The Rosary in The Bible

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The Rosary in the Bible

Prayer Biblical Support

Hail Mary full

of Grace, the Am coming to her, he said,
Luke 1:28 "Hail, full of grace! The Lord is
Lord is with with you."

Blessed art
thou among "Elizabeth, filled with the Holy
women, and Spirit, cried out in a loud voice
Luke 1:42 and said "Most blessed are you
blessed is the among women, and blessed is
fruit of Thy the fruit of your womb."
womb, Jesus

Holy Mary, "How does this happen to me,

Mother of Luke 1:43 that the mother of my Lord
God should come to me?"
Pray for us "Confess your sins to one
sinncers, now another and pray for one
another, that you may be
and at the James 5:16 healed. The fervent prayer of a
hour of our righteous person is very
death powerful."
y in the Bible

The Angel Gabriel greets Mary with a very

respectful greeting used for royalty. The
text doesn't say"Mary" after Hail, but it is
implied that Gabriel then proclaims Mary
full of Grace (full of God's own life and love)

Elizabeth's words are inspired by God

Himself, in the Third Person of the Blessed
Trinity - the Holy Spirit. Therefore we can
say tht this greeting of admiration &
blessing is pleasing to God & an appropriate
way to address Mary. The fruit of Mary's
womb is her child, Jesus, which Elizabeth
alludes to by calling her "mother" in the
next verse.

This continued, Spirit-filled acclamation

from Elizabeth shows us that Mary is the
mother not just of the human Jesus, but the
Jesus who is the Son of God, the Second
Person of the Holy Trinity. Elizabeth, and
we, therefore rightly call Mary "holy" & the
"Mother of God."
There is no denying that we are all sinners,
in need of constant prayer and healing,
especially as we approach death & Final
Judgement. James tells the Christians to
pray for one another, as they are all
members of the mystical Body of Christ (1
Cor. 12). James goes on to say that the
prayers of a righteous person have great
power. Who is the most righteous person
who ever walked the earth (other than
Jesus the God-man)? The one whom Angels
and men address as "favored" & "blessed".
The one who carried the Son of God in her
womb. If we believe that those in Heaven
truly have eternal life, then whom better to
pray on our behalf before the throne of
God than His own holy, blessed Mother?
El Ave María en la Biblia
Oración Referencia Bíblica

Díos te salve,
María, plena El Angel entró en su casa y la
eres del Evangelio de saludó, diciendo: "¡Alégrate!,
gracia, el San Lucas 1:28 llena de gracia, el Señor está
Señor está contigo"

Bendita tú
eres entre
todas las
Evangelio de ¡Tú eres bendita entre todas las
mujeres y San Lucas 1:42 mujeres y bendito es el fruto
bendito es el de tu vientre!
fruto de tú
vientre, Jesús

Santa María, Evangelio de ¿Quién soy yo, para que la

Madre de madre de mi Señor venga a
Díos San Lucas 1:43 visitarme?

Ruega por
nosotros Confiesen mutuamente sus
pecadores, pecados y oren los unos por los
ahora y en la Carta de otros, para ser curados. La
Santiago 5:16 oración perseverante del justo
hora de
nuestra es poderosa.
a en la Biblia

El ángel Gabriel saluda a María con un

saludo muy respetuoso utilizado para la
realeza. El texto no dice "María", pero está
implícito. Gabriel luego proclama a María
llena de Gracia.

Elizabeth está inspirada por el Espíritu

Santo, proclama que María es la más
bendecida entre todas las mujeres.

María está llena de la gracia de Dios y esto

la hace santa. María es la madre de Jesús y
como Jesús es Dios, esto la convierte en la
madre de Dios.

Santiago le dice a los cristianos que recen

los unos por los otros. Todos los que se
bautizan son miembros del cuerpo de
Cristo, por lo tanto, es correcto orar por
otros miembros. Santiago también dice que
las oraciones de los justos tienen un gran
poder. Aunque María está en el cielo,
todavía escucha nuestras oraciones e
intercede por nosotros.

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