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“Perspectives on Learning Modalities and Teachers’ Mental Health during the

Sir Sonny Soriano invited us to a webinar hosted by Far Eastern University's
Institute of Education today on "Perspectives on Learning Modalities and Teachers'
Mental Health during the Pandemic." We already had a sense of what the webinar was
about and what it was for just by reading the title. Teaching strategies for online classes
are vastly different from those used in traditional classrooms.
Three (3) guest speakers were invited by the webinar's coordinator to share their
expertise with the other teachers and student-teachers in attendance. Mr. Ryan B.
Garcia, Ms. Melanie Bactasa, and Mr. Paul Malayo are the speakers. They provided us
with knowledge that is quite beneficial and will assist us in managing our class and
ourselves. They teach us how to be effective teacher in the class during this pandemic
where almost everything we do must be done online.
They explained the regulations for organizing the webinar at the start of the
webinar. Following that, Dr. Barbara Wong-Fernandez, a Professional Lecturer, and Mr.
Dhean R. De Ocampo, a FEU-IE Doctoral Student, direct their messages to those of us
who watched their webinar. Mr. Kevin L. De Guzman and Ms. Lovely C. Torres, FEU-IE
Doctoral Students, hosted the webinar.
Mr. Ryan B. Garcia is the first speaker, and his topic is "Synchronous Learning
Modalities." In his lecture, he discussed tactics for efficient classroom management that
teachers may employ, as well as several Zoom capabilities. He also showed us where
we can find free PowerPoint themes to make our presentations more appealing to kids.
He discusses the educational game. are important especially in getting the attention of
the students. We know that these kinds of activities give excitement to the learners who
are using it. The first speakers’ topic was really useful in the present situation of the
teachers. Mr. Garcia also told us the alternative activities we can do during Non-
academic days. We learned lot of things and we enjoyed his discussion.
The second speaker was Ma’am Melanie Bactasa, a FEU-IE Doctoral Student.
She tackled about “Nurturing Teachers” Mental Health during the Pandemic. She
started his topic by telling us to check ourselves. She taught us how to identify an
individual with mental health issues. She keeps on reminding us to always check
ourselves especially our mental health. She even let us to self-meditate and calm our
minds for few minutes. She taught us how to deal with someone who is suffering from
mental health issues. She also enlightened us about mental health issues that an
individual might suffer. Her discussion is really helpful; it reminds us that we should take
good care of ourselves not only our physical health but our mental health too.
Mr. Paul Malayo, a FEU-IE doctoral student, was the final speaker. He discussed
"Asynchronous Learning Modalities." According to their survey, the majority of parents
prefer Asynchronous Learning Modalities for their children's education. As a result, they
decided to provide their pupils Asynchronous Learning Modalities. He exhibited a video
at the end of his talk.
For the closing remarks, Mr. Dhean R. De Ocampo expressed his gratitude to the
teachers and student-teachers who patiently attended and listened to the webinar they
conducted. As a whole, I can say that the webinar I attended was useful and
informative. It enlightened us to the things that we might encounter when we are already
in the field of teaching. It shows us the problems that we might encounter in the future
and the solutions of these problems. Attending this kind of webinar helps me a lot to
prepare myself in the field of teaching. Having knowledge on how to handle students
and having enough knowledge about the techniques and strategies that we can do in
order to achieve an effective teaching-learning process. As a teacher, having teaching
strategies is very important. Educators who use instructional strategies allow students to
have capability to make meaningful connections between concepts that they learned in
the class and real-life situations. And we should not stress ourselves, we must be
physically healthy and most of all, we must mentally healthy to be an effective teacher.
Asynchronous or synchronous learning modality should be done properly to help
students in their learning.
In this webinar, I learned that we should always consider the students'
capabilities when deciding which learning modalities to use. Furthermore, we must first
assess a student's abilities, talents, and learning style in order to select the most
appropriate and effective teaching methodology and strategy. In order to reach our
objectives, we must choose a profession.
I learned in this webinar that we should always consider the students’ capabilities
in deciding of what learning modalities should be use. And in setting techniques and
strategies that we are going to use in teaching, we must know the abilities, skills and
way of learning of a student in order to choose the right and effective strategy to use in
teaching. Our chosen career, as well as our mental health, is critical. We must always
assess our mental health in order to be able to teach effectively and convey the needed
knowledge to our students. Yes, being a teacher is a difficult profession, but once
you've gotten used to the routine, you'll be able to appreciate it. And if you genuinely
enjoy your work, which is the case,

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