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Northgate High School

Senior Project Mentor/Expert Critique

Dear Mentor/Expert,

Thank you for agreeing to critique this paper for Lily Andrada. With this form, the student should provide
the most recent draft of his/her Senior Project paper. Please read the paper for content, keeping in mind it
will be revised. The English teacher will critique the paper for requirements, appropriate style, and
mechanics. You are to read to ensure that the facts and research are accurate and sufficient.

Please make comments on the margins of the draft, answer the questions on this sheet, and feel free to
add any additional comments on the back. This paper is a requirement for the student’s graduation, so
your help is appreciated.

1. Is there any misinformation or has the writer made any factual errors? yes _____ no _X____
Comments: No, Lily did a great job showcasing the risks and rewards of using digital marketing
to promote a product or service. Her research was truthful, well-done, and used great insights
from industry experts.

2. Can you suggest sources for additional research for this topic, such as materials to read or
watch and persons to interview?

Hug your Haters by Jay Baer

Blue Ocean Strategy by Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim

Both are great books for diving more marketing theory and social media. The first, is great for
social media as a means to drive sales and build brand awareness. The later is generally great for
a marketing approach to standing out among the crowd.

I love the blog by for staying up to date with social trends and case studies like those
outlined in Lily’s paper.

Any of these podcasts are outstanding.


3. What information can you give to help the student improve the content of the paper (including
your own knowledge of the topic)?
I thought that the paper flowed really well from the website into social media and how they can work
together. I think as Lily continues to learn her marketing skills and mix of tools, understanding how a
website and social work together will be really helpful. For example, if someone comes to you through
social media and lands on your website, how can you make sure the information on the site functions to
get them to actually buy your product.

How do you tell the story of your product across all of your social media platforms that makes sense and
is unique.

I thought Lily’s case study examples were great and showcase her research well. Each example was
specific to the point she wanted to make. To dive deeper, she touched on a few “influencer” lead
campaigns that could be interesting to highlight.

For example, the #shareacoke case study took off in part due to influencer support. Along with Redbulls
social strategy. Influencers are a great way to increase brand awareness and drive sales. This could be
an additional content topic to bring up in the paper and relate back to Northgate’s website. How to get
students to “support” and “promote” the site throughout their own social media to amplify the reach.

4. I have read this paper and discussed my comments with the student. yes __X___ no _____

Mentor’s name and qualifications: __Liz Cortese, Digital Marketer and Founder of LC Creative Co____

Mentor’s signature:
Phone number: _____314.322.0082_______
Mentor’s Email Address: ____hello@lizcortese.com__
Additional comments:
Great job Lily! You took our conversations, continued your research, and wrote an insightful essay. Keep
it up as you continue to pursue your passions and move on in your career journey after graduation!

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