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Digital Government Maturity as a Technologically New

E-Government Maturity Model: Experience of Kazakhstan

Gul Jussupova Baurzhan Bokayev Dauletbay Zhussip
Academy of Public Administration Academy of Public Administration New Economic University
under the President under the President named after T.Ryskulov
of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan 55 Zhandossova str., 050035
33 Abay str., 010000 33 Abay str.,010000 +77017272066,
+77017106365, +77756080680,

ABSTRACT have been adopted. There were periods of active implementation

This article discusses recent e-Government maturity models, of e-Government, but there were also periods of stagnation of
presents the principles and levels of development of Digital public sector digitalization.
Government, and conducts a comparative analysis of the concepts This article analyzes the e-Government and Digital Government
of Digital and e-Government. This article will also present the e- maturity models and provides a literary review of the terminology
Government maturity models of Kazakhstan using the Gartner of e-Government and Digital Government as well as their
model, as well as problems and prospects for the development of distinctive properties. In addition, a retrospective analysis of the
digitalization of Public administration in the social sphere of implementation levels of the e-Government of Kazakhstan, taking
Kazakhstan. The purpose of the article is to identify differences in into account the positive and negative aspects of the digitalization
the concepts of e-Government and Digital government, to present of public administration, is presented. The problems of
the latest Digital government maturity model and the possibility implementation of e-Government in Kazakhstan, such as weak
of its application in practice to assess Digital government maturity horizontal and vertical integration of government databases, the
of Kazakhstan. presence of unreliable data, and the lack of a systematic approach
to automating and optimizing business processes of social systems,
CCS Concepts are also considered. In addition, problems and prospects for the
• Social and professional topics ➝ Computing / Technology development of Digital Government as a tool for ensuring
policy transparency, accessibility of social services, as well as building
systems for planning and forecasting public administration in the
Keywords social sphere of Kazakhstan using the technologies of big data
Public administration, e-Government, Digital Government, e- analysis are laid out.
Government Maturity model
In the second part, several common e-Government maturity
1. INTRODUCTION models are considered and the recent developed Digital
Developed and developing countries have advanced far in socio- government maturity model by the Gartner Group is described,
economic terms, paying great attention to the introduction of which was used to assess Digital government maturity of
digital technologies in most areas of human activity, including in Kazakhstan. The third part presents a comparative analysis of the
public administration. e-Government mechanisms are concepts of e-Government and Digital government, and an
implemented in many countries and are at different levels of their analytical review of these concepts by various authors was
maturity. Modern researchers in the field of digitalization of conducted. The fourth part presents a chronological analysis of the
public administration in 2014 summarized over 25 e-Government implementation of e-Government in Kazakhstan, its positive and
maturity models. Maturity is understood as the level of negative aspects. The conclusion presents the main
implementation of e-Government, which is assessed according to recommendations for more effective implementation of the
indicators, principles, and characteristics developed in each model Digital government, taking into account the experience of
[5]. Kazakhstan. In addition, open questions are voiced for further
In Kazakhstan, e-Government has been implemented, and since
2004, two State programs for the creation of Digital Kazakhstan 2. REVIEW OF E-GOVERNMENT
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for MATURITY MODELS
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are Since 2000, researchers have been working on the issue of
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies determining the level of implementation of e-Government. One of
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for
the first models in this respect was introduced by Gartner Group
components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to
in 2000 [2]. In 2014, researchers in Morocco and Canada
post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission summarized all of the models by conducting a comparative
and/or a fee. Request permissions from analysis of 25 e-Government maturity models [5]. At the same
ICEEG 2019, June 18–21, 2019, Lyon, France time, according to the group of researchers Agron Chaushi, Blerta
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. Abazi Chaushi, Florije Ismaili, the higher models can be grouped
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6237-5/19/06…$15.00 by similar signs and characteristics and identify the main five e- Government maturity models [3].

After conducting analytical studies of e-Government maturity
models, several models can be distinguished, which forms the
basis of the methodology for assessing the digitization of public
administration in most countries. One of the first e-Government
maturity model is Layne & Lee’s (2001), which includes the four
stages and the final stage of e-Government development is the
vertical and horizontal integration of databases and information
systems [7], [8]. In their article, Danish researchers Kim Viborg
Andersen and Helle Zinner Henriksen present their theory of the
extension of Layne and Lee’s Maturity Model, the proposed
Public Sector Process Rebuilding (PPR) maturity model [1].
Exponentially developing digital technologies have complicated
the integration processes, and horizontal and vertical integration
have already been insufficient characteristics describing the final Figure 1. Digital Government Maturity Model
stages of the development of e-Government. New features, (Source – Gartner (2017), Digital Government,
principles and technologies of integration, big data analysis, What it means and how to succeed for society)
information interaction of information ecosystems, and According to this model, the stage of development of the digital
components of e-Government have appeared. government is divided into 5 levels:
According to the results of the research, the European 1. Initial (Initial, e-Government). Information portals for online
Commission, the consulting company International Data public services, information, information, etc. in an electronic
Corporation (IDC), Sogeti, and the Milan Research Institute format;
Politecnico di Milano developed their principles and indicators for
e-Government maturity. This model is based on the 2. Developing (Developing, Open Government). This level does
implementation of four basic principles, such as user centricity, not necessarily follow the first, as it can be implemented in
transparency, cross border mobility and key enablers (Table 1). parallel. Open Government provides more opportunities and
Each principle includes indicators for assessing the maturity of e- preferences for users of e-Government to work with information
Government, according to the methodology developed by an services. In addition, an Open Government contributes to an
expert group for conducting a desk review and assessing the increase in the transparency of public administration, attracting
maturity of e-Government [4]. the attention and trust of citizens.
Table 1. Indicators of e-Government maturity model (Sourse 3. Defined (Defined, Data-centric). At this level, the focus is on
– eGovernment Benchmark 2017 of European Commission) the needs of citizens. Due to the use of analytical systems, users
should be predetermined by a list of information services with
USER Online Online Usability of
which he or she may be interested, which may be useful to him or
CENTRICITY availability availability services-
her, etc.
INDICATORS of basic of extended support &
services services feedback 4. Managed (Managed, Fully Digital). The main goal of this level
TRANSPARENC Transparenc Transparenc Transparency is to improve public administration through making the most
Y INDICATORS y of service y of of public effective use of huge information resources for making high-
delivery personal administratio quality and timely management decisions. Using the principles of
data ns open data, it provides an opportunity for easy integration to
CROSS- Online Usability of Cross-border improve services not only to the government but also to other
BORDER availability services- eID and organizations. At the same time, there are risks of dissatisfaction
INDICATORS of services support & eDocuments of users regarding the use of their information, but the issue of
feedback protection and confidentiality of personal data must be addressed.
KEY eID, Single Sign online At this stage, new big data analysis technologies should be used.
ENABLERS eDocuments On availability,
5. Optimized (Smart). At this level, digital innovations are used
huge databases and open data to build deeper analytical systems.
The government should not only monitor, but form forecasts,
EU countries use a common methodology for assessing the
proposals for the development of individual areas, build a sound
maturity of e-government using a system of composite and
system of strategic planning and forecasting (“[Gartner,
synthetic indicators to determine the level of development of
Introducing the Gartner Digital Government Maturity Model
public sector digitalization. This allows one to see the progress of
the development of electronic services, increase the efficiency of
public services in electronic format, and assess the effectiveness This model is relevant for assessing the current state of
of the use of funds for the development of e-Government of EU e-Government, as it also allows one to assess the complexity of
countries. integration not only vertically and horizontally, but the depth of
information interaction and the stage of big data analysis, building
The last decade was marked by the revolutionary development of
analytical systems for generating predictive solutions and
innovative technologies and approaches, such as Big Data
generating automatic operational responses to incoming user
analysis, robotization, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things.
requests e-Government. Gartner experts believe that with the
New e-Government maturity models are emerging. In 2017,
implementation of new technological solutions, the term e-
Andrea Di Maio and Neville Cannon presented a vision Digital
Government does not meet the general trends of digitalization,
government maturity model (Figure 1).

complex search engines, processing and presentation of forecasting systems. The use of new technologies for analyzing
information, the development of social networks, and others, and big data will allow one to plan, prevent, and make timely
therefore it is necessary to evaluate the maturity of the digital informed political decisions. In the case that huge databases are
government, and not only in the electronic sense. In his digital used in analytical systems in the process of making managerial
government maturity model, Andrea Di Maio does not use the decisions, to conduct preventive measures, and to form forward-
term e-Government but instead digital government. looking studies, this kind of digital government can be called
proactive. This is one of the ultimate goals of public sector
3. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF digitalization.
To conduct a comparative analysis, researchers and public GOVERNMENT IN KAZAKHSTAN
associations developed a set of performance indicators and e-Government in Kazakhstan began to be introduced since 2004,
indicators that were presented in e-Government maturity models. when the head of state made regulatory decisions on the
At the same time, there are difficulties in e-Government maturity development of the e-Government portal. Evaluating the
models, since in some models, the term e-Government is used, in implementation of the e-Government of Kazakhstan, we can say
others digital, mobile, and smart government, as many experts use that we are at the third level of the digital government maturity
various indicators and the semantic content of these terms [6], [9]. model, according to the Gartner model. We will analyze the
implementation of the previous stages and the negative and
The e-Government is considered the government, which, through positive aspects of the implementation of e-Government to the
the use of web applications, provides access, information and present.
services to different target groups of users [7]. Russian researchers
distinguish a narrow and broad approach in defining e- As a result of the completion of the first stage (2004-2010), the
Government. The first approach is e-government as an activity of e-Government portal was created, electronic document
the government through information and communication management system was introduced in central government
technologies (ICT) by the government and the public. A broad agencies, and the registration databases of individuals and legal
view of e-Government is in the information interaction of the entities were digitized.
government, citizens, and businesses using digital technologies, Kazakhstan initially began implementing e-Government with
the internet at a more qualitatively new level, ensuring public automating business processes of central authorities, digitizing
participation in processes of public administration. registration databases, through implementing the principles of
The terminology in this area is constantly reviewed by experts and “top-down” automation, which had some success, but did not
researchers in the field of public sector digitalization and is very bring any actual optimization of end user business processes.
controversial. According to researcher Michael E. Milakovich, e- Information collection continued to be carried out manually,
Government can be divided into several categories, where the which caused collisions and inconsistency of data. That is, there
final level is digital governance, which provides for deeper were no information systems that would allow the automation of
electronic participation of the population and extensive use of the input of primary data, to ensure a single input of information. This
internet and of social networks [10]. According to the American stage was carried out slowly due to various reasons (lack of
researcher Darell M. West, e-Government used traditional means formalization of business processes, weak ICT literacy, poor
of access to information based on personal visits, phone calls, and infrastructure, and lack of funding).
mail deliveries. Digital government uses all sorts of means of The second stage of the development of e-Government (2011-
access and collection of information (contextual search, social 2016) was difficult, as there was a need to create state information
networks, interests and other means of access to information) [15]. systems, formalize business processes, conduct analytical and
OECD experts in the developed Recommendations for the Digital consulting research, allocate funds for their development,
government strategy define Digital government as the government certification, solving problems of ensuring information security,
using digital technologies to create a single integrated space, protecting personal data, the creation of a unique system of
implement the single sign on concept, and, most importantly, identification of citizens, electronic digital signature, and so on.
create public value. e-Government is a tool to improve the These processes were implemented in central government
functioning of the government through the use of ICT [11], [12]. agencies and financial structures, but there was the problem of
implementation at the local level, where direct data collection
Summarizing the above, with the development of digital took place. In fact, information was collected on paper, social
technologies, new forms of representation, storage and processing services independently collected information without regard to
of information using complex search engines, information migration, and the problems of data unreliability remained. In
aggregation, and the formation of an integrated space, we can addition, this stage was complicated by several processes of
conclude that the next stage of e-Government is digital restructuring the government and the consequences of the
government. e-Government, with its traditional approach of financial crisis.
transactional portals and simple principles for identifying users
becomes defunct. Digital government is an advanced model of e- The result of the second stage was the creation of an open and
Government, which uses new digital technology solutions for mobile government, the automation of business processes of
collecting, processing, storing, and transmitting information. financial structures, government procurement and tax services.
Subsequently, as a result of the functioning of information Most state registration services, such as issuing certificates,
systems, database management systems, integration of registering financial transactions and tax accruals, were
information resources and databases of the Digital government, a transferred to electronic format. Automation of the social sphere
huge pool of structured information is formed, the processing and was postponed, but separate projects on informatization of
analysis of which allows for the building of complex analytical education and health were initiated. They had a pilot character,

were implemented in several regions, and there was no systematic the Astana Economic Forum, experts from South Korea presented
vision of the integration of information systems. The main task of the concept of Intelligent government (I-Government), which
e-Government was to create an information society and automate opens new frontiers for the development of Digital government
public services. The problem of the provision of state services in and the implementation of digital transformation of the economy
an electronic format remained the lack of information systems of world powers.
directly from social service users, which caused difficulties in
providing most of the services in electronic format for the Based on the results of the implementation of the Digital
population. government in Kazakhstan, it is possible to draw conclusions that
it is necessary to use the “bottom-up” automation principle, to
The third stage of the implementation of e-Government (2017 reengineer (optimize) and automate business-processes directly
onward) is associated with the need for deep automation of all from end users, to ensure a single input of information to
spheres of vital activity of the population (social sphere) and eliminate duplication and collisions, maximum integration of
economic processes as well. There is a need to create and information systems and databases and build analytical systems
integrate information systems for education, health, culture, using Big Data technology.
housing and utilities, the industrial sector, the transport industry,
and infrastructure development. In 2017, the State Program In conclusion, we would like to note that with the development of
“Digital Kazakhstan” was launched, the goal of which is to technologies, the e-Government maturity models require research
improve the quality of life of the population and increase the rate and updating. The introduction of new concepts like Digital,
of economic growth through the introduction of digital Smart, Intelligent and Agile government causes different
technologies. interpretations and requires scientific substantiation and research.
The use Digital government maturity models in practice does not
The negative aspects of the implementation of e-Government in always unambiguously determine the stage of development of
Kazakhstan are the automation of central authority business digitalization of public administration, since these parameters and
process and not directly the business processes of users who indicators are not always accurate.
actually carry out the input of primary information, the collection
and processing of this information. In fact, digitalization was This opens up new directions of scientific and analytical research,
carried out “top-down”, as there was no reduction and revision of criteria, characteristics, principles, and approaches in
optimization of business processes, so the problem of citizen the implementation and Digital Government maturity.
involvement remained.
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