"Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here!": Beatrice

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Epic Poem Allegory

Author Years Written Original Language
Dante Alighieri c. 1308–14 Italian


“Abandon Hope, All Waking in a dark forest, Italian poet Dante is led by the famous
Roman poet Virgil through nine levels of Hell. Encouraged by
Ye Who Enter Here!” thoughts of Beatrice, his love, Dante descends ever lower. As the
first third of Dante's The Divine Comedy, this descent is just the
beginning of what proves to be a long journey to redemption.

In Heaven; sends
Virgil to guide Dante

Virgil Dante
Roman poet sent Author and
to guide Dante protagonist

Circle 1: Limbo

Circle 2: Lust
Paolo & Francesca da Rimini

Circle 3: Gluttony

Circle 4: Avarice

Circle 5: Wrath

Circle 6: Heresy

Circle 7: Violence

Circle 8: Fraud
Dante is mistaken for
Pope Boniface VIII

Circle 9: Treachery

The devil


Sin & Punishment Love The Human Condition

In Dante's version of Hell, God's To Dante, the power and Humans are physical and social
justice requires that sinners' nature of God is perfect love. beings. They have great capacity for
punishments be suited to their sins. love, reason, and compassion—but
also for sin and misery.

by the Numbers

1 + 33 + 33 + 33

3 100
Number of Cerberus's Cantos in The Divine Comedy—
heads and beasts that a perfect number, according
threaten Dante to Dante

Born in the Italian city

of Florence, Dante was
exposed at an early age to
its politics—in which tension
1290 1302 between church and empire
figured prominently. Though
his family arranged his
Year Dante's real-life Year Dante was exiled
marriage to Gemma Donati,
Beatrice died, leaving him from Florence after
his true love was Beatrice
heartbroken writing a diatribe against
Portinari, who appears in
the government
The Divine Comedy.

Understanding The Divine Comedy means lifting the veil on
Florentine politics. Though the Guelfs (supporters of the pope)
defeated the Ghibellines (supporters of the emperor) in the 1260s,
Florence remained politically divided. Dante held public office
before a change of power led to his expulsion in 1302,
and Inferno features many of his political enemies in Hell.

hrough me the way into the suffering city,

Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Inscription above the Gates of Hell, Canto III

Sources: Biography.com, Columbia College, Digital Dante,

History.com, Poets.org, The World of Dante

Copyright © 2016 Course Hero, Inc.

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