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Operators can reduce

costs and inspection

time, eliminate labor-
intensive maintenance,
and provide easy access
to maintenance histories.
RFID Integrated Solutions
System Optimizes
Maintenance Efficiency
Working exclusively with Fujitsu and a major U.S. airline, Boeing has developed, tested,
and validated the airline industry’s first comprehensive radio frequency identification device
(RFID) and contact memory button (CMB) technology for commercial airplanes. This
system can significantly reduce an airline’s operating costs by eliminating untimely, labor-
intensive maintenance while providing easy access to maintenance histories.

By Phil Coop, Program Manager, RFID Integrated Solutions

Boeing’s RFID Integrated Solutions system This article provides an overview of RFID standard frequencies. The RFID tag is
employs unique tools such as RFID and Integrated Solutions and offers examples similar to a bar code but offers significant
CMB to automatically identify, track, and of how its use can save airlines time and advantages. The RFID tag stores data and
manage critical airplane parts. It is a reduce errors. offers enhanced data collection, the ability
comprehensive solution for a series of to read without a direct view of the RFID
integrated technologies and maintenance label, a dynamic read/write capability,
A better way to manage airplane
process improvements that can help components
simultaneous reading and identification
airlines improve their overall maintenance of multiple tags, and tolerance of harsh
efficiency and performance. environments. CMBs are another form of
RFID Integrated Solutions combines RFID
By providing a comprehensive, turnkey automated identification technologies (AIT)
tags and CMBs installed on parts and
solution, RFID Integrated Solutions elimi­ used in this offering. There is signifi­cantly
components throughout an airplane. RFID
nates the need and long lead time for more information in a CMB, which is easily
is an automated identification technology
operators to retrofit their fleets with auto­ accessed by direct contact.
that uses radio frequency waves to transfer
mated identification technology themselves. Information — such as part and serial
data between a reader and items that have
numbers, manufacturing dates, and
RFID devices, or tags, affixed. The tags
maintenance history — is stored on the
contain a microchip and antenna, and
tags and buttons. Technicians can use
operate at internationally recognized
a handheld scanner to read and update
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Figure 1: Radio frequency identification device
(RFID) scanner
By providing an easy-to-read view of emergency equipment within an
airplane cabin, Boeing’s RFID Integrated Solutions system eliminates the
need for technicians to open and close compartments and use mirrors and
flashlights, which adds time and can result in inaccurate data.

the RFID information wirelessly. This ■■ Maintenance history. Actions taken and Emergency equipment
information then becomes an electronic conditions noted; change in custody, management
record that travels with the airplane. RFID accountability, and location; utilization
Integrated Solutions is the first fully and consumption; trends (such as no The objectives of emergency equipment
integrated airborne automated identification fault found). management include confirming that assets
technology program in commercial aviation. are present and where they should be, and
■■ Scratch pad. Rewritable section that
RFID Integrated Solutions uses two that they are serviceable, not expired, or
technicians can use to enter text or
distinct but related technologies to store have not reached the threshold for time
store photos or videos.
and retrieve information about parts of expiration. RFID Integrated Solutions
and components: The initial deployment of RFID Integrated enables technicians to gather this infor­
Solutions is focused on five areas. These mation simply by walking through the
Low-memory RFID. These 512-bit to
areas were selected based on Boeing airplane cabin with an RFID scanner. Seats,
1-kilobyte devices are used to store configu­
consultation with airlines on the operational bins, compartments, and other areas
ration, presence, security, and serviceability
needs of airlines during the development where equipment is stored illuminate green
data. This data may include part and serial
process of the RFID Integrated Solution on the scanner if the component is present
numbers, date of manufacture, expiration
system: and serviceable and red if it is missing,
date, and location on the airplane.
expired, or has been tampered with (see
■■ Emergency equipment management
High-memory RFID and CMB. These fig. 1).
(e.g., life vests, oxygen generators).
devices range in capacity from 8 kilobytes to RFID Integrated Solutions results in
■■ Rotables management.
4 gigabytes and are used to store point‑of- tremendous time savings. For example,
■■ Repairables management.
use lifecycle data about a part, com­po­nent, it can reduce life-jacket inspection time by
■■ Structural repair and airframe
or section of the airplane, including: up to 85 percent and oxygen generator
degradation management.
inspection time by up to 99 percent (see
■■ Birth record. Pedigree and identity. ■■ Essential cabin items (e.g., carpet
fig. 2). It can also reduce oxygen generator
panels, floor panels, insulation blankets,
■■ Current record. Change in configuration, inventory by more than 50 percent and
seat covers, linens, and tapestries).
identity, or characteristics (such as extend the generator lifecycle by up to
hazardous materials or weight). 20 percent.

aer o q u ar t er ly   qtr_01 | 12
Figure 2: 777 oxygen generator inspection
RFID Integrated Solutions reduces the time required for a 777 oxygen generator inspection from six and a half hours to 15 minutes, which represents
a reduction of more than 90 percent.

777 O2 General Inspection 777 O2 General Inspection

Before: 6.5-Hour Task After: 15-Minute Task

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 A 5 A

0 30 60 90 120 0 30 60 90 120

Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

1 Open A Value-Added (VA) Task: 1 Open A Value-Added Task:

2 Search/Inspect Queue Time = 360 mins 2 Search/Inspect Queue Time = 10 mins
3 Diagnose/Decide Touch Time = 30 mins Touch Time = 5 mins
3 Diagnose/Decide
Total Lead Time = 390 mins Total Lead Time = 15 mins
4 Close 4 Close
(VA =~10%) (VA = 33%)
5 Document 5 Document

Rotables management accuracy of information exchanged a technician can determine that the part
between airlines and parts suppliers. All is repairable and which shop is responsible
The rotables management component of readers include the writing function as well. for repairs. Alerts can be incorporated
RFID Integrated Solutions enables opera­ The tag also provides technicians with that, for example, inform the supply chain
tional efficiency across the entire rotable up to 500 characters of free text that can that a repairable part has been removed
component value stream by bringing critical be used to make more meaningful notes and is on its way to the repair shop.
decision-making data to the point of use than are possible on the U.S. Federal While developing RFID Integrated
and unprecedented visibility to the supply Aviation Administration Form 8130-3 Solutions, Boeing found that some repair­
chain. RFID Integrated Solutions can help currently used. As parts travel through the able parts at one airline had a lead time
reduce inventory and maintenance lead supply chain, RFID Integrated Solutions averaging 431 days. The re-engineered
time, improve troubleshooting, and makes it easy to see when they were process enables parts to move through the
increase product integrity while providing shipped, received, and stored using a supply chain in just 12 days, a reduction of
more comprehensive asset management. proprietary process to identify value-added 97 percent. During the analysis, one airline
RFID Integrated Solutions provides information for each customer. discovered 87 instances of the same part in
technicians with complete information the queue — and had actually ordered
about rotable parts, including part number, three new replacement parts, not realizing it
Repairables management
birth record, and current record. A mainte­ already had 87 repaired parts available.
nance history section enables technicians
An RFID Integrated Solutions repairables
to provide information such as when the
management system can reduce queue Structural repair and airframe
part was installed, removed, or modified. degradation management
time by up to 98 percent and dramatically
Conditions such as leaks, noise, and
improve parts utilization by giving operators
extreme temperatures can also be noted
increased visibility into their repairables RFID Integrated Solutions can streamline
directly on the part’s RFID tag. Information
supply chain. heavy maintenance by enabling mechanics
stored on the tags can enhance parts
In a typical scenario, a CMB is attached to use CMB tags to record all pertinent
traceability and reduce cycle time to solve
to a part and preloaded with information data about a structural repair, enabling
in-service problems by improving the
about that part. Simply by reading the CMB, the data to be located and reviewed easily

W W W . b o eing.c o m/c o m m e rcia l / a e r om a g a zine
Figure 3: Structural repairs and airframe degradation management system
With the traditional approach to structural repairs, mechanics can spend hours removing corrosion and waiting for inspection only to find that material removal
has exceeded limits. RFID Integrated Solutions enables mechanics to read an affixed AIT device (installed in corrosion-prone areas and based on previously
defined threshold) and make a decision to replace the part before wasting hours of time treating and inspecting.

Recurring Corrosion or Wear Scenario

Decision in hours No Data Related
to Previous Yes Treat and Prime
Material Loss

Gain Access Clean/Remove

Measure Within Limits?
(Open Up) Corrosion

Remove and

Decision to
Take Action

Decision in minutes All Previous
Material Loss Yes Repair /Replace
Data Provided at
Point of Use

Gain Access Read AIT Device /  Material Loss
(Open Up)— Review Prior Marginally
Damage Noted Material Loss Close to

Blend, Treat,
Prime, Record
New Material

Decision to
Take Action

aer o q u ar t er ly   qtr_01 | 12
Figure 4: Cabin interiors
RFID Integrated Solutions can mean a significant reduction in linens and tapestries — as much as 25 percent per ship set exchange. That can reduce inventory
requirements as well.

during subsequent maintenance (see fig. 3). Essential cabin items the airline’s current maintenance schedule.
This is particularly valuable for composite Emergency equipment retrofits can be
structures and hidden repairs. By providing a simple, fast way to deter­ accomplished during an overnight check.
The application allows users to scan and mine the replacement history for large bulk Boeing provides retrofit kits, instructions,
store up to 4 gigabytes of data, including cabin items (such as carpet panels, floor and technical oversight. No supplemental
photos, PDF copies of repair orders, and panels, insulation blankets, and seat type certificate is required, and installation
recurring inspection requirements. By pro­ covers), RFID Integrated Solutions enables methods have received regulatory approval.
viding relevant data at the exact point of maintenance personnel to remove only Boeing also provides a comprehensive
the repair, RFID Integrated Solutions can what is required (see fig. 4). This can training system that includes literature;
reduce the time required to make a repair extend the lifecycle of the items, reduce syllabus; training aids and simulators;
decision by up to 99 percent. Other wash times, extend life of fire-resistant on-site, hands-on training; and a train-the-
benefits include: materials, and reduce lead time and trainer program. Instructors are former
hazardous waste removal. airline engineering and maintenance staff
■■ Structural repairs. Capture damage
This same approach can be used to with experience in both the RFID/CMB
information for the repair, including
track the maintenance history of freighter technology and airline operations.
photos of damage and damage removal.
interior items, such as cargo loading
■■ Component repairs. Capture unique system components, fire suppression
repairs and modifications, including systems, and interior trim.
photos and drawings.
Operators can reduce operating costs;
■■ Corrosion prevention and control Tailored approach reduce inspection time; eliminate untimely,
program. Capture previous corrosion labor-intensive maintenance; and provide
removal and material loss directly at the Because each airline’s requirements are easy access to maintenance histories with the
point of high corrosion-prone areas. unique, Boeing will tailor RFID solutions for airline industry’s first comprehensive RFID and
each customer’s needs; provide automated CMB technology for commercial air­planes.
■■ Aging airplanes. Capture records of
identification technology tag readers and The system, developed by Boeing and
repairs in critical zones.
software applications; integrate those Fujitsu, automatically identifies, tracks, and
RFID Integrated Solutions will provide solutions into the customer’s operational manages critical airplane parts, improv­ing
richer and more frequent information about environment; and establish a long-range maintenance efficiency and performance.
airplane components. The supporting plan that will expand automated identi­ For more information, please contact Phil
documentation main­tained by RFID Inte­ fication technology solutions across the Coop at 
grated Solutions will make it easier to sell customer’s enterprise.
or purchase an airplane. A fleet retrofit to incorporate RFID
Integrated Solutions can be integrated into

W W W . b o eing.c o m/c o m m e rcia l / a e r om a g a zine

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