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Grace Church in Astoria’s Evening Prayer Service ~Laurie Muench

For my reflection on an online worship service, I chose to write about the Evening Prayer
Service from Oct. 21 for Grace Church in Astoria, OR.
What makes it different from in-person worship. For the livestreaming Evening Prayer
service, the rector, The Rev. Betty McWhorter, was the only person present for the worship
service. Betty+ read all prayers, readings, and responses. The music was prerecorded by their
church organist.
Because Betty+ read all parts of the service, she raised a hand to indicate to the viewers when
they should join in for the responses. This was helpful to know when you were expected to join
I also appreciated her invitation to follow along or “simply let the words flow over you and into
your very being.” I don’t know if I would have the courage to just sit there and let the words
flow over me during an in-person service, but the idea is lovely, and something I would like to
Is it satisfactory or not in accomplishing the goals of worship
The service met my needs for worship. The music was lovely, Betty+ was friendly and made me
feel comfortable. She smiled and looked into the camera often, which made me feel connected
with the service. It may seem like a small thing, but I liked how she used “we” instead of “I”
throughout the service. For example, she used the phrase “the passage we just read,” instead of “I
I admit, I at first found it jarring when she also said the responses. I was too familiar with
someone else saying the words. I don’t know how she could have done the service differently
when she was the only on present. I have a bizarre mental image of Betty+ pulling out a puppet
to do the responses, which would be utterly inappropriate, accept maybe for a children’s service.
The crux of the service was Betty’s marvelous sermon. It grabbed, held, and renewed me
spiritually and made me we want to be a kinder person. She applied the scripture to modern
times, specifically the disjuncture of the pandemic and the need for equality and justice not just
in the U.S. but the entire world. I loved that she focused on how these issues connect us, uniting
us in a common problem, and encouraging us to reach out to others and letting them know they
were cared for.
Also liked where she read a prayer list, listing those in their parish, community and leaders who
need prayers.
What changes might I suggest: Several times during the service, Betty+ turned her back to the
camera to switch books for the various readings. Each time, there was a bit of disconnection. I
would suggest having the books on a table beside her, with everything bookmarked ahead of
Also, the camera should be raised higher. From that angle, Betty+ was looking down to the
camera, which is both less-flattering and gives a sense of speaking down on the viewer.
Overall, the service was lovely and well-done for a single-person service.

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