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1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Product 1 89 80 86 90 72 The file Ch21p1.xlsx

Product 2 57 75 77 89 81 2003. Write a formu
Product 3 65 77 57 73 73
given product during
using the MATCH an
Product 4 58 78 69 85 73
Product 5 75 86 61 59 71
Product 6 57 57 86 83 65
Product 7 65 73 80 78 58
Product 8 66 63 61 66 73
Product 9 74 87 69 75 70
Product 10 70 80 59 56 73
Product 11 66 64 83 57 87

product year sales

Product 5 2003 71
The file Ch21p1.xlsx contains data about unit sales for 11 products during the years 1999–
2003. Write a formula using the MATCH and OFFSET functions that determines the sales of a
given product during a given year. Can you think of another way to solve this problem without
using the MATCH and OFFSET functions?
ng the years 1999–
rmines the sales of a
e this problem without
1 2 3 4 5
Month Ads Lag 1 Lag 2 Lag 3 Lag 4 Lag 5
1 4
2 15
3 14
4 2
5 10
6 8
7 3 8 10 2 14 15
8 13 3 8 10 2 14
9 5 13 3 8 10 2
10 0 5 13 3 8 10
11 14 0 5 13 3 8
12 9 14 0 5 13 3
13 10 9 14 0 5 13
14 3 10 9 14 0 5
15 2 3 10 9 14 0
16 15 2 3 10 9 14
17 2 15 2 3 10 9
18 2 2 15 2 3 10
19 11 2 2 15 2 3
20 13 11 2 2 15 2
21 11 13 11 2 2 15
22 10 11 13 11 2 2
23 5 10 11 13 11 2
24 8 5 10 11 13 11
25 5 8 5 10 11 13
26 1 5 8 5 10 11
27 6 1 5 8 5 10
28 8 6 1 5 8 5
29 13 8 6 1 5 8
30 13 13 8 6 1 5
31 6 13 13 8 6 1
32 2 6 13 13 8 6
33 13 2 6 13 13 8
34 2 13 2 6 13 13
35 2 2 13 2 6 13
36 4 2 2 13 2 6
37 7 4 2 2 13 2
38 15 7 4 2 2 13
39 11 15 7 4 2 2
40 5 11 15 7 4 2
41 1 5 11 15 7 4
42 12 1 5 11 15 7
43 10 12 1 5 11 15
44 10 10 12 1 5 11
45 3 10 10 12 1 5
46 14 3 10 10 12 1
47 1 14 3 10 10 12
48 2 1 14 3 10 10
49 9 2 1 14 3 10
50 5 9 2 1 14 3
51 6 5 9 2 1 14
52 10 6 5 9 2 1
53 9 10 6 5 9 2
54 5 9 10 6 5 9
55 15 5 9 10 6 5
56 12 15 5 9 10 6
57 8 12 15 5 9 10
58 5 8 12 15 5 9
59 8 5 8 12 15 5
60 0 8 5 8 12 15
Lag 6 The file Lagged.xlsx contains data about the number of magazine ads placed by US Arm
recruiting during each of 60 consecutive months. For each month, the k-month lagged
of ads is defined to equal the number of ads placed k months ago. For months 7–60, y
want to compute the 1-month lagged, 2-month lagged, through 6-month lagged value
the number of ads. Use the OFFSET function to efficiently compute these lagged value

agazine ads placed by US Army
h month, the k-month lagged number
nths ago. For months 7–60, you
hrough 6-month lagged values of
compute these lagged values.
Nokia Motorola Samsung Kyocera
East 100 300 400 450
West 90 110 150 190
South 200 220 230 250
North 270 290 310 350
Canada 100 90 50 75

Row Column Region Phone Sales

1 1 East Nokia 100
1 2 East Motorola 300
1 3 East Samsung 400
1 4 East Kyocera 450
2 1 West Nokia 90
2 2 West Motorola 110
2 3 West Samsung 150
2 4 West Kyocera 190
3 1 South Nokia 200
3 2 South Motorola 220
3 3 South Samsung 230
3 4 South Kyocera 250
4 1 North Nokia 270
4 2 North Motorola 290
4 3 North Samsung 310
4 4 North Kyocera 350
5 1 Canada Nokia 100
5 2 Canada Motorola 90
5 3 Canada Samsung 50
5 4 Canada Kyocera 75
The file Verizondata.xlsx gives sales of four different Verizon phones in five regions.
Determine an efficient method to enter for each of the 20 region-product
combinations, the region, type of phone, and sales of each phone into one row.
hones in five regions.
one into one row.

Product Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

car 128 50 107 86 54 86
plane 75 90 139 90 146 88
train 124 146 130 117 144 111
car 135 84 127 61 102 109
car 138 88 92 63 119 60
plane 95 60 113 87 138 119
car 104 74 84 126 125 110
train 111 115 146 116 106 71
car 89 106 82 99 86 111

product month total sales

train Jan 235
Each row of the file Carsumdata.xlsx contains sales data for a
Jul product (car, train, or plane) from
89 January through July. Suppose you enter a month and a product
133 into the worksheet. Write a
122 formula that gives the total sales of that product during the
127 given month.
77 car
91 plane
114 train
ales data for a

nth and a product

ct during the
Date VZ 20
8/1/86 0.02721088 8
9/2/86 -0.14741722 9 0 1
10/1/86 0.03883797 10 august sept
11/3/86 0.03364738 11 0 0.02721088 -0.14741722
12/1/86 -0.0234375 12 12 0.10622711 0.01483444
1/2/87 0.10548148 1 24 -0.03332396 0.04727273
2/2/87 -0.03015277 2 36 0.01825389 0.0218193
3/2/87 -0.06729308 3 48 -0.13426488 0.10526316
4/1/87 -0.02222222 4 60 0.04177109 -0.08781075
5/1/87 0.01136364 5 72 0.02105263 0.00515464
6/1/87 0.02052434 6 84 0.07764706 -0.00577043
7/1/87 0.0019084 7 96 -0.03319795 -0.03196347
8/3/87 0.10622711 8 108 0.03930131 0.03159664
9/1/87 0.01483444 9 120 -0.04870624 0.06453333
10/1/87 -0.0587314 10 132 -0.00261852 0.11151029
11/2/87 -0.09179146 11 144 -0.02668725 0.09766599
12/1/87 -0.00763359 12 156 -0.04203125 0.09786332
1/4/88 0.11923077 1 168 -0.06909091 0.11305147
2/1/88 -0.00687285 2 180 -0.07663897 0.0822
3/1/88 -0.08484429 3 192 -0.06060606 -0.11483871
4/4/88 0.01890502 4 204 0.00914286 -0.0815402
5/2/88 0.06679531 5
6/1/88 0 6
7/1/88 -0.01043551 7
8/1/88 -0.03332396 8
The file Verizon.xlsx contains monthly returns on Verizon stock. Us
9/1/88 0.04727273 9 function to
10/3/88 0.0225 10 extract all the January returns to one column, all the February retu
column, and so
11/1/88 -0.03898397 11 on.
12/1/88 0.00522968 12
1/3/89 0.05455568 1
2/1/89 -0.02506667 2
3/1/89 0.04280635 3
4/3/89 0.09337705 4
5/1/89 0.04198153 5
6/1/89 0.00725222 6
7/3/89 0.09565714 7
8/1/89 0.01825389 8
9/1/89 0.0218193 9
10/2/89 0.02506266 10
11/1/89 0.00733496 11
12/1/89 0.08009709 12
1/2/90 -0.12134831 1
2/1/90 -0.08061381 2
3/1/90 0.05007233 3
4/2/90 -0.00921903 4
5/1/90 -0.44245989 5
6/1/90 -0.04795703 6
7/2/90 -0.00503728 7
8/1/90 -0.13426488 8
9/4/90 0.10526316 9
10/1/90 0.10582011 10
11/1/90 0.04076555 11
12/3/90 -0.01379184 12
1/2/91 -0.09565542 1
2/1/91 0.01030928 2
3/1/91 0.04857143 3
4/1/91 -0.0268587 4
5/1/91 -0.0574 5
6/3/91 0.00254615 6
7/1/91 0.01333333 7
8/1/91 0.04177109 8
9/3/91 -0.08781075 9
10/1/91 0.03296703 10
11/1/91 -0.03446809 11
12/2/91 0.06324372 12
1/2/92 -0.04393782 1
2/3/92 -0.05701279 2
3/2/92 -0.04597701 3
4/1/92 0.06939759 4
5/1/92 -0.02816584 5
6/1/92 0.03176443 6
7/1/92 0.06741573 7
8/3/92 0.02105263 8
9/1/92 0.00515464 9
10/1/92 -0.02297436 10
11/2/92 -0.01322696 11
12/1/92 0.09042553 12
1/4/93 0.00741463 1
2/1/93 0.07747434 2
3/1/93 0.00665109 3
4/1/93 -0.0825 4
5/3/93 0.05585831 5
6/1/93 0.09456221 6
7/1/93 0.00202088 7
8/2/93 0.07764706 8
9/1/93 -0.00577043 9
10/1/93 -0.00188235 10
11/1/93 -0.05704856 11
12/1/93 -0.0125 12
1/3/94 -0.04219409 1
2/1/94 -0.03524229 2
3/1/94 -0.05479452 3
4/4/94 0 4
5/2/94 0.03149758 5
6/1/94 0.04908205 6
7/1/94 0.01125 7
8/1/94 -0.03319795 8
9/1/94 -0.03196347 9
10/3/94 -0.01169811 10
11/1/94 -0.04295533 11
12/1/94 -0.00758029 12
1/3/95 0.09045226 1
2/1/95 -0.01142857 2
3/1/95 -0.01398471 3
4/3/95 0.0330938 4
5/1/95 0.01592532 5
6/1/95 0.00900901 6
7/3/95 0.02232143 7
8/1/95 0.03930131 8
9/1/95 0.03159664 9
10/2/95 0.03453894 10
11/1/95 -0.00787402 11
12/1/95 0.06142857 12
1/2/96 0.02990878 1
2/1/96 -0.0399303 2
3/1/96 -0.06412583 3
4/1/96 0.05042017 4
5/1/96 -0.04030769 5
6/3/96 0.02196217 6
7/1/96 -0.07247059 7
8/1/96 -0.04870624 8
9/3/96 0.06453333 9
10/1/96 0.00617902 10
11/1/96 0.04365145 11
12/2/96 0.02973919 12
1/2/97 0.03861004 1
2/3/97 0.02780669 2
3/3/97 -0.12109375 3
4/1/97 0.11522634 4
5/1/97 0.03321033 5
6/2/97 0.08385714 6
7/1/97 -0.04362726 7
8/1/97 -0.00261852 8
9/2/97 0.11151029 9
10/1/97 -0.00546992 10
11/3/97 0.115625 11
12/1/97 0.01960784 12
1/2/98 0.01714286 1
2/2/98 -0.03035869 2
3/2/98 0.13927577 3
4/1/98 -0.08498778 4
5/1/98 -0.02073536 5
6/1/98 -0.50196464 6
7/1/98 -0.00635547 7
8/3/98 -0.02668725 8
9/1/98 0.09766599 9
10/1/98 0.09805945 10
11/2/98 0.04587328 11
12/1/98 -0.02930074 12
1/4/99 0.11111111 1
2/1/99 -0.0395 2
3/1/99 -0.10307132 3
4/1/99 0.11491584 4
5/3/99 -0.04997397 5
6/1/99 0.1939726 6
7/1/99 -0.02095763 7
8/2/99 -0.04203125 8
9/1/99 0.09786332 9
10/1/99 -0.03521022 10
11/1/99 -0.01786264 11
12/1/99 -0.03480715 12
1/3/00 0.00617284 1
2/1/00 -0.20988053 2
3/1/00 0.24908051 3
4/3/00 -0.0184852 4
5/1/00 -0.11866667 5
6/1/00 -0.03914523 6
7/3/00 -0.07990553 7
8/1/00 -0.06909091 8
9/1/00 0.11305147 9
10/2/00 0.19343518 10
11/1/00 -0.02802283 11
12/1/00 -0.10784837 12
1/2/01 0.09615001 1
2/1/01 -0.09918107 2
3/1/01 -0.0040404 3
4/2/01 0.11703854 4
5/1/01 -0.00399492 5
6/1/01 -0.02461258 6
7/2/01 0.01214953 7
8/1/01 -0.07663897 8
9/4/01 0.0822 9
10/1/01 -0.07946775 10
11/1/01 -0.05641437 11
12/3/01 0.00978723 12
1/2/02 -0.02338812 1
2/1/02 0.00970874 2
3/1/02 -0.01495726 3
4/1/02 -0.12993492 4
5/1/02 0.07205186 5
6/3/02 -0.06627907 6
7/1/02 -0.17808219 7
8/1/02 -0.06060606 8
9/3/02 -0.11483871 9
10/1/02 0.37609329 10
11/1/02 0.10911017 11
12/2/02 -0.07473734 12
1/2/03 -0.01212903 1
2/3/03 -0.09665622 2
3/3/03 0.02226721 3
4/1/03 0.05742574 4
5/1/03 0.01257357 5
6/2/03 0.04227213 6
7/1/03 -0.11280101 7
8/1/03 0.00914286 8
9/2/03 -0.0815402 9
10/1/03 0.03575832 10
11/3/03 -0.02261905 11
12/1/03 0.0682095 12
1/2/04 0.05074116 1
2/2/04 0.03988063 2
3/1/04 -0.04669971 3
4/1/04 0.03284072 4
5/3/04 -0.08373079 5
6/1/04 0.0465587 6
7/1/04 0.06493506 7
8/2/04 0.01842242 8
9/1/04 0.0033121 9
10/1/04 -0.00711021 10
11/1/04 0.0544757 11
12/1/04 -0.01746301 12
1/3/05 -0.12145149 1
2/1/05 0.01067716 2
3/1/05 -0.01306644 3
4/1/05 0.0084507 4
5/2/05 -0.01173184 5
6/1/05 -0.02345958 6
7/1/05 -0.00926194 7
8/1/05 -0.04440549 8
9/1/05 -0.00061143 9
10/3/05 -0.03609667 10
11/1/05 0.0149159 11
12/1/05 -0.05816135 12
1/3/06 0.05112882 1
2/1/06 0.06443462 2
3/1/06 0.01068249 3
4/3/06 -0.03024075 4
5/1/06 -0.05510142 5
6/1/06 0.07305351 6
7/3/06 0.00985369 7
8/1/06 0.04021289 8
9/1/06 0.01108584 9
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
oct novem dec jan febr march april
0.03883797 0.03364738 -0.0234375 0.10548148 -0.03015277 -0.06729308 -0.02222222
-0.0587314 -0.09179146 -0.00763359 0.11923077 -0.00687285 -0.08484429 0.01890502
0.0225 -0.03898397 0.00522968 0.05455568 -0.02506667 0.04280635 0.09337705
0.02506266 0.00733496 0.08009709 -0.12134831 -0.08061381 0.05007233 -0.00921903
0.10582011 0.04076555 -0.01379184 -0.09565542 0.01030928 0.04857143 -0.0268587
0.03296703 -0.03446809 0.06324372 -0.04393782 -0.05701279 -0.04597701 0.06939759
-0.02297436 -0.01322696 0.09042553 0.00741463 0.07747434 0.00665109 -0.0825
-0.00188235 -0.05704856 -0.0125 -0.04219409 -0.03524229 -0.05479452 0
-0.01169811 -0.04295533 -0.00758029 0.09045226 -0.01142857 -0.01398471 0.0330938
0.03453894 -0.00787402 0.06142857 0.02990878 -0.0399303 -0.06412583 0.05042017
0.00617902 0.04365145 0.02973919 0.03861004 0.02780669 -0.12109375 0.11522634
-0.00546992 0.115625 0.01960784 0.01714286 -0.03035869 0.13927577 -0.08498778
0.09805945 0.04587328 -0.02930074 0.11111111 -0.0395 -0.10307132 0.11491584
-0.03521022 -0.01786264 -0.03480715 0.00617284 -0.20988053 0.24908051 -0.0184852
0.19343518 -0.02802283 -0.10784837 0.09615001 -0.09918107 -0.0040404 0.11703854
-0.07946775 -0.05641437 0.00978723 -0.02338812 0.00970874 -0.01495726 -0.12993492
0.37609329 0.10911017 -0.07473734 -0.01212903 -0.09665622 0.02226721 0.05742574
0.03575832 -0.02261905 0.0682095 0.05074116 0.03988063 -0.04669971 0.03284072

monthly returns on Verizon stock. Use the OFFSET

s to one column, all the February returns to one

9 10 11
may june july
0.01136364 0.02052434 0.0019084
0.06679531 0 -0.01043551
0.04198153 0.00725222 0.09565714
-0.44245989 -0.04795703 -0.00503728
-0.0574 0.00254615 0.01333333
-0.02816584 0.03176443 0.06741573
0.05585831 0.09456221 0.00202088
0.03149758 0.04908205 0.01125
0.01592532 0.00900901 0.02232143
-0.04030769 0.02196217 -0.07247059
0.03321033 0.08385714 -0.04362726
-0.02073536 -0.50196464 -0.00635547
-0.04997397 0.1939726 -0.02095763
-0.11866667 -0.03914523 -0.07990553
-0.00399492 -0.02461258 0.01214953
0.07205186 -0.06627907 -0.17808219
0.01257357 0.04227213 -0.11280101
-0.08373079 0.0465587 0.06493506
Code Price
Az12 1 0
ba14 2 0
cat12 4 0
dag32 5 0
az12 8 0
Cat12 9 0
DAG32 2 1

code price
DAG32 2
The file Casesensitive.xlsx contains product codes and product prices. Note that the
codes are case sensitive. For example, DAG32 is not the same product as dag32. Write a
formula that gives the product price for any product code. Hint: You might need to use
EXACT function. The formula EXACT(cell1,cell2) yields True if cell1 and cell2 have exactly
same contents. EXACT differentiates between uppercase and lowercase letters.
e that the
ag32. Write a
need to use

2 have exactly

Rows to
Data move up Reversed
2 0 49
78 1 97
30 2 58
70 3 7
6 4 49
3 5 40
90 6 87
69 7 90
29 8 41
71 9 78
63 10 6
49 11 54
46 12 77
86 13 1
8 14 44
24 15 31
50 16 79
7 17 30
36 18 12
47 19 86
33 20 23
83 21 15
25 22 12
58 23 85
46 24 53
16 25 42
21 26 51
14 27 14
65 28 97
93 29 67
6 30 55
43 31 64
91 32 34
86 33 60
94 34 89
83 35 64
65 36 66
100 37 71
17 38 37
68 39 95
26 40 93
72 41 73
83 42 96
89 43 62
37 44 22
63 45 40
87 46 18
94 47 96
43 48 50
80 49 1
2 50 74
46 51 5
15 52 95
58 53 83
37 54 85
58 55 9
19 56 17
1 57 80
68 58 47
18 59 54
30 60 5
49 61 66
71 62 47
17 63 91
43 64 63
86 65 20
44 66 56
87 67 13
43 68 27
90 69 89
48 70 77
81 71 74
52 72 7
7 73 9
97 74 78
34 75 10
43 76 64
46 77 16
60 78 10
87 79 58
58 80 10
70 81 50
23 82 23
36 83 8
76 84 68
87 85 54
60 86 83
47 87 67
46 88 86
7 89 3
53 90 43
36 91 10
12 92 67
62 93 91
94 94 77
70 95 58
95 96 24
31 97 3
29 98 76
12 99 54
44 100 37
80 101 36
45 102 16
43 103 41
17 104 4
70 105 1
84 106 63
53 107 37
4 108 78
52 109 81
40 110 56
93 111 57
67 112 64
77 113 36
32 114 41
63 115 10
44 116 41
41 117 39
27 118 44
97 119 25
1 120 82
51 121 78
21 122 1
73 123 43
55 124 87
48 125 29
46 126 68
37 127 63
12 128 94
79 129 8
68 130 44
26 131 38
64 132 22
92 133 94
86 134 14
46 135 19
29 136 79
7 137 43
12 138 59
84 139 43
27 140 22
78 141 62
69 142 28
76 143 58
2 144 91
89 145 41
74 146 68
18 147 28
81 148 62
83 149 52
23 150 26
29 151 75
98 152 55
16 153 77
87 154 33
71 155 94
1 156 78
20 157 53
41 158 7
17 159 51
27 160 38
5 161 49
83 162 33
14 163 54
85 164 81
53 165 98
96 166 54
31 167 80
24 168 86
19 169 41
80 170 66
92 171 13
44 172 6
84 173 14
1 174 49
72 175 66
52 176 52
66 177 72
49 178 1
14 179 84
6 180 44
13 181 92
66 182 80
41 183 19
86 184 24
80 185 31
54 186 96
98 187 53
81 188 85
54 189 14
33 190 83
49 191 5
38 192 27
51 193 17
7 194 41
53 195 20
78 196 1
94 197 71
33 198 87
77 199 16
55 200 98
75 201 29
26 202 23
52 203 83
62 204 81
28 205 18
68 206 74
41 207 89
91 208 2
58 209 76
28 210 69
62 211 78
22 212 27
43 213 84
59 214 12
43 215 7
79 216 29
19 217 46
14 218 86
94 219 92
22 220 64
38 221 26
44 222 68
8 223 79
94 224 12
63 225 37
68 226 46
29 227 48
87 228 55
43 229 73
1 230 21
78 231 51
82 232 1
25 233 97
44 234 27
39 235 41
41 236 44
10 237 63
41 238 32
36 239 77
64 240 67
57 241 93
56 242 40
81 243 52
78 244 4
37 245 53
63 246 84
1 247 70
4 248 17
41 249 43
16 250 45
36 251 80
37 252 44
54 253 12
76 254 29
3 255 31
24 256 95
58 257 70
77 258 94
91 259 62
67 260 12
10 261 36
43 262 53
3 263 7
86 264 46
67 265 47
83 266 60
54 267 87
68 268 76
8 269 36
23 270 23
50 271 70
10 272 58
58 273 87
10 274 60
16 275 46
64 276 43
10 277 34
78 278 97
9 279 7
7 280 52
74 281 81
77 282 48
89 283 90
27 284 43
13 285 87
56 286 44
20 287 86
63 288 43
91 289 17
47 290 71
66 291 49
5 292 30
54 293 18
47 294 68
80 295 1
17 296 19
9 297 58
85 298 37
83 299 58
95 300 15
5 301 46
74 302 2
1 303 80
50 304 43
96 305 94
18 306 87
40 307 63
22 308 37
62 309 89
96 310 83
73 311 72
93 312 26
95 313 68
37 314 17
71 315 100
66 316 65
64 317 83
89 318 94
60 319 86
34 320 91
64 321 43
55 322 6
67 323 93
97 324 65
14 325 14
51 326 21
42 327 16
53 328 46
85 329 58
12 330 25
15 331 83
23 332 33
86 333 47
12 334 36
30 335 7
79 336 50
31 337 24
44 338 8
1 339 86
77 340 46
54 341 49
6 342 63
78 343 71
41 344 29
90 345 69
87 346 90
40 347 3
49 348 6
7 349 70
58 350 30
97 351 78
49 352 2
The file Reversed.xlsx contains a column of numbers. Use the OFFSET function to
reverse the
numbers so that the number on bottom occurs on top, and so on.
the OFFSET function to

nd so on.
The file Diagonal.xlsx contains a matrix of numbers. Determine how to put the
diagonal elements of the matrix in a single column.

10 2 4 2 4 9 8
8 4 2 10 10 2 2
4 6 5 6 2 10 4
7 5 1 10 8 10 4
10 1 9 3 3 10 1
8 9 6 10 6 9 6
4 10 8 2 10 10 7
9 5 10 7 4 9 5
8 4 9 5 2 4 4
2 6 8 9 2 9 6
4 9 9 3 10 5 7
2 4 4 3 4 9 6
1 3 4 10 9 3 5
9 10 7 4 1 3 10
2 1 9 4 6 1 6
2 4 10 3 1 6 3
1 5 9 10 1 1 2
5 4 3 6 5 2 8
2 1 7 5 10 3 10
7 9 8 8 7 10 6
1 3 3 4 5 3 4
3 7 9 10 7 1 9
3 7 5 4 8 9 9

0 10
1 4
2 5
3 10
4 3
5 9
6 7
7 8
8 5
9 9
10 3
11 3
12 7
13 10
14 4
15 5
16 4
17 1
18 8
19 5
20 5
21 7
22 7
6 2 4 3 1 8 6
5 8 5 8 1 7 1
5 7 4 2 5 2 2
1 6 10 8 5 9 1
2 9 8 8 10 4 10
1 2 1 7 1 7 10
6 7 10 9 10 4 7
8 3 5 9 7 4 8
5 5 6 1 10 1 8
9 4 9 7 9 10 6
10 8 4 3 4 3 5
1 1 1 2 3 2 7
9 1 10 2 3 7 6
9 8 8 3 5 1 10
7 6 7 5 8 5 5
1 3 4 2 8 6 6
1 5 6 9 9 3 3
1 6 9 5 10 2 5
6 9 7 1 10 5 8
2 5 4 3 7 6 4
10 1 8 9 2 10 4
3 7 1 2 8 8 7
1 9 1 4 9 1 1
8 9 4 8 1 10 1
10 5 10 8 9 7 4
8 10 10 1 10 2 4
3 10 8 9 4 10 5
1 4 6 1 1 2 10
1 1 9 2 6 9 7
6 8 7 1 6 9 7
5 8 9 10 6 7 8
1 3 4 9 8 5 3
7 4 4 7 2 7 1
6 10 8 10 10 10 1
1 8 8 9 6 5 8
6 9 7 5 7 3 3
5 4 9 10 3 4 6
4 5 9 8 4 5 3
1 5 1 5 3 2 3
9 8 4 5 6 3 3
2 6 6 1 10 4 1
6 3 7 2 8 8 10
5 1 10 9 7 5 6
3 7 6 1 8 9 5
10 1 7 5 9 3 5
2 7 4 10 8 8 1
7 4
9 3
7 3
1 1
5 1
1 2
1 7
6 6
3 1
6 3
6 3
5 9
5 1
9 5
8 2
8 5
3 7
7 1
7 9
5 1
1 6
7 7
3 7
Date Sales Year Month
1/1/2008 65 2008 1
2/1/2008 50 2008 2
3/1/2008 67 2008 3
4/1/2008 58 2008 4
5/1/2008 28 2008 5
6/1/2008 73 2008 6
7/1/2008 60 2008 7
8/1/2008 68 2008 8
9/1/2008 81 2008 9
10/1/2008 25 2008 10 year
11/1/2008 74 2008 11 2008
12/1/2008 17 2008 12
1/1/2009 28 2009 1
2/1/2009 65 2009 2
3/1/2009 22 2009 3
4/1/2009 19 2009 4
5/1/2009 54 2009 5
6/1/2009 47 2009 6
7/1/2009 72 2009 7
8/1/2009 34 2009 8
9/1/2009 80 2009 9
10/1/2009 66 2009 10
11/1/2009 15 2009 11
12/1/2009 78 2009 12
1/1/2010 51 2010 1
2/1/2010 27 2010 2
3/1/2010 47 2010 3
4/1/2010 28 2010 4
5/1/2010 58 2010 5
6/1/2010 67 2010 6
7/1/2010 19 2010 7
8/1/2010 86 2010 8
9/1/2010 40 2010 9
10/1/2010 84 2010 10
11/1/2010 40 2010 11
12/1/2010 65 2010 12
1/1/2011 18 2011 1
2/1/2011 36 2011 2
3/1/2011 48 2011 3
4/1/2011 53 2011 4
5/1/2011 10 2011 5
6/1/2011 23 2011 6
7/1/2011 51 2011 7
8/1/2011 55 2011 8
9/1/2011 14 2011 9
10/1/2011 70 2011 10
11/1/2011 46 2011 11
12/1/2011 20 2011 12
1/1/2012 56 2012 1
2/1/2012 19 2012 2
3/1/2012 30 2012 3
4/1/2012 50 2012 4
5/1/2012 76 2012 5
6/1/2012 78 2012 6
7/1/2012 31 2012 7
8/1/2012 29 2012 8
9/1/2012 50 2012 9
10/1/2012 15 2012 10
11/1/2012 26 2012 11
12/1/2012 61 2012 12
1/1/2013 52 2013 1
2/1/2013 67 2013 2
3/1/2013 45 2013 3
4/1/2013 53 2013 4
5/1/2013 40 2013 5
6/1/2013 45 2013 6
7/1/2013 49 2013 7
8/1/2013 56 2013 8
The file Yeartodate.xlsx contains a company’s monthly sales from January 2008
August 2013. Write a formula that returns for a given year and month of a year,
the year’s cumulative sales to date. For example, if you enter a 6 for the month
and 2010 for the year, your formula should compute total sales for the period
January–June 2010.

month sales
9 550
m January 2008

month of a year,
6 for the month
for the period
Division Transactions
A 16 1
A 46 1 2A 16
B 44 3 2B 44
B 39 5 4C 42
C 42 9 6D 27
C 11 15 2E 38
C 43
C 34
D 27
D 35
D 30
D 43
D 39
D 23
E 38
E 20

The file Transactiondata.xlsx contain

company. Use the OFFSET function t
appear in a single row.
2 3 4 5 6
11 43 34
35 30 43 39 23

The file Transactiondata.xlsx contains sales transactions in divisions A, B, C, D, and E of a drug

company. Use the OFFSET function to modify this data so that the sales for each division
appear in a single row.
The ADDRESS function yield
For example,
the formula ADDRESS(3,4)
you entered
the formula =INDIRECT(AD

ინდაირექთი დაგვიწერს იმას რაც d3 უჯრაში წერია.

The ADDRESS function yields the actual cell address associated with a row and
For example,
the formula ADDRESS(3,4) yields $D$3. What result would be obtained if
you entered
the formula =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(3,4))?
East West North South
Prod 1 110 443 419 221
Prod 2 451 309 125 459
Prod 3 121 110 189 328
Prod 4 126 431 178 497
Prod 5 202 378 178 213

product 1 4
row 2 5

total sales 4517

The workbook P23_2.xlsx contains data for the sales of five products in four regio
West, North, and South). Use the INDIRECT function to create formulas that enab
easily calculate the total sales of any combination of consecutively numbered pro
as Products 1–3, Products 2–5, and so on.
he sales of five products in four regions (East,
unction to create formulas that enable you to
ation of consecutively numbered products, such
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
171 165 121 52
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
171 165 121 52
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
171 165 121 52
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
171 165 121 52
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
171 165 121 52
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
171 165 121 52
e f g h
Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4
1 171 165 121 52
2 171 165 121 52
3 171 165 121 52
4 171 165 121 52
5 171 165 121 52
6 171 165 121 52
The file P23_3.xlsx contains six worksheets. Sheet 1 contains Mont
These sales are always listed in the range E5:H5. Use the INDIRECT
sheet the sales of each product by month in a separate worksheet.
x worksheets. Sheet 1 contains Month 1 sales for Products 1–4.
n the range E5:H5. Use the INDIRECT function to efficiently
month in a separate worksheet.

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