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Relative clauses – revision

1 Join the sentences below using a relative pronoun. Then decide whether they are defining or

a. Yesterday I saw your friend John. He works at the library.

b. That’s the French restaurant. We usually go there to celebrate birthdays and events.
c. Take a look at this website. Helen created it to advertise the firm.
d. I bought a pair of rollerblades. I’ve been using them practically every weekend.
e. We’re going to visit Mary’s family. They live in the British Virgin Islands.

2 Pair up and take turns quizzing each other using relative clauses.

EXAMPLE: Q: Joana, do you know anyone who has been abroad?

A: Yes, I do know someone who has been abroad. My aunt/sister/best friend (etc.).
Q: Pedro, can you think of an animal which has two humps and whose name starts with a “c”?
A: Yes, I can think of the animal that/which you’re referring to. It’s a camel.

3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

Remember to include commas when necessary.

a. Students which are interested in Science will

surely welcome the idea of a Science fair here at
b. The teacher to who I spoke on the phone said
she’d like to meet me for a quick chat.
c. I forgot my keys at home that means that I had
to wait for my brother to get back from work.
d. To whose do I address this cover letter with my
e. This photo shows Peter Jackson who directed
The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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