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The Best Southern Hotels and Spa through its subsidiaries has been an active entity within
the hospitality industry in Surrey. With the expansion of facilities (best golf courses and
fishing lakes) in its hotels, it offers customers the opportunity to have a relaxing and quality
time during their stay. These notwithstanding, a number of factors have been identified as
been setbacks to the firm achieving an increase in its customer base. These were findings
made by accessing best practices and feedbacks from visitors/customers over a six months
period in its three subsidiary hotels namely; Bury Hill Golf, Willow Park Lake and Beavers
Lake and Golf Park. The subsequent paragraphs explain findings made.

Complaints Expressed by customers

Table 1:
Complaints received 01 July - 31 December 2020
Number of Complaints
Bury Hill Golf Willow Park Lakes Beavers lake and Golf Park
% level of % level of % level of
Problem Generating Complaints complaints % level complaints % level complaints % level Total
frequency frequency frequency
in relation within in relation within in relation within
to hotel complaints to hotel complaints to hotel complaints
Poor quality of bedroom cleaning 58 25% 5% 17 7% 5% 159 68% 10% 234
Staff unavailable or unhelpful 60 25% 6% 28 12% 9% 150 63% 9% 238
Room temperatures too cold 160 79% 15% 16 8% 5% 26 13% 2% 202
Room temperatures too hot 36 17% 3% 17 8% 5% 160 75% 10% 213
Fishing boat broken 65 32% 6% 29 14% 9% 107 53% 6% 201
Lack on maintenace of golf course 78 30% 7% 0 0% 0% 183 70% 11% 261
Golf Caddy often late or not at work 81 37% 8% 0 0% 0% 140 63% 8% 221
A. Poor quality food 92 27% 9% 31 9% 10% 215 64% 13% 338
B. Poor hygiene 89 30% 8% 11 4% 4% 195 66% 12% 295
C. Breafast served later than stated time 49 25% 5% 5 3% 2% 143 73% 9% 197
Poor spa and pool sanitation 120 57% 11% 65 31% 21% 26 12% 2% 211
Pool temperature cold 112 52% 10% 71 33% 23% 34 16% 2% 217
Spa room is cold 78 34% 7% 23 10% 7% 131 56% 8% 232

Total 1078 100% 313 100% 1669 100%

The above table shows problems identified by customers in relation to each hotel. The
composite and comparative analysis of customers’ complaints from the three hotels

a) Level of complaints in relation to hotel

Table 2:
Complaints received 01 July - 31 December 2020
% level of complaints
Problem Generating Complaints in relation
to hotel
Bury Hill Golf Willow Park Lake Beavers Lake and Golf Park cumulative %
Poor quality of bedroom cleaning 25% 7% 68% 100%
Staff unavailable or unhelpful 25% 12% 63% 100%
Room temperatures too cold 79% 8% 13% 100%
Room temperatures too hot 17% 8% 75% 100%
Fishing boat broken 32% 14% 53% 100%
Lack on maintenace of golf course 30% 0% 70% 100%
Golf Caddy often late or not at work 37% 0% 63% 100%
A. Poor quality food 27% 9% 64% 100%
B. Poor hygiene 30% 4% 66% 100%
C. Breafast served later than stated time 25% 3% 73% 100%
Poor spa and pool sanitation 57% 31% 12% 100%
Pool temperature cold 52% 33% 16% 100%
Spa room is cold 34% 10% 56% 100%
Average (Mean) 36% 11% 53% 100%

 Beavers Lake and Golf Park

Among the three hotels under consideration, Beavers Lake and Golf Park recorded the
highest total number of complaints. On an average, the hotel had 53% of the total
complaints received during the period. Customers had problem with most of their services
including the quality of bedroom cleaning (68%), Lack of maintenance of golf course (70%),
breakfast served later than stated time (73%) and Room temperature too hot (75%) as
compared to the other hotels meaning most of its practices do not meet customers’

Chart 1:
 Willow Park Lake
Willow Park Lake received the lowest number of complaints, recording an average of 11%.
This shows customers most practices of the hotel met customers’ expectation. Despite this,
the hotel recorded high levels in Poor Spa and pool sanitation (31%) and Cold pool
temperature (33%).
Chart 2:

 Bury Hill Golf

Bury Hill Golf received an average of 36% of the total complaints. As compared to the other
hotels, it received the highest complaints for room temperatures too cold (79%).

Chart 3:

 Common complain
Within the complaints received by the three hotels, the problems of broken fishing boat was
highly reported in all the three hotels (i.e. 32% for Bury Hill Golf, 14% for Willow Park Lake
and 53% for Beavers Lake and Golf Park). Another problem that was a high priority to
customers in all three hotels was the coldness of the Spa rooms (i.e. 34% for Bury Hill Golf,
10% for Willow Park Lake and 56% for Beavers Lake and Golf Park). This means customers
had high expectations to go for fishing during their visit, go for Spa sessions and therefore
placed much priority on such services.

Chart 4:

b) Level of complain within a hotel

The aggregate level of complaints received for a particular hotel was also significant. In a
composite view, some complaints were highly reported by customers than others.

Table 3:
Complaints received 01 July - 31 December 2020
% level within
Problem Generating Complaints complaints
Bury Hill Golf Willow Park Lake Beavers Lake and Golf Park
Poor quality of bedroom cleaning 5% 5% 10%
Staff unavailable or unhelpful 6% 9% 9%
Room temperatures too cold 15% 5% 2%
Room temperatures too hot 3% 5% 10%
Fishing boat broken 6% 9% 6%
Lack on maintenace of golf course 7% 0% 11%
Golf Caddy often late or not at work 8% 0% 8%
A. Poor quality food 9% 10% 13%
B. Poor hygiene 8% 4% 12%
C. Breafast served later than stated time 5% 2% 9%
Poor spa and pool sanitation 11% 21% 2%
Pool temperature cold 10% 23% 2%
Spa room is cold 7% 7% 8%
Cumulative 100% 100% 100%

 Beavers Lake and Golf Park

Out of the total number of complaints received at the hotel, poor quality food (13%) and
poor hygiene (12%) were a major concern for customers as compared to room temperature
too cold (2%), pool temperature (2%) cold and spa room is cold (2%). This means the hotel
heating system is okay but the kitchen services need a total overhaul.

Chart 5:

 Willow Park Lake

Out of the total number of complaints received at the hotel, issues of poor spa and
sanitation (21%) and cold spa room (23%) were most significant, meaning much attention is
needed to improve these areas.

Chart 6:
 Bury Hill Golf
The hotel recorded high rate of rate temperatures too cold (15%) but had low rate of
complaints for room temperature too hot (3%) and breakfast served later than started time
(5%). This means the hotel heating system must be a priority to improve it services to

Chart 7:
Customer survey feedback
The level of agreement in relation to the hotels and the level of agreement in relation to best practice as observed by customers were critically

Table 4:
Survey Data - Three Hotels Operated byThe Best Southern Hotels and Spa
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Willow Beavers lake Willow Beavers lake Willow Willow Beavers
Best Practices Bury hill Bury hill Bury hill lake Bury hill
Park and Park and golf Park Park lake and
golf (%) golf (%) golf (%) and golf golf (%)
lake (%) golf park (%) lake (%) park (%) lake (%) lake (%) golf park (%)
park (%)
Bedrooms are always cleaned daily 5% 32% 12% 22% 48% 27% 60% 17% 44% 14% 3% 17%
Staff are available, helpful and
6% 35% 12% 19% 54% 25% 55% 8% 39% 20% 3% 24%
provide good customer service
The room teperature is always good 3% 27% 7% 13% 28% 16% 48% 33% 33% 37% 12% 44%
Fishing boat and staff are always
4% 4% 12% 16% 13% 1% 64% 65% 56% 17% 18% 31%
available at the specified times for fishing trips
Golf course always well manicured 0% 38% 51% 0% 49% 24% 0% 9% 12% 0% 4% 13%
Golf Caddy are always available
0% 38% 40% 0% 33% 35% 0% 13% 16% 0% 16% 9%
at the specified times
Restaurant food quality is good 9% 47% 44% 16% 28% 33% 33% 10% 9% 43% 7% 14%
Restaurant is always clean 11% 56% 40% 19% 26% 31% 39% 11% 14% 32% 8% 15%
Breakfast is served on time 6% 40% 35% 9% 33% 37% 40% 15% 12% 46% 13% 16%
Spa and pool area cleaned on a regular basis 42% 30% 11% 41% 34% 12% 9% 15% 35% 9% 21% 42%
The pool teperature is always good 46% 59% 5% 42% 23% 10% 8% 8% 45% 6% 10% 40%
Spa temperature is always good 15% 28% 28% 21% 33% 37% 38% 22% 17% 27% 18% 19%
Good value for money 4% 31% 30% 8% 36% 27% 35% 18% 23% 54% 15% 21%
Average 11% 36% 25% 17% 34% 24% 33% 19% 27% 23% 11% 23%

On an average, 11%, 36% and 25% strongly disagreed with the presence of best practices by Willow Park Lake, Bury hill Golf and Beavers Lake and Golf
Park respectively. Whiles 23%, 11% and 23% strongly agree with presence of best practices by Willow Park Lake, Bury hill Golf and Beavers Lake and
Golf Park respectively.
Participants strongly disagreed that all three hotels had restaurants that is always clean (i.e.
11%, 56% and 40% for Willow Park Lake, Bury hill Golf and Beavers Lake and Golf Park

 Willow Park Lake

Analysis of findings made from the survey shows that the hotel is identified with many best
practices which includes cleaning of bedrooms (74%), serving of breakfast on time (85%),
the good quality of restaurant food (76%) and good value for money (89%) which can be
emulated by the other hotels.

Table 5:
Willow Park lake
Best Practices Total % of Total % of
cumulative variance
Disagreement Agreement
Bedrooms are always cleaned daily 26% 74% 100% 48%
Staff are available, helpful and provide good
customer service 25% 75% 100% 50%
The room teperature is always good 16% 85% 100% 69%
Fishing boat and staff are always available at
the specified times for fishing trips 20% 81% 100% 61%
Golf course always well manicured 0% 0% 0% 0%
Golf Caddy are always available at the
specified times 0% 0% 0% 0%
Restaurant food quality is good 25% 76% 100% 51%
Restaurant is always clean 30% 71% 100% 41%
Breakfast is served on time 15% 85% 100% 70%
Spa and pool area cleaned on a regular basis 82% 18% 100% -64%
The pool teperature is always good 87% 13% 100% -74%
Spa temperature is always good 35% 65% 100% 30%
Good value for money 12% 89% 100% 77%

On the other hand, participants disagreed with the hotel practice of always maintaining
good pool temperature which must be a priority to improve upon. No opinion on the state
of the hotel’s golf course is indicative that the hotel had no golf course.
Chart 8:

 Bury Hill Golf

Participants disagreed with the implementation of many best practices such as bedrooms
always cleaned daily (80%), Staff are available, helpful and provide good customer service
(89%), Golf course always well-manicured (87%). Meaning a lot need to be done to improve
these practices.

Table 6:
Bury Hill Golf
Best Practices Total % of Total % of
Cumulative variance
Disagreement Agreement
Bedrooms are always cleaned daily 80% 20% 100% -60%
Staff are available, helpful and
provide good customer service 89% 11% 100% -78%
The room teperature is always good 55% 45% 100% -10%
Fishing boat and staff are always available
at the specified times for fishing trips 17% 83% 100% 67%
Golf course always well manicured 87% 13% 100% -73%
Golf Caddy are always available at the
specified times 71% 29% 100% -42%
Restaurant food quality is good 75% 17% 92% -58%
Restaurant is always clean 82% 18% 100% -63%
Breakfast is served on time 73% 28% 100% -45%
Spa and pool area cleaned on a regular basis 64% 36% 100% -28%
The pool teperature is always good 82% 18% 100% -63%
Spa temperature is always good 61% 39% 100% -22%
Good value for money 67% 33% 100% -33%
These notwithstanding, participants agree fishing boat and staff are always available at the
specified times for fishing trips which is an important service need for customer according to
data received on customer complaints.

Chart 9:

 Beaver Lake and Golf Park

Participants shared the opinion that the facility undertake best practices such as good room
temperature always (76%), Fishing boat and staff are always available at the specified times
for fishing trips (87%) and maintenance of good pool temperature (85%) which is

Table 7:
Beavers Lake and Golf Park
Best Practices Total % of Total % of
Cumulative variance
Disagreement Agreement
Bedrooms are always cleaned daily 39% 61% 100% 22%
Staff are available, helpful and
37% 63% 100% 26%
provide good customer service
The room teperature is always good 24% 76% 100% 53%
Fishing boat and staff are always available
13% 87% 100% 74%
at the specified times for fishing trips
Golf course always well manicured 75% 25% 100% -51%
Golf Caddy are always available at the
75% 25% 100% -51%
specified times
Restaurant food quality is good 77% 23% 100% -55%
Restaurant is always clean 71% 29% 100% -42%
Breakfast is served on time 72% 28% 100% -44%
Spa and pool area cleaned on a regular basis 23% 77% 100% 53%
The pool temperature is always good 15% 85% 100% 70%
Spa temperature is always good 65% 35% 100% -29%
Good value for money 57% 43% 100% -13%
Contrarily, participant disagreed with golf course always well- manicured (75%), golf caddy
always available at the specified times (75%) and good quality restaurant food (77%) and
must improve standards in these areas.

Chart 10:

Customer Complaints vs. Customer Survey

Analysis of customer complaint and customer survey shows that where customers agree
with a practice, it less complaints were recorded.

Table 8:

Willow Park Lake Bury Hill Golf Beavers Lake and Golf Park
Customer Survey Complaints customer Survey Complaints customer Survey Compliants
% level of % level of % level of
Total % of Total % of complaints Total % of Total % of complaints Total % of Total % of complaints
Disagreement Agreement in relation Disagreement Agreement in relation Disagreement Agreement in relation
to hotel to hotel to hotel
Bedrooms are always cleaned daily 26% 74% 7% 80% 20% 25% 39% 61% 68%
Staff are available, helpful and provide good
25% 75%
customer service 12% 89% 11% 25% 37% 63% 63%
The room teperature is always good 16% 85% 16% 55% 45% 96% 24% 76% 88%
Fishing boat and staff are always available at
20% 81%
the specified times for fishing trips 14% 17% 83% 32% 13% 87% 53%
Golf course always well manicured 0% 0% 0% 87% 13% 30% 75% 25% 70%
Golf Caddy are always available at the
0% 0%
specified times 0% 71% 29% 37% 75% 25% 63%
Restaurant food quality is good 25% 76% 9% 75% 17% 27% 77% 23% 64%
Restaurant is always clean 30% 71% 4% 82% 18% 30% 71% 29% 66%
Breakfast is served on time 15% 85% 3% 73% 28% 25% 72% 28% 73%
Spa and pool area cleaned on a regular basis 82% 18% 31% 64% 36% 57% 23% 77% 12%
The pool teperature is always good 87% 13% 33% 82% 18% 52% 15% 85% 16%
Spa temperature is always good 35% 65% 10% 61% 39% 34% 65% 35% 56%
Good value for money 12% 89% NA 67% 33% NA 57% 43% NA
For example, about 74% of customers agree that Willow Park Lake ensure bedrooms are
always cleaned daily. This was confirmed by only 7% complaints in the area.

Lack of equal number of respondents may affects findings made from this work. This is
because the number of participants for the customer complaints differ from that of the
customer survey. Also, there are missing data for survey on Bury Hill Golf “good restaurant
food quality” practices.


Comparing findings made from the analysis of complaints from customers and customer
survey shows that Willow Park stands tall in terms of customers’ appreciation and
satisfaction of services (best practices). Therefore the subsidiary forms a good model for
upgrading the standard of the other hotels.

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