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How do think that learning English can help you advance in your professional career?

I think that knowledge about English allows me to increase my knowledge in topics related to my career

Which part of learning English do you struggle the most with?

Speaking and reading

In which area are you currently working in?

I work as a chemical engineer in the technology department

What type of conversations do you have in English?

I have conversations with my boss, my coworkers, and other people from different companies, we talk
about the topics of chemistry, process engineering, design and other topics related to money

Why do you want to learn more English? Where do you want to apply this knowledge?

I want to talk about topics, different chemistry processes because during meetings, I need to describe
processes, temperature conditions, pressure conditions, things about process equipment

Tell me more about yourself

My name is Alejandro Hernandez, I am 30 years old, I´m a chemical engineer, I have worked as a chemical
engineer designer for around 6 years

Tell me about your daily activities at work

All week I have to make some calculations with different simulators, I try to improve a new chemistry
process and I try to adapt this process in the existent equipment in my plant

What do you like the least about your job?

I don´t like management activities

What do you like the most about your job?

I like to improve my knowledge about chemistry, I like to know things about new processes, and to get
involved in processes that are carried out in different parts of the world
3 strengths and 3 weaknesses

I´m persistent

I want to get knowledge about my job, I always try to do, learn and read things about my job


Maybe I´m too analytic

Always I try to do things perfectly

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself as a process engineer designer senior, I want to be the chief of my department

Can you tell me about a project you have done at work?

2 months ago, I did a project to use the equipment installing in the plant, and I improved a new process
and this project increased the capacity of production of the plant by around 30 tons by month.

How did you achieve these results?

I developed a simulation process with different conditions like, temperature, pressure and vacuum
pressure to improve the system equipment, I did a sensibility analysis to get the perfect conditions to

How is your relationship with your boss and coworkers?

My relationship with my coworkers is very good, they are chemical engineers too and we try to work like
a team and they are very intelligent

Listening comprehension Exercise

I understood, the person that you described is a designer but a software designer, the person created a
new software to manage logistics, I heard, that the person that made the software provides support


My hometown, the name of my hometown is Tulyehualco, it´s a beautiful place with great people, there
are beautiful hills, there is an extinct volcano, the people plant nopales and in my hometown we celebrate
town parties called Ice parties

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