My Pitch p2

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• My first idea was to create a factual My Second idea is to create a music
programme on the history and evolution of video to the song ’Doorman’ by the UK
artist Slowthai. About the life of a
free running teenager gets bullied at school and one
day it gets too him too much and he has
a mental breakdown. Destroying every
belonging in his house such Tv’s, Mirror
and Tables.

I sent out a survey to my audience on social media to

find out how old they were, what gender and which
idea they preffered and why.

- Everyone who answered the survey agreed that the

music video would be a more enjoyable production
however they liked the idea of the documentary on
freerunning but decided it would only relate and
intrest a very specific audience

• I interviewed 3 male students and asked for their opinions on my idea.

• I started off by showing them the song and then explaining my idea, they enjoyed the concept however they wanted
to know what made the charcter switch, what made him go crazy and flip out?
• This is where I was a bit lost because I didn’t want anything cliché or predicatble to make the character turn insane.
• But one of the students I interviewed came up with the idea that I should have a scene before the music video
showing the teenager being bullied and running home to give the audience more context and understand why the
person is being like this
• They also said that this was a good idea because it’s a relatable feeling when we get angry or annoyed especially as
teenagers sometimes we want to flip out and smash things up so seeing someone do it is almost satisfying

• As a teenager and having friends that are also teenagers I see lots of feelings and
experiences that our age group goes through Some of which are:
• Depression
• Peer pressure
• Alcohol abuse
• Smoking
• Bullying
ASFF is BAFTA-Qualifying and takes place in York, UK. It is one of the
UK’s largest and most revered film events.

networking and pitching sessions with distributors such as Film4, BBC

Films and Lionsgate.

Previous guests include Dame Judi Dench, Paul Franklin and

Glenn Freemantle
as well as representatives from the likes of Aardman, BBC
Films, Film4, BBC Writers Room, Framestore, Industrial Light
& Magic, British Vogue and many more.


• Entries Open | 1 December 2020

- Early Bird Deadline | 31 December 2020
- Regular Deadline | 31 May 2021
- Late Deadline | 7 June 2021
- The Official Selection will be announced in September 2020
- The live edition of ASFF 2020 takes place in the York, UK from 2-7 November 2021
- Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Sunday 7 November 2021

-​ £25 submission fee
- Prize winner £5000 cash

• For the build up of the song I want to use a dolly zoom effect pushing into an extreme close up of the main
characters face.
• I want to use this to show the unstable mindset of the character but to also show how it feels like the world is
closing in on him.
• The dolly zoom is where you have a person or object centered in the frame and then pull out with he camera
at exactly the same time as you are zooming in to create that expanding background but still focus on the
object or character
• However I have never done this in a production before and it takes a lot of practise and precision to get right
as you need the right equipment to keep the camera stabalized ( dolly ) and you need to be abe to keep the
object or person in focus while pulling out.
• JME 96 f**kries was filmed all from a chest mount looking up at him just walking
through the city of London and through the woods
• It’s a very simple but effective shot it makes it feel much more personal and direct
• I want to use this shot type in the scene of when the character is running home away from
the bullies and showing his fear close up as if it’s a metaphor for him running away from
the problems in life and the audience experiencing it with the character
• I want to use a classic music video transition that has been used for decades where the song is
being played on a record player or through some speakers and transitions into the actual song
• However I got my inspiration from the music video good day by iann dior as it’s the same
concept but he puts on headphones instead
• I want to use this when the character gets home and puts his headphones on that’s when the
song begins
• I feel like this makes it more realistic for the audience and makes them feel apart of what's
going on

• Did you know 80% of YouTube and Instagram’s users are between the ages 13 – 20 years
• Which is exactly my target audience making it the perfect platform to post my music
video to the world to get as much attention as possible
• Every music video is posted on youtube nowadays
• Louis fonso’s ‘Despacito’ has 7.2 billion views
• Ed Sheeran ‘shape of you’ has 5 billion views

• Slowthai aka Tyron Frampton is a British rapper, born and raised in Northampton 1994.
• He rose to popularity in 2019 for his gritty and rough instrumentals and raw, politicaly
charged lyrics especially around Brexit and Theresa May’s tenure as prime minister
• His music has been categorised as grime punk and his sound has been said to be
influenced by artists such as Radiohead, Nirvana, Arctic Monkeys, Sex Pistols and Oasis
• The original music video to doorman is performance based but also following tyron on an
average night out in Northampton.

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