Detroit - Looting Our Millages (2021)

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Looting Our Millages - Hurting Our Children

Who is doing what?

The City collects our property taxes but transfers a portion of the funds intended for our
schools and libraries to the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), an agency
controlled by the Mayor (executive branch of government). Our tax funds are then given
to downtown and midtown building projects owned by millionaires and billionaires.

How much are we talking about?

The City has taken $7.5 million from the Library system in the last five years and plans to
take $16.5 million in the next five years. The Library budget is about $30 million per year.
In one year, 2017, the City took $12 million from our schools that was to be used for debt
and operations costs. The take is likely much higher now.

What is the result?

The Detroit Public Library is facing its biggest crisis in a century. Before the COVID
pandemic the Library system had 21 neighborhood branches open. At present only SIX
are open. With the City taking 12% of our Library’s revenue while it fights the new costs of
the COVID crisis, the budget picture is bleak.
For our Schools, the high-dollar tax grab makes it difficult for our School District to sell
bonds that would finance fixing buildings neglected by years of State appointed
Emergency Managers.

How do we know our captured tax dollars are being spent?

While some projects are known, the DDA does not annually report how much of our
millage dollars they have received, which millages the money came from, nor to whom
the money was given. The schools and libraries have no say in this looting and do not get
this information either. In the meantime, the children who need these services improved
are left in the dust.

What can I do?

Demand all candidates seeking elected office an oath to oppose tax captures.
Help our petition drive to put this issue of clarification on the ballot.
Call 313-368-2148 to help. And please share this information and action to take with your
friends and neighbors. Insist that money collected from us is protected from being looted
by private and pseudo-private business development.
If you haven’t registered to VOTE, please get registered and encourage others to register
and VOTE on August 3rd and November 2nd, 2021. Visit to
register and update your voting information. Please note your signature on file with the
city clerk is used to verify petition signatures. You can’t sign the petition without being
registered. This is a step by step process!

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