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CityLine SATURDAY, March 28, 2020


Nagpur fights
Four more test positive for COVID-19
◆ No of suspects in the 3 held for spreading rumours
day -- 50 ■ Staff Reporter Kamptee Road, Kapil Nagar;
◆ Total no of suspects so
Amit Shivpal Pardhi (38), a res-
far -- 534
◆ Persons admitted -- 23
THREE persons were arrested ident of 44 (c), Misal Layout,
(11 in GMCH, and 12 by a joint team of Sadar police Jaripatka and Divyanshu
in IGGMCH) and Cyber Cell for creating fake Ramvilas Mishra (33), a resident
◆ Total number of persons audio clip stating 59 positive of Plot No 87, First Floor, Suyog
admitted so far -- 324 cases of coronavirus existing in Nagr, Ajni.
◆ Samples tested on date the city. One of the accused had The audio clip went viral on
-- 49 created the clip only to panic almost all groups of WhatsApp
◆ Total number of sam- his wife and sisters-in-law so that in city which created panic
ples tested so far -- 324 they would not travel out from among the citizens and spread
◆ COVID-19 positive cas- their homes, said police. distrust about the administra-
es at present -- 09 The accused have been iden- tion, said Joint Commissioner
◆ Total number of persons tified as Jai alias Monu of Police (Joint CP) Ravindra
home-quarantined Omprakash Gupta (37), a res- Kadam.
-- 901 ident of IF 3, Amar Vihar Society, (Contd on page 2)
◆ No of persons home-
quarantined for 14
days -- 49
◆ No of passengers
screened at airport on
date -- Nil
◆ Total no of passengers
Social distancing norm went for a toss once again in the city on Friday, when residents from the nearby areas and slums formed a dense
long queue to avail of foodgrains being distributed as a good gesture. Finally, cops had to intervene and MLC Prakash Gajbhiye had to
NMC launches COVID-19
screened at airport so
far -- 1,123
order stopping the distribution of foodgrains. The incident showed how a well-intentioned move without proper precaution could result in a
potential health risk. (Pic by Anil Futane) app for medical advice, help
◆ Passengers quarantined
on date -- 1 ■ Staff Reporter India.
(Chinese citizen) ■ Out of 18 samples ative, the number of positive cas- abroad, nor has he got in touch authorities swung into action. As per NMC communication,
◆ Passengers sent to examined on Friday 17 es as of now in the Nagpur city is with anybody who has travelled His close relatives were brought NAGPUR Municipal citizens who have symptoms
IGGMCH for admission back to five. abroad, hints at it being a likely to hospital. Their throat swab Corporation (NMC) has of fever, dry cough and diffi-
-- Nil test negative and one For ten case of samples were examined. The unveiled COVID-19 app for the culty in breathing should click
◆ Passengers sent to is awaited days till community sample of his mother, wife, son Nagpurians so that if needed on the shared link and feed the
GMCH for admission Thursday spread, and brother had come positive. medical advice and help can information in the app.
-- Nil ■ Principal Correspondent there was according The sample of daughter, howev- be provided in time of need. Mundhe said that citizens
◆ Persons sent home from not a single to officials er, tested negative. The app is brainchild of should answer the questions
isolation on date -- 17 FOUR relatives of the person, positive and this This Khamla resident runs a Municipal Commissioner framed in the app and then
◆ Persons in isolation ward residing in Khamla who had test- case in the may lead to shoe shop in Khamla. His ser- Tukaram Mundhe and it went click on submit button. After
-- 122 ed positive on Thursday, have city allow- some more vant residing in Jaripatka volun- live from Friday onwards and submission of health details
(Data as on March 27) also tested positive for coron- ing people positive cas- tarily approached Indira Gandhi it was widely shared on social same would be analysed by
avirus infection. This has taken to hope of a es in Government Medical College and media platform. The app is Doctors of NMC and they
the total number of positive cas- decline in infection. But the case Nagpur. Hospital (IGGMCH) to get him- developed with help of HLL would get back to citizens and
es in the city to nine. Thankfully, of the person from Khamla who After the Khamla resident who self tested. He was admitted and Life Care Governmnent of (Contd on page 2)
Auction of with earlier four cases testing neg- neither has a history of travelling travelled to Delhi tested positive, (Contd on page 2)
seized by NMC
cancelled Child-friendly IIMA, UNICEF Goods transporters get relief as Rlys
■ Staff Reporter revive hopes of Nagpur Childline waives 100 pc Demurrage charges
NAGPUR Municipal ■ Staff Reporter Board, said from earlier 50 is now also extended till mid-
Corporation (NMC) ■ By Ajay Mardikar Social Policy expert from per cent concession now no April as till then entire country is
Dharampeth Zone has can- UNICEF, Rakesh Jain has stat- IN A big relief to goods trans- charges will be levied. The circu- supposed to remain under lock-
celled the proposed auction WITH the initiative of Indian ed that the initiative aims at porters in country, Railway Board lar by Commercial Directorate down as per directives of Central
of properties seized for Institute of Management generating knowledge that can has invoked clause of Force notes that since country is Government. The circular also
defaulting on payment of Ahmedabad (IIMA) and act as an input to the policy Majeure for granting 100 per cent passing through extraordinary refers to directions from Ministry
property tax. The Zone No 2 UNICEF, the city will be processes and be instrumental relief in Demurrage and Wharfage event, the outbreak of coron- of Finance dated March 19, 2020,
had impounded properties equipped with tools and tech- in advancing the rights and charges till lockdown period. avirus is considered as a case of inter alia citing “A Force Majeure
in Ward no. 68 and 73 cov- niques to create it as Child- Dr John Archana well-being of children. Extending the relaxation till April natural calamity. (FM) means extraordinary events
ering areas of Mouza Friendly City. Menachery Pali-Basu The Childline Nodal Agency 14, a letter issued by Shilpi As per rules in case of natural or circumstances beyond human
Kachimet and Mouza The information posted by at Matru Sewa Sangh (MSS) Bishnoi, Director, Traffic calamity, Force Majeure can be control such as an event
Hazaripahad and notified UNICEF and IIMA, the discus- and Innovation for Change Institute of Social Work, Nagpur, Commercial (Rates), Railway invoked and the period for same (Contd on page 2)
March 28, 2020, for public sion about making Nagpur a (KMIC), a repository of infor- has association of several social
auction for citizens. Child-Friendly City, long back mation on governance focuses organisations. The institute also
However due to outbreak of
coronavrius pandemic the
auction stands postponed,
is likely to be revived. The dis-
cussion was held a few years
back following commendable
on developing Child-Friendly
City, goes live with a dedicated
website by IIMA. The
had a project of working with
children from slums and
having indulged in anti-social
Rly relaxes BA test for goods
informs a release of NMC.
The civic body lagging in
recovery of property tax
performance of Childline 1098.
With the dedicated workers
with the helpline for the child
Ahmedabad Municipal
Corporation will be able to use
the website for implementa-
activities. The results were
encouraging. It was noticed
that for want of proper educa-
train crew in light of COVID-19
resorted to seizure of prop- in difficult situation Childline tion of the project. tion and agencies for engaging ■ By Sagar Mohod and directed officers to cease test involves policy decision,
erties of defaulters so that is still considered to be one of KMIC has developed a hand- these children in positive breath analyser tests till condition Zones expected Board to issue
people would pay the the best helplines in the city. book and training booklet for approach to the life, the chil- RAILWAY Board empowered the on coronavirus front improves. pan-India guidelines. However
arrears. Even when that The Childline unit at Nagpur counsellors, mapped out loca- dren fell prey to anti-social ele- Zones to suspended breath Prior to that Railway Board took now typical of Board’s function-
(Contd on page 2) Railway Station is considered tions and quality of amenities ments in their localities. analyser (BA) test in a bid to cognisance of letters from Zones ing it lobbed the ball back to
to be one of the best units and for each ward, social protec- However, intervention of assuage feelings of Running Staff Zones and asked them to take
has been helping children, who
left their homes for various rea-
tion schemes for children liv-
ing in Ahmedabad city and also
counsellors from the institute
helped them in developing pos-
who were in heightened tension
since outbreak of COVID-19. As
E XCLUSIVE decisions at their level while lay-
ing down comprehensive guide-
Central India’s
sons or have been misguided documented expenditure pat- itive thinking, improved their such, Divisional Railway Manager seeking clarification as Running lines on how to go about it.
Oldest & by anti-social elements. tern for counsellors’ discre- attendance in schools. Many of (DRM), Central Railway, Nagpur Staff was continuously pressing DRM was already been in touch
Largest Circulated The Knowledge Management tionary budgets. (Contd on page 2) Division, Somesh Kumar averred for waiver of BA test and mark- with Central Railway bosses as he
English Daily with contention of National ing attendance on bio-metric was not empowered to decide on
Railway Mazdoor Union (NRMU) machines. Since waiving off BA (Contd on page 2)

VNIT team develops novel device to ease glaucoma screening

■ Principal Correspondent screening in medical camps. onds to detect the level of IOP. This makes Dhakate, who provided critical inputs
FOR SUBSCRIPTION Considering all these aspects a novel it very easy for trained health workers for the project. Dr Dhakate said “About
Contact Your Hawker Or Call ABOUT 120 lakh Indians are affected by device developed by a team of to screen a large number of people. 50 patients were screened with the new
9028379622 Glaucoma, with 10% of them perma- researchers from Visvesvaraya National The technology is based on the work device as well as a standard tonometer
(6Am to 10Am) nently losing their vision. It is caused by Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur of Dr Mahesh Mawale, who worked available in the hospital. Both devices
high Intra-ocular Pressure promises to on it as part of his PhD thesis at could identify four patients who were
0712-6636231 (IOP), which progressively BETiC laboratory of VNIT found to have the glaucoma condition.
(10.30 Am to 5.30 Pm.)
damages the optic nerve within a Nagpur. “We have used They found the new device more com-
few years. This can be prevent- a novel approach com- fortable.”
ed by suitable care and treat- bining two different Dr Mahesh was felicitated by the State
WEATHER ment, if the condition is diag- principles – appla- Health Minister for this invention and
nosed early enough. nation and received the Dr Albert Schweitzer
TEMPERATURE MAX. MIN. Current instrument to meas- indentation, for International Health Award for con-
ure IOP use a probe or air-puff detecting the lev- tributing to rural health. The project also
Celsius 37.0 20.8 that touches the cornea. Hence els of intraocular received the BIRAC Biotechnology
Dep from normal -1.2 -0.7 anaesthetic drops are need- pressure. The goal Ignition Grant of Rs 50 lakh to com-
Fahrenheit 89.8 66.0 ed, and patients have to is to screen many mercialise the technology. A start-up
keep their eyes open patients especially company called OKO ICARE Solutions
Relative humidity 75% 39% during the process, g r e a t l y from rural areas has been incubated by BETiC-VNIT
Sunset on Saturday 1827 hrs which is uncomfort- reduce the skill where glaucoma aware- researchers Neha Lande, Ashwini and
Sunrise on Sunday 0612 hrs able. Further, these level, time and cost involved ness is poor. Such patients Nitesh. Their portable non-invasive and
instruments are expen- in glaucoma screening. Unlike can be referred to ophthal- Kuthe, who guided Mahesh. easy-to-use digital device promises to
Air Quality Index 70 (1800 hrs) sive, require a high level of expertise and conventional instrument, the device is mologists for confirmation and treat- Clinical feedback was obtained from reduce the cost of glaucoma screening
take up to half an hour per patient. This portable and non-invasive. It is placed ment, thereby avoiding progressive loss ophthalmologists at Government to a fraction of the current costs, and
makes them unsuitable for large scale on the eye-lids and takes only a few sec- of vision,” shared Prof Abhaykumar Hospital of Bhandara Dr Ravishankar make it widely accessible.
2 CityLine TheHitavada
NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020

FROM THE FRONT PAGE MLSA prescribes procedure for release

of 11,000 undertrial prisoners, convicts
Four more test positive
for COVID-19
his sample is being examined. brought under containment.
At the VRDL laboratory in Since the area is dense, the ■ Undertrial prisoners and even to be granted for a period of 45 days upon etc will not be released since these Acts el headed by Justice Syed considered the
IGGMCH, on Friday reports of staff of Health Department convicts facing upto seven furnishing personal bond of such amount provide for additional restriction on grant issue and recommended interim bail to
18 samples were awaited out of of NMC is visiting every as may be determined. The initial period of bail in addition to those under Criminal those facing imprisonment upto 7 years
which 17 came negative but home in that area and enquir- years imprisonment to get of 45 days shall stand extended periodi- Procedure Code. Besides, this generous while denying this benefit to those impli-
technicians in the laboratory ing about the symptoms like benefit of the decision to cally in block of 30 days each, till such time scheme will not be applicable to foreign cated in serious scams, frauds and violent
are doing thorough testing of fever, cold and cough. If any- release them on interim bail the notification under The Epidemic Act nationals and undertrial prisoners hav- activities. While accepting the report, the
the one residing Jaripatka and body finds the symptoms, he ■ No relief to economic is not revoked. ing their place of residence out of State also extended benefit to convicts
working in the shop of the or she would be taken to offenders, and those booked There are around 60,000 prisoners in 60 Maharashtra. facing upto seven years imprisonment
Khamla shop-owner. Government hospital. Such per- prisons of Maharashtra. This is a poten- The undertrial prisoners are expected and currently undergoing sentence in var-
Meanwhile, administration sons would be admitted and under MPDA, MPIDA, tial flashpoint for rapid spread of COVID- to report to the police station concerned ious prisons.
continued the search for his their throat swab samples, too, MCOCA, UAPA, NDPS Act 19 as prisoners are living in a congested within whose jurisdiction they are resid- The MLSA asked the District Judiciary
close contacts and about 80 would be examined. space, Anil Deshmukh, Home Minister, ing, once every 30 days. Shivkumar Dige, to identify eligible undertrial prisoners
close contacts have been iden- Till now administration has ■ Staff Reporter stated while announcing the decision. Member Secretary of Maharashtra State and sought a compliance report from all
tified. Now, the authority are done survey of 70,000 houses Therefore, while accepting the special Legal Services Authority (MLSA); conveyed district courts. The MLSA has also pre-
looking for each and every per- in Khamla alone in two days. ANIL Deshmukh, Home Minister of committee report, the State Government the decision on Friday to all Principal scribed an elaborate procedure for release
son that had come in contact The administration has to check Maharashtra, on Friday announced release has decided to release undertrial prison- District Court Judges and all district-lev- of roughly 11,000 undertrial prisoners and
with the person. every such person in the area of 11,000 undertrial prisoners and con- ers and has also decided to release the con- el authorities to circulate its directions convicts. The procedure for the release is
Around 3 to 5 km area around who has come in contact with victs lodged in prisons across Maharashtra. victs facing imprisonment upto seven further to all magistrates in every district that District Legal Services Authority will
his home in Khamla has been high-risk people. He announced the decision following years. and to identify all such prisoners eligible file applications on behalf of those iden-
receipt of a special committee report con- However, the benefit of this scheme will for these directives and can be released tified for the release on bail. The applica-
stituted in the backdrop of Supreme Court not be extended to persons booked for seri- on bail. tion to be filed before a magistrate deput-
NMC launches COVID-19 app order for decongesting of prisons during
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
ous economic crimes or special statutes.
As a result, those arrested and awaiting
The Supreme Court, on March 23, had
asked the States to consider releasing
ed for the task by the Principal District
Judge as per direction of High Court and
for medical advice, help Maharashtra Legal Services Authority trial under Special Acts (other than Indian undertrial prisoners during pandemic to duty Magistrate shall satisfy himself or
(MLSA) has prescribed elaborate proce- Penal Code) like Maharashtra Control of decongest the already overcrowded jails herself as to whether criteria laid down by
advise further course of action. calamity not seen in past cen- dure for release of these prisoners. Organised Crimes Act (MCOCA), to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 High Power Committee have been com-
The COVID-19 link can be down- tury and under stewardship of The special committee headed by sen- Prevention of Money Laundering Act among inmates. The Apex Court has asked plied with or not. Thereafter, a brief inter-
loaded https:// Municipal Commissioner ior High Court judge Justice Amjad Syed (PMLA), Maharashtra Protection of Interest all States to constitute a High Power im bail order shall be issued with stipula-
com/file/d/1abB97jEnkrzvlzcO Tukaram Mundhe, NMC is rac- has recommended to grant interim bail of Depositors (in Financial Establishments) Committee to determine which class of tion that deserving prisoner be released
Yeebr_wcQ8tT_sJ/view?usp=dri- ing ahead of times and rolling to undertrial prisoners booked or charged Act or MPIDA, Narcotic Drugs and prisoners can be released on parole or on on interim bail on submission of his or
vesdk. Mundhe also said that out one welfare measure after for offences for which maximum punish- Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, interim bail for such period as may be her personal bond to the satisfaction of
the link would also be uploaded another. It was first to order ment is 7 years or less. The interim bail is Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) thought appropriate. Accordingly, the pan- concerned Jail Superintendent.
on Google playstore within 72 door to door survey after four
hours so that citizens can patients tested positive for
download the same in easy
way. He also warned that only
COVID-19 ensuring that citi-
zens are assured that civic body COVID-19: General transfers COVID-19: Destitutes should
those citizens who have symp- is pro-active.
be shifted in Niwara Kendra
of State police to get delayed
toms of fever, dry cough and Thereafter it tied-up with
breathing problems should use chemist and grocery shops
the App so that same is not owner associations to ensure ■ Principal Correspondent squares in city. People who can
clogged and civic doctors are that their establishments be called as destitutes should stay
not unnecessarily engaged in remains open 24 hours to facil- ■ By Dheeraj Fartode FOR the last 10 days there was no in Niwara centres created by
non serious work. itate hassle-free situation for new corona positive in Nagpur NMC. These centres are situated
The country today is facing citizens under lockdown. AMID round the clock bandobast but on Thursday one more pos- in five zones.The capacity of each
duties for implementation of itive detected and four more centre is 200 beds. If these peo-
lockdown, Maharashtra police added to the list on Friday. With ple are kept at these centres it
Child-friendly IIMA, UNICEF... have extended the date of sub-
mission of forms for General
this development the
administration convened
would help the admin-
istration to maintain the
these children acted as ipal corporation. Transfers (GT) by a week. The GT marathon meetings and distancing and avoid
informed to the counsellors The initiative by IIM-A is con- may get delayed this year as police authorities have come up community spread.
File photo

about illegal activities in their sidered to be an inspiration for staff assuming longer period of with several measures. Nuisance Detection
own localities. the social and academic organ- lockdown, claimed sources. One of the measures sug- Squad (NDS) team is
The initiative in Ahmedabad isations to revive the campaign. However top officials are con- gested by Virendra detecting them.”
has opened doors for several Nagpur Childline City fident that despite the outbreak Kukreja, Chairman of “My appeal to people
social organisations, academi- Coordinator Archana Pali-Basu of coronavirus, the transfer would police units alerting them about are hereby informed that the date Health Committee of of city is to stay at home
cians and administrative func- stated that proper co-ordina- be carried out as per routine. extended date. The wireless mes- of submission of “Three choices Nagpur Municipal except important
tionaries to work for making tion between different agencies Additional Director General of sage stated - Regarding submis- for posting” for the officers has Corporation to curb the Virendra Kukreja works. Don’t go for pur-
the city child-friendly. Various - social and Government, is Police (ADG) Establishment sion of on-line applications for been extended by one week upto menace is to shift desti- chasing the things
municipal corporations in required for effective imple- Board Kulwant Sarangal told‘The GT and request transfer- 2020 in April 2nd. tutes to Niwara Kendra created which are not necessary.
Gujarat have also taken steps mentation of the concept. Hitavada’ that the date was the rank of officers - Assistant It may be mentioned here that by civic body in five different Everybody must understand
to provide adequate social infra- Women and Child Welfare extended as the police officials Police Inspectors (APIs) and Establishment Board of zones in city. importance of home quarantine.
structure. Department, Child Welfare are busy with bandobast duties. Police Sub-Inspectors is under- Maharashtra Police starts process Kukreja while talking to ‘The If we go out without any reason
Dr John Menachery, who was Committee, Department of “Approval from Unit Commander way. The time line to submit the of GT in February and transfer Hitavada’ said, “Till now Nagpur we would invite trouble for oth-
Director of Nagpur Childline, Child Protection of local police, and Inspector General of Police on-lice application by the officers orders are issued during last week has registered nine positive cas- ers. Keep distance from the fam-
stated that Nagpur Childline Child India Foundation are (IGP Range) is needed to approve has been given till March 26th. of May every year. es. The one that tested positive ily members also. Administration
was inaugurated by the then involved in working on the same the submitted forms. On the ground of COVID-19 virus, This year, the Wireless has no connection with any inter- is doing great work and I think
Commissioner of Police S N issues of child protection and However, these senior officials since most of the officers are Department of Maharashtra national passenger nor he trav- we must cooperate them. We
Pathania and Mayor Devendra child rights. Childline is for are busy in implementation of engaged in bandobast duties as police have digitised data of eled himself abroad. It is a very should help others also. Those
Fadnavis, at MSS Institute of emergency services and has one lockdown in the state,” he said well as very less numbers of min- 17,000 police personnel under serious aspect. want to help slumdwellers, they
Social Work. A campaign to collaborative agency, two sup- and added that the transfer orders isterial staff is attending the office. Maharashtra Police Information Considering this aspect I have can do it by giving them raw food
make the city child-friendly was port agencies and association would definitely be issued before It has been decided to extend the & Analysis System (MPIAS). decided to shift destitutes to the items like pulses, vegetables,
undertaken and was expected with Railway Childline. May 31st. timeline for submitting the on- The cops are first time using Niwara Kendra created by NMC. grains so that they can prepare
to be followed by other cities. Efforts have been made to ADG Wireless Retesh Kumaarr line applications by one week. In the digital tool for fling their trans- These destitutes are found at rail- food as per their own wish,” sug-
The campaign continued for start a Childline unit in has sent a wireless message to all this regard, all Unit Commanders fer forms. way station, bus stand, several gested Kukreja.
some time, but later died with Bhandara, a few days back,
change of guards at the munic- Archana stated.

Goods transporters get relief as Rlys waive 100 pc... ENSURE FOGGING IN EVERY ZONE, DIRECTS SANDIP JOSHI:
NAGPUR Mayor Sandip Joshi has directed the Health officer Dr
Rly relaxes BA test for crew... (Contd from page 1) charges of Demurrage,Wharfage, the police traced back the phone
Pradeep Dasarwar to ensure fogging in every zone, following increase
in mosquito population. With the entire machinery busy in fighting
the matter. But following the cir- Prior to start each of the Stacking, Stabling, Demurrage in number from which the audio against Corona Virus, the mosquito menace has also increase, pos-
cular by Board on Friday the Running Staff would be described as an Act of God (like case of private/ jointly owned clip was forwarded and reached ing another threat of spread of malaria and other diseases.
division it is learnt has decid- required to furnish an under- a natural calamity),” has clari- stock, Demurrage and Wharfage to Mishra’s wife. After receiving
ed to suspend compulsion of taking in lieu of BA that he/she fied that spread of coronavirus on Parcel traffic, Detention charge phone call from the police, the
BA test till April 14 or otherwise, has not consumed alcohol. In should be considered as a case in case of container traffic, accused had reportedly deleted
in case lockdown is lifted prior case of any mishap and it comes of natural calamity and Force Ground usage charge in case of the clip. But they have confessed
to that. to fore that the staff is drunk Majeure may be invoked container traffic will not be for the crime during police inter-
The Board guidelines asked then stringent action can be Railways had faced much crit- enforced till April 14, 2020. rogation. The three accused were
Zones to keep in light that the initiated by department. icism over its earlier circular when arrested by police.The total of 400
BA test be waived off till pas-
senger trains are not in opera-
However, Loco Inspectors
would continue to conduct ran-
it limited waiver ofWharfage and
Demurrage charges to just 50 per
3 held for mobile numbers were checked by
the police within 24 hours.
tion in their respective sections. dom checks on Running Staff cent of the rates. Board officials spreading The arrest was made by DCP
In case if passenger carrying to ensure that there are no vio- failed to take rational view on Shweta Khedkar, ACP Sadar OBITUARIES
trains are to be run then said lations. As to bio-metric it was total waiver at first instance rumours Rekha Nawre, PI Mahesh
test would be reintroduced. advised to Zones that they can despite reports emanating from Bansode, PI Mr. Jagtap of Cyber
Second remission is only meant revert back to manual way of field about problems being faced Gupta is an MBA graduate and Cell, APIs Vishal Mane, Keshav Sunanda (Kamaltai) Chinchalkar
for Running Staff involved in crew management system in unloading at freight terminal working at Khushi Motors. He is Wagh,Vilas Mote and staff incljd- SUNANDA (Kamaltai) Murlidhar Chinchalkar, a
operations of movement of (CMS) in lieu of BA test so that and at end points. also partner in Rosetta Club in ing Vinod Tiwari, Vijendra Yadav, resident of N-117, Reshimbagh, passed away on
freight trains only. Third Zones records are created for billing Due to imposition of Sec 144 Ajni area. Pardhi, who is a Sudhir Madavi, Sayyad Ali and Friday. She was 85. She was retired teacher of Vanita
were asked to check past his- and other matters. of Cr PC and lockdown in vari- Mechanical Engineer, is close others have made the arrest. Vikas Vidyalaya. She leaves behind daughter
tory of staff and those who are The Board letter clearly ous districts, traders faced friend of Gupta. Mishra is a com- Madhuri Tiwadi, son-in-law Chandrashekhar Tiwadi, grand-
known alcoholic would neces-
sarily undergo BA test and then
underlines that relaxation in BA
test and bio-metric was neces-
tremendous problems in unload-
ing goods as hurdles came in way
puter engineer and is working as
Finance Manager at a reputed
Auction of children Dr Sayali and Chinmay, and a big family. The last rites
were performed at Gangabai ghat.
only allowed to drive the trains. sitated due to extraordinary cir- of smooth movement of trans- company in Delhi. He was stay- properties Harihar Behere
The matter was also dis- cumstances prevailing in the port. Similarly, non availability of ing at the place of his father-in-
cussed at length during the country. However, Jain states Mathadi labourers due to norms law in Suyog Nagar for delivery seized by NMC HARIHAR Yadavrao Behere, a resident of Narkesari
video conferencing held the day that this waiver cannot be cit- of social distancing further com- of his wife - Priya Oza - for last Layout, Jayprakash Nagar, passed away on Friday.
before yesterday by Chairman ed in future to seek extended pounded the problem. Finally, few months. cancelled He was 75. He was retired Sales Tax Officer. He leaves
Railway Board with Zonal and waiver from BA test. Railways was forced to rethink on In their statement to police, behind wife, two daughters, sons-in-law, grand-
Division bosses and other sen- OnThursday itself, Saji Koshi, its policy of imposing penal they said that Gupta and Pardhi failed, Municipal children to mourn his loss. The last rites were performed the
ior officials. The letter issued by Branch Secretary, NRMU, charges under such extraordi- had created the audio clip dur- Commissioner Tukaram same day.
Manish Jain, Executive Director, Central Railway, Nagpur nary circumstance. ing a telephonic conversation Mundhe ordered officials of
Mechanical Engineer Division, had written to DRM The two charges are so steep and forwarded it to Mishra on Property Tax Department to hold Moreshwar Patil
(Traction), Railway Board, said and Sr. DEE (TRO), apprising that at times the bill goes up much March 23. auction as the target of Rs 400 MORESHWAR Tukaram Patil, former councillor of
matter was also discussed with them with demand of Running more than transport rates Mishra sent the clip to his wife crore kept by previous Standing Kamptee Municipal Council and a resident of New
Health Directorate and there- Staff (Goods) for suspension of and one sees that in case trans- to panic her so that she would Committee was too steep to Khalasi Line, opposite Railway Cabin, near Kamptee-
after decision on waiver was BA test to ensure that no one portation of coal, an continuing not go out from the house. achieve. Now that auctions are Kanhan Highway, passed away on Friday. He was
granted. Health Directorate offi- accidentally catches the dead- the same for essential com- However, Mishra’s wife had for- cancelled due to pandemic 55. The last rites will be performed at 12 noon on Saturday at
cials opined that with sufficient ly virus. Koshi had stated that modities during such times warded it to her female friend to the financial position of NMC is Rani Talav Mokshadham, Kamptee.
precautions there is not much since same instrument is used did not augur well for Railways. alert her who put it on aWhatsApp going to worsen further as
harm in providing comfort to on all crew it could be For Railways also these charges group and the clip went viral. they had expected substantial
Running Staff. Thereafter, dangerous and also pointed out make a substantial volume of its An offence under Sections 188, mopping-up of revenue on
Member Traction and Member that State police have sus- earnings and hence it may have 120 (b), 505 (a) (b) of Indian Penal Property Tax head. The coron-
Traffic held confabulations with pended the BA test to deter- been reluctant to go for 100 per Code read with Section 54 of avirus has also resulted in extra
their respective Directorate and mine if someone has consumed cent waiver. Disaster Management Act was burden for cash strapped NMC
the circular was issued today. liquor or not. As per the communication registered at Sadar police on which is finding it difficult to sus-
from Commercial Directorate all March 24. During investigation, tain the public works. Readers may send obituaries on
NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020 CityLine 3
Power distribution licenses should NMC to use fire tender for spraying
‘minimise public interface’: MERC Sodium Hypochloride from today
■ Staff Reporter sumer services such as meter spread of COVID-19, and also to reading, billing, offline bill col- ■ Staff Reporter
reading, bill distribution, bill col- minimise public interface of the lection at bill payment centres,
IN VIEW of the COVID-19 lection, redressal of consumer personnel of distribution licens- release of new connections etc. SPRAYING of Sodium
outbreak and lockdown grievances etc that involve pub- ee, MERC has ‘deemed it fit’ to While doing so, MERC has Hypochloride will be carried out
announced by the Government lic interface. provide certain relaxation in the asked the distribution licensees in the city through Fire brigade,
across the country, Maharashtra Alltheseactivitiesare supply code to all to use automated meter reading from 10 am of March 27.The step
Electricity Regulatory required to be per- distibutionlicensees facility wherever available. In has been taken to prevent spread
Commission (MERC) has asked formed as per the pro- fromperformanceof absence of meter reading, the of coronavirus.
the power distribution licensees cedure prescribed services not directly consumers shall be intimated Municipal Commissioner
to take measures ‘to minimise under MERC Supply linked to maintain- through digital channels such as Tukaram Mundhe has issued
public interface’. CodeRegulations,2005 ing continuity of e-mail,SMS,mobilephoneappli- instructions to the Fire Brigade
MERC has issued ‘practice and within the time- power supply. cation about their estimated bill personneltousetheirvehiclesfor
direction’ in this regard on line stipulated under In the ‘practice computed on average basis as spraying in all ten zones of the
Thursday. The commission has MERC Standard direction’, MERC per SupplyCode Regulations. For city, specially in areas where sus-
acknowledged that the Operating procedure asked the distribu- bill payment, distribution licens- pected cases have been found.
Government has imposed strict Regulations, 2014. tion licensees to eeshallfacilitateandupdatealter- Theinstructionshavebeenissued
restrictions on the movement of Some distribution licensees have ensure continuity of power sup- native payment modes, that is, to Health Officer Dr Pradip
general public in lockdown peri- alreadyinformedMERCthatthey ply, and also continue to attend digital payment mode. Dasarwar and Chief Fire Officer
od. Electricity being essential may not be able to perform cer- complaints related to restora- MERChasstatedthatthe‘prac- Rajendra Uchke. Spraying being done at Khamla.
service is exempted from such tain activities/duties as mandat- tion of supply as also the safe- tice direction’ shall remain in The names of Fire Brigade sta-
restriction, and distribution ed in the above-mentioned code ty-related complaints.The com- vogue ‘till such time the tions, incharge and their phone Ramgoniwar, 7219120001. 9594942171 and Narendra Nagar
licensee has to ensure mainte- and regulations. mission has allowed the distri- Government’s order imposing numbers are: Mangalwari and Lakadganj - Lakadganj, Mohan - Narendra Nagar, Dharmaraj
nance of uninterrupted power Considering the ‘critical situa- bution licensees to suspend restrictionsonaccountofCOVID- Dharampeth - Civil Lines, Gudadhe, 9765559811. Nakode, 9765559817. Hanuman
supply. However, apart from tion’ and ‘to ensure full imple- other non-essential services that 19 is in force’. The direction was Rajendra Dudhe - 9923101727. Satranjipura - Kalamna, Nagar - Narendra Nagar
maintaining uninterruptedpow- mentation of the Government require visiting consumer prem- issued with signatures of Mukesh Dhantoli - Cotton Market, Arun Dnyaneshwar Mohature, Dharmaraj Nakode, 9765559817.
er supply distribution licensee directives to ensure social dis- ises or meeting consumer in per- Khullar and I M Bohari, both Kalamkar, 9373708593. 9657980797. Laxminagar - Nehru Nagar - Sakkardara, Sunil
have to perform various con- tancing’ in order to control the son. Such services include meter members of MERC. Ashinagar-Sugatnagar,Sudhakar Trimurti Nagar, Tushar Barhate, Dokre, 9765559820.

NMC begins survey to

detect COVID-19 patients
■ Staff Reporter vey. The teams visited various
households and recorded
NAGPUR MunicipalCorporation health history of the persons in
(NMC), on Thursday, started its these families. Dr Bhavana
survey to detect coronavirus Sonkusale, Deputy Director
patients/suspects in the city. (Health), stated in a press release
The persons who previously that NMC staff was also record-
tested positive for coronavirus ing travel history of the persons
were from Laxmi Nagar and covered in the survey.
Dharampeth zones. Recently, The survey will result in col-
NMC completed survey in three lection of information about
km radius from the homes of healthparameters of the citizens,
thesepatients.TukaramMundhe, andalsohelp theauthoritiescon-
Municipal Commissioner,decid- cerned in starting treatment in
ed to carry on with the survey in case of suspects/patients. Dr
remaining eight zones of the city. Sonkusale urged the people to
Accordingly, from Thursday, extend due co-operation to NMC Workers of Kumar Bawankar Mitra Pariwar distributed buiscuts and water
the survey started. A total of 288 teams and provide information bottles to policemen, doctors and employees of Nagpur Municipal Corporation in
teams havebeen deployed in sur- sought. appreciation of their valuble services being rendered to the people to treat and
avoid spread of Coronavirus pandemic. Ravindra Kumar Bawankar, Secretary, of
Nagpur City Congress Committee, Dipakdada Karanjekar, Manager of Shrikrishna
Mandir, Chandu Vaidya and Ratnakar Potdar distributed materials to the Corona Labourers stranded at various construction sites were taken to shelterhomes in a
fighters on Thursday. police van on Friday. (Pic by Anil Futane)

Special facilities for Divyang No relief to pensioners of EPS 95 in

package declared by Finance Minister
■ Those with severe their home. The Commissioner The health department has ■ Staff Reporter
Prerna Deshbhratar has instruct- been instructed to take care of
disability will be able to edalltheRegionalCommissioners the disabled. in view of their AN ATMOSPHERE of discontent is prevailing among 67 lakh pen-
get ration, cooked food to help the disabled or their fam- health problems, they should not sionersofEPS95asnothinghascomefortheminthepackagedeclared
(if required), medicines at ily members, due to lockdown in be required to stand in queue or by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitarman on Thursday. Prakash
NMC staffers interacting with a house-owner during survey to their home, says Prerna the country due to Corona Virus shouldnotberequiredtovisitdif- Pathak, National Secretary, Nivrutta Karmachari (1995) Rashtriya
detect coronavirus suspects/patients. Deshbhratar Commr of outbreak. ferent places for their require- Samanvay Samiti, said in a press note issued here on Friday that the
Those who cannot move ments.Deshbhratarhasalsostat- government left them unsupported and nervous. As many as 6.5 pen-
Divyang Kalyan should be given essential items ed that special care should be sioners have lost their lives. He pointed out that there was no pro-
■ Staff Reporter including food grains fro Ration taken of those in Children Home vision in the financial budget but government should have done
B RIEFS THE Commissioner of Divyang
Shops, sufficient for one month
at their home, or to those who
or Shelter Homes. The disabled
should be given a toll-free phone
some help during the crises of Coronavirus pendemic.
A deputation of Rashtriya Kamgar Sanghata representatives
Kalyan(PersonswithDisabilities), come from their home, without number, so that they can ask for met the finance minister during budget session and discussed
Bawankule welcomes decision to Pune has issued detailed order standing in queue. Those who any help, during the lockdown. the issue. She assured to make a provision of Rs 5000/6000 in DA.
make adequate provisions for people to help the disabled in getting
food grains, medicines and for
are bed-ridden should also be
given sanitizers, masks, Detol etc
It has been further instructed
that the disabled should be giv-
N K Premchandran, MP from Kderala, had also talked to the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other leaders including Santosh
working under essential services operating bank accounts.
at their residence.Where there is
community kitchen, the break-
en ration for the next month.The
disabled should not be put to any
Gangawar and pointed out that how pensioners were pulling on life
in just Rs 500 to Rs 2500. Pathak urged the government to take nec-
FORMER Energy Minister and Nagpur’s Guardian Minister be able to get the ration, cooked fast, lunch, tiffin should be deliv- kind of inconvenience, essary steps to provide relief to the pensioners, especially during this
Chandrashekhar Bawankule has welcomed the decision of Prime food (if required), medicines at ered at their residence. Deshbhratar has instructed. critical situation.
to make adequate provision for doctors, nurses, labourer and
poor workers, sanitary workers, and for small industries. In a Krishna Khopde
statement issued here Bawankule has stated that the Finance
Minister has announced welfare schemes of Rs 1.70 lakh crores,
for the persons severely affected by 21-day lockdown due to
suggests preventive
Bhuvaneshwari - The queen of the universe
Corona Virus outbreak. ■ By Rajendra Diwe universe, Bhuvaneshvari is called Maya,
Insurance of Rs 50 lakh for doctors, nurses, officers of Health during lockdown which also means illusion. When things are
Department and sanitary workers is an important step. The pre- THE fourth among the Dasha Mahavidya is measured we can become caught in their
mium will be paid by the government. Under Prime Minister’s ■ Staff Reporter Maa Bhuvaneshwari, or Bhuvanesi, as She limited forms and forget the underlying uni-
Garib Kalyan Yojana every poor will get 5 kgs of wheat, 5 kgs of is also named in certain areas of India. The tary space in which they appear. This is how
rice, 1 kg pulse free of cost for the next three months. This will ben- MLA Krishna Khopde has made word Bhuvaneshwari is made up of two illusion arises. All manifest forms are mere-
efit 80 crore persons. The government has already deposited Rs severalsuggestionsinviewofout- terms, Bhuvanam and Ishwari. Bhuvanam ly waves in the infinite space of the Divine
6,000 in farmers’ accounts. They will be given Rs 2,000 more. The break of Corona Virus, followed denotes all the worlds or the universe, and Mother. We must learn to see the space of
decision will benefit 8.69 crore farmers. Similarly daily wage of by lockdown in the nation. Ishwari is the feminine form of the lord or the Mother, which is the embrace of con-
workers under MGNREGS has been increased from Rs 182 to Rs Khopde has demanded that the ruler. Bhuvaneshwari thus means the sciousness, in all he apparent objects of the
202. Bawankule has also welcomed the decision to pay Rs 1,000 notification for cancellation Queen of the Universe, Maya, power of love, world,andnolongertaketheirdiverseforms
toseniorcitizensandpersonswithdisabilitiesandRs500forwomen of all community gatherings, peace within, as void. She is like the red rays as reality.”
holding Jandhan account. Under Ujjwala Scheme 8 crore women marriages etc should be of the rising sun, with the moon as her dia- Devadatta Kali or David Nelson writes,
will get free gas cylinders. small industries will get loan upto Rs 20 cancelled upto April 30; defer- dem, and with three eyes, a smiling face, “Bhuvaneshwari is often shown holding a
lakh without any guarantor. He has also welcomed decision to ring recovery of instalments bestowing boons, holding a goad, a noose noose and a goad. Sri Ramakrishna used to
make provision of Rs 31 crore for construction workers. from those who have purchased and dispelling fears. say that it is Mother who binds and Mother
e-rickshaw, transport vehicles on The holy Vedas hail her as Aditi, the infi- who sets free, and these two implements
Dr Potdar congratulates Modi, loan etc. niteandall-encompassing illustratehercaptivatingandliberatingpow-

Sitaraman for Rs 1.7 lakh cr package

Besides Khopde, legislators
Mother, who holds the
entire space in her cosmic
P UBLIC INTEREST main faces of the Goddess
as both the infinite and
ers.With her noose she fulfills the functions
of avidyamaya, casting us into the confu-
have also made an appeal to womb. Thus the universe itself is her divine the eternal. Bhuvaneshvari creates the sion by which we mistake appearances for
DR RAJEEV Potdar congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi the Chief Minister Uddhav body,thatis,sheherselfistheuniverse,while stage on which Kali performs her dance reality. According to another interpretation
and Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman for declaring a Thackeray,DeputyChiefMinister herinfiniteself,residesinallthelivingthings of life and death. As the stage the noose represents the panchakosha, the
package of Rs 1.7 lakh crore for the people. Ajit Pawar, Leader of Opposition in it. Regarded as the earliest form of divine Bhuvaneshwari is also the witness, the five sheathes that surround and conceal the
LockdownandcurfewimposedowingtoCoronaviruspandemic DevendraFadnavisandGuardian energy, she is a powerhouse, who can over- observer and the enjoyer of the dance. As atman. They are the physical body (anna-
resulted in financial losses to the people, particularly farmers, Minister Dr Nitin Raut to take rule even the mighty Navagrahas, the nine Kali creates events in time, so mayakosha), its life-breath (prana-
vegetable produces, farm labourers, contractual workers, small steps in this direction. planets who decide about our destinies. Bhuvaneshwari creates objects in space.” mayakosha), the perceiving mind
businessmen/entreprenures suffered heavy losses. The Legislators have also According to Vedic scriptures, “The Dr David Frawley says, “Bhuvaneshwari (manomayakohsa), the determinative fac-
Taking into consideration the serious situation, Modi and demanded that permission be Goddess represents space. Space is the is the cosmos (Bhuvana) personified as a ulty (vidnyanamayakosha), and the causal
Sitaraman announced the package providing Rs 202 as daily wages granted for using the Local Area Mother or Matrix in which all creatures Goddess. To worship her promotes a cos- sheath or sense of individuality (anan-
tolabourers,fivekgwheat,fivekgriceatconcessionalrates,deposit- Development Fund and funds of come into being. She is the field in which mic vision and frees us from the narrow- damayakosa). With her goad she pushes us
ing Rs 2000 as installment in the accounts of eight crore farmers DPC for those affected by the all things grow. She is the receptive ness of opinion and belief. She helps us go to overcome any hindrances—any passions
under Pm Kisan Sanman Yojna, depositing rs 500 as monthly lockdown. spirit who gives space to allow all things beyond all identifications with creed, class, or negativities or wrong ideas that conceal
installment to the accounts of 20 crore women, free cylinder, med- The marriage halls should be their place and function. She is the cos- race, sex, nation and religion, to a univer- our true, divine nature. She urges us to reach
ical insurance upto Rs 50 lakh, extending date for GST etc. informed immediately, so that mic womb that gives birth to all the worlds. salunderstanding.Shegives usworldvision, beyond the limitations of human life drawn
Dr Potdar wanted that now the State Government should take the organisers of programmes As space, Bhuvaneshwari is complemen- a global understanding, and a sense of the by body, mind and personality, and to aspire
initiative in taking the package to the people. will be able to finalise other dates tary to Kali who is time; they are the two infinite. As the power that measures out the to true Self-knowledge.”
for their programmes.
4 TheHitavada NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020


No Added
“For this role, we had to give
attention and importance to ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

smallest of things. We inter- Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Lemon
acted a lot with second-in- ✦ Shouldering additional workload without
command of the unit Col strategy is likely to create problems. You will be
Sandeep Sen, he was the con- at limelight in a social gathering. Financial sit-
sultant and the supervisor on uation is slated to improve today. Past roman-

our show. T THE Cannes Film Festival in 2018, tic experiences would occupy your mind.
“He narrated us a lot of sto- Rohena Gera’s Sir was selected to com-
ries of Col Sheoran, he taught pete in the International Critics’ Week TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 20)
us how to behave like com- section. The same year, Nandita Das’Manto Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Maroon
mandos. Besides all this, we was in contention in Un Certain Regard sec- ✦ You are likely to fail to benefit from a new
did a lot of training in boot tion of the festival. It was a rare and interest- opportunity at work. Guests visit would make
camps, weapon training, how ing year when two female filmmakers from it a pleasant day. Good earning promises to keep
NSG operates and about the India vied for honours at prestigious festival. you in an upbeat mood today. You are likely to
whole operation.” Gera underplays her tag as a female film- regain love through some unconventional ways.
The actor said his web-show maker, saying that she does not carry any extra
State of the Siege narrates the responsibility while representing group.
GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 20)
story through the eyes of Have female filmmakers contributed in Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Bottle Green
NSG commandos, which changing the image of actresses in cinema in ✦ In business you may fail to forge new alliances.
he believes should be told to the recent times?“I definitely think so, because You will be in mood to celebrate with family
the world. as a woman I do not have to think that I will and friends. Monetary problems will become a
“The films that have come portray the woman character in the film in Cannes, the film has also won awards at a few thing of past, as you come into big money.
earlier have had the point of an interesting way. I will automatically do so international festivals. Sir also features Negative tactics create void in romantic ties.
view of cops or of people who because as a woman we understand certain Geetanjali Kulkarni, Ahmareen Anjum, Rahul

have suffered or died but not nuances and complexity from experience.We Vohra among others.
of defence services, like NSG just get it right. So, if we are just honest about Does Gera feel an added responsibility as CANCER ( Jun 21 - Jul 20)
in this case, who actually the reality and the people we know in our a female filmmaker at a time when the female Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Rose
flushed out the terrorist and lives, we can naturally add some nuances to voice is increasingly being heard in the realm ✦ Absence of clarity may come in way of con-
finished this operation. that. That is why I think the change that we of entertainment? “I do not like to think about veying desired messages. Good advice from
family members brings gains.Wise investments

“Everybody knows they get to see now has had to do with the fact that it as extra responsibility for being the ‘woman’
promise to keep coffers brimming. Romantic
came from Delhi and that’s it women’s voices are being heard more these filmmaker. I think since I am a woman there
life brightens as you receive exciting message.
and they know nothing days,” Rohena told IANS. are certain stories I will say because they mat-
beyond that, I don’t think “Sir” revolves around an unlikely romance ter to me. Having said that, I do not want to
many people would even that develops between a live-in maid, played work with categories. As an audience, when LEO ( Jul 21 - Aug 20)
know the full form of NSG. We by Tillotama Shome, and her employee (Vivek I watch a film I am not bothered by gender Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
need to tell a story from their Gomber). Apart from being screened at of the filmmaker, but the film.” (IANS) ■ ✦ Professional matters start moving in right
point of view, I believe they direction. Company of family friends keeps you
were the heroes, who took in relaxed mood.Your dream of acquiring wealth

CTOR Arjan Bajwa, best The 40-year-old actor said control of the situation and may begin to take shape now. Romantic part-

Amicable ex
known for films such as it isn’t a conscious decision on neutralise the terrorist.” ner would eagerly look forward to meet you.
Rustom and Kabir his part to do less work as there The series also features
Singh, says his aim is to do have been moments when a Arjun Bijlani, Mukul Dev,Vivek VIRGO (Aug 21 - Sep 20)
selective but good work, which potential opportunity for him Dahiya, Tara Alisha Berry, Sid

Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Lemon
should have a lasting impact has been sabotaged.. Makkad, Vikram Gaikwad in ORMER couple Vishal Aditya Singh ✦ Even your analytical skills might fail to help
on the audience. “I look for very selective sto- pivotal roles. and Madhurima Tuli made a lot of in professional ventures. Parental guidance in
Bajwa broke out after he ries. I look for stories that excite The eight-episode series is headlines for their fights during their decision would help. Steps to curb wasteful
starred opposite Priyanka me. But then there are times based on Sandeep Unnithan’s stints on the reality TV shows Nach Baliye expenditure may help you save much. Promising
Chopra in Madhur when I want to do films and book, Black Tornado:The Three and Bigg Boss 13. From abusing each oth- day as far as romantic front is concerned.
Bhandarkar’s Fashion but people have different agenda Sieges of Mumbai 26/11 and has er to involving in physical violence, the
since then, the actor has most- to not cast you. All those direc- been directed by Matthew two often stayed in the limelight for all
ly played supporting parts in tors should be answerable for Leutwyler. The crime-thriller the wrong reasons. It seems the two have LIBRA (Sep 21 - Oct 20)
movies such as Guru, Crook, that. Let’s not get into it and series is streaming on ZEE5. now moved on from their phase of quar- Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
Bobby Jasoos, Rustom and take names,” he said. Besides State of Siege: 26/11, rels. ✦ Inability to adapt to fast changing situation
Kabir Singh. Arjan has now ventured into Arjan said he will soon start In a recent interview to IANS,Vishal at work could disappoint later. A day when mis-
“For me it is not always the digital space with State of work on two films and two spoke about his current bond with has changed after Bigg Boss 13. understandings at home are sorted out. Your
about the length of the role or Siege: 26/11. The actor said he web-series. Madhurima. “I feel blessed to be part of that show. financial situation is likely to improve. Be sure
of feelings before confessing love to partner.
being the face of the film but agreed to the show as it offered “One web-series is a drama- He said, “I don’t have any grudges for Now more people know me... my reach
what people take back home him the chance to play a thriller, which was supposed her in my heart. We are still friends... but has increased. I got a lot of popularity due
or what leaves an impact on defence personnel. to start by March end but now it does not mean we meet everyday or talk to Bigg Boss. Even professional life has SCORPIO (Oct 21 - Nov 20)
the audience.There have been “I have wanted to do a role considering the situation it everyday. We have moved on from our changed too, I have got many offers,” Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Purple
films where I have played quin- that is of a defence personnel will be pushed, everything fights. We behave maturely now. No harsh Vishal said on the sidelines of Ample ✦ Ineffective business presentation may come
tessential hero or a negative or like people in the army for has come to a grinding feelings for her and there is not dushmani Missiion and Aneel Murarka’s fashion show in way of professional progress. Avoid taking
role and people have liked it. a very long time. The offer halt. Another series is a (hostility) between Madhurima and I.” Sindoor Khela. domestic dispute lightly.You will manage to con-
“I want to do interesting sto- came through this web-series. political drama, it will start Vishal also spoke about how his life (IANS) ■ solidate your chances for financial gains. You
ries and not do regular run- It was very exciting to play the mid-year. I can’t disclose any- succeed in taking romance to newer heights.
of-the-mill story. The inten- role of a commando.” thing in detail.
tion is to do work that will be Arjan’s role is inspired by Col “Both the films are in thriller SAGITTARIUS (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
remembered. I am glad peo- Sunil Sheoran, the NSG space, one is in a cop thriller Lucky Number: 18 Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Unexpected Sequel
ple remember my work in most (National Security Guard) and another is a horror kind ✦ You find it difficult to break yourself free from
of the films I have done. The head, who led the comman- of thriller and they should start all shackles at work. Important development
recall and repeat value does dos in the fight against the ter- in the middle of the year,” he at personal front brings jubilation for family.
matter,” Arjan told PTI in an rorists during the 26/11 said. Avoid making long-term investment. You find
interview. Mumbai terror attacks in 2008. (IANS) ■ emotional fulfillment in partner’s company.

OLLYWOOD action star Tom Cruise ‘Maverick’ Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick.
says he didn’t want to do a Top Gun The film will be set in a world of drone CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 20)
sequel for the longest time as they were technology and will explore the end of Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Bollywood, and he has a wish to be unable to crack the idea the era of dogfighting, ✦ In business you fail to join hands with dynam-
launched by directors like Sanjay Leela for the story. with Cruise portraying a ic professionals. A happy time in company of
Bhansali and Rajkumar Hirani. The actor, who shot to flight instructor. relatives as they do many favours for you. Things
“I really want to be launched in international stardom When they eventually start looking up for you financially. Long wait
to embark on a love journey is likely to end.
Bollywood by film directors like after the release of Tony zeroed in on what they
Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Scott’s action drama Top wanted to do in the
Rajkumar Hirani. As a viewer I Gun, said he had even sequel, the actor said he AQUARIUS ( Jan 21 - Feb 20)
have always loved watching their told producer Jerry was sure he wanted to do Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Lemon
work. Hope I soon make my debut Bruckheimer to forget the stunts on his own, not ✦ You find it difficult to adapt to changes at
in Bollywood,” Prabhu said. about making a part two go for the computer gen- workplace. Enjoying company of close relatives
Currently, Prabhu has plenty of Kannada to the 1986 original. erated imagery (CGI). will brighten your evening. Earning good mon-
movies, including Mysore Diaries and Maya “Everywhere I went, “We just started talking. ey is foretold in a venture that you are starting.

Eager To Kannadi, in his kitty.

“Regional films are not limited to group of
people would be like, ‘Do
Top Gun’, and I’m like,
And I realised that there
were things that we could
Avoid doubting partner’s fidelity to save ties.

viewers. If we do our best and make it a super ‘Guys, I don’t know how to do it’. accomplish cinematically. And I started get- PISCES (Feb 21 - Mar 20)
hit... people will do watch the movie in their “I don’t know what the story is. I don’t ting excited about this big challenge of, ‘How Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Off White
desired language. So it similarly gives an actor make movies just to make movies. I was like, do we do it?’ So I said to Jerry, ‘I’ll do it if…’ ✦ At work you might fail to grab opportunity
an opportunity to grow. No one has any ‘Jerry, it’s never going to happen’. I honestly meaning, I’m not going to do the CGI stuff,” to prove your mettle. Shopping with family

UGE Known for his role in the Kannada anykind of boundaries. As an artist, I want to never thought I would make it,” Cruise told Cruise said. members will be exciting. Raising capital for
movie Urvi, actor Prabhu Mundkur is grow and work in regionals, Hindi television Empire magazine. “Maverick” is directed by “Oblivion” fame new venture will not be a problem today. The
eagerly waiting to make his debut in and Bollywood,” he added. ■ And over three decades later, the 57-year- Joseph Kosinski. day promises a beginning of romantic journey.
old star is set to reprise his role as Pete (PTI) n


Complete the grid so that every row,
column and 3x3 box contains every
digit from 1 to 9 inclusive.

Quote Unquote
One single grateful thought raised to
heaven is the most perfect prayer.
- G E Lessing
See solution elsewhere in this issue
NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020 CityLine 5
F ROM THE SCHOOLS Dr Bodhankar suggests some F ROM THE COLLEGES
Bhavan’s B P Vidya Mandir,
Srikrishna Nagar
answers to COVID-19 related issues J D College of Engineering & Management
■ Staff Reporter quarantines for the homeless free of
cost and to the people advised for
WITH several issues have come to the home quarantine, who can afford to
fore, Dr Uday Bodhankar, a well-known pay hotel bill for 14 days period,
Paediatrician has come up with certain 2. All ambulances to be stocked with
suggestions. masks and sanitizes to be distributed to
“The corona virus outbreak has made the needy and they can make rounds in
me, like so many others, realize that we the cities and 3. Foodtrucks serving
are not prepared for such emergencies Dr Uday Bodhankar free meals to the poor and needy. This
at all,” pointed out Dr Bodhankar. needs to be a year long activity. College team with differently-abled and Orphanage children.
Dr Bodhankar suggested three points. They Wherein hygienic simple meals could be offered
are: 1. Convert oyo (and likes) empty rooms into free of cost. THE students from Department of Management Studies, J D
Winners along with Principal, Pre-primary In-charge and Teacher College of Engineering & Management, Katol Road, recently
In-charge. organised a one-day event ‘Smile Project’ at Matru Seva Sangh

TINY tots from Bhavan’s B P Vidya Mandir, Srikrishna Nagar Meeting of Mah Rajya S K Patil honoured
with Prof Prithviraj
(MSS) Student School for differently-abled children and Bal
Sadan Orphanage as a part of CSR Cell Activity under the stu-
made their school proud with their brilliant performances at Zip
Zap Zoom Talent Hunt Competition organised Little Jewels
Kindergarten recently. Total 50 students from the school partici-
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Bansod Samyak
dents forum ‘AIMS’. Students raised funds for the ‘Smile Project’
and donated food grains, stationery and other essential items to
the school and orphanage. Interactive fun games and other
pated in various competitions like colouring, clay modelling,
collage, thumb and finger dabbling and Olympiad. Winners Dalit Mitra Sangh held Smruti Puraskar activities were conducted by the students which were thorough-
ly enjoyed by the children. The children were enthusiastic to dis-
include Aarna Agrawal (Nursery B) secured the first prize in S K PATIL, founder of Bank of India play their talents as they performed dance, sang songs and
‘Thumb and Finger Dabbling’. Arnav Goyal (Nursery A) and Karmachari Mahasangh was hon- played ‘Antakshari’. The event was co-ordinated by Prof Aditi
Aarohi Bhandarkae (Nursery F) secured first and second prize oured with Prof Prithviraj Bansod Saha and Dr Anjali Chandak. The faculty members Dr Parvin
respectively in colouring. Shrimayi Chande (KG I-F) bagged first Samyak Smruti Puraskar, at a func- Shaikh and Prof Akshay Chandankhede also actively participat-
prize in collage making competition. Management, Principal tion held, here. The award of Rs ed. Dr Swaranalata Philip congratulated the students for suc-
and staff congratulated the winners and applauded the efforts of 10,000, memento, shawl and cer- cessfully conducting this activity. Manager of Matru Seva Sangh
other participants. The children were trained by Rita Agrawal, tificate has been instituted by Prof Girish Varadpande and Prashant Hadke of Bal Sadan appreciat-
Pranali Ghatame, Chitra Chaware and Sharda Joshi. Prithviraj Bansod Trust. ed the efforts of students.
The award was conferred upon
Jain International School Patil at the hands of Bhadant
Vimalkirti Gunasari. Republican
Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya
movement leader from Akola B S A GUEST lecture
Inigle, Adv Sandesh Bhalekar, Dr was organised at
Ramesh Rathod, Padmavati Sevadal Mahila
Bansod were the guests of honour. Mahavidyalaya,
Seniour journalist Bhimrao Vaidya Sakkardara
Rajabhau Tanksale speaking during meeting of Maharashtra presided. Square recently.
Rajya Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Dalit Mitra Sangh. Ramgovind Bhadant Gunasari said that H e m a n t
Khobragade, Yogesh Wagde, Bhushan Dadwe, Ruprao Raut those working with Dr Ambedkar Waghmare,
seated on the dais. were honest and hard working. D i r e c t o r ,
They did not compromise with Maharashtra
■ Staff Reporter views. The organisation their porinciples. However, the Prof Pravin Charde, Sanjay Shende and C e n t r e
Winners of ‘Teri Green Olympiad’ with Principal Anmol Badjatia decided to pressurise the gov- dream of Dr Ambedkar could not Hemant Waghmare at the event. Entrepreneurship
and others. A MEETING of Maharashtra ernment to effectively imple- be realised because of selfish atti- Development
Rajya Dr Babasaheb ment all the schemes tude of political leaders. The hon- (MCED) was the chief guest. Dr Prabhakar Bhandari, convenor,
THE students of Jain International School brought laurels to the Ambedkar Dalit Mitra Sangh announced for the Dalit est workers should contnue work- Placement Cell, introduced the guest speaker. Prof Pravin
institution with their brilliant performance in ‘Teri Green was held under the chairman- Mitra’s welfare. Dr Jagdish ing with hoinesty to change the Charde, Principal, welcomed the guest. Sanjay Shende,
Olympiad 2019-20’. Aditya Sharma (Std IX), Dev Khosla, ship of newly-elected Dufare conducted the pro- picture in the nation. President, Sevadal Education Society always encouraged the
Saksham Dhawan, Mahi Bajaj, Prutha Hande and Himesh President Ramgovind ceedings. Maya Ghorpade Patil recalled contribution of staff to conduct such lectures for the benefit of students. Dr
Achiliya (Std VIII), secured merit positions in the exam. The Khobragade. proposed a vote of thanks. Bansod and appealed to the youth Ratkanthiwar, Sharad Bakhade, S R Nimbarte, Dr K V Dubey, Dr
School Management, Principal Anmol Badjatia and staff con- Tributes were paid to for- Tanha Nagpuri, Shankar to strengthen the social movement Padole, Dr Ashish Lambat, Dr Anjali Mahakalkar, Dr Sanjay Pal,
gratulated the students and their mentor Ravinder Kohli on their mer President Dr Mahadev Dhengre, Anilkumar started by him. Ingle, Bhalekar, Dr Dr Anil Mohite, Dr Raghoba Nagpure and non teaching staff
brilliant performance. Nagrale and other members Meshram, Abdul Hamid, Rathod and Vaidya also expressed worked hard for success of the event.
who passed away recently. Ramkrishna Paunikar, Vinod their views. Prof Yogesh
Schools may send their news items also on State Unit members Yogesh Sonkar, Prakash Kumbhe, Muneshwar made introductory Colleges may send their news items also on Wagde, Bhushan Dadwe and Manda vairagade, hira bado- remarks and also conducted the Ruprao Raut, and Rajabhau dekar were prominent among proceedings. Suryabhan Shende
Tanksale expressed their those present. proposed a vote of thanks.

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NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020

UPDATE RBI’s move will bring more relief to people: Trade & industry
■ Business Bureau debt to GDP ratio is very low as ket, it will bring more money of get loans at cheaper rates. If this side. In a slew of measures account will not be treated as
‘Work@Home’ compared to other countries. Rs 3.74 lakh crore in the market is done, liquidity in the market announced on Friday, RBI NPA and borrowers credit histo-
promotional THE Confederation of All India
RBI has infused massive liq-
and after the FM gave a package
of Rs 1.70 lakh crore onThursday,
will increase.
As far as GDP growth and infla-
declaed massive cut in its repo
rate by 90 bps bringng it to 4.4%
ry or CIBIL won’t be affected &
will not show default.
plan by BSNL ious announcements made on
Friday by the Governor of the
ly 3.2% of GDP. Now, it is the turn
the flow of about Rs 5.5 lakh crore
in the market can be seen in
tion is concerned, RBI has said
that there is uncertainty in the
which will bring down banks
lending rates to a some extent.
Dipen Agrawal, President of
Chamber of Associations of
ReserveBankofIndiaShaktikanta strong leadership. The banks future. Another factor that no economy. It all depends on the RBI has directed all banks to Maharashtra Industry & Trade
BSNL has introduce promo- Das, saying that in the present should go ahead for liberal lend- accounts of traders will become intensity of the COVID-19 and recalculateandre-assessbyrevis- (CAMIT): Much more needed to
tional standalone broad- crisisofCorona,theseannounce- ing. The banks will have to com- NPA is also a major relief. Overall, when the market will be opened. ing DP calculations by reducing bringeconomy
band plan ‘Work at Home’ ments would benefit not only petewithNBFCsinlending.There the Govt has not left any stone CA Julfesh Shah, Member, borrowers margin to ensure out from
for free of cost to all existing traders but also other people of may be some cases of financial unturnedtohelpinassistingtrade Committee of Insolvency smooth flow of working capital inevitable
BSNL’s land line customers. thecountry.Itwillrelievethepeo- strictness but lending should be and industry during this time of BankingCodeofICAI,NewDelhi: cycle for the trade and industry recession.With
Under this plan, bandwidth ple from great burden of finan- viewed liberally for economic crisis. In the current when the operations restart. In the repo rate
(download speed) subject cialliabilitiesforthepresent.This upliftment. At this crucial junc- CA Kailash Jogani, Past scenario when additiontoallnationalisedbanks now, at 4.4%
to technical feasibility upto step of the RBI is another major ture pumping of liquidity in the President of NCCL :RBI decision theentireworld it will include all commercial the banks
10 MBPS till 5 GB per day, step in the chain of giving con- market is all the more necessary. to cut the repo is fighting banks including RRBs, small shouldpassthe
beyond 5 GB per day, speed cessionstovarious sectionsamid The reverse repo rate has been and reverse againstCOVID- finance banks, co-op banks, benefits of the present & previ-
will be 1 Mbps. The plan circumstances created due to reduced drastically. This means repo rates by 75 19, the global NBFCs, housing finance compa- ous rate cuts to the customers.
will be available on promo- COVID-19. that the bank will now increase and 90 basis economic state nies etc. It implies that unless This will reduce the borrowing
tional basis for a period of BCBhartia,NationalPresident the debt in the market instead of pointreduction of affairs is one has specific approval from cost for the home-seeker signif-
one month with immediate of CAIT: Keeping aside inflation, holding money in the RBI. in CRR is a wel- passing througha difficult phase. its bank, EMIs will be deducted icantlyandhaveapositiveimpact
effect to existing BSNL’s theRBIhastak- Whether a term loan, cash cred- come step. India also is feeling it’s heat and from their account. on real estate and willreduce cost
land line customers only. en major steps it, or overdraft limit, the interest However, it has economic operations have come However credit card payments of funds. The 3 month moratori-
However, new customers to strengthen charged above all has been post- been generally observed that to a grinding halt. Trade & indus- has been excluded from mora- um for borrowers is a huge relief
can opt this plan after acti- the economy poned for 3 months.This is a very banks did not follow the direc- try in India is facing the music torium.Theunderlyingadvantage for individuals. Management of
vation of any regular land which will pro- big step which will help the tives of RBI when it comes to and are in a standstill due to for the borrowers is that due to all banks should take urgent
line plan. For further details vide great relief traders a lot. reduction of interest rates on nationallockdown.RBIhadcome this moratorium if he /she is not meetingstopassonbenefittocus-
customer may contact on in the present Along with this, suggestions loans. Banks always take deci- out with certain positive meas- in a position to repay the instal- tomers. RBI was silent on exten-
0712-2543287. crisis. RBI has have been made to increase the sion as per their financial posi- ures to bring solace to the trade ment & interest or EMIs falling sionofLoC andtimebound com-
taken a big and bold step. India’s liquidityofthemoneyinthemar- tions. Trade and industry should and industry on their banking due on March 1, 2020, still mitments under FEMA.

MIDC charges for March and Devidas Tuljapurkar says

April should be waived off: BMA
VTA appeals to defer bill payment
& reduction in electricity tariff Govt nationalising losses
■ Business Bureau Differ payments of bills with all
possible discounts and subsidy. ■ Commercial rates metering accumulated units be creditingmergeramountperunit ■ Business Bureau corporates who have looted the
PRADIP Khandelwal, President There should not be Stamp Duty should be cut as the carried forward to next year and to such consumer, thereby bank should be put behind the
of Butibori Manufacturers on sale of property which may be requested for reduction of elec- restartingsolarproductionsfrom EXPRESSING views on several bars,” he demanded. RBI with its
Association(BMA)saidthatwhat- required as personal fund man- businesses and tricity tariff taking into consid- April 1. “By this letter, we request measures announced by RBI, action of moratorium has creat-
ever decision taken by Centre agement by many.This will divert industries are badly hit erationtheCOVID-19restrictions that the solar units accumulated Joint Secretary of AIBEA Devidas ed panic with the depositors but
Governmentisgood.However,he money from this having surplus by the lockdown, andthecircumstancesthereafter. be carried forward to the next TuljapurkaronFridayallegedthat in market everybody was con-
said that such steps should also tothosehavingshortageandthus VTA demanded Shrawan Kumar Malu, year so that its true benefit reach- once again the Government has templating on the background
be taken by State Government so making a equilibrium. President of VTA requested that estheconsumersandwesaveour followed the principle of‘nation- why RBI has not intervened
that the industries that are reel- Rationaliseorabolishanybind- electricity bill payments of all the environment as well,” he said. alisation of losses and privatiza- before. RBI also should be made
ing under recession should get ing of ready-reckoner (RR) rate ■ Business Bureau consumers may please be VTA requested that all citizens tion of profits’. He also said that accountable.
sigh of relief. for ease in transfer of hands for deferred for few months, more- are spending time at their resi- the Government has asked the On this background, RBI
Some of the demands of the sick or sickening or closed units. ADMITTEDLYallcountrymenare over penalty and interest for such dence, while offices, business public sector bank - SBI to bail should carry out special inspec-
BMA are waive MIDC charges for Next month onwards lay off @ confined to their homes due to extended period may also be housesandindustriesshut;under out private sector. tion of all the private sector banks
March and April. MIDC has 50% payment be permitted so thisthreateningCOVID-19which waived off. Every citizen is con- such circumstances, the mini- RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das “If SBI can bail outYes Bank, then
whopping thousands of crores in thatemployerandemployeeboth hasbroughtentireglobetoalmost fined at their residence without mum slab for residential user of has cut interest rates by 75 basis why not PMC, PEN Urban or
theirbalancesheet.Somakingtwo can sustain for longer period. All standstillandMaharashtraisalso any source of earning and there- 100 units be raised to 200 units, points to 4.4% and also Rupee Bank,” he wondered.
monthsofwaiverisnotthatharsh industrial Property Tax be dif- affected adversely. by facing difficulty in payment of so that majority of common men announced several measures to Revival of Financial Resolution
decision for them. Waive mini- fered for minimum one-year. Under such circumstances, their electricity bills. gets some relief. Thereafter,com- inject Rs 3.74 lakh crore liquidi- and Deposit Insurance Bill will
mum demand charges in power Cash credit limit be increased to Vidarbha Taxpayers Association Tejinder Singh Renu, VTA mercialratesmayalsobereduced ty into the system. lead to insecurity with the bank
bills. It is not practical and ethi- 25% without any further docu- (VTA)haswrittentoDrNitinRaut, Secretary requested that every as the businesses and industries However,Tuljapurkar said that depositors and adversely affect
cal to charge closed establish- mentation. Company Law Board Maharashtra Minister for Energy year end the generated and accu- are very badly hit by this lock- firstly, the Government should onrateofsavingswhichmayhave
ments. This should be under- should pass order to make pay- to defer electricity bill payment mulated solar units are cleared down, VTAsharedthistoMinister hold the managment of Yes Bank far reaching effect on the
stood by MSEDCL. mentsofMSMEsonprioritybasis. by few months, likewise net off by the MSEDCL/DISCOM by on his WhatsApp and Tweeter. accountable for the mess. “The economy, he pointed out.

■ By Mahesh S Kale Mahatma Gandhi English Medium School students excel in athletics
DESPITE the deadly coron- STUDENTS of Mahatma Chaitanya Dhapade secured Her colleague Bhumika
avirus outbreak, which has Gandhi English Medium School bronze in 4x100m relay race. In Deshmukh finished fourth in the
claimed 17 lives in India so far excelled in District Sub-Junior Under-12 boys section, Aryan same event.
and resulted into a 21-day lock- Athletics Championship where- Bankar won bronze medal in All the students have been
down in the country, city hoop- as its student Kashish Bhagat 100m event whereas in 4x100m trained under the guidance of
sters are keeping themselves fit bagged best jumper award in mixed relay event he bagged gold sportsteacherRamchandraWani.
for the coming season. the competition. medal. Kashish Bhagat won gold Headmaster Dharmendra
Cagers Dhara Phate, Shomira In Under-8 girls section, medals in 100m event, long jump Parshivnikar supervisor Deepali
Bidaye and Siya Deodhar are Nisarga Wankhede jumped 2.65 and 4x100m mixed relay com- Kothe, Priya Dakhale, Madhavi
doing everything to stay fit and metres to win gold medal. petitions. In 4x100m girls relay, Wankhede, Sipin Singh,
healthy. However in 60m running event she had to be satisfied with Anuradha Khadse, Anju
Dhara and Shomira, who rep- she finished sixth. bronze. She won three gold and Chaturvedi, Pranjali Wadkar,
resented India in the NBA Junior In Under-10 boys section, one bronze medal. Ashwini Gorle, Ruchi Pande,
World Championship last year Dhara Phate performing a plank in her colony. Nainish Kamble bagged bronze In Under-14 girls event, KalyaniBorkar,ShardaZod,Nitin
and Siya who was about to play in shot put contest. In the same SamikshaParateclinchedbronze Bhandari and others have con-
theFIBAUnder-16Women’sAsian copies and assignments which morning followed by some basic a schedule of her fitness routine. category Swapnita Aware and meal in high jump. gratulated the students.
Championship in April, believe normally I am unable to do stretching and floor exercises like “One day I perform lower body
thatthereareseveralindoorexer- because of my sports commit- push-ups and free weight squats exercises while the next day I
cises that one can do in order to ments.” as these exercises help me with work on all upper body parts. I
stay in shape. Dhara, who was a part of the myagilityandstrength,”Shomira have also allotted specific days
Dhara performs cardio exer- Under-16 Dharampeth Krida said.The cager said the lockdown for particular exercises like
cises like running and ropes to Mandal (DKM) team that recent- due to coronavirus has given her Monday will be for balancing
stay fit and healthy. ly won the Khasdar Krida ample time to study and watch exercises and Tuesday will be for
“I run 3 to 5 kilometres every Mahotsav, believes that being old NBA games. endurance and flexibility etc,”
morningfollowedbysomejump- spiritual also makes one men- “Thanks to the lockdown I am Siya said.
ingjacksandropes.Ialsodostairs tally strong and focused. havingsufficienttimetostudyand Siyasaidshewatchesoldvideos
exercise,” Dhara said while talk- “To stay calm and focused I revise,” said Shomira who is a of FIBA Under-16Women’s Asian
ing to ‘The Hitavada’. perform pooja every evening and class IX student of Centre Point Championshipduringherleisure
“For core training I perform then I meditate for at least 15 School, Katol Road. “I watch old time.
plank, crunches and other free minutes ,” Dhara said. NBA games and interviews of “I watch matches of the previ-
weight exercises,” she added. Shomira said, yoga, floor exer- popular NBA athletes during my ouseditionofFIBAU16European
Whenaskedwhatshedoesdur- cises, stretching are some of the free time as their is a lot to learn Championship during my leisure
ing her leisure time, the Class X exercises that she performs to form it,” Shomira added. timeandItrytogainsomeinsight
student of Bhavan’s Trimurti maintain her flexibility and Siya, who normally plays at the from them,” Siya concluded.
Nagar said, “I am completing my endurance. “I do yoga every point guard, said she has made ■

Shomira Bidaye
performs an
excercise drill
with her mother.
Prerna Public School organises yoga camp
PRERNA Public School organised a workshop
‘Yoga and Arogyam’ for teaching and non teach-
ing staff recently in school premises.
The workshop was conducted by yoga expert
Padmini Jog. She explained the significance of yoga
in day to day life with the help of Asanas and
Pranayama, she also taught different Hasta Mudras
and micro exercises to cure various ailments. She
highlighted the importance of Kapalbhati and
On this occasion, Dr Samuel Roy, Principal,
Sakhare and Pournima Gaidhane were present.
Siya Deodhar all for making the event successful.
NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020 CityLine / Regions 7
Gondia youth tests positive
Couples returning
from Thailand,
Mumbai among 6
■ Family members also Gondia has registered its first
positive case of COVID – 19. The
ple and sent it to IGGMC, Nagpur
for testing. The report which home quarantined
being tested 24-year old youth who had arrived on Thursday late night ■ District Correspondent
■ Youth had returned returned from Bangkok trip has confirmed their fears. WARDHA, Mar 27
from Bangkok 10 days tested positive. His report was On Friday, the authorities took
back received on Thursday late night. all four members of the affected THOUGHthereisnocoronavirus
■ Admn swung into District Health Officer Dr Shyam youth’s family for testing. positive patient in the district,
Neemgade has confirmed the Meanwhile, the report of COVID- the Health Department and dis-
action after his friend report and has appealed people 19 positive patient spread fear in trict administration are closely
from Ranjnandgaon not to panic, but to stay at home thedistrict.Residentsinthelocal- monitoring the people returned
tested positive and co-operate with authorities. ity where the affected youth was fromabroadandthosewhocame
TheyouthhadgonetoBangkok living demanded sanitisation from coronavirus-hit district.
STEPS TAKEN: (Above) ■ District Correspondent some two weeks ago and had of the entire locality and other Sixhomequarantinedpatients
Labourers from Madhya Pradesh GONDIA, Mar 27 returned ten days back. He was measurestopreventtheinfection with symptoms of fever and pain
who had come to Gondia for accompaniedbytwoyouthsfrom from spreading. According to in throat have been kept in iso-
work, after three days of wait for
THEyouthfromGondia,whowas neighbouring district of Collector Dr Kadambari lationward.Thisincludetwocou-
help after lockdown, heading
home walking on the railway keptinquarantineafterhisfriend Rajnandgaon in Chhatisgarh. Balkawade, the contact tracing ples who returned fromThailand
tracks. They will have to walk tested positive, has also tested Three days back one of the team has started identification and Mumbai. Meanwhile, 34 per-
some 140 to 250 kilometres to positive spreading fear among Rajnandgaonyouthreportedpos- of the people with whom the sons returning from abroad are
reach their native village. (Left) people in Gondia. People have itive for the infection after which affected youth had come in con- kept in home quarantine. Total
People, waiting outside demanded the administration to Gondia administration swung tact and collecting details of the 22 samples were sent to Nagpur
Pulgaon’s Bank of India office, take all preventive steps to stop into action and had detained the places he has moved. His house for testing out of which 19 were
following social distancing. the spread of the infection in the youth from his residence in is also put under observation, found negative while result of
district and to sanities entire city. Gondia. They collected the sam- prohibiting any movement. three samples are awaited.

27,500 return to Buldana from other distts; 25 pc yet to be screened

BULDANA, Mar 27 another. Against this backdrop, data of people returning district to find coronavirus symptoms in entry of outsiders. Moreover,
arrival of such a large number of by March 26, from all 13 patients, administration is close- some villagers have dug the main
IN A shocking revelation coming people has created sensation in Panchayat Samities. These peo- ly monitoring the situation. roads.
from the data collected by dis- the district. Hence, Buldana Zilla ple include students, pilgrims,
trict administration, it has come
to fore that about 27,500 people
Parishad has formed district and
tehsil-level coronavirus control
labourers and private employ-
ees. Tehsil-wise number of peo-
61 in home Eight-hour journey
living in other districts for vari- cells. The ZP administration ple returning district is: Buldana- quarantine for swab testing
ous reasons have returned to the has been conducting survey in 822, Chikhli-1162, Deulgaonraja
district till announcement of every village to find out the per- 644, Sindkhedraja-2340, Mehkar THE number of home quaran- IN ABSENCE of Government or
nation-wide total lockdown. sons coming from other places. 3002, Lonar 1523, Khamgaon tined patients in the district was PrivateMedicalCollegeandprop-
Though various Government With the help of Gram Sevaks, 5685, Shegaon 1494, Jalgaon 61 on Friday. There are four er healthcare facilities in
agencies have been screening Anganwadi Sevikas, PHC staff Jamod 1663, Sangrampur 1382, patients in the isolation ward and Government hospitals, the swab
these people, it is gathered that and Gram Panchayat employees Nandura 1554, Malkapur 1729 swab samples of all of them were of suspected patients are sent to
about 25 per cent people are yet important data is being collect- and Motala 3548. sent for testing. Nagpurthatis350kmsawayfrom
to be screened. Fortunately, ed and sent to Collectorate. These are official numbers, but Meanwhile, some villagers in district headquarter. It took
nobody has tested positive, giv- Moreover, ZP administration has it is feared that the number could Buldana, Motala, Deulgaonraja, around 8 hours to reach the sam-
ingasighofrelieftohealthadmin- lodged complaints with police go up as many have hidden their Sangrampur and other tehsils ples to Nagpur and 36-48 hours
istration. against the home quarantined travel history. Out of these peo- have banned the entry to those to get the report.
Notably, it is open secret that patients who were found roam- ple, administration has com- coming from other places. They This long period is termed to
the COVID-19 is spread by peo- ing outside. pleted health -check of 75 per have placed bamboos, wood logs a major problem in dealing with
ple roaming from one place to Buldana ZP has collected final cent people. As it takes 4-14 days and other things to avoid the the current health crisis.

‘Two more COVID-19 RMS completely paralysed 4 more suspected persons

positive cases in Jabalpur’ ■ By Ashish Rajput
hospitalised in Akola
■ District Correspondent ulously and follow all guidelines
COVID-19 UpDate RAILMailService(RMS)hasbeen AKOLA, Mar 27 about lockdown and social dis-
completely paralysed and thou- tancing. As part of the preventive
“The infected patients are sands of parcels are stocked at THOUGH, there is not a single measures taken to check the
employees of COVID-19 infected railway stations due to aban- Thousands corona-infected patient in the spread of coronavirus, District
doned trail transport. Stranding of parcels district, a constant rise in sus- Guardian Minister Bacchu Kadu
jewellery shop owner. Now the RMS service has adversely affect- pected cases is keeping admin- has asked the District
are stocked
number of COVID-19 infection ed the delivery of medicines and istration on its toes. OnThursday, Administration to use Public
several other essential goods. at railway four more suspects were admit- Distribution System to provide
increased to eight patients. stations
Senior Superintendent Post ted in the General Hospital. rationtothefamilieswhosemem-
Till now total 8 out of 37 reports Master, Jabalpur Region, HR Presently, the isolation ward has bers have recently returned from
found positive while suspects Ahirwar, while talking to ‘The seven suspected cases. Out of Mumbai, Pune, Yavatmal and
are under observation at Hitavada’, informed that the Rail them, reports offour have arrived Nagpur etc. Similarly, Medical
Mail Service is on halt following completely stopped on March 23 MailService,bulksofparcelshave as negative. squads will go to these families
isolated wards”, informed Collector the stopping of rail transport. He following the outbreak of novel- been collected at RMS offices of Total 26 suspected cases have and tests the members of these
by Collector Bharat Yadav Bharat Yadav informed that all the RMS parcels coronaVirus pandemic through- railway stations. These parcels been admitted in the General families. Collector Jitendra
were released from the post outthecountry.TheGovernment have varieties of commodities Hospital so far. Of them reports Papalkar ensured the Minister
offices and stocked at railway sta- of India has declared the servic- like edibles and medicines which of 19 are negative. Though it is that machinery is completely
■ Staff Reporter Board Jabalpur. tions due to absence of any es of Postal Department as one can be damaged or rotten due to matter of relief, the danger is still involved in reaching out to such
JABALPUR, Mar 27 Around 395 complaints per- alternate service. He informed oftheessentialservicesandposts delay in delivery at destinations. hovering as the final reports of families to provide ration and
taining to several issues of sus- that the Government will take exempting from RMS are being There is an urgent need to dis- sevenmoresuspectedpatientsare necessary medical facilities.
“TWO more suspects were found pected person, closing of shops appropriate decision for any distributedbutparcelsofRMSare patch the RMS parcels through awaited. With increase in the Meanwhile, Collector has classi-
positive with novel coronavirus of essential service, violation of alternate arrangement for dis- still stranded due to absence of an alternate transportation for numberofsuspected cases,med- fied the complete staff of the
infection in Jabalpur. Two of the protocol etc have been received patch of parcels. any substitution. convenience of customers of icalofficershavecalleduponpeo- Collector office and AMC come
threereportsreceivedfromICMR at Integrated Control and The rail transportation was Following the stopping of Rail postal department. pletofollowself-disciplinemetic- under essential services.
were positive. The infected CommandCentre.Senioradmin-
patientsareemployeesofCOVID- istrative and medical officers are
19 infected jewellery shop own-
er. Now the number of COVID19
infection increased to eight
monitoring the complaints.
Around 800 persons expressed
their desire of providing volun-
Only essential units operational in Bhilai Steel Plant
patients. Till now total 8 out of 37 teer services and they will be giv- ■ Staff Reporter tail 50 per cent manpower in all The two steel melting shops 7 am for C shift so as to enable Meanwhile, the BSP manage-
reports found positive while sus- en responsibility of food distri- BHILAI, Mar 27 support service functions and with continuous casting process, employees to bring their food ment distributed 1,200 litres of
pectsareunderobservationatiso- bution, monitoring of quaran- continuing steel-making SMS-2 and SMS-3 and the two through their own resources. G sanitiser and 6,000 masks among
lated wards”, informed by tinedpersonsandcreatingpublic SAIL has already taken various operations. With these meas- sinter producing units, SP-2 and Shiftemployeeswillbedistributed employees, 2,000 gamchhas
Collector Bharat Yadav (IAS). awareness. preventivemeasuresacrossallits ures, about 5,000 employees of SP-3 will remain in operation, in A and B shifts to the extent pos- (small towels) and 2,000 soaps
District Magistrate informed Around 5,500 food packets plantsandunitsinitsfightagainst the total manpower have been with emergency plant manning. sible. The women employees are havebeengiventodifferentshops
that total 587 foreign returned were distribution from five spreadofCOVID-19.BSP’sOfficer restricted from entering their The two rail mills, Rail and being asked to work from home, for distribution among contrac-
persons have been identified and kitchens of JMC amongst poor Associationandtradeunionoffice place of work. Structural Mill and Universal Rail except for those in essential serv- tual workers and additional pro-
458 of them are quarantined and and needy persons. bearers appealed management Blast Furnace No 6 had been Mill will operate in A and B shifts ices. Contractual labour will be curement is being done.
120 have yet to enter the city. Yadav informed that the to cut on manpower further for taken for capital repair on while Bar and Rod Mill will oper- regulated according to the oper- The management has already
Home quarantined persons are Government and administration restricting movement and gath- Thursday. The process of keep- ate in General Shift only. The ational plan. N K Banchhor, asked employees for self-decla-
being continuously monitored are making all sorts of efforts to ering at a place. ing Blast Furnace No 7 in hot Blooming and Billet Mill, SMS-1 Chairman, SEFI welcomed the ration of any travel abroad or
by medical teams of health avoid spread of infection but Keepingvitalplantsandequip- reserve has begun on Friday. The and finishing Mills viz Merchant decisionandappealedSAILman- inter-statetravelonorafterMarch
department, Jabalpur Municipal social distancing is the only way ment like coke oven batteries, Plantwillpresentlymaintainmin- Mill, Wire Rod Mill and Plate Mill agement to further cut on man- 24 by them or family members.
Corporation and Cantonment to check this menace. blast furnaces in running condi- imum required hot metal pro- shallalsobeputdowninaphased power considering increasing In another step, to facilitate leave
tion is essential for large inte- duction with only two blast fur- manner. Since all the canteens spread of pandemic COVID-19. S application for non-executives
grated steel plants. Taking swift naces -- No 1 and No 8 in oper- have now been closed, the man- P Dey, General Secretary, CITU, and to avoid physical movement
53-year-old railway action, the Management of SAIL-
Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) had
ation. In coke oven area, five coke
oven batteries will only be oper-
agement has also taken a deci-
sion to change the shift timings
Bhilai opined that in fight against
COVID-19 management ought
of leave books, the management
has issued a format for Email

official tests positive already rationalised staff pres-

ence as part of its efforts to cur-
ational while two batteries will
be kept in hot conservation.
as 7 am to 3 pm for A Shift; 3 pm
to 11 pm for B Shift and 11 pm to
and their gathering at a place.
communication regarding entry
of Leave in Time office module.

in Bhopal
A 53-YEAR-OLD railway official, resident of Samardha area, was
tested positive with COVID-19 in Bhopal on Friday. This is the
Thackeray speaks to Thakur, satisfied with steps in Amravati SUDOKU SOLUTION

third coronavirus case of Bhopal. AMRAVATI, Mar 27 spread of virus, safety of citizens quarantine. Health squad is also conductedmeetingattheDistrict
An AIIMS officials said that he visited the Railway Hospital and supply of essential com- in contact with them and throat Collector and also visited isola-
and got tested after he suffered cough and cold and was later CHIEF Minister Uddhav modities. The Chief Minister swab, if necessary, are also been tion ward and quarantine wards
referred to AIIMS, Bhopal. His sample was taken here on Thackeray spoke to Adv. assuredtoprovideamplefundfor taken. District is fortunate not to and also spoke to those visiting
Thursday and his reports suggested that he was positive with Yashomati Thakur, Women and the measures. Health, Revenue have a single patient till date. hospitalforcheck-up.AdvThakur
COVID-19. The doctors immediately admitted him to the iso- Child Welfare Minister and also and other administrative machi- Quarantine arrangements have has also started helpline from her
lation ward and the patient is undergoing treatment there. The the Guardian Minister of the dis- naries have been made at residence and has also appoint-
patient is a railway guard and was on duty between Jhansi- trict on Friday and took stock of beenalertedfor D i s t r i c t ed a 3-member squad for that.
Bhusawal. the situation regarding coron- preventing G e n e r a l Adv Thakur provided informa-
Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr Sudhir Dehariya said avirus pandemic in the district spread of coro- Hospital here, tion about all such preparation
that a team of health officials went to the house of the patient and precautionary measures navirus in the Dr Panjabrao and action taken by the admin-
and conducted medical screening of the patient’s family. All implemented by administration district. Check- Deshmukh istration in fight against the coro-
members of the patient’s family were put under home isola- inthedistrict.Afterhearingabout up of people M e d i c a l navirus to the Chief Minister. She
tion and their condition is stable. District Collector Tarun the steps taken, Thackeray coming from College and alsoinformedaboutthesituation
Pithode said that three patients, including a journalist and his expressed his satisfaction over abroad and also from Mumbai, Hospital and Sant Gadgeba in the district. UddhavThackeray
daughter, have tested positive for coronavirus in Bhopal so far. the efforts of District Pune and other major cities are Oldage Home atWalgaon in case expressed his satisfaction over
Administration and Guardian being done and they have been emergency arise. the preparation and situation in
Minister towards preventing the instructed to stay under home Earlier, Adv Yashomati Thakur the district.
8 CityLine TheHitavada
NAGPUR n Saturday n March 28 n 2020

Barred but
not restricted
In wake of novel coronavirus
outbreak, citizens have
refrained from social and
community gatherings. The
peculiar situation across the
nation has revived many
defunct family activities.
During the time of social
distancing, citizens have
started playing indoor
games like chess, cards,
ludo, etc. While some
children are spending time
by nurturing their hobbies,
some are seen spending
time together with their
grandparents and siblings. In
the era of gadgets, indoor
games had taken a backseat
but not forgotten.

(Pics by Satish Raut)

Mundhe announces arrangements for

home delivery of essential items Nagpurians lend a helping hand to 40 Kerala-bound passengers
■ The special train
MUNICIPAL Commissioner Tukaram Mundhe has announced that started from New Delhi requested the latter to arrange
arrangement for supply of vegetables, milk, milk products, grocery food and some grocery anddeliv-
and medicines at home has been made, in view of lockdown.
with 40 passengers er those to the passengers at
Names of about 140 shops along with phone numbers has been mostly electricians and Nagpur Railway Station at 3.30
posted on the municipal corporation’s official website. With the help pantry car staff, who pm. He gave contact number of
of Agriculture Department, communication has been established had no food and water one Akhil, who was also travel-
with farmers to ensure supply of vegetables. The arrangements for ling in the special train. Nair, a
home delivery has been made in prominent localities of the city. He ■ Staff Reporter Nagpurian, immediately con-
has appealed the people not to come out of the homes till April 15, tacted the boy.
without any essential work. SEVERAL people are coming to “The boy Akhil was weeping
the help of deprived and strand- over telephone. He told me that
ed persons, in this period of lock- they were travelling without any

ZP Education Officer down. In a latest, some organi-

and lent a helping hand to 40
grocery so that they would pre-

Surduse acquitted of travellers in Delhi-Kerala train

by way of providing them food
packets and raw rice for onward
pare something to eat during
onward journey. I could some-
how console him and promised
corruption charges journey.
Two Kerala Express trains from
Thiruvananthapuram to New
to make some arrangements,”
said Nair.
Nair started contacting a few
■ Staff Reporter for Computer Fees, against Rs Delhi reached New Delhi on The volunteers, who distributed food packets, along with the passengers in need. people associated with different
190 as prescribed by the Deputy March 21 and March 22. These organisations. His efforts bore
P L Surduse, Education Officer Education Officer. trains carried 40 persons includ- Someone sent a video clipping ing in Delhi took up the matter. These persons, however, did fruits, and he could fulfil the
(Continuing Education, Zilla On April 30, 2005 withdrawing ing employees like electricians, and messages to Malayalam Babu Panicker, owner of not have any food with them, and demand of passengers with the
Parishad, Nagpur has been recognitionoftheschoolwasrec- pantry car staff etc. They got TV channel ‘Janam’. The journal- Panicker’s Travels Pvt Ltd, took weretravellingemptystomach to help of Lions Club of Nagpur
acquitted by the District and ommended by Surduse. Certified stranded at Delhi due to cancel- ists from the TV channel the lead to help them. He man- Kerala. Cosmos and Rashtriya
Sessions Judge-I, of the charges copy of the report was also hand- lation of all trains.They were kept contacted the stranded persons aged to get two bogies connect- Babu Panicker informed S S Swayamsevak Sangh.
framed by Anti-corruption ed over to Naidu. in two bogies in the outer yard of over cellphone and highlighted ed to an engine and the train Nair, Secretary (Administration), The volunteers distributed
Bureau. The Education Officer direct- Delhi Railway Station. No food their plight. departed from New Delhi to GlobalNair SevaSamaj, over tele- night food and raw rice for
The case was referred to the ed the clerk, Dashrath Barde to and water was served to them. Malayalee community resid- Kerala on March 25. phone on March 26 morning and onwards journey.
Deputy Director of education by keep the enquiry report pend-
the then Education Minister ing, with his counter signature.
Vasant Purke, on receipt of a let-
ter from one Usha Manwatkar.
Manwatkar had alleged that
Thus any changes in the report
was not possible for me, Surduse
mentioned in the court.
COVID-19: Guardian Minister forms committee to help needy
the Chairperson of Orange City The Court also recorded state- ■ Staff Reporter
High School, Mohan Nagar,
ment of Rajlaxmi Naidu, in which
she stated that she has taken GUARDIAN Minister Dr Nitin
Nuwal donates
HeadmistressRajlaxmiNaiduhad action as told by ACB officers. Raut has formed a committee Rs 1 crore
demanded Rs 7.20 lakh, with The other two complainants stat- under District Collector for help-
assurancetoappointManwatkar. edthatalthoughtheyhavesigned ing those in distress. MANISHSatyanarayanNuwal
She has alleged that she neither the report, they are not aware In a meeting to review the sit- of Solar Group has given a
got the job or the money she of happenings. uation in view of the lockdown cheque of Rs 1 crore to Dr
had given. Surduse has stated that he had due to outbreak of coronavirus, Raut. The financial help has
Deputy Director had appoint- submitted the report within 15 Dr Raut has appealed to the peo- been extended to ensure
ed Surduse to enquire into the minutes and had no opportuni- ple to remain at their respective smooth supply of essential
matter. Surduse, on February 4, ty to change it. He also stated that homes and follow the instruc- items. Sunil Duddalwar and
2005, reported that inspection of he has not accepted any money tions issued by the government. Gaurav Agarwala also donat-
the school was not conducted from the accused. He has also DrRauthasissuedinstructions ed Rs 10 lakh and handed over
since 1991. He directed the clerk argued that the case of accept- to help people in getting essen- thechequetoDr Raut.Dr Raut Guardian Minister receiving the cheque from Manish Nuwal as other dignitaries look on.
of the school to fill up the inspec- ing money for changing the tial items at their residence. has appealed to the industri-
tion format. He also prepared the report, is not at all concerned Specialcampshavealsobeenset- alists,socialorganisationsand Nuwal of Solar Group, credo’s plied through ration shops, with fodder for cattleisalso being sup-
report that the school directors with him. up for those held-up at the dis- other generous persons to Sunil Duddalwar, Gaurav thehelpofemployeesofRevenue plied by the government,
and headmistress embezzled Rs The Ad Hoc District Judge-01 trict boundaries. deposit their donations with Agarwala, Someshwar Department and Police and Dr Raut stated.
7.20 lakh and submitted it to the has acquitted Surduse of the The meeting was attended by theDistrictCollectorRavindra Mundhada, Raja Karwade, Municipal Corporation employ- Dr Raut stated that a propos-
Education Officer. charges framed against him. Commissioner of Divisional Thakre. Santosh Chawla and others. ees. Those who are held up on al for spending Rs 25 lakh from
In the second annual inspec- Adv Amol Mardikar represent- CommissionerDrSanjeevKumar, In view of problems faced by different boundaries of district or the Legislators’ Local Area
tion report it was also noted that ed the accused Surduse. APP Adv Police Dr Bhushan Kumar the slum-dwellers and those on state will be given cooked food Development Fund was submit-
the Headmistress Naidu collect- M R Narsapurkar held briefs for Upadhyay, District Collector Municipal Commissioner Ram daily wages, foodgrains and oth- at their special camps. Due to ted and the Chief Secretary has
ed Rs 300 per student per month the State of Maharashtra. Ravindra Thakre, Additional Joshi, Manish Satyanarayan er essential items are being sup- ban on transport of vehicles, the responded positively.

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