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05 Diffusion Coatings
J. R. Nicholls, K. A. Long, and N. J. Simms
Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK

ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

4.05.1 Introduction 2532

4.05.2 The Pack Cementation Process 2534 The Pack Aluminide Process 2534 Inward Growth Diffusion Coatings 2537 Outward Grown Diffusion Coatings 2538
4.05.3 Other Process Methods to Form Diffusion Coatings 2538 Slurry Cementation 2538 Fluidized Bed Techniques 2540 Metalliding 2541 Molten Salt Baths 2541 Gas and Vapor Phase Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes 2542
4.05.4 Modified Aluminide Coatings 2543 Platinum Aluminide Coatings and Bondcoats 2544 The Role of Impurities Introduced in Coating Manufacture 2546 Chromium- and Silicon-Modified Aluminides 2548 Reactive Element-Modified Aluminide Coatings 2549
4.05.5 Mitigating Substrate Alloy Interdiffusion Effects 2550 Smart Coating Concepts 2551
4.05.6 Summary and Conclusions 2552
References 2553

4.05.1 Introduction
APS Air plasma spray
Diffusion coating processes have been applied for
CVD Chemical vapour deposition
more than half a century as a cost-effective method
DBTT Ductile to brittle transition temperature
of improving the environmental resistance of a base
EB-PVD Electron beam physical vapour
alloy by enriching the surface in Al, Cr, Si, B, Ti, Zn,
etc. The choice of surfacing material to be used
FBR-CVD Fluidized bed reactor-chemical vapour
depends on the base alloy and the final application of
the component once surface-treated. For example, bolt
HTLA High temperature, low activity – referring to
stock are widely available zinc-coated using the sher-
Al activity in the CVD process
adizing process to resist atmospheric and aqueous cor-
HVOF High velocity oxy-fuel
rosion, while for high temperature applications, similar
LTHA Low temperature, high activity – referring to
bolt materials could be chromized, that is, surface-
Al activity in the CVD process
enriched in chromium to produce a stainless steel
MCFC Molten carbonate fuel cell
surface layer. Probably the most exotic of these is the
PVD Physical vapour deposition
current practice to plate turbine blades with 5–10 mm
TCP Topological close packed
of platinum, diffuse and then vapor-aluminize to pro-
TMF Thermo-mechanical fatigue
duce a platinum aluminide, a high temperature oxida-
VPS Vacuum plasma spray
tion-resistant coating that may be also used as a

Diffusion Coatings 2533

bondcoat for thermal barrier coatings for first-stage aerofoils.5–7 Aluminide diffusion coatings are now rou-
turbine blades in aero and industrial gas turbines. tinely applied to nickel-base superalloy blades and
Advanced applications include the surface engi- vanes used in the hot sections of gas turbines to
neering of materials and components for aerogas enhance their resistance to high temperature oxidation
turbines, industrial gas turbines, medium speed diesels, and hot corrosion. Plain aluminides have provided
automotive petrol engines, steam turbines, various cheap and cost-effective solutions to protect superalloy
power plant components, heat exchanges as well as components within the high-pressure turbine of both
catalytic reactors in chemical and petrochemical pro- aero and industrial gas turbines. As such, they are
cess plant. These illustrate the breadth of diffusion- probably the most widely used coatings in service
coating applications. within the gas-turbine industry. There was renewed
From a surface engineering perspective, the final interest in siliconizing and silicon-modified aluminide
selection of the most suitable surface treatments/ diffusion coatings for high temperature service in the
coatings must consider the following: early 1970s8–11 when novel solutions to the low-
temperature hot corrosion problems associated with
(i) the operating temperature, both of the compo-
contaminants in marine turbine plants burning impure
nent in service and the part/component during
fuels were required. This interest continues with devel-
coating manufacture and heat treatment;
opment of multifuel-capable plants that may be fired
(ii) the service environment, duty cycle, and load-
on gasified coal, biomass, or waste-derived fuels12 and
bearing capability of the treated components;
as coating methods to coat the internal cooling passages
(iii) the desired design life and the influence of the
of turbine blades.13,14
service temperature and duty cycle on long-term
These aluminizing, chromizing, and siliconizing
metallurgical stability, with respect to oxidation,
processes result in enhanced corrosion resistance
corrosion and interdiffusion with the substrate;
through the formation of protective thermally grown
(iv) ease of manufacture, reproducibility, and the
oxides of Al2O3, Cr2O3, and SiO2 as discussed else-
unit cost of the coating, compared to other
where in this book. It is also possible to produce diffu-
manufacturing routes that may involve more
sion coatings containing a combination of aluminum
costly corrosion-resistant alloys.
and chromium (chromaluminizing)15–26 or aluminum
Obviously, loss of surface protection (passivation) and silicon8–13 plus modified aluminides containing
can result in very high rates of attack to the sub- precious metals (Pt, Pd)6,27–34 or reactive elements (Y,
strate. In many cases, failure of a surface coating Hf and Zr).35–45 The performance of these modified
could make substrate attack worse, and may, on aluminide coatings will be discussed later in this
occasions, lead to catastrophic component failure. chapter.
Even when not catastrophic, it is bound to be costly Diffusion coatings can be applied to hot gas com-
as a result of unplanned outage, downtime, and loss ponents using a variety of techniques including pack
of production. Hence, the principal reason for cementation, slurry cementation, and metallizing.
applying a surface treatment of coating is to ensure Comprehensive reviews of the methods of deposition
that the coating is capable of operating efficiently of diffusion coatings are given in Goward et al.,5
throughout its design life. Diffusion coatings often Goward and Boone,6 Grisaffe,7 Streiff and Boone,30
are proven to be a cost-effective solution in this Meier and Pettit,31 Pichoir,46 Goward,47 Goward and
respect. Many diffusion-coating processes are so Cannon,48 Mevrel,49 Nicholls,50,51 and Pomeroy.52 All
well established that international standards exist diffusion coatings, whether depositing zinc vapor onto
for their manufacture: for example, ASTM B 874- steels (sheradizing) for aqueous/atmospheric corro-
96 (2008) ‘Standard specification for chromium dif- sion protection, or forming high temperature oxida-
fusion coating applied by pack cementation’1; tion-resistant nickel or platinum aluminides, are
ASTM B 875-96 (2008) ‘Standard specification formed as a result of two distinctly similar process
for aluminum diffusion coating applied by pack steps, no matter what the manufacturing method used.
cementation’2; and British Standard BS 4921 ‘zinc
deposition using the ‘‘sherardising’’ process.’3 1. The solute elements must be brought into contact with
Pack-chromizing was in widespread use in the early surface to be coated In the sheradizing process (zinc
1950s4 to increase the oxidation/corrosion resistance deposition), the vapor pressure of zinc within the
of low alloy steels. In the late 1960s, aluminizing was pack (it is a pack cementation-based process) is
first used for the protection of superalloy gas turbine sufficiently high that no vapor-phase activator is
2534 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

required; thus, zinc vapor generated in the pack coat turbine components since the mid-1960s.6,46–48
directly deposits onto the component surface, The coatings produced were based on the formation
ready for step 2, which is the ‘diffusion’ process. of nickel or cobalt aluminides and this class of coating
However, for most metallic systems, this is not the is still extensively used, probably satisfying some
case; instead, an intermediate step is required, 75–80% of the current world market, for protecting
which is the production of a vapor species with a turbine blades under aero, marine, and industrial
high solute metal content. This is most commonly turbine service.
achieved through the use of a halide salt, or salt In this process, the components to be coated are
mix, which may involve fluoride, chloride, or buried in a ‘pack,’ contained in a sealed retort. Figure 1
iodide species. Bromide species are almost never shows a schematic diagram of a typical retort used
used for health reasons, although thermodynami- to produce diffusion coatings, and Figure 2 shows a
cally there is no reason why they should not be photograph of the quarter-size commercial production
used. These halide additions are known as ‘halide facility at Cranfield University.
activators’ in the industry. The retort is heated to the desired processing tem-
2. The solute diffuses into the component surface Step 2 perature under either an inert gas or hydrogen atmo-
is a key stage in the manufacture of a diffusion sphere to prevent oxidation. The exact process cycle,
coating. This diffusion step forms the surface alloy time, and temperature are dependent on the required
or intermetallic compound. The process tempera- coating, coating thickness and the subsequent substrate
ture influences the rate of diffusion, which species heat treatment. The pack contains a donor alloy that
may diffuse and the metallurgy of the surface releases solute material at a known rate and hence
compound that may form and is, therefore, a criti- determines the pack activity, a halide activator that
cal parameter in the processing and manufacture dissociates during the process cycle and acts to trans-
of diffusion coatings. This aspect will be explained port the solute material from the pack to the compo-
in more detail using the ‘pack-aluminizing’ pro- nent to be coated and an inert oxide diluent to prevent
cess as a case study (see Section As well, pack sintering.
time at temperature defines the thickness of the Typical pack compositions used to produce a range
coating formed during this diffusion step. of metallic coatings are given in Table 2. Of these, the
three diffusion-coating processes that are most widely
Thus, the main differences between diffusion-coating
used are: ‘sheradizing’ to zinc-alloy coat many small
process routes reflect the method by which solute and
steel parts in a wide range of manufacturing sectors
substrate are brought into contact. The time at tem-
from the building industries, through domestic white
perature controls the degree of interdiffusion, estab-
goods to many automotive parts to impart corrosion
lishes the concentration gradients that will develop
resistance3; ‘chromizing’ which may be used to coat a
from the surface to the interior of the coating and
wide range of steel, stainless steel and nickel or cobalt-
defines the various layers that may form as dictated
based superalloys to impart improved corrosion resis-
by thermodynamic and kinetic considerations.
tance for temperatures up to and sometimes in excess
Table 1 summarizes the currently available
of 800  C1; and ‘aluminizing’ which is widely used in
diffusion-coating process routes, together with a
the aero and industrial gas turbine sector to develop
selection of elements that may be enriched into the
intermetallic surface layers that impart enhanced
substrate surface using these methods. Each of these
corrosion resistance, thermal stability and, for some
process routes will be briefly reviewed.
applications, wear-resistant properties. The pack alu-
minizing process will be used as an example. The
formation of aluminide coatings by pack cementation
4.05.2 The Pack Cementation has been extensively studied, and details of the process
Process and characteristics of the coating are well documented
in the literature.3,5,6,15–18,20–31,35–42,46–52
Pack cementation is still the traditional route used to
apply diffusion coatings, with standard procedures The Pack Aluminide Process
established for chromium,1 aluminum,2 and zinc
deposition.3 For example, within the gas turbine During the aluminizing process, material from the
industry, pack cementation was introduced into aero- pack is transferred to the component surface through
engine service in 195748 and has been widely used to the formation of intermediate volatile aluminum
Table 1 Diffusion coating process routes

Process route Process characteristics Diffusion coatings that may be produced on ferrous materials and superalloys

Al B C Cr Cu Mo N Nb Si Ta Ti V Zn

Pack cementation  Gas phase transport ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

# source material as a powder
# halide activator
# 700–1200  C
 Solid state diffusion ▪ ▪
# source material as a fine
# temperature below the alloy
melting point
# no activator
Slurry cementation  Spray or dip coat application ▪ ▪ ▪
# coating material, halide
activator and organic binder
prepared as a paint or slurry
# heat treated after coating
700–1200  C
Fluidized bed  Activated gas fluidization ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
methods # the halide activator is
incorporated in the
fluidizing gas
# the coating material is in the
fluidizing bed
# 500–1100  C
Molten salt bath  Direct thermochemical ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
processes processing
# 500–900  C
 Metallizing ▪ ▪ ▪
# an electrolytic process in

Diffusion Coatings
alkali fluoride solvents
# 500–1200  C
Gas or vapor phase  Over pack process ▪ ▪
processes # similar to pack process, but
components processed in
the gas above the pack
# 900–1200  C
 Vapor phase sources ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
# Halide vapor phase sources
generated in a separate

vapor generator
# 900–1200  C
2536 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

monohalide gas, and as such the coating process is alloy results in the formation of the intermetallic coat-
probably more accurately described as a chemical ing, primarily NiAl, CoAl, FeAl, or TiAl depending on
vapor deposition (CVD) process. Interdiffusion bet- the alloy base, but containing, to a degree, most of the
ween the depositing aluminum and the substrate elements present in the base alloy, either in solution or
as dispersed phases.
Over-pack The CVD aluminizing process is best illustrated
specimen and described by the schematic in Figure 3, which
describes the various chemistries involved during alu-
minum deposition and the formation of a nickel alu-
minide coating from an aluminizing pack. The
Vapor processes involved in diffusion coating are complicated
even when only nickel and aluminum are considered,
as illustrated schematically in Figure 3. This behavior
Retort/boat Pack reflects the thermodynamic stability of the various
phases in the nickel–aluminum binary system; the
Specimens range of compositions for which each nickel aluminide
phase is stable (which varies with process temperature);
Figure 1 Schematic of a pack cementation facility.
and the dominant diffusion processes in the newly
(near surface) formed alloy due to the interdiffusion
CVD hot wall chamber processes (which also depends on alloy composition).
Furnace raised position The deposition rate and morphology of the coat-
lowered position
ing depend on pack activity, process time and tem-
perature. Table 3 presents two pack compositions
used in research at Cranfield to produce nickel alu-
minide coatings described in this section and illu-
strated in Figures 4 and 5. Coatings are classified as
either ‘high activity,’ when inward diffusion of alumi-
num occurs or ‘low activity,’ when outward diffusion
of nickel occurs. Thus the first pack composition in
Table 3, with a higher aluminum content, is used at
lower temperatures, 700–950  C. This forms ‘low-
temperature high-activity (LTHA)’ nickel aluminide
Pack cementation retort coatings. (See Figure 4 for a sample micrograph of
this coating produced on the nickel-based superalloy
CMSX4.) For this case, a surface layer of Ni2Al3
forms and a further heat treatment is required to
Figure 2 Pack cementation facility at Cranfield University: convert this brittle surface layer to NiAl. This step
this is quarter size of an industrial production facility. is usually combined with the heat treatment required

Table 2 Typical compositions and deposition temperatures for halide activated pack cementation

Coating Pack composition Deposition temperature

(wt%) ( C)

Al 1.2–2.7% Al, 0.8–1.2% NaF, bal. Al2O3 900

B 80% B, 16% Na2B4O7, 4KBF4 900
Cr 48%Cr, 48% Al2O3, 4NH4Cl 850–1050
Cu 50% CuO, 50% NH4Cl –
Mo 75% Mo, 6% Mg, 18% TiO2, 1% NH4Cl –
Nb NbFe, Al2O3, NH4Cl 1000–1100
Ti 77% Ti, 20% TiO2, 3% NH4Cl –
V 40–50% FeV, 2% NH4Cl bal. Al2O3 900–1200
Zn 37.5% Zn, 43.5% ZnCl2, 19% KCl 300–350
Diffusion Coatings 2537

Component Gas phase Pack

outward diffusion of Ni
3AlCl + 2Ni → 2NiAl + AlCl3 NH4Cl → NH3 + HCl
6HCl +2Al → 3AlCl3 + 3H2
(LTHA) AlCl3 + 2Al → 3AlCl
inward diffusion of Al
3AlCl + 4NiAl → 2Ni2Al3 + AlCl3 AlCl3

Figure 3 Schematic illustration of the chemistry involved in the ‘pack aluminizing’ process.

Table 3 Example aluminide pack compositions

Pack Constituent Low-temperature high-activity (LTHA) pack High temperature low-activity

(HTLA) pack

Process temperature 700–950  C 950–1100  C

Aluminum flake: (to BS 388)40 1.7–2.7 wt% 1.2–1.5 wt%
NaF 0.8–1.2 wt% 0.8–1.2 wt%
KHF 0.05–0.15 wt% 0.05–0.15 wt%
NH4Cl 0.1–0.2 wt% 0.1–0.2 wt%
AlF3 Trace Trace
Alumina Balance Balance
Uncombined water <0.3 wt% <0.3 wt%

to recover substrate properties. This coating was Inward Growth Diffusion Coatings
deposited using an aluminiding pack containing 2%
When the aluminizing process parameters are chosen
Al at 900  C, and was heat-treated for 2 h at 1120  C
such that the aluminum activity at the component
and then for 24 h at 845  C. Figure 5 illustrates,
surface is high, then reaction between the nickel-
similarly, a nickel aluminide coating produced using
based superalloy (g-Ni þ g0 -Ni3Al matrix) and
a high temperature low-activity (HTLA) process.
the depositing aluminum forms a surface layer of
The HTLA process results in the outward diffusion
d-Ni2Al3, over a subsurface layer of b-NiAl. This
of nickel from the superalloy to react with the
reaction is evident in the simple Ni–Al binary
depositing aluminum to form a monophase b-NiAl
phase diagram, for process temperatures between
intermetallic surface layer. The pack composition
854 and 1133  C (Figure 6), but may be further
(Table 3) used to deposit this coating has a lower
complicated by the addition of tertiary and quater-
aluminum content but is processed at high tempera-
nary elements which may modify the equilibrium
tures, 950–1100  C.
phase structures.
From this simple illustration, it is clear that the
In d-Ni2Al3, the diffusivity of nickel is near zero
properties and performance of an aluminide coating
when compared to aluminum, which diffuses rapidly
(or for that matter any diffusion coating) will depend
( Janseen and Rieck measured this diffusion rate as
upon the process methodology used, the substrate
1.8  108 cm2 s1 at 600  C)53; thus, the formation
temperature and the subsequent heat treatment. For
of a surface layer of d-Ni2Al3 ensures that the coat-
aluminide coating (also modified aluminizing coatings
ing growth results from the inward diffusion of
such as platinum aluminides, see Section,
aluminum. Phase equilibria require that beneath
the critical difference in the processes reflects
this layer b-NiAl is formed to accommodate the
whether the coating is formed by inward aluminum
aluminum flux. This b-NiAl phase can react further
diffusion, that is, inward grown diffusion coatings,
with the inward diffusing aluminum to form more
or outward nickel diffusion, that is, outward grown
diffusion coatings.
2538 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

(b-NiAl has a wide solubility range for nickel and

aluminum, from 46 to 74 at% Ni, 36 to 54 at% Al
measured at 1100  C). Outward Grown Diffusion

When the aluminizing process parameters are
selected such that the aluminum activity at the com-
ponent surface is low (low aluminum content in the
pack, high process temperatures), then aluminum is
deposited on the surface, but at a reduced rate, and
nickel simultaneously diffuses outward to the surface.
A b-NiAl surface layer now forms. For stoichiometric
50 mm and substoichiometric NiAl (Al contents less than
51 at%),55 the diffusivity of nickel in b-NiAl is
Figure 4 A nickel aluminide diffusion coating produced
using a low-temperature high-activity (LTHA) pack much higher than that of aluminum. Figure 7 pre-
cementation process. sents the variation in nickel to aluminum diffusivity
at 1100  C as a function of the aluminum content of
the b-NiAl phase.55 Thus, this rapid nickel diffusion
to the surface, coupled with the low aluminum activ-
ity at the surface, effectively holds the surface alumi-
num content at 51 at%. Hence, HTLA coatings are
near-stochiometric at the surface and nickel-rich
within the subsurface b-NiAl phase that has formed.
This structure ensures outward nickel transport and
the outward growth of the coating microstructure.
Another important outcome of this outward diffusion
process is that slowly diffusing elements from the sub-
strate are unable to diffuse to form significant concen-
tration levels in the outwardly growing b-NiAl. The
Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD Exp 50 μm outer zone of this coating therefore appears much
20.0 kV 4.0 483x BSE 9.8 1 0.5 Torr
‘cleaner’ and is free from such precipitates as observed
in the inwardly grown, aluminum-rich coating formed
Figure 5 A nickel aluminide diffusion coating produced
at lower temperatures and higher aluminum activities.
using a high temperature low-activity (HTLA) pack
cementation process.
4.05.3 Other Process Methods to
Form Diffusion Coatings
2NiAl þ Al ! Ni2 Al3 Slurry Cementation
As a consequence of this inward growth process, slowly
diffusing alloying elements within the substrate can be Slurry-based diffusion coatings are commercially
entrapped in the inwardly growing aluminide coating. available, offering similar chemistries to those found
Thus, a high-activity aluminide coating contains pre- in conventional pack cementation aluminide coat-
cipitates that are rich in W, Mo, Ta, Re, and Cr within ings. In slurry cementation, the coating materials
the b-NiAl phase. and halide activator are blended as a slurry or
After aluminizing, the coated material is given a particle-loaded paint system, using either an organic
high temperature heat treatment (usually linked to binder or a water-based emulsion. The slurry/paint
the heat treatment necessary to recover the base system can be applied to the part to be coated
alloys’ mechanical properties). During this heat treat- through dipping or spraying at or near room temper-
ment, nickel is able to diffuse outward from the ature. The slurry spray is then cured onto the part
substrate, which results in the transformation of the through a low-temperature thermal treatment, typi-
brittle d-Ni2Al3 phase into an aluminum-rich b-NiAl cally around 200  C. The cured pre-diffusion coating
Diffusion Coatings 2539

Nickel (at%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

1638 ⬚C
1600 L

1455 ⬚C

Temperature (⬚C)

1133 ⬚C


854 ⬚C
~700 ⬚C
639.9 ⬚C


(Al) Al3Ni5 AlNi3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Al Nickel (wt%) Ni

Figure 6 The Ni–Al binary phase diagram. Reproduced from Singleton, M. F.; Murray, J. L.; Nash, P. In Binary Alloy
Phase Diagrams; Massalski, T. B., Ed.; ASM Materials Park: OH, 1990; Vol. 1, p 142.54

may contain only aluminum, aluminum þ chromium,

Cδ = 37.8 at %Al, Cβ =37.4 at % Al, showed pack pick up
43.0 39.0 aluminum þ silicon, or aluminum þ chromium þ
42.0 39.0
silicon, depending on the final service conditions
50.3 45.5 No pack pick up
51.5 45.5 envisaged. After this overlay of binder, activator and
51.5 47.2
53.0 39.0 reactive metals has been built up, the aluminum,
51.2 45.5
2.0 silicon and other additions are diffused into the sub-
5.0 strate by heating the precoated parts in a furnace at
temperatures between 650 and 1100  C depending on
the substrate to be coated and its final application.
ln DNi /DAl


0.5 The temperature is chosen such that the coating
0 1.0
material contained in the slurry reacts and interdif-
fuses with the substrate to form the final intermetallic
0.5 coating. Reaction temperatures and the reaction che-
–1.0 mistries are similar to those for pack cementation for
halide-activated slurry systems. For systems not
involving halide activation, diffusion occurs through
0.1 direct contact between the molten aluminum or
aluminum-silicon particles in the precured cement
36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
and the substrate to be coated.
Composition at marker plane (at, % Al) Sermatech was an early protagonist of this form of
Figure 7 Variation of DNi/DAl with composition in b-NiAl at
coating, with SermaLoy J (Figure 8) – one of the first
1100  C. Reproduced from Shanker, S.; Siegle, L. L. Met. widely adopted slurry aluminide coatings – providing
Trans. 1978, 9A, 1467. outstanding resistance to type II hot corrosion.56–58
2540 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

Fluidized masteralloy
powder Furnace
(Al, Cr, Si...)


Ar, H 2, HCl

Figure 9 Schematic of a fluidized bed chemical vapor

deposition system.
20 ␮m 20 KV 00 074 R

Figure 8 Micrograph of SermaLoy J.

excellent mixing and dispersion within the bed, effi-
cient heat and mass exchange is ensured, giving
This slurry aluminide coating forms a silicon-enriched
uniform coatings on complex-shaped parts.63–65
outer layer containing Cr2Si phases in b-NiAl, and
This allows uniform aluminide coatings to be pro-
provides oxidation and corrosion protection up to
duced on ferritic steels in relatively short times at
1000  C.56–58 Later, as engine technologies advanced
temperatures below 700  C.66,67 For FBR-CVD, the
and directional solidified or single-crystal alloys were
fluidized bed (Figure 9) consists of a mixture of the
more widely adopted, less chromium was available
material to be deposited and an inert diluent, which
within the alloy to form CrSi2 (a critical phase within
forms the bulk of the fluidized bed and is most often
SermaLoy J)56; thus, joint research between Sermatech
alumina or silica. The halide activator is carried in
and Rolls Royce led to the development of SermaLoy
vapor form by the fluidizing gas and is introduced into
1515,59 a multilayered structure slurry aluminide coat-
the fluidizing gas usually from a separate vapor gener-
ing containing bands of CrSi2. This variant is capable of
ator or directly as HCl gas. This latter process is
providing hot corrosion protection to low-chromium-
widely used in laboratory-scale systems by fluidizing
containing single-crystal alloys.58,59 Other variants of
the bed in a once-through cycle with HCl in the
the slurry aluminide process are now available com-
fluidizing gas.66,68 In more commercial-size plants,
mercially, including IP1041 developed by Indestructi-
the fluidizing gas is recirculated and the level of HCl
ble Paints in the UK, and Ceral 10 by BWD Turbines
to H2 in the feed gas adjusted to control the generation
Ltd. The latter uses a water-based slurry process to
of the precursor vapor species. Also, when a vapor
deposit the prediffused overlay coating prior to heat
generator is used, it is possible to control the chemical
treatment and reaction to form the Si-containing alu-
activity of the active vapor supply to the fluidized bed
minide coating. Most recently, slurry aluminide coat-
ing methods have been researched as a potential
Components to be coated can be hung in the
method for providing oxidation protection of Fe–Cr
fluidized bed or supported on custom-designed fix-
ferritic steels for steam power plants,60–62 where the
tures, depending on their size. The chemistries in
ability to form an iron aluminum oxidation-resistant
FBR-CVD has been extensively studied60–68 and is
coating at temperatures as low as 650  C, coupled with
similar to the LTHA aluminizing process of the pack
the capability to coat large steam turbine components
cementation method, when aluminum powder is part
at reasonable costs, makes the process commercially
of the fluidized bed medium. The primary differ-
ences are that the halide vapors are flowing, rather
than diffusing, and that the carrier particle density is Fluidized Bed Techniques
much lower in the fluidized bed than in the pack.
Fluidized bed reactor-chemical vapor deposition Specifically, the gas flow rate must be greater than
(FBR-CVD) offers a cross between pack cementation the minimum fluidization velocity; for a small labo-
and CVD processes. In addition, because of the ratory experimental system, this would require argon
Diffusion Coatings 2541

gas flow rates between 0.35 and 1.1 l min1, with The metalliding process was patented by N.C. Cook
the fluidizing gas containing 5–30 vol% H2 and in the 1960s,79,80 then at General Electric, to manu-
0.5–3 vol% HCl.66,68 Given a reactor tube diameter facture alloy and intermetallic coatings. Although
of 3.5 cm in this laboratory scale system,66 this process temperatures between 500 and 1200  C are
equates to a linear fluidization velocity between 0.6 quoted, it is now acknowledged that many of the
and 2.0 cm s1 when the fluidized bed has a height of surface layers that are formed are thin unless pro-
3 cm. Scaling to large fluidizing vessel sizes, there- cessed above 800  C.73 The process consists of a gal-
fore, requires high gas flows; for example, for a once- vanic cell where the anode is the reactive metal to be
through cycle, a 35-cm-diameter bed would require deposited and the cathode is the component to be
gas flows in excess of 100 l min1. Thus, large quan- coated.79–81 Three modes of coating manufacture
tities of activator (HCl) and reactive gas (AlCl3 in the are now cited81:
case of aluminizing) would be lost to the scrubbing
1. Electrodeposition of a pure reactive metal onto
system. For these reasons, commercial fluidized bed
the cathode, followed by interdiffusion of the
systems use recirculating fluidizing gases, but this
metallic layers to form the alloy or intermetallic
requires that the pumps, pipework and flow control
equipment are designed for HCl service.
2. Metalliding, using a galvanic cell, as originally
However, the benefits are that the use of a flui-
proposed by Cook.79,80 In this metalliding process,
dized bed reactor for CVD deposition offers rapid
interdiffusion occurs alongside the electrodeposi-
and uniform heating of parts to be coated and good
tion to form the alloy or intermetallic coating.
long-term stability (typically  0.5% variation in bed
3. Thus, mode 1 can be used to deposit a surface
temperature, even when the bed is 15 m in diameter).
coating from a molten salt in the temperature
These properties reflect the high heat and mass
range 500–800  C, which is subsequently diffused
transport rates reported for fluidized bed systems,63,64
at higher temperatures or for longer times at the
improved process flexibility, lower capital and
deposition temperature, whereas mode 2, the orig-
operating costs, precise process control, better envi-
inal patented metalliding process, requires higher
ronmental control, and the ability to automate the
process temperatures, in excess of 800  C.
coating process.67 Thus, in addition to aluminizing,
4. The third mode is similar to mode 1 but involves
fluidized bed systems have been proposed for chro-
deposition of the coating at the ‘under potential’
mizing, boronizing, nitriding, and carburizing.68–72
for the alloy formation, following some interdiffu-
sion process.81 Metalliding
In general, the purity of the fluoride solvents must be
Metalliding uses molten alkali and alkaline-earth fluor- very high if a good and reproducible diffusion coat-
ides as solvents for the electrolytic deposition of diffu- ing is to be formed. Any impurity cations in the melt
sion coatings. This process is well documented for the will be codeposited.
formation of alloy and intermetallic coatings following Since metalliding reagents are electrochemically
high temperature electrolysis in these molten salts.73–78 more reactive than the components to be coated, each
The process is usually carried out at temperatures in the coating material can only be deposited onto a spe-
range 500–1200  C in metallic vessels under inert gas, cific group of metals to produce diffusion coatings.
principally argon. The metalliding process is a specific The more active the metal, the larger the scope of
method to deposit highly reactive metals that cannot be metallic substrates that can be coated. The most
normally plated from aqueous solutions. Thus, alumi- useful metalliding reactions include boriding, alumi-
num, various refractory metals, the actinides, and niding, siliciding, titaniding, chromiding, zirconiding,
many rare-earth metals can be deposited using the and most recently the deposition of niobium and
metalliding process. This capability to deposit refrac- tantalum intermetallic coatings ‘niobiding’ and ‘tan-
tory metals means that the metalliding process pro- taliding’ for the niche metal carbonate fuel cell
vides a coating route for niche-market applications. It markets.73,76
has been used to manufacture protective refractory
metal carbide coatings to protect components in con- Molten Salt Baths
tact with nuclear fuel73 and to manufacture protective
coatings for nickel cathodes (Ni3Nb) for use in molten Molten salt baths have been widely used for the
carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs).76 direct thermochemical formation of diffusion coatings.
2542 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

The formation of chromized coatings for corrosion In the corrosion field, especially high temperature
protection and chromized, carburized, carbo-nitrided, oxidation and corrosion, chromizing and aluminizing
nitrided, and borided diffusion coatings for wear pro- are the most widely applied CVD coatings. Although,
tection are classic commercial examples of this form pack cementation (Section 4.05.2) is probably the
of diffusion coating manufacture. most versatile and easiest-to-install small-batch pro-
In this process, components are treated in a bath cess, the better process control of CVD – particularly
containing a molten salt of the species to be depos- the ability to codeposit metals and add small reactive
ited, which is then diffused into the component sur- element additions (see Section – has seen
face. For example, a mixture of chromous and an increased use of CVD and vapor phase coating
chromic chlorides is used to form a ‘chromized’ dif- routes to deposit high temperature corrosion-resis-
fusion coating. tant coatings. A further advantage of these purely gas
Sodium and potassium cyanides are used in the phase processes is the ability to coat internal cooling
salt baths for carburizing, carbonitriding, and nitrid- passages of the gas turbine blades, by directly feeding
ing. At a given temperature, the percentage of sodium the vapor species into the existing cooling passages
or potassium cyanate generated in the bath deter- cast into the turbine blades.13,14,43,44 Pressure ‘pulse
mines whether a carburized or nitrided surface is aluminizing’82 can also be used to aid vapor transport
produced. For low cyanate and high cyanide concen- into these narrow internal cooling passages.
trations, carburization of the component surface
occurs. At cyanate concentration around 10% and (a) The out-of-pack or over-pack process operates in a
for temperatures between 750 and 900  C, mixed manner very similar to pack cementation, except
carbonitride surface coatings are produced. Increas- that the parts to be coated are suspended either
ing the cyanate concentration to around 25% at above the pack or downstream from the pack
temperatures between 500 and 750  C results in the (vapor generating) retort. The coating vapors
formation of a nitride-rich surface layer (all salt bath (AlCl and AlCl3, if aluminizing, depending on
nitriding processes produce iron carbides as well as temperature and aluminum activity) are trans-
iron nitrides). ported to the parts to be coated by an inert carrier
Thermochemical liquid-phase boriding processes gas. This approach results in a much cleaner coat-
are based on molten borax to which reducing agents ing, with no entrapped bed particles, but because
such as ferroboron or boron carbide are added. of the longer path lengths for vapor transport, out-
of-pack processes favor a low activity-type pro-
cess, with outward coating growth and reduced Gas and Vapor Phase Chemical
coating deposition rates and thus longer proces-
Vapor Deposition Processes
sing times at any given temperature.
Gas and vapor phase processes offer the most diverse Figure 10, illustrates the modified retort used
range of diffusion/chemical conversion coatings. The at Cranfield University to provide vapor phase
largest volume production of coatings based on gas coating deposition using an over-source deposi-
and vapor phase CVD is used to combat wear. Pyro- tion process. The process is entirely vapor phase
lysis of hydrocarbon gases, such as methane and pro- using a process very similar to the Snecma vapor
pane, is used to carburize metal components. This phase aluminizing process.83 No longer is a pow-
method is generally cheaper to operate and more der pack required as a vapor source; instead, the
widely used for high-volume production than any source material is a crushed Cr–Al intermetallic
other method aimed at producing a carburized sur- alloy, which plays two roles: it lowers the alu-
face treatment. The addition of ammonia to the minum activity creating a low-activity, outwardly
hydrocarbon gas results in the formation of carbon grown aluminide coating, but does not melt at the
nitride coatings; while pyrolysis of ammonia at tem- desired processing temperatures. This means that
peratures between 500 and 525  C produces a it is no longer necessary to blend pack composi-
nitrided surface. tion, and activation of the process only requires
Chromized, boronized, siliconized, and alumi- addition of the halide activator salt. Figure 11
nized diffusion coatings can also be produced by illustrates a micrograph of the nickel aluminide
vapor decompositions but not generally at the com- coating produced using this vapor phase route,
mercial scale used for carburized and nitrided surface using NaF as the activator and a deposition tem-
treatments. perature of 1050  C.
Diffusion Coatings 2543

Cranfield vapor
aluminizing equipment


Cr–44Al granules &

AlF3/NH4F activator

Gas supply

Figure 10 Modified retort to permit vapor phase aluminizing using an ‘over-source’ process.

Top coat

β-PtNiAl high
temperature low activity
diffusion coating


Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 20μm

20.0 kV 4.0 800X BSE 6.0

Figure 11 Micrograph of a nickel aluminide coating produced by the Cranfield vapor aluminizing process at a deposition
temperature of 1050  C.

(b) Gas phase chemical vapor deposition process and modifying coating compositions through
reaction gases are metered into the reaction codeposition, the ability to use a number of sepa-
vessel from external sources, see Figure 12. rated, controllable vapor sources permits more
Thus, the aluminum halide source gas is generated repeatable and reliable manufacture of the more
in an external vaporizer prior to being introduced complex coating formulations. Recent patents by
into the reaction chamber. This enables better Howmet have identified this approach as a method
control over the reaction, since temperature, pres- to ensure cleaner ‘diffusion coatings.’84,85
sure, chemical activity and the flow path of the
active gas can all be controlled independently.
Further, separate vapor sources can be used for 4.05.4 Modified Aluminide Coatings
the external and internal aerofoil vapor circuits,
permitting the outer gas-washed surface and the From the foregoing, it is clear that the properties of
internal cooling passages to be coated with differ- an aluminum coating (or for that matter any diffusion
ent compositions/thicknesses. With recent interest coating) depend on the process methodologies used
in adding active elements (see Section to deposit the coating, the substrate composition,
2544 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings


Carrier gas To
Internal Retort exhaust



flow Pump

Figure 12 Schematic diagram of Howmet’s vapor aluminizing process using gas phase CVD. Reproduced from
Warnes, B. M.; Punola, D. C. Surf. Coat. Technol. 1997, 94–95, 1–6.

and the subsequent heat treatment. Thus, coatings 4. deposition of a metallic layer, using electroplating
produced by ‘pack cementation,’ ‘out-of-pack’ pro- or PVD (physical vapor deposition) techniques, prior
cesses or ‘chemical vapor deposition’ will all differ in to aluminizing, for example, a platinum-aluminide
performance as discussed later in Section coating produced by depositing platinum onto the
Similarly, a ‘pack aluminide’ coating whether a simple superalloy prior to the aluminizing treatment.
aluminide or modified aluminide on IN100,83,86,87
Alloy additions may include chromium,15–26,92–97
IN738,84,88–91 IN792,34 CMSX4,31–34,52 AM1,83 Rene
silicon,8–13,56–58 platinum,6,27–34,50,93,100–113 and, most
80,31 or PWA 148031 would all be expected to behave
recently, various reactive element additions, includ-
differently. Typically, a ‘high activity’ pack aluminide
ing Hf, Zr, Ce, and Y.35–45 Probably the most signifi-
coating (e.g., PWA73) would be 50 mm thick (65 mm
cant advance in this area was the development of the
including the interdiffusion zone), with an aluminum
platinum-modified aluminum class of coating. The
content in excess of 30 wt% in the near-surface
first commercial coating in this class was designated
region of the diffusion coating.33,34 Such pack alumi-
LDC-2 and was produced by electrodepositing a thin
nide coatings offer satisfactory performance for many
layer of Pt, followed by a pack-aluminizing treatment
aviation, industrial and marine applications and pro-
at 1100  C.84 Since 1970, this process has been
vide satisfactory performance at relatively low cost. It
licensed to many manufacturers who produce their
is a mature technology first patented in 1961 and in
own variants of this basic coating design, see Figures
wide service for protecting turbine blades and vanes
14–16 for examples. Platinum aluminide coatings
since 1970 (as cited by Goward48 while reviewing the
have much improved high temperature performance
historical perspective of high temperature coatings).
over diffusion aluminides. Although typically 2–3
However, at temperatures above 1050  C, especially
times costlier than a conventional pack aluminide
under cyclic conditions, or under severe hot corro-
coating, they may last up to 3 times longer, depending
sion, these simple aluminide coatings offer limited
on the service environment and duty cycle. Much of
protection. Thus, from the 1970s onwards, develop-
this most recent work results from the recognition in
ments in diffusion coating technologies included
the 1990s that platinum-modified aluminide coatings
modification of the aluminide coatings.
develop stable alumina scales and hence perform as a
Modified aluminides have been fabricated using
useful bondcoat for EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings
one of the following techniques:
(see Section
1. codeposition of elements from the same pack;
2. codeposition from two separate vapor sources (gen- Platinum Aluminide Coatings and
erated using the over-pack process or by CVD);
3. pretreatment of the superalloy before pack-
aluminizing (or vapor phase aluminizing), for Most commercial platinum aluminide coatings are
example, chromizing a part prior to aluminum; manufactured by first electroplating typically 5–7 mm
Diffusion Coatings 2545

of platinum onto the component surface, and then platinum aluminum coatings, and will be discussed
heat-treating the platinum-plated component to dif- in more detail in Section on the role the
fuse the platinum into the nickel-based superalloy coating process has on introducing impurities into
surface, prior to aluminizing. The quantity of plati- the coating). Depending on the initial Pt thickness,
num varies from one manufacturer to another, with its diffusion heat treatment and the mode of alumi-
between 2 and 10 mm in common usage. There is a nizing, together with aluminizing parameters, a range
commercial drive to reduce the platinum thickness to of microstructures can be produced. The four most
produce platinum-lean platinum aluminides with the widely found structures are illustrated schematically
performance enhanced by adding various reactive in Figure 13. Thus the platinum aluminide coating
elements114 (see Section Equally, platinum can be single-phase (b-PtNiAl) platinum aluminide,
need not be electroplated, and in a drive to develop for example, MDC150, MDC150L, or CN91 (see
‘clean’ coating methods, alternative routes involving Figure 14 for example), or a two-phase platinum
the PVD (physical vapor deposition) of platinum aluminide, classified into one of three microstructures:
have been investigated, although electroplating an outer zone consisting of a two-phase b-PtNiAl þ
methods are still the most widely used in industry. PtAl2 over an inner b-phase NiPtAl layer (an RT22
Both high-activity and low-activity aluminizing type), an outer zone of PtAl2 over an NiPtAl b phase
may be used following platinum plating and its and a structure that is a mix of both these morpholo-
partial diffusion into the component surface. Thus, gies, consisting on an outer PtAl2 layer, a middle zone
platinum aluminide coatings have been produced of PtAl2 þ b PtNiAl, and an inner layer of b-NiPtAl.
commercially using pack cementation, out-of-pack Figure 15 illustrates the single phase b-PtNiAl
or over-pack processes and gas phase CVD (Warnes microstructure manufactured using the coating facil-
and Punola84 provides a comparison of pack cemen- ities at Cranfield to produce a microstructure similar
tation and gas phases CVD for the production of to CN91. The coating was produced by PVD

Surface Surface

β-NiAl(Pt) β-NiAl(Pt) + PtAl2

β-NiAl β-NiAl

Interdiffusion zone Interdiffusion zone

Substrate Substrate

Surface Surface
PtAl2 PtAl2
β-NiAl(Pt) + PtAl2


Interdiffusion zone Interdiffusion zone

Substrate Substrate

Figure 13 Schematic microstructures of platinum-modified diffusion coatings.

2546 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD Exp 20 μm

20.0 kV 4.0 1000x BSE 10.0 1 0.8 Torr Ref 95-BmA-1

Figure 14 Micrograph of MDC150L platinum aluminide coating, produced by a gas-phase CVD process.

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 50 μm

20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 10.1 0.6 Torr
Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 50 μm
20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE10.5 0.6 Torr
Figure 16 Two-phase platinum aluminide coating
(RT22 type).
Figure 15 Single-phase platinum aluminide coating
(CN91 type).
consumption by interdiffusion, oxidation, and the
deposition of platinum to a thickness of 7 mm, heat- formation of various TCP precipitate phases contain-
treated, then over-pack aluminized at 1080  C using a ing refractory metals that have diffused into the plat-
HTLA process. inum aluminide coating from the substrate.
Figure 16 illustrates a two-phase PtAl2 þ
b-PtNiAl microstructure manufactured at Cranfield. The Role of Impurities Introduced
The platinum layer was again 7 mm by PVD and heat-
in Coating Manufacture
treated, but the aluminizing treatment was a high-
activity pack aluminizing process at 970  C. As discussed above, the way the coating is made as
During service at elevated temperatures (above well as its final microstructure and composition can
850  C), the microstructure of the coating contin- have a major influence on its performance and life-
uously evolves with time and temperature. The time. With the aim of increasing oxidation life, How-
effect of ageing up to 4000 h at 1000  C and met84 undertook a research program on the role of
1050  C on the microstructure of RT22 is illustrated tramp impurities, introduced through the manufac-
in Figure 17, which demonstrates the effect of turing process, on the cyclic oxidation lifetime of
platinum diffusion into the substrate: aluminum platinum aluminide coatings.
Diffusion Coatings 2547

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 50 μm Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 50 μm

20.0 kV 5.2 500x BSE 10.0 1.0 Torr 20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 9.8 1.0 Torr

RT22 – 1000 ⬚C, 1000 h RT22 – 1050 ⬚C, 1000 h

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 50 μm Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD Exp 50 μm

20.0 kV 5.2 500x BSE 10.0 1.0 Torr 20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 10.8 1 0.6 Torr

RT22 – 1000 ⬚C, 2000 h RT22 – 1050 ⬚C, 2000 h

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 50 μm Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD Exp 50 μm

20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 10.0 0.6 Torr 20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 9.9 1 0.7 Torr

RT22 – 1000 ⬚C, 4000 h RT22 – 1050 ⬚C, 4000 h

Figure 17 Influence of long-term exposure on the microstructured degradation of the platinum aluminide coating
RT22 at 1000  C and 1050  C.

This research investigated three alternative routes gas phase, and external AlCl3 vapor source used
to manufacture a platinum aluminide coating depos- to manufacture the MDC-150 coating.
ited onto an IN738 nickel-based superalloy substrate.
A common platinum plating method was used for all Four tramp impurity levels were studied: B, P, S, and
three platinum aluminides with difference only in the W. Three of these perceived harmful impurities come
method of undertaking the aluminizing process. The from the IN738 substrate alloy, namely B, S, and W,
processes were: while the fourth (P) comes from the electroplating of
platinum. Table 4 illustrates the chemical analysis
(a) LDC2E: a high aluminum activity pack cementation results.84
process, resulting in inward aluminum diffusion. The four elements were selected because they
(b) MDC-150: a high aluminum activity, gas phase could be introduced into the coating from three
CVD process. An inwardly grown aluminide potential sources:
coating activated by AlCl3 generated external to
the CVD retort. (a) the superalloy substate: W, S, P, and B;
(c) MDC-150L: a low-activity aluminide coating (b) the platinum plating process: P;
formed by outward nickel diffusion using the (c) the aluminizing process: S and B.
2548 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

Table 4 Bulk chemical analysis of coated IN738 foils

Element As platinum plated LDC2E coated MDC 150 coated MDC 150L coated

B 120 140 150 50

P 450 440 390 140
S 6 7 8 5
W 23 900 23 000 5700 1300

All concentrations are in parts per million by weight (ppm).

Source: Warnes, B. M.; Punola, D. C. Surf. Coat. Technol. 1997, 94–95, 1–6.

Bulk chemical analysis of the coated foils reveals A very important conclusion from this study is
some interesting results. First, the ‘low activity’ that minor tramp element contaminants can influ-
CVD aluminizing process is able to ‘clean up’ the ence the oxidation cyclic life, with higher contami-
coating with respect to these tramp additions, reduc- nant levels lowering the life. Even more important is
ing significantly the level of each tramp element the fact that the choice of processing route can influ-
addition. Second, the high-activity aluminide pro- ence the level of tramp contaminants in the coating
cesses increase the level of B and S in the coating and that through a correct choice of processing it is
over that of the ‘as-plated’ condition. For the pack possible to ‘clean up’ the coating, thereby, giving
aluminide process (LDC 2E) this was thought to be between 20% and 40% improvement in lifetime,
due to transfer of S and B from the source alloy using rounded numbers.
(analysis of the aluminum–chromium source gave
22 ppmw S and 310 ppmw B); however, the high- Chromium- and Silicon-Modified
activity vapor aluminizing process used 99.999 wt%
Al as a source in the AlCl3 vapor generator.
Further microprobe studies showed that in the To combat hot corrosion, additions of chro-
MDC150L coating, where the low activity aluminide mium56,57,92–97 and silicon98–100,103 were extensively
appeared to clean the process, concentrations of researched in the 1970s and 1980s. Research into the
impurities peaked in the interdiffusion zone and influence of these additions still continues as addi-
dropped in the diffusion coating surface, with levels tions to both standard aluminides and platinum-
at the surface significantly below that found in the modified aluminides, especially when considering
IN738 substrate. Such behavior is consistent with coating on the latest third- and fourth-generation
the aluminizing process removing contaminants low-chromium-containing single-crystal alloys.
from the surface as a result of a gas–solid surface This early research plus service experience has
reaction.84 In the ‘as-coated’ condition, both ‘high shown that chromium additions to aluminide coat-
activity’ processes (LDC-2E and MDC-150) had a ings offer little advantage over standard aluminide
two-phase (NiPtAl þ PtAl2) microstructure, while coatings under high temperature oxidation condi-
the MDC-150L had a single-phase NiPtAl micro- tions. However, chromium additions are found to be
structure. After solution heat-treatment of the IN738, beneficial and offer improved performance in indus-
all of the coatings were single phase, but varied in thick- trial and marine turbine applications burning high-
ness and surface aluminum and platinum contents: sulfur fuels.15,19,20,46,49,94,97
LDC-2E 74 mm thick, 20.0 wt% Al, 30.6 wt% Pt; Additions of silicon are also known to improve hot
MDC150 88 mm thick, 23.2 wt% Al, 22.6 wt% Pt; corrosion resistance, but may also benefit the high
MDC-150L 77.5 mm thick, 19.5 wt% Al, 19.0 wt% temperature oxidation performance of aluminide
Pt (the quoted thickness included the coating and coatings. Since the early work in the late 1970s
interdiffusion zone). and early 1980s, a number of researchers have inves-
Cyclic oxidation tests at 1100  C (50 min at tigated the role of Si, both for high temperature
temperature, 10 min cooling) on these three coating oxidation resistance and hot corrosion resistance, in
variants (Figure 18) showed that the MDC150L diffusion aluminide coatings.10,56–114 The possibility
(low-activity aluminide, formed by outward nickel of using silicon aluminides for protecting internal
diffusion) had a significantly longer life. The life- cooling passages has also been investigated.14,115
time was defined as the time to ‘zero crossover’ (see The most commonly used silicon aluminide is the
Figure 21 to illustrate this definition). commercial coating SermaLoy J, a CrSi2-dispersed
Diffusion Coatings 2549

Average weight change (mg cm–2)





LDC - 2E
Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD Exp 50 μm
−1.50 MDC - 150 20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 10.0 1 0.6 Torr
MDC - 150L

−2.00 Figure 19 SermaLoy 1515 silicon aluminide coating on

0 1000 2000 3000 IN738 produced by a repeat slurry aluminizing process
Number of cycles
Figure 18 Cyclic oxidation lifetimes for various platinum
aluminide coatings on IN738 at 1100  C: The cycle is 50 min cycles gives a lifetime of 280–320 cycles.116 A result
at temperature, 10 min cool, cycled hourly, with failure superior to that of a standard aluminide (HTLA alu-
defined as the time to zero mass gain cross over (the cyclic
lives were calculated from data present in Warnes and
minide) was obtained, for which the cyclic lifetime
Punola).84 varied between 25 and 120 cycles, but was inferior to a
platinum aluminide. The worst of the platinum alu-
b-NiAl diffusion coating.11,56–58,100 The microstruc- minides in Figure 18 gave a lifetime of 1174 cycles
ture of this coating is illustrated in Figure 8. under similar test conditions.
SermaLoy J is manufactured using a slurry aluminiz- Under hot corrosion conditions, both type I and
ing process route. At about 10 wt% silicon in a diffu- type II, this coating with 1–2% silicon addition was
sion aluminide coating, the silicon aluminide coating superior to a conventional aluminide, lasting approx-
provides unsurpassed resistance to type I and II hot imately twice as long to through coating penetration,
corrosion. 11,58,100 It is, however, somewhat brittle and but was inferior to the performance of Sermaloy
this limits its use for internal cooling passage appli- J containing a higher silicon content.
cations at this level of silicon content. Later, as
engine technologies advanced and single-crystal alloys Reactive Element-Modified
were widely adopted, with lower chromium contents,
Aluminide Coatings
there was less chromium available within the alloy to
form the CrSi2 precipitates – a critical component of There has been continued interest in the ability to
SermaLoy J56–58 – thus a research program between incorporate active elements in b-NiAl to improve
Sermatech and Rolls Royce led to the development of cyclic oxidation resistance through enhanced scale
SermaLoy 1515. SermaLoy 1515 is a layer-structured adherence. The benefits of oxygen-active elements
slurry aluminide diffusion coating containing bands are well documented in the literature; for example,
of CrSi2 precipitates as illustrated in Figure 19. yttrium levels below 0.5 wt% are widely added to
SermaLoy 1515 is, thus, specifically designed to pro- commercial overlay coatings to reduce oxidation
vide hot corrosion resistance on low-chromium- rates and improve scale adhesion. Even in the develop-
containing single-crystal alloys.56,58,59 ment of the earliest MCrAlY coatings this was recog-
For cooling passage applications,115,116 this silicon nized.48 The most recent MCrAlY overlays are far
content of the aluminide has to be reduced such more complex and may contain multiple active ele-
that is does not impact on the alloy mechanical per- ments, including Y, Si, Hf, Zr, Ta, etc.11,28,99,117–120 and
formance but must be sufficiently high to confer good even minor addition of precious metals.31,104–106,117
oxidation and hot corrosion protection. Reducing the For systems based on b-NiAl, the systems are far
silicon level to between 1 and 2 wt% meets this cri- less advanced, with few reactive-element-modified
teria. Testing coatings with silicon levels in this range diffusion coatings commercially available.43,44 Most
under Cyclic oxidation at 1100  C and 1 h hot dwell of the research has been on model alloys36,121–125 and
2550 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

yttrium-modified aluminide did not fail (zero net

mass gain crossover) at the end of the test (900  1 h
cycles at 1100  C). Extrapolation of the oxide spalling
regime leads to an estimated life of 1000  1 h cycles
for both the platinum aluminide coating and the
yttrium aluminide coating, based on the zero net
mass gain crossover point. However, whereas the
platinum aluminide coating started to spall at
170  1 h hot cycles, the yttrium aluminide did not
start to spall until 800  1 h hot cycles at 1100  C.

4.05.5 Mitigating Substrate Alloy

40 ␮m Interdiffusion Effects
Figure 20 Yttrium-modified aluminide ‘over pack’ CVD
coating. As is evident from the earlier sections reviewing
diffusion coating manufacture, all diffusion coatings
must involve an underlying material, usually the
in particular on the roles of hafnium, zirconium, and substrate alloy, as part of the coating manufacturing
yttrium. Some research papers have considered the process. It is for this reason that similar diffusion
incorporation of reactive elements as part of the coating processes but on different substrate alloys
CVD process.35–44 Early published work by Bianco produce different coating systems, and hence the
and Rapp35–37 introduced reactive elements into the lifetimes of such coatings, be it oxidation, cyclic
CVD process such that codeposition of the reactive oxidation or high temperature corrosion, will be
element with the aluminide occurred. This approach influenced by alloying additions diffusing out from
has also been adopted in the one published commer- the substrate into the coating. Some elements can be
cial application in which Howmet used multiple beneficial, for example Cr, Si, Hf, Y, etc., while others
vapor sources to blend the vapor phase environment are clearly detrimental, such as W, Mo, V, possibly
from which the codeposited active-element-modified Ru, either to the cyclic oxidation or hot corrosion
aluminide is formed.84,114 In the work of Kim et al.,42 a performance of the coating.
yttrium-modified aluminide was formed by first One of the benefits of the high temperature low-
pack-aluminizing the substrate alloy (in this case activity aluminizing processes is the reduction of
IN738) and then depositing a thin layer of yttrium refractory metals, such as W and Mo, that move
by electron beam evaporation, prior to heat treatment outward from the substrate into the coating owing
to interdiffuse the coating. It is only recently that to the fact that the coating is formed as a result of
yttrium-modified aluminide has been able to be outward nickel transport, and the refractory metals
produced using a simple pack cementation or the diffuse outward much more slowly than nickel. This
‘over-pack’ CVD process.126 Figure 20 illustrates a observation highlights one way of mitigating the det-
micrograph of a yttrium-modified aluminide using rimental effects of alloy additions and tramp elements
the ‘over-pack’ CVD process developed at Cranfield. moving from the substrate into the coating during
Figure 21 compares the cyclic oxidation perfor- manufacture: that is, to precoat the alloy with some
mance (1100  C, 1 h hot dwell) of various aluminide form of temporary or partial barrier (nickel plating
and modified aluminide coatings produced using the substrate, for example, in its simplest form) prior
facilities at Cranfield University on an IN738 sub- to aluminizing. A second is to deposit an MCrAlY
strate alloy. The improvement in performance of the overlay coating as a partial diffusion barrier and then
modified aluminides can be seen relative to that for aluminize the MCrAlY overlay coating.
an uncoated IN738 alloy and IN738 aluminized using Commercially, variants on this approach have
a high-activity aluminide process. The uncoated been used. General Electric has a patented process
alloy failed (zero net mass gain crossover point) at for over-aluminizing an MCrAlY coating, previously
30  1 h cycles and the high-activity aluminide failed sprayed or EB-PVD-deposited onto the alloys sur-
at 620  1 h cycles, while the monophase (high tem- face. GT29þ and GT33þ are examples of the ‘over-
perature, low activity) platinum aluminide and the aluminized’ version of GT29 (Co28Cr6Al0.5Y) and
Diffusion Coatings 2551

IN738 uncoated
LTHA Aluminide
Monophase Pt-Aluminide
3.0 Monophase Y-Aluminide

Net mass gain (mg cm−2)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of one hour cycles
Figure 21 Cyclic oxidation performance of modified aluminide coatings, produced at Cranfield University: 1100  C, 1 h
hot dwell cycles (data from Long and Nicholls and Nicholls and Wing).116,126 (Note: " equals point of zero crossover for a
LTHA aluminide.)

GT33 (Ni22Cr9Al0.5Y). These coatings are used on the MCrAlY alloy, they can further improve the oxi-
blades and vanes of GE industrial engines, models dation performance when compared to a similar coat-
7/9EA and 7/9FA/FAþ,127 making the performance ing made by pack cementation.
of the coating less dependent on the substrate
alloy chemistry from an oxidation and/or corrosion Smart Coating Concepts
perspective. These dual-layered over-aluminized
MCrAlY alloys provide surface layers with up to Smart overlay coatings129–131 are functionally gradient
25 wt% Al for good oxidation resistance, while coating systems designed to provide high temperature
the MCrAlY base confers better hot corrosion resis- oxidation and corrosion protection over a wide range of
tance because of the higher levels of Co and Cr.127 operating conditions. The SMARTCOAT concept is
Additionally, the incorporation of Y from the MCrAlY a natural extension of the ideas embodied in GT29þ
into the surface aluminide layer confers improved and GT33þ, the over-aluminized MCrAlYs, which
scale adhesion to the alumina scale, improving the involves surface-treating a base overlay coating using
cyclic oxidation resistance of this dual layer coating. diffusion coating processes to obtain improved perfor-
The surface aluminide layer is brittle, however, and mance and durability, but now extended to produce a
the higher ductile to brittle transition temperature chemically graded structure that can provide both high
(DBTT) makes the surface layer prone to thermo- temperature oxidation protection as well as more opti-
mechanical fatigue (TMF) cracking during start/stop mized protection to type I and II corrosion. Thus, the
cycling. The more ductile MCrAlY underlayer can SMARTCOAT design consists of an MCrAlY base
blunt these cracks, thereby, limiting their propagation coating, which can be deposited by any spray deposi-
into the substrate. The presence of an outer aluminide tion method (air plasma spray (APS), Vacuum plasma
layer on a CoNiCrAlY basecoat (GT33þ compared to spray (VPS), and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF)), by
GT33) can lower the TMF life by a factor of 2.5 at high occluded electroplating or by EB-PVD, which is
strain ranges, while at low strain ranges (0.45%e), the overcoated with successive layers to produce the
TMF lives are comparable.127 chemical gradient structure. A second layer,
Howmet now also offers these duplex MCrAlY þ enriched in chromium and/or silicon, is then depos-
aluminide coatings.128 However, they claim that ited prior to surface aluminizing, which then gener-
by using low-activity aluminizing in addition to ates the required gradient chemical structure.
2552 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 100 μm Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD Exp 50 μm
20.0 kV 6.0 250x BSE 10.1 0.6 Torr 20.0 kV 5.0 500x BSE 10.0 1 0.6 Torr

(a) SmC155 (b) SmC253E

Figure 22 Micrographs of two SMARTCOAT structures: (a) SmC155, showing the three-layered structure characteristic
of SMARTCOAT, but produced using air plasma spraying; (b) SmC253E, produced by occluded electroplating of the
basecoat and chromium-rich interlayer.

Figures 22(a) and 22(b) illustrates two variants of alloy; otherwise the coating procedure matches that
this SMARTCOAT design. SmC155 (Figure 22(a)) of the aluminized, plasma-sprayed MCrAlY, but with
is produced by surface-treating an Amdry 995 base- the difference that the basecoat and interlayer were
coat that has been deposited by air plasma spraying. deposited by electroplating.
The chromium-rich interlayer is also deposited Figure 23 illustrates the comparative perfor-
by air plasma spraying before the bi-layer structure mance of three variants of SMARTCOAT, when
is aluminized to give the final SMARTCOAT design. compared to two platinum aluminide coatings RT22
The composition of the three-layered microstructure and CN91, and an over-aluminized CoNiCrAlY – a
critically affects performance. The outer alumi- similar process and structure to that of GT29þ, a
nide layer varies in composition between those of General Electric proprietary coating. For each coat-
Ni–15Cr–32Al and Ni–10Cr–21Al, with small addi- ing system, the substrate was IN738. The hot corro-
tions of Y as a result of the aluminizing of an MCrAlY sion tests were of 500 h duration and conducted at
base alloy, and is designed to produce a protective 700 and 800  C, using a salt recoat test procedure
alumina scale for oxidation- and cyclic-oxidation- with daily replenishment of an 80% Na2SO4/20%
protection at temperatures above 900  C. However, K2SO4 salt mix at an equivalent salt deposition flux
at lower temperatures, this alumina scale does not of 0.015mg cm2 h1. The test was conducted in an
reform fast enough to confer a protection under type air þ300 vpm SO2/SO3 gaseous environment.
II hot corrosion conditions. SMARTCOAT is, there- Under hot corrosion conditions, only the outer
fore, designed with an intermediate chromium-rich aluminide region of the smart coatings was attacked.
layer, which permits the rapid formation of chromia, The corrosion front effectively stopped at the
which are healing areas of type II corrosion damage. chromium-rich interlayer, whereas the platinum alu-
Research into optimum corrosion-resistant alloy minide coating was consumed down to the interdif-
compositions132,133 defined the useful composition fusion zone at 700  C and completely penetrated at
range of this interlayer, in the final chemical gradient 800  C. For the over-aluminized CoNiCrAlY, the
structure, between Ni–60Cr–20Al and Ni–35Cr–40Al, worst attack was observed at 700  C, as a result of
adding tantalum may be beneficial. The basecoat may severe type II pitting of the Co,Ni aluminide, and the
be any MCrAlY alloy, Amdry 995 (Co–32Ni–21Cr– underlying CoNiCrAlY basecoat layer.
8Al–0.5Y) for the SmC155 variant of SMARTCOAT.
Figure 22(b), a second variant of SMARTCOAT,
is produced using occluded electroplating134 to 4.05.6 Summary and Conclusions
deposit the basecoat and interlayer. Ghost images of
the original particles in the occluded electroplate can This chapter reviewed the methods and applications
still be seen. The base alloy is Amdry 963: a NiCrAlY of diffusion coatings. Diffusion coatings can offer a
Diffusion Coatings 2553


140 Max. - 700 ⬚C

120 Mean - 700 ⬚C

Coating loss (um)









































Figure 23 Hot corrosion performance of SMARTCOAT SmC155 and SmC253E, relative to an over-aluminized CoNiCrAlY
and platinum aluminide coatings (RT22 and CN91) at 700  C.

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