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Biological Molecules


1 Carbohydrate— C, H, O
. Amino acid— b. H,N,C,O,S
Lipid— d. C,H,O
Nucleic acid— N,H,C,O,P

2 lipids

3 Hydrogen

4 A Hydrocarbon has a central chain of carbon atoms with hydrogen attached to the carbon

5 amino acid

6 nucleic acid

7 all contain C,H,O

8 c6 h12 o6

9 amino group , carboxylic acid and r side chain

10 CH 3 CH 2 SH
Alanine cysteine

11 Lipids are most likely a good source and energy because lipids are long hydrocarbon chains
under a lot more c-c and c-h bonds which are a source of energy

12 glucose and fructose

13 sucrose and water

14 Mono

15 2 Amino acids

16 water and a dipeptide

17 they all produce water

18 glycosidic,peptide,and bonds

19 all reactions cause water to be removed,so the molecule is “dehydrate”or water is

“condensed”from the molecule

20 water

21 Hydro

22 hydrolysis

23 without water essential chemical reactions would not take place in our bodies. Water is
necessary for hydraulic reactions that occur during the breakdown of organic molecules

24 It takes less energy input to break the bonds in carbohydrates compared to the amount of
energy yielded,so there is a net release of energy farts requires a greater input of energy to
break bonds.So even if fats contain more energy,energy in carbs is easier to access

25 all single carbon bonds in due chain double carbon bond in due chain

26 It molecules are added to unsaturated plaut lipids by a process called hydrogenation.The

addition of H eliminates some double bonds and makes the lipids more saturated, with a higher
melting point which is more suitable for baking.

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