. The limitations of this technology
The Carbon, CO2, H2, H2O, and CH4 are the principle components are high grinding requirement for feedstock, high oxygen con-
of any gasification process. The biomass in a gasifier passes from sumption and high investment for complex gasifier. The gasifica-
a sequence of process like drying, pyrolysis or devitalization, com- tion process and the reactors designs have been advances from
bustion and gasification. the day of inventions. The three main drivers to enhance the tech-
P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Gasification reactions [8]

Reactions Reaction type Temperature dependent equilibrium

constant (For Reversible Reactions)
1 Combustion reactions C + 1/2 O2 ? CO (-111 MJ/kmol)
2 CO þ 12 O2 ! CO2 ð283MJ=kmolÞ
3 H2 þ 12 O2 ! H2 Oð242MJ=kmolÞ
4 Boudouard reactions C þ CO2 $ 2COðþ172MJ=kmolÞ P2CO

5 Water gas reaction C þ H2 O $ CO þ H2 ðþ131MJ=kmolÞ PCO PH2

P H2 O

6 Methanation reaction C þ 2H2 ! CH4 ð75MJ=kmolÞ

7 CO shift reaction CO þ H2 O $ CO2 þ H2 ð41MJ=kmolÞ PCO2 P H2

8 Steam methane reforming reaction CH4 þ H2 O $ CO2 þ 3H2 ðþ206MJ=kmolÞ PCO PH2 3

Fig. 1. Reactors (gasifier): updraft (left), downdraft (center) and bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier (right) [1].

nology are capital cost, efficiency improvements and versatility the other hand the variables which are obtained during the process
with the low-grade biomass as feedstock [18]. are called variables [21].

3. Analysis of gasification process 4. Modelling of gasification process

3.1. Theoretical analysis of gasification process Modelling is the process for any system to forecasting the
results depends on inputs without the experimentation on physical
For gasification process, theoretical method is adopted world- apparatus. Several authors have been carried out their research
wide. The method is based on fundamental equations like energy considering modelling of biomass gasification or combustion on
transformation and species correlation for the process, which are fixed bed reactors. Broadly the Gasification models are grounded
based on the experimental experiences. The variables for gasifica- on kinetics, thermodynamic equilibrium [22]. The parameters vary
tion using theoretical approach doesn’t limited by number of vari- in the gasifier spatially are be the considerations of modelling apart
ables [19]. It is also involved mathematical modelling. of thermodynamic and kinetic modelling [23]. Modelling methods
are a stimulating substitute to increase insights observations of
3.2. Experimental analysis of gasification process gasification process. Moreover, an inclusive model can aid with
the plan, process, and regulation of gasifiers [24,44].
It has been observed that for experimental analysis, gasifier is a
complex equipment to understand and to function; its efficiency 4.1. Thermodynamic modelling
be subject to on the series occurrences of process like pyrolysis,
incomplete oxidation of gaseous products, char gasification and Process analysis are the major concern for any thermodynamic
alteration of tar and inferior hydrocarbons [3]. Furthermore, the analysis and modelling which can predict the variables at each and
examination of numerous operating conditions in experimental every stage of equilibrium of process. This analysis helps to find
apparatus is problematic and costly. Even though numerous appre- out the optimum point of operating condition for any system the-
ciated works examine the process performances over experiments, oretically, and act as a commanding tool for optimization [25]. The
several problems rise in the performance calculation due to inher- thermodynamics of gasification includes the mass conservation,
ent process inconsistency [3]. In experimental analysis of gasifica- laws of thermodynamics, thermal and chemical equilibrium along
tion process there are two variables that are mostly concerned by with thermal and physical parameters like temperature, pressure
the authors i.e., Controlled and Observed. The variable that can be enthalpy etc. at working conditions [22]. The process description
applied freely but in particular limit are called controlled and on and prediction of outcomes are the objectives for thermodynamic
P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

analysis for any biomass gasification at the design as well as oper- 4.2. Kinetic modelling
ating stages [26]. For gasification system it is mandatory to satisfy
the energy conservation and conservation law of energy which For gasification process optimization using kinetic modelling
includes the elementary formation enthalpies and changes in technique, the prime considerations are the systematic reaction
entropy of all elements which takes parts for obtaining the chem- steps which are followed during the conversion steps. The basic
ical equilibrium through the conversation process [23]. As the gasi- problem with kinetic modelling is the associated high cost for com-
fication process is the transformation of chemical to putation. The gasifier design is totally based on both type of mod-
thermodynamic equilibrium the 2nd law of thermodynamics elling i.e., thermodynamic and kinetic [10]. A kinetic model
applied to find out final reaction condition for completely obtain- establishes the mathematical explanation of the progression of
ing the thermodynamic equilibrium, considering the time as vari- the process in terms of chemical components. The geometry, reac-
able [23]. For the modelling the elemental contents of biomass tion time and rate and fluid flow for the process in gasifiers. For
need to be determined. (i.e., C, H, N, O, and S) and also diffused liq- each type of gasifier, the reaction time is different as it depends
uid, volatile matter, solid remains after combustion and remaining on the parameters like temperature, pressure, particle size distri-
char gratified. Mass conservation for such elements mass are con- bution [30]. The big particles required the higher time. Fig. 3 shows
sidered during thermodynamic conversion [27]. The mass conser- the procedure for kinetic modelling for gasification system.
vation and thermodynamic equilibrium equations are need to be Ahmed M. Salem et al. 2019 [6] developed a kinetic model con-
satisfied in the same time. (Fig. 2). A comparative analysis between sidering both type of homogeneous and heterogeneous gasification
the biomass gasification modelling concluded that the thermody- reactions mechanism for downdraft gasification process. Author
namic modelling considering thermal equilibrium, is easily com- carried out the experimental validation for wide range of biomass
prehensible and are using as an operative initial tool to examine feedstock. The kinetic model has the advantage that it predicts gas
the consequences of process parameters as discussed earlier. composition, tar content, temperature and height of each zone, as
The thermodynamic modelling brings the system in equilib- well as temperature, velocity and pressure distribution at reduc-
rium at each stage of conversion reactions. The various simulations tion zone with heating value of product gas along with design
are also based on the same equilibrium process. The approach is dimension of gasifier. A comprehensive kinetic model for the
subdivided in non-stoichiometric (based on thermodynamic development and creation of tar in a downdraft gasifier during
potential analysis of individual compound) and stoichiometric the gasification process have been built by Ahmed M. Salem
equilibrium approach (based equilibrium constant for each conver- et al. 2019 [7]. Author challenged the development of such kind
sion). As the problem associated with nonstoichiometric method is of kinetic model first time and developed 18 different kinetic reac-
the difficulty in convergence various researchers used stoichiomet- tions. The kinetic model developed considered the four basic tar
ric model. E.S. Aydin et al. 2017 [28] developed stoichiometric species (benzene, naphthalene, toluene, and phenol) and the model
model. The first prediction model for downdraft gasification, model is in respectable agreement with experimental analysis.
had established by Zainal et al.; 2001[20]. Established model deter-
mines the configuration of product gas and heating value. Biomass
characteristics like diffused water particles, hotness and coldness 4.3. Spatial modelling
variation during process have been considered. As the review is
concerned with downdraft gasification process, thermodynamic The spatial modelling of gasification process includes the 0D-S
stoichiometric equilibrium model is main focus. S. Jarungthamma- Models, 1D-S Models, 2D-S Models, 3D-S Models, Dynamic, or
chote et al. 2007, Andrés Melgar et al. 2007, more over Jarungth- nD-D, Models. The describe the spatial model.
ammachote made some modifications in order to enhance the The solid and liquid phase modelling depends on mass and
performance of their stoichiometric model by multiplying the energy balance for each phase has been carried out by Colomba
equilibrium constants with correction coefficients [25,29]. Di Blasi 2000 [30]. The model developed is 0-dimensional and con-
Gagliano et al. 2019 [9] considered global gasification reaction stant with respect to time. Marta Trninic et al. 2020 [31] developed
mechanism with consideration of char and tar conversion rate as a 0D-S (Well-Stirred Reaction Models) mathematical model for
input parameters. Diego Barba et al. 2016 [3] is applied the ther- downdraft gasification of biomass in fixed or slowly moving bed
modynamic Model based on Gibbs Free Energy Gradient Method gasifiers. In addition, the model well defined the drying, pyrolysis
(GMM), to the simulation. The thermal equilibrium models studied and gasification separately. With consideration of discrete particle
by the various researchers are subject to reaction quotient and size distribution (DPSD) Carlos A. Estrada et al. 2019 [32] presented
chemical potential minimization at constant pressure and temper- a one-dimensional model of a downdraft biomass gasifier. H. Sid-
ature condition. Jia et al. 2018 [19] overcome the practical problem diqui et al. 2011 [33] developed a one-dimensional kinetic model
and developed the mathematical model based on lumped capaci- for reduction zone only for downdraft gasification process. The
tance, chemical equilibrium for high temperature decomposition model has good determination for critical temperature for thermo-
region for a downdraft gasifier. Author concluded the respectable chemical conversion and bed dimensions [14]. Having one dimen-
lowest difference with investigational outcomes for product gas sional kinetic model G.P. Oliveira et al. 2020 [34] discussed the A/F
configuration. ratio and diffused water particle content along with dimension of
reaction zone in addition to get the increment of syngas heating

Second Law of
First Law
Reaction Thermo- Thermo-
Direction dynamics dynamic
Basic Thermo- End
based on Implemetation equillibrium
Reactions dynamics, Product
Location i.e. using Temp. with time to
Spontaniety Pressure and establish

Fig. 2. Steps for thermodynamic modelling of gasification process.

P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Result Evalation by
Kinetic Modelling
Measurements in an Means of Statistical
Experiments, Based on Mechanistic
Ideal Laboratory Scale Analysis for
Statistical Method Assumption, Fitting
Reactor Identification of

Fig. 3. Kinetic modelling steps.

value, reduction in moisture content with high equivalence ratio. Table 2

Mathematical modelling for gasification domain has been carried Spatial modelling.

out by many researchers and they proved it faster and more eco- Models Description References
nomic compared to the experimental analysis. As per the analysis 0D-S Models Limited to basic Principle.Gasifier as Marta Trninic
various types of gasification model have been developed using unique region and applied basic laws of et al 2020[31]
described earlier i.e. thermodynamic equilibrium and kinetic mod- thermodynamics for entire Control
els and it also includes computational fluid dynamic (CFD), artifi- volume.Fast Reaction Rate.
1D-S Models Second Level of ModellingDifferent Carlos A. Estrad
cial neural networks (ANN). Dipal Baruah et al. 2017 [35] firstly
geometric regions can be identifiedOne et al 2019[32]
developed an artificial neural network (ANN) based model of bio- dimensional different controlled volume
mass gasification in the field of fixed bed downdraft gasifiers. consideredFlow between controlled
CFD analysis has been carried out by Janajreh and Shrah 2013 volumes.
2D-S Models Important when second dimensions
[36] for gasification of wood chips in a downdraft gasifier. Though,
cannot be neglected.
this model is problematic to precisely calculate the tar removal, 3D-S Models Usual complexity in modelling.Complex Carlos A. Estrad
and char ignition due to absence of characteristics of feedstock, geometric conditions.All space et al 2019[32]
approximate reaction rate dependent on investigational observa- coordinates are considered.Three-
tions. Umesh Kumar and Manosh C. Paul 2019 [37] carried out dimensional changes of the numerous
speciesUses momentum equations and
the 2D modelling with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) mod-
basic thermodynamic rules as main
elling method for 20 kW downdraft gasifier. The author carried equations considering all the three
out the step-by-step method for evaluation of product gas compo- directions.
sition resulted from volatile parts break-up throughout the gasifi- Dynamic, or n Models include time as variableProcess Juan F. Perez
D-D, starting and ending are observed. et al 2012, [5]
cation [10,36]. The thermal equilibrium models, the steady state
and completed reactions are assumed, which is not taken places
completely in actual system. These are totally based on various
operating, geometrical and kinetic factors. Thus, it can be observed
that the complete combustion products are counted more compare 5. Integrated small-scale gasification technologies
then incomplete combustion products. Other limitations with the
equilibrium model are not considering the gasifier type for predic- In India biomass is the most available renewable energy in the
tion, applicability with more residence time for completion of reac- form of agricultural residues, MSW, forest generated etc. Thus, the
tions while the downdraft gasifier has more complete carbon biomass utilization using gasification routes is the prime consider-
translation, high residence time of objects and little gas velocity ations for the researchers in the field of renewable energy in India
[38]. C. Dejtrakulwong, and S. Patumsawad 2014 [39] developed [2]. A small scale gasifier in India is developed by Indian Institute of
a mathematical model for downdraft biomass gasification process Science in the year of 1988 at Hosahalli, a village situated at
considering the different module for all the four domains of gasifi- 100 km from Bangalore, Karnataka which is based on multi fuel
cation i.e., drying, pyrolysis, oxidation and reduction. The sequen- gasification system and supplied the product gas to the IC engine
tial analysis i.e., product of first is the initialization for second and generates about 3.75 kWe of energy in the form of electricity
domain considered. Modeling of downdraft gasifier considering for household application in the village [45]. The continuous
three different domains i.e., drying zone, high temperature reduc- improvements have been carried out by the researchers in the sys-
tion zone and the oxidation zone are carried out by C. Diyoke et al. tem and after 9 years of work the capacity improved up to 20 kWe.
2018 [40]. A dual entry system biomass downdraft gasifier has In India in the various industries like sugar, the biomass is directly
been modelled by C. Di Blasi and C. Branca 2013 [41]. The influence combusted. The total capacity based on biomass gasification is
of secondary air is studied by the researchers. For a complete about 140 MW at present and it is aiming to be 1400 MW in next
mathematical model, it is essential to forecast the feedstock ingest- years as the Indian government is promoting various gasification
ing rate, reaction equivalence ratio and temperature at different plants [46]. Maximum of the small-scale biomass gasifiers are of
zone [41]. Kitipong Jaojaruek 2014 [42] developed a mathematical the fixed-bed downdraft kind. A different type of small-scale gasi-
model varies with gasifier dimensions using heat promoted chem- fier having open core design with additional input of secondary air
ical transformation rules to find out mass-energy equivalence. The have been reported by C. Di Blasi and C. Branca; 2013[41]. C. God-
author promised the model utilization for design and development inez et al. 2012 carried out the steady-state simulation of gasifica-
of gasifiers with product gas generation and composition. They tion of agricultural biomass having a moving bed downdraft
found out that there is close validation for feedstock consumption gasifier with the aim of hydrogen increment, for utilizing the pro-
rate, reaction equivalence ratio and temperature profile from the duct gas as a feedstock in a molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) [47].
model, for all zones in experimental analysis. Mohamed Ali Mas- As discussed previously the downdraft gasifiers have been come
moudi et al. 2017 [43] carried out an experimental examination out with different advancement are one of the maximum used
for a downdraft gasification process considering almond shell as gasifiers for pilot scale energy generation. The syngas generated
feedstock. Author used this experimentation approach for 2D mod- from the system is used as a fuel for various energy convertors
elling and results a novel two-dimensional model for partial oxida- [48]. Advanced machineries like Gas turbines, fuel cells are inte-
tion and gasification zone. In this model a detailed tar oxidation grated with the system and increases the efficiency of end applica-
and cracking mechanism have observed (Table 2). tions [49]. The integrated system having combined heat and power

P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Biomass Gasification Integrated Systems.

Objective Gasification system Parameters and results Ref.

Municipal solid waste Downdraft gasification with multi integrated gas cleaner systems consisting cyclones and Parameters: a/f ratio, [51]
gasification on temperature variation within
integrated gasification the specified limit, LHV, tar
system following high devolatizationResults:
heat decomposition with optimum AFR is 0.54, Tar
increment in output reduction up to 90%.
energy. strainerElectrical power: 100 w Temperature: 500–800 °c,

Performance analysis of Downdraft gasification with power generation system of 18 Parameters: fractions of fine [52]
gasification of fine corncob.Results: corncob
corncob mixtures having lesser calorific value
considering small scale than coal, but high reactivity
electricity generation. due to volatile matter content.
With particle size less than
kWe. 10 mm produce better syngas
quality syn gas composition:
hydrogen: 17%, carbon mono
oxide: 17%, carbon dioxide:
6.2% and methane: 3.1%

Objective Gasification system Parameters and results Ref.

Gasification of opf (oil palm Downdraft gasification system having batch feeding of Parameters: temperature on [53]
fronds) using downdraft reaction and a/f ratio, calorific
gasification value, gasification efficiency.
Results: above 850 °C the
conversion rate is high.Syn gas
LHV 5.2 MJ/Nm3, at the 0.37
optimal a/f ratio with
approximate 93% conversion

Municipal sludge Pilot scale down-draft type fixed bed gasifier Parameters: Temperature: [54]
gasification in a 1100–1150, syngas
downdraft type gasifier characteristics, gasification
at pilot scale. residues: char as hand glassy
material.Results: about 1 kWh
electrical power generated for
almost 1.2 kg municipal sludge
gasified.Heavy metals is
residing as glassy materialSyn
reactor gas composition: H2: 23.3%, CO:
18.5%, CO2: 13.4% and CH4: 1.2%

Development of a mobile The experimentation of downdraft gasifier evaluation at diverse ERS with switch grass and Parameters: gasification with [55,56]
power plant having a 100 kg/h capacity. ER: 0.15–0.3.
patented downdraft Biomass configuration, product
gasifier system with gas quantity, heating value,
switch grass and eastern solid residues, yielding rates.
red cedar as feed stocks Results:Switch grass:
gasification efficiency 64%, cold
gas efficiency 64%, equivalent
red cedar as biomass. ratio 0.22, co 18.2%, H2 9.7%,
calorific value 5.8 MJ/
Nm3Redcedar: gasification
efficiency 80%, cold gas
efficiency 57%, equivalent ratio
0.24, CO 18.2%, H2 15% calorific
value 6 MJ/Nm3

The main objective is to Gasification unit coupled to engine generator Parameters: gasification yield, [57]
contribute with a techno specific fuel consumption and
analysis about the small- power generation efficiency.

P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3 (continued)

Objective Gasification system Parameters and results Ref.

scale electricity Results:High efficiency for
generation through biomass gasification process:
gasification of wood 60–70%Overall efficiency of the
residues associated to an engine generator set: 4.5–17%
engine generator.


Objective Gasification system Parameters and results Ref.

The 50 kW downdraft Parameters: pressure and [58]
gasifier using coconut temperature.Results: gas
shell with charcoal as composition: H2: 8.44%, CO:
feedstock are 15.4%, CO2: 5.4% and CH4: 1.6%
experimentally at air flow rate 132.086 Gal/
investigated. mAnother conclusion made by
Gasification reactor setup
the research that gasification of
plant dry matter as biomass
with charcoal can support to
practical and environmental
product gas.

Downdraft gasification with The gasification system furnished with cleaning and cooling of product Parameters: dust and tar [59]
different stage of firing reduction, cleaning and cooling
design and development of product gas.Results: along
for low tar content and with some improvement the tar
production of cleanGas content decreases up to
from biomass fuel, with 100 mg N/m3.Cold gas
electricity generation as efficiency has enhanced up to
end application. 90%. Tar content reduces up to
67 mg N/m3 counters to
711 mg N/m3 as the earlier one.
Electric conversion efficiency:

Producing syn gas having Downdraft gasification power generation Parameters: gasification [60]
downdraft gasification temperature: 1000 °CAir ratio,
system for wood chip as tar contentResults:low heating
biomass.In combination value of 1100–1200 kcal Nm3
with a small gas engine and a cold gas efficiency of 69–
for power generation as 72%.Tar generation: 3.9–4.4g
end application Nm3.

Establishment of a novel Performance examination of hot water generator Parameters: downdraft [50]
gasification system with gasification parameters having
the end production of end application of water
heated water with heating like biomass feedstock,
22kWth load along with tar content etc.Results: the
heat exchanger. system having thermal
efficiency about 48% which is
much more than conventional
designs system with 20–24%. It is a
detached type pilot scale
biomass based warm water
generation system.

Objective Gasification system Parameters and results Ref.

Established a design Small downdraft gasifiers of 4kWth Parameters: gasification air [15]
methodology for small flow rate and the fuel particle

(continued on next page)

P. Sharma, B. Gupta, M. Pandey et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3 (continued)

Objective Gasification system Parameters and results Ref.

downdraft gasifier of 4 size, product gas calorific value,
kWth and 2.5 kWth process efficiency, biomass and
nominal capacities for air mixture composition.
domestic cook stove Results: different sizes of the
application by gasifier can have a different
acclimating strategies hearth load.Combination of
destined for bigger high reactor temperature and
gasifier.Considering high surface area favours high
Syzygium cumini as gasification efficiency
feedstock. capacity

production is particularly helpful for farming founded rural econ- Singh Bisen: Writing - review & editing. Prashant Baredar: Super-
omy in developing nations like India to substitute petroleum’s vision, Visualization, Resources.
[50]. There are some restrictions which need continuous
researches in the field for best utilization of syn gas like cleaning, Declaration of Competing Interest
filtrations of product gas, many types of biomass acceptances, cap-
ital investment in device [51]. Table 3 shows the biomass gasifica- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
tion integrated technology which uses downdraft gasifiers and can cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
be applied for small scale power productions. The downdraft to influence the work reported in this paper.
gasifiers-based considerations have been carried out as it is the
prime considerations for the present review. References

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