What Are The Immediate Short Term Goals?

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What are the immediate short term goals?

He is aware that he is an amature in fighting and wants to hone his skills and techniques,
constantly looking for a new opportunity to do so, whether it be sparring with a peer, paying for
lessions, or reading books on the art.

For this he needs money so he picks up odd jobs that he can find, but also sells maps that he
makes while travelling.

Are they religious? Which do they worship and why?

Is he Merciful?

He is

Tips for character and RP.

Catch phrase?
-Burn sage before sleep to ward off evil spirits etc
Set long term goals to be dynamic.
What does your character like? Makes him excited?

Background is not the same as personality. (http://ideonomy.mit.edu/essays/traits.html)

Give the character flaws:

- When encountering elf nobles basically take on the mannerisms of reek (GOT) scared,
timid, mortified, can barely talk or look in their direction.

Be very descriptive on physical character design

Mannerisms or quirks?
Wants vs needs
Rp while in combat


When the master of arms for the ___ Empire was put on trial for treason against the
Empire only one man stood up for him; Norro Bizana who is the high general for the empire’s
military. He fought tooth and nail to save Elwin Roqen’s life, because he knew the truth of the
matter in that the planned treason and conspiracy plot was not on an innocent man’s life, but on
his own. Elwin Roqen owed his life, and in turn, a huge debt to the military general, and once it
was time for Kilyn Bizana to birth a child by the name of Arel Bizana, Norro bestowed the child
onto Elwin as the adopted parent. The caveat for this adoption being that Arel will not be told of
his nobility and will be entirely raised by Elwin as his father.
It was a good, quaint upbringing, and Elwin loved Arel very much. He would often sit at
Arel’s bedside and tell him stories of great dragon slaying adventurers, and war heroes, and
mysterious otherworldly plains. All of which excited Arel and made him long for greatness. As
Arel grew into a teenager, Norro offered an opportunity of a lifetime to him, he offered him a
personal apprenticeship of the great military general. He would learn to fight, train, read, and
someday could even make for a general himself, to which Arel of course jumped at the
opportunity, as did Elwin who saw this as the only chance his adopted son who was robbed of
nobility, to gain the title back.
And so Arel trained with Norro and spent the majority of daylight at his side, attending
council meetings, delivering messages, training and learning how to fight and learning the ways
of the court, which was vastly different to his commoner life with his adopted father. Once he
even had the opportunity of serving wine at a table of Norro and the Emperor, what a delight
that was. One day Norro asked Arel to deliver an important message for him. This was by no
means abnormal and Arel was quite used to the task. Unfortunately however the parchment
contained a nefarious plot to murder the emperor and instill a new one in his place, that being
an unnamed, high ranking general. Whilst in transit to deliver said message he was caught off
by some city guards who were looking to cause trouble. They grabbed the paper and were
shocked by its contents, they immediately reported him to higher authorities. Arel was
imprisoned and put on trial for high treason, an accusation which should be considered an
immediate death sentence, unless of course his biological father was a high ranking general
who could stick his neck out for Arel. After years of imprisonment, starvation, and torture, Arel
was considered exhonerated, however due to his tratorous blood, that which his adopted father
also had, he was forced into exile to the sword coast as to never birth another tratorous child
into the empire.

Fatal flaw
- Due to his torture and impisonment, when encountering elf nobles he basically take on
the mannerisms of a frightful mouse; scared, timid, mortified, shaky, can barely talk to them or
look in their direction.

Personality Trait
-Strong Willed and ambitious, was raised by both commoners and nobility so is
compassionate to both walks of life. Has a deep understanding of mercy, and standing
up for people. Once idolized high life but is now jaded to it due to his unfortunate past.

-Bonded to family, mainly his adopted father, who was always a bright light of happiness
and accomplishment during his upbringing.
-Fenmarel Mestarine, Goddess of scapegoats and Isolation, was given only
access to religious texts while in imprisonment, naturally this one fit the bill.

-Character tries to see the good in all people and tries to find their intentions, Standing
up for justice is his main driving force.

Physical Attributes
-A good looking elf who hides behind many facial piercings as a way of distancing
himself from his past. He has unusually large ears for an elf and shabby curly black hair that he
keeps tight in a bun. His body is no stranger to bruises and red marks but most might first notice
his many missing fingers, being his left hand pinky and ring finger, and right hand middle finger,
or maybe the many cuts, scars, and missing chunks out of his ears. Were he shirtless, the
squeamish might be disheartened by the large lashings across his back. He could look the part
of a handsome noble but dresses in commoner clothes, shabby light or medium armor, and
wields cheap equipment.
A torn cloth lay on his shoulders and loosely around his neck, one side of it hangs down
lower onto his upper arm. Underneath is a neck armor with a large brass belt buckle clasping it

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