RTe BookDredgeSlotBW

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Welcome to the Excel Workbook "FTe-bookDredgeSlotBW"

This workbook calculates the 1D bed evolution of a sand-bed river after installat

The calculation begins with the assumption of a prevailing mobile-bed normal flo
installation of the dredge slot. The flow depth H, volume bedload transp
and volume suspended transport rate per unit width qs at normal flow a
values of discharge Qww, channel width B, bed material sizes D50 and
submerged specific gravity Rr and bed slope S.

The sediment is assumed to be sufficiently uniform so that D50 and D90 are un
The input parameter Inter specifies the fraction of any year for which flo
At other times of the year the river is assumed to be morphologically do

The reach is assumed to have length L. The dredge slot is excavated at time t
fill in time with no subsequent excavation. The depth of initial excavatio
bed prevailing at normal equilibrium is an input variable with the name H
The dredge slot extends from an upstream point equal to ru*L to a down
where ru and rd are user-input values.

The porosity lamp of the sediment deposit is a user-input parameter.

The bedload transport relation used in the calculation is that of Ashida and Mich
The formulation for entrainment of sediment into suspension is that of W
The formulation for flow resistance is that of Wright and Parker (2004).
correction of Wright-Parker is not implemented here for simplicity. A qu
formulation is used to computed the transport rate of suspended sedime

A backwater calculation is used to compute the flow. The water surface elevatio
end of the reach is held constant at the value associated with normal flo

Iteration is required to compute: a) the flow depth prevailing at normal flow; b) th

depth prevailing at normal flow, b) the friction slope and depth associate
associated with skin friction from any given value of depth, and b) the m
below which form drag is taken to vanish.

Calculations are performed from the worksheet "Calculator". The input following
execution of the code: number of nodes M, time step Dt, number of time
a printout, and number of printouts Mprint. The input parameter au con
spatial derivative in total volume transport per unit width: au = 0.5 corre
difference scheme, and au = 1 corresponds to pure upwinding (upward
Values of au such that 0.5 < au <= 1 are recommended.

Output is given in three forms.

Given in worksheet "ResultsofCalc" are input and computed parameters of the a

including flow depth, flow depth due to skin friction, mass bedload trans
tons/annum and mass suspended load transport rate in tons/annum. In
surface elevations are given at every node for the antecedent normal co
time corresponding to a printout specified by the control parameters Mto

Given in worksheet "ResultsofMassBalance" are values for the following param

normal condition and each time specified by the control parameters Mto
"Mass In" = total sediment mass inflow to reach up to the time in questio
sediment mass outflow from the reach up to the time in question, "Mass
sediment mass stored in the reach up to the time in question, and "Frac
(Mass In - Mass Stored - Mass Out)/Mass In. For the calculation to be
mass should be conserved, so that Fractional Discrepancy << 1.

Given in worksheet "PlottheData" are bed profiles for the antecedent bed at nor
with bed profiles at each time specified by the control parameters Mtopr
given is the final water surface profiles.

Input for several worked cases is given in worksheet "WorkedCases".

The code is contained in Module 1 of this workbook in the Visual Basic editor, w
then Macro, then Visual Basic Editor.

Ashida, K. and M. Michiue, 1972, Study on hydraulic resistance and bedload tra
Wright, S. and G. Parker, 2004, Flow resistance and suspended load in sand-be
rivers: simplified stratification model, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 130(
bed river after installation of a dredge slot.

mobile-bed normal flow equilibrium before

olume bedload transport rate per unit width qb
th qs at normal flow are computed based on input
aterial sizes D50 and D90, sediment

D50 and D90 are unchanging in space and time.

any year for which flood flow prevails.
be morphologically dormant.

s excavated at time t = 0, and then allowed to

pth of initial excavation below the bottom of the
riable with the name Hslot.
qual to ru*L to a downstream point rd*Hslot,


at of Ashida and Michiue (1972). The formulation

uspension is that of Wright and Parker (2004).
ht and Parker (2004). The flow stratification
re for simplicity. A quasi-equilibrium
of suspended sediment from the entrainment

water surface elevation at the downstream

ociated with normal flow equilibrium.

g at normal flow; b) the friction slope and depth

e and depth associated with skin friction
of depth, and b) the minimum Shields number

r". The input following parameters control the

tep Dt, number of time steps Mtoprint to
put parameter au controls the scheme for
width: au = 0.5 corresponds to a central
e upwinding (upward difference scheme).

ed parameters of the antecedent normal flow,

n, mass bedload transport rate in
ate in tons/annum. In addition, bed and water
antecedent normal condition, and for each
ontrol parameters Mtoprint and Mprint.

r the following parameters at the antecedent

ontrol parameters Mtoprint and Mprint:
p to the time in question, "Mass Out" = total
me in question, "Mass Stored" = total
n question, and "Fractional Discrepancy" =
the calculation to be accurate
crepancy << 1.

antecedent bed at normal equilibrlum, along

trol parameters Mtoprint and Mprint. Also


Visual Basic editor, which can be accessed by clicking Tools,

tance and bedload transport rate in alluvial streams, Transactions, Japan Society of Civil Enginee
ended load in sand-bed
ulic Engineering, 130(8), 796-805.
Society of Civil Engineering, 206: 59-69 (in Japanese).
This workbook and software are provided for free as part of the e-book:
by Gary Parker.

Neither I nor any university in which I am in the employ accepts

responsibility or liability for its use by third parties.
e e-book:
Calculation of River Bed Elevation Variation with a Dredge Slot
The river is assumed to be sand-bed. The calculation proceeds using a backwat
Flow resistance is computed using the Wright-Parker (2004) formulation.
The bedload transport rate is computed using the Ashida-Michiue (1972) formula
The rate of entrainment into suspension is computed using the Wright-Parker form

Input parameters for computation of normal flow before installation of dredge slot
(Qww) Qw 1650 m3/s Flow discharge
(Inter) If 0.3 Flood intermittency
(B) B 275 m Channel width
(D50) D50 0.35 mm Median grain size (sand)
(D90) D90 1 mm Grain size such that 90% is finer (sand)
(Rr) R 1.65 Submerged specific gravity of sediment
(S) S 0.0001 Bed slope

Input parameters for computation of morphodynamics after dredge slot installatio

The downstream water surface elevation is held at the value correspo

(L) L 10000 m Reach length

(Hslot) Hslot 55 m Depth of dredge slot
(ru) ru 0.3 Fraction of reach length defining upstrean end o
(rd) rd 0.45 Fraction of reach length defining downstream en
(lamp) lp 0.4 Bed Porosity
(M) M 50 Number of intervals
(dx) Dx 200 m Spatial step length
(dt) Dt 0.1 year Time step
(Mtoprint) Mtoprint 200 Number of time steps to printout
(Mprint) Mprint 6 Number of printouts
(au) au 1 Upwinding coefficient: au = 1 corresponds to full
120 years Duration of calculation
tion proceeds using a backwater formulation.
ker (2004) formulation.
Ashida-Michiue (1972) formulation.
ed using the Wright-Parker formulation without the stratification correction.

efore installation of dredge slot

The colored boxes:

indicate the parameters you must specify.
The rest are computed for you.
hat 90% is finer (sand)
fic gravity of sediment

mics after dredge slot installation at t = 0

on is held at the value corresponding to normal flow throughout the calculation

length defining upstrean end of dredge slot

length defining downstream end of dredge slot

Click to run

eps to printout

ient: au = 1 corresponds to full upwinding (0.5 < au <= 1)

Computed parameters at normal flow before installation of dredge slot

Water discharge 1650 m^3/s Depth

Width 275 m Depth due to skin friction
D50 0.35 mm Bedload transport rate
D90 1 mm Suspended load transport rate
Specific gravity 2.65 Upstream vol susp conc
Bed slope 0.0001 Downstream water surface elev

x (m) eta (m) xi (m) H (m) eta (m) xi (m) H (m) eta (m)
Node time (yrs) bed 0 yr ws 0 yr 0 yr bed 20 yr ws 20 yr 20 yr bed 40 yr
1 0 1 7.224892 6.224892 0.364256 6.714055 6.349799 0.388747
2 200 0.98 7.203434 6.223434 0.340638 6.694172 6.353534 0.364877
3 400 0.96 7.181958 6.221958 0.317178 6.674328 6.357151 0.34103
4 600 0.94 7.160463 6.220463 0.293817 6.654525 6.360708 0.317195
5 800 0.92 7.13895 6.21895 0.270038 6.63477 6.364732 0.293421
6 1000 0.9 7.117418 6.217418 0.245619 6.615074 6.369455 0.269768
7 1200 0.88 7.095867 6.215867 0.221032 6.595436 6.374403 0.246158
8 1400 0.86 7.074296 6.214296 0.196493 6.575852 6.379359 0.222411
9 1600 0.84 7.052705 6.212705 0.1721 6.556322 6.384222 0.198573
10 1800 0.82 7.031094 6.211094 0.147789 6.536845 6.389056 0.17483
11 2000 0.8 7.009463 6.209463 0.12343 6.517424 6.393994 0.151192
12 2200 0.78 6.987812 6.207812 0.098974 6.49806 6.399086 0.127596
13 2400 0.76 6.96614 6.20614 0.074563 6.478752 6.404189 0.103967
14 2600 0.74 6.944446 6.204446 0.050424 6.459496 6.409072 0.080272
15 2800 0.72 6.922731 6.202731 0.026726 6.440285 6.413559 0.056499
16 3000 -54.3 7.27712 61.57712 0.003545 6.421114 6.417568 0.032643
17 3200 -54.32 7.277119 61.59712 -0.019045 6.401975 6.421021 0.008709
18 3400 -54.34 7.277118 61.61712 -31.69066 6.597681 38.28834 -0.01531
19 3600 -54.36 7.277116 61.63712 -54.36 6.5986 60.9586 -0.039437
20 3800 -54.38 7.277115 61.65711 -54.38 6.598599 60.9786 -19.52932
21 4000 -54.4 7.277114 61.67711 -54.4 6.598598 60.9986 -54.4
22 4200 -54.42 7.277112 61.69711 -54.42 6.598596 61.0186 -54.42
23 4400 -54.44 7.277111 61.71711 -54.44 6.598595 61.03859 -54.44
24 4600 -54.46 7.27711 61.73711 -54.46 6.598593 61.05859 -54.46
25 4800 0.52 6.866068 6.346068 -3.247044 6.49578 9.742824 -3.621188
26 5000 0.5 6.846068 6.346068 -2.938866 6.493679 9.432545 -3.270266
27 5200 0.48 6.826068 6.346068 -2.916594 6.492734 9.409328 -3.023654
28 5400 0.46 6.806068 6.346068 -2.922718 6.491911 9.414629 -3.001949
29 5600 0.44 6.786068 6.346068 -2.918367 6.491042 9.409409 -2.994699
30 5800 0.42 6.766068 6.346068 -2.924076 6.490218 9.414294 -2.999699
31 6000 0.4 6.746068 6.346068 -2.851673 6.488175 9.339848 -3.000105
32 6200 0.38 6.726068 6.346068 -2.576942 6.483827 9.060769 -2.999987
33 6400 0.36 6.706068 6.346068 -2.396145 6.479084 8.875229 -3.007275
34 6600 0.34 6.686068 6.346068 -2.26183 6.473981 8.735811 -3.008861
35 6800 0.32 6.666068 6.346068 -2.153094 6.468533 8.621627 -2.990425
36 7000 0.3 6.646068 6.346068 -2.060703 6.462759 8.523462 -3.009511
37 7200 0.28 6.626068 6.346068 -1.979998 6.456678 8.436677 -3.006343
38 7400 0.26 6.606068 6.346068 -1.908274 6.450307 8.358582 -3.009748
39 7600 0.24 6.586068 6.346068 -1.843788 6.44366 8.287448 -3.010167
40 7800 0.22 6.566068 6.346068 -1.785328 6.43675 8.222078 -2.935453
41 8000 0.2 6.546068 6.346068 -1.732006 6.429588 8.161594 -2.715277
42 8200 0.18 6.526068 6.346068 -1.683143 6.422185 8.105328 -2.57475
43 8400 0.16 6.506068 6.346068 -1.6382 6.414551 8.052751 -2.476713
44 8600 0.14 6.486068 6.346068 -1.596742 6.406694 8.003436 -2.400303
45 8800 0.12 6.466068 6.346068 -1.558408 6.398623 7.957031 -2.336838
46 9000 0.1 6.446068 6.346068 -1.522897 6.390344 7.913241 -2.282017
47 9200 0.08 6.426068 6.346068 -1.48995 6.381865 7.871814 -2.233424
48 9400 0.06 6.406068 6.346068 -1.459346 6.373191 7.832537 -2.189589
49 9600 0.04 6.386068 6.346068 -1.430893 6.364331 7.795223 -2.14956
50 9800 0.02 6.366068 6.346068 -1.404422 6.355288 7.759709 -2.112684
51 10000 0 6.346068 6.346068 -1.379785 6.346068 7.725853 -2.078493
6.346068 m
e to skin friction 1.617385 m
ransport rate 217243.8 tons/an
ed load transport rate 313127 tons/an
vol susp conc 7.56E-06
am water surface elev 6.346068 m

xi (m) H (m) eta (m) xi (m) H (m) eta (m) xi (m) H (m) eta (m) xi (m)
ws 40 yr 40 yr bed 60 yr ws 60 yr 60 yr bed 80 yr ws 80 yr 80 yr bed 100 yr ws 100 yr
6.738806 6.350058 0.436592 6.783147 6.346555 0.463948 6.813158 6.34921 0.972619 7.319599
6.718931 6.354054 0.414797 6.763189 6.348392 0.440609 6.793263 6.352654 0.951712 7.299628
6.699101 6.358071 0.392488 6.743263 6.350776 0.417024 6.773412 6.356387 0.930793 7.279668
6.679317 6.362123 0.369928 6.72337 6.353442 0.393263 6.753607 6.360345 0.909862 7.259719
6.659579 6.366157 0.346907 6.703516 6.35661 0.369632 6.733846 6.364213 0.888918 7.239782
6.639884 6.370116 0.323909 6.683699 6.35979 0.346428 6.714119 6.367691 0.867962 7.219857
6.620233 6.374075 0.300806 6.66392 6.363114 0.323408 6.694429 6.371021 0.846994 7.199945
6.60063 6.378219 0.277566 6.644182 6.366616 0.300207 6.674781 6.374574 0.826015 7.180044
6.581076 6.382503 0.254238 6.624486 6.370248 0.276918 6.655174 6.378256 0.805024 7.160156
6.561568 6.386739 0.230848 6.604832 6.373985 0.253688 6.635608 6.38192 0.784021 7.140281
6.542107 6.390914 0.207428 6.585222 6.377793 0.230619 6.616081 6.385461 0.763008 7.12042
6.522691 6.395095 0.184003 6.565655 6.381652 0.20768 6.59659 6.38891 0.741984 7.100571
6.503323 6.399355 0.160573 6.546131 6.385558 0.184758 6.577139 6.39238 0.720948 7.080737
6.484003 6.403731 0.137124 6.526652 6.389528 0.161783 6.557727 6.395944 0.699903 7.060916
6.464735 6.408236 0.11364 6.507219 6.393579 0.138754 6.538356 6.399602 0.678846 7.04111
6.445518 6.412875 0.09012 6.487831 6.397711 0.115697 6.519027 6.40333 0.657779 7.021319
6.426354 6.417645 0.066579 6.468491 6.401912 0.092629 6.49974 6.407111 0.636702 7.001542
6.407244 6.422554 0.043024 6.449197 6.406174 0.069563 6.480495 6.410932 0.615615 6.98178
6.388191 6.427628 0.019452 6.429952 6.4105 0.046508 6.461292 6.414784 0.594516 6.962034
6.510351 26.03967 -0.004144 6.410755 6.414899 0.023473 6.442132 6.418659 0.573406 6.942303
6.514242 60.91424 -0.027761 6.391607 6.419369 0.000461 6.423014 6.422553 0.552281 6.922588
6.51424 60.93424 -8.067509 6.442299 14.50981 -0.022525 6.403938 6.426463 0.531135 6.90289
6.514239 60.95424 -54.43986 6.470302 60.91017 -0.045481 6.384905 6.430387 0.509954 6.883209
6.514237 60.97424 -54.46 6.470301 60.9303 -0.068953 6.365926 6.434878 0.488718 6.863547
6.42103 10.04222 -3.859251 6.382851 10.2421 -0.587512 6.355564 6.943076 0.467391 6.843904
6.418934 9.6892 -3.490332 6.380811 9.871143 -3.157688 6.367688 9.525375 0.445923 6.824283
6.417078 9.440733 -3.289294 6.379246 9.66854 -3.439098 6.368077 9.807174 0.424254 6.804687
6.416138 9.418087 -3.050649 6.37739 9.428039 -3.284203 6.366584 9.650787 0.40232 6.785119
6.414504 9.409202 -3.037633 6.376485 9.414118 -3.077506 6.364795 9.442301 0.380074 6.765585
6.412921 9.41262 -3.044486 6.375667 9.420153 -3.058568 6.363865 9.422433 0.357502 6.746088
6.412073 9.412178 -3.042627 6.374812 9.417439 -3.054758 6.363001 9.417759 0.334634 6.726632
6.411223 9.41121 -3.043021 6.373965 9.416986 -3.054058 6.362149 9.416208 0.311544 6.707218
6.410406 9.41768 -3.041106 6.373108 9.414214 -3.053321 6.361297 9.414619 0.288334 6.687848
6.409565 9.418426 -3.040532 6.372256 9.412788 -3.052631 6.360445 9.413076 0.265107 6.668522
6.407862 9.398287 -3.034135 6.370617 9.404752 -3.054281 6.359603 9.413884 0.24194 6.649237
6.406324 9.415835 -3.042625 6.369042 9.411667 -3.05471 6.358756 9.413466 0.218879 6.629994
6.405461 9.411804 -3.051263 6.368231 9.419494 -3.053684 6.357902 9.411586 0.195936 6.610791
6.404626 9.414374 -3.052914 6.367391 9.420305 -3.053256 6.35705 9.410306 0.173098 6.591628
6.403779 9.413946 -3.053039 6.366544 9.419583 -3.053578 6.356201 9.409778 0.150346 6.572503
6.401721 9.337174 -3.050592 6.365686 9.416277 -3.057252 6.355367 9.412619 0.127658 6.553417
6.397722 9.112999 -3.039034 6.364021 9.403055 -3.059916 6.354529 9.414446 0.105016 6.53437
6.393448 8.968198 -3.040325 6.361647 9.401972 -3.06143 6.353687 9.415118 0.082407 6.515362
6.388949 8.865663 -3.049414 6.36007 9.409484 -3.061772 6.35284 9.414612 0.059823 6.496394
6.384232 8.784535 -3.057286 6.3585 9.415786 -3.060765 6.351986 9.412751 0.03726 6.477464
6.379311 8.716148 -3.058236 6.357656 9.415892 -3.059829 6.351132 9.410961 0.014715 6.458573
6.374197 8.656213 -3.058959 6.356811 9.41577 -3.05969 6.350281 9.409971 -0.007814 6.439723
6.368901 8.602325 -3.052997 6.35518 9.408176 -3.061017 6.349437 9.410454 -0.030327 6.420911
6.363433 8.553022 -3.063606 6.353621 9.417227 -3.062831 6.348595 9.411425 -0.052826 6.40214
6.357801 8.507361 -3.060789 6.352759 9.413548 -3.063549 6.347748 9.411297 -0.07531 6.383409
6.35201 8.464694 -2.887259 6.350083 9.237342 -3.065614 6.346907 9.412522 -0.09778 6.364718
6.346068 8.424561 -2.719282 6.346068 9.06535 -3.067884 6.346068 9.413952 -0.120236 6.346068
H (m) eta (m) xi (m) H (m)
100 yr bed 120 yr ws 120 yr 120 yr
6.34698 0.999831 7.345905 6.346074
6.347915 0.979825 7.325905 6.34608
6.348875 0.959819 7.305906 6.346086
6.349858 0.939813 7.285906 6.346093
6.350865 0.919807 7.265906 6.346099
6.351896 0.899801 7.245907 6.346106
6.35295 0.879794 7.225908 6.346114
6.354029 0.859787 7.205908 6.346121
6.355132 0.83978 7.185909 6.346129
6.35626 0.819773 7.16591 6.346137
6.357412 0.799766 7.145911 6.346145
6.358588 0.779759 7.125912 6.346153
6.359788 0.759751 7.105913 6.346162
6.361014 0.739744 7.085914 6.346171
6.362264 0.719736 7.065915 6.34618
6.363539 0.699728 7.045917 6.346189
6.364839 0.679719 7.025919 6.346199
6.366165 0.659711 7.00592 6.346209
6.367517 0.639703 6.985922 6.346219
6.368897 0.619694 6.965924 6.34623
6.370307 0.599685 6.945926 6.346241
6.371756 0.579676 6.925928 6.346252
6.373255 0.559667 6.905931 6.346264
6.374828 0.539657 6.885933 6.346276
6.376513 0.519647 6.865936 6.346288
6.378359 0.499638 6.845938 6.346301
6.380433 0.479628 6.825941 6.346314
6.3828 0.459617 6.805944 6.346327
6.385511 0.439607 6.785948 6.346341
6.388586 0.419596 6.765951 6.346355
6.391998 0.399585 6.745954 6.346369
6.395674 0.379574 6.725958 6.346384
6.399514 0.359563 6.705962 6.346399
6.403415 0.339551 6.685966 6.346415
6.407297 0.31954 6.66597 6.346431
6.411115 0.299528 6.645975 6.346447
6.414855 0.279515 6.625979 6.346464
6.418529 0.259503 6.605984 6.346482
6.422157 0.23949 6.585989 6.346499
6.425759 0.219477 6.565995 6.346518
6.429355 0.199464 6.546 6.346536
6.432956 0.17945 6.526006 6.346555
6.43657 0.159437 6.506012 6.346575
6.440204 0.139423 6.486018 6.346595
6.443858 0.119409 6.466024 6.346616
6.447536 0.099394 6.446031 6.346637
6.451239 0.079379 6.426038 6.346659
6.454966 0.059364 6.406045 6.346681
6.458719 0.039349 6.386052 6.346703
6.462498 0.019333 6.36606 6.346727
6.466304 -0.000682 6.346068 6.34675
This worksheet provides output to test whether or not the program satisfies mass balance

years tons tons tons

time Mass In Mass Stored Mass Out Fractional Discrepancy Fractional Discrepancy = (Mass
0 yr 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
20 yr 1.06E+07 5.05E+06 5.56E+06 -2.11E-15 Mass balance is satisfied perfec
40 yr 2.12E+07 1.41E+07 7.12E+06 -3.95E-15
60 yr 3.18E+07 2.39E+07 7.90E+06 -1.17E-14
80 yr 4.24E+07 3.44E+07 8.03E+06 -1.52E-14
100 yr 5.30E+07 4.30E+07 1.00E+07 -1.81E-14
120 yr 6.36E+07 4.33E+07 2.04E+07 -1.94E-14
Fractional Discrepancy = (Mass In - Mass Stored - Mass Out)/(Mass In)

Mass balance is satisfied perfectly when Fractional Discrepancy = 0

Bed evolution (+ Water Surface at End of Run)



0 bed 0 yr
bed 20 yr
Elevation in m

-10 bed 40 yr
bed 60 yr
bed 80 yr
-30 bed 100 yr
bed 120 yr
-40 ws 120 yr


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

Distance in m
The cases given below are input parameters for cases that have been verified to execute correctly.

Qw 300 m3/s Qw 300 m3/s

If 1 If 1
B 60 m B 60 m
D50 0.35 mm D50 0.5 mm
D90 1 mm D90 1 mm
R 1.65 R 1.65
S 0.0002 S 0.0002

L 20000 m L 20000 m
Hslot 10 m Hslot 10 m
ru 0.3 ru 0.3
rd 0.6 rd 0.6
lp 0.4 lp 0.4
M 50 M 50
Dx 400 m Dx 400 m
Dt 0.005 year Dt 0.01 year
Mtoprint 400 Mtoprint 400
Mprint 6 Mprint 6
au 0.75 au 0.75
12 years 24 years
Qw 300 m3/s Qw 1500 m3/s Qw 1650
If 1 If 1 If 1
B 60 m B 275 m B 275
D50 0.35 mm D50 0.35 mm D50 0.35
D90 1 mm D90 1 mm D90 1
R 1.65 R 1.65 R 1.65
S 0.0002 S 0.0001 S 0.0001

L 20000 m L 20000 m L 10000

Hslot 30 m Hslot 30 m Hslot 55
ru 0.3 ru 0.5 ru 0.3
rd 0.6 rd 0.6 rd 0.45
lp 0.4 lp 0.4 lp 0.4
M 50 M 50 M 50
Dx 400 m Dx 400 m Dx 200
Dt 0.0025 year Dt 0.0025 year Dt 0.02
Mtoprint 400 Mtoprint 400 Mtoprint 200
Mprint 6 Mprint 6 Mprint 6
au 0.75 au 0.75 au 0.75
6 years 6 years 24
m3/s Qw 1650 m3/s Qw 1650 m3/s
If 0.3 If 0.3
m B 275 m B 275 m
mm D50 0.35 mm D50 0.35 mm
mm D90 1 mm D90 1 mm
R 1.65 R 1.65
S 0.0001 S 0.0001

m L 10000 m L 200000 m
m Hslot 55 m Hslot 10 m
ru 0.3 ru 0.3
rd 0.45 rd 0.45
lp 0.4 lp 0.4
M 50 M 200
m Dx 200 m Dx 1000 m
year Dt 0.1 year Dt 0.02 year
Mtoprint 200 Mtoprint 400
Mprint 6 Mprint 6
au 1 au 1
years 120 years 48 years

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