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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

Computer and Internet

Definition: The term Internet today refers to the global network of public computers running Internet
Protocol. The Internet supports the public WWW and many special-purpose client/server software systems.
Internet technology also supports many private corporate intranets and private home LANs. The term
“Internet” was originally coined in the 1970s. At that time, only the very meager beginnings of a public
global network were in place. Throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, a number of smaller national
networks like ARPANET, BITNET, CSNET, and NSFNET evolved, merged, or dissolved, then finally joined
with non-US networks to form the global Internet.

World General Knowledge Series: Computer and

Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams
1. Who is the father of Computer?
(a) Tim Bernner lee
(b) Charles Babbage (Correct)
(c) John von Neumann
(d) Bill Gates

2. The fastest type of computer memory is

(a) Cache (Correct)
(b) Flash
(c) Hard Disk
(d) ROM

3. A combination of 16 bits are called

(a) Bit
(b) Byte
(c) Nibble
(d) Word (Correct)

4. The Unit that control all parts of computer is

(a) CPU (Correct)
(b) CU
(c) ALU

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

(d) Register

5. 1024 bytes equal to

(a) One Kilo bytes
(b) One Mega byte (Correct)
(c) One Giga byte
(d) One Tera byte

6. WORM stands for

(a) Write once read many (Correct)
(b) Writable on ROM
(c) Wet of Read Memory
(d) None of these

8. A computer virus is actually

(a) Software program (Correct)
(b) Insect
(c) Micro organisms
(d) None of these

9. MICR stands for

(a) Magnetic Ink Character Recorder
(b) Magnetic Ink Character Reader (Correct)
(c) Modern Industry Computer Research
(d) Magic in Copy Redo

10. 1 nibble contains

(a) 8 bits
(b) 6 bits
(c) 4 bits (Correct)
(d) 16 bits

11. FAST stands for

(a) Federation against software teaching
(b) Federation against science teaching
(c) Federation against software theft (Correct)
(d) None of above

12. A combination of 16 bits are called

(a) Bit

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

(b) Byte
(c) Nibble
(d) Word (Correct)

13. The Unit that control all parts of computer is

(a) CPU (Correct)
(b) CU
(c) ALU
(d) Register

14. 1024 bytes equal to

(a) One Kilo bytes (Correct)
(b) One Mega byte
(c) One Giga byte
(d) One Tera byte

15. What is an organization’s introductory web page called?

(a) Postal
(b) Vortal (Correct)
(c) Home page
(d) Website

16. Which of the following two numbers of “Binary Codes”?

(a) 0 and 9
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 0 and 1 (Correct)
(d) 9 and 1

17. Bill Gates is more well-known as

(a) The CEO of Apple Macintosh
(b) The CEO of IBM
(c) The owner of Microsoft Corporation (Correct)
(d) The inventor of the personal computer

18. Name the unit to express the memory of a computer

(a) Compiler
(b) Bus
(c) Byte (Correct)
(d) Clone

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19. FORTRAN, a computer programming language is mainly used for

(a) Business applications
(b) Scientific Research (Correct)
(c) Word Processing
(d) None of these

20. Which was the first company in the world to manufacture computers for commercial use?
(a) Remington Rand (Correct)
(b) IBM
(c) Hewlett-Packard
(d) Apple Computers

21. Which of the following computers was the first to use the concept of stored programs?
(a) Mark I (Correct)

22. Which Intel microprocessor started the PC revolution?

(a) 4004
(b) 8008
(c) 8086
(d) 8088 (Correct)

23. Which is not High Level Language?

(b) C++
(c) Assembly (Correct)
(d) All of above

24. The fastest type of computer memory is

(a) Cache (Correct)
(b) Flash
(c) Hard Disk
(d) ROM

25. The latest computer is called

(a) Pentium (Correct)
(b) 786XT
(c) 234AT

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

(d) None of above

26. What is the name of the professor who coined the name virus for self replicating
(a) John von Neumann
(b) Ken Thompson
(c) John Mcafee
(d) Fred Cohen (Correct)

27. The interface between user and computer is

(a) Programming (Correct)
(b) Hardware
(c) Memory
(d) Processing

28. BASIC stands for

(a) Basic Assembly Symbols for Instruction Code
(b) Beginner’s Assembler Symbols for Interpreter Code
(c) Basic Assembler System for Instruction Compilation
(d) Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (Correct)

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29. The capacity of computer bus depends upon

(a) Capacity of CPU
(b) Capacity of the microprocessor
(c) The number of data lines it contains (Correct)
(d) The system software

30. A bus with 32 data line can transport how many bits at a time
(a) 8 bits
(b) 16 bits
(c) 1024 bits
(d) 32 bits (Correct)

31. WORM stands for

(a) Write once read many (Correct)
(b) Writable on ROM
(c) Wet of Read Memory

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(d) None of these

32. Which one of the followings is referred to as “volatile memory”?

(a) Read only memory
(b) Random excess memory (Correct)
(c) Flash memory
(d) None of these

33. The surface of a hard disk is logically divided into

(a) Firmware
(b) SIM
(c) Pie-shaped sectors (Correct)
(d) None of these

34. What is document?

(a) a data file (Correct)
(b) a software
(c) a programme
(d) an input device

35. What is called the high-capacity optical disc that looks like a CD, but can store much
information then CD?
(a) Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)
(b) Super Density disc (SD)
(c) Digital Video Disc (DVD)
(d) All of these (Correct)

36. What is called preset value for some option in a computer programme?
(a) Built-in
(b) Default (Correct)
(c) Programming
(d) None of them

37. Mention the term for the screen background in the most graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
on which windows, icon, and dialog boxes appear?
(a) Screen saver
(b) Desktop (Correct)
(c) Taskbar
(d) Screen

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38. Name the part of structure for organizing files on a disk?

(a) Directory (Correct)
(b) Classification
(c) Arrangements
(d) Data organizer

39. What is termed the portion of RAM set aside for temporarily holding information read from
a disk?
(a) ROM
(b) Cache memory
(c) Bus
(d) Disk Cache (Correct)

40. What is referred by the term FAT (File Allocation Table)?

(a) A special file in which MS-DOS stores information on the layout of a disk
(b) An application which is compiled with code to run on two platforms
(c) Both of them (Correct)
(d) None of them

41. There is a modem which can handle FAX protocols and also transmit data. What this data
is called?
(a) FAX Modem
(b) Data modem
(c) Both of them (Correct)
(d) None of them

42. A program, document, utility––that isn’t hardware on a computer is termed as:

(a) Software
(b) Data
(c) Extension
(d) File (Correct)

43. What is used in a computer to protect a networked server from damage by those who log
in to it?
(a) Antivirus
(b) Firewall (Correct)
(c) Gateway
(d) Flow Control

44. What is called a graphical representation of a directory or sub-directory?

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

(a) Directory
(b) Folder (Correct)
(c) Partition
(d) Extension

45. The CPU is located on the main circuit board in a computer. What this board is called?
(a) Motherboard (Correct)
(b) Fatherboard
(c) Mainboard
(d) Base-board

46. What is called a structured set of data that is normally associated with software to access
and manipulate that data?
(a) Database (Correct)
(b) Backup
(c) Storage
(d) Hard disk

47. Which of the following is disk operating system, produced by Microsoft that is the most
common operating system for IBM and compatible PCs?
(b) MS-DOS (Correct)
(c) OS/2
(d) Unix

48. Term the computer applications involving text, graphics, audio and video, or computers
that are designed to provide high quality graphics and audio?
(a) Multimedia (Correct)
(b) Hypermedia
(c) Highmedia
(d) Complete-media

49. What is format?

(a) Preparing a disk for use by your hardware and operating system
(b) The way text is set up on a page
(c) The way information is structured in a file
(d) All of these (Correct)

50. To copy files between the local system and any system reachable over the network is
called FTP. What denotes FTP?

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(a) First Transfer Protocol

(b) File Transfer Procedure (Correct)
(c) File transfer protocol
(d) None of these

51. PDF stands for:

(a) Published Document Format
(b) Pure Document Format
(c) Portable Document Format (Correct)
(d) Printable Document Format

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52. Smallest graphic unit that can be displayed on the screen, usually a single coloured dot is
called __________.
(a) Pixel
(b) Pet
(c) Picture element
(d) All of these (Correct)

53. Which term is used for a group of personal computers linked together in order to share
programmes, data and peripherals?
(a) LAN (Least Area Network)
(b) LAN (Local Area Network) (Correct)
(c) LAN (Less Area Network)
(d) LAN (Long Area Network)

54. LPT1 is the name used by MS-DOS. What is referred by this term?
(a) The first USB port on a computer
(b) The first socket on a computer
(c) The first parallel port on a computer (Correct)
(d) The first com port on a computer

55. Megabyte is usually abbreviated MB or Mb. How many kilobytes are there in Megabyte?
(a) 1000
(b) 1024 (Correct)
(c) 1100
(d) 998

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

56. What is termed the temporary storage area for information and applications?
(a) Cache
(b) Memory (Correct)
(c) Storage
(d) Kernel

57. A small, silicon object which contains microscopic circuitry is termed as __________.
(a) Processor
(b) Microchip (Correct)
(c) Transistor
(d) Chipset

58. Modulate-Demodulate is a communications device that enables a computer to transmit

information over a telephone line. By what name it is popular?
(a) Scanner
(b) Modem (Correct)
(c) Modulator
(d) None of these

59. OCR stands for ‘Optical Character Recognition’. What is its function?
(a) Scan the text of printed paper into a computer (Correct)
(b) Recognize photograph
(c) Separate colours in a colour object
(d) None of these

60. PC (personal computer) was originally a trade name of

(a) IBM (Correct)
(b) Apple Computers
(c) Hewlett-Packard
(d) Remington Rand

61. The power of a super computer is measured in terms of:

(a) MIPS
(b) BIPS
(c) TIPS
(d) FLOPS (Correct)

62. A computer virus is actually

(a) Software program (Correct)
(b) Insect

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(c) Micro organisms

(d) None of these

63. A computer can be freely programmable

(a) if it is of a digital type
(b) if it is controlled synchronously
(c) if it contains a read only memory (ROM) (Correct)
(d) if it contains a random access memory (RAM)

64. What was the first personal computer (PC), made in the 1970s called?
(a) Apple-I
(b) Apple-II
(c) Altair (Correct)
(d) Intel

65. What is “software”?

(a) Instructions to a computer (Correct)
(b) Delicate parts inside a computer
(c) Inexpensive computer parts
(d) A laptop computer

66 Name the biggest company of the computers in the world

(a) Dell
(b) H.P
(c) IBM (Correct)
(d) None of above

67. Which is the biggest company of Computer software in the world?

(a) Google
(b) Yahoo
(c) Microsoft (Correct)
(d) None of above

68. ROM stands for

(a) Read only Memory (Correct)
(b) Read over Memory
(c) Read of Memory
(d) None of these

69. RAM stands for

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

(a) Read after Memory

(b) Random Access Memory (Correct)
(c) Read all Memory
(d) None of these

70. CPU stands for

(a) Car Pressure Unit
(b) Central Pressure Unit
(c) Central Processor Unit (Correct)
(d) None of these

71. The capacity of a hard disk depends upon the

(a) High-speed motor
(b) Movement of read
(c) Number of disk platters stacked (Correct)
(d) None of these

72. Which software controls basic I/O device?

(a) Device Driver
(b) Anti-Virus tool kit
(c) Business Software
(d) Operating System (Correct)

73. Which of the following information is not given by DIR command?

(a) Date of the file
(b) Time of the file
(c) Path of the file (Correct)
(d) None of these

74. Ted Hoff Produced the first microcomputer named as:

(a) 1001 (Correct)
(b) 3003
(c) 2002
(d) 4004

75 1 byte consist of
(a) 4 bits
(b) 8 bits (Correct)
(c) 16 bits
(d) 32 bits

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

76. Who is the father of Computer?

(a) Tim Bernner lee
(b) Charles Babbage (Correct)
(d) None of these

77. Which is the oldest search engine?

(a) Google
(b) Yahoo
(c) Aliweb (Correct)
(d) Facebook

78. Who created World Wide Web (WWW)?

(a) Ward Christensen
(b) Marcian Hoff
(c) Tim Bernner Lee (Correct)
(d) Robert Noyce

79. Tim Bernner Lee belonged to

(a) USA
(b) UAE
(c) UK (Correct)
(d) Canada

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80. Which of the following is programming language?

(d) All of these (Correct)

81. Bill Gates is associated with

(a) Pharmaceuticals
(b) Iron and steel
(c) Petroleum
(d) Micro soft (Correct)

82. What is ‘Google’?

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

(a) A famous computer brand

(b) An airlines of Singapore
(c) An internet search engine (Correct)
(d) None of these

83. Which is the oldest search engine?

(a) Google
(b) Yahoo
(c) Aliweb (Correct)
(d) MSN

84. Ali-web search engine was founded in

(a) 1995
(b) 1994
(c) 1993 (Correct)
(d) 1988

85. Digital Corp’s invention is:

(a) Aspirin
(b) Calculus
(c) Mini Computer (Correct)
(d) Carbon oxides

86. Who created World Wide Web (WWW)?

(a) Ward Christensen
(b) Marcian Hoff
(c) Tim Bernner Lee (Correct)
(d) Robert Noyce

87. Tim Bernner Lee belonged to

(a) UAS
(b) France
(c) UK (Correct)
(d) Canada

88. Which of the following is programming language?

(d) All of these (Correct)

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

89. What is ‘Google’?

(a) A famous computer brand
(b) An airlines of Singapore
(c) An internet search engine (Correct)
(d) None of these

90. Which country’s people used more internets?

(a) America
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) China (Correct)

91. Which is the largest search engine of the internet?

(a) Google (Correct)
(b) MSN
(c) Yahoo
(d) None of these

92. Second largest search engine of the internet is

(a) Google
(b) MSN
(c) Yahoo (Correct)
(d) None of these

93. Internet mostly uses for purpose of

(a) Chat
(b) Business
(c) E-mail (Correct)
(d) None of these

94. Which country has more computers in the world?

(a) America (Correct)
(b) Japan
(c) China
(d) India

95. Name of the great Muslim scientist who was considered as one of the founders of
(a) Al Khawarizmi (Correct)
(b) Zakerya

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(c) Abu Sina

(d) None of these

96. Who was the owner of the Microsoft computer company?

(a) Bill Clinton
(b) Dick Cheney
(c) Bill Gates (Correct)
(d) None of above

97. What is the function of a microprocessor in a computer?

(a) It allows the key board to write on the computer
(b) It allows the outputs to be taken from a computer
(c) It performs all the functions of a CPU(Central Processing Unit) (Correct)
(d) None of these

98. Floppy disc in a computer system is

(a) compiler
(b) core memory
(c) software
(d) device for storing and retrieving data (Correct)

99 A bit can be:

(a) 1 and 0
(b) 1 or 0 (Correct)
(c) 1 only
(d) 0 only

100 1 byte consist of

(a) 4 bits
(b) 8 bits (Correct)
(c) 16 bits
(d) 32 bits

101 A network that covers small geographic area or single or group of buildings is called:
(a) WAN (Correct)
(b) LAN
(c) Bridge
(d) Gateway

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

102 A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is:

(a) A modem
(b) A Hub (Correct)
(c) A repeater
(d) A router

103. An Electronic Banking is also known as

(a) Cyberbanking (Correct)
(b) Commercial banking
(c) Circular banking
(d) Credit banking

104. LISP designed for:

(a) Artificial Intelligence (Correct)
(b) Graphics
(c) Mathematics
(d) Logos

105. Cache memory is:

(a) Faster then the Main Memory
(b) Smaller then the Main Memory
(c) Slower then the Main Memory
(d) a and b (Correct)

106. The famous Silicon Valley is situated in which state of USA:

(a) California (Correct)
(b) New York
(c) Ohio
(d) New Jersey

107. The first computer virus was created in the 1970s at

(a) Bell Laboratories (Correct) (b) IBM
(c) AT and T Lab
(d) DEC

108. “http” stands for:

(a) Hyper Text Transfer Program
(b) High level Text Transfer Program
(c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (Correct)
(d) High Level Text Transfer Protocol

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Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams

109. Which famous computer company was born in a garage at 367, Addison Avenue?
(a) IBM
(b) DEC
(c) Hewlett Packard
(d) Compaq

110. Who established the term “cyberspace”?

(a) Thomas Watson
(b) Bill Gates
(c) William Gibson (Correct)
(d) Steven Spielberg

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